#mrs lorrimer is memorable for sure
mzannthropy · 17 days
I picked up Cards on the Table for a re-read (bc every time I get this strong urge to re-read any Agatha Christie, I have to do it immediately) and a character asks Poirot: "have you met Mrs Oliver?", to which I went, ofc they are besties--I forgot that this is the book which introduces Ariadne Oliver!
She's such a vivid character, a pure chaotic energy. I'm pretty sure everything she says about writing is Agatha's own experience (Rhoda: it must be wonderful to write! Ariadne: No, it isn't.) Also I just realised that Ariadne's fictional detective, Sven Hjerson, has the same initials as Sherlock Holmes.
Anyway, Cards on the Table is one of my faves. Some unforgettable characters in this one (once again, it's not true that Agatha Christie's characters are not well developed). I don't think it's one of the popular ones, probably bc of how much the game of bridge features, but I think personally, that you don't need to understand bridge to enjoy the book. As with everything, YMMV, I like it bc it's a true locked room mystery and as it features also Superintendent Battle and Colonel Race, it's the Agatha Christie version of Avengers!
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