#mr. house president and ceo
mtg-cards-hourly · 4 months
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Mr. House, President and CEO
Artist: Joseph Meehan TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-smash-or-pass · 4 months
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27 notes · View notes
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He's mighty mighty, letting it all hang out
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sadceline · 2 months
|| Reverse harem || ft. TXT, Mingyu (Seventeen) & BTS
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"She is your host, she will help you keep your house in order, she will take care of you in every aspect. - President Jiwon explains, looking at the boys in front of him. - You will take turns and since there is no extra room, Amanda will take turns sleeping in everyone's room. It is not necessary for you to have sexual relations but you are still entitled to this opportunity."
The way he speaks is honest but elegant, he explained almost everything with that nonchalance, as if it were business stuff - and indeed it is.
"What's going on?" Sunghoon asks incredulously, interrupting his superior, and noticing how the others in the band are looking at him as well, recomposes himself.
"I said she will help you with the house, but in a limited way. It is still your responsibility to take care of it 99%. - He resumes his speech, the man, with an annoyed expression. - You will have to cooperate and consider your guest a collaborator. Don't create problems and everything will be fine!" He finally exults, beaming.
"Mr. Park..." Tries to open his mouth Jake, shocked, unable to say anything else.
"Any non-consensual act will be severely punished, every week we will come for a psychological and physical checkup of the guest."
I keep my gaze down, am bitter, feel miserable, and sincerely fear whatever they are thinking of me. A rejection would be the least degrading thing, to be honest, but by now I have introduced myself, and as much as I am already regretting it, I can only face it.
"Amanda?" Tries to pronounce, almost tenderly, Heeseung, which manages to melt my embarrassment for a second so that I lift my gaze. I meet his eyes, my god, he's too close, too handsome.
"Nice to ... meet all of you!" I say, shakily, bending as far as I can to make a formal korean bow.
"Nice to meet you." Sighs Jay, I recognize his voice even without looking at him.
"So..." Sunoo sounds amused.
"Is she a prostitute? Did you at least give her medical exams?" Sunghoon blurts out surprised.
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"You will stay at the seventh day. All agreed?" Jiwon, the CEO, instantly admonishes him, hitting the boy on the back of the head.
"Yes." They repeat in chorus, the others.
Yes, of course they did them to me, dear Sunghoon, but not because I am a prostitute! Embarrassment fades in earnest when I hear them say these things, maybe I prostrated myself too much - after all, I don't owe them a damn thing, they're the ones who should be thanking me, since they're going to use me. No?
"Amanda... - He repeats, with perfect pronunciation Jake. - Are you Spanish?"
"Italian..." I nod, not quite sure why.
"Ronaldo!" Jungwon exclaims laughing, advancing toward me.
"Ronaldo is portuguese.. Everyone knows that." Says Heeseung.
The situation is all too normal, how come? I almost feel at ease - I shouldn't, should I? I look around, avoiding their stares, not quite sure what to say or how to approach, but in a little while the CEO will be leaving.
"Did you bring everything?" Jay asks, very nonchalantly, as if we know each other, taking the trolley out of my hands gallantly.
I stand staring at him paralyzed, he is simply magnificent up close, I seem to be blushing all too noticeably. "No...leave it, I'll do it."
"You sleep in my room tonight." He surprises me, after firmly closing his hand around the doorknob.
"Intrepid! - Jiwon exclaims enthusiastically, patting Jay on the shoulder. - I'll leave it in good hands, if necessary you can decide to vote not to entrust the host to someone, like in reality TV, but don't take it too personally, okay? The important thing is not to make trouble."
He leaves leaving them with the words "treat her well, treat her respectfully." He repeated this several times, this made me feel a little safe, perhaps because inside I am a die-hard fan, and apart from Sunghoon, they all gave me a good impression.
There's something genuinely in their eyes that makes me feel at ease, plus, following Jay to his room, under the gaze of everyone still not realizing what's going on and mumbling, whispering to each other, makes me feel quite special.
"Do you realize what you've gotten yourself into?!" Jay asks, even before formally introducing himself. He has closed the door behind him and glares at me.
"It's not like I could do otherwise..." I explain, somewhat.
"Anything else would have been better, those are animals!"
"There's nothing improper about consensual sex." I sigh, trying to stick to my choice, even though I now feel judged and ashamed.
"It was obvious that you were okay with it, since you're here. - He says, his voice suddenly exuding a certain distrust, a revulsion. - I'm just looking out for you, and for the band."
"You don't even know me - I say, my eyes downcast, - you don't have to worry about me."
"I'm not worrying about you but about your safety. You have no idea what they will do to you."
"You talk as if they were monsters..."
"They are males, aren't they?"
Right, he's aware of that too.
"What about you?"
He seems surprised at my answer, maybe even impressed, as his expression suddenly softens.
"So am I, isn't it obvious?" He then says, brusque again.
Now that surprise is me. "It's not all rotten."
He stiffens, looks away. "Can't you sever the contract? Have you already signed?"
"Yeah, I've already resigned anyway. After this assignment I'll leave Korea and also leave this adventure behind, assuming I'm still alive."
"But don't you have parents? What will they think if something like this comes out?"
"Mr. Park says nothing has ever leaked out, and almost all the bands have guests. That should be fine."
"Were you doing this job before?"
I look at him and am offended, but maybe I shouldn't be. The reason I'm here certainly can raise similar doubts, only said this way it's certainly more tolerable.
"No, I am not a prostitute. I violated Hybe's copyright clause and have no family members who can help me raise that kind of money, and I checked, no bank is willing to give me such a loan. I had no choice, really."
Jay rubs his face wearily. "I'll make room in the closet for you, keep your things here."
Sighing relieved, the talk is shelved for the moment. "I thought certain decisions were made by the leader." I joke, approaching him who has begun to haphazardly gather his stuff to throw it somewhere else.
I stay staring at him, he is really beautiful - he notices, he doesn't seem bothered, he must be used to it. "The leader, when the lights are out, is me." He says this in a serious voice, he doesn't seem to be joking.
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As he activates my feminine senses, he turns off the fan in me a bit, for some reason.
"Amanda, huh?" He pronounces too, fairly correctly, if not for the american cadence.
"You say that right." I reply in a gentle voice, and this time he's the one looking at me, though I'm not sure why.
"Are you a fan?"
"Actually yes...but I wouldn't want you to think that's why I agreed. It's more the fear of Hybe's lawyers than the beauty of Enyphen, and anyway, I don't like korean men. You guys are beautiful just to look at."
"Then you shouldn't be so quiet."
"However - I continue, amused, - they fuck well. Too bad you guys have closed minds."
"I am not completely korean." He reminds me.
I shift my pupils to him, then laugh nervously, I know perfectly well that he is not. "And do you have an open mind?"
He doesn't answer right away; he stays staring at me, which makes me nervous. "Who knows."
He's acting tough, and maybe he really is, maybe he was serious about the leader thing, but he seems to be a good person, and it's strange that he gives me such a strong impression after such a short time.
"What are you doing? Have you started yet?" He suddenly opens the door, Heeseung.
"Knock, asshole." The owner of the room tackles him.
I feel the older man's eyes on me, it's strange, they are piercing, yet he has an innocuous face. "Aren't we going to make introductions?"
"We're coming."
"Why does she put things down at your place?"
An awkward silence envelops us, for several seconds, then Heeseung chuckles, dampening the atmosphere.
"Okay, anyway, there's space at my place too, if I need to bring more stuff."
"How generous." Jay comments, waving me out, politely first.
I thank him with a nod, then walk past Heeseung who doesn't seem at all perturbed by my proximity; who knows, maybe he doesn't think I'm a pest.
After all, it would also be advantageous, if they are the ones who don't want to have relations with me I can't really do anything about it, I would have tried what I could anyway, and Jiwon should recognize that.
However, not because of any particular self-esteem as much as because I have a definite idea about men in general, I don't expect anything like that, realistically.
In the living room, still talking confusedly to each other, Enhypen are interrupted by my arrival. I feel like when I changed schools as a child and was introduced in front of the whole class on the first day.
"How old are you?" He immediately breaks the silence, Sunoo, watching me with his arms crossed.
"Were you born in 2001?" Heeseung then asks.
Jake rests a hand on his hip. "How did you end up here?"
So I told them the matter, in detail, and at the end, the quietest of them all - Niki, who for some reason keeps to himself in silence - had brought beers, and we sat down, some on the couch (Jay, Jake and I), some on the floor (Niki, Heeseung, Sunoo and Sunghoon), some in the chair (Jungwon).
They asked me a lot of superficial questions, no one went into the substance of the talk, and we simply went over important memories of their journey as a band, infoing the confused fan me.
"What do your folks think?" Sunghoon asks, smiling at me, all of a sudden.
"They're dead." I answer, taking a long sip of beer.
I leave them all stunned, and rather pleased. My parents are not dead, as if they were, but I just wanted to shush Sunghoon who interacted with me only to put me on the spot.
"Excuse him, he's an asshole. He was born that way." He rubs his face, genuinely annoyed.
I pat him on the back, cheerfully.
Sunoo bursts out laughing, Jake and Jungwon follow with some embarrassment, perhaps uncomfortable with the joke. "Are you sure it's okay?" Jake asks again.
Sunghoon runs a hand through his hair, messing it up nervously. "Shit, it's not like you have to woo her. She signed a contract giving you the green light, you could fuck her here too, what's all this?"
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How irritating this Sunghoon, and to say I liked him so much before. He seemed a bit mounted, it's true, but I didn't think he was such a bastard - although he may be the only one acting normal in this situation.
"Are you kidding about these things?" Jungwon asks, intimidated.
I look at him, he's quite cute, has cute dimples, too cute. I want to bite him. "There are few things I don't joke about."
"We needed a breath of fresh air in this house." Sunoo smiles smugly.
"Should we arrange shifts?" Heeseung asks very nonchalantly.
Everyone turns to him, he is the one who has uncovered the much-feared Pandora's box.
"We should, yes." Jungwon nods, briefly lifting his gaze to me, then lowering it again.
"What should we know? What don't you like?" The oldest of the band, Heeseung, asks again.
"Amanda, you won't be offended if I don't make my room available, will you? - He turns to me, Sunoo, still smiling, as if to tell me something. - I don't like to share my space, and my room is my kingdom, the only one I can have in this fucking house."
"I should... thank you, I guess." I sigh, embarrassed.
"Sunoo has someone, I have someone, too. It would be disrespectful..." Jungwon also sighs..
"So... That leaves me, Jake, and Jay?" Heeseung says.
"You don't consider me? You offend me." Replies Sunghoon, who didn't leave, just stood up.
"Come on, you don't even like her. You'd only bother her, you're also engaged." Puffs Jay, tired of his tantrums.
The peer, Sunghoon, twists his lips. "If she's here that means it's safe to fuck her, why shouldn't I? And anyway with my time I do what I want."
"Why do you talk like that?" Apparently sorry question, Jake.
Great, so he's going to keep breaking it, and I can't tell if I'm titillated by it, even, stomping on the wreckage of my feminist ideals being shattered by a moon too much like a pakistan artist never even seen, at least before the news.
"Actually...I'd be there, too." Says a deep voice, catching everyone's attention.
Jake thins his gaze. "You? What are you supposed to do with a girl?"
The youngest of them all, Niki, shifts his gaze annoyed. "Like Sunghoon, I am also entitled to my turn. It doesn't concern you what I'll do with it, that's for sure."
He keeps quiet, the young man, but when he opens his mouth he puts everyone on notice. Still, I get the impression that there's bad blood between these two, and I'd also be curious to know why.
We order takeout. I feel like a princess, I can order anything I want to drink and eat, also because from tomorrow I will have to stick to their food regimen, I certainly don't want to cook.
"You foreigners are curvy, huh?" Heeseung asks me as I finish my third can. These beers are strong.
"You can leave it if you don't like it!" I suggest warmly, a little drunk, though deep down I hope he doesn't; he is certainly among my favorites.
Yet I don't quite frame him, he looks innocent, he has the kind look on his face, but then he's the one who cares most about remembering what I came in here to do. Will he be a horny fool?
"It's not that I don't like it, it's just different."
"In Italy I'd be skinny, anyway." I say brightly.
Heeseung smiles, amused. "Oh yeah? And fat people are curvy?"
"You really want to do badishshaneing," I don't know why I just pronounced the word bodyshaming like that, but so be it.
"That's cute when you're drunk. - He says, moving closer to my face, and it's the first real almost romantic interaction so close to my face. - Remember though, you live with seven guys who haven't been able to express their sexuality normally for years, so, you do the math."
I nudge him amicably, with a confidence we certainly don't have, but I blame the alcohol. "If you do anything wrong I will tell Jiwon right away!"
"Are you friends that you call him by his first name?"
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The conversation with him is so smooth that we keep joking, until the take-out food arrives. We sit at the table, I end up quite far from Heeseung, unfortunately, given the pleasant conversation, but in the meantime armed with pen and paper, during the meal, we start making notes on how to organize ourselves from now on.
Day 1
Jay, on his day I will be tidying up three of the seven bedrooms, making the beds and cleaning superficially, deep cleaning is still their problem.
Day 2
Jake, I will take care of the remaining four rooms.
Day 3
Heeseung, his is bathroom day, there are three in the house, but I will only take care of the main one, which is not inside the boys' rooms.
They all do that, once a week.
Day 4
Niki, general cleaning day. I will help around the house and cook, if necessary and if I feel like it.
Day 5
Sunghoon, although he was actually supposed to take some penalty that everyone forgot about, will be the day off from cleaning.
The days will repeat, and this way I will not disturb either Sunoo or Jungwon, who have politely pulled out. Sunoo said I can sleep over if I warn him, but even if I don't want to be with the others I can join him in the middle of the night.
"You know I'm not a problem for you, right?" Sunoo asks me, laughing with amusement.
I smile too, he is really handsome up close. "I suspected as much."
"I never tried to hide it..."
He is speaking veiledly, I am proud that I can communicate so naturally, in korean but especially with Kim Sunwoo. But why is he saying this to me? Does he trust me?
Even after eating, though very little compared to usual, the effect of the alcohol has not subsided, and the fact that they ordered soju does not improve the situation; in fact, it all starts to take a strange turn.
"Should we put on music? We are celebrating, after all." Proposes Sunoo, who continues to speak mischievously, or so it seems.
"We won't eat this stuff anymore." Heeseung comments bitterly.
"We should mark a list of things you don't like, so there won't be any problems while shopping." Jake explains, turning a thoughtful look to me.
I smile, am amused, this all seems absurd to me, plus they are far too kind. I have to say, though, that standing inches from Jake's perfect face is quite a generous reward. "I don't know korean food very well, but I eat everything in general..."
"It shows." Sunghoon comments.
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Now I'm going to step on him, is that what he wants? I get up from the table noisily and point at him, menacingly, though everyone can see how I stagger.
"Are you done busting my balls?" I blurt, but judging by the way everyone stares at me, I must look really stupid.
"I haven't even started."
Jake sighs annoyed. "Sunghoon should have the tenth turn." He proposes, turning to Jay.
Maybe it is true that he is the leader in here. And it's strange to realize that.
"Yes, let's do that."
"So you prevent me from expressing myself, that's censorship."
"Nobody wants you to express yourself." Jungwon chuckles.
When the evening finally comes to an end, Jay, before escorting me back to my room, magnetically hangs the roster sheet on the huge fridge in their large kitchen. I wave to the rest of the members, now I guess I will have to fulfill my duties, but nevertheless, I think Jay will not ask me anything like that for the time being.
"How did you find yourself?" He asks me, closing the door.
Still being strongly tipsy, I smile naively. "They are polite animals, I think. Except for Sunghoon."
While I'm still talking, however, Jay lifts his wide sweatshirt, revealing his dry but well-trained chest, his broad shoulders, his beautiful arms perfectly outlined by muscles, and I can't help but continue watching such a spectacle.
"Shall I prepare things for you to take a bath?"
"A-Ah... - I realize that I stood as if dumbfounded before him - thank you! I can do it myself if you tell me what..."
"I'll take care of it." Sigh.
"You.... are definitely the more polite one."
"Don't get your hopes up, about me. I'm the same as everyone else."
"A good person would say exactly that."
I'm a flood of positive vibes, feeling really good, and I know it's partly due to the alcohol but I really felt good today. I should tell Ester all about it.
Jay approaches me as I sit on his bed, looking down at me with his eyes less kind, with the corners of his mouth lifting in a way that is anything but friendly. What, is he trying to scare me now? I don't think so.
"Are you in the habit of drawing your opinion from first impressions?" He asks me, his voice really warm, I feel like I can touch his vocal cords with my ears.
"No... it's just that..."
"You sound naive, though you desperately try to hide it."
"And tell me, Amanda, what do you think will happen tonight?"
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Silence, an honest silence accompanies his question.
"Why do you think I led the way into my room? - He still smiling, I stop, though. - You have more value when you haven't been touched yet, right?"
"D-Do I look like...a virgin?" I mumble, genuinely embarrassed and deeply offended, even stuttering.
"You've never been touched by them. You know... I believe that the method you told us about tonight can work well in bands where there is no deep-seated resentment among the members as a base."
"I-I don't understand what you're getting at." I did it again.
"I'll have you first, don't get me wrong, but - he tells me, so quiet, as he strokes my cheek and his hand is beautiful, elegant, warm. - I worked hard."
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The Senator from Georgia
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Featuring Former U.S. Sen. David Perdue
My new boss, the CEO of the non-profit I worked for, was hosting a public rally in Georgia for Donald Trump, featuring the expected attacks on President Joe Biden and other Democrats. What was surprising was the reemergence of one his top allies during a string of speeches before the former president took the stage. Former U.S. Sen. David Perdue, who had retreated from the spotlight following a huge loss in the GOP's 2022 gubernatorial primary. But now he's returning to Georgia's political scene, campaigning to put Donald Trump back in the White House.
It was here in a northwest Georgia arena, packed with thousands of Trump supporters that I met Sen. Perdue for the first time. “Officially” met, that is.
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I wondered if he remembered me. I certainly remembered him… and the impressively large cock he was always showing off around the senate. Publicly and privately. I remembered how he commanded me to “suck that cock” as I swallowed and nearly choked on the fat piece of succulent manflesh. I remembered how he came like a geyser, his cum dribbling out of my mouth and leaving a few drops on my shirt. I remembered him patting me on the cheek before he zipped up, leaving me on my knees to clean up. I remembered the many times I jerked off, imagining how that big dick would stretch my hole while he fucked me.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Perdue.” I said, his firm handshake and the scent of his cologne were sending heat to my groin, but he looked at me as if he was seeing me for the first time.
“You know,” David said, lowering his voice, “I remember what a hot cocksucker you are.”
“And I still think about that cock of yours when I’m fingering my hole.” I retorted.
He reached into his pocket and handed me a business card.
“Believe me, once I’m inside you, that will be all you think about. You’ll need to call in sick the next day.”
“Mmmm…I can’t wait, daddy. Just promise not to tell my boss.”
After the rally, it didn’t take long before we both found ourselves in a hotel room, kissing passionately. I was amazed. There is the guy from all those months back with the biggest dick I’ve ever sucked, looking a lot more handsome than I remembered and was now dressed in a button up white shirt denim jacket, jeans with brown boots. David pulled back, quickly taking off his jacket and shirt and flung it down.
“Wow David!” I breathed as I starred at this hot muscular stud before me. “What a wonderful body you have!”
With that said David took off his boots. He then teasingly moved his hands up his legs and rubbed his enormous bulge before bringing his hands to his buckle which he proceeded to undo and then he undid the top button and slowly unzipped his fly. Once he had undone his fly, he tugged on his jeans, so they feel to the floor. I could see that David was commando! Just like those months before David’s hard 10.5” cock sprang up into the air and reveal all its glory along with a nice large pair of balls. He had salt & Pepper hair all over his body. He looked the vision of beauty.
Seeing the older guy standing before him in his full glory, we kissed passionately.
"Suck this." David said with a large wide grin.
Now on my knees, I was hypnotized by the enormous organ as it pointed towards me from a forest of salt and peppered pubic hair. Seizing the former senator’s manhood with both hands, I could feel the blood pulsating through the shaft as I brought it to my lips.
"Oh Lloyd," David groaned, cradling my head in his hands as the I began sucking his cock.
I used one hand on the shaft of David's manhood, spinning and pumping his fist over the part that his mouth would never be able to reach, while with his other hand, I played with his balls, squeezing, and churning the eggs that hung low in an over-sized sac. The former senator smiled looking down at me as I looked up at him for his approval, my mouth full of a whole lot of his cock. A lot more than his wife had ever been able to manage, and considerably more than anyone else had been able to handle. He held the sides of my head and began fucking my face, his hips moved slightly as I sucked on his cock.
"That's it," David hissed as my mouth and hands worked faster and harder. "Jerk it hard. Both hands."
Now with both hands on the shaft of his David's cock, my fists working up and down the richly veined surface while his mouth worked over the head. I saw David's knees buckle a little just before his felt the warm seed spurt into his mouth.
"Stand up and take those clothes off."
I did as I was told and was standing naked and hard in front of him. David caressed my shoulders and chest then my stomach then caressed my hard dick. It was visible smaller than his. He cupped my balls and squeezed them gently. Then he hugged me to him and slid his hands down to my round ass and squeezed it as he crushed me to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him feeling his solid dick pressed to my stomach. He kissed me hard forcing my mouth open and his tongue deep into it. He kissed me for a long time before breaking his hold on me and we both panted for air.
"Maybe we should hit the bedroom so I can put you to work."
I did as I was ordered, with David smacking my ass as I got up on the bed on all fours. My ass was up for him to reach as my excitement grew as I was anticipated a cock up my ass. Suddenly I felt a tongue licking my hole. As he laps the hole madly, I moaned in delight.
“Oh yes Sen. Perdue. That is so good!”
David suddenly stopped and I felt the head of his cock along my crack and especially my pale pink button of an asshole. I heard him spit into his hand then felt him pushing for the best angle in. The pain grew as his big cockhead looked to get into my man pussy. Suddenly I felt my ass being torn in two. Oh, the pain! He stroked slowly, working the whole 10.5" into me till his hips pressed against my ass.
Gripping my hips, David began to firmly stroke in and out of me. Slowly at first, pulling out till the head almost slipped out then thrust it smoothly back in. In and out the older guy’s cock goes. His rhythm began to pick up speed as he grunted with pleasure. I gasped out loud with each thrust into me as David fucks me hard and forcefully for a good 15 minutes.
By now, I was pushing back against his thrusts enjoying the sound of skin slapping together, and that hard dick pounding my ass. This spurred him to pump into me faster and harder forcing more moans and gasps from me.
"God YES! Fuck me senator, Fuck me!"
He smiled as he crawled on to the bed and over me. He took my legs and pressed them back to either side of my chest rolling my used hole up to an enterable position. He pressed forward and slid that hard cock back into me. I could feel the head swell as he stroked in and out of me. He lowered his weight on to me and kissed me deeply forcing my mouth wide and submissive to him. Locked in that kiss, with him slamming his whole body against and in me I moaned into his mouth with each thrust. I was completely in his control. I lost all track of time; I didn't know how long we fucked like that. Kissing and panting, grunting, and sweating but suddenly he was pressing deep into me, spraying my insides with his hot cum.
At the same time, I couldn’t hold back and pump wave after wave of my own juices flying all over us.
“Oh, fuck yes Daddy-David!” I cried out with pleasure, embracing each other and kissing passionately.
Both of us covered with each other’s cum and all hot and sweaty. Later when his cock woke back up, I let him cum in my mouth and we fucked again and this time we went to sleep with him in me.
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markrosewater · 4 months
I'm not even sure die rolling exists outside of an Un or D&D set.
It does, though only on two cards: Mr. House, President and CEO, and Arden Angel.
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puckgoss · 5 months
heard from a close source that sammy is from milwaukee wisconsin ,started working at bloomingdale’s in dec 2023 and was the vp of marketing at her sorority
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yes this is all true! ty for confirming. her fam is mega wealthy (her dad has a networth of at least $10.7 million) and is very well known in milwaukee
sammy's house (expensive for milwaukee)
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for context:
great-grandfather is Ben, he started the company
grandfather is Stephen
uncle is David
father is Greg, current CEO & president & chairman of the board
mother is Linda, an artist
articles etc if ur curious:
The estimated Net Worth of Greg Marcus is at least $10.7 Million dollars as of 25 July 2023.
Mr. Marcus owns over 57,500 units of Marcus stock worth over $3,223,817 and over the last 19 years he sold MCS stock worth over $2,147,139.
In addition, he makes $5,342,060 as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director at Marcus.
The Marcus Corporation
Marcus Hotels
Marcus Theaters
Marcus Investments
Steve Marcus marks 50 years with firm his father started
Stephen Marcus steps down as chairman of The Marcus Corp. (replaced by his son Greg)
Marcus Corp. results improved significantly in 2023
Marcus family to receive Lifetime Achievement Award at Nonprofit Excellence Awards program
Marcus Family Charitable Trust
Meet Linda Marcus
Linda Marcus on Project Runway in 2016
Linda Marcus 'out' in second episode of 'Project Runway'
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dballzposting · 1 year
I do believe that Pan needs to be the next Mr Satan.
It goes like this: Pan sort of floats around for a while and doesn’t know where to put down her roots.
She feels bad about it, and wasn’t expecting this of herself - she was an opinionated and willful child, and she can’t believe that she’s lost now that she has the volition to go far. 
Her parents are settled and set. Her uncle and Trunks seem settled - Goten had told her, as to soothe her, that “hey, I was a floater for a while too. I knew I wanted a family but I didn’t know what I’d do for work - and then Trunks approached me with the sword-fighting dojo idea, and now I’m here. He was a wandering soul himself, even. It took him a while to find the sword thing. So don’t sweat it. You’ll figure it out.”
But Pan is not mollified by this at all because it does not help her now. She’s lost NOW - and doesn’t know how to get to the supposed future where she isn’t. 
Gohan, who has seen horrors unimaginable, cannot understand her attitude. There is peace. She can do anything she wants.
“But WHAT do I do?”
“But WHAT?”
“Anything! There’s potential for anything! Don’t you see how that’s wonderful?”
But Pan almost wishes for another apocalypse so that her life journey would be clear.
Videl has always wanted to give Pan many options for conducting her life, and she’s affronted like Gohan when that is now somehow to Pan’s detriment. 
She encourages Pan to try teaching at her martial arts school, and Gohan encourages her to be a tutor at his university - and neither feel right to Pan.
Meanwhile, Bura’s path has always been clear. She’s thrived in the environment of Capsule Corp. She has enough training by her father to hold her own against any Earth-borne foes, and she’s free to be a fashionable and intelligent powerhouse, even more intense than her mother. A career somewhere in the structure of Capsule Corp was imminent, and when Trunks finally abdicated the President’s chair, Bura knew precisely where she was to go. She became the second youngest Capsule Corp president at 21, and she’s on course to being the CEO after her mother.
Meanwhile, Marron has never had issues with feeling lost. Maybe it’s because she was always in an environment of ease at home, where lounging about at Kame House was a preferable and regular activity. She moves on to do something sweet and docile with her time, like becoming a dance teacher, or doing something with flowers, and she lives calmly and peacefully away from the spotlight and off of the radar.
Oh, but Son Pan just cannot find her roots! She snubs the footsteps of her parents, which feel right for THEM, but their place is not her place. She abhors the drama and show of her Grandfather Satan, which is dire to him, and something that he thrives in, but is only FRIVOLOUS to her. She needs something REAL. Her other grandfather, good lord -  she could never compare if she wants to have hobbies other than fighting. Besides, fighting is only fulfilling when there is someone bad to fight - and how often will that come up? Is she meant to spend her life training and waiting?
Lastly, her grandmother is a commendable woman, but after her children grew and flew away, she had nothing much to do. Pan sees her own youthful lack of direction mirrored in her grandmother’s late age, and she is not keen on living a life where she is doomed to repeat that era again. Even if she is already pretty good at keeping a house structured and clean.
So ... what does she do?
With Goten away at the dojo, Pan is eventually encouraged to step in on the Son family farm. Her father especially encourages it, as he thinks that it will benefit her to get in touch with the reality of wild nature. Furthermore, if she is trying to find roots, then Mt. Paozu is the place to find generations of them.
So for a while, Pan lives like her father, uncle, grandfather, and grandmother have; with the elements, organic and true. In this time, she helps to take care of her grandmother, works alongside her, and spends a lot of time with her. Chichi teaches her recipes, she tells her true tales of the epic adventures of years past, she teaches her how to haggle at the marketplace; she teaches her the value of a dollar, and Pan learns how much it pales compared to a drop of rain. 
Pan vacillates in her opinion of the farm. She finds it useless, she finds it endless, she finds it secretly wise, she finds it mysterious, worthwhile, important, temporary, stifling, healing, not for her, the greatest gift, or just boring.
Her grandpa Goku, always warm yet ever absent, stands as a paragon of answers to her still. He’s a wise man to her, and she wonders more and more if she shouldn’t train with him for a maintained period of time. Then she hears his stories from Chichi, and she realizes that Goku had many wise old teachers in his day: from Korin to King Kai, he was always enabled by another. Goku himself is not a contained pinnacle of greatness, but the product of many teachers and warriors coming together and contributing their wisdom.
Pan is not prone to placing any one person on a pedestal anyway - and this is a Son family virtue in of itself - but the realization that the journey made the man and not the man the journey sinks in like new to her. Without realizing it, and without intending to follow any particular footsteps, Pan does set out on a journey like the one that Goku has in the original dragon ball. She packs a bag, and with no real agenda but to travel and see, she leaves Mt Paozu and starts walking in one direction.
She ends up being a bonafide wanderer for a few years. Trudging about with a walking stick. Swimming across rivers. Eating what she catches. And most importantly, solving problems from town to town. 
It’s a big world outside of her big city. Every town has its own customs, traditions, beliefs, realities, and it doesn’t take long for her to forget all about the small world of global fame and space-traveling that she’s come from.
And it really is a fucked up world out there. Demons. Creatures. Pirate coves and booby traps. Man-eating gourds. Bullies and con-artists alike. Pan finds herself in some real situations, much like when she was in space, and exactly like the ones that the young Son Goku found right here on Earth - just some fucked up shit that takes some creative and quick thinking to get out of. Pan learns to love and admire and venerate the Earth based on the suffering and discomfort that it forces her to persevere through.
It’s a big world out there, and every anthill is rich and every fossil a book. Every town has its own mysteries and she does what she can to remedy their woes when applicable.
As she gets more and more capable at hunting, she comes to refuse all monetary payment. She expects nothing in return, but is more than grateful to accept clothes, tools, good food, good company, a warm place to sleep, good advice, and good conversation.
Son Pan becomes the Wandering Hero. She strengthens her moral center and finds only fulfillment in navigating - and sometimes failing hard at - the difficult ethical questions and circumstances that arise. It’s nothing that she could have accomplished reading her father’s philosophy books or listening to her mother preach passionately about justice - these are lessons that she can only learn herself, in action. Her mistakes cut deep and vindicate her reality; her regrets never leave and always steer her straight; and her successes are defined by the harmony of due comeuppance that sings in all parties.
In this time, she learns of what honor and justice are really, and she comes to dedicate herself to the virtue of balance in all contexts. This is something natural to her blood, but not something that she was to come into on blood alone. She becomes more a martial artist in this time, in head and spirit, then she ever would have training in the city.
She travels the globe and finds the definition of beauty in every corner. All the actions of her predecessors in the fantastic stories she’s heard make perfect sense to her now, and she realizes not that she comes from a group of rational or well-opinionated beings, but that she comes from a group who is astute and perceptive enough to read the overt truth: that there is no choice, there is no room for opinion - the Earth NEEDS to be protected at all costs. She comes from a group who’s been courageous enough to face that.
When she reflects back on why she had first embarked, she feels silly. A quest to find her place - it’s shallow. Her place? She’s alive on the planet Earth, isn’t that enough?
In this way, however, she does come to find herself. In searching the coves and corners of the Earth, she finds herself in all of it, and realizes her consummate place to be a denizen of it.
After this, she is inflamed with the necessity to strive to protect the Earth. Whereas before, waiting to defend it seemed dull, now she sees that the point isn’t in the success, but in the time spent preparing. To spend time not working in favor of the Earth is to waste time. She does train with Goku - and all of the rest who are willing. She spends a year with Roshi, even, running milk and plowing fields, and she leaves only because she becomes self-realized and noble enough to deign it fit to strike him HARD for his lecherous attempts at her.
She dares to train with Vegeta for a moment. At first he wouldn't have her, but she proves her determination and pride enough that he allows her to disappoint him properly. She spends a time with King Kai, and she has tea with the Kaioshins, and suddenly it’s looking like her space-traveling days again.
She eventually returns home, which is the point of it all, and her Grandpa Satan is getting old. He would like to spend the rest of his golden years watching the Golden Girls, and the stress of operating as the soothe-sayer and rallier for the world has begun to weigh on him. During these late years, Uub has begun to shoulder some of the responsibility, and he fights for Mr Satan as one of his pupils in the tournaments. Mr Satan still maintains the World Champion title, though at this point it is mostly honorary, because it is Uub who actually makes an appearance on the ring.
Uub is wicked strong, he brings fame fortune and honor to the human name, he has fought alongside Goku and Vegeta and I think at this point has even made a trip to Beerus’s world once - but he is a shy lad all the same, and he doesn’t necessary want world fame as much as he wants good friends. He’s happy to lead if he must, and will find great responsibility and satisfaction in the role, but, yknow, he likes eating and laughing with Goku, and training with Vegeta, and watching The Golden Girls with Mr Satan. He gets nervous on camera. And he’s not a good yarn-spinner. He’s a sensitive, genuine, and honest kind of person; he is nothing if he can’t find a place in and serve well his community, but there are other things he is more fit to do than be World Champion. 
Pan and Uub have no doubt trained together. And TBH they’re not that far apart in age I feel like they could be gal pals. They could definitely talk. Oh they could definitely call each other on the phone and chat it up. Oh they would just understand each other so WELL. They’ve both spent time away from family and have a reserve of pain dedicated to that. At the same time, they’ve made the whole world their family. They are both dedicated to protecting it and serving it well. They have both humbled themselves before the endeavor of self-improvement.
They are both honored to be of service, but they get to talking, and Uub, in the name of paying comeuppance for the grief he’s caused himself, must lay bare his nature: he doesn’t know if he can be the World Champion after Mr Satan. He absolutely will if he must, but he scares himself when he thinks of how he’ll go about it. He can’t help but to think that he won’t inspire much confidence, that his character isn’t luxurious enough to rally an audience, that maybe it’s an ostentatious position that ought to fade from existence, that maybe the Earth doesn’t need talkers but walkers. He’s struggling at differentiating between when doubt is harmful vs when it’s a saving grace. He relents that - if his journey is to be perilous and perplexing and strenuously difficult, he will accept it with grace and graititude and stumble along. If he is to be handed the torch, the honor bestowed upon him by that action will carry him through, and he will become built for it out of necessity. He makes clear that he will be beyond humbled and will know the highest enjoyment if the Earth is to trust him with its delicacy and he is to take it in his hands, and he will conduct himself with valor, and he will believe in himself if the world does, because he would never forsake its opinion.
He’s made all the world a teacher, and he will never stop improving himself by it.
But. Well. It’s just that. He can’t help but to think. Well - he wants well for the world. And wouldn’t the world be better off with with a leader who was already fit for the job? So that it wouldn’t have to sit through a learning curve? No one can replace the King Lion that was Mr Satan, but, like, it’s just that, well Uub has been getting really into realty TV these days, and he would like to have the downtime to watch that, and also he hasn’t seen his mom in a while, and he starts sweating when you point a camera on him, and if he had to wear that hot and heavy World Champion cape he may just faint, and, like - all the world’s a teacher, and he feels that there is harmony in that, and if he has to go up on stage and rally a crowd for no good discernible reason, just to maintain a title, well, what’s the point of that? 
When Pan was young, she made clear that she did not want to be the next Mr Satan. Then she moved farther from her parents’s paths, and now in a circuitous way, she’s arrived closer to all of them than where she’s started. In the interest of finding a role, in placing roots, is there anyplace more pertinent than the life of her grandfather, whose life work has been to unify and heal the hearts and minds of the people on Earth? In studying tight niches to find herself in all of it, in traveling far to find herself in the blood she’s always carried with her - the role of her grandfather Satan is the one role of her kin that she hasn’t yet indirectly and inexorably pursued.
It’s the role to tie it all together. At a few key points, Earth would not have persevered, or navigated with much health or success, through dire circumstances without the spokesman unifying all of Earth’s various, small, beautiful corners. When the Earth at large is at stake, all the forces therein need to join their efforts together to protect what they love, and there is a necessary catalyst for that, a unifying voice that all can sing to.
The Earth has warriors looking out for it, training far in space in order to maintain Earth’s place in the broader order. There are warriors training within the Earth to enable a good cause, in swordfighting dojos and schools that bear a family name and significance. There are business leaders, presidents and CEOs, doing what they were born to do and wearing what they love to wear. There are farmers and mothers, there are scholars, there are people adding to destiny by doing what they enjoy.
And there’s a symbol for all of this, one individual who can stand at the top with solid feet and a confidence that reflects not just inner strength but the strength that comes from serving, and being loved by, others.
It’s in her blood. It’s in her roots. She’s when the unstoppable house of Goku meets the dazzling house of Satan, where the soul is of pure passion, where humility embraces confidence, where love and and devotion is multiplied beyond count.
She couldn’t have become the next World Champion when she was young. Though she was photogenic and flamed with showmanship when inspired, that was all the merit she saw in the job, and that was not enough for her; ibso facto, she was not enough for it, all the symbolic meaning being lost on her.
Now, she can do it, and may be the only one who can. It all comes together. Everything that she’s learned, seen, heard - all the values that have been endowed upon her since the cradle - can come into play.
She loves her Grandpa Satan anyway. She would be so happy and honored to take the torch, and to make him happy.
And she loves the Earth, and she loves the people on it. There’s power and hope and potential in every soul, no matter how small of a corner one hails from, and Pan would find actualization in harmonizing them all into one consolidated force. This is the Earth loving itself. Consider this her Saiyaman phase.
As World Champion, she would be very different from the lion Mr Satan was. Mr Satan had his beginnings in a genuine passion for the martial arts, but he is also grandiose and self-important by nature, and so he took to fame as fate expressly bid it. He is sustained by the veneration and adoration of others, and this served him well as he always sought to communicate to the public a version of a story that was both believable and that inspired confidence, comfort, and excitement. Despite it all, Mr Satan is still the most in-touch with the average human out of all of the Z fighters, and this has made him an effective leader. He is also a very gifted yarn-spinner. As in big fat liar. And that’s fine. It all worked out perfectly in the end. But.
That’s not how Pan is gonna be World Champion. She has no interest in lying, or gloating, or extolling, or embellishing, or fabricating. The job does require some small ... re-identifying of certain events, and Son Pan will not be too good to lie by omission. But she’s not here to make up tales. That was her grandpa’s job. Her job is to walk, not talk. 
Her presence on stage is much less for the benefit of the audience. Rather than giving them what they want to hear, SHE tells THEM what they want to hear - she steps out on stage in heavy boots, heavy belt, heavy cape and says “Alright, listen up-” and tells them what they need to hear and what she needs them to understand.
This presence of course commands so much respect, and it still runs well on camera. This is an aesthetic and presentation that the magazines can run fine with.
If Mr Satan was the King Lion, she is The Sergeant - all the command of her grandmother, all the competence of her paternal grandfather, all the conviction of her mother, and all the commitment of her father.
Despite this look, she is not into the cigars like her grandfather and mother are. She prefers to not compromise herself with substances, and when she does, it is with sweets and treats and ice cream delights.
She doesn’t humor dumb questions at interviews, and she is incredibly perceptive, knowing what’s being asked better than the interviewer - she will ascertain what REALLY wants to be known, and she won’t hold back when delivering.
She is succinct, effective, and at times laconic. She’s stoic when she needs to be, but she’s also comfortable on camera, and she knows when and how to have a little fun. As a fighter in the tournaments, she likes to prolong the battle for a while, and teach as much as she can in that time.
As a leader, she inspires obedience and confidence, and all the world can feel that she loves them more than they know. May they never know, and never have to see her fall for them.
But hey. It’s just the family business, right? Everything will always return to this, because nothing else has ever actually mattered.
And she still has Girl’s Night with Uub and Bura and Marron and you know she’s buying. After all, a dollar’s value pales when compared to a drop of rain, and its best use is when buying for friends.
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siremasterlawrence · 2 years
The Alexander Family
Part 1
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The main man head of The Xander Group Brock Alexander is The President and CEO and my boss.
What he has no idea is his companies now about to release its newest surprise for all to see.
Project Live Doll is about to unleash to the entirety of the world all I need is a single picture of the person or persons.
My boss unfortunately for him has been in a salty mood for weeks due to four awful lady quarters.
I could essentially almost feel sorry for him
if I did not hate his guts to the pit of my stomach.
Every time I see him my vein pops out god he makes me sick and I hate all people like him.
The offices close for a week as my boss is in house again demanding my full attention yet again.
He is not happy with my promise of this new project of course he starts eating all of food in display.
I shake my head in disappointing laughing a bit under my breath he seals his own faith without a second worry.
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“Well” he bellows out loud unknowingly his last breath he freely gives before the lights go out.
He stops cold, mind going blank, eyes roll back and he falls flat onto us back in a fit of panic.
Finally in a state of comatose he mindless
in his action is now a live action doll made to do as I say.
The seeds pop out into his blood stream in a fast effort they consume his blood revitalize it.
He is now an emotionless a total blank white slate wiping his mind clean as expected Mr project is a success.
Returning to the main frame my laptop has a copy of his entire map of his brain scan on me.
“Oh Boss! Soon you will know only snag you are programmed to believe.”
“Don’t worry though everything we do is my life’s work now.”
“Give me your body, mind and soul.”
“You are not worth much otherwise.”
“Billions of dollars and you are still a asshole”
“Payback is a bitch”
“Begin new protocol”
“Remap his mind pussy boss.”
Part 2
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Henry Alexander is his eldest son who by all means just as ripe and foul as his father and second in command.
He is my next acquisition placing a call for me snotty to roll up in his basic tee and blue jeans.
He makes me sick I think to myself ready to be into my next phase I can see the elevator descend down.
The doors slides open with the spray bottle in my hand I hold it behind me as he gets a bit closer approaching me.
Before he can say anything I lift up my spray bottle to face him hitting the trigger as hard as I can.
The spray spurts out unloading everything into his face he knocks out completely falling onto me.
“What is the matter bud?”
“Can’t handle your own medicine?”
“After everything you have done”
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“I own your ass now”
“Shut up and sit your ass down”
It’s not too soon to feel victorious over my ex boss and his shitty family with their designer and expensive clothes.
He struggles across the floor sitting on the chair at last I get to work opening a draw to retrieve the rope and tape.
I strip a tape off the ball placing a wad on his mouth multiple times and then reach out for the rope.
Taking my time with maximum effort of tie him down the rope getting tighter and even tighter.
Smirking a bit I finish another hefty not onto the chair tying him to that he is immobile at this point.
He is lost for words but the fear in his eyes is unmistakable and his past acts are unjust and unimaginable.
Part 3
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“LAWRENCE in here immediately “
“Drop the weapon! Wait! We can talk”
“As if fucker”
“Did you say something?”
“No you can’t speak”
“Welcome to operation three”
“Your mic should come on soon”
“Who am I?”
“There we go”
“Damn fool”
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“If only you listen to me”
“If only you respected me”
“A whole lot of ifs”
“We will correct that now”
“Query! Are you my boss”
“I am now”
“Kneel for me”
“Kiss my hand”
“Slowly “
“Learn your place”
“I understand “
Part 4
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“Tyler CFO”
“Oh it’s you “
“Fuck you”
“What did you say?”
“I said Fuck You”
“The fall so easily”
“They have no idea”
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“We are coming”
Stand up and close the door “
“Call the hotel you frequent with your whores”
“Yeah I know about your activities “
“I hope you enjoyed them”
“With all my heart”
“Don’t be surprised “
“Your stealth is not your strong suit”
“Neither is your brains”
Part 5
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“Now call your soon to return home”
“Take me their”
“Erase old mind”
“Input new protocol “
“Don’t worry”
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“Won’t worry”
“All will be well”
“Good your home son”
“What is going on?”
“Drop the bomb”
“Cease the yapping”
“Being protocol “
The end
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victorawhi · 1 year
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Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, dies at 93
VIRGINIA BEACH, VA (June 8, 2023) — Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson religious broadcasting pioneer, philanthropist, educator, Christian leader, businessman, and author died on
June 8, 2023, in his home, surrounded by his family. He was 93.
The Christian Broadcasting Network announced his death.
Dr. Robertson served as the founder and chairman of The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. (CBN); founder, chancellor, and chief executive officer of Regent University; founder of Operation Blessing Relief and Development Corporation (OB); founder and president of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ); co-founder and chairman of International Family Entertainment, Inc.; and a leading force behind several other influential organizations and broadcast entities.
His greatest treasure in life was knowing Jesus Christ and having the privilege of proclaiming Him and His power to others.  His life was lived to the glory of God.
Early Life, Education, and Military Service
Pat Robertson was born on March 22, 1930, in Lexington, Virginia, to A. Willis Robertson and Gladys Churchill Robertson. His father served for 34 years in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate.
After graduating with honors from McCallie School, a military prep school in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Mr. Robertson entered Washington and Lee University in 1946, where he was elected Phi Beta Kappa.
In 1948, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. After graduating magna cum laude from Washington and Lee in 1950, Robertson served as the assistant adjutant of the First Marine Division in Korea. He was promoted to first lieutenant in 1952 upon his return to the United States.
Mr. Robertson received a J.D. from Yale Law School in 1955 and his M.Div. from New York Theological Seminary in 1959.
In 1954, he married Adelia “Dede” Elmer Robertson. They were married 67 years before she predeceased him on April 19, 2022, at the age of 94.
Together they had four children: Timothy Brian Robertson of Virginia Beach, Virginia; Elizabeth Robertson Robinson of Dallas, Texas; Gordon Perry Robertson of Chesapeake, Virginia; Ann Robertson LeBlanc of Portsmouth, Virginia; plus 14 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren.
Religious Broadcasting
In 1959, Mr. Robertson moved his family to Tidewater, Virginia, with just $70 and a vision of establishing the first Christian television network in the United States.
Although he didn`t even own a TV, he filed incorporation papers for The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., then raised funds to purchase a defunct UHF station.
On October 1, 1961, CBN began broadcasting from WYAH-TV in Portsmouth, Virginia. At the time, its signal barely reached the city limits, recalled his son Gordon Robertson, CBN`s president and CEO.
The ministry’s scope grew exponentially over the decades, reaching viewers across America and around the globe through television broadcasts, cable, satellite, the internet, and other media.
Today, CBN is one of the world’s largest evangelistic ministries, proclaiming the Good News in over 100 countries and dozens of languages, including Russian, Arabic, Spanish, French, and Chinese.
CBN`s flagship program grew out of a telethon in 1963, when Mr. Robertson asked a “club” of 700 viewers to give $10 a month.
In 1966, The 700 Club program was created, airing each weekday with interviews, prayer and ministry. Today, it is one of the longest-running religious television programs in America.
He hosted the daily program until October 1, 2021, the sixtieth anniversary of CBN`s first broadcast, when he announced that Gordon Robertson would be the show`s new full-time host.
Over the years, Mr. Robertson`s co-hosts included Ben Kinchlow, Sheila Walsh, Gordon Robertson, Terry Meeuwsen, and Wendy Griffith.
Throughout its broadcast history, The 700 Club and CBN News have covered national and international events and issues, including key elections, the COVID-19 pandemic, the war on terror, Israel, and the Middle East.
Guests have included former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump; key congressional leaders from both parties; as well as a “Who’s Who” of world and national figures, journalists, professional athletes, celebrities, and pundits.
Regent University
In 1977, Mr. Robertson incorporated CBN University, and classes began in 1978.
Later renamed Regent University, the school quickly became a leading academic center for Christian thought and action, and now has over 30,000 alumni. Today, thousands of students take classes on its Virginia Beach campus and online around the world.
With the mission of “Christian leadership to change the world,” Regent University offers associate`s, bachelor`s, master`s, and doctoral degrees in numerous disciplines and holds accreditations from bodies including the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
U.S. News & World Report has listed Regent among the top national universities four years in a row.
Distinguished faculty and lecturers have included John Ashcroft, former U.S. Attorney General; Vern Clark, former Chief of Naval Operations; Steve Forbes, president and CEO of Forbes, Inc.; Justice Samuel Alito, U.S. Supreme Court; and Michelle Bachmann, former U.S. Congresswoman.
Operation Blessing
Operation Blessing was established by Mr. Robertson in 1978 as a nonprofit organization with a mission “to demonstrate God`s love by alleviating human need and suffering in the United States and around the world.”
Its programs focus on the primary goals of providing hunger relief, clean water, medical aid, and disaster assistance to help break the cycle of suffering for those in need.
Operation Blessing has provided relief aid in the aftermath of numerous disasters across America and around the globe, including the COVID-19 pandemic, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and fires.
Since its founding, Operation Blessing has touched the lives of millions of people in America and around the world.
The American Center for Law and Justice
In 1990, Mr. Robertson founded the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a public-interest law firm and education group that defends the First Amendment rights of people of faith.
Focusing on pro-family, pro-liberty, and pro-life issues, the ACLJ has argued before the Supreme Court and won several high-profile religious freedom cases.
A prolific and New York Times best-selling author, Mr. Robertson wrote 24 books, including The Secret Kingdom, Answers to 100 of Life`s Most Probing Questions, and The New World Order, which were each the number one religious book in America in the year of their respective publication.
His other books include the autobiographical works Shout It From the Housetops and I Have Walked With the Living God; along with My Prayer for You, Maximum Security, Beyond Reason: How Miracles Can Change Your Life, America’s Dates With Destiny, The Plan, The New Millennium, The Turning Tide, The End of the Age, Steps to Revival, Bring It On, The Ten Offenses, Courting Disaster, Miracles Can Be Yours Today, The Greatest Virtue, Right on the Money, Successful Families and Finances in the Secret Kingdom, The Power of the Holy Spirit in You, and The Shepherd King, released in May 2023.
Presidential Candidate
In 1986, Mr. Robertson announced his intention to seek the Republican nomination for president of the United States on a conservative platform.
While he enjoyed some success in the early primaries, he eventually placed third.
At the 1988 Republican Convention, Mr. Robertson endorsed Vice President George H. W. Bush, who won the nomination and the presidency.
Organizations, Awards and Honors
Mr. Robertson was a past president of the Council on National Policy.
1982 he served on President Ronald Reagan`s Task Force on Victims of Crime. He previously served on the Board of the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and on the Governor`s Council of Economic Advisors in the State of Virginia. Mr. Robertson founded and served as the president of the Christian Coalition of America until his resignation in 2001.
Over the years, numerous officials and groups have recognized Mr. Robertson`s achievements, including Humanitarian of the Year in 1982 by the Food for the Hungry organization; Man of the Year in 1988 by Students for America; Christian Broadcaster of the Year in 1989 by the National Religious Broadcasters; one of America`s 100 Cultural Elite in 1992 by Newsweek magazine; the Cross of Nails award in 2000 for his vision, inspiration and humanitarian work with The Flying Hospital; and the Distinction in Ministry Award in 2009 from New York Theological Seminary.
In 2013, he received the Winston Churchill Lifetime Achievement Award, the first of its kind awarded by the Faith & Freedom Coalition in Washington, DC. And in 2017, he was given the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 25th Silver Anniversary Movieguide Awards in Hollywood, California, having served on the Board of Reference for their Christian Film & Television Commission since 2010.
In honor of his support for Israel, Mr. Robertson received the Defender of Israel Award in 1994 from the Christians` Israel Public Action Campaign; the State of Israel Friendship Award in 2002 by the Chicago chapter of the Zionist Organization of America; and a Lifetime Achievement Award for Support of Israel in 2008 by the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.
For more information on the life and ministry of Pat Robertson, please visit https://cbn.com/Pat.
In lieu of flowers, the Robertson family respectfully requests that anyone wishing to honor Pat can do so by visiting here (cbn.com/HonorPat) and supporting the organizations he loved dearly: CBN, Operation Blessing, and the Regent University Pat Robertson Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Categories: National, News, Top Stories
Tags: 700 club, Christian Broadcasting Network, Pat Robertson
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
DHS awards deportation amnesty for Ethiopians
Homeland Safety introduced a brand new deportation amnesty for Ethiopians, saying the continuing battle of their house nation means they’ve entry to Non permanent Protected Standing right here within the U.S. The transfer, which immigrant-rights advocates had been demanding, is the newest flex of govt powers by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who in 20 months has granted a deportation reprieve to a whole lot of 1000’s of unlawful immigrants. “Ethiopian nationals at present residing within the U.S. who can’t safely return attributable to conflict-related violence and a humanitarian disaster involving extreme meals shortages, flooding, drought, and displacement, will be capable of stay and work in america till circumstances of their house nation enhance,” Mr. Mayorkas stated. He cited each armed battle and “extraordinary and momentary circumstances” of drought, meals shortage and illness in Ethiopia that he stated make it harmful for residents to return house from overseas. TPS grants an 18-month keep of deportation and entitles recipients to work permits, permitting them to place down roots right here. It’s presupposed to be a brief standing that expires when circumstances in house international locations enhance, although there are a whole lot of 1000’s of people that have been residing underneath TPS for the reason that flip of the century, with subsequent administrations and federal judges ordering the standing be renewed. Democrats on Capitol Hill have additionally superior laws that will convert the momentary standing right into a full pathway to citizenship for long-time TPS holders. Advocates had been pushing for a TPS designation for Ethiopia for months. They prompt there have been racial issues with how the Biden administration was administering this system after Afghanistan and Ukraine had been granted TPS however Ethiopia languished. Homeland Safety didn’t say what number of Ethiopians it expects might be eligible. That data is prone to observe in a full regulatory submitting later. The Washington space is house to a big Ethiopian neighborhood, with a number of sources citing it as the most important neighborhood outdoors of Ethiopia itself. Activists cheered Friday’s announcement. “The transfer is a probably lifesaving reprieve for tens of 1000’s of Ethiopians who’ve already contributed a lot to U.S. communities,” stated Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, president and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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jayessentialsblog · 28 days
According to Femi Gbajabiamila, the FG would continue to prioritise food security
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The President's Chief of Staff, Mr. Femi Gbajabiamila, underlined the Federal Government's dedication to diversifying the economy by making large investments in agriculture. He said this on Wednesday during a conversation with Mr. Cornelius Adebayo, the Nigeria Agriculture and Land Development Agency's (NALDA) executive secretary and CEO. He was touring the agencies run by the State House, and this visit was one of them. Gbajabiamila emphasised that the government places a great priority on agriculture and food security and urged NALDA to keep coming up with new ideas, such as building greenhouses and cultivating more arable land around Nigeria. Gbajabiamila commended the Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) for addressing procurement loopholes, which resulted in the agency saving the Federal Government N1.7 trillion between 2009 and 2022. He mentioned that the BPP Act is being reviewed in order to make it more in line with global best practices, lessen corruption, and simplify procedures. In addition, he alluded to President Bola Tinubu's intentions to establish the eagerly anticipated National Council on Procurement (NCP) and discussed plans to evaluate staff compensation. Gbajabiamila emphasised the need for more advancements while applauding the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) for its over N1 trillion in contributions to the Federal Government since 1999. While noting that BPE's earnings from privatisation projects in early 2024 fell short of expectations, he pledged help for attaining optimal performance. Gbajabiamila reiterated the government's commitment to developing nuclear technology for peaceful uses, including as the production of power, at the Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission (NAEC). In order to meet the rising demand, he recognised the significance of adding nuclear energy to Nigeria's energy mix. The Chief of Staff emphasised these organisations' contribution to the government's economic and development sectors' Renewed Hope Agenda. He underlined the administration's dedication to bolstering these organisations and resolving issues that they face, such as office space and personnel compensation. Gbajabiamila made the first tour of this kind under the present administration, stopping at NALDA, BPP, BPE, NAEC, and the National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI). It came after the Heads of State House Agencies recently held a retreat with the intention of reiterating the administration's commitment to lowering governance expenses and strengthening institutional strength. Read the full article
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innertravelerdreamer · 3 months
Why are Blacks joining the Republican Party? Part 1. Why are Blacks joining the Republican Party? Part 1 Black people were enslaved in the USA, and U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, our 16th U.S. President U.S.U.S.siden, faded them. He was a Republican president. Naturally, Blacks felt an allegiance to the Republican party, which was the party of former US PresiU.S.nt Donald Trump in 2024. After a time, most Black people felt the Republican Party abandoned black voters and started doing the will of Big Bussines and Corporations. This is why many Black people feel that it is in their best interest to come to the Democratic Party's current US PresiU.S.nt, Joe Biden, in the year 2024. It appears the Democratic Party worked in the instance of poor and middle-class people by creating many social programs to help people experiencing poverty..We will discuss these topics with GO political strategist/consultant Mr. Jarvis Tolover and how he has worked hard to elect Republicans in the USA, Chicago, IL. He is always for hire to help the Republican party and is a member of the National Rifles Association.   ( NRA ). He is a card-carrying member and a supporter of the Republican party, former US President Donald Trump, and his organization, MAGA. He has strong Republican values and very conservative views.I would have to say a lot of Black people are starting to think that the Democratic party has taken the Black vote for granted, Saying blacks will vote Democratic no matter what we do. This is why many Black people started to come to the republican party. Why are Blacks joining the Republican Party? I believe most blacks are for safer borders and not letting people in Mexico come to the USA without following the rules of the USA. Some of the resources. ( Money) is being taken away from US citizens and military veterans living on the streets of the USA. Most believe the USA was suitable to have nations paying NATO for protection and should have always paid their fair share. Most of the country is divided on abortion rights. No man should be able to compete with ladies in sports. Share / like, and comment on this video. It helps the YouTube Google algorithm so more people can see the video Information websites below. Yes, Republicans freed the slaves. They were NOT these Republicans.https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/27/politics/what-matters-august-26/index.html2. Abraham Lincoln. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Lincoln3. 'REPUBLICAN PARTY IS NOT THE ENEMY': Black conservatives voice top issues for 2024 https://youtu.be/L0PaL_wohew?si=LVPo6yQFpZ2n2kGd4. US Republican Party History https://youtu.be/L0PaL_wohew?si=x3c9JKRzWgH7Zpy35. Democratic Party Explained 2024 | What is a Democrat? The difference between a Democrat and a Republican. https://youtu.be/TMIB2C4tQ2w?si=iGx39mIzM2t0Slu26. Have Democrats taken the African American vote for granted? https://youtu.be/qqPKpMyRRt4?si=fnOmTmYQwZXQ5qUL7 . President Biden delivers remarks at the White House — 2/8/2024 https://www.youtube.com/live/hSckeFQ3zsA?si=_NdqE0sh9ws9pTw88. Trump Delivers Remarks on the Presidential Race at the White House https://www.youtube.com/live/iwOvAYvWUlU?si=izLhXdaVCkHrsZiBWE COME ON.TV IN THE USA, CHICAGO, IL, ON COMCAST TV CAN-TV ON SATURDAYS AT 10:30 PM ON CHANNEL 19. You can help this website grow by sharing/Liking and Subscribing to our platforms. And pray for us; the Underground Railroad TV In Chicago comes on Comcast TV, CAN-TV channel 19, on Saturday at 10:30 PM.Help "Shaymar Media Platform." please donate the PayPal Donation link https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=QP263Y7A6QAHJ  Clifton Bradley lll /President/ CEO Shaymar Media Productions LLC USA, Chicago, IL E-mail [email protected] Website www.shaymarmedia.com Phone number: 1-312-884-9757 WE COME ON.TV IN THE USA, CHICAGO, IL, ON COMCAST TV CAN-TV ON SATURDAYS AT 10:30 PM ON CHANNEL 19. You can help this website grow by sharing/Liking and Subscribing to our platforms. And pray for us; the Underground Railroad TV In Chicago comes on Comcast TV, CAN-TV channel 19, on Saturday at 10:30 PM.Help "Shaymar Media Platform." please donate the PayPal Donation link https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=QP263Y7A6QAHJ  Clifton Bradley lll /President/ CEO Shaymar Media Productions LLC USA, Chicago, IL E-mail [email protected] Website www.shaymarmedia.com Phone number: 1-312-884-9757
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casbornstudios00 · 6 months
Calin Finance Announces $10 Million Series A Initial Seed Funding for "INITATES IN BATTLE ORIGINS " Web3 Gaming
🎮 Introducing "Initiates in Battle": Revolutionizing Web3 Gaming with Calin Finance's $10 Million Series A Initial Seed Funding 🚀
Welcome to the forefront of innovation in gaming! Today, we are thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership between CASBORNSTUDIOS and Calin Finance that is set to reshape the landscape of web3 gaming. With a generous $10 million Series A Initial Seed Funding, "INITIATES IN BATTLE ORIGINS " is poised to redefine the gaming experience, blending cutting-edge technology with immersive storytelling.
[Mr. Ahmed Almasri Mohammed.] [Senior Deputy President] [Calin Finance Company] [C/O STEAD ROBINSON LTD SCTGATE HOUSE 2 SCOTGATE ROAD HONLEY HOLMFIRTH ENGLANDHD9 6GD]
[ROMONE ANTOINE CASBORN] [CEO] [INITIATES IN BATTLE ORIGINS] 5900 BALCONES DR STE 100, AUSTN ,TX 78731 UNITED STATES] Subject: Letter of Intent for Funding Casborn Studios Investments in "Initiates in Battle" Web Gaming Project Dear Mr. Casborn, I am writing on behalf of Calin Finance to express our intent to engage in discussions regarding the provision of a $10,000,000
Pre-seed funding stage
financial support for CASBORN STUDIOS ' upcoming project, (INB) "INITIATES IN BATTLE ORIGINS ." We have carefully reviewed the details of your web gaming initiative and are impressed by its potential in the dynamic gaming industry. Calin Finance has a strong track record of supporting innovative projects with a focus on sustainability and long-term success. After conducting a thorough analysis of CASBORN STUDIOS and the "INITIATES IN BATTLE ORIGINS " project, we believe that your vision aligns with our investment criteria, and we are eager to explore the possibility of a strategic partnership. Our commitment to fostering innovation and contributing to the growth of promising ventures is evident in our successful collaborations with various entities across different industries. CASBORN STUDIOS ' reputation for creativity and excellence in game development resonates with our values, and we see significant potential in supporting the realization of "INITIATES IN BATTLE ORIGINS (INB) ." We are pleased to inform CASBORN STUDIOS that, following a comprehensive review process, Calin Finance has approved the loan application for the "INITIATES IN BATTLE ORIGINS" (INB) project. This approval underscores our confidence in the viability and potential success of your web gaming initiative. We appreciate the effort and dedication invested by CASBORN STUDIOS in developing a compelling project that aligns with our strategic objectives.
To facilitate the next steps in our collaboration, we kindly request CASBORN STUDIOS to return a duly signed copy of the loan agreement at your earliest convenience. This signed agreement is imperative for finalizing the terms and conditions and subsequently scheduling a meeting for the closing and funding of the approved loan. Upon receipt of the signed agreement, we will promptly coordinate a meeting to discuss the specifics of the closing process, address any outstanding queries, and ensure a smooth transition towards the disbursement of funds for the "Initiates in Battle" project. We look forward to the prospect of collaborating with CASBORN STUDIOS on this exciting venture and believe that our financial support can play a crucial role in the success of "INITIATES IN BATTLE ORIGINS (INB) ." Thank you for choosing Calin Finance as your financial partner. We value the opportunity to contribute to the realization of your gaming project and anticipate a successful and mutually beneficial collaboration.
Sincerely, Ahmed Almasri Mohammed Senior Deputy President
Join us as we delve into the exciting journey ahead, exploring the fusion of creativity, resilience, and strategic vision that promises to make "INITIATES IN BATTLE (INB)" a game-changer in the industry.
Stay tuned as we unveil more about "Initiates in Battle" and the transformative impact of this collaboration. The future of gaming is here, and it's brighter than ever before! 🌟 #InitiatesInBattle #Web3Gaming #CasbornStudios #startupscaling #foundersjourney #ramonecasborn #entrepreneurialjourney #newstartups #techstartups #blockchaingaming
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swldx · 7 months
BBC 0534 11 Feb 2024
6195Khz 0459 11 FEB 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from SANTA MARIA DI GALERIA. SINPO = 45333. English, ID@0459z pips and Newsroom preview. @0501z World News anchored by David Harper. Donald Trump says he would "encourage" Russia to attack any Nato member that fails to pay its bills as part of the Western military alliance. He said he had once told a Nato leader he would not protect a nation behind on its payments if it came under Russian attack, and would urge the aggressors to "do whatever they hell they want". Members of Nato commit to defend any nation in the bloc that gets attacked. The White House called the comments "appalling and unhinged". Finns will elect a new president on Sunday in the first national election since the country joined NATO, choosing a leader who will be critical to shaping the country’s role in the alliance at a time of increasingly fraught relations with Russia. Trinidad and Tobago is considering declaring a national emergency over a huge oil spill from a ship that ran aground and overturned this week. At least 15km (nine miles) of Tobago's south-western coast have been affected, including some of the Caribbean island's pristine beaches. Goma, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is under attack by M23 rebels. Congo asks for international pressure on Rwanda to stop backing the well equipped rebels. The president of Hungary has resigned live on television over a decision to pardon a man convicted of covering up a child sexual abuse case. It was revealed last week President Novak had given clemency to a man jailed for forcing children to retract sexual abuse claims against a director of a state-run children's home. Protests calling for her to step down had been growing in Hungary. She is a key ally of Hungarian Mr Orban and previously worked as his family minister. Taiwan spots a record 8 balloons from mainland China ahead of Lunar New Year. It is the highest daily number detected since Taipei’s defence ministry started releasing data, with two flying directly over the island. The latest sightings come about a month after William Lai of the independence-leaning DPP wins the Taiwanese presidential election. Thousands of people demonstrated on Saturday night across Israel, calling for a deal to free Israelis held hostage by Hamas in Gaza and for early elections. Relatives of hostages held in Gaza, as well as activists calling for their immediate release, blocked the main highway in Tel Aviv and started a fire, urging the government to reach a deal with Hamas. Police arrested four protesters. The CEO of one of Nigeria's largest banks was killed on Friday when a helicopter he was riding in crashed in the Mojave Desert in Southern California. An aspiring congressional candidate for Mexico's ruling Morena party was assassinated on Saturday in the central Mexican state of Morelos, the president of Ecatepec municipality said on social media, months before Mexico's general elections. @0506z "The Newsroom" begins. MLA 30 amplified loop (powered w/8 AA rechargeable batteries ~10.8vdc), Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 185°, bearing 49°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 7877KM from transmitter at Santa Maria di Galeria. Local time: 2259.
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hardynwa · 8 months
Shettima inaugurates 37-member minimum wage committee
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The Federal Government on Tuesday inaugurated the tripartite committee on the national minimum wage. Vice President Kashim Shettima inaugurated the 37-member panel at the Council Chamber of the State House in Abuja. With its membership cutting across federal, and state governments, the private sector, and organised labour, the panel is to recommend a new national minimum wage for the country. In his opening address, Shettima urged members to “speedily” arrive at a resolution and submit their reports early as the current N30,000 minimum wage expires at the end of March 2024. “This timely submission is crucial to ensure the emergence of a new minimum wage,” Shettima said. VP Shettima also urged collective bargaining in good faith, emphasising contract adherence and encouraging consultations outside the committee. In May 2017, the House of Representatives moved to amend the National Minimum Wage Act for a compulsory review of workers’ remuneration every five years. Consequently, the Minimum Wage Act of 2019 signed by former President Muhammadu Buhari empowers the committee to deliberate and come up with an agreed wage which would be eventually ratified by the National Assembly after due legislative scrutiny. Buhari had also signed the minimum wage act that approved N30,000 for both federal and state workers in the same year. However, President Bola Tinubu announced the discontinuance of fuel subsidy on May 29, 2023, which triggered a sharp rise in the general cost of living. Although the administration approved an additional NGN 35,000 wage award for six months (starting September 2023) to alleviate the impact of the subsidy removal, the organised labour maintained that this was only a provisional solution and called for a complete review of the minimum wage in 2024. Chairing the panel is a former Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, Bukar Aji who, at the inauguration ceremony, affirmed that its members would come up with a “fair, practical, implementable and sustainable,” minimum wage. Tuesday’s inauguration follows months of agitation from organised labour who expressed concerns over the FG’s failure to inaugurate the new national minimum wage committee as promised during negotiations last October. From the government’s side, members include the Minister of State, Labour and Employment, Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, representing the Minister of Labour and Employment; Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Mr Wale Edun, who was represented by the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Mrs Lydia Jafiya. The Minister of Budget Economic Planning, Atiku Bagudu; Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, Dr. Yemi Esan; Permanent Secretary, GSO. OSGF, Dr. Nnamdi Maurice Mbaeri; and Chairman/CEO, NSIWC – Member/Secretary, Ekpo Nta, are also members. Representing the Nigeria Governors Forum are Mohammed Bago of Niger State, representing the North Central; Sen. Bala Mohammed, Governor of Bauchi State- representing the North East; Umar Dikko Radda of Katsina State, representing the North West; Prof. Charles Soludo of Anambra State, representing the South East; Sen. Ademola Adeleke of Osun State, from South West; and Otu Bassey of Cross River State who is representing the South-South. From the Nigeria Employers’ Consultative Association, Adewale-Smatt Oyerinde, Director-General, NECA; Mr Chuma Nwankwo; Mr Thompson Akpabio with also members from the Nigeria Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture are Asiwaju Michael Olawale-Cole, National President; Ahmed Rabiu, National Vice President and Chief Humphrey Ngonadi, National Life President. The members from the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises are Dr Abdulrashid Yerima, President & Chairman of the Council; Hon. Theophilus Nnorom Okwuchukwu, Private Sector representative; Dr Muhammed Nura Bello, Zonal Vice President, North West and also from the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria are Mrs. Grace Omo-Lamai, Human Resource Director, Nigerian Breweries; Segun Ajayi-Kadir, Director-General, MAN; Lady Ada Chukwudozie, Managing Director, Dozzy Oil and Gas Limited. From the organised labour, the Nigeria Labour Congress Joe Ajaero, President, NLC; Emmanuel Ugboaja; Prince Adeyanju Adewale; Ambali Akeem Olatunji; Benjamin Anthony and Prof. Theophilus Ndukuba. Also, members from the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria are Festus Osifo, President, TUC; Tommy Etim Okon, Deputy President I, TUC; Kayode Surajudeen Alakija, Deputy President II; Jimoh Oyibo, Deputy President III; Nuhu Toro, Secretary-General and Hafusatu Shuaib, Chairperson Women Comm. Read the full article
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