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marloart · 6 years ago
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👀Could this be another sneak peak for @queenzines? Why, yes it is!
Preorders start tomorrow (May 31st)! 
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freethemages · 5 years ago
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#day28 of #inktober Mr Fahrenheit. Get it? Anders likes to shoot fire balls... and he’s posing like Freddie Mercury... Lol. Not quite in proportion but I’m quite pleased, which is why I’m not ruining it by attempting shading or colouring. Two of my faves. #inktober2019 #dragonage #anders #freddiemercury #queen #dragonage2 #art #magerights #ormagefights #mrfahrenheit https://www.instagram.com/p/B4OFGlHpGGD/?igshid=1evm2b53f3e01
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steckandose · 7 years ago
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Mr. Fahrenheit classical #sticker artefact in the #middleeast #sultansofswing #muscat #oman #mrfahrenheit #steckandose #streetart #stickerporn #ursopornobaby #ursoporno
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wanitariq · 5 years ago
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Good Morning Everyone. #MrFahrenheit #TMW #photooftheday #goodmorning #dp #profilepictures #PicOftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B-1SizyHMJN/?igshid=doy9t0tp0svt
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itskaiserworld-blog · 6 years ago
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The Philippines is eyeing its second title after winning in 2017. Who will represent the country in Mr Gay World 2019 in South Africa? Meet some of the contestants competing in Mr Gay World Philippines 2019 (Mr Fahrenheit 2019). Finals will be held on 23rd March at F Club in Quezon City. @mgworg Philippines 2019 contestants. Link here: https://www.facebook.com/342480359542529/posts/649338278856734/ #MGW #MGWPhilippines2019 #MGWPH #MrFahrenheit #MrFahrenheit2019 #MisterologyByCyrusKaiser #AnalyzingMaleBeautyPageants https://www.instagram.com/p/BuioTbXnv5s/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qsgvfzhbyz29
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killer-qu33n-of-disaster · 5 years ago
Pass the HAPPY! 🌠☄ When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy! And then send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! ☄☄
Five things that make me happy:
My friends and family (includes my dogs)
60s/70s aesthetics
The fact that I’m gonna start sewing for the first time in a while, real soon!
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primroseprime2019 · 2 years ago
Ten Songs Ten People Tag
Thanks for the invite, @talesofsorrowandofruin
Rules: list ten songs you’ve listed to recently
Cure for Me by Aurora
Friends by Ella Henderson
Everybody by Ingrid Michaelson
Infinity by Jaymes Young
Let Me Love the Lonely by James Arthur
Rainbow by Sia
No Ordinary by Labrinth
Ten Years by Ruelle
Billie Bossa Nova by Billie Eilish
Funtime Dance Floor by Ck9c
Tagging: @felixlib @my-cursed-prince @i-love-books-more-than-anything @tlbodine @i-the-frenchiest-of-fries @helpless-hero @alright-mrfahrenheit @blind-the-winds @movieexpert1978 @weird-hellsite
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it-a-yellow-rose · 3 years ago
Tag 10 people you want to know better
Was tagged by: @siriuslymooned
Relationship status: Painfully single
Favorite color: Purple/yellow/black
Favorite food: A big giant greasy blood-thickening bacon cheeseburger
Song stuck in your head: Sky Full Of Stars but like specifically the one from sing 2 because I’m low key in love with Taron Egerton
Last thing you googled: White shirt with plaid cami dress for a drawing reference
Time: 3:21 pm
Dream trip: Definitely Norway
Last book you enjoyed reading: When was the last time i read a book? Uh… It’s gotta be Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Hammer of Thor
Favorite craft to do in your free time: Does drawing count as a craft? I crochet a lot so I guess that counts
Most niche dislike: I dislike curtains that aren’t sheer but also aren’t blackout curtains. They’re like bad curtains and I don’t like ‘em.
Opinion of circus(es): I went to Barnum and Bailey’s circus when i was little but I didn’t like it. Acrobatics re always impressive but I didn’t like the spectacle. The Greatest Showman was a decent musical and I like the songs but i didn’t at all like the glorification of a man who was pretty fuckin scummy
Do you have a sense of direction: It depends, there’s mountains in my state so I usually have a decent sense of direction but once I’m actually in the mountains, I lose my sense of direction really fast.
Tagging: @ed-teaches @multifandomgimmedatrn @captain-stede @alright-mrfahrenheit @goksette @aliceaddellheidde
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acdeaky · 4 years ago
gentle arms (with kind eyes)
warning: fluff (like major, this is so soft) 
note: javi deserves some love (and the world) so here’s reader doing just that//also this is based off this ask that @nathan-bateman received!
word count: 1.1k
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there would never be a day where you disagreed with someone over colombian sunsets. through the slightly glazed windows of your apartment, the golden haze slipped through, coating your living room in orange and yellow hues, furniture dripping in brightness.
the day was long gone, leaving the night and evening time to settle, though that was futile in stopping javier peña from working. as soon as you stepped out of the bathroom, his hunched figure came into view, sat at the kitchen table with paper surrounding him. two snubbed out cigarettes and one light one sat in his ashtray, the smoke circulating in the air before dissipating.
a hand began carding through his unruly hair, an exasperated sigh accompanying it. that was when you decided enough was enough. it seemed that this was all javier would do lately: work his usual day and then bring it home with him, sitting for hours while scanning and reading over reports. it was time for a rest, god knows he needed it.
your footsteps were light as you walked over to him; not even the patter of your bare feet on the tiles disturbed him. once you stood behind him, you hands ran over his broad shoulders, wrapping themselves around to his front as your head rested on your left arm.
“javi,” you whispered gently, pressing a soft kiss to the underside of his ear, “come to bed.” your voice was like velvet, so desperately drawing him to the prospect of joining you, but his head brought him back to the task at hand.
his unresponsiveness spurred you on, pressing more kisses onto his skin, finding the curve of his neck under his yellow shirt. as you covered more of his skin, javier’s body began to lean into yours; his back beginning to press tightly against your chest.
here, with you, is home, he knows this. but in the back of his mind, the thought of escobar ruining the country and everything in it would mean no home, no you. so, he lets himself bask in you for a moment, allows himself the privilege of your lips across his skin as he takes a moment to breathe.
only a few minutes go by before you feel him pull away from you. his back stiffens and straightens up before his picking up his pen again and ignoring your hands (which are still running across his chest).
“querida,” he whispered like you earlier, his voice so quiet it seemed like only a mumble, “i have to get back to work.”
but that wasn’t enough for you. as soon as those words left his mouth, your body was quickly pressed to his again, your lips not stopping their ministrations as kisses were pressed into javier’s hair, the skin over his shoulders and up and down the column of his neck.
still, he stayed where he was, eyes flittering over the words of the reports, blurred, but still visible. the voice in the back of his head was telling him, urging him, to let you consume him, to let you look after him, so good, like you always did. but the inevitable threat of escobar silenced it, wanting nothing more than keeping you safe.
if this is what he had to do to achieve that, this is what he would do.
though, it didn’t help when your hands left his body altogether, the settling comfort they provided disappearing so suddenly. but you returned, this time in front of him as you shifted your body over his and onto his lap.
you quickly found your spot, settling down before you wrapped an arm around him again, pulling his chest to yours as your face nestled into his neck. your right hand rested over his heart, your palm feeling the steady thumps which you had missed so dearly.
sooner than you expected, the clatter of javi’s pen on the table came and his hands rested on your lower back. his shoulder nudged your head, shifting your own to look at him. your soft eyes met his tired ones, hiding how exhausted he felt behind them, but you knew. you always knew.
“i think it’s time for bed.” your voice was soft and gentle, hands moving from where they were to cradle his face. javier nodded, his head dipping down to meet your forehead, placing a kiss onto your lips as he did so.
the two of you sat there for a moment longer, breathing in one another as the golden light soon turned dark, the yellow hues turning to a deep blue as night took over the sun and the moon shone instead.
javier took your hand as you moved off of him and he stood, allowing you to guide him through to your shared room. he was still as you unbuttoned his shirt, his eyes watching your nimble fingers work against the fabric, practiced and perfect.
just before you pushed his shirt from his shoulders, his hands interrupted yours and made their way down to his belt buckle. the metal clashed together as he undid the clasp, slightly pulling it loose before popping the button and unzipping his fly.
this time, your hands interrupted his, gently pulling his away as you pushed his tight denim down, now leaving javier in only his boxers and his shirt. at their usual resting place, his hands tightened their grip on your hips, watching as your own traced up his stomach and chest, pushing the fabric off of his shoulders.
it joined the rest of his clothes on the floor; a visible weight lifted from his shoulders.
like earlier, you lead him to his side of the bed, pushing his body down by his shoulders until he was sat on the soft mattress. you left his side for your own, giving him a delicate kiss on his forehead before doing so; a promise that you would be with him again, you would be with him always.
so, as you laid there together, javier’s back pressed against the bed with you pressed into his side. your head rested on his chest, hearing the gentle thumps of his heart beneath your ear to remind you he was here. the worries of the day and the world were at bay for another night, stripped and gone from the two of you as you settled with each other, basked in the company of your favourite person.
there would never be a day where you disagreed with someone over colombian sunsets. through the thin curtains of your bedroom, the darkened haze slipped through, coating you and javi in purple and blue hues, bodies pressed together against the world.
you only accepted sunsets with gentle arms, watching them with kind eyes by your lover’s side. tonight was no different.
translation: querida - darling
taglist: @shes-over-bored @i-barely-go-on-online @sohoneyspreadyourwings @brian-maybe-not @deakysbabybooty @1001-yellow-daffodils @retromusicsalad @hardcoredisneynerd @painkiller80 @goldhoran @scarecrowmax @mebeatlized @seesiderendezvous @alright-mrfahrenheit @someone-get-a-medic @miamideacon @chlobo6 @teenagepeterpan @spacedustmazzello @deakysgurl @forever-rogue @xcdelilahxc @keepsdrawings @igotsuckedintothevoid @kill4hqueen @supersonicfreddie @laedymoon @inthedayswhenlandswerefew @warriorteam1924 @painandpleasure86 @boomerangbassist @mamaskillerqueen @bhxrdy
pedro tags: @goldhoran @whenthe-smokeisinyoureyes @fioccodineveautunnale @yespolkadotkitty @marvgrrl @wander-lustbabe
javier tags: @chaotic-noceur @opheliaelysia
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ao3feed-geralt-jaskier · 4 years ago
by MrFahrenheit
"Geralt hasn't only done good in his life - he hasn't, he really hasn't. But he has it together, so he'll live with that. He can handle that much."
 or: five times Geralt hardened up to feel in control and one time he didn't have to.
Words: 9960, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of unconquered
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, 5+1 Things, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Has Feelings, The Asshole's Side Of The Story, no beta we die like witchers, Emotionally Constipated Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Angst with a Happy Ending, Control Issues, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia is NOT an idiot, he just can't open up for shit ok he's been near-alone for a century, Emotional Openings Are Not Vulnerability: A Thesis in Fic Form, seriously I wrote this mostly to prove a point lolol sorry if I was too aggressive, Foreplay, very light though, Canonical Child Abuse, Overthinking, Suicidal Thoughts, only once and in the first scene, Hearing Voices, one again in the first scene and another is canonical, Character Study, Fuck Destiny, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, The Author Regrets Nothing
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steckandose · 8 years ago
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#ursoporno Mr. Fahrenheit artefact #pasteup in #shoreditch #london #eastlondon #artsnapper #cutouts #instaart #instacool #londonstreetart #mrfahrenheit #pornobaby #photooftheday #stencil #streetart #stencilart #steckandose #streetartuk #streetartistry #streetartlondon #streetarteverywhere #streetartphotography #urbanart #urbanwalls #ursopornobaby #wallart #wallporn #wheatpaste
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rvde-and-not-ginger · 7 years ago
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Happy birthday Mr. Fahrenheit ♥️ @officialqueenmusic #queen #freddiemercury #freddieforaday #dontstopmenow #mrfahrenheit https://www.instagram.com/p/BnWXiXqhUtU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=231j8g449kgj
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ryrytherynosaur-blog · 7 years ago
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Broskis. #mrfahrenheit minus @justitwyh (at SOHO Gastropub)
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bimbabambou · 8 years ago
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Ur so porno baby ⚡️ #ursopornobaby #mrfahrenheit #streetart #worlwide #sloganart #allovetheworld #graffiti #graffitiart #ryanwho #pornobaby #artsnapper #pasteup #instacool #instaart
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primroseprime2019 · 2 years ago
Oc Pronouns Tag
Rules: Put down any OC and write down their pronouns
I’ll be doing characters from Stardust
Enzo: He/Him/They/Them
Janice: She/Her
Aether: They/Them
Paige: She/Her
Merlin: He/Him
Luna: She/Her
Draven: He/Him
Tagging: @talesofsorrowandofruin @my-cursed-prince @i-love-books-more-than-anything @helpless-hero @alright-mrfahrenheit @toribookworm22 and anyone who wants to join
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acdeaky · 4 years ago
day 13 - a day while snowed in 
warning: fluff
note: okay so now i want to spend a day snowed in with baby eggsy
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you were woken by the kisses of JB above you, hot breath fanning over your neck and the chill that come through the small gaps in the windows from outside. with a light push, JB settled, moving back towards the bottom of the bed as you shifted your attention to eggsy. he was laid on his side, his body tucked into yours as he slept soundly.
as you looked over to the window, you noticed a soft whiteness settling around the frame. it didn’t take you long to realise it was snowing, that and the coldness letting you know what the weather was like outside. and, if it was anything like previous years, you were definitely going to be snowed in, remembering the year before when the front door had been frozen stuck and snow piled against the exterior.
so, you turned your body towards eggsy’s, the two of you moving in a way that’s been practised many mornings over before you landed in a comfortable position. his warmth was nice, welcoming, against the chill that threatened to trail down your back.
“baby, wake up.” you whispered into eggsy’s ear quietly, stroking a few pieces of hair that had fallen onto his face. he let out a small groan while snuggling closer into your skin, his hands wrapping themselves tighter around your body.
“eggsy, it’s snowing.” even that didn’t motivate him to move. this time, he just sighed, mumbling something incoherent into your neck. “i can’t hear you.” you giggled.
“i said,” he started, pulling his face away from you as he rolled onto his back, pulling you down with him so you were laid on your side pressed against him, your head resting on his shoulder. “if it’s snowing, then we have to stay inside. i could use a day in bed with you.”
“whatever you wish, you shall received.” you giggled again, pressing a light kiss to eggsy’s cheek as you settled down again, relaxing into the sheets knowing you were barely going to move that day.
@shes-over-bored @i-barely-go-on-online @sohoneyspreadyourwings @brian-maybe-not @deakysbabybooty @1001-yellow-daffodils @retromusicsalad @hardcoredisneynerd @painkiller80 @goldhoran @scarecrowmax @mebeatlized @seesiderendezvous @alright-mrfahrenheit @someone-get-a-medic @miamideacon @chlobo6 @teenagepeterpan @spacedustmazzello @deakysgurl @forever-rogue @xcdelilahxc @keepsdrawings @igotsuckedintothevoid @kill4hqueen @supersonicfreddie @laedymoon @inthedayswhenlandswerefew @warriorteam1924 @painandpleasure86 @boomerangbassist @mamaskillerqueen​ @bhxrdy
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