#mr. no memories guy absolutely codependent on all of these fuckers who all peace out and leave him at the end of the game LMFAO
yaksinhats · 2 months
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POV: You agreed to spar with Lae'zel
Arthur&Lae'zel thoughts: Lae'zel is Arthur's best friend. They don't talk much, and when they do it's really mostly about battle strategies. He feels very comfortable being around her because having no memories makes him like a fish out of water, and she makes him feel not so afraid to make awkward social gaffes around her because she also doesn't understand the world she's landed in! (He really really really relates to her when she mispronounced Faerun 🥺) Their friendship becomes really deep when he comes more clean about his urges and she offers to train with him to help him control his urges in battle. Also, because he is someone who lies so much and has such a fractured sense of identity, having a friend who doesn't lie to him, doesn't pay meaningless compliments, and believes in his inner strength and ability to overcome the obstacles he faces is extremely important to him and his journey. She's ultimately the person who stops him from becoming the absolute - he can't bring himself to betray Lae'zel in such a significant way. On the flip side, I think Arthur forces Lae'zel to re-examine her own motivations and convictions. He's a walking liability: he lies constantly, and is not in control of his actions, and is actively seeking dominance of the netherbrain she needs to destroy for githyanki freedom. I like to think the night Arthur tries to kill Astarion at last light, she realizes the Smart and Correct thing for a githyanki warrior to do would be to dispatch of him, but she does not, and it really starts to make her view her relationships with people in a new way.
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