#mr gallan x reader
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thatspookyagent ¡ 4 years ago
The Evans' headcanons with an Alt!Male!Photographer!Reader would include...
Requested: Yes! By @darlingkitt !!! 😸
Warnings: Mentions of murder and death (not much or heavy), slight mentions of sexual themes, mentioning anxiety issues, slight mentioning of drugs, some mentions of family issues
A/N: This is my first time writing for all the Evans'! I was actually writing up another post with them in it since I finished all (current) AHS seasons but this became a top priority of mine as soon as I saw it in my inbox! I know you asked for me to choose only one Evans’ but for the person who sent me this request, I 100% don’t mind going all out, just for them! Edward Philippe Mott is included btw but I hope you don't mind me tweaking this ask a bit so that it would be era accurate! Also this is a mix of headcanons and imagines! Hope y'all (especially Kit) enjoys!
Tags: @sojournmichael @xavierplympton @tatestripedsweater​ @darlingkitt​
If you want to be added to my permanent tag list, just shoot me an ask or message! :))
Important: Whatever the reader says is in italics!
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Tate Langdon (Pre-Death)
Tate was kinda shy about having his picture taken, he only did it for school year books if he couldn't get out of it
But when he met you his attitude towards cameras changed, the two of you met in the library while you were doing a school project
He was instantly drawn to your unique choice of clothes and sparked up a conversation about it when you came in to sit down
Eventually you asked for his picture which he sounded super nervous about but eventually obliged
Both you and Tate started hanging out soon after, he really enjoyed discussing music taste and which bands the two of you enjoy the most
Sometimes you borrow some of Tate's clothing, or just spend hours listening to your favorite music at his house, forgetting any school or family struggles
The golden haired boy really appreciated that you made him much more confident when it came to something as simple as getting photographed
From time to time when you took up small gigs for money, he'd get a bit jealous when he heard you were photographing somebody else for the day
Your favorite spot to go to is the beach, which is where you take a lot of your good photos at
Tate absolutely loved getting his picture taken by the tide line as the sun sets, capturing his blonde curls blowing in the wind, covering his smile as he spreads out his arms as if he was inviting the cool breeze to sweep him away at any moment
One day you brought your camera to the beach and asked Tate to stand with you near the tide line together, you pull him into a soft kiss slowly, his green and black sweater sleeves somewhat covering his hands as the sun behind the two of you went down, and snapping a photo of one of the most beautiful moments of your life
Kit Walker (Post-Asylum)
Since his time at Braircliff, Kit didn't really care for having his picture taken especially for publicity stunts
But since dating you, he started feeling better about pictures since he no longer associated them with capturing the dark moments in his life
Kit doesn't completely understand anything alt but he 100% supports you and works extra hours at the gas station in order to pay for anything you have interest in
One of his favorite things to do is take pictures with Thomas and Julia, simple family photos is something he cherishes deeply and even more so when you're included
He also loves going on nature walks with you, even taking the kids at times so they can see all the animals right in their backyard
One day, the four of you are following a short forest path when you see a little black lump laying in a small pile of leaves
Walking over to it, you notice that it's still breathing and call Kit over so that the two of you can figure out what it is
The kids stand behind you as you scoop up a weak, but alive black kitten from the ground and into your arms
Bringing it back home immediately, for a few months the entire Walker family takes turns nourishing the young kitty back to health
You know that the children would get easily attached to it, and even you did yourself as well as Kit but no one minded adding another member to the family 
Julia, after finding out that it was a girl, insisted that it should be named Jude and the rest of the family settled on the name quickly
You often find yourself having to stop Julia from dressing up Jude in one of her dresses, or keep Thomas from running around the house as he chases the cat and the both of them bump into almost everything breakable in the house
You have countless photos of Jude on the dresser, some are of her basking in the sunlight or stretching herself out with her eyes half lidded
One day Kit summons the family outside for a group photo near the front of the house and you happily obliged, setting up a stand with a little timer as the kids (and cat) join in
But little Thomas gets spooked by a snake under his foot, grips Kit's leg, and starts crying meanwhile Julia is running behind everyone because she's too busy chasing Jude and Kit is just trying to stop Thomas from screaming about that harmless baby garter snake and you're in the middle with your hands on your hips as you hear a peculiar sound coming from the camera: the sound of it taking a picture
Kyle Spencer (Pre-Death)
Kyle was quite used to being photographed, especially since he was chasing a scholarship, in a fraternity, and volunteering frequently for community service hours
He however felt differently around you, since he was crushing on you hard and whenever you took his picture, he'd immediately get flustered and hide his face from view
So you tried to catch him whenever he was deep in a study book, his blonde hair often buried in whatever subject he was focusing on, his brow creased, and his mind was completely unaware of things outside his studying material
After about four photos in, Kyle finally realizes that that you're taking pictures of him and he uses his hair to shield his face from you, a soft but audible groan emitting from his mouth
"C'mon Kyle, just one? You get your picture taken all the time! What's different now?"
He uncovered his face and arched his right eyebrow, a gentle look spreading across his face as he finally makes eye contact with you but breaks it shortly after with a brief bout of laughter
"Come here." Kyle opens his arms and motions for you to scoot over to him, you happily do, and he lays the two of you on the bed, lying flat on your backs while staring up at the ceiling
"You're a really cool guy yanno? I don't know any alt photographer boys and honestly you just...being yourself is really heartwarming. I love it and I wanna spend all the time in the world with you. I guess I'm just nervous being around such a cute dude, I don't know how to handle it... But I do know that I like having my picture taken, and when it’s with you...I love it. And that means everything in the world to me."
You nuzzled into Kyle's chest as he plants a kiss onto your head, he uses his pointer finger to lift up the camera in your hand, taking the hint you put it up as high you can, and snap a photo of the two of you sharing a kiss together while in a close embrace
Kyle Spencer (Post-Death)
Since Kyle's "accident", he wasn't too keen on having a camera pointed at him, and often lashed out whenever it happened
You tried your best to coax him into it but he remembered enough to understand that cameras did something that would show you what you looked like, and he wasn't interested in seeing his appearance
So you slowly eased him into a comfortable state, everyday before bed you would practice looking into the mirror with him which was hard at first because he had a habit of breaking them whenever he would see one
But with your reassurance and support, he was eventually confident enough to stare into it but only for a few minutes and while clutching your hand tightly
From time to time every night you'd bring a stuffed animal in with you, so that he had an extra friend rooting for him as he got used to not only his now body but his new life in general
Sometimes you would encourage Kyle to smile while holding his little friend, and at some point it became automatic for him even progressing to outbursts of laughter which didn't take long for you to join in
He got to the point to where he would allow you take a photo of him while holding his stuffed animals but only below his collar bone
Occasionally you'd take pictures of his hands or his full body but while he's turned away from the camera, he got comfortable enough to even look at his reflection in bath water or any body of still water
One day you brought home a little box after getting done from grocery shopping, you placed the bags of food down on the stove, and grabbed the present then joined Kyle in the bedroom
He was occupying himself on his tablet, which you usually gave him whenever you left the house for a bit
When his eyes met yours, he instantly smiled, and watched you grab your camera from the nightstand then sit the gift next to him on the bed
You sat the camera down and the opened the box for him, a small Beanie Baby poked its head out and stared up at Kyle with its round oversized eyes
He quickly grabbed it and pulled it into a tight hug, then sat it down with his other stuffed animals so that they could get aquatinted with one another
Unbeknownst to him, you had taken a photo of him when he hugged the toy, and now you were opening the drawer to the nightstand and pulling out a somewhat worn photograph
Kyle looked at you as you sat back down and showed him the two pictures in your hands, one was the photo of the two while laying on his bed and was the very first picture you ever took with him, and the other photo was of him now, just a second ago
The blonde male poked his bottom lip out, a gleam in his eye told you that he was reminiscing about the past, especially the one you two shared together before his death
"You look so happy Kyle...remember? When you were really nervous about having me photograph you but we worked through that together. And we can do the same now. You and me. Like before."
Kyle leaned forward slowly, touching his forehead to yours, and you slowly moved to kiss the top of his head, you understood him word for word even if he never said anything
Kyle Spencer (Fixed)
After Fiona fixed Kyle, he was (nearly) back to normal though by then you've long finished University, and were now living on your own as a professional photographer
He still kept the stuffed animals you gave him and the two of you often had little sleepover parties at your apartment
Kyle loves telling cheesy spooky stories and trying to scare you, though it never works because you two always end up breaking out into a massive tickle fight
He always gets the upper hand especially since he's no longer ticklish himself, but you always get him back by throwing a couple of pillows at his face
Some nights that he stays over, you get the bright idea to do karaoke with him at 10:00 PM but it doesn't seem to cross your mind if the other apartment residents love hearing Wannabe by Spice Girls being practically yelled every other night
Whenever you two aren’t making your neighbors mad, you’re taking long strolls in the park while enjoying the scenery especially the wild life since Kyle absolutely adores the ducks 
You’ll photograph him standing near park fountains or tall trees, a wide smile across his face as he spots a duck waddling nearby and attempts to chase it, eventually catching up to it and holding it up in the air as if commemorating his victory
Jimmy Darling
As an inspiring young newspaper photographer, something you always wanted to do was take photos of freak shows but not many were still around in this day and age
But when finding Fräulein Elsa's Cabinet of Curiosities, you take the opportunity to hopefully get your wish as well as have something for your local newspaper to see
Despite the lack of a crowd, you bought a ticket to the show, and sat down to watch with tense anticipation
Upon starting a young man with a newsboy cap, brown hair with an exaggerated curl in the front, and the most peculiar looking hands you'd ever seen, had come to announce the acts as the show progressed
You found yourself thinking about him the entire time and before you knew it the show itself had ended, and you sat staring into space while in complete awe at the man you had seen earlier
"You okay?" A voice snapped you out of your trace and made you somewhat jump. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya." A short laugh followed after the reply, and you soon found yourself face to face with the man you were just pondering about
Smiling, you couldn't help but stare up at the other male before answering. “Yeah uh, just lost in thought...you’re Jimmy Darling, correct?” You outstretched your hand as he nodded is head. “I think we’ll come to know each other quite well over these next few months.”
After a few weeks of gaining the reputation of frequenting the circus grounds in order to take pictures, you also spent your time visiting Jimmy whenever you weren’t working
Which included sitting down with him and asking tons of questions, usually about his life before and after joining the circus, some of which were hard for him to answer while others seemed to make him perk up with a hint of joy
But probably the most irksome request you kept making was to take pictures of his hands, which Jimmy wasn’t too gung ho about and it was understandable due to his insecurities about them
He would how ever allow you to take photos of him while they were behind his back or not in view, and after awhile you became bored of only picture taking and decided to grow closer with the Lobster Boy on a more personal level
You’d take him to his favorite diner as often as your income would allow, just listen to the brown haired male rant about the state of the circus and anything interesting that would occur while he was there
He’d tell heartwarming stories about watching the night sky with Ma Petite or goofy ones the included him messing up during shows or how anxious he would get before them
One day you decided to help him get over his pre-performance anxiety, and brought your record player to his caravan one night so the two of you could slow dance and talk before he had to go out and introduce acts
These dances often included stolen kisses and even mumbled I love yous here and there, as you would lean your forehead against his and forget about the passage of time for a short while
One of your favorite parts of Jimmy to photograph was his hair, which at first he found weird but he loved the feeling of your hands running through it as you would style it as he sat as still as he possibly could
Sadly Jimmy could only sit still for so long because after awhile he would get ticklish which caused him to squirm or burst out laughing, which you always playfully chastised him for
When ample time spent between you two had passed, you woke up one morning within Jimmy’s arms in his caravan, grabbed your camera, and sat up straight
This stirred Jimmy from his sleep and he glanced at you with half lidded eyes before sighing, an exasperated look etched across his face that was mixed in with sleep
“Why do you wanna take a photo of these big ugly things so much?” He asked briskly, a layer of sadness coated his voice as you scooted closer to him and planted a kiss on top of his head
“They’re beautiful Jimmy. They’re your hands and they’re perfect. I’ve never seen a more handsome pair in my life and I want to take pictures of exquisite things. I can’t help it.”
The other male swallowed softly as he sat up so that he was sitting on his butt, a look of content had now washed over him as he outstretched his unique set of hands, a broad smile splashed across his face as you took a picture of a handsome man with the most beautiful hands in the world
James Patrick March (Pre-Death)
Since building his hotel, March got used to having his photo taken but only under his supervision since he didn’t want any curious photographers to snoop around and end up meeting their demise in the very place they were so fascinated of
When March wasn’t busy managing his finances, he was getting his photo taken by you all over the hotel which he didn’t mind since you were well aware of his “other side”
Sometimes when March was hard at work in his office, you would take photographs of him which always made for the most serious looking pictures you’d ever take of him
He’d always make of fuss about it though, but ultimately didn’t mind as long as you didn’t take too many 
He likes to wear his top hat from time to time which you think makes him look rather dapper (even though he usually does regardless)
Despite his protests, you sometimes have him pose next to animals, even finding that March himself has become fond of taking pictures with all black cats or cats in general
Of course, he likes it when you take pictures of his kills, you try your best to take some of him during the act but most of them come out blurry or not fully developed
He has a room dedicated to just storing and showcasing those gruesome pictures alone, and often spends time looking at them for hours on end, he even shows them off to the other killers in the Hotel during Devil’s Night
The nicer photos he has are on his office desk or bed side dresser, which he always has Miss. Evers dust regularly
If anyone harms a photo of him with one of the cats or with you, rest assured they’ll go missing
Whenever death happens within the hotel, you’re there to take photos of it, even when it isn’t March doing the killing which ends up getting you nicknamed “The Angel of Death”
Edward Philippe Mott
He absolutely adores paintings which does mean he in fact loves being painted himself, and as his lover, he has you do it for him for free and quite often
He loves to brisk his finger tips across the canvas after the paintings have had ample amount of time to dry, he finds it soothing, and loves to admire his partner’s work
Of course he enjoys being pampered so when you aren’t making him an art piece, you’re holding him in your arms while bathing with each other
He can get quite self conscious of his looks when he’s not in his powered wig and makeup but you reassure him that you’re not like the outside world
He has all of your art work in a special closed off room that only he has the key to and none of the servants are allowed to step foot in it either
Whenever he gets upset or has an anxiety attack, you usually dedicate the next day to nothing but creating paintings of things he loves very deeply
He never sells a single thing you create, deeming anything you produce to simply be too precious and dear to his heart
He provides you with any money you need, in order to stop you from having to sell any pieces in order to make a living and to keep your family from starving 
After awhile, he no longer feels the need to go out to auctions and purchase more works of art seeing as how he considers you to be his masterpiece and everything you create to be more than enough to fill the walls of his house
Rory Monahan
He thinks anything to do with alt is either Halloween related or automatically makes you dark and spooky
Definitely nicknames you Spooky
Along with Mr. Hyde, Nosferatu, or even Gargoyle
Often pokes the spikes on your chokers and pretends that they hurt him
He is 100% convinced that your clothing style would go great on a future Scooby Doo villain
Pretty much all the photos you take of Rory are of him being utterly stupid while having the goofiest expressions on his face
He’s very used to having cameras on him, due to his acting career, and thinks it helps him still be used to things like getting his picture taken whenever he encounters the paparazzi 
He likes taking nudes occasionally, though he’s not big on it, it’s sometimes fun for him whenever he gets bored
When Halloween does roll around, he actually dyes his hair black, and dresses like an alt vampire which you two often goes as together 
Rory frequently sticks his tongue out in photos or stretches the corners of his mouth out widely with his hands, or any other wacky expressions that he can come up with
He loves taking photographs with you, just one were the two of you are simply smiling together or having fun is more than enough to make his day
Whenever you get upset, he likes grabbing your camera, and tickling you to make you smile than taking a photo of you while happy which he shows you afterwards
“Look (Y/N)! You’re so handsome! Like a cute little alt teddy bear!”
He actually gets you a little teddy bear with a black skull shirt on and a small spiked collar around its neck
“Reminded me of you! We should totally call him Death Eater: Taker of Souls or something!” “Um...thanks?”
Kai Anderson (Pre-Cult)
Kai wasn’t the most photogenic person, the two of you met during his time in college, and found comfort in each other’s presence
Most of the time, both you and Kai hang out at your place or sometimes get fast food and chill in the parking lot around night time
Life at home was rough for him so he’d much rather be anywhere else than the main source of stress in his life
He didn’t mind you taking pictures of him, though at times he was really awkward and uneasy, but whenever you offered to be in the photo with him, it cheered him right up
The two of you talked often, mainly about what your futures had in store for you, and what it would be like to get your own place together
The rare days that Kai’s house was actually content and not a hellhole, he’d invite you over to play video games with him or just keep him company
When he’d visit you, your days together mainly consisted of watching Netflix and snuggling up on the couch with a warm bowl of popcorn
Kai loves horror movies, so the two of you would often binge watch classics such as Creature from the Black Lagoon or Frankenstein 
On the really rough days were Kai’s dad would get particularly unbearable, he’d stop by your place, and the two of you would stay up till the crack of dawn having fun and forgetting anything bad that happened earlier
Kai is 100% down to be your muse or subject when it comes to getting photographed for any college projects or scholarships you’re applying for
Since he knows how much photography makes you happy, during weekends he’ll drive you to places like the beach or really open scenic spaces were you can take all the photos you want and goof off together
Sometimes the two of you will stay out till night time, and chill together under the stars, share a kiss or two, and feel the world move beneath you
Mr. Gallant (Pre-Apocalypse)
You met Gallant when you came into his barber shop looking to get photos for the hair magazine company you worked for, which was trying to get pictures of some of the most prestigious hair stylists in Santa Monica
The both of you hit it off instantly, seeing as how much Gallant loved the positive spotlight and attention, for most of the photoshoot he couldn’t help but flirt with you, in his own unique way of course 
“You know, there’s not too many people who look nearly as good as me. You’re pretty close!”
 Once you were done and had stopped coughing from the sheer amount of hair spray he used, he curiously asked you out on a little date, and from then on the two of you were inseparable 
He absolutely loves taking you to parties and having you take his picture with really important models and influencers 
After dating for a month or so, Gallant made you his official personal photographer, since you were the only one he trusted when it came to catching his “good angles”
Whenever he wasn’t busy with publicity stunts, he’d take you clothes shopping, and let you pick out all the alt clothing you want
He 100% loves spoiling you, whether it’s buying you new modern cameras, chokers, taking you to get any piercings you wanted, or simply opening new doors for you in the photography business
No matter how much Gallant loves being the talk of all his social circles, he always makes sure that you’re comfortable with where you two are relationship wise
He loves having private sexual photoshoots with you, knowing that those moments between the two of you are always going to be just between you two
He keeps your sex life as private as possible, he finds it very personal and intimate
He never once asks you to take family photos or take pictures of any of his family members especially of his grandma
He’ll happily join any family gatherings that you have or support you when things get rough
Whenever you two have interviews, he never speaks over you, and always allows you to speak for yourself
However when he does mention you during interviews, he always speaks very highly of you, and refers to you by your pet names
He doesn’t mind some PDA here and there, especially when it’s done mostly in front of homophobic crowds or his nana
He never stops telling you about how you’re the best thing to happen to him, since his grandmother and most of his family except his mother, never bothered to love nor accept him for who he was
Since dating you, most of his personal struggles with things like drugs and money, have gotten less worse with you at his side
The bleach blonde male loves taking out his scrap book filled with nothing but pictures of the two of you, admitting that one day he’d love nothing more than to have a photo of the both of you on your wedding day 
Charles Decker (Safelight)
Once Charles heard about the photography contest for school, he pondered about entering but was mainly worried about having someone to drive him to the lighthouses
Since you were in his class and loved taking pictures as well, you offered him one, and since then the two of you have been one another’s closest friends
When school gets out, you love to drive Charles to his favorite spot in order to chill out, take some pictures, and maybe do some homework
You love listening to him go on and on about how the lighthouses make him feel, and how he can’t get enough of the wind blowing in his hair
Sometimes, when he feels up for it, you two will climb up one of the light house stairs and talk up there for awhile
Charles really likes taking your picture, especially when you smile, since he likes to look at the photos of you whenever he feels down
He thinks alt stuff is pretty cool, no matter how much of it he doesn’t understand, he’ll listen to your passions no matter what
He often asks you to drive him home or walk with him, so that he feels a lot safer, and has someone to talk to
One of your favorite things to do is sit outside his house with him after a hard day at school and listen to him ramble on about anything and everything 
You visit him at his truck stop job whenever you can, just to say hi or maybe show him a really cool picture that you took
Charles really doesn’t mind the rumors around school about you two dating or being a thing, in fact he wouldn’t mind it being true which causes him to one day ask you out while the two of you are sitting at the top of the light house stairs
You tell him to close your eyes as you get out your camera, and upon telling him that being his boyfriend would make you the happiest boy on Earth, you take a photo of his smile
Peg insists that you join her and Charles one night for dancing, which despite Charles’ protests that you don’t have to go, you do anyway
After talking about upcoming school projects and cool places you would visit if you had the chance, you coax him into slow dancing with you once the music changes
You both make it to a secluded spot on the dance floor, placing his arms around your shoulders, and holding his waist as the both of you move to the music
You can’t help but giggle at his choice of attire, a flannel shirt and Stetson hat which earns him the nickname Cowboy that night
After dancing for awhile you slowly take the hat off his head, kiss him on the lips, and place it on your own head, the lean softly into his chest while the music continues to play
You two don’t mind there being no cameras around, or lighthouses, just being with one another is all either of you need
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