#mud girl tampa
We Met in Tampa PT. 3
A/N: The story is the Elvis movie but Y/N version!
Pairing: Austin!elvis x reader
warning: Smut, Oral (M&F), fluff in the beginning
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Elvis was getting TV gigs ALL THE TIME! But we would invite me to some of them like his new movie Love Me Tender. The merchandise, some of it looked good but some looked weird. I sit with Elvis while the Colonel is showing us the merchandise that he has already in the room, a bust, pins, games, etc.
“I hate Elvis.” Elvis and I look at Gladys and she’s holding a pin that says what she said. Why would anyone want that?
“Yes. I hate Elvis. In my way of thinking, “I love Elvis,” that’s an easy sell. Those who hate your son will do so whether we profit from it or not. After all, what is hate worth if it’s free?” The colonel said to Gladys grabbing the pin out of her hand. I can tell she looks uncomfortable.
The colonel came up to Elvis and I and gave Elvis the pin, Elvis looks at it and says, “Snowman strikes again.” The men in the room laugh but I look at Gladys including Elvis’s grandma, I can tell they hate that idea, including myself.
Elvis went to the ‘Lansky Bros.’ and I stayed at Graceland to be with his family. He’s getting a new suit that he told about, I can’t wait to see it! He came home with the suit and I fell in love with it! It suits him so much!
Elvis invited me to go to the network at NBC and I obviously want to go. When we got there I was in shock, I’ve never seen anything like this. The producers gave me a special seat so I can see Elvis better. I look around and see his fans and some of them gave me dirty looks, I didn’t care I was seeing the man I’m in love with preforming ‘Hound Dog’ and I remember the moves he’s doing, he did them when I saw in back home.
The newspapers came and they are brutal like, ‘Elvis The Pelvis Belongs In The Jungle’ or ‘Elvis Presley Must Clean Up His Act — Or Go To Jail’, I get uncomfortable when I see these titles, Some articles are about his ‘mystery girl’, which is me but he wants to talk about me but he’s afraid that I might get death threats by them.
Elvis told me about his ‘Steve Allen’ show, he hated it because he couldn’t dance the way he dance and I felt bad for him, I want him to do what he wants to do because it makes me happy.
“It was the most embarrassing performance of my life, daddy.” Elvis says in a upset voice.
I feel bad for him. I get back to reading until I hear Elvis and Gladys start to yell at each other, “I don’t want all this! You’re unhappy!”
“I am not!” Elvis yelled, which made me flinch. Gladys slams her hands on the table.
I get up to see what’s happening, “You’re losing yourself, Booby!” I walk to Elvis to calm him down but he went to Gladys and she whispers something to him that I couldn’t hear.
I hear his friends coming in yelling Elvis’s nickname. “Tramping mud in my house and doing my damn head in. Come on Y/N/N.” He grabs my arm and says, “Where are we going?” “Anywhere but here.” Elvis takes me to his Cadillac and drives off fast, I don’t say anything I just let him drive.
He takes us to town and I see fans running to the car and Elvis finds a parking spot and opens the door and goes to mine and opens my door so I can get out. I hold on to his arm, there’s a lot of people out here, I just didn’t want to lose him from the crowd. “E.P.!” I hear and I turn my head, B.B. King? One of my friends love his music. Elvis takes me to Club Handy and B.B. King took us in the club.
I hear music inside, Elvis telling B.B. about what’s been going on at Graceland, B.B. looks at me and giving me a face like ‘is he serious’ face, I nod. B.B. talks to Elvis but I can’t hear them. B.B. opens the door to the club and this place looks amazing including the the singer, Little Richard? The same friend listens to him as well. We get to a table and I sat down next to Elvis. “Man, he sings the hell out of that song!” I hear E. say.
“Can I steal your girl for a moment?” A woman says to us.
“Uh, sure.” I get up and says.
“I want to show you something, it’s nothing bad I just want to show you something.” She says.
I look at Elvis and he nods, “Yeah of course.” She drags me to a hallway to a fancy clothing store.
“My name is Y/N what’s yours?” She looks at me and says “Anne.”
“This place looks amazing.”
“This is one of my favorite stores to go to. Hey Susie!” Susie looks at us.
“Ms. Y/N here, let’s give her a makeover.” “Why’s that?” I look at Anne.
“That man with you, Elvis Presley, needs to see someone with something new.”
“Okay fine.” Susie and Anne gives me a lot of clothes and one caught my eye, a lingerie set that I think Elvis would like. I try on the clothes but saved the lingerie for last. Anne and Susie complemented me and when I got on the lingerie, they immediately said, “That’s the one you need to wear!”
“You think so?” I look at myself and look back to them.
“Yes honey! He’ll die, not really.” Anne smiles.
“Can I pay you Susie?”
“It’s on the house Y/N.”
“Are you sure? I can pay you if yo-“
“It’s on the house sweetheart.”
“Thank you! I mean really thank you so much!” I walk up to Anne and she give me my coat and says, “He’ll love it!” I chuckle nervously.
We get back to Club Handy and Anne says, “There he is, go show off Y/N.”
“Thank you so much for this.”
“You’re welcome! Now stop stalling and go to your man!”
I walk up to Elvis but I take my coat off, Elvis looks at me and I can see he wants to do something to me but we’re in public.
“Y/N, can I talk to you in private?” Elvis drags me to a private hallway, I look back at Anne, she gives me a wink.
“What are you wearing Doll?” Elvis says trapping me on a wall but puts his left hand on the wall.
“You like it?” I said nervously.
“I love it but we’re in public Honey.”
“We’re in private E.” He stayed silent.
I lean in to kiss him, he kisses me back until it became a make out. I start to moan. He grabs my left leg to his waist and starts to kiss my neck. I can feel his cock getting hard. I start to moan, he takes me to the nearest room and locks it, I feel a table, I sit on the edge, I’m ready for him, so ready for him to do something to me. He comes back to me and lays me down on table and tries to find the zipper to the lingerie. I help him to get the lingerie off and starts to make out with him again, I don’t want this to stop. He gets between my legs and starts to eat me out, I moan again, I tug on his hair, he sucks on my clit and I start to scream, ‘damn he’s good’ I thought.
Elvis helps me get the lingerie back on my body and whispers, “Wait until we get home Darlin’.” I heavily breathe, I’m so glad I met him.
We get back to people still dancing and I see Anne waving her left hand for me to come over to her table. I go to her table and sit down and Anne just says, “That was a long time what did you two do?”
“Well we, made out.” Anne looks at me looking ecstatic.
“The Elvis Presley did that to you?” One of Anne’s friends says.
“Mm-hmm.” I answered.
“And, he did more then made out with me, he.” I look around and whispers in Anne’s ear “He ate me out.” Anne looks at me she looks at me like she won the lottery.
“He what Anne?” One of her friends questions.
“He ate her out Janet.” She gasps and says, “That man can do more then singing.” She says. I giggle.
“I’m so rude this is Janet, this Briana, and this is Gabriella.” Anne introduced me to her friends. “Hi nice to meet you, my name is Y/N.”
“You look so beautiful by the way.” Briana says. “Thank you! So do you!”
It’s closing time at Club Handy but Elvis and I stayed longer. Thorpe starts to sing and I’m in awe, she’s an amazing singer. “I’m goin’ to heaven to get my reward.” I start to clap, she’s amazing, I think amazing as me.
I go up to Anne and she introduced me to Thorpe.
“Rosetta! Meet Y/N, she’s Elvis Presley’s girl.”
“Oh it’s nice to meet you Y/N.” She smiles.
“You we’re amazing.”
“Why thank you darling, you know a lot white trash come here to terrifies us every day.”
“I’m so sorry! My parents never taught me to do that, they taught me to be kind to everyone.”
“You really sweet to all of us by the way.” Anne says.
“And thank you for this outfit.”
“What outfit? Oh come on I want see the little number.” I show Rosetta the lingerie.
“Now that’s you! I bet you’ll wear it all time.”
“Just around Elvis.” I whisper in her ear, Rosetta laughs.
“Speaking of Elvis where is he?” Anne looks around for him.
“Uh, there he is outside with B.B. King.” I turn and see Elvis outside with B.B. A few minutes later a photographer comes in and asks me to pose so Rosetta, Anne, her friends and I pose but Janet says, “Show off your lingerie Y/N!” I giggle and took off my coat and posed with the women.
The photographer took out a few pictures and I said, “I want a copy.”
He gave one of the pictures and I put it in my pocket and he went to Elvis and B.B. “Hey, Elvis, B.B! Give us a smile.” I heard.
Elvis and I had to leave and said goodbye to everyone. We went to his car and he drove off to Graceland.
“Elvis, I never had that much fun since, since uh-“ I take my coat off “Since you met me?” Elvis chuckles and lays on his bed.
“Maybe, I never had that much fun since I went to homecoming two years ago with my sisters.”
I lay next to him. “Well would your parents get mad if they see you in this baby?” He points out my lingerie.
“They’d die if they see me in this.”
“Y/N/N, I love you, you know that?”
“Of course I do E. I love you so much.”
“Let’s do what we did in that room a couple hours ago.” I lean in towards him and start kissing him again, he makes me straddle him and unzips the lingerie, I take it off and kisses him again.
He lays me down on the bed so he could be on top of me and I help him getting his clothes off, he takes his boxers off and gets a condom out of his nightstand drawer. He rips the rapper and get the condom out and puts it on his dick. He looks at me but I stop him, he looks confused.
“What about your family and friends, what if they can hear us?”
“All their rooms are far away from ours honey, it’s okay to scream my name.” He smirks. I kiss him again, I feel him entering in me and I start to moan. I don’t want this to end. “E-E-Elvis. Oh god.” I moan out. He kept on going in and out. I hear him grunting, I start to scream, God this feels good. “How you feeling baby?” “So good E, keep going.” He keeps going, he starts to kiss my neck, I feel him giving me a hickey. I gasp and scratches his back, “Don’t stop Elvis.” He moans and continues to kiss my neck and continues to fuck me. He stops, I whimper. “Remember what I did to you honey?” I know what exactly what he’s talking about. He goes to my clit and eats me out again. I grip on his hair and gasps “E-“ He stops eating me out and starts to nibble and kiss on my inner thigh, I gasp again, I grip on the sheets and looks down at Elvis. “Elvis.” He looks up at me, “I need you.” He smirks and climbs back to my face and kisses me again, but I stop him, “That’s not what I meant Hon.” He gives me a confused look. “I need you.” I grip on his cock, he knows. He fucks me again, but harder. “Ah Elvis!” “Fuck baby.” We continue to do this for longest time until we both go tired. He takes off the condom and throws it in the trash and lays next me. I heavy breath and look at Elvis who’s also heavy breathing. “How’s that Y/N/N?” “I- Oh Elvis, that was so good.” “I’m glad baby. You know I have that concert tomorrow.” “I forgot about that E. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be Y/N, we get there at 8:30 pm tomorrow, don’t worry.” I lay my head on his chest and felt relieved. “Darlin’?” I look up at him and say, “Yes?” “I’m so glad I met you.” He touched my hair. “I’m glad to Elvis.” I give him a peck. I lay next to him and I fell asleep immediately.
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grootiez · 4 years
The Hunt For Florida Man
Rocket is jostled awake. “Ugh, WHAT?!?!” He says only to find the source of the shaking was his now-teenaged son. “Groot! What do you want?” The raccoon rolls over in bed to discover the time on his clock. “Oh my god! It’s almost 3 in the morning! Go to bed, you have school tomorrow!”
“I... I am Groot.” The tree squeaked as he shuffled his feet.
“Really? Another nightmare? Thought you outgrew them a while ago.” Rocket sighs. Knowing that he didn’t want to make Groot feel bad, he flipped up his blankets. “Fine, you can sleep with me tonight, but you better wake up on time tomorrow.” He states as Groot climbed into bed and got comfortable. “By the way, what was the nightmare about?”
“I am Groot...” Groot pipes up, slightly embarrassed. “Seriously?!?!” Rocket facepalms himself. “Florida Man?!?!” He couldn’t believe his ears. “Groot, Florida Man ain’t real!”
“I am Groot.” Groot replies.
“I don’t get paid enough to deal with this...” Rocket grumbles. “Groot, you gotta stop believing every cockamamie thing that comes out of Kraglin and Drax’s mouths. They know that you’re young and gullible, you just gotta show them that you’re smarter than they think. Be the better, smarter person! Now go the flark to sleep.” Rocket advises his son sleepily as he yawns and moments later, begins to snore.
Groot was left alone with his thoughts as he too shortly drifted off to sleep. Thankfully this dream didn’t have Florida Man in it and the teenager slept good.                                                       —————— It was morning. Rocket and Groot got up on time and ready for the day. As they went downstairs, the other Guardians were in the kitchen eating breakfast and watching the morning news which covered the events throughout the galaxy. As Groot sat down with his favorite cereal in a bowl with milk, (a reward since Rocket didn’t have to fight with the ‘Treenager’ for a change, something that was becoming rarer and rarer with each passing day), he too was listening to the daily report.
“In Terran news, the National Football League is set to start the season with modified rules and attendance policies because of the pandemic going around on the planet. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are more than eager for the season to start with Super Bowl hopes thanks to their acquisition of their new Tight End Rob Gronkowski, and their star quarterback Tom Brady, both former New England Patriots.” The newslady read from the teleprompter. The Guardians booed in unison, their disdain for the Patriots, which they oh-so-lovingly call the ‘Cheatriots’, was one of the multiple things that united them as a family.
“What sellouts.” Peter complains. “Just because Tom Brady and Bill Belichick didn’t get along the last season and lost to the Tennessee Titans in the wildcard round.” Everyone else nods in agreement.
“In other Terran news, a Florida Man was arrested overnight after he was found walking his pet alligator on the sidewalk. The same man then threw a steaming hot bowl of ramen noodles in the officer’s face.” The same newscaster states as Peter turned off the projector. “See? Ain’tcha glad that we don’t live on Terra?” Rocket decreeds as he grabbed his breakfast. “They’re overrun with IDIOTS on that sad excuse of a planet. No offense, Quill.” He adds as the humie gave him a dirty look.
Just then a horn from outside beeped and a large engine could be heard getting into gear. Groot had just missed the bus to school. “Ugh!” Rocket groans as he got up from his seat at the kitchen table. “Groot! You were supposed to be out there five minutes ago so that you didn’t miss the bus. Now I gotta drive you to school so that you’re not late, again!”
There was nothing more in this world that embarrassed Groot more than having Rocket drive him to school. Quickly, the treenager thought of a plan.
“I am Groot!” The teen proposes. “No! You are NOT driving yourself to school.” Rocket replies as Groot stared at his father. “End of story.”
“Come on, Rocket.” Peter begins to negotiate as he draped an arm over Groot’s shoulder. “The kid’s been doing good both in school and at home recently. I think he deserves to have a reward.” “Ugh, fine!” Rocket concedes as Peter handed the keys to the Milano over to the excited teenager. “But if we find one scratch on the ship, your ass is grass!” He added as Groot grabbed his coat and rushed out the door.                                                  —————— As Groot climbed into the cockpit of the Milano and placed the keys into the ignition, he decides that he would skip school today. After he called the school’s office and faked an illness, (which was easy since the office had a phone system where all Groot had to do was press numbers to indicate why he would not be showing up today, further reducing the cause of suspicion.) Once he was done, he decided on what to do with the free time that he had.
As he navigated the log of various planets, Groot came across Terra. Then he got an idea: he WILL PROVE Florida Man’s existence to the entire galaxy! He smiles to himself as hey punched in the coordinates and let the autopilot feature fly to Earth as he dozed off and took a well deserved nap.
A couple of hours later, Groot was awakened by the ship’s alarm system as the monotone voice boomed “DESTINATION AHEAD! WELCOME TO TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA!”
The teen looked at where he was headed and while wiping his still-groggy eyes. “I am Groot?” He says as the ship approaches a pre-determined landing site set by a small airport. Since the area Groot landed in was full of affluent residents, the Milano didn’t stand out amongst the multi-million dollar jets. It also helped that it was early morning so that the paint job wasn’t noticeable.
“I am Groot?” The teen thought to himself. How was he going to prove Florida Man is real? He pondered this as he walked the tree-lined sidewalks.                                                     —————— As Groot continues his walk, he remembers something that Peter said a while back while telling the Guardians all about Florida, where he liked to go on vacation. He also told them about some popular myths and legends, most notably the ones that involved the thing known as Bigfoot, or Sasquatch.
After Peter finished telling the tale, Rocket still didn’t believe it. That is, until Drax sneakily approached up from behind and scared the humie.
Rocket cackled. “HAHAHAHAHA! I guess that Florida’s not the only place people live in fear of Sasquatches!” Peter then gives the rodent a dirty look before retreating to his room for the night.
That’s it! Groot knew that if Peter was scared of this “Sasquatch” or whatever it was, Florida Man must be scared of them too. It’s probably a common Terran fear.
Groot took out his cell phone to research what a “Sasquatch” looked like. Basically, it was no more than a tall humanoid figure that was covered in mud and grass. Since he was wearing his school uniform and he didn’t want Rocket to yell at him for getting it dirty again, Groot changed out of it and into some regular clothes that he had in his backpack. He returned to the Milano to drop off his uniform that he hastily stuffed in his bag and locked the ship up.
The tree then continued his walk. He was about to give up until he heard something. He was coming up to the biggest house yet that he’s seen yet. In the backyard, there he was: Florida Man! Well, not exactly THE Florida Man. It was Tom Brady. who was tossing around a clearly DEFLATED FOOTBALL around with his best friend, Rob Gronkowski.
Groot got into action and hid his phone in one of the holes in the tree. He then discovered a small marsh nearby and got himself covered in mud and grass.
Meanwhile, Brady and Gronk were tossing around the deflated football and working on various plays that their new head coach, Bruce Arians, wanted them to work on and perfect. ”Gronk! What the hell, man? You were supposed to catch that!” Tom shouted as the football hit Gronk in the head. “I’m NOT LOSING to the Saints next week!”
“Gronk heard something.” Rob replied. “Gronk think we’re being watched. Gronk think Bill set up cams around here so he can see the plays.”
Tom shook his head. “Do you really think that Belichick’s spying on us? If anything, I’m the one that came up with the whole SPYGATE thing!”
This was Groot’s chance! He ran as fast as he could, although being caked in mud and grass proved to slow him down, that didn’t deter him from his goal: proving Florida Man’s existence.
Groot screamed at the top of his lungs as he leapt into the air as Gronk turned around and screamed like a little girl!
“GRONK DOWN! GRONK DOWN!” The scared football player shouted as Groot’s weight was too much for him and he and the teen fell into the pool.
Luckily, Groot fell on top of Gronk, so his disguise wasn’t ruined and he was able to carry on with the prank as he used Gronk as a stepping stone to avoid the water.
Now it was just him and Tom “Florida Man” Brady.
Brady assumed a fighting stance. “I’m not afraid of you.” He said bravely as he swayed back and forth on his legs. “Unlike Gronk, I’m going to subdue you and take control of the situation until the cops come and then you’re gonna be their problem.” He said as a tiny whistle could barely be heard and a moment later, Brady loss consciousness and joined Gronk in the pool. “Get’cho ass back to the ship right now!” Rocket’s voice boomed from Groot’s headphones, which were plugged into his iPod. “You are in DEEP TROUBLE when you get home, mister!” He adds as Groot grabbed his cell phone from the tree and Rocket remotely piloted the Milano to Groot’s location.  Groot climbed into the ship. He knew that he would be grounded for A LONG TIME. But before Rocket would pilot him back to the house, Groot made sure to upload the footage that he got to YouTube.  Florida Man IS REAL!———————————————————————————————————————
Read on Ao3.
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The Queen Full Episode
Prior to moving to the Tampa Bay area of Florida, I lived in Cincinnati, Ohio for 17 years. During this period, I went to high school, graduated from college, and we started our business which we subsequently moved to Florida. Quite often I am asked to describe what life is like in the "Queen City," representing the city's nickname ("Queen City to the West" to be precise). I have lived in quite a few locations throughout the country, not to mention visiting many more, but Cincinnati was a unique experience that is difficult to describe; instead, you have an intuitive feeling that is difficult to articulate. Such is Cincinnati. There is just something "different" about it. It is certainly not like Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo, Akron, or any other city in Ohio. It is unique. For example, most cities have their airport near the downtown area; Cincinnati's is across the river in Kentucky, not Ohio. The airport designation "CVG" doesn't mean "Cincinnati Vicinity G???", but "Covington" instead (Kentucky) thereby representing an interesting political chapter in Cincinnati's history.
The city rests on the northern shores of the Ohio River in the Southwest corner of Ohio, adjoining Kentucky and Indiana making up the "Tri-State" area. It was settled in the late 1700's, and it was a frontier town that made good. So good, it quickly became the crossroads of America, where settlers traveled through on their way to the western frontier. The city prospered so much in the early days, the federal government seriously considered moving the capitol there after the British burned Washington during the War of 1812, thereby eliminating the potential of attack by the sea. This, of course, never transpired but Cincinnati continued to grow nevertheless. By 1870 it represented the mean center of U.S. population. Today, the Queen City is strategically located within a 700 mile radius of two-thirds of the industrial wealth of Canada and the United States, making it an ideal locale for conducting business.
The city has a strong German heritage based on immigrants settling there and setting up shop. Breweries grew, shipping and manufacturing proliferated, and for a long time was called "Porkopolis" because of the pork processing plants there. Even to this day, Cincinnati's strong work ethic, food, and general attitudes can be attributed to its German roots.
Seven hills surround the city making up a valley that traps pollutants and humidity, and explains why it has evolved into a "Sinus Gulch" where the inhabitants suffer from an annoying nasal "Sniff" heard throughout the day. During the summer, the weather can be stifling; in the winter, the valley can retain the cold. Spring and Autumn are perhaps the two most scenic and enjoyable seasons.
Cincinnati has a unique sight, sound, smell, and even taste to it. From an architecture perspective, the city has everything from massive mansions made of brick and hidden away in country settings, to simple turn-of-the century wooden structures with steep roofs and front porches that dominate the neighborhoods. Television is rather unique, or at least was a few years ago. Considerable television innovations originated from the Queen City and, for a long time, local talent dominated the channels with homespun humor and a blend of bluegrass and midwest music. Natives fondly remember people like Bob Braun, Paul Dixon, Bob Shreve, Glenn Ryle, and "The Cool Ghoul." However, celebrities such as Steven Spielberg, Jerry Springer, Doris Day, Roy Rogers, and the Clooney family all started here as well. Alas, the locals eventually gave way to national programming and the Cincinnati character faded from television screens. Fortunately, local radio stations still feature homegrown personalities.
Over the years Cincinnati has had many breweries due to its German heritage. One by one, they were all pushed aside by national brewers. Names like Burger, Hudepohl, Schoenling, and Wiedemannn slowly faded away. In terms of food, Cincinnatians enjoy their restaurants. Since there are no real glamor places to relax locally, particularly in winter, there isn't much to do but tuck away the groceries. In addition to having some of the finest restaurants in the country, the fare is based on its "Porkopolis" past, featuring a variety of sausages, ribs, and a breakfast meat called "Goetta" which is similar to Philadelphia Scrapple, but made with pinhead oats instead. Cincinnati chili is also unique. Do not expect a bowl of hot spicy meat. Instead, it is served on a bed of spaghetti, with a layer of onions, a layer of kidney beans, and topped with a bed of grated American cheese.
Even driving around town is strangely different in Cincinnati. Instead of a cut-throat rush hour in the morning, Cincinnatians seem to just quietly go about their business in the morning and possess an intuitive understanding of every twist, turn, and back alley to be navigated in the city. It is also common to see motorists stop to give aid to other motorists in trouble.
What this all adds up to is a strong sense of neighborhood in Cincinnati which took me a long time to figure out. At first it seems elitist in nature. The citizens genuinely love their hometown, particularly their sports teams (e.g, the Reds and Bengals), local celebrities, and hometown boys and girls that make good on the national stage. It's no small wonder many people grow up and never leave Cincinnati, nor understand why people want to leave. It's very introverted in this regard. Should you move to the area, as we did many years ago, you must adapt to the culture for it will certainly not adapt to you.
Not surprising, Cincinnati is conservative in both its thinking and politics. They simply do not like to change. This has hurt them on more than one occasion, particularly the downtown area which has lost considerable business over the years to Northern Kentucky. When I return to my old neighborhood there, it is like time has stood still; nothing of substance has changed. I know where everything is and all of the names of the families. Although I've been gone for over a quarter of a century now, it is like I never left. Although it may take an act of God to implement a change to Cincinnati, such as a new building, road or restaurant, the citizens remarkably embrace it. On the one hand, Cincinnatians give the appearance of being "stick in the muds", but on the other they are some rather creative innovators and inventors. In addition to television and radio, Cincinnati is home to massive jet engines, consumer products, machine tools, banks and insurance companies, and some rather impressive computer technology. Their strong and determined work ethic, coupled with a competitive imagination, and strategic location in the country to conduct business, makes Cincinnati a stable work environment.
As an aside, it is relatively easy to recognize a person from the Queen City. They will say "Please?" instead of "I beg your pardon?" or "Huh?" I haven't heard this specific idiom used anywhere else in this context. Also, true native Cincinnatians tend to say "CincinnatAH" as opposed to "CincinnatEE." It's a dead giveaway as to their roots. "Sniff".
Keep the Faith!
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kingteeshops · 5 years
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Energy Shirt
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Dreaming of balmy nights Tampa Bay Buccaneers Energy Shirt . and swaying palms? If you're missing Miami, pick up this 3/4-Sleeve Miami-Triangle-Badge Raglan Graphic T-Shirt from Awake. A white raglan tee with charcoal heather sleeves and trim, this shirt has both boyish charm and a feminine shape. Kick back in some well-worn jeans and canvas sneaks, or create a fun look with a skirt and boots — it's all up to you!Whether you call them crayfish, crawdads or mud bugs, you'll be ready to eat them all in the 3/4-Sleeve Eat Local Raglan Graphic T-shirt from Awake. With a white bodice and gray sleeves, this 3/4-sleeve raglan T-shirt features "Eat Local" text on the left lapel, accompanied by a silhouette graphic of a crayfish in orange. Pair with denim shorts and low-top sneakers, grab a napkin and your favorite beverage and you'll be all set for the next crayfish boil. Tampa Bay Buccaneers Energy Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex You don’t run a-latte, but when you do, it’s for a delicious cuppa joe Tampa Bay Buccaneers Energy Shirt . Let the world know your preferred form of cardio in the 3/4-Sleeve Always Running Latte Raglan Graphic T-Shirt from Awake. You’ll love the crisp look of blue raglan sleeves with a white tee, and an illustration of a to-go coffee cup sits amidst the phrase “Always running latte” for a punny quip. Just grab your favorite pair of leggings and cool kicks for a quick and easy look — ‘cause you’ve got to run out the door!Bubbly before hubbies. Poppin’ bottles over dating models. Whatever your motto, it most likely aligns with the 3/4-Sleeve Status Wine Raglan Graphic T-Shirt from Awake. A burgundy color decorates the sleeves and text, perfectly matching your beverage of choice. You’ll love the simple graphic of a full wine glass next to the most important confirmation of all: “Relationship status: wine,” and you’ll love the casual-cool styling possibilities. Grab your denim shorts and sneaks for a warm day, or slip into your favorite pair of leggings for wine night in with the girls. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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tshirtfashiontrend · 5 years
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Energy Shirt
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Dreaming of balmy nights Tampa Bay Buccaneers Energy Shirt . and swaying palms? If you're missing Miami, pick up this 3/4-Sleeve Miami-Triangle-Badge Raglan Graphic T-Shirt from Awake. A white raglan tee with charcoal heather sleeves and trim, this shirt has both boyish charm and a feminine shape. Kick back in some well-worn jeans and canvas sneaks, or create a fun look with a skirt and boots — it's all up to you!Whether you call them crayfish, crawdads or mud bugs, you'll be ready to eat them all in the 3/4-Sleeve Eat Local Raglan Graphic T-shirt from Awake. With a white bodice and gray sleeves, this 3/4-sleeve raglan T-shirt features "Eat Local" text on the left lapel, accompanied by a silhouette graphic of a crayfish in orange. Pair with denim shorts and low-top sneakers, grab a napkin and your favorite beverage and you'll be all set for the next crayfish boil. Tampa Bay Buccaneers Energy Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex You don’t run a-latte, but when you do, it’s for a delicious cuppa joe Tampa Bay Buccaneers Energy Shirt . Let the world know your preferred form of cardio in the 3/4-Sleeve Always Running Latte Raglan Graphic T-Shirt from Awake. You’ll love the crisp look of blue raglan sleeves with a white tee, and an illustration of a to-go coffee cup sits amidst the phrase “Always running latte” for a punny quip. Just grab your favorite pair of leggings and cool kicks for a quick and easy look — ‘cause you’ve got to run out the door!Bubbly before hubbies. Poppin’ bottles over dating models. Whatever your motto, it most likely aligns with the 3/4-Sleeve Status Wine Raglan Graphic T-Shirt from Awake. A burgundy color decorates the sleeves and text, perfectly matching your beverage of choice. You’ll love the simple graphic of a full wine glass next to the most important confirmation of all: “Relationship status: wine,” and you’ll love the casual-cool styling possibilities. Grab your denim shorts and sneaks for a warm day, or slip into your favorite pair of leggings for wine night in with the girls. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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ppaulroyy · 5 years
Organics, a manufacturing and retail company https://cityclassify.com/list/view/fleur-alpha-reviews?aid=58865 that focuses on the assembly and sale of organic, natural, chemical-free, and handmade skin care products. Though he graduated from faculty with a degree in Finance, Tyler started his career at a Tampa advertising agency. An skilled in social media selling, Tyler Ward later went on to freelance his skills in social media to local Tampa Bay businesses http://personalgrowthsystems.ning.com/forum/topics/fleur-alpha-reviews . Before his professional career, Tyler has been creating his own handmade http://cognitivefun.net/talk/post/371444 organic skin care merchandise for close to 5 years and, over time, has become an professional in organic skin care. Tyler lives in Tampa, FL where he runs Giddy Organics and works as a freelance social media consultant for local businesses.The face and also the facial skin is the primary thing that individuals see. Thus when we leave our homes you want to present a clean, clear, lovely http://ads.sg/singapore-beauty-salon/fleur-alpha-reviews.html wanting face. The facial skin in contrast to alternative areas http://www.snooth.com/talk/topic/fleur-alpha-reviews/ of skin on our body is usually exposed to the surroundings and so is well broken through sun exposure, chemicals, toxins and pollutants. Taking care of our facial skin is very important not only to stay stunning but additionally to avoid increased signs of aging, blemishes, or acne.Though, most skin care products and advertisements are directed at girls, men should also have a daily https://community.tubebuddy.com/index.php?members/30042/#about facial skin care routine still. Men's facial skin is simply as probably as https://myanimelist.net/profile/wilsonnjuriya ladies's to become damaged, dirty, or acne ridden, thus creating certain you properly hydrate, and clean your facial skin is important. Most people are using the same skin care routine since they were young. They found an over the counter face wash that has worked for them and that they stuck with it. But, as we age our skin changes. You may would like additional than just you http://www.cotech.at/bastlerware/kaufen/dvd/fleur-alpha-reviews_i70850 r average face wash to stay up that clear, youthful looking skin. The most effective skin care routines involve https://textuploader.com/1j53b 4 steps. Diligence and determination are required to succeed with a great skin care routine. Most individuals take into account just washing or cleansing their face of the daily dirt and grime their best effort to stay their facial skin in sensible condition. But, it's the opposite crucial steps that will keep their skin wanting young, vibrant, healthy and firm. Although, all four steps are necessary t https://bbvietnam.com/members/wilsonnjuriya.168586/ o keep our facial skin lovely, a pair of out of the four steps don't seem to be necessary on a daily basis. Cleansing is the first step for proper s https://eventful.com/westpalmbeach/events/fleur-alpha-reviews-/E0-001-134229364-5 kin care. Most individuals clean or wash their face a minimum of only once every day. This step is imperative as a result of it removes dirt, mud, grime, grease and further oil from the skin. Wet the face and then use a good facial cleanser on each the face and the neck. Massage the cleanser gently into the skin in an upward motion. Then rinse the face with heat water and a soft washcloth or cotton wool. A water-based mostly cleanser is the simplest fo https://fancy.com/wilsonnjuriya r cleaning the face as a result of you'll avoid chemicals that will irritate the skin. Toning is the second step during a facial skin https://frozengames.org/profile/wilsonnjuriya care routine. Toning is usually used in the form of toner pads or wipes. Facial toners are used to remove any traces of dirt, grease, or excess cleanser that has been left as residue on the face. Employing a toner everyday is an option and some people may even leave it out completely if they feel their cleanser works well enough. A smart rule is to use a toner in your morning facial routine https://gamejolt.com/@wilsonnjuriya but leave it out of your nighttime regiment. Exfoliation is a key half of any skin care regiment, http://gendou.com/user/wilsonnjuriya but ought to not be done each day. Exfoliation ought to be done once every week at most to get rid of dead skin cells from the face. Although the body naturally sloughs off dead skin cells on its own, exfoliating helps to speed up the process. Dead skin cells will block pores and https://forums.envato.com/u/wilsonnjuriya/activity cause acne so removing these skin cells during a timely manner can scale back the appearance of acne. But, exfoliation can be harmful particularl https://www.quora.com/profile/Wilsonn-Juriya y to the facial skin, if done too usually. Normal skin cells are replenished every three-4 weeks; thus exfoliating new skin cells will injury the appearance of your skin.Lastly but most importantly is moisturizing. Moisturizing the skin is therefore important because it keeps our skin from drying out; causing wrinkles or cracks and keeps our skin radiant and glowing. Dry skin will be painful, https://www.scoop.it/u/wilsonn-juriya itchy and unappealing to the eye. Skin cells would like water to measure; https://wilsonnjuriya.newgrounds.com/ thus overly dry skin will cause increased skin cell death. Use a moisturizer specifically for the face. Apply your moisturizer when your skin is warm and damp as a result of this is often when the pores are open. Leave some moisturizer on the top of the skin to induce the total result for your skin. Moisturize any time the skin feels dry and when both morning and even skin care routines. Build positive your https://pastebin.com/8zKJFeuc moisturizer doesn't have any harmful chemicals, fragrances or dyes that can irritate the skin. Natural skin care product should be https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/u/wilsonnjuriya used for all skin care needs. Natural product avoid harsh chemicals and dyes that may irritate the skin and cause breakouts. Continually use product based mostly upon your own skin sort. Take a look at merchandise on your forearm, earlobe or neck before you get them. This method you can grasp if it can cause any irritation. Always keep in mind to remove all makeup http://quomon.com/Question/Preview/3145253 before starting your skin care routine. Do not just wash away makeup; use correct https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/fleuralpha/index.php make-up removers to utterly clean the face of makeup residue. Keep in mind to apply sunscreen if there's a risk you will be out within the sun.When you're wanting for product which will help with skin issues, you can find completely different beauty product on the market nowadays and one in all the type of beauty products visible in the exhibition areas of malls http://tupalo.com/en/users/2301230 , pharmacies and grocery stores are the skin care creams. You can notice skin creams that are created https://weheartit.com/entry/341674609?utm_campaign=welcome&utm_medium=email&utm_source=welcome-email not solely to treat condition of the skin on the face, that is the primary body part you'll suppose regarding improving, however you'll additionally notice skin care creams for pretty much all elements of the body from head to toe.Skin creams are created to assist improve every skin sort and condition. Several skin cream products created has been added with completely different ingredients https://allfungames.com/user/wilsonnjuriya/ for different purposes. There are ingredients that are added to merely https://www.tetongravity.com/community/profile/wilsonnjuriya/ treat or improve and a few simply to control sure parts of the body if in care skin irritations might occur. On the opposite hand, some products these days were created to assist treat and improve sure elements of your body that desires skin care.Skin care creams are designed to search out a product that could both meet their needs and could give you a right to feel http://wilsonnjuriya.simplesite.com/ smart when use. These skin creams were made for specific areas of our body. There are creams for the http://ads4world.com/sarkari-and-government-jobs-in-central-state-government-universities-public-sector-companies-and-banks-jobs-psu-vacancy-opportunity-gove/fleur-alpha-reviews.html skin of the face, hands and feet. Every body part has completely different skin conditions and have different treatment needs.Face Creams: There might be many times that irritation could happen on the skin which might make a splash on each individual of all ages.  http://semi-precious-jewelry.com/index.php When your face becomes dry, getting wrinkles and acne are common concerns of girls when it involves their face. One example https://www.freelistingindia.in/dashboard/ is the appearance of ugly pimples that
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Weekend Sports activities in Temporary
http://tinyurl.com/y5ce55t3 NBA TORONTO (AP) — Klay Thompson scored 25 factors earlier than leaving with a hamstring harm, Stephen Curry had 23 and the Golden State Warriors ran off the primary 18 factors of the second half on their method to a 109-104 victory over the Toronto Raptors that tied the NBA Finals at one sport apiece. With Kevin Durant already out and Thompson ultimately becoming a member of him within the fourth quarter, the Warriors relied on a champion’s coronary heart to beat their weary our bodies. Andre Iguodala, himself sluggish to stand up after a tough fall within the first half, made the clinching 3-pointer with 5.9 seconds left after the Raptors scored 10 straight factors to chop it to 106-104. Kawhi Leonard had 34 factors and 14 rebounds for the Raptors. They’d gained 5 straight since falling behind 2-Zero within the Jap Convention finals. BASEBALL NEW YORK (AP) – David Price lastly gained at Yankee Stadium for the primary time with the Boston Red Sox, backed by early homers from J.D. Martinez and Xander Bogaerts in an 8-5 victory over New York. Boston stopped a four-game dropping streak and improved to 1-Four towards the Yankees this season, stopping a three-game sweep in a collection shortened by a rainout. Thunder and lightning crackled within the eighth inning of this one as New York tried to rally in a short rain towards frazzled reliever Matt Barnes, who appeared extremely uncomfortable on the mound even after the grounds crew utilized drying agent. Barnes spiked pitches, kicked on the mud, walked consecutive batters and balked dwelling a run. He gave up three runs earlier than lastly settling down and getting out of the inning. Brandon Workman tossed a scoreless ninth for his second profession save, each this 12 months. The third-place Purple Sox moved inside Eight 1/2 video games of the AL East-leading Yankees, who’ve a 2 1/2-game benefit over Tampa Bay. New York misplaced for under the fourth time in 19 video games. NHL ST. LOUIS (AP) – Patrice Bergeron and the Boston Bruins‘ greatest gamers took the criticism to coronary heart. They weren’t ok by means of the primary two video games of the Stanley Cup Closing and wanted to be higher. They usually have been. The celebs got here out on Saturday night time and led Boston to a 7-2 rout of the St. Louis Blues to take a 2-1 collection lead. Bergeron and defenseman Torey Krug every scored a objective and had two assists, David Pastrnak scored his first objective of the collection and the highest power-play unit was an ideal Three for 3. Boston chased Blues goaltender Jordan Binnington, silenced actor and Blues tremendous fan Jon Hamm and a raucous crowd that was fired up for the primary Cup Closing sport in St. Louis in 49 years. The Bruins survived an preliminary onslaught after which took it to the house group. Sport Four is Monday night time. FRENCH OPEN PARIS (AP) -Stan Wawrinka superior to his first Grand Slam quarterfinal in two years, outlasting Stefanos Tsitsipas 7-6 (6), 5-7, 6-4, 3-6, 8-6 in a 5-hour, 9-minute check of excellence, endurance and feelings on the French Open. He’ll subsequent face his pal and Swiss countryman Roger Federer, who hasn’t dropped a set to this point within the event. The 37-year-old Federer beat 68th-ranked Leonardo Mayer of Argentina 6-2, 6-3, 6-Three to change into the oldest males’s singles quarterfinalist in Paris since 1971. Becoming a member of Federer within the quarterfinals, oddly sufficient by the identical rating, was 11-time champion Rafael Nadal, who was by no means troubled by 78th-ranked Juan Ignacio Londero of Argentina. The 2 girls’s quarterfinals established Sunday: 2017 U.S. Open champion and 2018 French Open runner-up Sloane Stephens vs. No. 26 seed Johanna Konta, and No. 31 Petra Martic vs. 19-year-old Marketa Vondrousova. GOLF DUBLIN, Ohio (AP) – Patrick Cantlay bought one other handshake with Jack Nicklaus, this time because the Memorial winner. Beginning 4 pictures behind, Cantlay closed with an 8-under 64 for a two-shot victory. It was the bottom last spherical by a winner in event historical past, and it moved the 27-year-old Californian into the highest 10 on the earth. Martin Kaymer, attempting to finish 5 years and not using a victory, began with a two-shot lead and by no means recovered from back-to-back bogeys on the again 9. Adam Scott was the final participant with an opportunity to catch Cantlay when he ran off three straight birdies to get inside two pictures, however he fell brief. Cantlay first met the event host in 2011 when he gained the Jack Nicklaus Award as the highest participant in faculty at UCLA. Story continues CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) – Jeongeun Lee6 is No. 1 on the U.S. Girls’s Open. The 23-year-old South Korean shot a 1-under 70, enduring some shaky moments after opening up a three-stroke lead with three to play to carry off third-round co-leader Celine Boutier. Lee6 was forward by three after a birdie on the par-5 15th, however took bogeys on the 16th and 18th to present Boutier an opportunity over the ultimate two holes. However Boutier missed an extended birdie try on the 17th and put her strategy to the par-4 18th in a bunker. Her sand shot rolled off the inexperienced. Lee6, taking part in two teams forward of Boutier, was practising putts when the Frenchwoman couldn’t make the sand shot. Lee6 bent down in pleasure when her victory was safe, countrywoman and 2011 U.S. Girls’s Open winner So Yeon Ryu coming over to embrace the brand new champion. Lee6 completed at 6-under 278 to assert the USGA’s first $1 million girls’s winner test just a few days after Tiger Woods’ former swing coach, Hank Haney, made disparaging remarks about girls’s golf by predicting a ”Korean” would win and ”I might go along with Lee.” Lee6 has the quantity in her title as a result of she was the sixth participant with the title on the Korean LPGA. AUTO RACING LONG POND, Pa. (AP) – Kyle Busch gained at Pocono Raceway to maneuver right into a tie for ninth on the NASCAR Cup Sequence victory record. Busch, who topped 200 profession wins throughout all three nationwide collection earlier this season, gained for the 55th time in Cup and matched Corridor of Fame driver Rusty Wallace on the record. Busch had the dominant automobile down the stretch and gained for the primary time in practically two months. Busch has spent many of the previous few months complaining about NASCAR’s present guidelines bundle designed to extend side-by-side racing and manufacture competitors. When he was again within the pack, Busch had no hassle passing the leaders at Pocono. Busch took off on the ultimate restart with 9 laps left and cruised to the end line for his 13th top-10 end in 14 races this season. Busch and Martin Truex Jr. had been the category of the sector this season however Truex was knocked out with an engine situation within the No. 19 Toyota. He had gained three of the final 5 races. Kevin Harvick was nipping at a win till a botched pit cease and a cracked steering field took him out of rivalry. Brad Keselowski was second and Erik Jones third. DETROIT (AP) – Scott Dixon has had a number of memorable days as a five-time IndyCar champion. There is a good probability he’ll always remember what occurred Sunday. Dixon gained the Detroit Grand Prix, his first victory of the 12 months and 45th of his profession, simply hours after being honored by Queen Elizabeth II. The Chip Ganassi Racing driver from New Zealand completed practically 2 seconds in entrance of rookie Marcus Ericsson, Will Energy, Ryan Hunter-Reay and Alexander Rossi. Indianapolis 500 champion Simon Pagenaud completed 17th after colliding with Patricio O’Ward and Tony Kanaan on the opening lap. Josef Newgarden, who gained Saturday on Belle Isle, was capable of return to the race after being knocked out of it following an accident with James Hinchcliffe and completed 19th within the 22-car discipline. Felix Rosenqvist spun out late within the 70-lap race, bringing out a crimson flag to doubtlessly set the stage for a dramatic end. The race resumed with 4 laps to go and nobody may catch Dixon’s Honda-powered automobile. Dixon trails simply A.J. Foyt and Mario Andretti in IndyCar wins and solely Foyt has gained extra championships within the open-wheel collection. Dixon gained for the third time on Belle Isle, tying Helio Castroneves for essentially the most victories on the highway course alongside the banks of the Detroit River. BOXING NEW YORK (AP) – Andy Ruiz had six weeks to arrange for the battle of his life. He’ll have a lifetime to have fun one in every of boxing’s largest stunners in heavyweight historical past. Ruiz flattened Anthony Joshua twice within the seventh spherical and capped one in every of boxing’s largest upsets to win his share of the heavyweight championship Saturday night time at Madison Sq. Backyard. Ruiz gained it at 1:27 by TKO within the seventh spherical to change into the shock champ in a bout that had shades of Buster Douglas’ upset over Mike Tyson in 1990. Ruiz barely was on anybody’s heavyweight radar when he was summoned as a alternative to battle champion Joshua in entrance of a packed Backyard. All he did was dominate the British champion. The 270-pound Ruiz knocked down Joshua twice within the third spherical and did it two extra instances within the seventh earlier than referee Mike Griffin ended the battle. Source link
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larryland · 7 years
  An original play written for the Olana landscape
The Olana Partnership, in collaboration with The Ancram Opera House, will present Performing Olana, an original play throughout the Olana landscape, on Friday, September 22 through Sunday, September 24.
Performing Olana has been written by nationally recognized playwright and TV writer, Darrah Cloud and co-directed by the innovative Ancram Opera House creatives Jeffrey Mousseau and Paul Ricciardi along with The Olana Partnership’s Director of Education Amy Hufnagel. The three theater artists have been working for months to design an immersive, promenade style theater production to be delivered in the landscape at Olana while the audience follows the story through the historic site.
It is a play that takes the interpretation of Olana to another level- both in terms of costumed “interpretation” but also in the untold and imagined stories between the lines of letters and journals in the Church archive. The piece draws inspiration from Frederic Church’s painting, letters, family life and the celebrated landscape and is presented as an immersive experience in which performer and audience journey together into Church’s art. This production falls between the categories of creative non-fiction and historic fiction.
The piece mines Church’s artistic legacy in painting and the great achievement that dominated the second half of his life—the home and landscape he meticulously designed and called Olana. The creators are seeking a real connection with Church in the very spaces and places he lived and worked. Biography and historical record converge with contemporary theatrical imagination and sensibilities. The performance asks how we can live artfully today in rapidly changing and polarized times.
Performing Olana brings the 19th century alive in a way that only theater can; audiences will move from place to place in the landscape as the narrative unfolds.  Actors deliver scenes in historically accurate venues and subjects including Church’s homes, the orchard, meadows, the barns, carriage roads, the lake and the forest. Inhabiting this real and imagined world is the artist himself, Frederic Church, along with his wife Isabel, their children and the ghost of his mentor, Thomas Cole.  Contemporary characters of the creators’ invention invade the scene by traveling back in time.
This public program will occur rain or shine (although will be delayed if there is extreme weather-check the website for day of performance updates). We encourage audiences to purchase their tickets in advance at www.olana.org/calendar.   The play will take place on Friday, September 22 at 6p; Saturday, September 23 & Sunday, September 24 at 2p, 4p and 6p. This performance will start at the Wagon House Education Center. Participants should wear comfortable walking shoes and should be prepared to walk about three quarters of a mile. Admission: Member: $10, Non-Member: $15, Family (up to 5): $40.
About the PLAYWRIGHT: Darrah Cloud is currently working on the musical adaptation of Willy Holtzman’s play, Sabina, with composer Louise Beach, to be produced at The Cell in NYC in Winter 2018, and American Siddhartha with director Nick Demos and composer David Newman (Durga Das). Recent productions include: Our Suburb, premiere Theater J, Washington, DC, 2014, Joan the Girl of Arc, premiere Cincinnati Playhouse, 2014, What’s Bugging Greg?, The Stick Wife, The Mud Angel, Dream House, Braille Garden, and The Sirens. Musical productions include Heartland, The Boxcar Children, Honor Song for Crazy Horse, and the stage adaptation of Willa Cather’s O Pioneers!, filmed starring Mary McDonnell for American Playhouse. She has won numerous awards, including the Macy’s Prize for Theatre for Young Audiences, an NEA, and a Rockefeller. Disney was also drawn to Cloud, commissioning her to create a dramatization of their classic Snow White, which played at Disneyland. She has had over 10 movies-of-the-week produced on CBS and NBC, is a proud alum of the Iowa Writers Workshop and New Dramatists, and conducts A Howl of Playwrights, a new play development group in Rhinebeck, NY.
About the DIRECTORS:
Jeff Mousseau is Co-Director of The Ancram Opera House and an award-winning theater director. In NYC, his work has been seen at HERE Arts Center, Tribeca Performing Arts Center, Baruch Performing Arts Center, Theatre for the Open Eye, Theater at 224 Waverly, West Bank Café and, locally, at Stageworks, Hudson Opera House, Proctors Theater and Olana. Regional credits include numerous productions as Artistic Director of The Coyote Theater in Boston (recipient of numerous Elliot Norton and IRNE awards). Other credits include American Southwest Theatre, Provincetown Rep, Florida Studio Theatre and Tampa Players. Guest artist and lecturer: Brandeis University, Emerson College, The University at Albany, and Siena College.  Residency: John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
Paul Ricciardi is Co-Director of The Ancram Opera House and an award-winning actor, director and voice/speech/dialect coach. He received his MFA in Acting from Trinity Repertory Company, studied with Kristin Linklater and received his Linklater Teacher Designation in 2012. He teaches voice and acting at the City University of New York/Kingsborough CC. Recent work as an actor includes Playhouse Creatures’ New Play Festival, Hamlet with Saratoga Shakespeare Festival, Lovesong at Chester Theatre Company, and many others. Paul has designed dialects for countless college theatre productions and professional theaters including StageWorks, WAM, America-in-Play, and others. Ricciardi is Immediate Past Co-Chair for Region I of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, and is a recipient of the Kennedy Center National Teaching Artist Award.  Memberships:  AEA, VASTA.
About Olana and The Olana Partnership: Olana is the greatest masterpiece of Frederic Edwin Church (1826-1900), the preeminent American artist of the mid-19thC and the most important artist’s home, studio and designed landscape in the United States.  Church designed Olana as a holistic environment integrating his advanced ideas about art, architecture, landscape design, and environmental conservation. Olana’s 250-acre artist-designed landscape with a Persian-inspired house at its summit embraces unrivaled panoramic views of the Hudson Valley and Catskill Mountains and, today, welcomes more than 170,000 visitors annually.
Olana State Historic Site, a historic site administered by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Taconic Region, is a designated National Historic Landmark and one of the most visited sites in the state. The Olana Partnership, a private not-for-profit education corporation, works cooperatively with New York State to support the restoration, conservation, and interpretation of Olana State Historic Site. 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of Olana as a public work of art.
In this season’s exhibition, an innovative collaboration between The Olana Partnership and the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros [CPPC], artist Teresita Fernández examines Frederic Church and his contemporaries’ response to the cultures and landscapes they experienced during their 19th century Latin American travels. Working with Guest Curator Sara Meadows, Teresita Fernández incorporates her own new work in a site-specific installation with elements from the collections of Olana State Historic Site and the renowned Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros.
To learn more about Olana and The Olana Partnership, please visit www.olana.org
To learn more about the Ancram Opera House, please visit www.ancramoperahouse.org
Olana Partnership & Ancram Opera House Present “Performing Olana” An original play written for the Olana landscape The Olana Partnership, in collaboration with The Ancram Opera House…
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kp-reading-blog · 7 years
In the Beginning: A Short Story by Kathryn Kelly
In The Beginning is a short story by Kathryn Kelly that fits into the world of her Kindle Press novel Begin Again. It serves as a standalone offering that serves to introduce new readers to the world of her Kindle Press Book. Check it out and learn more about the romantic world of Begin Again!
Author's Note
Meet Noah and Savannah twenty years before their story picks up in Begin Again. In the Beginning is a glimpse into their life twenty years before they reconnected in Begin Again. They were young college students, innocently head over heels in love. This short prequel will give you a peek at life in 1997 and offers a romantic escape to a Florida beach. 
About In The Beginning
Savannah Richards’ freshman year at college had turned into the kind of adventure she’d only read about. Studious and serious, she’s the complete opposite of her boyfriend. But after a year of being practically attached at the hip to him, the guy who wanted to try everything at least once had managed to talk Savannah out of her comfort zone more than once. Just like he’d talked her into flying to Florida for a quick weekend on the beach. Along the way, he’d also stolen her heart. But once he graduated, what would happen to their relationship?
For college senior Noah Worthington, graduation is just around the corner. It’s time for him to launch his new career in aviation. The only thing that matters more than flying to Noah is his love for the adorable freshman he’s fallen in love with. 
Noah has their future mapped out, an engagement ring in his hand, and a proposal ready to go. Then a desperate phone call from his family upends his world. Their new life together is just beginning. Now, would it all come crashing to an end?
In The Beginning
July 4, 1997
Tonight was the night.
Noah Worthington stretched out on the cabana chair, adjusted his dark sunshades, and watched Savannah Skye Richards. The bright Florida sunshine reflected off her sunglasses perched on top of her head, and the ocean breeze played with a strand of hair that had come loose from her ponytail.
Her attention was buried in a book. Jane Eyre. She said she’d read it as a sophomore in high school, but insisted on reading it again for her English literature class. Noah had suggested Cliffs Notes for a review, but she insisted on reading every word of every assignment.
They’d been attached at the hip for nearly a whole year and he often wondered how much knowledge one girl could soak into such a gorgeous head.
It probably explained why she had straight As and he had… average grades. But despite his negligence in reading assignments, he would have his bachelor’s degree in aviation in five weeks.
Aviation was different. That was the one area he excelled in. He was the top flight instructor in his class.
Her lips curved into a smile as she read.
He wanted to ask her what she liked about the book.
He wanted to know if she liked the feel of the ocean breeze on her face.
He wanted to know her thoughts on life, liberty, and if she’d let him talk her into going parasailing.
He wanted to kiss her.
“Noah,” she said, putting the book face down in her lap.
“What?” he asked innocently.
Her lips curved into a wide, knowing smile. “I can see your wheels turning.”
“You can’t see my eyes,” he said.
“You’re right,” she said, reaching up and dragging his shades from his eyes. “That’s better.”
Better indeed. Unable to resist a minute longer, he ran a hand along her arm. How was it she could exude such sexiness wearing blue jean shorts and a tank top? On a beach full of women in bikinis. He only noticed them because they were in such stark contrast to Savannah.
He cradled the back of her head with his other hand, lightly brushing his thumb across her lips. Her eyes fluttered closed and she swayed toward him. He placed his lips against hers and wondered why kissing her never got old.
She would be a sophomore soon, but he would be college graduate soon. He was already making money as a flight instructor and could take care of them both. And he had three job offers – two with the airlines and one with a private company.
“I think you’re trying to distract me,” she said against his lips.
“Is it working?”
She pressed a hand against his, laced their fingers together. “Unfortunately, yes.”
“Good,” he said, unable to keep the happiness at bay. “What do you want to do?”
She glanced at the book that had slid into the sand between them.
He shook his head. “Besides read.”
“I don’t know.” She glanced around them.
“Still want to try a piña colada?”
“Don’t blame me when we both get arrested.”
“I’m not worried,” she said, with a lift of an eyebrow. “We’ll be discreet.”
“You can read while I’m gone,” he said, wondering where the servers were when needed.
“Counting on it,” she said. He kissed her lightly on the cheek, then began the hike back to the bar area.
“Don’t go anywhere,” he said over his shoulder.
Savannah Richards wasn’t going anywhere. She shook the sand off her book and put her head back in the pages. Her thoughts, however, were focused on Noah. He was always affectionate, but seemed a bit more so today. And after a year of being attached to his hip, she felt qualified to make that distinction.
She peeked behind the cabana back toward the Trade Winds Resort. A group of teenagers had set up a volleyball game a few feet away. She watched them, wondering how they made it look so easy. Savannah had never been into sports. She preferred indoor activities – books, movies, studying.
Nonetheless, Noah had a propensity to get her out doing other things – making her more spontaneous. Like last night, flying to Tampa to spend the weekend at St. Pete Beach. Savannah had never even been to the beach before today.
She was in awe at the magnitude of the ocean. As she stared toward the horizon, she wondered how many miles she could see. She would ask Noah. He would know. Her family vacations had always been in the mountains, so this was new territory.
And Noah led the pack when it came to exploring new territory. The guy wanted to do everything – try everything. Most of the time, he managed to talk her into going along with such things as trying a new restaurant or taking a spontaneous flight somewhere. He would jump into a plane for a flight like most people jumped into their car for a Sunday drive. Yet he managed to steer her just enough out of her comfort zone that she didn’t get overwhelmed.
Truth be told, she couldn’t get enough of him. Though she didn’t say anything, her heart was breaking that he was graduating. He wouldn’t be there to walk her to class, eat lunch with her every day, and basically spend all her free time with. Since they had been together since her first week as a college freshman – almost a year, it was difficult for her to wrap her head around being a college student without Noah Worthington at her side.
They hadn’t even talked about how they would continue to see each other. It was a little odd, because Noah wasn’t one to avoid any conversation. Maybe he didn’t bring it up because he didn’t have an answer.
Savannah thought about it often. Imagined how the conversation would go. But she was waiting for him to bring it up. She was terrified that if she brought it up, it would push him away. No matter how many times she told herself it was irrational, the thought kept her quiet.
Probably because Noah was too good to be true.
Sighing, she picked up Jane Eyre and forced herself to read another few pages. She shifted so she could watch for Noah. He was taking longer than she expected. It was a little bit of a hike. She wasn’t wearing a watch, but her stomach was telling her it was getting close to lunch time.
When she spotted him hurrying back toward her, her heart skipped. She had memorized every line, every angle of his handsome face. If only she could get into his head. There were things he kept from her. She was certain of it.
His hands were full as he hurried back to her. With a pleased look on his face, he settled in next to her, took off his sunshades, and began opening bags. The first bag had two bottles of water and two piña coladas, topped with colorful umbrellas.
“I thought you were worried about us getting in trouble,” Savannah said, taking a sip of the drink. “Oh wow. This is really good.”
“I knew you’d like it. Besides, no one seems to care. And…” he added as he opened the other bag, “I brought lunch from the Flying Bridge.”
“French fries!” she said, eagerly reaching for one of the bags.
“Here you go. Tuna croissant.”
“You,” she said, dipping a French fry into ketchup, “are the best.”
“You have no idea,” he said, with a wink.
Feeling the heat creep into her cheeks, she smiled at him.
“Hey,” she said. “Have you thought any more about which job offer to take?”
He shook his head and stared at the ocean. “Not really.
And there… she knew he had just kept something from her. There were certain things he didn’t talk to her about. She could have pressed him on it, but thought it best to let him tell her when he was ready. And he would do so. She was certain of it.
After lunch, they took a walk along the beach. Savannah took off her shoes and marveled at the sensation of walking in the sandy mud. Noah spotted a pink conch shell as it washed ashore, snagged it, and handed it to her.
When she put it up to her ear, he laughed. 
“Let’s go parasailing,” Noah said, as they stopped to watch a boat with its brightly colored kite floating in the air behind it.
Savannah pulled her sunshades over her eyes as the young man below the canopy dipped down into the ocean water. “I don’t think it’s safe.”
“What? Parasailing? You don’t even have to get wet.”
She shook her head. “They just did.”
“I think that part is optional.”
“There’s too much that could go wrong.”
“We can go up together,” he suggested.
“Like in tandem?”
“Sort of. We’d be side by side.”
She watched the rider gliding far above the water.
“If you fell in, I’d jump in after you,” he said.
She laughed. “You would not. You’d be harnessed in.”
“My point exactly.”
“I’ll think about it,” she conceded, as he pulled her back against his chest, wrapped his arms around her, and rested his chin on the top of her head. If anyone could convince her to sail high above the ocean, it was Noah Worthington.
Noah rummaged around in his suitcase, found the pair of black socks he knew he wouldn’t be wearing this trip, and shook out the ring he planned to give Savannah tonight. It was only a temporary ring until he could take her ring shopping. He’d found the perfect sized stainless steel collar off a hydraulic hose. One of the mechanics let him use a grinder to sand the lip away. Then he’d sanded it out to take away the rough edges. He was rather proud of his ingenuity, but a little apprehensive about giving the girl of his dreams a homemade engagement ring, even temporarily. 
He slipped the ring into his pocket and, taking his little Toshiba notebook computer with him to the desk, logged into his email. Savannah had just turned on the shower, so she would be at least another twenty minutes, maybe twenty-five.
He logged into his private email and inhaled sharply. Two emails had come in today. One from his father and one from his mother.
He opened the one from his father first.
I need you to fly in tomorrow. I have a meeting scheduled at 7:00 that I need you to be at. It’s very important.
Noah scowled. Obviously not a request.
He swirled in his chair and stared out the window - watching the ocean waves crawling gently ashore and the seagulls flying about. He took a deep breath to calm his breathing.
The second message was from his mother.
Hi, Noah. I know you’re at the beach with Savannah. And I’m really sorry to interrupt. But this is important. Your father is considering a very risky investment that could threaten the financial stability of the whole family. I’m so sorry to bother you. But can you call me?
Noah glared blankly at the computer screen. The financial stability of the whole family? Noah’s father wasn’t known for avoiding risks, but to Noah’s knowledge, he never taken on something he couldn’t win.
He logged out of his account, closed the computer, and leaned back in the chair. He took out the ring he planned to give Savannah tonight – at dinner – after the fireworks on the beach, and put it on the end of his little finger.
He had to call his mother. I could pretend I didn’t get the message. But his mother’s email was… alarming.
Damn it.
And he had to call her now while Savannah was still in the shower. He picked up the hotel phone, then dragging the long cord behind him, he paced to the window, opened the patio door, and stepped out onto the balcony.
Ten minutes later, he hung up the phone and stepped back inside the room. Savannah had turned off the shower. He hurried back to his suitcase, took the ring from his finger, and buried it back in the black sock. He rolled the socks together from the toes up, then flipped the outer cuff over the top and around the rolled socks, making a ball. The ring would have to wait for another day.
As he straightened up and turned, Savannah came out of the bathroom wearing the pale blue oxford shirt he’d worn that morning and left hanging on the hook on the back of the bathroom door. She’d only buttoned three buttons – he counted –  and the shirt swallowed her up, reaching almost to her knees. Her face was flushed from the warmth of the shower.
She smiled brightly. “Your turn,” she said.
He swallowed thickly. Any thoughts of his parents and their crazy demands faded into the background.
Forcing a smile on his face, he nodded.
“Are you OK?” she asked, her smile turning to consternation.
“No,” he replied, and closed the gap between them. He picked her up, carried her to the bed, and gently lowered her onto it. His lips claimed hers, his hands tangling in her damp hair.
Then, within seconds, he solved the mystery. She wore absolutely nothing beneath his shirt. He wanted her more than anything in that moment. So much so, he almost came undone. But instead, he shifted and began massaging the kinks from her shoulders.
“I have a surprise for you,” he said, nuzzling her ear.
“Another one?”
He chuckled. “There’s an unlimited supply of those, but this one requires you to wear something other than my shirt.
She squinted through contented, half-closed eyes. “We could just stay here and I could surprise you, too.”
“As tempting as that is,” he said, “we have reservations. After that, there’ll be time for more surprises.”
“What is it?” She opened her eyes and looked into his.
He shrugged.
She groaned and slipped from the bed to dig jeans and a shirt from her suitcase.
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.” He hoped she couldn’t hear the disappointment in his voice. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be nearly the surprise he had planned on giving her.
In spite of their slight, unplanned delay, Noah had timed it perfectly. They walked onto the beach, hand in hand, just before sunset.
“Is this the surprise?” she asked.
“This? No.” He veered south and headed toward one of the boats waiting on the beach.
Savannah noticed where they were headed and stopped to stand still. Her hand slipped from his. He stopped and turned back.
She shook her head.
“It’s just a boat ride at sunset,” he said. “We go out in the boat all the time.”
“Not in the ocean.”
He laughed, grabbed her hand. “Come on.” He pulled her along with him. “You’ll wear a life jacket.”
Once they were on board the boat, she spotted the brightly colored kites. “Noah.”
He turned the sad, puppy dog expression on her that never failed to work. “We’ll be just in time for the fireworks.”
“This is one of those boats,” she said, her lips in a pout.
“What boats, love?”
“Those parasailing boats.”
“Just try it. If you don’t feel comfortable, we’ll just ride around in the boat.”
As the crew took the boat out onto the water and got them harnessed in, Noah commented parasailing was not a lot different from flying.
“Have you ever done this?” she asked.
All the time. His family had a house on Eagle Mountain Lake outside of Fort Worth. Summers in high school had been spent mostly on the water. “I have,” he said, noncommittally.
Far out into the ocean, they sat, ready for take off.
“Do you want to touch the water?” the crewman asked.
“No,” Savannah said.
“Yes,” Noah said, at the same time. “Just a little.” 
“You know what,” she said. “I don’t think I like surprises.”
He took her hand, reached over and kissed her on the cheek.
Floating high above the water, but safely bundled in a life jacket, Savannah changed her mind. The shift started when Noah pointed out a group of dolphins following along below them, and solidified when the fireworks started.          
Though her eyes were teary from the wind, she met his smile. It was, indeed, a little like flying, but quieter and lighter. She loosened the death grip on her life vest and put her hands out to her sides. Is this how it felt to be a bird? Birds were the luckiest creatures on earth.
“This is beautiful,” she said.
“I knew you would like it,” he said.
With the sunset as backdrop, the fireworks seemingly all around them, and dolphins below, Savannah was exhilarated. With Noah next to her, she was in heaven.
There was very little she wouldn’t do to make this man happy.
Noah was the one. The one who had captured her heart. She’d known for some time that there would never be another man for her.
Perhaps she had known from the very beginning.
Noah’s eyes were watery too, but not from the wind. His eyes were teary from the derailed plan to propose to her tonight. Now would have been the perfect time. Just the two of them, high above the water. Nothing but air around them. Like flying, only quiet.
He hadn’t even told her yet, but their trip had to be cut short. Tomorrow he had to drop her back at Auburn and fly to Fort Worth at his father’s demand. He’d been summoned.
He couldn’t propose to Savannah and desert her the next day. That would have been careless. And careless was something he never allowed himself to be with Savannah.
His father may have caused a delay, but Noah would propose to Savannah.
Just not tonight. Unfortunately, it had to wait.
“I love you, Savannah Skye” he said, his hand gripping hers. But in his heart of hearts, he had an ominous feeling that things were about to change.
Check out Begin Again
Check out Begin Again, the Kindle Scout novel by Kathryn Kelly and the world where this amazing short story takes place!
Summer Solstice
One Summer Day as a short story is also featured in the Kindle Press Anthology Summer Solstice. You can get it from Instafreebie for free!
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