#mozzarella and Brie (I don’t like Brie)
disownedbytiime · 3 months
In another medication-induced dream, I dreamt that I was in a “when evil lurks”-kinda situation. So me and a group of people were inside someone else’s house trying to get rid of the “evil”. In the movie, they got rid of anything that came in contact with the “evil” so clothes/car/etc were burned. I remember I started undressing but everybody else was too self conscious to do it and I was like ??? You’re bringing the evil!!! Anyway, they just took off their shirts and called it a day while I piled up my clothes and my book bag. Then, bc I kept complaining that the others weren’t doing their part, they sent me to get what we needed to burn the clothes, which apparently were matches and “the vampire cheese.” (By then I had new clothes free from evil).
I spent hours in some kind of pantry looking for said vampire cheese until someone told me to just grab 3 different kind of cheeses and mix them and that was the vampire cheese. And when I was almost done, the couple owner of the house came back and then I felt self conscious. Not when I was undressing but when they saw me stealing their cheese. They were okay with it though, even though they thought it was a snack.
Then I brought everything back and then I saw a small child in a green tricycle (i don’t remember if the boy’s shirt was also green, but overall he was very green). And apparently that was the evil, and he was trying to get us to not burn the stuff (although the only thing he was doing was cycling around telling us not to do it while he laughed). And I got fed up so I stepped on his face. Like the sole of my shoe on his whole face, but he kept talking and laughing. So I got even more fed up and thought: why don’t I call my medium friend to deal with him? And I did but suddenly she wasn’t the person I know. She now was a group of video game characters I like.
Ultimately they ended up fighting inside a screen and I woke up before I could see who won, but ngl I think the cringe of having video game characters was what did it for me. The undressing? I didn’t mind. The cheese-stealing? Kinda embarrassing but I could take it. The green-evil thing? Annoying af but whatever. Video game characters trying to save the day? Oh boy, get me out of this embarrassment.
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tidesreach · 3 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
tagged by @sibylsleaves <3
here is (more than seven sentences of) a long-distance family dinner in the wake of a bad mental health day for eddie.
Buck is mid-way through cooking dinner by the time Eddie manages to drag himself out of the shower and put together some semblance of a human being. It was a painstaking, physical fight. A concentrated effort to lift each leaden limb into clothes, one at a time. Buck told him once that the average strength of gravity on Earth measures at 9.8 metres per second squared. Scientifically speaking, Eddie has no idea what that means. But for some reason, the number sticks in his head. Right now, it feels like the Earth has its own personal measure of gravity for him. Something far higher than 9.8. He feels like his bones are made of rocks, weighting him to the floor.
Eddie makes it to the dining room, hovers for a short while, listening to Buck and Christopher arguing over FaceTime about their favourite cheese. It lifts a little bit of the weight pulling down his limbs. When he finally gathers enough strength to push himself past the threshold and into the kitchen, he finds Buck at the stove, apron on. It’s the one he keeps there. The small screen holding Christopher is sat on the counter, and he’s laughing, tinny through Buck’s phone, with light-hearted affront at whatever scandalous thing Buck just said about brie. “Hey,” Buck says, soft and quiet as he catches Eddie’s eye across the room. Eddie makes his heavy limbs move to the table, to the seat closest to Buck and phone-Chris. “Hey,” he says, then, "Hey again, buddy." Christopher is still grinning through the screen when he says, “Dad, tell Chef Buck that mozzarella is the best cheese.” “Kid’s got a point,” Eddie says, because mozzarella is the best cheese. Buck holds up his hands, wooden spoon in one of them. “Hey, I don’t dispute the merits of mozzarella. I just think brie has more sophistication.” Eddie isn’t close enough to see Christopher roll his eyes. But he can hear it in his voice. “Sophistication,” Chris mocks quietly. “I hope you’re not making fun of me,” Buck says, taking the towel off his shoulder and waving it threateningly at his phone. “Never,” Christopher says, tone sarcastic in a way Eddie recognises. Because it's the same light, teasing tone he uses with Buck. Buck smiles, still soft, reaches to slide a dish into the oven. “You wound me, Chris,” he says, then to Eddie, “You hungry? I’m doing a brie and basil pasta thing.” He emphasises the brie, and Christopher snorts. Eddie feels a laugh escape him. It almost surprises him. “This is only the second time I’ve made it though, so uh. Maybe—maybe keep your expectations low.”
@inell @thatbuddie @epicbuddieficrecs @saryasy @lover-of-mine
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crappycheese · 1 year
If I forgot your cheese I forgo so feel free to tag it
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sundove88 · 1 year
Cookie Run Kingdom- Cheesyitis (Based on Frozen Fever)
Golden Cheese, Princess, Cavatappi, and the others plan a special birthday celebration for Mimolette months after her return, but when Goldie catches a cold, her Ancient Cookie powers put more than just the party at risk.
The Cheese Triplets, Casu Marzu, and some other characters belong to me.
Princess Professor Mimolette, Prince Professor Cavatappi, Lil Mac, and a few others belong to @thetropicalfairy
It had been a few months after Princess Professor Mimolette Cookie had returned after an epic journey to find her and her parents. But today, Golden Cheese was extra busy- for it was her daughter’s surprise birthday party. She wanted her to have something to remember, especially with her whole family and all of her friends and allies around. “Come on, Goldie. This is for Mimi! You can do this!” She nervously said as she placed the crystal butterfly cake topper on the cake, which was decorated with sugar crystals and fake sugar butterflies. “Relax, Mom in Law! It looks great!” Prince Professor Cavatappi, her son in law, said. “I just want her to have something to remember.” The golden sovereign replied as she walked over, while Pure Vanilla Cookie arranged flowers from Mimi’s garden, Hollyberry Cookie and her family supplied berry juice by the bottle, and Dark Cacao Cookie plus his son Dark Choco Cookie and wife ChocoPearl Cookie cut up paper chains. Sparkling supplied his signature juice; Cocoa helped make the hot cocoa bar, Herb helped with the table settings, Mint Choco and DJ chose some party tunes, and Vampire plus his sister Alchemist handled the piñata.
“Speaking of which, check this out!” Cavatappi answered, revealing a banner he and his nieces + nephews made that said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIMI” in bright letters. “Everyone, are you sure I can leave you in charge here?” Golden Cheese replied. “Of course you can!” Madeleine said as he got the party games set up while Espresso got a brewing station ready. “Because I don’t want anything to go wrong today.” Goldie replied as she flew over. The cheesebird triplets giggled as they ate some of the miniature cupcakes, which looked like Cheesebeetles. “Kids, those are for the party!” Sosha, their mother replied as she flew over with their father, Danby. “Yes, Mama and Papa.” The trio, made up of Fontina, Colby, and Brie said as they flew towards their parents. Prince Mac N Cheese Cookie, their neighbor and Goldie’s grandson, flew over as well. Then, Golden Cheese knew that the party was about to start for real. “Two things- One, Make sure to not let anyone in until we’re ready; and two, Keep an eye on everything, got it?” She said as she flew away quickly. “Got it!” Princess Cookie shouted as she, her sister Tiger Lily, Tea Knight and Eclair hung up balloons and streamers; while Cheesecake, Birthday Cake, Piñata, and Firecracker handled the rest of the decor. “What could possibly go wrong today?” Parmesan, Golden Cheese’s husband, said with a smile as he tied a few more ribbons. Burnt Cheese, Mozzarella, and Smoked Cheese also helped decorate too.
Inside her daughter’s house, Golden Cheese smiled as she approached her sleeping daughter. “Wake up, sweetie. It’s your birthday!” Mimolette sat up and gasped. “I-It’s my birthday?!” She said as she leapt to her feet. “Yes! I know how much you missed when you, your friends, and your father and I celebrated your birthday, so we’re going to make this one your best one yet!” Golden Cheese said, only for her to sneeze and two Cheesebirds to appear out of nowhere. Neither mother or daughter noticed. “But first, let’s get dressed!” Goldie said as both of them got dressed in party dresses with butterflies and jewels, respectively, while having their tiaras on as well. “Now… for the presents!” She squealed.
Laughing, mother and daughter followed a long string that the Ancients had wound through the kingdom, leading Mimi to various different gifts. Inside one of Tea Knight’s suits, was a silver butterfly bracelet. Inside one of Eclair’s cabinets, lay a Parfaedia snowglobe. And on the balcony of Hollyberry’s vacation home, there was a bouquet of desert flowers. Mimolette was so happy! But Goldie sneezed AGAIN. More Cheesebirds popped out of nowhere and flew to the ground. Both still didn’t even notice! The Cheesebirds flew into the party venue, where Lil Mac was thrilled to see them. “Hi, little guys!!” He squealed. “Uh oh…!” Cavatappi’s siblings said in unison as they placed the food on the buffet table. The Brave Gang immediately took action as well, stopping all the decorating and immediately chasing after the little birds.
Mimi and Goldie followed the string all across The Cookie Kingdom. Along the way, Mimi discovered more presents: A family portrait, a Cheesebird Doll, and even a fishing Rod! But Golden Cheese was sneezing way more often. And each time she sneezed, more Cheesebirds appeared. The pair didn’t see any of them. Finally, Mimolette broke the ice. “This day’s been amazin’. But I think ya need to get back home and rest.” “Wait! There’s more, sweetie!” Golden Cheese persuaded. She then led her daughter to The Squirrel Shop, where she presented her daughter with a gorgeous butterfly wing style cloak. The Maestro Sugar Gnome stepped out of the door and noticed Golden Cheese sneezing. “How about some medicine for you?” He asked. Mimi took the bottle without hesitation. “We may or may not need that.” Later, Goldie took Mimi to the Kingdom Plaza, where Lil Mac’s friends had another surprise for her. “Happy birthday, Princess Professor!” Gumball Cookie said as he unveiled a mural he had made himself. Goldie turned to her daughter. “They absolutely love you, Mimi- AHH, AHHH, AAAAACCCHHOOOOO!!”
More Cheesebirds appeared out of nowhere and flew into the venue. The Triple Cone Trio, Cavatappi, and the others tried to get things under control; but the little birds where all over the place! Cream Puff Cookie noticed the birds flying towards the cake. She conjured up a spell to keep them away. “Protecticus… Cakeicus!” She shouted as she shielded the cake while Walnut Cookie tore up some bread and got the birds away. Suddenly, the flock of Cheesebirds perched on the banner and wrecked it, sending pages everywhere! Prune Juice Cookie grinned. “We’ll get it!” He shouted. Cavatappi caught each of the Cheesebirds in the bowl just as the Triple Cone Trio finished repairing the banner. Capsaicin Cookie smiled. “All done!” He shouted. Kouign Amann Cookie grinned in return. “Whaddya think?” She asked. Cavatappi was horrified as he saw The Triple Cone Trio hanging from the banner. “PHAPY RHABDIOM TIMIY?!” Almond and Latte couldn’t help but laugh.
At the same time, Golden Cheese had led Mimolette to the last stop. There Was just a single gift left hidden in the Cookie Castle. But Mimi’s arms were filled to the brim with presents, and Goldie’s cold was getting worse. Mimolette persuaded her mom, “Please, Mom. Ya need to get some rest!” Golden Cheese wasn’t listening, though. She was feeling a bit… feverish as she flew up the stairs to the top of the castle. “It’s your happy birthday, my darling,” she sang. “Happy, jolly, hot, hot, birthday…” But just before Golden Cheese lost her balance, Mimi dropped the gifts and flew down to catch her. “Mom, ya practically have a fever! We need to get ya to bed.” “I really am that sick.” Golden Cheese admitted. She sighed as her daughter helped her through the venue gates. “I’m so sorry, Mimi. I ruined your perfect birthday.” But Mimolette just smiled. “Ya didn’t screw up anythin’, mom. Everythin’ was truly—!”
“SURPRISE!!!” Mother and daughter stopped short. Everyone Mimi had helped, was friends with, all of her students, and her whole extended family were all there in the venue- surrounded by who knows how many little Cheesebirds! “Wow!” Mimi said, ecstatically. “Wow.” Golden Cheese replied, shocked. Everyone ran up to Mimolette and hugged her, wishing the Princess Professor a happy birthday- especially Royalberry, Jungleberry, and Dark Choco, her three bestest friends of all. Princess and Tiger Lily, caught up in the excitement, ran up to her and tackle-hugged her. “Happy birthday! We love you, Mimi!” Then the guests stopped, stunned by what Princess had said.
Mimi had grinned at her biggest fan; then she turned to her mom. “Ok; mom. Time to go to bed.” But Goldie was persistent. “Wait! All that’s left is for the queen to blow the Birthday Bukkehorn!” She shouted. Mimolette knew what was going to happen next. “Nonononononono!” She replied. “ACHOO!” The Queen sneezed out Puffington, a massive Cheesebird, who was sent flying to Beast Yeast. Meanwhile, Casu Marzu Cookie, the Queen’s traitorous former advisor, was muttering her next plan… only to get crushed by Puffington himself. The other Cookies of Darkness burst out laughing, while Casu growled and flipped off the royals for not inviting her to the party.
But Mimi was still smiling when she tucked her mom into bed not long afterwards, giving her some nice hot soup she had made herself. “Thanks, Mom. That was the greatest birthday present ever.” She said. Golden Cheese looked at her daughter. “Which one?” “Me finally havin’ a genuine birthday party with everyone I know and love… and you finally letting me take care of ya.” At those words, Goldie embraced her daughter without hesitation. “I love you too, sweetie. Happy birthday.” She said as Sosha and Danby, dressed as a doctor and nurse; landed near her as she sneezed again, summoning their neighbors from their homeland. But not long after the party, Lil Mac was riding his tricycle with the triplets in the basket, leading a parade of Cheesebirds through the kingdom. Cavatappi sighed as he laid on the shoulders of his parents, Fusilli and Ravioli. “Don’t ask.” He said to them with an exhausted sigh. It had been a long day indeed.
The End
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baccp · 1 year
idk if y'all read these asks but whoever is reading it, what type of cheese would you be if you theoretically were cheese?
Here are just some of the wonderful answers I received from the cast!
Julia (Chloe): Pepper jack: reliably good but *spicy* as needed
Lindsey (Brooke): I’m for sure a colby jack. But like the cheese stick version!
Connor (Michael): Mozarella because it’s a melt in your mouth treat
Mikey (Rich): Pepper jack without hesitation
Diana (Jenna): I don’t like cheese…
Kyle (squip): In character I would be a Gouda because The SQUIP is disarmingly smooth and a little bland at first, but can deceive you with its versatility and stretch factor.
Personally I'm fresh mozzarella all the way because it's my favorite and I'm a bouncy little guy
Matthew (ensemble): Cheesecake
Jared (ensemble): Swiss cheese because my brain is full of holes
Meghan (ensemble): American cheese 100%
Elaina (stage manager): smoked gouda
Leah (Madeline): Ricotta bc I'm sweet and spread easily
James (Scary Stock-boy): Provolone because I love the way it melts for a grilled cheese sandwich
Rosie (Ms. Reyes): Brie cheese bc is firm on outside yet still edible and when heated up will melt in your mouth 😋
Christopher (director): Colby Jack cheese 🤤
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silv3reyedstranger · 1 year
18 and 47??
First of all, thank you for the ask! Second of all, I literally went OoOOoO when I saw which questions you’d chosen😂
18) ideal weather?
if i’m outdoors, it needs to be like 74-76 degrees fahrenheit for me to be thriving. but if i’m bundled up in a sweater and a coat and warm pants with a drink, i can deal with the chill/cold. what i can’t do is anything 80 degrees and above😭
47) favorite type of cheese?
i’m SO glad you asked—like you don’t even understand!! i’m a huge huge huge cheese fan. the cheese that came to mind is this lovely fig and honey goat’s cheese that’s made in the US i believe? it’s so creamy and light!! i actually really like brie too and i’m always happy to nibble on mozzarella…i just have a lot of faves💀
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Most hated childhood nickname: I was fine with the handful of nicknames my family gave me. What I hate is being called Rob which for some reason many people I speak to for work have automatically decided to call me. I never even introduced myself as Rob???? I hate it so much :((
Age you were when you hit your current height: I was either 10 or 11. I had a massive growth spurt that also stopped nearly as soon as it started.
Speaking of height, how tall is your crush/sig other? I don’t have either.
Your first favorite color, and how old you were when you liked it: Purple. I was around 7; I liked it because it was my great-grandmother’s favorite and she had a lot of purple elements in her home.
Favorite kind of cheese: Feta, brie, mozzarella.
Favorite TV show you love to hate: Glee, Game of Thrones, the last few seasons of The Big Bang Theory.
Favorite kind of hot beverage: Ooh I dislike hot beverages. I find it soooo uncomfortable to the throat and I don’t like how hot it’d feel in the stomach too. When I order hot chocolate or am stuck with hot coffee, I always wait for them to get lukewarm first hahaha.
Favorite chord (I’m a music major, I had to put this one in): I’m not, and have no idea what to name.
Favorite musical instrument: To listen to – piano, violin, saxophone.
Favorite brand of toothpaste: Eh, just Colgate is fine.
Favorite kind of sandwich: Monte Cristo will always be my favorite.
Favorite method of travel/transportation: By airplane, just because I don’t get to experience it often and it always makes me excited to travel :) 
Favorite means of expression: “No way” and the many spin-offs I use for it hahaha. Like “stop it,” “shut up,” “shut the door,” “you’re kidding” etc.
Favorite Broadway musical: I’m not a fan of musicals but I do hold a soft spot for Miss Saigon. I was virtually raised listening to the soundtrack on cassette.
When’s the last time you…?
Ate something you hate? Well I don’t really...make myself eat things I already know I hate. A month ago I had empanadas that annoyingly had raisins in them, but I took each piece out in between bites so I didn’t have to deal with the taste.
Did someone a favor? Last night; I just bumped Angela’s tweet offering a trade for our Yoongi ticket so that a new wave of people can see it.
Felt like you’d really accomplished something big? It’s been a while. I guess when my friends and I booked our Airbnb and plane tickets to Thailand; it helped give me a sense of purpose and reward especially after working as hard as I’ve had over the last two years.
Missed your parents? Well, I miss my dad everyday.
Spent longer than two hours talking to the same person? Wednesday when my friends and I went through a third wave of ticket selling (and still ended up unsuccessful, lol). We were on Messenger updating each other in real-time for like an hour straight, then spent the next hour crafting our game plan going forward.
Wrote/recieved an actual letter (not a bill, not an email)? Christmas 2020.
Felt like everything was going really really well? Hm. Maybe my birthday trip to Zambales last year? That was a great time where I allowed myself to just let go of work entirely and stay in the moment and focus on me and my friends.
Felt like you’d failed? Sometime in mid-Feb when I handled a commercial shoot for one of my clients’ upcoming product launches and a bunch of miscommunication that I couldn’t control between the client and the prod house happened, forcing the shoot to go overtime by nine hours. We ended at 3 AM and the output ended up being fantastic, but it didn’t feel like an accomplishment at all. It was something I just wanted to laid to rest as soon as it finished; I never even ordered the damn thing during the entire period of its availability. Just so traumatic.
Stopped to smell the roses– literally? Nope. 
Spent way too much money on something totally dumb? That hasn’t happened since the time I used to spend on my ex.
Enjoyed doing homework? 2020, I guess? It was my final semester in college and I was taking a course on social history which I was genuinely enjoying, and I had lots of fun every time we had essay homework.
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from-a-distant-end · 2 years
tagged by: @fatalize​ !!!
sign: scorpio
height: 5'1″
time: 9:07 AM
birthday: november 18
fav band: i literally don’t have a favorite band lol, i just like music
last movie: Star Trek, 2009
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last show: Outer Banks with my sisters and parents.
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when I created this blog: 2012, I was a sophomore in high school lol.
what I post: anything that tickles my fancy! my fandoms, pretty drawings and pictures, nothing in particular, including any posts/gifs I finally find the time to make myself.
other blogs: I have my Miharu Rokujou roleplay blog that I don’t remember the login credentials for, a few blogs for the story Lena and I have been writing together for 8+ years lol
do I get asks: not particularly but very rarely, yes I will
followers: 2,021
average hours of sleep: i have no idea lol could be anywhere from 4 hours to 10, depending on the happenings of the day, any anxiety/insomnia, etc.
instruments: violin, but I haven’t played or gotten to practice since it broke
what I’m wearing: a loose maroon shirt and my mom’s shorts lol screw shoes and certainly screw bras
dream job: uhhhh idk lol I’m already a professional photographer with my own business so maybe something where I get to work with other writers/filmmakers and create stories and art with them?
dream trip: Italy, Poland, Russia, France, man idk I want to see a lot of Europe but I don’t even have a passport and I’m not vaccinated so I don’t even know if I’m allowed to leave and come back without trouble. And Japan too but only because I can speak Japanese lol
favorite songs: Legends Never Die by Against the Current, She Said by Brie Larson and probably more but I can’t remember this early lol
3 ships: UHH??? Not in any order
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Haru and Yuki I guess lol the girl on the right is actually me, this was the hardest question to answer 
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first ship ever: PROBABLY Robin x Starfire from Teen Titans?????
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last film: ???? it was still Star Trek
last song: Legends Never Die lol it came on shuffle before I left my car
currently reading: a frickin Ideals Magazine poetry book about Autumn that my aunt gave me
currently watching: Outer Banks, Star Trek films, Marvel movies (in chronological timeline order), X-Men movies and the Bourne movies
currently consuming: air, unfortunately, I have a job interview in a few hours
currently craving: chOCOLATE. AND MILK. CARBS. THINGS HIGH IN FLAVOR. mozzarella sticks, hell i’ll even take a bowl of pasta.
tagging (optional): @brokenrose12​ @toneofechoes​
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pinewoodpipit · 1 year
Mozzfic Fic Meta
Finally the project I’ve been working on for MONTHS is done! I’m so, so fond of this fic. I worked hard on it and I really love how it came out. I’ve got quite a bit to say about this fic, so I’ll break it into sections!
General Thoughts
First, some general thoughts which were going to go into my end notes but they were getting much too long, so they’re going in here.
I was originally going to call this fic "Brie Mine" as a cheese pun, but I eventually decided I wanted to take it more seriously.
I had this idea while tipsy and having some mozzarella sticks while on call with my partner. My thought process was somewhere caught between “I love my partner / I love mozzarella sticks / I love KaiKali” and somehow my wires got crossed. Not complaining, I love this silly little fic and its silly little origins. I will never cringe for loving someone, even when I’m being an embarrassing slightly drunk person about it.
The quotes before each "chapter" are translations from Sappho. Because of that, I want to note that while most people associate Sappho with lesbianism, in my headcanon these characters are bi and I am not writing them as lesbians. While lesbians are valid whether they've dated men in the past or not, I still see these guys as being attracted to all genders in the present. This is the case for all of my headcanons regarding the K/D/A group; they're all bi in my heacanons, and I usually headcanon them all in a very happy, loving polycule (just not in this particular fic, as this isn't specifically the K/D/A-verse and is only inspired by it). This headcanon of mine is kind of referenced by Ahri and Evelynn's open relationship and Kai'sa having slept with them (platonically) in the past, but it's not 100% canon to this fic. Maybe in the future they all take that step, who knows? Not particularly important information here, I just wanted to clear this up in case anyone was wondering.
One more lighter note is that I chose Nashramae as a place for them to live because I felt Kai'sa wouldn't be so willing to just leave Shurima after being torn away from it so long, and Ezreal has been noted to have visited here, giving them a chance to meet. I felt Akali might be more likely to leave Ionia with her family given how wartorn Ionia is from its fight with Noxus, although I was torn since it wasn't particularly likely for her to leave, either; just slightly more likely than how I felt about Kai'sa leaving Shurima. It was a hard choice and there wasn't particularly a city which felt right, but Ezreal's visit was the excuse I needed to pick this one as a final city. It's a modern day AU, though, so there are buses, public transport, and other general modern conveniences alongside the lovely silk markets and trading harbour. It being in Shurima also added more reason for Kai'sa to underestimate how badly it was going to rain in that first section, lmao.
One last thing; this fic took me many months to write, and it ended up a lot longer than I expected. I don’t know why it took me so long, really? I was very passionate about it that entire time (so it’s not like I lost interest), but there were a lot of things happening in my personal life and I guess I found it easier to grab onto smaller projects and finish them for the little happiness boosts I needed to get by. It’s here, though, finally as good as I wanted to make sure it could be, and I couldn’t be happier with it.
Comphet, relationship trauma, and internalised homophobia
On the topic of comphet, internalised homophobia was a large part of Kai’sa’s struggle in this fic. It’s something a lot of queer folks struggle with tremendously when they first figure themselves out, but it’s not something I see talked about very often. Kai’sa in this fic wasn’t homophobic by any means when she worked out her identity, she was a large ally, but it wasn’t something she ever thought would apply to her. She grew up in a very turbulent, rapidly changing environment, without much of any support system, and so she’s fragile about things which might hurt her.
If you go through enough school changes and meet just the wrong people, you can get trained into believing some awful things about yourself. Kai’sa was now faced with the realisation that people had ammo to throw at her now, and she also struggled with feeling predatory for liking women. It was something she had to unlearn, and she did so without a support system. Ezreal’s lack of communication was the nail in the coffin, and it meant she went through that unlearning process, and the process of coming to terms with herself and growing, alone. When she found Ahri and Evelynn, she was already significantly far along her healing journey.
Akali renewed that fear because she signified a step she hadn’t taken in actually dating a woman - she’d slept with Ahri and Evelynn by this point. It would mean making herself vulnerable to another potential catastrophic breakup which almost shattered her the first time. It was less about being gay at that point (although that was definitely part of it, as it was still new to her), and more about the fact that taking that step and entering a relationship with Akali meant she was throwing open the doors and letting Akali aim a crossbow directly at her heart. Kai’sa just had to trust that Akali knew to talk rather than shoot.
NSFW Thoughts and Headcanons
NSFW hcs for these guys… I have a few. I’ll list them out in bullet points here with a simple explanation.
In my headcanons, especially in relation to her regular/canon LoL story, Kai’sa does not enjoy penetration. In my view of her character, she has been through far too much over the course of her life and had enough outside forces have violating say over her body that I imagine anything like that would be a very uncomfortable concept for her. This is very much me projecting my own issues onto her and using the symbiotic as a metaphor for trauma, but it’s a headcanon I feel strongly about. It’s not a complete rule for her, as in my headcanon she’s sometimes okay being strapped by the occasional person and ofc she did sleep with Ezreal, but it’s not something she wants to have happen every time she sleeps with someone.
Akali’s a total switch. I like to imagine she’s capable of and happy with being both a top and a brat bottom. In this fic, given Kai’sa’s distaste for penetration, I had her take the brat bottom route - the “I’m going to be a little shit and annoy my loved ones until they fuck me about it” kind of bottom. She knows Kai’sa and she knows how to push her buttons, and she likes gently bullying her lovers until they kiss her just so she’ll shut up. For real, this is one of the best parts of being in a relationship. Annoying your partner (of course making sure that it’s teasing annoyance and not actual upset or discomfort) is great fun. As good at she is at bottoming, though, you KNOW this girl has incredible strap game. She probably gives incredible head, too. Nobody’s that confident and smug without being able to back it up.
In terms of the wider KDA polycule:
I like to imagine that Evelynn’s happy doing whatever. She enjoys being fucked, but she also likes to top and take people apart. It makes her feel powerful to see someone come undone under her hands. She knows what she’s doing and she just enjoys making her partners feel that good.
Ahri in my mind is a total bottom, by choice. She totally could top and I imagine with her charm she could give someone an incredible orgasm, but this girl can absolutely get away with lying back and taking it, so that’s what she does most of the time. I like to imagine that she’s also dating Yasuo while the rest of the polycule isn’t, and he’s equally as much of a simp for her as the rest of them. This isn’t to say she’s a selfish lover and she’ll gladly reciprocate - she’d never refuse a chance to fuck her partners into the mattress - but she very much enjoys having her lovers take good care of her and prefers that over topping.
Fanfic playlist:
I have a Spotify playlist for this fic, which normally I’d share, but I don’t think there’s a way to make the creator of a playlist anonymous, and I want to retain my privacy (if there is a way, I’d love to know!). Instead, I’ll just share the individual songs on it.
She - dodie
Everything Goes On - Porter Robinson, League of Legends
Stray Italian Greyhound - Vienna Teng
Would You Be So Kind - Jodie
ICARUS - STARSET (this one is less relevant to this fic but it has always reminded me of Kaikali for whatever reason)
The Messenger - Linkin Park
Ghost - Mystery Skulls
I Am Not A Robot - MARINA
U.N.I - Ed Sheeran
Wasteland, Baby! - Hozier (this one is where the official title of the fic came from, even if I mostly just call it “mozzfic”!)
Pluto - Sleeping At Last
Heather - Conan Grey
Raw - Sigrid
Turning Page - Sleeping At Last
Thus Always To Tyrants - The Oh Hellos
Born2Run - Penelope Scott
Tongues & Teeth - The Crane Wives
Home - Bruno Major
Curses - The Crane Wives
Forest Fires - Lauren Aquilina
Boats & Birds - Gregory and the Hawk
These songs all encompass the main emotions of this fic, at least to me, which are feelings of self doubt, pain over past losses and traumas leaving scars on your current psyche, feeling like you’re destined to end up alone and don’t deserve your loved ones, and on the other side, the utter softness and warmth of love. Finding someone and just instantly connecting with them after so long, after so many years of loneliness and being in pain, being left behind, you can finally take a breath and know that it’s them. After it all, after everything, it’s finally them. You try to resist it, feeling those past patterns touching on your fears and making you want to push them away to protect yourself, but in the end, you give in and open your heart to them, because they’re worth it. The songs word their themes much better than I could, but I found they all shared a strong identity with what I wanted from mozzfic.
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tastesoftamriel · 3 years
what are the best/most popular cheese-dominated dishes for each race? this one loves all kinds of cheeses.
I answered a similar question in the past, but since it's cheese we're talking about here, I'm going to make another list because I can!
Aside from rare and expensive indrik cheese, the High Elves also adore sheep milk cheeses, which are especially creamy and rich in grassy flavour. A type of fresh cheese known as burrata is famed for its mozzarella-like exterior and rich, creamy liquid centre. It's eaten with sundried and heirloom tomatoes and fresh herbs, and pairs perfectly with white wine. Be sure to ask for a napkin though, burrata can get messy!
As mentioned previously, Argonians aren't really cheese eaters, but this doesn't apply to many city-dwellers. Enterprising natives of Leyawiin, for example, have teamed up with Argonian chefs to develop classic Cyrodiilic cheeses with Black Marsh flair. I personally adore a type of hard, crumbly cheese called Wamasu Wallop, which is made with fresh peppercorns and wrapped in wild garlic leaves.
Valenwood cheeses are severely underrated, and I plan to change that! My favourite this month is a fantastic semi-hard timber mammoth cheese that is great in a simple grubs-and-cheese grilled sandwich. Yes, baked witchetty grubs are excellent, and you don't even need to think about them as grubs when they're hidden under a glorious blanket of melted, stretchy cheese and sandwiched between cured sausage "bread", with crispy bacon and a tasty fried egg. Doesn't sound good? More for me!
I say with utmost certainty that the Bretons are masters of the omelette, specifically of the cheese variety. My favourite is a Shornhelm tavern special: fluffy omelette with chives, smoked brie, gorgonzola, and topped with crispy pancetta. It's a melt-in-your-mouth, Aetherial experience.
A Dark Elf cheese specialty that isn't scuttle is rare, but many Dunmer enjoy paneer, a type of chewy, mild cheese that's cut into blocks and cooked with rich curries or baked in a lava-stone oven with spices. My favourite way to enjoy paneer is in a mild, creamy bittergreen and hackle-lo leaf curry, and served with wickwheat flatbread.
It would take me years to chronicle all the cheeses of Cyrodiil and how they're eaten, but I'm going to go with a classic cheese and caramelised onion tart today, made with fresh chevre, mature cheddar, and a dollop of creamy gorgonzola for some oomph. It's perfect for any meal at any time of day!
Fried cheese. On sticks. Dipped in moon sugar syrup. I could elaborate more on this delightful street snack, but I won't. You'll just have to visit Elsweyr. Consider this my unofficial tourism promotion for the Province: just think of all the fried cheese on sticks, dipped in moon sugar syrup.
Cheese is a staple part of the Nord diet, and while I do love a good Elsweyr Fondue, nothing quite bests the traditional Skyrim fondue. Eidar cheese is just one of four to six cheeses (generally a blend of mozzarella, soft and hard goat cheese, gruyere, and provolone). They're melted until smooth in a cauldron with brandy, and served with cured meats and sausages, sourdough, and roasted leeks to dip.
Coming back to the topic of echatere cheese, it is also amazing when baked into a jacket potato with horker bacon, horseradish, and radish chips! The creamy consistency is ideal for baking, especially as it also crisps well under a grill. Simple, filling, and the best way to consume a whole wheel of cheese in one sitting.
Hammerfell is home to one of my favourite desserts in the entire world: kanafeh. Made from delicate layers of crisp filo pastry and loads of salty cheese and mild ricotta, kanafeh is usually drizzled with nuts and dried fruit, and soaked in a rosewater and lemon syrup. The end result is a religious experience, to put it mildly. Did I mention I like cheese?
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girl-with-cat-eyes · 3 years
Divorce? Is that a kind of Cheese?
Summary: Sea monsters mate for life. They're not like people, they don't separate or get divorces. Mates are permanent. Except when they're not.
Or: Giulia and Alberto are both children of divorce. Luca is confused.
A/N: Here it is! The long-awaited Luca fic! I hope you all like it! Special thanks to @psadler1 for beta reading this! And now without further ado.
Luca bounced in his seat as the train carried him home from Genoa. He couldn’t wait to see his family and tell them all about what he’d learned while he was away. He couldn’t wait to see Alberto again. He smiled at the thought of seeing his friend.
Giulia smiled from where she sat next to him, “You’re really excited to get home, huh?”, He nodded shyly, “So am I. I love my mom but I miss my dad while I’m away.” Luca sat back down from where he’d been staring out the window. A question formed in the back of his mind, one that he’d wondered since he’d left Portorosso and met Angelina. He’d never dared to voice it until now, “Why don’t you’re parents live together?”
She looked away and, for a split second, Luca thought he saw her tearing up. He wanted to take back the question but, before he could, Giulia blinked away her tears and schooled her expression, “They used to. When I was really little we all lived in Portorosso together. But they fought a lot. And eventually, they sat me down and told me they were getting a divorce and I’d go to Genoa with Mama for school.”
Divorce? Luca wondered what that could be. It sounded like some kind of fancy cheese. Like the ones, Angelina would buy to make sandwiches with. Judging by her tone, however, Luca didn’t think it was like brie or mozzarella. He decided to test his luck once more, “What’s a divorce?” “It’s when two people who are married decide they don’t want to be married anymore. You probably have a different word for it.”
Again Luca was puzzled, “You can stop being married?”, he asked. From everything he’d heard up to this point, marriage seemed pretty permanent.
“Yeah. Don’t you have anything like that?” He shook his head, “No. Sea monsters mate for life.”, He’d known this since birth. Upon turning 16 they would declare mates and spend the next two years courting before sealing their relationship. And that was that. They spent their lives together. Your lifemate was your everything.
“What if they stop loving each other??”, He rubbed the back of his neck at the question, trying to think of an answer. In truth, Luca didn’t know what would happen then. The thought of not loving your lifemate enough to leave them was unthinkable. You just didn’t do that. It was permanent.
Then again, from what he’d been told, marriage was supposed to be permanent too. That didn’t stop Giulia’s parents from divorcing, “I don’t know. But I can ask my parents and tell you what they say?”
Giulia sighed, “It’s ok. You don’t have to.”, Luca nodded, but was secretly determined to find out.
The question didn’t come up right away, he was busy catching his parents and Alberto up on how his school year went. The reunion had been full of hugs, kisses, and tears. His mother and Massimo had worked together to make a feast of both human and seafood for the pair, with Alberto even chipping in to make some desserts. It was a fantastic night of dancing, singing, and eating. And at the end of it all, Daniela and Lorenzo agreed to let him spend the night with Alberto.
The taller sea monster had been all too eager to show him the changes made to his island. He wasn’t fully ready to stay with Massimo all of the time, so Massimo agreed to let him go back and forth between the two places. Of course, that didn’t mean that he wasn’t going to make sure that Alberto was safe and protected. So the pair had spent the fall working to make it more secure from the elements. Luca was impressed upon seeing the changes that had occurred while he was away. They’d spent the night catching up and playing games together. Luca had had a blast. So much so that the question of divorce was forgotten completely.
He didn’t think about divorce again until two weeks later. He was eating dinner with his family, listening to his mother catch him up on everything that had changed while he was away. It was just them tonight; most nights they ate with Giulia, Massimo, and Alberto, but they had a family dinner at least once a week.
Daniella was prepping dinner, sharing all the family news he missed while away at school, “And did I tell you that your cousin Camilla picked Donnie Branzino to be her lifemate? I love her I do, but Donnie Branzino? Out of everyone she could have picked, she picks Bianca Branzino’s boy? Now we have to deal with them at every family gathering from here on out.” Luca stilled in his seat at the mention of lifemates, the conversation he’d had with Giulia returning full force, “Mama?”, he asked, trying to be discreet.
Daniella turned and sat his plate in front of him, “No you cannot go have dinner with your friends. I worked all day making your favorites.”
Luca shook his head, “It’s not that. I have a question about lifemates.” She raised an eyebrow at him, “Lifemates? You have two years before you have to worry about lifemates. What do you want to know?”
He swallowed, gathering all of his confidence before speaking, “What happens if they don’t want to be lifemates anymore?”
“What do you mean?” He shrugged and tried to act casual, “Like if they stopped loving each other. Could they stop being lifemates?” “Sweetheart.”, she placed a hand on his shoulder, “You know we mate for life. Sea monsters don’t fall out of love or stop being mates. Did you hear something?”, Luca sighed and lowered his gaze to the food in front of him.
“Giulia told me about this human thing called divorced. It’s when two human mates stop loving each other and then stop being mates.” Daniella sighed, “That’s awful. But I can’t think of anything happening like around here. Have you Lorenzo?”, for once the other sea monster was paying attention and shook his head.
“Not that I’m aware of.”, Luca nodded in response. He supposed it really was as simple as he first thought. That was until his grandmother spoke up.
“I remember a pair of lifemates who split up.”, Luca looked over at her, hoping she’d elaborate.
“Go on?”, he encouraged with a smile.
“You were only a baby when it happened. Only 3 or 4. There was a couple who lived on the outskirts of town. They had a son around your age. My friend used to babysit for the wife, I can’t remember her name. Lucia? No, Liliana? It doesn’t matter. They argued all the time. Eventually, they split and went to two different pods. He took their son. And then they were both gone.” Luca swallowed at her story. “Oh.”, were the only words he could find himself able to say. The rest of the meal was silent.
“And sometimes human mates just leave each other?”, Alberto asked. They were gathering stones along the beach while they waited for Giulia to finish her deliveries. Luca had told him what she’d said in the meantime.
“Yeah. And I asked my family what happens if lifemates fall out of love and my grandma told me about this couple she used to know that just left. They went to two different pods like they were never together. I always thought lifemates were forever. It’s crazy, right?”
He over at Alberto, expecting him to agree. Instead, he was staring at the ground, a dark look on his face, “Berto?”
“My parents split.”, It came out as a whisper, almost too quiet to hear. Luca’s jaw dropped. He knew that Alberto’s dad had left him, the thought of a parent leaving him filled Luca with white-hot anger. But he’d never said anything about his mother. Luca had assumed that she’d died.
“Oh?”, Alberto sat down and Luca sat beside him, “What happened?” “They fought all the time. And then one night I heard my mama say she couldn’t deal with my papa anymore. And then she left. Only she didn’t take me with her. She...She forgot me. I don’t know why but she did. My father said she didn’t want me. That she didn’t want either of us.”, Tears slowly but surely began to drip down his face, Luca was regretting ever bringing it up.
He wrapped an arm around Alberto, pulling the other boy close, “I’m sorry she left you. She shouldn’t have done that.”, Alberto shook his head fiercely at his words.
“It’s my fault. She left because I’m such a bad kid.” “You’re not bad. You’re amazing. And anyone who says otherwise is a liar.”, Luca hugged the other boy tightly.
“My dad always said so.” “And he’s as much of a liar as Bruno then.”, the resolution in Luca’s voice was as clear as the sky on a sunny day, “You are amazing. And my best friend.” Alberto snorted, “Thanks.”, he whipped his eyes and sat up, “Sorry about crying on you.” “It’s fine.”, Luca rubbed his shoulders, “I’m sorry your parents put you through that.”, They sat like that for some time before Alberto spoke up.
“I wish I didn’t have to pick a lifemate.” Luca looked at him, “Why?”
“Because what if I end up like my parents? I have to trust that they understand me like you do.” Luca looked at Alberto in understanding, “I get how you feel. What if my lifemate doesn’t like me going to the surface? Or what if they don’t like me hanging out with you?”
Alberto sat up straighter, “Lifemates are stupid. Who needs them? We have each other.”, Luca nodded in agreement. Surely a lifemate couldn’t be as cool as being with his best friend, “It can be you, me, and Giulia exploring the world. No lifemates needed.”, The pair sat like that for only a moment longer before getting up and swimming back to town. One thing was clear for both of them; all they needed was each other.
A/N: As always, leave a comment if you liked it.
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So then what's ur top five cheeses. Personally I can't think of anything that can top that funky aged cheddar flavor, but I'll be damned if parmesan isn't a close second. Mozzarella for number 3, for that meltability, and then cream cheese takes fourth and Gouda takes fifth. Both of which are there because of applications in sauces but cream cheese takes the spot above Gouda because it can also be used in deserts. Genuinely would love to hear your cheese opinions
Okay, so I personally really like brie. I don’t eat it a lot because it’s pretty expensive, but oh man, you can bake brie in one of those store-bought puff pastry things and put sliced apples on top and god... it is so good. I also really like cheddar because you can put it on scrambled eggs or in burritos or tacos and it elevates the taste SO MUCH I stg. Third is probably also mozzarella because I am a sucker for pizza and fried mozzarella sticks. Parmesan is also super good, and I like to add it to microwaved mac n’ cheese for more flavor lol. I also really like goat cheese, but that’s more for the flavor than anything else haha, although it is super good on fresh bread with tomatoes.
(Also– you’d put cream cheese in your top five???? Blasphemous!)
So, what are your favorite potato chip flavors? ;)
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lazywitchling · 4 years
What 5 cheeses would you most recommend?
When I do this in my cheese department, I am able to personalize this according to the person doing the shopping, and there is no “one cheese to rule them all”. Some people absolutely despise blue cheese, and that’s fair! I could recommend Deer Creek Blue Jay, but if you hate blue, you’re gonna think it’s nasty.
So, I’m gonna... cheat here and pretend I’m putting together a cheese board of five cheeses. So this isn’t really... “the five cheeses I’d most recommend”, but “excellent cheeses from five categories”.
1. A good fresh cheese - For this, I’d pick either a fresh mozzarella like Belgioioso Burrata, or a flavored goat cheese like Montchevre (Blueberry Vanilla is my favorite). Both should be pretty readily available at your grocery store. (If your store doesn’t have Montchevre, Humble Goat or Celebrity are good as well).
2. A lovely brie - Fromager D’Affinois is one of my favorites, and you should be able to find it if you’ve got a grocery store that sells hand-cut cheeses. OR if you don’t have someplace that sells hand-cut cheese, Alouette Double Creme Brie is a packaged one that a lot of stores stock.
3. Something flavored - If you spot the brand “Sartori” in your store, it’s probably a damn good cheese. I have never had a bad cheese from these guys. They’re an Italian family based in Wisconsin, and their cheeses are super easy to find. Some places will have them hand-cut, but they also come in convenient pre-cut vacuum sealed pieces with a long shelf life that big chain stores love to sell. Merlot Bellavitano is especially delicious, but really, you can’t go wrong with any. So, pick whatever strikes your fancy!
4. Something aged - Did I mention that Parmigiano-Reggiano is the king of cheese? Because it is. It’s hella versatile, and you can keep it foreverrrrrr if stored correctly. Also you can use the rind to make soups or pasta sauces taste goddamn angelic. Look for parmesan that has this stamp/pattern on the rind, because not all parmesan is Reggiano. Serve this at room temperature for the best flavor, and if you want to send it over the moon, drizzle some honey over it. BUT If you don’t want Parmesan, then... Beemster. Pick a Beemster. Any Beemster. Everything they make is amazing. These are also widely available in vacuum-sealed form, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble tracking them down.
5. A nice blue - If you can find it, Maytag Blue is amazeballs. And yes, it was named for the washing machine. Theoretically it comes pre-packaged? I’ve never seen it, but it does exist. You may or may not have a hard time finding it. If you can’t, Castello Danish Blue is excellent as well, and should be pretty easy to find. There’s an extra creamy and a regular, and... tbh I can’t tell the difference.
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abutterflyobsession · 4 years
Do you have any advice for someone who's never been in a cheese shop before, like a good beginner cheese if that makes sense? Thank you so much!
Hm, okay, lemme try. I have ‘beginner’ cheeses I recommend to customers, so I’m kind of prepared for this question. It’s harder to do without the cheese options right in front of me, because the stock varies so much from store to store. I’ll try to go with our most popular ones. I apologize now for the following info-dump. (oh my gosh you said ‘cheese’ singular, I thought you said ‘cheeses’ plural oh my gosh I’ve written too much but it’s too late I’m so sorry I hope you’re not overwhelmed)
Cheddar: most people are used to the firm mild and sharp. To try something different, look for aged white cheddar (there are a lot of kinds but if it says ‘aged’ you’re in the right place. The one I specifically recommend tho is Aged English Cheddar). Those will be sharp and crumbly and typically have developed tiny crystals from aging so there’s a delightfully subtle crunch
Gouda: there are so so many goudas. I suggest a block of smoked gouda, or a plain mild Red Wax. My favorite gouda is Parrano which is smooth and been aged to have a Parmesan bite to it, but that might be intermediate level
melting cheeses: mozzarella and monterey jack are well known melting cheeses. Getting a little fancier, Swiss Cave-Aged Gruyere. It’s very popular, we sell a ton. It’s a little bit like swiss but with a strong nutty flavor. It melts to a near liquid so it’s the go-to fondue cheese, but a lot of people use it for soup, casseroles, or just grilled cheese sandwiches. Something milder would be Fontina, which is an Italian cheese, mild but more flavorful than mozzarella and is really nice for snacking on
Brie (Bloomy Rinds): Any of the little wheels are a good start. They’re usually double-creme (a richness rating) which is the basic starting point. Rich, buttery, spreadable, reeeelly good with fruit preserves. Use it like butter or cream cheese, spread it on your toast, or a fresh baguette, put on a beret, gaze at the Eiffel Tower as you eat
Blues: a very controversial cheese. The rule of thumb is that the more blue it has the stronger it will be. Look for something more white than blue for milder options. We have Black River Blue, that’s our mildest. Try it with honey or fruit, it balances out the strong saltiness. (*whispering* I don’t like them)
okay, bonus info. If you ever see a line of cheeses called BellaVitano try it. Especially the Merlot. The base cheese is a light Parmesan type and the edible rinds have been soaked in different flavors. Merlot, Bourbon, Balsamic, Espresso, Chardonnay, somewhere out there is Raspberry and someday I will find it and I will try it . . . all of them are Really Good. An appreciation of wine and alcohol is not necessary to appreciate these cheeses
bonus bonus info: there is not a cheese known to man that does not pair well with fresh green grapes or slices of apple (whichever variety you prefer). As well there is no cheese you cannot just cut up and snack on. (Parmesan? Try it with pears). Always buy in blocks, not slices. I don’t have the science but I think pre-sliced are messed with to get the desired slice-ability.. If you’re melting a cheese go ahead and shred it. Melts faster and more evenly.
I am so sorry I am so so sorry
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Yoosung is so under appreciated in this fandom >:( if you could write about cooking in the kitchen with Yoosung that would be fantastic >:)
YES poor sweet bby Yoosung. I get why ppl think he maybe doesn’t have a personality esp in other routes but also ... he do b a college student I don’t have a personality either JSJSJ
Cooking - Yoosung Kim
Summary: Yoosung is best boy. And best boyfriend. He wants to make you a special dinner since you just moved in with him and you offer to help
You had finally unpacked the last of your boxes. You were officially moved into Yoosung’s apartment. With all the threats of the hacker, which shouldn’t have been much of a big deal since Seven and V supposedly took care of them... but Yoosung wasn’t sure. He was stressed with you in that apartment. Still, it wasn’t until the next school year came along that he was looking for a new apartment to lease and offered to look for a larger one so you could move in.
You had stayed the night at Yoosung’s dozens of times, but this was different. The energy was different. You never had to worry about what time you were going home. It was like every second was a date. But also, it was going to be hard to stay focused working from home with him by your side. All an adjustment, but more than worth it to stay with your perfect boyfriend.
The two of you were sprawled out on the couch, exhausted but satisfied with your hard work moving everything in. Yoosung’s head rested on your shoulder; he pushed off from his position to look at you. “Can I make you dinner? Anything you want,” he offered.
“Oh it’s chill. We can just get a pizza.” The last thing you needed right now was a mess in the kitchen. Making food was way too much work.
“B-but!” He protested, his voice cracking, “this is our first night living in the same house together. And you want to celebrate it with pizza!?”
You shrugged. “I’m really craving pizza.”
“Have you ever made pizza?” Oh boy. It was like a lightbulb went off over his head. He was always overcomplicating things, but that’s one of the reasons you loved him so much.
“Of course. I feel like everyone’s done that at like a sleepover before.”
“You’ve done that at a sleepover!?” He seemed to not believe you. “I’ve... never done it before. But we could try! If you’re willing to help me out.”
You sighed, pushing yourself off the couch to stand up. “I would’ve been totally fine with just ordering but... of course I’ll show you. I don’t know how well I remember though.”
He was pulling up a recipe as you spoke, just in case you did forget a part or two. But it seemed like he would rather learn from you, as he set the phone face-down on the counter and focused on you, rolling up your sleeves. “First we need dough. I’m imagining you don’t have frozen pizza dough here.”
He chuckled, shaking his head.
“That’s okay! Technically we could make it from scratch but... you don’t have any yeast, do you?”
He shook his head no again, his ears heating up red. “I didn’t realize that was a thing to have.”
You giggled. “That’s okay! We can improvise.” He grabbed his phone while you turned to the fridge, sorting through to find anything that could be used as the crust.
“Got it!” You called, pulling out a roll of Pillsbury crescent roll dough. “This will work just fine. You wanna open it up and try and make it into a nice flat pizza shape?”
He took the roll from you eagerly, smacking it against the table to open it up. “I love this stuff. I think it’ll work pretty well.”
“Now while you do that... we need sauce. You have any sauce?” You turned back to look at him, tongue stuck out as he concentrated on smushing the sides of the dough together.
“Huh!?” He looked up at you. “Oh, yeah. It should be in the little side door thingy in the fridge.”
Well Ragù was admittedly not your first choice, but how different could pizza and pasta sauces be? (AN: as an Italian who makes both homemade... they rlly aren’t too different and I’ve def made pizza w pasta sauce before oop)
You set the jar of sauce next to Yoosung. “This is shaping up to be a very nice pizza. Now how about cheese?”
His grin on his face widened. “I’ve got a ton of different cheeses. Makes me feel fancy.” He abandoned his workstation to walk to the fridge with you, opening it up and opening a drawer which had just... wow... a lot of cheese. “We’ve got parmesean, mozzarella, brie, provolone, American...”
“Mozzarella. That’s the traditional kind.”
“The shredded kind or the string cheese kind?” He asked. You wanted to laugh but... oh boy he was serious.
“Shredded, Yoosung.” You couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sorry. You’re so sweet and cute.”
“Don’t call me cute,” he pouted, tossing the bag of shredded cheese to the counter. “I’m very mature.”
“Of course you are,” you teased. “You do have like a million different kinds of cheeses.”
He sighed, rolling his eyes, then making his way back to the dough. It looked pretty good honestly. You grabbed a baking tray and set the dough on it. “Now we can add the sauce and start jazzing it up,” you instructed.
Yoosung got to work on the sauce. Or... opening the jar of sauce. He was putting a lot of muscle into it, but it was not working.
“You need some help, Baby?” You offered, batting your eyelashes at him so he wouldn’t get mad at the nickname.
“Yes,” he whined, passing the jar to you. “I can’t get it.”
You popped the jar open in a few tries. Granted, it was hard to open. He wasn’t absolutely crazy. “There ya go.”
He made his way behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “You’re so strong. And talented. And smart,” he complimented.
You leaned back into his touch. “So are you. That was tough to open.” You grabbed a spoon and put it in one of his hands that was on your waist. “Help me spread the sauce?” You asked, looking up at him innocently.
He couldn’t say no to your puppy dog eyes. The two of you dipped your spoons into the sauce, plopping down sauce and spreading it out across the dough. He got a little too violent with dropping sauce, splashing some on you by accident. He hadn’t noticed until you jumped, cringing.
“Aw Honey, you’ve got sauce on you!” He exclaimed, setting his spoon down and using the pad of his thumb to gently wipe it off your cheek. “Ah, I-“ he glanced anywhere but to look at you, still flustered by the intimacy of the action. He was so adorable; he had his arms tight around you but was embarrassed by wiping sauce off your face. He let out a sigh and put the sauce-coated thumb into his mouth, sucking off the sauce, his face bright bright red, his eyes looking anywhere but at you.
“I, uh, think the sauce is all done,” you told him, trying to put his attention elsewhere. He jumped, his hand leaving your hips, and made his way over to grab the cheese.
The two of you sprinkled a ridiculous amount of cheese on the pizza, making sure no square inch was uncovered. And with that, you were able to put it in the oven. You hopped up onto the counter to sit and wait, coaxing Yoosung by your side with a tilt of your head.
He stood to the side of your legs, and you rested your hands on his shoulders, later opting to loop them loosely around his neck. “We did pretty good, huh?” You commended, unable to wipe the smile off your face.
“I think it was a great first meal. Well, I don’t know if it’ll taste good yet, but I had fun with it,” he nodded eagerly.
“Yoosung, I’m so happy to be here with you.” You leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to the corner of his lips.
“Me too.” He pulled you back in before you could completely move back to begin with, connecting your lips right on with his this time, one of his hands settling on your hip and the other on your thigh.
The timer sounded; the pizza was done! Yoosung’s face was bright red, as it always was after you kissed. You’d think he’d be used to it by now, but he wasn’t. He was just as sweet as always. He looked so cute putting on his oven mitts to pull the tray out of the oven. The pizza smelled good. You were just proud that you made something together.
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whats-her-quirk · 3 years
47, 56, 68, Juney!! Hope you're able to have some fun at your event <333
thanks love, boyf’s band is playing a show but they don’t go on until last so I’m just chillin
47. favorite type of cheese?
this is like asking me to choose a favorite child but either mozzarella or brie
56. favorite tradition?
boyf and I watch Over the Garden Wall every October 😌 and my family watches a movie called Annabell’s Wish every December.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
I’m not too picky but I once tried horseradish and it was nasty
Allegedly weird asks
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