#mum look I finally drew a gurl
wasteland-wrecker · 1 month
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Girls! Girls!
Watch out! Watch out!
There's a two legged animal running about
If it smokes a great big cigar
And it hangs around at a bar
If it tells the biggest lies, wears the loudest ties
It's a man!
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 26: The Time Jungkook Refused To Sleep
Co-written with @tragicshadows​
Recommended Song: I Need Some Sleep by Eels (From Jungkook’s Spotify Playlist)
|All Chapters|Masterlist|
Between entertaining your younger siblings and trying to convince a certain maknae he should sleep, you end up revealing a bit more information about yourself.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of past abuse
Word Count: 2502
Length: 26/?
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It was a Saturday and you were visiting your mother and younger siblings for the weekend. You and Jungkook were unable to have your usual skype call the day before as he was busy sucking up to Bang PD-nim for reasons he still refused to tell you. So from your spot in the corner sofa chair, you awaited his call and hoped he'd understand why you were muted. Noisy children and all.
You'd just got up to put a DVD in for the children when you heard the familiar ringing of the Skype call echo around the room. You rushed back to your seat, clicked accept on the call and slipped your headphones over your ears. The call connected a second after you pressed play on the TV remote. Perfect timing.
"Hola Noona..." He paused, taking in your surroundings with a somewhat confused expression, "What's up?"
You stifled a giggle before typing your reply.
‘At my mum's. I muted myself to protect your ears.’
He nodded slowly in understanding, the black baseball cap on his head bobbing with the movement.
"Why are you protecting my ears?"
'I have younger siblings.' You typed, 'And that means a lot of screaming.'
A look of realisation dawned on his features, "Oh yeah. I remember you saying you had a lot of siblings. You're one of seven right."
You nodded.
'I'm the third eldest.'
A smile passed his lips, "What are you all doing?"
'Watching a film.' You typed then added, 'But that's boring to talk about. How are you Kookie?'
He shrugged, "Same as usual. Tired from album preparation."
As if to prove how exhausted he was, he stretched then clicked his neck before rubbing it with a satisfied sigh.
You frowned as you typed, 'You should rest. We don't have to talk right now if you don't want to.'
"No, no. I'm fine." He caught the suspicious glance you gave him and offered you a reassuring smile in return. "I'm sad I can't hear you but seeing you will do for now."
Just then you felt the arm of your chair dip under a new weight. Your inquisitive youngest brother had decided to nosey in on what you were doing.
"What you doing?" His eyes drifted to your screen, "Who dat? Is dat your boyfrien?"
You chuckled and tried to push him away.
"Yes, now bugger off."
He leaned closer to you, face just coming into view of your webcam, "He look like gurl."
Thank god you had muted your voice. That was the last thing you wanted Jungkook to hear.
"Noona! Is that your brother? Unmute it! I want to say hi."
You shook your head while still trying to pry the little boy off the chair, but he hooked an arm around your neck and held on tight.
"Come on, get off me. I'm trying to talk!"
"Wanna say hi~!" The small child whined, drawing your other siblings attention to you. Soon enough three of the four of them surrounded you making comments about Jungkook.
"Wah~ They're all blond. But only your sister looks like you."
You struggled to type a reply.
'The two youngest and the two eldest have different dads.'
"Oh," he said, eyes darting left and right as if putting two and two together. "They're cute!"
'They're a pain.' You typed out then turned to two boys who were shoving each other as they fought over a space.
"Alright. One of you sit this side and stay still or I'll tell Kookie to go away."
The boys immediately split apart and got comfortable on either side of you.
You noticed Jungkook rub his eyes and put his glasses on. He must be really tired if he felt like his eyes were straining.
Pausing the DVD, you unmuted yourself then unplugged your headphones.
"Okay, you lot need to talk one at a time and if one of you dare talks over me or says something rude, so help me, I will kick your asses."
You met each of their eyes then turned back to Jungkook who had crossed one leg, the other bent with his chin resting on his knee.
"You can say hi now, Kookie."
"Annyeong small children!" Jungkook said excitedly with a wide grin and a little wave.
"An young? What an young?" Your second youngest brother asked.
Jungkook answered before you could, "Annyeong is 'hi' in Korean."
"Oh, then an-young!" Your sister said with a small wave of her own. "Y/N said you're her boyfriend."
Jungkook's gaze wandered to yours, lips parting in a wide smile.
"That's right. I'm her boyfriend and she's my girlfriend."
"You look like the person on her phone." The second youngest piped up.
Jungkook chuckled, "That's because I'm that person. What are your names?"
Your sister introduced herself first.
"I'm May." She gestured to the boy beside her, "This is Jack and he's Ryan."
"Ryan is the youngest," you pointed out and curled an arm around his waist to stop him slipping off the arm of the sofa.
"Such awesome names! I'm Jungkook."
"John Cook?" The children asked in unison and you saw him cringe.
"No, Jung-Kook." You corrected them.
"But you can call me Kookie." He said with a smile, meeting your eye and sending you a wink.
The youngest, Ryan, squealed and clapped his hands, happy about being allowed to call Jungkook a nickname. A little conversation was struck up by Jungkook asking them if they liked having you as a sister and what their hobbies were. You couldn't help but think about how he was different to your ex-boyfriend in that aspect; he wanted nothing to do with your siblings but Jungkook couldn't seem to stop asking question after question.
You were brought out of your thoughts by Jungkook stopping mid-conversation to let out a large yawn.
"You should go to sleep, Kookie."
"Noona, I'm fine. Honestly."
You muted yourself again, plugging your headphones in and resuming the DVD for the little ones. They complained for a moment before shutting up and turning their attention back to the film.
'You've been working really hard and I know it's late over there. I've been living in two time zones since I got into Bangtan.'
He took his glasses off to rub at his eyes with his fists.
"I don't want to go. We've barely spoken."
'I know. But you are exhausted. You need to rest.'
He pouted, crossing his arms, "No I don't."
You giggled.
'Look at you getting cranky like a child who hasn't had a nap yet. Adorable.'
"Yah! I'm not cranky! I'm..."
'Physically and emotionally drained.' You finished for him.
He held your gaze for a moment then gave a small nod.
"I really want to talk to you though. I miss you."
You thought for a second then tapped out a message. 'We can talk for a little while but you have to get into bed. I'll go to a different room so I can speak to you properly again.'
Getting up, you waddled out of the living room, up the stairs and into mum's bedroom as quickly as possible. You shut the and got comfortable on her bed, resting your back against the headboard.
Once again you pulled out your headphones and unmuted yourself.
You watched the camera go blurry as Jungkook crossed the room to turn the lights off, then his desk to turn a lamp on. He finally climbed between his sheets with a sigh.
"Okay, I'm in bed.”
You smiled, "Good boy."
The light pink of his cheeks was just visible in the dim light of his room and you bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing.
He cleared his throat, a hand coming up to touch his hair. A habit of his when he felt nervous or awkward.
"Why doesn't Noona live with her mother?"
Your smile disappeared in an instant. It wasn't a pleasant subject to talk about.
"Uhh," you dropped your gaze to your lap where your fingers toyed with your headphones cable.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He said quietly.
"It's alright," you met his eyes again and gave a small smile. "You're my boyfriend. You're going to find out eventually.”
You saw him perk up at the word boyfriend. Too cute.
"I guess I'll have to start with my dad since he's essentially the root cause... he... isn't a good man. He did terrible things to my family... and to me..."
Jungkook's brows drew together and any traces of a smile were replaced by an unreadable expression.
He silently nodded, waiting for you to continue.
"My mother hates him for what he did... and unfortunately I look more like him than anyone else so she was always comparing me to him. Always tearing down any self-esteem. Do you know what being called worthless and useless every day does to someone?... But then it got worse. When I hit 17 she started with holding my money from me. At 18 she started starving me... I had to get out but I wasn't able to do that until I was 19."
You watched his jaw fell slack and you had to look away again. The beginnings of a lump formed in your throat but you swallowed it down.
"Y/N...?" His voice was barely above a whisper. "What are you doing there now?"
"I was worried about how she would treat my younger siblings after I left. So I come back to visit every weekend. But I think my mum realised she did something wrong after I moved out. She's treating me better now."
He seemed to let out a deep breath, the hand he’d thrown across his forehead moving to run through his hair.
"Thank God."
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be."
He frowned, "I still can't believe your parents treated you that way..."
You sighed, "Me neither. But I'm okay now. Moving out was the best thing I did."
"You said you visit your mother, do you see your father?"
You scoffed, "Oh god no. I could never forgive him for what he did. I cut off contact with him when I was 12 but he harassed me up until I called the police not long after my 18th birthday. I won't even go to that man's funeral when he finally kicks the bucket."
Jungkook shook his head with a tired chuckle, "Good. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life. Noona deserves only good things."
You chuckled too, "At least someone thinks so."
You watched as he yawned. He looked so tired, it looked like dark circles were forming around his eyes. You were beginning to get worried. Checking the dual clock on your phone, you felt your eyebrows shoot into your hairline.
"Kookie, it's past one in the morning. You really need to go to sleep."
He hummed, "How's your arm?"
You slightly narrowed your eyes. Why was he avoiding sleep all of a sudden?
"Changing the subject won't work. Close your eyes and go to sleep."
"...I don't want to go to sleep. I want to talk with Noona more."
"Jungkook," you felt like you were talking to one of your younger siblings. "If you don't sleep you'll get sick. If you get sick, you can't prepare for the comeback. Not preparing means letting ARMY down. Do you want that?"
He shook his head, "No..."
"Then go to sleep. You look like that you might collapse if you weren't already led down."
He shifted slightly and his eyes fluttered in a way that showed his struggle to keep them open.
He let out a long exhale.
You tilted your head in confusion.
"Stay? You want me to stay with you?"
"Ye...sing to me."
You gave him a small smile and nodded, “Okay BunBun.”
Without a second thought, you began to sing Lullaby by Arco. He huffed and turned his head into his pillow, nuzzling the cotton then falling still. You'd barely made it past the first verse when you heard his light snores. You 'aw'ed. He was so cute when asleep. But you couldn't help but wonder what had been keeping him up at night. Why he seemed to be avoiding sleep.
Ending the call you headed downstairs to rejoin your siblings. By the sound of it, your mum was done in the kitchen.
"Where's Kookie?" May wondered, tearing her gaze away from the TV to you.
Your mum's head whipped round to stare at you.
"Who’s Kookie?"
You awkwardly shifted your weight from one foot to the other but couldn't keep a small smile from appearing.
"Her boyfriend!" Jack shouted happily, beating you to it.
Your mum raised a brow.
"He-he is... you know I like a Korean group called BTS... He's a member."
"Oh! The one that looks like a girl?!"
You face palmed.
"Yeah!" Shouted Ryan. He waddled over to you and clung to you while giggling.
You playfully tugged on his ear. "He's not a girl."
Your mum quirked a brow, "How do you know?"
You could feel your cheeks burning under all their cheeky smiles and stepped back to fall into the armchair you previously occupied. Memories of seeing him in just a towel flickered through your mind along with waking every day to his undone onesie.
"I've seen enough... evidence."
A smirk took over your mother's features and she flicked the tea towel she held out to snap against your calves.
"Hey, that hurt!"
"Is this who you've been disappearing to see? I mean, I don't mind. As long as you don't return home pregnant-"
"Oh my god..."
"After all, I was your age when I was pregnant with you. So..."
The heat from your cheeks travelled to your ears, "We've only kissed once on purpose and that was when I was coming back from my last trip to Korea."
"Only once? Why?"
You dropped your gaze to your lap to pick at the sleeve of your hoodie...which was actually Jungkook's.
"Because I had to board the flight. He kissed me at the last second."
"Aaaaw~ So romantic~"
You huffed, "More like a pain in my ass. He came up with this convoluted way to confess."
Your mum laughed.
"He wrote me a CD full of songs."
She grinned, "He sounds cute. Will I get to meet him?"
You shrugged, "Maybe. He lives and works in Korea though..."
She nodded in understanding, a cup of tea seemingly appearing in her hands out of nowhere.
The conversation drifted off after that as she seemed to lose interest because she had the attention span of a pea. You got comfortable in the armchair and looked at the children playing on the floor at your feet. Jungkook had entertained them so well despite being beyond tired and thousands of miles away. What would it be like if he actually visited? You really hoped the surprise was to do with him possibly coming to England.
This work of fiction is copyright © JungkookieNoona and protected under UK and international law. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised broadcasting, copying or reposting will constitute an infringement of copyright.
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