#ms anchovy snuffles
Just made a big ol step in socializing the wiggly macaroni man,
both of my cats are shy and not really handlable i would say, but Mac is def worse. Now he's DEF become more cuddly and lovey dovey toward me and my roommate but everybody else he RUNS away. And when it comes to vets he's not really cooperative at alll. Like, they did Macaroni's blood tests when they neutered him cause he was about to Fully Fight the vet
So I have started a twice a week random routine of Catch The Mac
Cause like,
1) i dont want him to associate being held with The Carrier or The Vet [btw carriers are out all the time and I irreguarlly feed/hide treats in them]
2) eventually, Id like to be able introduce a signal for "its time to get picked up"
Right now Mac's response to even petting with 2 hands is to jump away so we're working on getting Held to just a neutral/positive thing before any kind of command is in there, but I hold out hope to one day have a cat that I can say "Hold!" And he'll let me pick him up.
Thats at least the goal
Given, this *is* the critter who knows to go where I point and specfically identified only the straw as what he wanted from the trash THEN ATTEMPTED TO THEFT THAT SINGLE STRAW
I believe in Macaroni's abilities
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Henlo there! I am Back! From an unexpected hiatus
(leaving job for Probably Grad School Soon/siblings/Emotional Solar Plexus Punch [being handled by therapist; am okay]/H E A L T H/medication side effects! {Remember! Some meds make you more prone to heat stroke! I knew this and prepared accordingly but GODDAMN}/life in fucking general)
So I finally caught up with my Beloved Smashet but i still somehow have not hit post limit
By gracious I am gonna do it
So have a couple cats and fun scrolling!
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