lgcsoyoun · 10 months
Do or Die
"Do you think we should prank our managers?" Soyoun says to Somin, who is probably one of the members who'd appreciate this comment. Turning to the cameras, she adds, "For legal reasons, this is a joke." She pauses before she smiles. "Unless we have permission from the PDs and won't get punished for it?" She gives them her most angelic smile, the one that wins her things on other variety shows. If DBSD can get away with this, she hopes that she can keep their legacy alive in some way. But she isn't sure the company would like that.
Honestly, she's just saying anything to get them more screentime while trying to get the members to not think of their current accommodations at this point. "I wonder which of our managers is also scared of ghosts, especially Eunjo unnie. I've never seen her bothered by absolutely anything. But it'll be hard to get past her because she's such a light sleeper..." Turning back to Somin, she says, "Do you think Nahee unnie is the type to be scared of ghosts?"
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