#mtreebeardiles writes sometimes
dandenbo · 5 months
15 questions for 15 friends
tagged by @favoriteblogonthecitadel, thank you Auri!
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: Nope. My birth name was top of the baby name lists the year I was born, so at least it wasn't something I felt attached to. I picked Dan because it's simple and insignificant, not something I'll come to regret. (I did have a first draft chosen name that was just. so predictable lol, glad I didn't stick with it).
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Couple of days ago. At a bit of a low point in life right now, clawing my way back up.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: Nope, never ever wanted them.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: Baseball, I was a catcher.
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Sometimes, but I'm trying to be more earnest.
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: Personal style, I guess. Are they decorative or simple, fun or refined, is there a (sub)cultural element to their appearance? I will ask so many questions about a person's clothes if permitted, I love a little outfit.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: Scary movies. I love horror, I love its tropes and history, its special effects and lighting and scores. I am always down to watch a horror movie.
ANY TALENTS?: I'm good at writing. Specifically not fiction, I mean. I'm a good essayist.
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: The worst state in the US :)
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: I'm a plant dad. I also like fibre crafts and leatherworking (I am a beginner, don't get excited, although I really want to start making cuffs and harnesses). And I guess music, I've been making a specific effort to broaden my music tastes and go to as many shows as I can.
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Not at the moment, but I plan to get some rats later this year, and two dogs when my living situation permits. They will be named Beverly and Babka.
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: 5'3" just a lil guy
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: History. Social and intellectual history interest me most.
DREAM JOB?: Not gonna dox myself so I'll be a little vague, but I've already had my dream job, and I stepped back from it a little while ago due to burnout. It involved organising, and one day I'd love to return to it.
Tagging @mtreebeardiles, @rotschopf-thedrow, @pastelroyce, @biotickaidan, @flightofthefaeriedragon, @kassasaurus-rex, @swaps55, @cronusamporaofficial, @cr-noble-main, @tired-and-swordless, @onedismay, @keriweird, @shadoedseptmbr, @breadedsinner, @finchmarie
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illusivesoul · 5 months
Was tagged by @timesthatneverwere Thank you :)
I'll tag @mtreebeardiles @starlightwrites @mxanigel @anneapocalypse and @marythegizka . Only if you feel like doing this, of course.
I'll post the questions here and my answers under the cut.
Last book I read:
Greatest literary inspiration: 
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write:
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: 
You can recognize my writing by: 
My most controversial take (current fandom):
Top three favourite tropes: 
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): 
Share a random frustration:
Last book I read: Sapiens: From Animals to Gods by Yuval Harari. A really good and interesting book about the evolution of humanity and religion, societal developments, where humanity may be in the future, etc.
Greatest literary inspiration: Not sure I have any, to be honest.
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write: I'd love to read a fic that centers around big events in DA history like the fall of the elvhen empire after Solas brings up the Veil, the fall of Arlathan, the Exalted Marches, etc.
For ME, I'd like to read fics set in what the me2 characters were doing before the events of the game. Garrus in Omega, Samara searching for Morinth, Zaeed looking for Vido, etc
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: I mean, I mostly write rarepairs, so that doesn't get much attention already. I'm currently writing about Leliana's mom, who I hc was a Carta dwarf that through the twists of fate ended up working for Lady Cecile.
I love writing about obscure characters and giving depth to characters who have 2 lines of dialogue in the games lol.
You can recognize my writing by: If you find a ME or DA rare rarepair on ao3, there's a good chance that it was written by me lol
I always open fics with either descriptions of scenery ("It was a busy day at the Grand Cathedral") or direct dialogue (“Shouldn’t be much longer now, Natia”). And my fics very rarely go over 2k words.
I think this is a common thing for writers, but I've always felt that most of my smut fics are quite similar to each other.
My most controversial take (current fandom): I have a lot lol. I'll give 2 for Mass Effect and 2 for Dragon Age.
As much as I enjoy them, I don't like how most of the squadmates don't ever stand up to Shepard and are pretty much just yes men and women who go along with everything Shepard does (it's also why Ash and Kaidan are among my favs)
I think curing the Genophage in me3 is a mistake (I prefer Mordin surviving and going to work on the Crucible and then continue working on a cure to be used later when the galaxy is more stable, as his ending slides show)
For Dragon Age, Loghain was right in retreating from Ostagar cause the battle was unwinnable, and (not sure if this qualifies as a controversial take) Vivienne is the best Divine imo.
Top three favourite tropes: Not sure if these are tropes per se, but I enjoy Fighting before kissing, reuniting after being separated for years,
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): 6.
Share a random frustration: My lack of a proper schedule to write. I always try to get a some words into wips each days, but sometimes I spent days without writing followed by a sudden burst of activity lol.
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theoriginalladya · 1 year
Snippet Sunday
I was tagged by @cr-noble-writes - thank you!
I'll tag @mtreebeardiles, @tiny-banana-time, @shadoedseptmbr, and anyone else who wants to share! Just tag me back so I see it!
Thought I'd pull out something a little different this time. Have some of Aubrey's story which is slowly but surely getting written... ~~~
Setting: five years post-reaper war, Omega
“Morning, Aubrey.”
Blinking the last vestiges of sleep from his eyes, Aubrey stared at the mug on the counter.  It sat there, two spoons of sugar and a smidgeon of something that Dr. Solus insisted was cream, and in the orangey lighting constant around Omega it looked sour.  Smelled sour, too, but he wasn’t about to tell his mentor that.  Covering a yawn with one hand, he reached for the coffee pot with the other.  “Morning.”  Somehow, most of the steaming liquid made it into his cup.  That was a good start to the day.
“Need you to make delivery,” Mordin announced as he set another mug onto the counter. 
Out of habit, Aubrey filled it halfway before setting the pot aside to stay warm.  Gods knew he was going to need it before the morning was over.
Unsuccessful at stifling another greedy grab for oxygen, he slapped his free hand over his mouth and allowed it to pass before asking, “Where?”
“Fumi District.  Dr. Mendenhall desperate for supplies.”
Aubrey frowned.  He and Dr. Illiana Mendenhall hadn’t always gotten on well together.  Something about Commander John A. Shepard and the colony of Horizon.  He had tried to convince her he wasn’t Shepard, but the doctor didn’t buy his excuses.  Mordin must have said something, because the woman still came to him and the clinic when she was desperate for supplies until her next shipments came in. 
That didn’t mean Aubrey had to trust her, however.  “We just took her supplies two weeks ago,” he replied around a yawn, but then the caffeine hit all of his systems at once and it was like booting up a computer terminal; BOOM! from nearly dead on his feet to instantly alert in half a second.  Just so long as it didn’t result in him talking as fast as the doctor, he was fine with it, but sometimes he had to wonder. 
Returning to the problem at hand, he took a more careful sip this time as he glanced over at Mordin who was occupied digging out the makings for breakfast.  “This could be a trap.” Mordin huffed.  “Trap possible, yes.  Probable, no.  Blood Pack moved through two days ago.  New turf war against Talons.  Messy business.  Very messy.  No no no.  Not trap.”  He reached into one of the cupboards nearby and pulled out a decent looking pistol which he proceeded to hand over to Aubrey.  “Still, should be cautious.”
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mtreebeardiles · 3 years
Sometimes I write things: Masterlist
Mass Effect Trilogy
What Comes After (Post-War fics)
Intangible Things - Clone Shepard (Shawn); Complete
Recovery - Male Shepard (Everett) x Kaidan; Complete
The Thought that Counts - Clone Shepard (Shawn) x Major Coats; one-shot, Complete
These Ineffable Somethings - Multiple; fluffier one-shots, In Progress
Restoration - Clone Shepard (Shawn) x Major (Leigh) Coats; In Progress
Docking Requests - Steve Cortez, James Vega; one-shot, Complete
Stories from the Normandy (Trilogy fic collection)
Mystery Requisitions - ME1 era, SR-1 crew; one-shot, Complete
Kiss-Buddy - ME1 era, SR-1 crew; one-shot, Complete
A Ten on the Hug Scale - ME3 era, Ashley Williams x Piper Shepard (OC); one-shot, Complete
Biotic Theory - ME1 era, Male Shepard (Everett) x Kaidan; Complete No Matter What - ME 2 to ME3, Male Shepard (Everett) x Kaidan; Complete Ghosts - Pre-ME1 to ME1, Male Shepard (Everett); In Progress Lost Horizons - ME2 era, SR-2 crew; Male Shepard (Everett) x Kaidan; Miranda Lawson, In Progress
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Other Stars Than These
The Paths You Take - Scott Ryder x Reyes Vidal; In progress
Echoes, Interludes, and Paths Not Taken (alternate takes & one-shots)
Reassessments - Cora Harper; one-shot, Complete
Knowing - Scott Ryder x Reyes Vidal; one-shot, Complete The People You Meet on Omega - Reyes Vidal, Everett Shepard; pre-Andromeda one-shot, Complete
Safe House - Avitus Rix x Macen Barro; pre-Andromeda one-shot, Complete
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tiny-banana-time · 2 years
3 and or 20 for holding hands?
I just had one of those rare writing moments where words come out? Like, all in a row? And I'm mostly happy with them? Weird shit idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3) cold hands in warm hands
He's always found himself amazed at the details the brain decides to register while under distress. Innocuous, insignificant observations brought forth, demanding your attention, saying "hey, look at this" when you should be concentrating on the man beside you – on his current oxygen levels and blood pressure, on the shallow, shivering rise and fall of his chest in his undersuit.
The brain chooses instead to guide your thoughts to the last time you held someone's hand in your own – a terrified teenager in a docking bay, dumped for thinking service was your best option at that stage in life.
Then it tricks you into remembering a late summer's night years prior, your world burning around you and your sister limp in your arms. But no, silly, you didn't hold her hand as she passed – no, you had your arms wrapped around her torso, hugging her to your chest and feeling her last breath on your shoulder. There was no hand holding that night. You're misremembering.
So you drag your attention to the present, to the hand in your own: freezing cold where it once radiated heat, pale where it used to be a wonderful light brown, and still where it had so recently danced beside you – an elegance you dream to possess controlling a power you strive to control with such grace.
Your own hands are so warm, the insides of your greaves still sweat-damp on the floor beside you, and try as you do to force the heat out through a slick palm and shaking fingers into the icy skin they surround, his remain cold.
The brain circles back around to inform you that he's not cold as death, anyway. No, no that is a much stronger cold with a presence all its own, where this chill seeps to the bone but lacks finality. You remember that cold, don't you? It's unlike anything you've felt since that night kneeling at the edge of the corn field. Unlike the cold of your squadmate's armor, as there was no flesh left to comfort after the monster had its say. Unlike anything you ever hope to encounter again.
This is different. This cold hand still holds hope, still has dark energy trickling through it, still attempts a weak grip when the body attached stirs itself from a restless slumber amongst waves of pain and pain killers. You grip it back, firmly but gently, soothing, reassuring that you're about to dock and the doctor is awaiting your return. This one has your best interests in mind. This one heals with the kindness of his heart and the precision of his tools – no ulterior motive, no new hardware fit for your system, and no instructions to keep you awake and talking while they hook you up to become a weapon.
No, this one is a friend, you assure, just as you are a friend.
As the shuttle begins docking procedures and the frantic shuffle of bodies around him snaps Jay back to the now, he forces himself to focus on the details that matter.
Kaidan is alive. The bleeding has mostly stopped. His O2 levels are low, but acceptable. His heart rate is steady. Warmth is returning to a still cold, but no longer frigid, hand.
A hand that Jay doesn't want to let go of.
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bluerose5 · 2 years
Tag Meme
Was tagged by @mtreebeardiles 😁
Let's see, I'm keeping it short this time and tagging @acrylicsalts-inspo @yellingaboutmasseffect @spookyvalentine @missysdiabolicalmusings @angstyastro — Only if you're interested!
What is your total posted word count on AO3?
How often do you write?
Do you have a routine for writing?
What’s your favorite tropes/pairing?
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
Your fic with the most kudos?
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
Now something you do like?
Answers under the cut!
What is your total posted word count on AO3?
How often do you write?
It really depends on my energy levels. Typically, every week at least when writing is going good. But sometimes breaks are necessary, and when writer's block hits it could be months.
Do you have a routine for writing?
Not really. I'll just use whatever is comfortable in the moment (tablet, computer, phone) to write my fics. I'm trying to get better about writing certain scenes and ideas down as they come to me because I'll forget it in a heartbeat. 😅
If I don't have time to write it, usually I'll take detailed notes of the scene and fill in the blanks later.
What’s your favorite tropes/pairing?
I'm copying Miles' homework and saying Found Family and the Charming Rogue. Both are my weaknesses. Oh, and whatever the hell the DA2 crew has going on because that is something all on its own.
Pairings? Need I even state the obvious? ZevWarden, of course! Reyder is another. Shakarios (had to throw in my poly ship) and Shenko for the Trilogy. Symbrock for my non-ME/DA ship. This is far from being comprehensive. These are just the first that come to mind. 😂
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
At first, I thought "no" but then I remembered my symbrock fic Scarred, which I believe was my first time ever posting a fic with a trans character. I was always worried about screwing something up, but it was so well-received and it's so sweet and I love it so much. Ah! 🥺
Your fic with the most kudos?
A Moment in Between, but I'd rather not link, since I'm not really in that fandom anymore.
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
Probably repetition with body language specifically. I think it's something I can improve on at least. That, and using the other senses more for description instead of relying solely on what they see or hear.
Now something you do like?
I think that I like the way I've established my style to structure sentences and paragraphs in a way that focuses more on what will get the mood across or what will evoke the strongest emotional response, rather than focusing too much on what grammar rules would dictate.
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mtreebeardiles · 3 years
Writing Recap 2021
Sometimes you gotta leave little notes to yourself, to remember there was still plenty of joy and fun despite how rough the past year(s) have been.
So here’s to you, future me, a reminder of the things you did:
Favorite interaction:
‘"Kiss-buddies," Ash repeated to herself, slurping down more of her drink. Definitely tilting from tipsy to drunk, by Kaidan's estimation.  
"What's a kiss-buddy?" Tali's voice chimed in as she slid into the seat beside Ash. Garrus had wandered off to see what dextro drinks he could scrounge up for them. 
 "It's like a fuck-buddy but just for kissing," Ash informed her. Shepard ran a hand over his face.  
"I caught the Commander making out with his kiss-buddy," Ash went on, as if the context were crucial to Tali's understanding.  
The quarian perked up, intrigued. 
"Oooh, are they cute?" 
"Very," Ash replied with a sage nod. 
“Oh my god," Shepard murmured under his breath.’
--from Kiss-Buddy
Favorite Unexpected Character: Shawn Shepard (clone), from Intangible Things
‘Time. A nebulous concept on the best of days, both too finite and too much, moments stretched to eternity or cut far too short, but he knew he wanted more of it, as much as he could grasp, more time to just…
Be someone, be something, other than the clone of Commander Shepard, a person in his own right, with a name to correct the inevitable questions, the inescapable comparisons, an assertion of himself, a defiant declaration that he fucking mattered.’
Favorite “Family” Pairing: Everett & Shawn Shepard 
‘"Heard you've visited me a few times," Everett murmured, shifting on the bed. He sounded increasingly awake, and his gaze was steady. 
"…yeah." He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, caught in that gray scrutiny. "Figured I'd make myself useful, I guess. Donate blood or whatever, since you went and lost so much."
This prompted another laugh, though softer, maybe in an attempt to spare his poor ribs. He glanced up to see him smirking at him again. 
"What?" he demanded, defensive without knowing why. 
"I normally don't require a blood offering but," Everett replied, a teasing, mischievous glint in his eyes. "welcome to the Cult."
He stared at him, mouth agape, for a long, long moment. 
"You're such a dick," he said at last, trying and largely failing to hide his smile.’
--Intangible Things
Favorite Romantic Pairing: Scott Ryder & Reyes Vidal
‘The last song drew to a close, and his awareness trickled back in gradually. Normally he'd be concerned at how simple it had been for Scott to so thoroughly distract him, to rip through his careful caution, but it was hard to care with Scott's cheek pressed to his, the rough stubble of his beard catching against his skin, the warmth of his words as he murmured, "Color me impressed, Vidal."’
--From The Paths You Take
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tiny-banana-time · 2 years
@vorchas did that "5 songs, 5 lyrics" tag game thing, and then @mtreebeardiles shared songs for his boys, too, so I threw some for Jay below the cut. Trying to drown in Blorbo Thoughts and hopefully they'll help me write 😭
So: songs and their particular lyrics that describe and/or give me feelings about Jay (and probably Kaidan by extension).
So, I'm cheating right away and saying that the entire album No Closer to Heaven by The Wonder Years has Jay or JayKay feels... It's also one of my favorite albums ever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Most notable from that album: A Raindance in Traffic as it's applicable to almost every stage of his life I plan on writing.
I was just happy to be a contender / I was just aching for anything / And I used to have such steady hands but / Now I can't keep 'em from shaking.
Also: I Don't Like Who I Was Then
I think I'm growing into someone you could trust / I want to shoulder the weight until my back breaks / I want to run until my lungs give up / If I could manage not to fuck this up / If I could manage not to fuck this up / I think enough is enough.
Then there's Breathe, Desperately by From Indian Lakes
I was once a quiet boy / Cleaning out my wounds but I / Never could keep my mouth shut / When I needed to
I could try to pry it loose / But the stone won't move / And I wanna try to rip it out / But I've grown to love this thing too much
And then Degausser by Brand New
Well take me, take me back to your bed / I love you so much that it hurts my head / Say I don't mind you under my skin / I'll let the bad parts in, the bad parts in
When we were made we were set apart / Life is a test and I get bad marks / Now some saint got the job of writing down my sins / The storm is coming, the storm is coming in
Also from Brand New: Jesus Christ
Well, Jesus Christ, I'm not scared to die, / I'm a little bit scared of what comes after / Do I get the gold chariot? / Do I float through the ceiling?
Do I divide and pull apart? / 'Cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark / And the ship went down in sight of land / And at the gates does Thomas ask to see my hands?
There's... So many more I could probably add, but we'll end with one more.
Hollow by Stacked Like Pancakes
It's not an easy thing, you know? / When you think as much as you breathe / But sometimes I still fear I'll choke / On these feelings inside of me
If anyone else does this and wants to share, lemmie know :)
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tiny-banana-time · 2 years
Fic Author Self Recommendations
Ahahahahaha I managed to get triple-tagged, so thanks @theoriginalladya @mtreebeardiles and @miniature-space-hamster !
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love.
HMMMM okay, well...
Of All the Bars | T | Kaidan Alenko & Male Shepard
Shore leave on Arcturus was a familiar kind of uneventful for Shepard, until another biotic sits down at the free stool next to him. The story of Jay Shepard, starting all the way back in 2177.
The first part of my on-going long fic, where Kaidan and Shepard meet just before Shepard goes to Akuze. The most I’ve ever written for a single story, and it’s just scratching the surface for these two.
Steady Hands | M | Kaidan Alenko & Male Shepard
One mission, 50 dead squad mates, two months of paperwork and therapy, and one new assignment. Jay makes it off of Akuze -- the only member of his squad to do so -- and now has to figure out how to accept that.
Part two of the long fic: Akuze and the aftermath. There’s a couple of OCs here that I’ve absolutely fallen in love with, and am pretty proud of.
A Time and Place | T | MShenko
Sometimes the clearest memories are the ones you choose. Sometimes they are the ones you would not.
A different kind of study from the POV of Kaidan over the years, and the various moments that stick out in his memory.
Hiding Their Face (prompt) | T | MShenko
A fluffy prompt that really encapsulates Jay & Kaidan’s new relationship (and overall) awkwardness. Secrets are hard to keep from mom.
Kitchen Counter Make-Out (prompt) | T | MShenko
Another silly little one that takes place during the same shore leave as the above prompt. Nothing like being caught by the parents.
Boy howdy, I just love naming and writing summaries 🙃
I guess I’ll tag uhhhhh @urdnotflexthejedibard @fictiveprophet and @anaisonfire (why is tagging people so hard asdfkasdj)
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