nightklok · 1 year
MTL Rarepair Month 2023
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After a long wait, the calendar for Rarepair Month is here for May 1-27! Thank you as well for those who participated in the survey! I tried to keep in mind of everyone's suggestions!
What is Rarepair Month?
From May 1-27, this event is dedicated not only to unpopular and rarer type of ships, but to any rare pair platonic/romantic!
As doing daily challenges may not possible for some, I am including weekly challenges!
Each week has a theme, and you can use that however you want to! You can replace a day’s theme with a weekly theme, write one fic per weekly theme each week, center a theme around the challenges, anything you want! How you complete this challenge is up to you!
Excluded Pairings
Note: While these pairings are excluded, you are allowed to write OT3s of these popular ships (Ex: Charles, Pickles, and Nathan). The decision to exclude these pairings was based on AO3’s relationship tags (the pairings with over 100 fics) and just general fandom knowledge.
Skwistok (Skwisgaar Skwigelf/Toki Wartooth)
Nickles (Nathan Explosion/Pickles the Drummer)
Narles (Nathan Explosion/Charles Foster Offdensen)
Chickles (Charles Foster Offdensen/Pickles the Drummer)
Can I post content somewhere else other than Tumblr/AO3?
Yes, you can! I might only see the challenges on tumblr, AO3, and Instagram but you can always double post to get more traction!
What is the hashtag?
please use the tag #MTLRarePair2023! (Optional but encouraged!)
Do I have to do all 27 days/Do I have to complete the weekly challenges?
It’s all entirely up to you! If you want to do one over the other, both, and/or work on them separately it’s up to you! You are not obligated to do all 27 days or all 4 weekly challenges. The point of this challenge is to have fun so where’s the fun in being stressed out?
Can I write crossover pairings? (I.E Nathan Explosion x Eddie Briggs from Brutal Legend) Self-inserts/OC x character pairings?
Of course! It wouldn’t be a rare pair event without some crossover or OC pairings now wouldn’t it?
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me, but remember there is no limit to this, just do what will make this fun and easier for you! Good luck!! (Any questions will be tagged as #MTLrarepair2023qanda so be sure to check that out if you wanna see if your question has been answered!
Social Media Links
You are free to post anywhere outside of tumblr and what i'm linking below but here is some sites where I'll be checking out the content!
AO3 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/MTL_RPM_2023
When you edit your works, make sure to add this to Collections: MTL_RPM_2023
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nightklok/status/1646857331991248896?s=46&t=dEbe-5kzzkXRk_nG60esmg
Instagram: @/mtlrarepairmonth
The Prompts:
Week 1 (1-6): Movie Premiere
As anticipation over the new movie comes near, what are your predictions? Or wish fulfillment? Alternatively, what are some movies, songs, etc you want to write a fic based around? Or some movie you can see your rarepair fitting well in?
Day 1: The Opening Act: How would the first scene or first act begin? Any establishing characters making an appearance? Alternatively, use this to post the first chapter, scene, etc to any series, fic, comic, etc! 
Alternative Prompt: Movie night
Day 2:  The Soundtrack: Using any song that reminds you of the film, write a fic based around the song!
Alternative Prompt: Dancing in the Rain
Day 3: The conflict: There can’t be any movie without some conflict so what is your prediction for the conflict? Is it a misunderstanding? Doomstar related?
Alternative Prompt: Final Words
Day 4: The Endgame Couple: What is the moment that makes it official your rarepair will be canon?
Alternative Prompt: What could’ve been
Day 5:  The Finale:
Alternative Prompt: Confessions
Day 6:  The sequel: You can use this day to write about any potential sequel ideas you might have or alternatively, something you wanted to write that fits this week’s theme!
Alternative Prompt: After the War
Week 2 (7-13) The Forgotten:
A week dedicated to the minor characters, background characters, anyone you feel should’ve gotten more screen time. While the main cast is allowed, try to make the other characters the main character/focus point of the story.
Day 7: Remake- recreate an episode, scene, season, or anything really into your rarepair- give them the love they deserve 
Alternative Prompt: Birthday Wish
Day 8: Anti-hero/Villain Redemption: Maybe the villains were onto something-maybe they can be fixed
Alternative Prompt: Forgiveness
Day 9: Female Exclusive: I can’t exclude the main cast because there is no females, diversity win 
Day 10: Background Character Unveil: Find a background character (someone with NO lines or importance) and basically treat them as an OC-free design template- alternatively, create your own background character
Alternative Prompt:  Road trip
Day 11:  Side Character Exclusive: While the focus is side characters (characters who appear occuringly or at least in more than one episode), you are free to use one-shot characters as well!
Day 12: OC Exclusive: It can be OC/ OC, OC/Character, whatever you want as long as an OC is the main character! For an extra challenge: Make someone's day by writing their OC!
Day 13: Free Space 
Alternative Prompt: New Rarepair (make up a ship that has 0 tags on tumblr/AO3 or use one you’ve never written)
Week 3 (14-20) Alternate Universe:
Alternative Universes and Rarepairs go hand in hand so why not dedicate a week exploring that? Perhaps there's even an AU of an AU with your rarepair you want to explore or you've always wanted to write an AU that wouldn't have worked for your plot. Use this week's theme to go outside the box a little and explore the various possibilities you can do!
Day 14: Florist & Tattoo Artist AU / Coffee Shop AU
Alternative Prompt: First Date
Day 15: Fantasy/Magic
Alternative Prompt: Childhood
Day 16: Monsters 
Alternative Prompt: Costume Party
Day 17: Hanahaki: A disease where flowers will grow in the heart of the infected from unrequited love. The cure can be to either surgically remove the roots but risk death or never feeling attraction towards the person again or confess/have the love turn requited.
Alternative Prompt: Flowers  
Day 18: College/High School
Alternative Prompt: Graduation
Day 19: Fairytale 
Alternative Prompt: Soulmates
Day 20: Free Space 
Alternative Prompt: First Meeting
Week 4 (21-27) General Week:
With this month coming to close, try to write about more of the simpler things in life. The domestic stuff that you may have been avoiding to write. Use this week to try out new rarepairs by using any day/alternative prompts you didn't get to use.
But for those looking for something a little more fun to end the daily prompts on, I've used obscure/outdated tropes for the alternative prompts that you are more than free to use!
Day 1: Proposal
Alternative Prompt: College Radio
Day 2: Concert
Alternative Prompt:  Unwanted Gift Trope
Day 3: Domestic Life
Alternative Prompt: Telephone Booth
Day 4: Eras (80s,90s,00s, etc)
Alternative Prompt: Waterbeds
Day 5: Double Date
Alternative Prompt: Video Store
Day 6: Wedding
Alternative Prompt: Miscommunication 
Day 7: Free Space
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chordsykat · 1 year
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Good morning, MTL fandom and a very happy day 1 of MTL Rarepair Month! Since it's also officially Murderface May and Mer-May once again, I'm especially jazzed to see what the prompts for this year could have everyone making. After all, we are the internet's #1 fandom for obsessing over *just some guy* who showed up for three seconds in one episode - and we should celebrate that in every way :D
I have something slightly on-brand and slightly not, this morning. It hits me today as I think about the passage of time, and how the cast might have aged since their debut in 2007 to today, the (probable) year of the movie-finale...
To that end, here's a personal piece - not romance this time - older Nita and what I think she'd "canonically" look like this year. And she's hugging someone I haven't drawn her with in a very long time - her absurdly tall son, Casper. :)
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exclectical · 1 year
THEME: Rarepair Month 2023: Rain/(AND soundtrack, I guess, ehe) RARE-PAIRING: Caj and Centaur-Skwisgaar WARNINGS: None unless you don’t like the idea of people marrying and procreating with monster types (no adult content) NOTES: I’m NOT sorry
Skwisgaar Skwigelf, world’s fastest centaur, made his second circle around the entrance to the hospital. The OB wing’s pickup/dropoff area offered benches and complimentary wheelchairs to the people who had to, or preferred to wait outside, but alas; there was no place to park his horse-for-a-butt comfortably.
The next best option was to sit on his haunches under the awning, a few feet away from the entrance. He was used to it by then, but he was aware of the stares from people waiting with him as they eyed the shiny white coat of his backside, long blond mane (that is to say, his hair), and chiseled torso which was laid bare and shirtless for all to gawk at. The showman in him made his pectorals do a little dance for the crowd.
“Let me guess,” came the voice of his wife as she interrupted his flexing, “t’ey did not let you in because you are not wearing clothes, again.”
“I ams.” He proved it by pointing to his leather arm-bands. Then, his eyes got wider and he danced to to his feet (all four of them). “SOOooooo?”
She gave him a knowing smirk and rolled her eyes. “As usual, t’ey don’t know if I should be seeing a doctor or a vet, but yes. Six weeks pregnant.”
“Hah!” He whinnied, pumping a fist, “Knews it. We gets you de best hays to sleeps in, and de bests oats for eatings...”
“Skwisgaar, I remind you I am a person.” Caj said, clapping his horse-shoulder. “I would rather sleep in our bed and eat ‘uman food.”
“Oh. Ja, rights. Suppose dat am fine too!”
He lifted her up and placed her on his back, petting strands of auburn to the space behind her ears. She pulled herself closer, onto his withers and he turned as much of his human body around as he could so they might embrace. They shared a single, sweet kiss before he felt her slide back down his spine and into a comfortable riding position.
“Sos.” He said, turning his human-half around, “Sugarcubes and Candy-Corns goings to have a brudder or sister! Maybe we names dis one somethings not so formals, ja?”
“Perhaps.” She grabbed his human hips as he began to move, “But not’ing crazy. I’d never want our colts and fillies to be teased when t’ey get older.”
“Goods points.” He readied himself to trot home, and headed towards the exit to the road, “Hejs, at leasts they doesn’t needs to gets driver licenses when they turn sixteens!”
Then, a loud bang cut through the silence. A flash of lightning followed it a second later. In mere moments, a downpour had started, and the rain cascaded beyond the clinic’s awning in torrential fashion.
“Shit!” Caj snarled, “I knew we should’ve brought the SUV and the trailer.”
Skwisgaar sighed at the delay, but in the end, he was okay with waiting it out if it meant more quality time with the woman he horse-married. 
“Heh. Rains at dis times of the year!” He said. “How weirds is dat!”
================================== This story was continued from/based on @chordsykat art:
Hehu! Surprise!
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pan-flute-skeleton · 1 year
This is my last entry for mtlrarepair2023. This was a fun exercise and I wish I had more to contribute. But I'm happy with how everything came out and I'm happy with my little tribes. And here is my last pair of Edgar Jomfru and Lavona Succuboso.
Inspired by the multiple works of @tuzinator
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Posted another fic for Rare Pair month! It’s a Trindle Monologue.
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pan-flute-skeleton · 1 year
Alright next up we got Dick Knubbler and Pickles. This one is exploring the topic of what I like to call the Forever Crush. Where the attraction is still there but for one reason or another, nothing will ever manifest from it. Enjoy
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pan-flute-skeleton · 1 year
Did we enjoy the sweetness? Good! Let's spice things up a bit. Another OC from Chordsykat and with the coolest shipname of the bunch. I present to you.....Murderstryke
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nightklok · 2 years
Hello! If you remember sometime last June I posted about a forum to fill out regarding MTL rare pair month
I had wanted to make the event around then but it was simply bad timing on my end as I realized it might’ve been inconvenient to host it near the end of the year. So with it now being 2023 and early enough, I’ll pose the question here:
If you haven’t filled the forum, just click on the link to the post! While I have finished most of it I am more than open to suggestions if you have any prompt ideas. Thanks again!
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pan-flute-skeleton · 1 year
Y'all wanted some rare pairs and I'm gonna GIVE you rare pairs. Admittedly I didn't quite follow the prompts and I only produced five stories, but they're definitely rare alright. I will be posting them all each day this week. Hope you enjoy
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pan-flute-skeleton · 1 year
The next two days are dedicated to the lovely OCs by @chordsykat she offered them up and I was up for the challenge. So for today I present another Toki story with Cherry O'Reilly. This is also the shortest story I've ever written for fanfiction so far.
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