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dlaz82-blog · 5 years ago
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robloxopolis · 3 years ago
How many ROBLOX accounts does Shedletsky really have?
Shedletsky is one of the most famous figures in the ROBLOX community, and even more so in the earlier days of the platform. Shedletsky is known for having MANY accounts, such as EarlGrey and SonsOfSevenless - which may be familiar names if you’re into trading on ROBLOX, as they are some of the most worthful accounts in the platform’s history. On his personal page on the ROBLOX Fandom Wiki, right below the section about transphobia and NFTs I might add, it says that Shedletsky was known for making many alternate accounts and pretending to be various different people from 2006 to 2007.
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This trivia section & the last post on this blog inspired me to start working on a list of accounts that Shedletsky owns, most of which being created between June of 2006 and sometime in 2007 or 2008. The current answer is well over 30 accounts, and I’m very sure that I’m missing a good majority of them.
Telamon - This account was (initially) created in June of 2006, before being renamed to Shedletsky around 2009 or 2010. The account that now accompanies the name Telamon was formerly named Shedletsky, and was created in January of 2007. This account is rarely used anymore.
TelamonTwo, TelamonThree, TelamonFour, TelamonFive, TelamonsNightmare - These are all accounts created in early 2007 as alt accounts to the Telamon name, all with gibberish emails which consist of stuff like “[email protected]” and the likes. It’s unknown what these accounts were 100% used for, and it’s unconfirmed but very likely they were created by Shedletsky, considering not only the names but how the same kind of emails were used on other Shedletsky accounts.
BlankArena, OriginalCrossroads, arena, arena2, RocketArena, Robloxopolis, HauntedHill, Chess, videocontest, Montresor, Swinburne, NukeTheWhales, Yorick, JohnCarmack  - These are all accounts that were used to store games that didn’t fit on the Shedletsky profile, all of which were created in early 2007 or before. Until May of 2007, only one game could fit on a user’s account - admin or not. This is why these accounts were created. Swinburne was for an event in August of 2007 where it held for the Void Star event, arena was made for holding Crossroads, arena2 was for holding Chaos Canyon, RocketArena is self-explanatory given the reason for arena and arena2′s existance, HauntedHill was for holding a modified version of Haunted Mansion for a scavenger hunt event in October of 2007, NukeTheWhales was created to hold the earliest version of Nuke The Whales, BlankArena was for holding a copy of Crossroads but only with the borders and baseplate, OriginalCrossroads was for holding the June 2006 version of Crossroads, Robloxopolis was made for holding a city project that Roblox users could submit their buildings too to be featured inside the map (fittingly named Robloxopolis), and Yorick was created for an unknown reason in 2006 before being used for the “Yorick’s Resting Place” event in October of 2008. Chess was created in August of 2007 under a “@roblox.com” e-mail, and was almost used for a “Robloxian Chess Tournament”, however the event never ended up happening for one reason or another. Videocontest was created for the Humorous Video Contest in July of 2007, and even included this strange place on the account (which no longer works because base64 strings linked to audio are not supported in modern day Roblox). See a recording of what happens here: https://streamable.com/kuxjkk Some of these accounts had no places but were used for contests, such as JohnCarmack - which was for a Giftsplosion 2007 gift
Predator.John123, GodOfSmallThings, john, Yahoo, TimmyMcPwnage, RobloxJunkie, Abyss, MrAlpha - These accounts were all made between 2006 and 2007 for playing ROBLOX without being bugged by every user ever for being Telamon. RobloxJunkie was featured in some screenshots and videos that Shedletsky took in October of 2006, and a profile on the series Webshots was even opened under the name RobloxJunkie, which included some photos taken between August of 2006 and September - these photos were also reuploaded on Brickshelf, a Lego-based photo-sharing site under the name Shedletsky. Predator.John123, GodOfSmallThings, Abyss, John, Yahoo, and TimmyMcPwnage were all made for unknown reasons, most likely to pretend to be someone else. These three were all confirmed to be Shedletsky after the e-mails were leaked for the first 40,000 accounts. These all were registered on one of John’s emails. What’s especially strange is that some buildings on the “Chaos Canyon” map from September of 2006 were even credited to Yahoo, which as we all know - was Shedletsky’s alt. Abyss is most likely Shedletsky, as many of Shedletsky’s alts were registered with gibberish-filled emails, including Abyss. Abyss was already rumored to be Shedletsky due to the style of typing and building, how Shedletsky later re-used buildings from the game listed on the Abyss account, etc. 
Featured - This account shared the same email as a few other Roblox accounts that Shedletsky registered. This account was created on April 30th, 2007, and it’s unknown exactly what it was used for as there was no activity on the account before it’s eventual termination due to being password guessed for having a semi-OG username. My only theory is that it was something relating to the “games page”, which ended up being revamped just a day later, on May 1st. Considering how unique accounts used to be created for each official ROBLOX game (i.e. Crossroads).
SuperTrader - This account was a trading experiment to see how far someone could go with $20 worth of ROBLOX gift cards and experience/knowledge on how to trade. The account was created in 2012, and now it has millions of Robux worth of limiteds on it.
TotallyNotShed - Not sure what this account was for but it’s rank #71 on the richest Roblox players chart. It’s also definitely him.
IpadJohn - This was used for early iPad testing. Here’s an image.
Telamonium237 - Don’t actually know what this one was for. It was mentioned in a later version of Crossroads, though.
thats it for now :-)
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velvetminefield · 9 months ago
I made my first animation! I’m obsessed with @Shan’s omegaverse Omegerton series on tiktok and made this tiny recreation of one of their episodes.
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gagatoio · 10 years ago
Gagatoio ist der Sand im Getriebe. Gagatoio ist das Alpha und das Omega und das dazwischen und das davor und das danach. Gagatoio ist der Dani Fels in der Brandung. Gagatoio ist die Oase in der WĂĽste. Die WĂĽste symbolisiert hier die Welt, Gagatoio symbolisiert sich selbst.
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