#mpreg merman
wonderkat11 · 9 months
MPreg Merman Song 2 C3 (Speedpaint)
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panic-flavored · 4 months
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This started out as a canon divergent not-to-be-taken-seriously thing, but now I love them too much and it's my au so if I say they have mer kids then so it shall be 🌠
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the-black-manor · 19 days
Guy who finds a hidden cove that's home to a single merman who accidentally missed the tide and got stuck on his sunning rock. He helps the merman back into the water, and returns every day to make friends. Eventually, they get curious about each other's anatomy and he fucks a load or two into his merman as a farewell because he's not going to be able to visit for a while. A few months later, he returns to find his merman sunning on the rock, pregnant with a belly full of his hybrid children.
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mpreg98 · 5 months
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Liam comes up for a breath popping his head above the icy arctic waters as he looks out at the great glaciers and icebergs of his Arctic home. His hands caress his belly as he feels his calf wiggle and move around "Don't worry little one we'll eat soon" he says as he patiently waits for his mate and the rest of the pod to return from their hunting trip
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Slade Wilson AU
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So I have an Omegaverse AU that I’m working on for a bunch of DC characters. I also have an AU where Slade is an Atlantean, and I decided to combine them, so Slade is now an Omega Atlantean. The baby is Grant.
I’m going to do a background, but I don’t know if it will be good so I’m posting a wip.
Follows MayTernity prompts 3: masc; 15: swimming; 23: fantasy au; 24: monster preg
Follows MerMay prompts 18: smol; 27: honor
Base from @ilitiaforever
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problemchildzu · 1 year
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This was for an mpreg mermaid AI someone on twitter made. I got as far as I felt I could with it, it was new so it was still learning.
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mpreg-nouveau · 5 months
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Happy mermay, have some seahorse merfolk! She putting so many eggs in his belly.
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starcrosstoons · 5 months
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So i wasn’t planning on getting stuck on these two and draw them a lot, but I love to draw them ( I love mermaids in general) and it’s fun!
Some more of my mermaid characters Caspian and Reefs! I and yes I still love to draw Caspian pregnant! I guess they are a series here now!
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freakylial · 2 months
Seahorse dad Yonji
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mpreghotties · 8 months
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Jamie dornan is a pregnant merman
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zizek-niss · 1 month
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Cute little merman resting. I like the difference between each drawing
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wonderkat11 · 9 months
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MPreg Merman Song 2 C3
I accidently made Song 2 C3 staring at the moon to relax while staying at the sea, so I planned to draw him as a Pregnant Merman or Mereel to despite my funny autism I got, & didn't even notice how my MPreg fanart just turned out, facing my fear, turning any Merman to get MPregged, so the only MPreg Merman I made was Song 2 C3 from Just Dance 2/Just Dance Summer Party. Pretty funny, right? & I know he was heavily pregnant, waits for his lover by the ocean rocks under the moonlight, leaving him smile in tears for his precious merbaby.
Yeah, I know, I hate to say this, but drawing MPreg stuff is driving me raspberry scented blood madness, but this artwork of an MPreg version of Song 2 C3, but he was a merman just turned out really beautiful, but do not worry you guys, I'm just happily glad that I made my own MPreg fanart for the very first time & trying it with a Merman Extract, so no worries in case.
Made in IbisPaintX for Digital Artmaker.
Rules: DO NOT STEAL MY ART! No Rude Comments please.
Song 2 C3 belongs to Just Dance: The Series (Ubisoft).
(Note: This is my first MPreg fanart I actually made, but I hope you like it.)
See also:  Speedpaint: www.youtube.com/shorts/mfZJ8f2…
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panic-flavored · 3 months
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Fatherly doubts (unwarrented)
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mpreg98 · 5 months
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🧜🏼First day of Mermay!🧜🏾‍♂️
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adminbryantsaki · 4 months
Rock The Boat
Mermayternity 2024
(I do not own the Rooftop Trio in My Hero Academia. They belong to Horikoshi Kohei. The Rooftop Trio consists of Shouta Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, and Oboro Shirakumo. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, move along. Reader discretion is advised.)
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Alpha! Pirate! Shouta Aizawa x Luna! Bard! Hizashi Yamada x Luna! Merman! Oboro Shirkumo. TW: Omegaverse stuff, male x male intercourse, mpreg, monster fucking, Fantasy Au, alcohol usage, biting and bleeding.
WC: 3,025
Plot idea: Merman is searching for a mate and happens upon a pirate ship with a small crew. The captain and a bard on the ship catch his eye and he shape-shifts to seem like a man overboard so he can be on the ship to get closet to the captain and the bard, hoping to mate with them before it’s too late and he would have to wait until the next year to find a mate.
The night was calm and the skies were clear.  A ship had come into port as was tied up to a dock. The ship was unusually quiet except for the creaking of the boat on the water as her captain sat in his cabin doing some paper work, but her crew had gone ashore to enjoy the town’s local tavern with the food and other musicians giving entertainment to the people who came through the tavern. The captain wasn’t alone though, a bard who had joined his ship for passage to a larger city was accompanying him with some music on the bard’s flute to help pass the time. The captain finished his paperwork and pulled out a flask of some kind of alcohol that he offered to the bard who gladly accepted and took a swig off the flask before passing it back to the captain.
“Anything interesting in those papers, Shouta?” The bard asked as he shifted in his seat, leaning his back against one arm of the chair and swinging his legs over the other one. Looking back to the captain and flashing him a smile.
“Not anything that would interest you, Hizashi. Just making sure the expenses are in order, both mine and my crew’s expenses… it worries me how much they’re spending in the taverns tonight. But I gave them their pay and time to go ashore to do as they please.” He spoke and put the stack of papers into a drawer along the back of his cabin that he used as storage before going to take a seat next to the bard as he played a few lazy notes on his flute to eat some food that his cook had brought up before heading back down to the galley to clean up the dishes and do whatever it was the cook did in the galley, as long as the meals were on time. The Captain ate his meal as the bard played his flute, listening to the creak of the ship as it rocked back and forth gently on the surface of the water. When Shouta finished his meal, he stood up and went to another corner of his cabin where a chair was and a small stack of books laid waiting for him. As he was settling down into the chair to be swept away into a thrilling story within the covers of a book, something knocked against the hull of his ship as if something had attempted to board the boat after ramming into the side of the boat, almost knocking him out of  his chair and disturbing Hizashi out of his laxed composure and standing to his feet immediately, opening the door of the captain’s cabin to see what had attempted to board the boat uninvited. The Bard was quickly followed by the Captain who had drawn his broadsword and entered the main deck of his ship. His eyes scanned the deck to look for any intruders until he heard the noise of a fish tail slapping against wood when they were out of water. Shouta and Hizashi cautiously approached the noise and found a man close to their age with bright blue hair and tan skin, having no clothes to cover himself and fading scales disappearing on his legs, looking up at them with eyes that matched his unusually-colored hair.
“Who are you and what are you doing on my ship?” Shouta asked, pointing the tip of his sword at the man.
The man looked at the tip of the sword which seemed to be very close to his face and looked up at the captain with his hands up in surrender. “I am Oboro. I only seek refuge on your ship if you will allow me to reside on your vessel for the time being.” He spoke in a calm manner.
“Why do you seek refuge on my vessel?” The captain asked. “I am being chased by a monster in the water.” Oboro responded. Shouta laughed. “There are no monsters in the waters here.” He spoke then was nudged by Hizashi who whispered something into his ear. “My mistake. There are rumors of merpeople in these waters. Tell me, Oboro, are you one of them?” the captain asked, using the tip of his sword to push up the stark-white linen of his pants to see if there were more scales to be seen. Oboro’s eyes widened and he hissed at the captain, his eyes temporarily turning into slits and he pressed himself against the railing of the ship. “Looks like you are one of those fish people. Now, tell me why you came onto my ship.” Shouta pressed.
“I told you already. There are monsters in the water here. Specifically, ones that hunt my people and slaughter them for sport. I came onto your ship to save my own life even though it seems that you’re going to dice me up and have me for dinner.” He spoke, glaring up at Shouta before staring down at the blade. “I’m not going to. If you seek refuge, then refuge you will have. There must be another reason you came onto my ship other than to seek refuge.” The merman looked up at him with an annoyed look on his face.
“If you aren’t so aware of merpeople like your companion here, then you’d know that about this time of year, my people would take on a human form and either enter towns or board ships like your own to find themselves a mate.” Oboro said with a smirk growing on his face.  The captain lowered his sword and backed off from the merman. “Then why would you come onto my ship instead of going into the town? There’s more than plenty of eligible and willing women that you could share a bed with to ease your itch.” Shouta spoke and leaned against a barrel that was set against the mast. The merman stood up with wobbly legs and took a step forward, only to fall onto the planks of the deck, and catch himself with his hands. The captain chuckled and knelt to his level and meet his eyes. “You don’t quite have your land legs yet, do you, fish boy?” He spoke and Oboro lunged at him. “I came onto your ship because the women in the town are too easy. I also prefer a male companion than that of a woman.” Oboro spoke and propped himself up on his arms. Hizashi stopped Shouta from speaking.
“I think we understand what’s going on. Hopefully, the good captain and I will hopefully be good companions to you.” The bard spoke. The captain looked to him and gestured for him to talk to him off to the side. “You are aware that he might be have dynamics like we do. Could he be an Omega in Heat?” Shouta spoke in a hushed tone. “He doesn’t have the same smell like an Omega would when they go into Heat. He might be like me. What the people in town call a ‘Luna’. Maybe we could ask him?” Hizashi whispered then stood up and walked over to Oboro. “Do your people have different dynamics? Like Alphas, Lunas, Betas, and Omegas?” Hizashi asked. Oboro chuckled. “Yes. We know what those dynamics are and my people have them too. I’m what you humans would call a ‘Luna’.” He panted. “I’m also in what you humans call a ‘heat’ too. That’s why I came up here and onto the captain’s ship. If you aren’t going to help me, then I’ll go back into the water and go to another ship that I hope would have more willing men aboard.” Oboro spoke and crawled back to the edge of the ship. 
“Wait. We will help you. We’re just trying to understand all of this as only three of the dynamics can get pregnant up here.” Hizashi spoke and helped Oboro to his feet and walked with him into the captain’s quarters with Shouta right behind them. Once they were all seated, Oboro explained how his species would procreate, trying to make it as clear as possible to the pair of humans across from him. The captain sat forward in his eat as he was thinking to himself. He looked over to the merman and nodded slightly.
“Alright. Let’s get this over with. We will both help you. You get on my bed and make yourself comfortable. I want to finish this and have you off my ship before my crew returns in the morning, is that clear?” Shouta spoke.  Oboro looked up at him with a gleam of excitement in his eyes and he went to the captain’s bed, stripping off his shirt and revealing the various scars and other wounds on his back and shoulders, with a few healed over scars on his chest. He stood before the two men wearing nothing at all. Hizashi was the first to stand up and walk over to him. Hizashi cupped the face of the merman and kissed him deeply while the captain watched. Oboro pulled at Hizashi’s tunic and helped him out of his clothes before leading him to the bed and pulling him onto the bed on top of him. He looked to the captain and felt his face heat up a little. “Could you leave us alone for a moment? I don’t like being watched.” He spoke.
“Of course.” Shouta spoke and left his quarters to gaze up at the stars as the merman and the bard did their business inside of his quarters. He leaned against the main mast and listened to the noises of love-making occurring in his quarters and he groaned, not quite happy with what was happening on his bed but he chose to drown out the noise with the gentle lapping of the waves hitting against the hull of the boat, almost in rhythm of the thrusting noises happening from inside as well.  Shouta closed his eyes and tried to tune out the noises coming from his cabin, letting his mind drift until he was needed.
Soon, noises of climax and release came from his cabin and Hizashi came out of the room, adjusting his belt around his waist.
“He’s all ready for you, captain. I’ll warn you now, he likes to bite.” The bard spoke and placed a hand on the captain’s shoulder. Shouta opened his eyes and nodded, tagging out, and swapping places with Hizashi and going into his quarters to find the merman laid out on his bed, still coming down from his previous high. He lazily looked over to the captain and smiled, inviting him over to make out with him.  The captain walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. The merman pulled him down and kissed him deeply. Shouta kissed him back and worked his coat off along with his own shirt. The merman ran his hands down his chest and stopped at his belt, working at the fastenings, and pulling them off and tossing them to the floor.
He smirked and straddled the thighs of the merman. He looked down at him and pulled his right hand up to his lips and kissed it gently. The merman’s face turned a deeper shade of red when he received the affection from the captain and let the captain lean down and kiss him more and pull his hips back before lining up his hardened cock with the merman’s slicked entrance and sliding it in with a bit of force as he had grown impatient and aroused from hearing the noises that the bard and the merman had made earlier in the evening. He began to thrust at a steady pace, groaning slightly, and holding the hips of the merman below him as he slammed into Oboro. The merman moaned and reached up to pull the captain down and bit on his neck hard, leaving a oozing wound on the captain’s neck which he pulled away quickly and covered his neck.
“Dammit, Merman. What did you do that for?” He cursed and held the creature down with his free arm by wrapping his hand around the merman’s neck.  “Didn’t the bard tell you that I like to bite?” He asked with a smile on his face. “Yes. But why? Biting someone on the neck is a very serious matter up here.” The captain asked. “If you mean that I’m trying to mark you, then you’re very wrong.  Merpeople bite in general to show a sign of affection. It means that I like you, Captain.~”  He spoke and held the wrist of the hand around his neck.  Shouta’s face turned a deeper shade of red and he settled back into his thrusting pace, sliding his hand up to cover the merman’s mouth, glaring at him as he did so.
“If you wish to show affection anymore, do it on my hand. I still have a reputation to keep up, I don’t think people will understand bite wounds on my neck.” He told him and the merman nodded. He kept thrusting, feeling his knot form and before it was stuck within the merman, he shifted one of his legs to go over his shoulder so he could penetrate him deeper to make this interaction be worth it and make it count.  He stared down at the merman below him as Oboro’s legs shuddered as he released onto his stomach. Shouta soon came after him, releasing his seed deep into the fertile womb of the merman. Shouta took a minute or two before he kissed the merman and pulled out from him with a whimper. “Don’t go. Please hold me. Can Hizashi come in and hold me too?” He asked. Shouta nodded and pulled his pants on to get the bard to come back in to cuddle the merman and hopefully get him back in the water before his crew came back on the ship in the morning. Hizashi came into the captain’s quarters and cuddled Oboro, inviting Shouta to cuddle with them. He laid down with them and held the merman and the bard in his arms, falling asleep soon after. The next morning, Shouta woke up to find that the merman was gone and Hizashi was curled up under his blankets. The captain crawled out of his bed and found a note and a seashell on his desk. He picked it up and read it. “Thank you for the wonderful night, Captain Shouta Aizawa. Tell Hizashi that I enjoyed his company as well. You’ll get notice if I end up pregnant with your child.
Thanks, Oboro.” “Well that was short and sweet. I’m going to see if my crew has come back. I should also stock up on supplies and head out as soon as possible.” Shouta said to himself before pulling his shirt and coat on before heading out to check on his crew. Once he checked in with his crew and helped Hizashi out of bed, he went with the bard into town to stock up on supplied for his ship before they would head out on their next adventure.
A few months pass and their adventure leads them to a coral reef in the merfolk territory from a conch shell that they received a couple of weeks after Shouta and Hizashi had helped the merman. They went to this reef and found a coastal town where they had the hopes to see Oboro again. They had made port in a small coastal village that they didn’t know at the time was run by merfolk who wanted to live on land. Shouta and Hizashi went around the village asking if anyone knew of a man that had light blue hair and a rectangle-shaped scar across the bridge of his nose. One shopkeeper pointed to a shack that was on the outskirts of town that housed a man like that and that he rarely came out of his house, mostly in the evenings and he had recently taken to wearing baggy clothes which wasn’t usual for him. The hopeful pair followed the lead and found the merman tending to his small but thriving garden.
“Oboro?” Shouta spoke, hoping that it was him. The man turned to face them and confirmed their suspicions. Oboro was different, his hair wasn’t as flowing as it was before and a shadow of facial hair had grown on his face, showing that he was tired. But that wasn’t the only thing different about him. Slightly hidden under his baggy robe was a curve to his lower stomach, indicating that he was pregnant. Hizashi ran over to him and hugged him in congratulations and greeting. Shouta’s heart lifted a bit to see the merman carrying his child. Well, his and the bard’s child. They wouldn’t know whose it was until it was born. The thought of staying in town, heck even settling down here was a nice idea to the captain and he would ponder it over the next few days as the merman welcomed them inside of his home to talk and catch up from the few months, they were away from each other. The end.
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totalbellytrash · 11 months
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Hungry as a Horsea (by ADSDChibi)
This was a pic a got from Chibi of my Scarlet Trainersona as a Kingdra Merman complete with a baby bump!
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