#muffy landgraab
uberhood · 2 months
A Brief Montage: The Truck Stop, feat. Muffy Landgraab
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For some reason, I thought I needed to document the process by which Muffy Landgraab (local real estate mogul who has only become slightly less evil after transing her gender) set up the Strangetown Truck Stop.
She hired as many local teens as she could get her hands on... most of whom are just kids looking to get out of the house for any amount of time, and don't really care about specifics.
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Ripp Grunt, in particular, is happy to have the part time job, but is #processing his parents' divorce to anyone who will listen.
Miranda: [wendys-window-meme.jpg]
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uberhood · 3 months
Meet the Hoggs.
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Two of the biggest personalities in a town full of big personalities, the Hoggs aren't going anywhere any time soon.
Momma Hogg
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Momma Hogg runs Strangetown's oldest (and currently only) watering hole, the Strangetown Saloon. She's been facing some competition from Muffy Landgraab's shiny new truck stop, but if you want a drink and a room full of friendly faces, Momma's got you covered.
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Momma's good, but she's not nice. She will give you the shirt off her back, but if she thinks you need it because you were a dumbfuck, she'll rip you a new one. She's a bit of a drama maven, but she prefers to listen to other people's drama than live out her own. And she knows all about all the drama in town- she is the barkeep, after all.
Momma will tell anyone who hits on her that she's saving herself for 'Mr. Sharif'-- aka, Auda Sharif, famous movie star! Most folks in town think this is a joke, and a classy one calculated to save face for anyone involved. The few people who know Momma well know the truth: she never got over her awkward teenage crush. Dusty wasn't the product of a long-term relationship, and since he was born (when Momma was a teenager), she's never had time to have a real love affair. She's retreated into fantasy, believing that one day her beloved Auda would come into town to sweep her off her feet. ...And now Auda Sharif's come to town, and Momma could not be more excited. She's dusted her Auda shrine three times this week already! Is this the day that her prince will finally come?
Dusty Hogg
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Dusty... well, he's around. Nearly always, in fact; if he's not working out or reading motorcycle magazines in his room, he's holding up the wall or picking fights at Momma's saloon. He drinks there free... if, and only if, he's brought a nice girl along. (Or a nice young man; Momma doesn't judge.)
Dusty loves motorcycles, even though he doesn't have the money to buy one. He has this pet theory that the fewer wheels a vehicle has, the braver its rider is; a unicycle may be in his future. He loves all vehicles much, much more than he loves people-- he's cranky, inappropriate, absent-minded, socially awkward, the works. Look at this neurodivergent small town boy, and despair.
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Momma's trying to get Dusty to leave the nest, and has for years now. After all, if Dusty doesn't leave home, she'll have to share the house with him and Auda. And that's one fantasy that can't survive contact with reality-- no matter how much Momma wants to deny it.
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