#mudira adder
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catvicddlm · 3 years ago
My TWST OCs being terrible to their dorm leaders 2 but it’s cursed images
(Go ahead and guess who is who)
Idia and Dahlia
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Kamil and Suha
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Kamil and Mudira
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Azul and Reappina
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Azul and Calamaria
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Leona and Chausiku
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Riddle and Grenetine
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kawaiiwaifu-theartist · 5 years ago
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These 3 dorms are finished! Now all im gonna do the rest!
And have a Salem trying to get sushi pic
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I had to watch some Sabrina the teenage witch best moments of salem and this came up in my mind.
From scarabia ocs to terrorwood ocs
In scarabia gang we have
@permanentlyexhaustedowl jasra
Mayumi star (my oc)
@catvicddlm mudira
@rose-garden-sonas aqwa
In diasomnia gang we have
@ellovett raven mc
@terrors-of-nightraven rosid
In terrorwood gang we have
@terrors-of-nightraven salem, nyx and viktor
@riannaheartsdrawing prof Hendrix
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catvicddlm · 3 years ago
🧞Go on, make a wish✨
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catvicddlm · 4 years ago
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This has an explanation. Originally, I wanted to draw Yuuken as Larry the Lobster. Then I wanted to draw one of my ocs in the camp event. So I ended mashing both in one.
I have no explanation on why it’s a beach.
Also, she may look happy but Mudira fucking hates sand.
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catvicddlm · 4 years ago
For some change of pace, here are some Mudira’s drawings.
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If you’re confused by the sword don’t worry, she’s too.
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catvicddlm · 3 years ago
Sorry to the Anon who asked for the Amusement Park ask! Tumblr kinda deleted it.
3- Would rather go on little kid rides?
Twst: Don’t tell anybody(?) but Calamaria. It’s just that they are so cute and peaceful, they pull her in. This girl would take a colorfull dark ride over a roller coaster anyday. Of course, she would never admit such a thing.
DR: Hikari and Ryu also prefer some kiddie rides but they are a lot more open about it.
11- Wants to win as many prizes as they can from the games?
Twst: For the sake of it? Suha, maybe Mudira if the prizes are funny hats. Now, if it somehow grows in a competition (wich, likely), you can bet Reappina is joining.
DR: Kasumi and Ken are other two that participate just for winning prizes. Kasumi doesn’t discriminate while Ken prefers the “geeky” prizes.
Thanks for asking! And sorry for the ask!
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catvicddlm · 5 years ago
My TW OCs but they are assholes to their dorm leaders.
Dahlia: Idia, I respect your position as a Dorm Leader by knocking the door. But I reafirm my worries as an Ignihyde member coming in anyway!
Leona: Why did you take a sneak photo of me?
Chausiku: It’s a surprise tool that will helps us later!
Reappina: Send me. I’m a gossip surgeon. I can get anything out of anyone.
Azul: You can’t go under cover, you’re not part of this mafia.
Reappina: How I’m not part of it, Azul? Cause I’m not an eel? Being in a mafia is a state of mind.
Kalim: Are you an “arr” pirate or a “yo ho ho” pirate?
Suha: I’m an “I’m not paying 600 madol for photoshop” pirate.
Calamaria: *scaring the shit out of Azul with ice magic*
Azul: *falls off a couch* THIS IS WHY AUNT DOESN’T FUCKING LOVE YOU!
Kalim: Let me see what you have.
Mudira: A KNIFE!
Kalim: NO!
Calamaria: Azul, with all the respect, I am gonna completely ignore everything you just said.
Riddle: You were in my dream last night! What were you doing there?!
Grenetine: Minding my business.
Grenetine: I’ll admit, Dorm Leader Rosehearts and I may have some small issues.
Riddle: I wouldn’t consider boxing someone’s ears a small issue!
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catvicddlm · 4 years ago
The Mystery Research Club
AKA: It was time to give my TW OCs a proper introduction.
Deep in the halls of Night Raven College, on the most intricated place, you’ll find an unknown club. A club that hides away from the most glamorous clubs. A club that was disbanded until a new group of students brought it back to life. This is the Mystery Research Club.
Like the name will tell you, this club consists on investigating mysteries and archiving them. That’s right, they don’t actually SOLVE any of them, just gather information. However, members are welcome to solve any case if they please.
Benefits of joining include:
Being able to interrogate other students.
Being able to collect personal information from other students.
Access to the school archives.
Access to the students archives.
Access to the club’s full library of cases.
Guaranteed protection against certain individuals.
Your own personal cushion.
Your own personal mug.
The right to contribute to the club’s decorating.
Current members
Suha Koinor:
Dorm: Scarabia
Year/Class: Year 3 Class 3-C Seat 12
Birthday: 13/08 (Leo)
Age: 18
Height: 1,80 m
Dominant hand: Left
Origin: Land of Hot Sands
Best subject: Alchemy
Hobby: Kickboxing
Bad with: Creating passwords
Favorite food: Banana pie
Disliked food: Fried food
Special skill: Metal manipulation
Unique Magic: Hidden Treasure
One of the new funders and current president. It’s pretty obvious she competes with Reappina, but she would never admit such a thing. Despite her appearence, she’s actually pretty level headed and prefers using democracy and the power of the masses to solve problems. However, she’s not above using some persuasion to gain her goals.
A very intimidating individual not only for her muscles, but also for her connections. Back at her home, she leads a quite feared gang, which has some members at NRC. The club can enjoy of the protection of these people. Suha also like to inculcate her values into the groups she leads. She strongly belives that you need to gain your possitions and despises nepotism.
Her Unique Magic, “Hidden Treasure”, is one of the responsables of the club’s security. Hidden Treasure  creates a golden coat thas able to seal anything. The seal’s can range from a simple conteiner to a small house. Despite it’s color, it isn’t gold but a tougher material, as the coat is nearly undestructible. Aside from this, Suha isn’t particulary skilled with magic. However, she compensates most of the lack of magic ability with her brute force.  
She seems to have a somewhat tacky taste, with an obsession with golden things.
Reappina Delroy
Dorm: Octavinelle
Year/Class: Year 3 Class 3-C Seat 21
Birthday: 26/08 (Virgo)
Age: 18
Height: 1,77 m
Dominant hand: Right
Origin: Unknow, currently living in The Sea of Corals
Best subject: Magical pharmaceuticals
Hobby: Fashion desing
Bad with: Receving destructive critisism
Favorite food: Crab salad
Disliked food: Shrimp tempura
Special skill: Wig making
Unique Magic: Negation Bubbles 
The second deputy along Suha and one of the new funders. She mostly posses as some kind of secretary and is a great listener. But she’s also known to be a huge diva and can show some really nasty behaiviour.
She prefers the land over the sea and wishes to become famous and travel around the world. Currently, is somewhat famous on teather circles for reviews and song covers.
She has a childhood friend named Benedict who she met when they both moved from their origin land to the Sea of Corals. He has declined to be in the club but would come from time to time to drop stuff.
Her Unique Magic “Negation Bubbles” is specially usefull for gaining information. It creates bubbles that are able to isolate sounds and record them and can be used to silence others.The only way to deactivate them it’s either she vanishing them or using a more destructive magic to destroy them. Like Suha, she isn’t that great in magic and neither cares.
Dorm: Ignihyde
Year/Class: Year 3 Class 3-B
Birthday: 21/09 (Virgo)
Age: 19
Height: 1,86 m
Dominant hand: Right
Origin: Unknow, currently living in Village of Harvest
Best subject: Ancient incantations
Hobby: Gardening
Bad with: Staying up late
Favorite food: Pomegranate
Disliked food: Mint
Special skill:  Ambientation
Unique Magic: Breath of Life
The last of the new funders and the only one without an official rol. Ironically, she’s the one most of them go for advice.
Despite claiming have no sides, it’s pretty obvious she became best friends with Grenetine.
With “ Breath of Life “  Dahlia is able to give, take and store vital energy from other beings. For now, it only seems to work with plants and technology, but she’s experimenting with celular regeneration. She can´t to give energy to things that are uncapable of working. Out of all the members, she’s the most powerful on the magical field.
Grenetine D'Chessur
Dorm: Heartslabyul
Year/Class: Year 2
Birthday: 06/10 (Libra)
Age: 17
Height: 1,55 m
Dominant hand: Right
Origin: Dukedom of Tulgey
Best subject: Magical analysis
Hobby: Reading
Bad with: Seasoning savoury dishes
Favorite food: Sweet and spicy food
Disliked food: Bland food
Special skill: Puzzle solving
Unique Magic: Soupy Love 
One of the club’s most important members. This is due to 1) her family’s influence, and 2) actually trying to solve cases. Her most important case, however, is breaking the family curse that will turn her into a pig. 
Besides the club,  she has to deal with the responsabilities as a heir to an Earl. She’s kinda infamous for having some bad blood with her dorm leader.
Despite it’s name, “Soupy Love” is actually one of the most destructive magic’s. It releases potent clouds of a strange red dust that erodes magic. Other effects of this dust go from numbing senses to fatal injuries. Due to it’s impredictable behavior, she uses an item, the Pepper Grinder, to have better control of it. It’s one of the few Magic’s able to dissolve “Hidden Treasure” or “Negation Bubbles”
Chausiku Sacmis
Dorm: Savannaclaw
Year/Class: Year 2
Birthday: 26/10 (Scorpio)
Age: 17
Height: 1,78 m
Dominant hand: Left
Origin: Afterglow’s Savannah
Best subject: Protective magic
Hobby: Reading stage plays
Bad with: Not holding grudges
Favorite food: Marbled red velvet cake
Disliked food: Rock candy
Special skill:  Identifying family members
Unique Magic: Eye for an eye
The “Why Are You Even Here?” member.  She mostly uses the club as an excuse to gain information of others. Another reason seem to be her amusement of Grenetine.
She has one of the most troublesome magic’s;  “Eye for an eye” makes any attack received will be returned with the double of damage. However, a side effect is that the more damage, the more bloodthirsty she becomes. Thankfully for everyone, this ability is sealed on her mouth guard named Anti Mouth Guard. Whenever she puts it on, it realeases the magic.
Rumour says that she gets paid to watch over the second prince.
Calamaria Ghiacco
Dorm: Octavinelle
Year/Class: Year 1 Class 1-C Seat 10
Birthday: 19/09 (Virgo)
Age: 16
Height: 1,73 m
Dominant hand: Right
Origin: The Sea of the North
Best subject: Arts
Hobby: Ink painting
Bad with: Expresing her feelings
Favorite food: Hot chocolate
Disliked food: Anything with squid
Special skill: Sneaking into parties
Unique Magic: ???
One of this year’s new members. Joined the club in hopes of trying something new that would keep her away from her cousin (and getting an actual group of friends but you’ll never get her to admit it).
She hasn’t developed a definitive Unique Magic since she spent most of her youth on several boarding schools.  Even though she was born with very powerful  ice magic, she lacks in almost every other magic.
If there’s one thing she good at, that would be arts. She also seems to be fond of grotesque or broken plushies.
Mudira Adder
Dorm: Scarabia
Year/Class: Year 1 Class 1-C Seat 2
Birthday: 20/05 (Taurus)
Age: 16
Height: 1,59 m
Dominant hand: Right
Origin: Unknow, currently living in Land of Hot Sands
Best subject: Flying skills
Hobby: Collecting hats and hair accesories
Bad with: Making people take her seriously
Favorite food: Cooked chickpeas
Disliked food: Dried fruit
Special skill: Playing the flute
Unique Magic: Practical Swindler
The other new member who joined this year. Due to her energy and ability to lay low, she’s mostly sent to “field” missions.
Her new favorite hobby is to tease Calamaria due to an extremely obvious chrush.
“Practical Swindler” is able to recongnise any magical item, how it to use it, secondary effects and, most importantly, how to steal it. The whole complete analysis takes up to five minutes but a simple one may take up to two. For some reason, she seems allergic to control types of magic (mind control, love spells, etc).
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catvicddlm · 5 years ago
Imitation Game
Reappina, Suha and Mudira at lunch.
Reappina: Macaque, tell your underling to stop imitating me. Suha: Mud, stop acting like an bitch.
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catvicddlm · 5 years ago
Wishing is free after all...
Basically, what would my OCs ask to the star.
Grenetine takes the award for the most obvious and yet, the most understandable: Break her family curse. Deep down she knows it won’t come true. But just for once, she likes to fantasize.
Reappina comes in second place: Success. Yeah, no specification. She believes that unspecifing, she may get success on everything.
Calamaria is similar to her senior: Unlocking her potential. As the only one in the group without an Unique Magic, she’s quite desperate.
Chausiku and Suha kinda share theirs: Protect what they care and defeat those who oppose them. However, the difference is that the lioness refers to people, while the other means her treasure.
Dahlia’s wish is quite strange but oddly understadable: Strenght on dire times. You see, just like the seasons, hard times are bond to come. So the best is to endure them until spring comes around.
Mudira is tricky. If you pressure her to give you a quick answer, she will probably say something like: I want to own a submarine/ castle/ a gigantic collection of hats. But, if you let her think about it, her real wish would be: I want to know what happened to me.
I wish that I could have made this post funnier lol.
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catvicddlm · 5 years ago
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I did a thing!
I may do a better quality ones if laziness doesn’t consume me.
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catvicddlm · 5 years ago
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Something I did. What makes yours soft & squishy and what makes them sharp and pointy?
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catvicddlm · 5 years ago
Badly describing my OC’s on five words or less.
Riku: Convinient Diary Autor
Sara: Convinient Translator
Ken: Charles Boyle But Geek
Aya: So Confused But So Liberated
Kasumi: Traps Go Brrr
Ryu: Grumpy Garden Troll/Gnome
Yusei: He Protec But He Atac
Hikari: Monika Was Right 
Rin: Too Much Soap Operas
Yoko: Welcome To Bible Studies Cumbaiaaaa!
Taishi: Convinient Found Footage Entusiast
Grenetine: Overanalizing Is Revitalizing
Chasiku: Don’t Poke The Glass
Calamaria: Tumblr Is My Aesthetic
Reappina: Broke Sharpey Evans
Mudira: Mario Kart Blue Mushroom
Suha: “I Love GOOOOLD”
Dahlia: Surpringly Won’t Sell You Drugs
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catvicddlm · 5 years ago
Did they get slapped?
Because this event’s story is so hilarious that deserves another post.
Got slapped:
Suha: Was too intimidating and only talked about riches.
Mudira: Was too clingy. Started to talk about modern things and Eliza didn’t understand any of it. She was labeled as “too stupid”
Reappina: Didn’t even propose, she just started roasting the decoration and the ghosts didn’t like that.
Dahlia: Tried to talk Eliza out of marriage and to let go of the ties of the world of the living. Eliza got seriously offended.
Didn’t get slapped:
Chausiku: Didn’t had the chance, they had to sedate her after Eliza slapped Leona. Otherwise, she would have gone berserk.
Calamaria: Decided it wasn’t worth it and laughed like a maniac when Azul was slapped.
Grenetine: Unlike the others, she posed as an ambassador from her dukedom with the excuse of bringing wedding gifts. Worked a little too well; she’s now stuck at the bridal party.
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catvicddlm · 5 years ago
Dahlia: You see, with my Unique Magic, I’m able to transfer vital energy from one being to another.
Mudira: So you can revive the dead?!
Dahlia: Oh no, it would drain all of the energy from a person to reanimate a body in those conditions; you’ll end up with a corpse anyways. After all, only a life can really pay for another life.
Mudira: What if you take half a life from two people and merge it ito one.
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catvicddlm · 5 years ago
Those lungs tho
Grenetine: “Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.”
Mudira: Translation?
Dahlia: Don’t live up to others expectations?
Chausiku: Fuck everyone else?
Mudira: Thank you.
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