howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
A headcanon I cherish that actually strays very far away from canon is that Murder's Paps, often nicknamed Phantom, is an actual ghosty-sorta being.
In canon, he's a hallucination (tying in to Murder's possible schizophrenia), but i'm a huge, HUGE sucker for the idea he's real. Even in a more non-sensical way, like a manifestation of Murder's guilt and self-hatred as the monster he never wanted to kill. The monster he swore to protect.
It's small but it works, for angsty reasons mostly, a constant real reminder of what Murder did. It's a haunting concept!! A literal phantom of your dead brother that YOU killed, tied to you till the day you die, always there, watching, whispering, speaking to you. It's terrifying!
Also along with that I headcanon that Ink and Error can both see 'ghosts'. Like any other character, ghosts are made of code, so Error and Ink can both see the faintest outline of said ghost, even if it's just flickers of mis-matched code. So Nim, (if you believe she becomes a "ghost"), Phantom, any ghost in any AU is up for grabs. But I dunno.
-- Murder's Biggest Fan ^_^
That is a pretty interesting concept. Especially if you go the route that no one else besides like error and ink or those fused with the souls of dead humans can see any ghosts, and thus of course think Phantom is a hallucination.
Or perhaps some type of mixture of both. Not sure how it’d actually work, but could be interesting.
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