#ms36 x you
lnlightning81 · 2 months
Roommates [MS47]
Summary: Your roommates are on holiday so you invite your boyfriend around to have a staycation with him. Except your roommates come home early and find you
Pairing/s: Mick Schumacher x Reader, Reader x OC
A/N : Roommates names are made up from a random name generator. It felt wrong just calling them 'roommates'
Word Count: 1k
Mick Schumacher Masterlist
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Coming Soon
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Your roommates had said that they wouldn’t be home until tomorrow morning so you thought that you had at least an extra night with Mick before he left in the early hours of the morning so your roommates wouldn’t see him. 
You and Mick had been dating since well before you started university, but you’d never told anyone that information. In your first year of university, it had just been you and your now best friend in a dorm room, but she suggested that you find an apartment with another two roommates, and that's what you did. 
You hadn’t expected all three of your roommates to be Formula One fans, which made watching the races easier but telling them about Mick harder, which made sneaking around more of your thing. 
So when they asked if you wanted to go on holiday with them during the break of the university schedule you were quick to say no knowing that if they weren’t about and it wasn’t a race weekend then you could invite your boyfriend over.
“When are they coming back again?” Mick asked
“About eight. I think Lucy said” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“Gina was asking what time I’d be leaving so we could meet for lunch” You nodded, cuddling further into him
“Sure you don’t want to join us?” He asked, resting his cheek against your head as you watched the show on the TV. 
“Can I decide in the morning before you leave?” You asked, and he nodded 
“Of course you can, Liebe” (Love). He smiled gently, playing with your hair that was resting over your shoulder. You smiled, not paying much attention to the show, just enjoying the last couple hours that you had with your boyfriend. 
Both started to fall asleep in each other's embrace as there was giggling heard from outside the door. Although you didn’t think much of it and just closed your eyes again. You just assumed that it was your neighbours because they were always loud and giggling. 
Just as you fell into a sleep, you started to hear hushed whispers from behind you, and Mick wrapped you tighter into his arms as you woke up. Rubbing your eyes as you looked around the room. Your three roommates standing in front of you with wide eyes and jaws dropped. 
You panicked, looking at the time, eyes glancing back between the clock on the wall and your roommates, except you couldn’t move to get up due to Mick’s tight hold.
“You’re early” you mumbled, attempting to sit up a little or even just move out of Mick’s hold, but you woke him up, and he pulled you closer, not quite understanding 
“We’re early home but obviously not early to this” your best friend pointed out, and you just smiled as Mick soon caught up with what was happening. 
“Was zum Teufel?” (What the hell?) He mumbled, letting go and sitting up after helping you sit up
“These idiots don’t know what time management is. I was enjoying my sleep” You huffed as Mick rubbed your back softly 
“What the hell Y/N” Your roommates exclaimed one after the other, all agreeing with each other. 
“It’s too early. Können wir alle ruhig sein und mich mein Nickerchen genießen lassen?” (Can we all be quiet and let me enjoy my nap?) You asked as all your roommates just kept staring at you. 
“One, it's not too early. Two, what the hell is this? Three, do you know who’s sat next to you? Four, how long? Five, can I get an autograph?” Your roommate Callie asked 
“One, it is too early. Two, I was having a nap. Three, I do know who’s sat next to me, obviously. Four, six years?” You asked, turning to look at Mick to make sure. Mick nodded 
“Five, you’re not getting an autograph” you finished. 
“I can’t believe this. This is crazy” your other roommate Lilian replied, rubbing her face as Ana looked about the place 
“Can someone please pinch me” Ana mumbled, so you happily threw a pillow at her, which hit her in the head. 
“Anyone else want a pillow at the head?” You asked, standing up 
“Anyway, can we talk about six years?” Callie exclaimed as you and Mick both shrugged. You leaned back into him, really just wanting your eyes to stay awake, although your body was fighting you for sleep. 
“Look, I wanted to tell you Ana but then I figured out you were a fan, then we moved in with Lilian and Callie then I really didn’t know how to tell any of you because you were all fans so it was just easier to shut up about it and sneak about” You shrugged explaining your story as Mick wrapped his arm around you and gently caressed your arm and shoulder. 
“You owe us grand prix tickets” Callie mumbled, and you threw a pillow at her as well. 
“If anyone else makes one more comment. I’m kicking you out. All of you. One comment means no home. Now, can I go back to sleep? And enjoy my last night with my boyfriend?” You asked as they all nodded slowly, retreating to their own rooms as you turned to look at Mick. 
“Well that’s out in the open now Liebe” He whispered, you nodded with a slight smile 
“You also didn’t tell me that you were working on your German. Got quite the shock when you started speaking German. Es war heiß” (It was hot). He mumbled, pressing his lips against yours as you smiled into the kiss 
“It was meant to be a surprise for your birthday, but I didn’t want to say that in a language they would understand” You shrugged as he smiled, pulling you onto his lap. You smiled, placing your hands between his jaw and neck as you tilted your head a little 
“That’s why I didn’t want to tell them, but it’s out in the open now, so you can hang out here more when you’re not racing” You smiled 
“Or you could move in with me? I’ve been wanting to ask you for ages, and this just feels like the right time to ask” You smiled leaning down and kissing him
“Of course I’ll move in with you. Maybe just once I’ve finished this year at uni though” You smiled, and he nodded 
“That sounds like a good plan”
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lnlightning81 · 2 months
Mick Schumacher Masterlist
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Roommates - Your roommates are on holiday so you invite your boyfriend around to have a staycation with him. Except your roommates come home early and find you
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