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Oblivious Jerome Squalor meme redraw for @mssqualor as part of ASOUE Fandom Against Hate. thank you!
#jerome squalor#asoue#mssqualor#asoue-network#the fraught expedition#sketchbook#a series of unfortunate events
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Olivia AND Jacquelyn for the character ask game!!!!!! I need to hear from the authority on such matters 🖤💕
My Jacquelyn breakdown is in Vera’s ask!! Thank you so much Kit ily!!!
(btw talkin bout Netflix!Olivia here tho i also absolutely love Book!Olivia)
how i feel about this character
as everyone is aware i am truly and somewhat deeply in love with Olivia and i’m honoured to be like, known as an Olivia-centric blog and an Olivia-centric person (!!), like, to be heralded as Olivia!!! Hanna @olivia-caliban and i are really out here!! Olivia Cali-Stans!!
i love Olivia a lot. so much. Maybe too much. i love her for her adorkable charm, the very subtle and sadly barely-there grey morality netflix gave her, her entire aesthetic both at the Prufrock Library and Caligari Carnival… i love.
all the people i ship romantically with this character
as i mentioned in my Jacquelyn answer!! my favourite ship is Olivia x Jacquelyn x Esmé. Squaleszkaban, if you will. as i said i have a lot of feelings about them i feel like they would be hilarious but also adorable but also hot together
and some honourable mentions!!:
- Olivia x Jacquelyn on their own and yes i wanna cry again - Olivia x Esmé which yes would have a lot of Tension as well but theycould also be cute!! a little like, idk Beauty and the Also Beauty But Beastly? if that makes sense. taming the lion. charming the snake. interesting potential.- also thanks to you Kit i also love!! Olivia x Georgina!! - i also do enjoy reading a good Olivia x Jacques fic if they have the vibe of Joyride by Roxette or You May Be Right by Billy Joel or You Better, You Bet by The Who. like, Jacques being an Idiot and Olivia being irritated but also thinking “that’s my idiot”
my non-romantic OTP for this character
- again Olivia and Jacques. since the books imply they might be cousins i would love to read some cousinly shenanigans with them!!- i feel like Olivia and Larry would be good friends too!! There would definitely be a lot of Larry wingmanning for Jacquelyn in that dynamic lmao- Kit and Olivia would be good friends as well i feel!! especially if they learned they’re cousins- Olivia and Justice Strauss would be cute!!!
Basically Olivia is a Mom Friend and would be friends with as many of the SBG as she can bc she’s just like that
my unpopular opinion about this character
Idk if this is unpopular as such but if she has a neurodivergence it is ADHD. i am Olivia and i have Spoken. on my own travels as of late i’ve been wondering about this wrt myself (i ain’t neurotypical lmao) so like. she has ADHD tell your friends!
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
as much as i adore adorkable Netflix!Olivia who is a lot like Sara Rue’s recent characters eg. Claude from Less Than Perfect, Dora from Impastor and now Nell from The Rookie (where Nathan Fillion’s the protagonist) i would’ve liked to see what the books implied. a kind of bitchy but definitely more conflicted and upset and unsure Olivia. Sara can definitely do bitter and bitchy and conflicted, watch Gypsy 83; Netflix could’ve kept Olivia’s adorkableness but added a little more bitchiness. like, we see it with Nero and definitely with Carmelita and sometimes she’s unimpressed with Jacques during TEE and the beginning of TVV but like. a little more. other than that i absolutely love Olivia and this is one of your Olivia Cali-Stans signing off
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Hello I'm here for the ship asks 👀 some curve balls: Jacquelyn/Georgina and Beatrice/Kit and some less curve balls: Beatrice/Esmé and Jacques/Jerome. Thank you!! xoxo
Cheers for these asks Kit! 🤝Thank you!
D - a true neutral on this one! Jacquelyn isn’t a character I’ve engaged w/ very much, but thinking of these two reminds of something much more business related or veering towards respectfully antagonistic. Bet they’d be thick as thieves in another world tho.
B for, ‘it’s really cute’, isn’t exactly the right phrase. However! I love this yearning of this ship, which I imagine was never fully actualised. Really dig imagining a younger Kit’s secretive affection and tones of jealousy and Beatrice not quite fully reading the situation (does she? is this? am I?) Definitely a, what if, situation founded on mutual care, respect and genuine. Good energy!
Ah. My girls. I can’t give this an ‘A+’ for OTP (because...they never really get anywhere) but this is a solid A. So many aspects to these two and potential for being a genuinely fun, enjoyable energy that’s lost in a moral vfd mindwarp & mutual intensity. My favourites!
This is getting a B, because it is really cute. I don’t know why the Snickets must pine, but I can get behind Jacques both being infatuated w/ and wanting to care for a man who is...like Jerome, haha. Again, not something I see as particularly reciprocated or fully realised or acted upon, but definitely very sweet.
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it just dawned on me that i used to be quite seriously involved with a guy with a moustache and general disposition like dewey and that’s probably why i ship dewkit so hard
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What are your favorite accounts on here?
And a couple more
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submitted by @mssqualor
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@mssqualor please look at this its important
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The Arrangement was very simple, so simple in fact that it didn’t really deserve the capital letter, which it had got for simply being in existence for so long. It was the sort of sensible arrangement that many isolated agents, working in awkward conditions a long way from their superiors, reach with their opposite number when they realise that they have more in common with their immediate opponents than their remote allies.
Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, Good Omens
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omg thank you!! 🖤✨ i can’t believe my son was an option in the puppies 😭
tagging @mssqualor @madamoiselledewinter @cozcat and anyone else of course!
found another cute picrew! tagging @to-be-frank-i-dont-care, @zalie, @padawansofthejediorder, @justmemyselfandthefridge, @blueberryrock, and whoever else wants to!

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Kit @mssqualor also requested Jacquelyn so!! Thank you both ily!!!
how i feel about this character
Jacquelyn is…. Iconique. the start of Netflix’s whole sexy spy trend and only as helpful to the Bauds as the standard SBG adult can get but i can forgive her. because i love her. i love her whole wardrobe especially her leather vest and jacket from TRR and TVV, oh and her motorbike and her whole like, cool vibe. she’s cool af. i can see her being a one outfit lesbian outside of work (leather jacket, grey top, leather pants, gay af boots) and working on a cool old car (reminder that i love Mechanic!Jacquelyn thank you Gracie!!) while some classic or hard rock plays on the radio. like. so cool.
tldr i’m love Jacquelyn i’m love her a lot
all the people i ship romantically with this character
my absolute favourite ship for Jacquelyn is Olivia x Jacquelyn x Esmé. Squaleszkaban, if you will. i have a lot of feelings about them i feel like they would be hilarious but also adorable but also hot together
a few honourable mentions though!:- Olivia x Jacquelyn on their own. adorable. brb gonna cry - Jacquleyn x Esmé on their own would have a lot of Tension so owo- Jacquelyn x Sally though i like R x Sally (i could go on forever abt my ideas but basically Jacquelyn and R are two characters)- Jacquelyn x Justice Strauss i’ve seen as well! i think that’d be cute but i kinda prefer them more as close friends, like, Justice Strauss spoils Jacquelyn bc she’s lonely i think that’s cute
my non-romantic OTP for this character
Jacquelyn, Gustav and Larry. the ultimate gay bro trifecta. also Jacquelyn and Larry (mission bros!!) and Jacquelyn and Gustav (lesbian muse gay artist) is good v good as well.
i see Kit and Jacquelyn as very close, kinda like sisters, and i see Jacquelyn and Jacques teasing each other a lot
my unpopular opinion about this character
i don’t think i have one??
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i guess a little more explanation as to how Jacquelyn, like, fit into everything? i know it was hard when Sara Canning left but like. so many questions. how did Jacquelyn get into VFD in the first place? does she have the tatt? how does the whole Winnipeg thing really work? (i myself hc her and R as stepsisters) but like. interesting questions about an interesting character whom i love a lot so thanks for comin to my ted talk
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Fanfic asks!!!!!! 2, 3, 15, 18, 19! 💖💖💖
Thank u kindly for this ask game!
2. What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise)
I’m very....very behind on the few books I’m reading atm. Next on my list is a re-read of Howard’s End - unpopular choice that I refuse to let die. I will not stop.
3. Do you prefer canonverse or AUs?
Canonverse for me! So much going on & yet so much freedom and a fun, normal-ish city background to fall back on.
15. Post the last line you wrote without context.
This is an OFFICIAL IOU. Last line I wrote has already been published and I haven’t dared write anything since. Call on me soon!
18. Do you have a fic reading/writing routine?
My fic-writing regime is pretty scatty. I have (1) idea and then chase it down. Sometimes w/ music of the right vibe on too! All of the actual good work is in the editing which I try & do the next day w/ fresh eyes - this is also fun.
19. What’s your favourite character headcanon?
Read all about it here!
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Tagged by @mssqualor thank youu <3
1. what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
2. when is your birthday?
3. where do you live?
I alternate between the UK and Italy
4. three things you are doing right now?
Writing my fic, listening to Taylor Swift and freezing my toes off
5. four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
ASOUE is my first and foremost, SNL is number 2 always, I used to dabble in Glee a lot (i know, i know) and I had a Shakespeare blog for a while
6. how has the pandemic been treating you?
It’s been okay. I was alone for a really long time (literally went like 7 months without touching another person lol) but I’m with my dad and brother now, and I got an English teaching qualification!
7. a song you can't stop listening to right now?
Love Song for the Apocalypse by Ira Wolf
8. recommend a movie
Muriel’s Wedding is for every gay kid who loves ABBA and was bullied for being kinda weird
9. how old are you?
10. school, university, occupation, other?
Freelance teaching!
11. do you prefer heat or cold?
I grew up in Singapore and Thailand so I definitely prefer the heat, I absolutely hate winter
12. name one fact others may not know about you
I have a phobia of worms and leeches
13. are you shy?
I’m a very exuberant and outgoing person, but I’m 100% an introvert, plus I’m autistic so I have the social anxiety that comes with that
14. preferred pronouns
15. biggest pet peeves
When technology doesn’t work, I get SO mad SO fast
16. what is your favorite "-dere" type?
Um I know nothing about this but I’m gonna go with Sukiban, they seem like a vibe
17. rate your life from 1 to 10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be
Uh like a 4? it’ll definitely pick up when this whole covid nonsense goes away
18. what's your main blog?
I don’t really have one, I deleted it a while back
19. list your side blogs and what they're used for
I don’t have any either lmaooo
20. is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
Yeah, I’m autistic so I hyperfixate a LOT and I’m sorry if I annoy you with it lol
Tagging @mfdunklaus, @azulasflames and @sweetiepielovato (but absolutely no stress if you don’t vibe)
And anyone else who sees this post and would like to do it!
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My ask game from @mssqualor, thank you so much! 5. [Beatrice] Guilty pleasures Horrendous sweet tooth & consequent stealing little things from people’s plates. Crumbs of babka, weird novelty baked goods like cronuts, homemade cakes (not made by her...). Also, bad theatre kid habits. Likes to knowingly tease people and, if asked, on occasion, will do semi-rude but hilarious impersonations. 6. [Josephine] Their vices, physical or emotional Stubborn with her opinions and advice (especially when it’s not asked for...) but comes from a good, passionate place. Historically can be domineering - she knows best! Weird peeve about being prescriptivist with language use and goes on rants about why e.e. cummings is her least favourite American poet of all time. Not a ‘vice’, but also imagine her with a gap between the two front teeth that she finds embarrassing.
11. [Jacquelyn] Bad or petty habits Backchat. Knowing when honest is ‘too honest’ but not always feeling obliged to be polite, also in the form of passive-aggressive jokes. In modern day, definitely a forward vague tweeter that makes things obvious, but does this rarely. Tendency to think she can drink more than she actually CAN. 🍻
15. [Olivia] What it takes to make them cry I get the impression that Olivia is fairly emotional in private? One of those people who builds up at least a week of frustration and then has a restorative cry about (1) minor injustice. Pretty empathetic.
20. [Esmé] What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
One of the truly sexy things about Esmé is that even by asoue standards she’s mysterious. Where did she come from? Who knows? The opportunities are endless but at least include:
What if? Esmé had joined VFD at a young age (which I get the impression she didn’t)? While I don’t think Esmé could ever be noble, if VFD had nabbed her as a child, I could see her going on a much more ‘traditional’ route including costume design / acting, and caring much less about the schism as LONG as it doesn’t interfere with her personal capacity to have fun & spend money.
What if? Esmé just hadn’t met Olaf. It’s funny to imagine her just climbing to be the no.1 financial advisor, cheating on Jerome & thinking herself above am-dram circles while exclusively performing in am-dram circles. How is this not harming her career? Also fun to imagine her never becoming a financial advisor and just living as a classic socialite with too many ‘lady friends’.
Alternate Timelines: You all know my thoughts on Esbea, but, hey, it works! In a world where VFD doesn’t exist, they’re living their best, young lives in an apartment and having petty arguments about naming their cat. Blissful.
21. [Kit] Turning points in their life
I think Kit is someone who suffers blows to her natural sense of determination and continually resists setbacks that indicate that what she’s doing may, hm, be wrong. E.g., whatever went down with dating Olaf rubbing away some optimism, Lemony going on the run being a source of frustration to her. The night at the opera being an event which finalises that she can compartmentalise her actions or repress her instinctive feelings on VFD matters, which allows her to continue on a course of morally Yikes actions.
#ask game#forgot I had my asks off like an old person#esme squalor#olivia caliban#beatrice baudelaire#jacquelyn scieszka#Aunt Josephine#have some thoughts gang#asoue#long post
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i was tagged by Gracie on my main to do this one!! the nine photos to desribe me one
i tag anyone who wants to do it lmao
also the SBG lady meme is by Kit @mssqualor !!
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i was tagged by Kit @mssqualor like three or four days ago but!! here it is!! thank you Kit ily!!!
honestly anyone can do this idk who has and who hasn’t
not to be that bitch but here’s the fic that not so much ‘needs more attention’ i just feel like it’s one of the best ones i have (that i’ve published)
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hey mutuals associates and enemies guess what
go read this masterpiece by @mssqualor
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