gaaebolg · 3 years
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Commissioned art done for my dear friend @mrwesker , thank you! 🥰
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arch-delusiela · 2 years
❀ . *   @mrwesker​  ♡’d  for  a  starter .
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goldcnlicn · 3 years
( @mrwesker continued from here )
“You don’t exactly give social visits like this during work hours.” he said with a light shrug. “No, now is fine.” he assured him. Xander didn’t usually just show up like that, not without an appointment or at least calling beforehand so it had been a surprise when the secretary had called him and said he was outside. He still hadn’t fully believed it until he’d stepped inside.
Help? This turned out to be a day of surprises. “Okay, okay.” he said and stood from his seat and gestured to two chairs that looked more comfortable in the corner of his office than the onse in front of the desk. It was Tywin’s choice, to make the visiting chairs less comfortable to assert his own power and show that he was indeed at the top, not his visitors. Jaime just hadn’t gotten around to changing it yet.
“Sit and tell me what’s going on. This doesn’t make sense,” he said and pulled out two glasses from a cabinet and poured a small amount of liquor into them both before he walked over to the comfy chairs himself. “Start from the beginning.” Why would someone like Xander need Jaime’s help? He’d never asked for it before. Not this… desperate.
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hallucineugenics-a · 3 years
@mrwesker​ liked for a one liner starter.
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“Will you promise me... promise me that you will not abandon me?”
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Happy Birthday to @mrwesker​! They deserve nothing but the best! Who would have thought a NOTP between two characters we RP in another fandom would have developed into a great friendship? Too bad I don’t know jack shit about photo editing or gifs, otherwise I’d make you something. So for now, here you go! 😁 Happy, happy birthday to you!
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gotasmokeamigo · 3 years
Luis hadn’t expected a guest inn his apartment. To say he a was alarmed to see someone sitting on his couch was an understatement, Luis quickly on edge, but calmly shutting the door. He figured it had only been a matter of time before some organization found out he was alive, and where he was. He hadn’t expected it to be so soon.
“You know, usually people wait outside a door, to talk to someone,” he offered calmly, the Spaniard setting down his bag, and limping towards the living room with his cane. Ada had done the same thing when they had met the first time. “Can I get you anything, sir?” he asked.
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😓 - With their worst fear
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Despite everything, Thirteen can never escape his destiny
Cue Chris waking up to Wesker fainting in the bathroom
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fcrrokinetic · 3 years
Send a strawberry, get a compliment!
If there is one thing I love, it's people who take a character who barely makes a cameo and turn it into something wonderful (I have written several of these), and this is definitely what you have done. Xander is the most sassy pretentious thing I've ever seen (and I mean that in the best way possible), and I love him for it. You are so incredibly sweet and nice to talk to, and I'm so happy we met and decided to write together!!
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gaaebolg · 3 years
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01.22 . Commissioned art done for my friend @mrwesker , thank you! 🥰
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metalbound · 3 years
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@mrwesker​ [x]
The question regarding Heisenberg’s frame caused him to chuckle lightheartedly, brows quirking at the unknown man about a second later as a gloved hand moved, pointing at himself, slowly moving from top to bottom and back up before tipping the rim of his hat.
“Have a guess.” Heavy steps were taken toward a nearby shelf, grey hues - hidden behind the dark lenses of his glasses - focussing on a random part of metal scrap, fingers curling around it as the iron Lord turned his head to face his unusual visitor once more.
“What do you think? Am I a tough one?”
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shadessupreme · 3 years
[From the meme: Send :candle: and my muse will talk about someone from their past.]
Wesker stared down at the flickering candle in front of him, his fingertips pressed together. He takes in the sounds and smells of the local bar, the soft clinks of shot glasses on well worn tables. The smell of cheap alcohol and cheaper people, in more ways than one. His shades have been removed, placed to the side so nothing hides his cold, icy eyes.
"...Oswald E. Spencer." The name wrings a chuckle from the other's throat. His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows heavily. His teeth briefly grind together as memories flash.
"A cold, ruthless, arrogant bastard with a God complex. So, in essence, everything I am. He lives on in me, every part of him. The good, and quintessential bad. Mostly the bad, but only because there was hardly any good to begin with inside that rotten apple."
He squeezes his eyes shut as he remembers. It's hard not to get caught up in the past, as much as he tries to avoid it.
"He took me from my parents and raised me to be one of his own. A good little mockery of everything he held dear. He was my father figure, and he was pretty bad at it. Like a fox guarding the henhouse."
His hands clenched, fingers interlocking together.
"He did things to me. Things that made me who I am. I don't hate him for what he did. But I won't thank him for the nightmares either."
Is he...shaking? No. Impossible.
But the way his skin crawls doesn't lie. Neither does the sudden watery gaze in his eyes.
"I'm glad I killed him."
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hallucineugenics-a · 3 years
"Lost, traveller?" The voice, shrill and squeaky, was hardly that of a concerned villager. It was cruel in its implied accusation. Taunting. It's owner or perhaps owners stood beneath the crooked archway leading to the village graveyard. One, a tall slim woman shrouded head to toe in heavy black cloth. The only indication of life in her stoic form a slight lilting of her head and the blooms of frosted breath with each exhalation. Two, a maggoty doll in a wedding gown tucked in the crook of the woman's elbow. It regarded the man angrily, despite the relative placidness of its features.
"This ain't the place for ogling."
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crowsiin · 3 years
❝ what are you,  a constipated ghost? ❞
|| Fall Starters | {accepting}
Roisin snarled and wrestled with the sheet, writhing on her back as she tore through the fabric in frustration, her cheeks a furious red. She quickly stood up, scowling at the ruined sheet as she did so before turning to glare in exasperation at the stranger.
“You could have helped, if you didn’t like how I was trapped. Yes.”
Looking back at the tattered ribbons of the sheet on the floor, Roisin sighed internally and began to clean up the mess.
“I don’t suppose this is your house, is it?”
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survivalspecialist · 3 years
"Excuse me," Came a voice from behind the man. They were standing near the entrance of a fairly busy building. With the chatter it wasn't hard to imagine how the stranger snuck up behind the other. "Sir, I'm looking for room 4B, would you be able to point me in the right direction? I fear I'm running a bit late to my meeting."
He was leaning against the wall of the building just watching people pass him by while he waited for a meeting to let out. He didn't look important or particularly like he belonged there though, so he was a little surprised when he was addressed. Nevertheless, he looked over when he was spoken to.
There was a brief moment as he looked the guy over before he pushed off from the wall. "Sure, follow me," he replied, seeing as he had some time to spare. "4B's on the 4th floor but B's down a side corridor, easy to miss,." He could have just given directions but he'd been waiting a while, he could do with stretching his legs.
So he gave the guy one more cursory glance before leading the way in.
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abatina, basil, marigold, oak
Memes || accepting
abatina :   is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time   (   due to becoming more educated on the topic ,   certain experiences  ,   etc .   ) ,    or that they   would   change their mind about under certain circumstances ?  
Albert would definitely have different views about Umbrella and his own ‘ambitions’ if he knew what he did when he was younger. If he was privy to Spencer’s plans and how he had come to be, Wesker would likely be more inclined to go against what Oswell was aiming for just to spite him.
He’d still want to go through with the plans to become a greater life form of course, who wouldn’t? Ditch his team for a night and come back a tyrant.. However after that Wesker would aid Chris and the team to take Umbrella and Spencer down before disappearing and becoming his own entity..
marigold :   is your muse prone to jealousy ?  how might they handle envious feelings ?  
Not particularly.. Wesker’s a smug, confident bastard who knows how much he’s worth to a select few. Should someone go running off, he’d know they’d eventually return to him. However it isn’t often for me to explore such a topic because I am quite the opposite..
basil :   does your muse have a love - hate relationship with anyone or anything ?
Chris, obviously. He’s strong, reliable, noble and of course isn’t too bad to look at. However at the same time he’s also solely responsible for Wesker’s initial defeat. Because of him Albert had no data to sell for success after leaving Umbrella, so he had to basically whore himself out as a super soldier to companies like the Hive Capture Force. I’d be a bit sore, too..
Later he would develop a similar relationship to the Umbrella Corporation as a whole. Yes they helped mold him into something greater, but at the same time Albert had no true individuality as a Wesker child. While he owed his newfound power to Spencer’s plot, Wesker despises that he was nothing but a pawn to the decrepit old man.
oak :   who would your muse consider the strongest person they know ?  
Again Wesker respects Chris’s resilience and nobility despite what he’d been through. Albert’s known plenty of strong and stubborn individuals, but Chris certainly is the first one his mind goes to.
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necuncscut · 3 years
A firm knock sounded from the front door. "Lord Beneviento, would you be willing to have a discussion with me? I brought tea with me and some light snacks." Indeed in his hand was a basket filled with goodies.
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|| Random Asks | {always accepting}
Like most days, Donna kept herself huddled away in her craft room, her various other dolls scattered about her home keeping a silent watch until she called upon them. She paused, her needle sunk halfway into a patch of fabric as she heard someone at the door.
She stood up carefully and moved to the window to look down at the man who had come for a visit.
Yes… she heard about him. Miranda let him wander about as if he owned the place- picking, prodding… his presence was an inconvenience, but there would be grave consequences if she didn’t cooperate. She knew that much at least.
Also she wanted the snacks he had.
She silently backed away from the window as the door to the Beneviento household opened partially with a slow creak.
Angie’s voice broke the silence of the home.
“What have you brought for us? Is it fun~?”
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