#murakumo kagetsu x reader
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kanekoii · 1 year ago
mechatu-a being your boyfriend <3
mika’s notes -> i love niji jp sm y’all don’t even know and this group has most of my oshis too-
pairings -> saiki ittetsu, akagi wen, usami rito, hibachi mana, hoshirube shou, murakumo kagetsu, koyanagi rou, inami rai x gn! reader (all seperate)
genre -> scenario, fluff
song -> perfect hero - mechatu-a (cover)
warnings -> canonical hero stuff, i love these fellas!!, they’re all simps lmao
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when i say he’s naturally a loud person i mean it. of course, he still has your best interests at heart during his more chaotic moments. given his somewhat intimidating exterior, it was a little surprising to learn that he was a hero after all. if anything, he’s the anti-hero the group needs to ensure some unruly people are put in their place with his deep and intimidating voice. yet behind closed doors, he’s such a sweetheart! always sharing his food with you and gladly sitting down with you just to chat on the longer work days. being a hero isn’t just beating up bad guys after all! there’s also a decent amount of celebrity work that goes into it, so please allow him to take time out of his schedule to love and pay attention to you, because nothing could make him happier.
unlike ittetsu, he doesn’t wait until he’s behind closed doors to be a total sweetheart to his beloved partner. he’s always cooking meals for you, and he’ll be absolutely over the moon if you offer to help. if you’re okay with your relationship with this cheery hero, he will talk about you constantly in interviews and such! wen just wants the whole world to know he loves you to the moon and back! ultimately, he wouldn’t trade his relationship with you for the whole world. he’ll come home to you late at night sometimes with a plushie and a dessert for you as a sort of apology for possibly worrying you, seeing as he was out so late. absolute and total soft little sweetheart boyfriend who just wants to make you happy so please reassure him sometimes and do something for him in return!
this foodie hero’s love language is absolutely sharing his snacks with you. seeing as he often treats food as if it’s the only thing in the world that matters, it’s a real honor that he’s willing to share with you! he’s a bit of the chaotic dad of the group, so if you date him, you’d likely end up taking on a caretaker role to the other heroes too. he’s very cheesy with his shows of affection, it’s his way of saying he doesn’t care what others think and that even if he’s technically a public figure, you’re the only one he wants in the whole world. his ideal date would likely be bringing your favorite snacks home with him and watching movies while he cuddles with you! like the others, he’s a total softie even if his job as a hero doesn’t necessarily favor that due to questionable moral situations he may be put in. he’s not as upfront about his relationship with you, but he mentions it offhandedly every once in a while to remind people that he loves you oh so much.
your relationship with him most definitely started as friends and slowly evolved into something more, mostly without either of you noticing. most definitely a friends to lovers situation, because he had been your best friend since childhood. this hero has always been a very sweet and kind person, but especially towards you. his love for you most definitely would stand the rest of time as he continued his hero work. despite stress and injury, you were always there for him no matter what. it really made mana have a new appreciation for your relationship when you would drop everything to comfort him. he knows his job isn’t the most favorable for romantic relationships, but the fact that you stay with him despite that just makes his heart flutter when he thinks about it.
seeing as he’s much more of a quiet type, it was surprising he even allowed his feelings for you to be heard in the first place. especially considering how shy and quiet he is, having someone he loves as much as you is a blessing. he knows he's not the best with expressing affection verbally, but he makes up for it by always holding your hand or hugging or kissing you. in a way, it's easier to express than saying he loves you. of course, that doesn't mean shou doesn't love you with all his heart. the first time he audibly says the words "i love you", his face is covered in blush. he hides it behind his purple and blue hair, voice shaking slightly out of nervousness. he still blushes when you take the initiative and kiss him first, even if you’ve kissed hundreds of times. showing affection in public makes him very flustered, but he still holds your hand in front of other people just to show everyone that he loves you!
simply put, you’re everything to this ninja hero. he’s much more private about his relationship so many people wouldn’t even know he had a significant other aside from his closest friends. he reassures you constantly that he isn’t ashamed or anything of the like, just that it might cause danger for you due to the relatively risky nature of his work as a hero. ultimately, it’s just to keep you safe. as soon as he’s certain of your safety, he’ll be parading you about and talking about you every single chance he gets just to show the world how much he adores you. there’s a picture of you and him together in his phone case as a sort of motivator when his hero work has him down, cuz if nothing else, he has you to come home to every day. he has you to hug and kiss and pour all his love into at the end of every day. coming through the door to your shared home and seeing you is his absolute favorite thing in the world. especially if kagetsu is home especially late and sees you sleeping on the couch waiting for him, his heart just melts on the spot.
most definitely a more condescending type who teases you over the smallest things sometimes. he can’t help it, it’s just his love language! rou isn’t really the best with being super affectionate, so please understand that him teasing you is how he shows he loves you. of course, he occasionally shows more traditional signs of love and affection such as buying you gifts or cuddling with you, but he just isn’t that affectionate of a person. please don’t let it get you down or make it think he doesn’t love you, because he really warms up to the idea of being affectionate after dating you for a while. behind closed doors at least, he’ll be wrapped around you all day and night commenting on how cute you are and how he just loves you so so much! he would never let his friends or fellow heroes see him in such a state though, they would never let him hear the end of it and he’s the one who teases other people, not the other way around! once in a blue moon, his friends will see him kiss your cheek or forehead though, and just as expected, he will never hear the end of it.
the mechanic prefers just having you by his side as he works on his newest invention or tinkers with his fellow hero’s gear to hopefully improve it. just sitting and chatting with you while he tinkers with things is his favorite pastime because he gets to mess with mechanical things and talk to his beloved!! he has a bunch of pictures of you at his work station as well as in his phone case just like kagetsu! his fellow heroes end up getting pretty annoyed with the way rai won’t shut up about you, but he thinks of you so highly that he could barely even convey how much he loves you in words. doesn’t mean he doesn’t try tho, cuz he does…he talks for hours just about how much he loves you. at first, he was scared to ask you out and rou had to put him up to it. both of them were absolutely taken aback when you actually agreed to go out with rai, and ESPECIALLY when you started seeing him regularly and made your relationship official.
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kanekoii · 1 year ago
Can I ask for that overused accidentally revealing ur relationship on stream (reader or character can be streaming) with Pom, Selen, Elira and/or ur jp favorites?
lyra’s notes -> hi hi hello i’m here to write i’m finally back so sorry this took forever
pairings -> pomu rainpuff, selen tatsuki, elira pendora, kanae, rindou mikoto, murakumo kagetsu x gn! reader
genre -> fluff, little bit of crack, scenario
song -> boyfriend - payday
warnings -> hiding relationships, some strong language, marriage in mikoto’s
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she more or less just rolls with it like, “yeah lmao we’ve been dating for months anyways” and moves on. she giggles when chat blows up tho, and if any of her fans are toxic about it she’ll handle it much more seriously. she’ll likely make a post on her twitter to address the fans and ask them to not pry much about her relationship with you. in any case, it’s a bit of a relief to be able to talk about just how much she loves you on stream now tho, cuz she WILL talk for hours and hours about how cute you are and how much she loves you.
she plays it off as a joke so as to not face any criticism. at least, at first. it’s a “joke” until she reveals her off-collab with you where she’s constantly hugging and kissing you, then everyone sort of realizes it’s not a joke and moves on. thankfully, she didn’t face the criticism she feared and her relationship sort of faded into the background without being a major part of her image, but that doesn’t stop her from rambling about how much she loves you sometimes.
her reputation as a maidenless gremlin is at stake here, if people find out she’s actually someone’s girlfriend- it doesn’t actually matter that much. it was sort of suspected for a while now anyway, considering how she’d drop everything to join your streams or how she’d subtly flirt with you. people kinda knew for a while when she’d mute herself on your stream to compliment you or when you’re afk in the bathroom or something she’ll be simping and tell your chat not to say anything and hope they play along.
when you accidentally hint at your relationship with him, bro just ignores it. when his chat inevitably asks about the comments, he gives and fully reveals your relationship. even if it was obvious from how you off-collab with him often and how you can sometimes be heard during his streams. kanae ends up telling his chat how he met you and how happy he is to be living with you. cuz he is HAPPY to be dating you.
she’s a little taken aback by it at first. she doesn’t gloss over it much just saying, “i still love you, babe” when you accidentally fuck her over in a video game you were playing together. she’s very open about it from then on, sometimes just having whole streams to chill and talk about her ideas for future dates to take you on, cute memories she has of you, and even more! she’ll even enlist chat’s help to find a ring to propose to you with!
he’s more of a shy little fella so he is utterly FLABBERGASTED when you accidentally mention your relationship. it’s not like he denies it, but it’s obvious he gets a bit flustered talking about the ins and outs of his relationship with you in front of thousands of people on stream. it’s not that he’s particularly ashamed of it because he’s not, but his chat has a tendency to tease him about how soft he is for you, how he’s always complimenting you when you’re on his streams, and even how you’ll occasionally bring him water and something to munch on when he’s doing a particularly long stream.
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