#moze x female reader
crystallinestars · 6 days
NSFW Alphabet - Moze
I didn't expect to like Moze so much, but his backstory and gameplay got me, so here I am. Hope Moze lovers enjoy these silly headcanons of mine. Despite his serious demeanor, I'm a strong believer that Moze gets flustered when faced with sexual situations. Also, in case someone is not aware, girth is circumference not diameter.
Moze x Fem!Reader
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Moze feels awkward about what to do after sex because he’s not used to being affectionate. You’ll have to guide him on how to proceed, such as pulling him into a cuddle or engaging in pillow talk (though he’ll be mostly silent).
Due to his love for cleanliness, as soon as you’re able to stand, Moze ushers you into the shower. If you convince him to bathe together, Moze will join you in the tub and help lather your body until you’re squeaky clean. If you offer to wash him in return, Moze will say that he can wash himself, but he won’t stop you if you do it anyway. He grows flustered if you wash him because he’s not used to being cared for in such a manner, but he secretly enjoys the attention.
After a bath, Moze always changes the bedsheets if you did it on the bed. If you did it on other surfaces, he cleans up whatever mess you two made.
If he sees any bruising on your skin or if you complain about feeling sore, Moze will bring you to Jiaoqiu for treatment. The assassin is not used to physical intimacy, so he worries he might have hurt you, and will feel guilty about it until told it’s nothing serious.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself, Moze likes very little. He was seldom shown affection as a child, so he never quite learned to love himself. Whatever body part of his you shower in praise is one he will grow to think slightly better of. You think he’s got a handsome face? Your words will float into his mind every time he looks in a mirror, and a little warm spark ignites in his heart when he remembers you like how he looks. You like his muscles? He’ll try a little harder and train for a little longer to keep himself in shape. You like his hair? He’ll keep that haircut forever. Your praise means a lot to him even if he doesn’t outwardly show it.
On you, he loves everything. Moze is generally not picky about physical appearance of his partners. Every part of you looks pretty to him because he loves all of you. Though if you held him at gunpoint and forced him to confess, Moze would reluctantly admit that he loves the shape of your legs. He likes admiring them when you wear shorts or short skirts, and seeing you in thigh-highs makes him weak.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His cum has a mild salty flavor and is a bit thick.
Moze prefers to use a condom to avoid making a mess and generally avoids pouring his seed on your face or other body parts, though if you’re really into being covered in his cum, he’ll entertain you. He makes sure you’re properly cleaned up afterwards.
As for your slick, Moze doesn’t mind getting it on himself since it’s yours. He’ll let himself get as dirty as necessary if it means making you feel good.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Before you became a couple, there was a time when Moze walked into your room to ask for an important document. Unfortunately for him, you were in the shower at the time so he was left to search for it on his own.
However, the bathroom door opened before he could find it, and you walked out wrapped in a towel. Out of instinct, Moze quickly turned invisible and slinked off to an inconspicuous corner of the room, heart pounding quickly in his chest. He didn’t know why he felt the need to hide because it’s not like he was doing something nefarious in your room, but a part of him worried you would get the wrong impression if you saw him there, and he really didn’t want you to think badly of him.
The assassin didn’t look in your direction while you waltzed around the room, gathering a change of clothes but his face was flushed scarlet simply from knowing what you were doing. He respected your privacy and remained looking at the wall, not wanting to stare at you like some kind of pervert while praying you wouldn’t discover him. Thankfully, you remained unaware of his presence up until you left the room, and Moze used the first opportunity he could to escape.
He tried really hard to put the event out of his memory because it was a huge source of embarrassment for him and will never admit it happened (unless you somehow find out and press him, to which he will confess to everything while dying inside).
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Moze has no experience whatsoever. Absolutely none. The man hasn’t even kissed anyone before. He’s got a general idea of how sex works, but up until getting together with you, he used to view it in a very scientific way. In his mind, it was just a process that led to the creation of children instead of something that a couple could do purely for the sake of fun and pleasure.
He didn’t even imagine having sex with someone one day, so when the possibility of being that intimate with you surfaced, Moze was at a loss. The first time you have sex might be a bit awkward and full of little hiccups because he isn’t too sure about what to do. He knows the general process, but it’s the details and intimacy that he struggles with.
After your first time, Moze does research on bedroom skills so he can improve for next time and pays rapt attention to any directions you give him. He’s invested in making the experience a good one for you and becomes intimately familiar with all the ways you like being pleased.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Moze enjoys sex against the wall. Pinning you against the wall with his body with one of your legs hooked around his waist is usually his go-to position, though he also enjoys lifting you by the hips so you can wrap both legs around him. He’s strong enough to support your weight for the entire duration of the lovemaking.
Despite his shyness at showing his face to you during coupling, Moze really likes positions where he can easily see your face. Cowgirl and missionary are some of his favorites for this reason. He likes seeing your face because it makes sex more intimate for him, plus it helps him gauge how good he’s making you feel. He also does variations of missionary, such as hiking one or both of your legs onto his shoulders or pressing your knees to your chest for a deeper penetration.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Despite his serious demeanor, Moze is unintentionally goofy. He might recite a sex fact or a lame joke he read online with the most serious tone of voice and expression all while trying to please you and ruin the mood. He means well, but some of the things he says are so unexpected that they can be unintentionally funny (or cringy).
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He clean shaves to keep that area orderly. If he did keep hair, then it would be regularly trimmed short and the same shade of gray as his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Due to his upbringing, Moze never learned how to be open with his feelings or how to accept love and care, so he struggles with this in his life. Sex is no different.
Being expressive and affectionate is foreign to him because he learned to restrain his emotions, so he doesn’t shower you with odes of love and flowery compliments. He expresses his love for you in a different way. It manifests in eye contact during sex, pressing his body closer to yours until you’re practically flush together, holding your hand, and leaving a simple but lingering kiss on your lips after the act. Once he learns to open up more, Moze incorporates long and deep kisses into your lovemaking and holds you tighter to him, as if he is a man starved for you.
Even without the physical cues, the fact you are allowed to see him at his most vulnerable speaks volumes to how much he trusts and loves you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
If he needs to de-stress, Moze usually cleans to clear his mind, but on rare occasions, he masturbates to relieve tension. He feels a bit dirty afterwards, especially due to how messy masturbating can be, so he doesn’t do it often. However, after he fell in love with you, he was embarrassed to discover his thoughts strayed to you when he masturbated. It was never anything too lewd, mostly images of how flattering your body looked in that nice top you once wore, or the way your pants hugged your legs, or imagining it was your hand instead of his pumping along his hardness. Moze is usually good at being very quiet when masturbating, but when his thoughts stray to you, he lets out breathy gasps and even a moan when he climaxes.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Moze is pretty vanilla. Even if he had a wealth of sexual experience, his kinks would still be tame. He likes your legs, so anything that highlights their shape would appeal to him. Short skirts, shorts, and thigh-highs are just some of the things he likes seeing you in. He’s also a fan of seeing you dress up in flattering lingerie. It doesn’t even have to be sexy, just something cute that flatters your figure will have him thinking you’re beautiful and make him eager to feel your body.
Adding on his love for your legs, Moze is into thigh sex. If you’re okay with it, he would like to bury his cock between the flesh of your thighs. The squeeze of your soft thighs around him is both an erotic sight and sensation for him.
Moze also enjoys cosplay. He likes it when you wear something both sexy and cute, like a maid outfit or cat ears. He thinks you look tantalizing dressed up like that. If you ask, he’s willing to dress up for you as well. Stuff like formal/business wear, butler suits, glasses, a doctor coat, etc… are alright with him, though more provocative outfits like bunny suits would be too embarrassing for him to wear. Don’t ask Moze to roleplay, though. He’s not good at it.
Other kinks he’s into are body worship and praise. Once he grows comfortable with sex, Moze worships your body with his hands and lips, kissing and caressing every part of you because he genuinely appreciates your figure and the fact he’s lucky enough to call you his. Receiving the same affection on his own body will make him feel conflicted at first. As mentioned previously, Moze was deprived of love and affection when he was young, so receiving it feels foreign to him. If you take it slow and ease him into the experience, he will let you pamper his body and find a strange sense of enjoyment from it. If you combine your reverent touches with some praise, he will be deeply touched (more on this in Wild Card).
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Strictly at home. Moze doesn’t feel comfortable having sex anywhere else. In terms of locations in the house, he’s fine with almost anywhere, though he does favor the bathtub and bed.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Moze is a simple man. If he sees you in revealing clothing or things like swimsuits/lingerie, he grows flustered and pops a boner. Teasing or directly expressing your interest in having sex with him is another thing that easily gets Moze going. Feeling desired by you in an instant turn-on for him.
One other thing that gets him going is seeing you pleasure yourself. Whether he stumbles upon you by accident, or you purposely play with yourself to seduce him, Moze won’t be able to resist such an erotic sight. He’ll want to join in and help you get off, but only if you allow him. Seeing you feel good makes him feel good in turn.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Sharing is a no-no. You’re very special to Moze, and he hopes he’s equally as special to you as you are to him, so having sex with a third party ruins the illusion of your special relationship. Plus, he doesn’t want anyone other than you to see him in such a vulnerable state. He also doesn’t like the idea of sex in public places because he’s a very private person by nature.
Losing control over his body scares him, so Moze dislikes things like bondage and blindfolding. He’ll entertain you if you want that done to you, but he’s not comfortable with having it done to him. He also finds watersports gross.
Moze also refuses to get rough with or degrade you. He doesn’t want to hurt you and won’t find it enjoyable to do so. Another thing he doesn’t do is roleplay, but it’s less because he dislikes it and more because he sucks at it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
The first time you gave Moze a blowjob, he was caught by surprise due to how good it felt. His knees felt weak, and he had to fight to reign in his desire to orgasm right then and there. It was probably one of the few times when you heard him let out a loud, strangled moan and saw his reserved expression crumble into a pleasured one. The sensation of having his dick sucked for the first time was new and intense, which is why it had such a strong impact on him. Moze comes to love receiving blowjobs even though he’s too awkward to openly ask for them. There’s something erotic about watching you work your mouth over him, though he tends to avert his gaze out of fear of cumming too quickly from the sight.
When it comes to eating you out, Moze may lack experience, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm. He desires to make you feel good, so he gives it his all in learning all the spots that drive you wild. He pays rapt attention to your guidance in how you like to be eaten out and relies on your feedback and moans to tell him which pressure and speed you enjoy most. Moze quickly memorizes how you best like to feel his tongue in your pussy, which speed and pressure of flicks you enjoy against your clit, and the suction which makes you moan loudest.
If you squirm a lot due to his ministrations, Moze will pin your hips down, so you won’t interfere with his task. He won’t stop until he makes you orgasm, though if you tug at his hair and say it’s too much for you, he’ll stop. When he eats you out, your sounds and reactions can cause Moze to pop a boner and unconsciously grinds his hardness against the mattress.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
His go-to pace is slow, especially when he first starts having sex. Since everything is so new to him, Moze wants to take it slow so he can get used to the act of sex and learn what you’re both comfortable with. If you’re comfortable with a moderate or even fast pace, Moze can adjust and go faster to meet your needs.
Whether he wants it fast or slow depends on his mood. If he’s horny, he’ll want to go faster to chase after his release, but if the mood between you is intimate and sensual, he’ll opt for slower thrusts. At the end of the day, he will always go at the pace you want instead of what he wants because his goal is to make you happy.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Moze can go for quickies. If either of you get horny but there’s not enough time for a proper session of sex, then he is willing to indulge in oral sex, thigh jobs, or a quick fuck to satisfy the lustful cravings. He loves the emotional intimacy that comes with your regular lovemaking, so he does prefer longer sessions.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Moze is highly cautious by nature, so he is reluctant to take serious risks like exhibitionism or doing things that could result in injury. However, due to his inexperience, he’s also open to trying new things, especially if they’re something you’re interested in. He’s willing to try most things at least once as long as they don’t endanger either of you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Moze trains a lot, so his stamina is quite high. He can last for a long time, outlasting you by a long shot, but he stops if he senses you’re tired. He can easily last for 3 rounds, but rarely goes for more than that since you can’t keep up with his stamina.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Moze doesn’t own any toys. He’s embarrassed by the thought of using one and thinks they’re not necessary for him to feel good.
If there are toys you like using on yourself, Moze will learn how they work and will incorporate them into your sessions. As long as it makes you feel good, he’s willing to do almost anything to indulge you.
If you want to use sex toys on him, Moze will be hesitant and wary at first, but with some coaxing, you can convince him to give them a try. Moze prefers to keep things simple, so BDSM gear and whips are not toys he enjoys, though he ends up enjoying vibrators more than he thought he would. Still, sex toys are not really his thing, and he prefers to have sex without them (unless you’re super into them).
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Moze is straightforward by nature, so he doesn’t tease you in the bedroom. Edging isn’t something he considers because his mission is to make you feel good and bring you to orgasm, and that’s exactly what he sets out to do. He’s also terrible at dirty talk and verbal teasing (he doesn’t know what to say, or if he does say something, it sounds cringe), though he might make an amused remark if he sees you’re very eager for him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Having lived most of his life mastering the skills of being imperceptible, Moze became skilled at keeping his voice and breathing very quiet. The most you hear from him during sex are ragged breaths, muffled moans, and questions if you’re feeling good. With some encouragement, he can be convinced to let his voice out more, but it feels more natural for him to suppress his noises. If you can get Moze to lower his guard and just enjoy the moment, he might let out low moans. They’ll still be quiet, but at least more audible.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
The first time you had sex, Moze almost cried. Ever since he could remember, he was deprived of love and affection. Being orphaned and then tortured and treated like a tool by his “family” at the Sanctus Medicus had taught him to suppress his needs and emotions. When Feixiao rescued him and gave him a second chance at life, he grew used to being called a weirdo and feared by people.
But here you were, touching him so tenderly as if he were something precious instead of a terrifying tool of murder. You marveled at his physique in a way nobody ever had before and whispered how handsome he looked despite all the scars. You kissed his skin so softly, seeking out with your lips and hands all the spots on his body that sent jolts of pleasure through him.
Moze had never been treated with such gentleness and care before, and the attention overwhelmed him. The tender touches and sweet compliments felt foreign yet so good, and when you said you loved him, his eyes involuntarily teared up, though he suppressed the urge to cry. Your affection touched him deeply, and it was scary how vulnerable you made him feel, so Moze asked you to stop.
However, afterward, he caught himself wanting to be touched and praised like that again. It had felt scary at first, but a part of him craved to feel that loved and cherished again. In the subsequent times when you worshipped his body, little by little, Moze learned to relax and enjoy being pampered. It still overwhelms him sometimes, and the vulnerability makes him uneasy, but he also trusts and loves you, so he feels safe exploring this part of himself with you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
13cm (5.1 inch) in length and 9.5cm (3.7 inch) in girth.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Prior to getting with you, Moze’s sex drive was low. Once you became a couple, Moze’s drive rose, so he now craves sexual intimacy about 2 times a week. He can go for more frequent sessions if your sex drive is higher than his because he’s just that eager to please you. His self-control is high, so if you’re not able to have sex for whatever reason, he can easily suppress his urges.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It’s rare for Moze to immediately fall asleep after sex. Usually, he waits until you fall asleep first before allowing himself to rest. There are also times when he has to leave for business reasons, so he doesn’t have the luxury to sleep or relax.
For the first while, Moze will be uncertain and hesitant about cuddling and hugging, so you will have to initiate if it’s something you want. Once he gets used to it, he will drape an arm around you and pull you close to his side or spoon you from behind. He’s a light sleeper and tends to stay in one position throughout the night, so if you move in your sleep, he’ll instantly wake up.
Moze enjoys it when you hug him and rest your head on his chest or shoulder and fall asleep in that position. He finds it comforting to be held by you, and think you look cute cuddling him like that.
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angelltheninth · 2 months
Jiaoqiu and Moze Being Lovesick
Pairing: Jiaoqiu, Moze x Fem!Reader
Tags: fluff, lovesickness, forced cuddles, protectiveness, being possessive
Ko-Fi | Rules | Fandoms and Characters
A/N: They look like you need to chose between a good and bad boy.
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Lovesick!Jiaoqiu keeps medicine specially made just for you on hand at all times. It doesn't matter if you need it right now or not. He wants to be ready in any situation, like a good doctor should be. Just with a bit more affection than normal.
Lovesick!Moze marks you as his target the moment he sets his eyes on you. Whatever other mission he has is forgotten. Deciding that you're his number one priority from now on he needs to find out everything about you. Meaning he will be keeping an eye on you.
Lovesick!Jiaoqiu goes looking for you as soon as he gets word that you're sick or hurt, the weather outside be damned. Doesn't even pay attention to his own safety or wellbeing. It doesn't matter, you matter. He knows this way of thinking isn't good but he can't help himself.
Lovesick!Moze insists that he needs to keep you safe from others and that's why he marked you as his own target. Gives you a set of knives to protect yourself with if he's not there. As well as gives you many lessons in self defense. Mostly in secret.
Lovesick!Jiaoqiu has a special file on for you that he keeps in his office. It's your complete medical history so that he knows how to best treat you when you're sick. There's also a bunch of notes in there that he himself wrote. A lot of them have a little heart next to them.
Lovesick!Moze insists on staying the night with you to guard you. At first it's only a few times a month, then once a week, a few times a week, every day. It's for your own good, he cares about you, he wants to keep you safe. If he needs to trap you in his arms then he will.
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mizu0xox0 · 15 days
Fei Xiao and Ruan Mei x reader with Oshi No Ko star eyes
[Both characters are written as separate hcs, might be OOC]
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🦊Fei Xiao
-Shes definitely fascinated by how unique your eyes look, I mean sure some Xianzhou folks have unique eye colors but your eyes that look like they hold the galaxy in them now that's something she could stare into daily
-Fei Xiao will definitely introduce you to Jiaoqiu and Moze. And you bet she'll always bring up how beautiful your eyes are well everything about you is beautiful but your eyes stand out the most
-Fei Xiao will do anything to see your eyes light up. Compliment you? Of course she doesn't mind. Train with you? She is on her way. Maybe even sparring with her? Gladly plus she gets the bonus of seeing the passion burning in your eyes
-Speaking about compliments I feel like Fei Xiao would say something along the lines of "You're my world and I mean it quite literally you have a whole galaxy in your eyes."
-This will get worse when she is drunk and her words start to slur. There may even be occurrences where either Jing Yuan, Jiaoqiu or Moze may have to witness such occurrences as they bring her back to your shared house and see Fei Xiao saying extremely cheesy compliments about you which makes the average person cringe
-All in all sure your eyes are unique but Fei Xiao finds all of your unique
🧬Ruan Mei:
-As someone who wishes to understand lifeforms well she's seen many eyes of different lifeforms but no lifeform has eyes as interesting as you
-She tries to recreate your eyes with her experiments such as the cat cakes but the cat cakes eyes just aren't like yours a whole galaxy
-If you ever want that cat cake she'll gladly let you take it since well its a mini you sort of
-Whenever she spends time locked up in her lab and needs some new inspiration she may just go to you and look at your eyes. Something about your eyes may give her ideas. Maybe the various sparkles and twinkles in them.
-Ruan Mei who in her journey of understanding lifeforms doesn't seem to grasp the understanding of your eyes and why she gets lost in those eyes for yours. It's as if your eyes hold the whole galaxy in them that she could get lost it
-Every once in a while she may be doing some embroidery work and may embroider your eye color in her work after all it is quite a sight
-She will have difficulty expressing her emotions and compliments are rare from her but you can tell she's definitely somewhere between fascinated and amazed by your eyes since she looks a little more intent into your eyes as compared to when she's with other people. But be patient with her as time goes on who knows.
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Note: Thank you for reading! I finally decided to write about two of my favorite female characters in HSR, I really love Ruan Mei a lot esp since her release. Really wishing that she'll achieve her goal of becoming an aeon. Hopefully sometime in the future I'll have a firmer grasp on these two characters and write more for them.
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wyuovvia · 5 days
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˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊ WYUOVVIA'S KINKTOBER 2024!! .𖥔 ݁ ˖๋ ࣭ ⭑
₊˚⊹⋆ every post under the cut is an nsfw fanfiction! it will be updated during the entirety of october 2024 , and each fic will have its corrosponding warnings once they're updated!! the fandoms that will be included this year are jujutsu kaisen , genshin impact , and honkai star rail
[note; most of them will be uploaded at night in est time]
day one : sensory deprivation
including kaveh + transfem reader
day three : mirror sex
including moze + transfem reader
day five : threesome
including childe & zhongli + transmasc reader
day seven : knotting
including jiaoqui + male reader
day nine : bondage
including aventurine + male reader
day eleven : knife/gun play
including toji fushiguro x female reader
day thirteen : lactation
including ryomen sukuna + transmasc
day fifteen : overstimulation
including kaeya + female reader
day seventeen : praise
including argenti + male reader
day nineteen : food play
including suguru geto + female reader
day twenty-one : sixty-nine
including diluc + transfem reader
day twenty-three : pegging/strap on
including satoru gojo + transmasc reader
day twenty-five : aphrodisiac
including sunday + transmasc reader
day twenty-seven : exhibition/public
including kento nanami + female reader
day twenty-nine : cock rings/cages
including venti + transfem reader
day thirty-one : examination
including boothill + male reader
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bunbitti · 3 months
rules and stuff
I take ~3 requests at a time, also don't rush me pls
Taken: 0/3
Fandoms I know/might write for (may be updated later when I think of more):
Honkai Star Rail
Zenless Zone Zero
Return of the Blossoming Blade/Return of the Mount Hua Sect
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
The World After the Fall
Detroit: Become Human
Maybe other manhwas/series if I've read them (you can try asking if it's not on the list, I can and will write for side characters if I'm attached to them enough lmao)
Fandoms that are a maybe:
Jujutsu Kaisen
The Avengers
Attack on Titan
Harry Potter
Fandoms I don't write for (this means I either definitely have not read or interacted with the series or don't see myself writing for it much/at all, so that you don't waste your time asking)
Miraculous Ladybug
Percy Jackson
Disney, Pixar, etc. movies and stuff?? I didn't have a childhood if you couldn't tell already, and I also don't really watch movies
other sports animes (I'm sorry I just never watched them and I wouldn't have the time to start)
Characters I can do (predominantly male, I can't guarantee any quality for female characters):
HSR - Gepard, Sampo, Dr. Ratio, Aventurine, Boothill, Sunday, Jiaoqiu, Moze, MAYBE Jing Yuan, Argenti, Luocha, Dan Heng, Welt, etc.
ZZZ - Wise, Anton, Billy Kid, Lycaon, Seth
ROTBB - Lee Songbaek/Isongbaek/이소백 (x reader-only for him, no ships; there's not enough x-reader and plenty of ship fics for him already), MAYBE main characters/anyone else
ORV - most people, just not x-reader beyond platonic because I can't really see it
TWAF - Carlton/Karlton, maybe others
DBH - Connor, RK900, Hank, Gavin, others maybe
Topics I can do:
sfw, fluff, headcanons, etc.
nsfw (I might not be so good at the explicit stuff, but we can try)
AUs - soulmate, college/modern, royalty, etc.
depression/similar topics (only because I'm likely depressed)
character x reader, if I like that character enough and/or could see them in a relationship with the reader; platonic and romantic both allowed
some ships, only if I'm confident I can pull it off
Topics I won't do:
dubcon/noncon/toxic/abusive stuff (especially between shipped characters or in x-reader relationships) beyond what is already in character, I've had enough of that abusive stuff irl, I don't need it in my writing (having it in a backstory is ok as long as we're doing recovery/healing from it or something)
gore? idk
nsfw if the character(s) is/are minor(s), regardless of if they're shipped with another minor
mental illnesses/other conditions that I'm not familiar with and wouldn't be confident in getting accurate
aging up characters (unless we're talking about canonical versions that exist, like post-timeskip in Haikyuu where characters have jobs and/or are in uni)
whatever I'm not comfortable with
x reader:
unless otherwise requested or stated, will be gender neutral
if it's important to you, you can specify details about the reader (height, size, other physical characteristics, backstory, etc.), otherwise unfortunately I am not a mind reader
likely in 2nd or 3rd person, very unlikely to be 1st person
the more specific you are in the request, the better (sometimes I worry about not getting things how people were thinking of it in their heads lmao)
will probably be short-ish (see the lengths of existing fics) unless by some miracle I have more inspiration
I may be inconsistent af, haha
Don't request nsfw if you're a minor, and don't interact with my nsfw content if you're a minor
Uhh yeah, this should be it, I'll update it when rules change
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harmonysanreads · 2 years
⚝彡 Rules
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✧ Have your age listed in your bio or somewhere visible on your blog. This blog contains 17+ content so, if I find out you're below that age, you'll be blocked.
✧ Blank blogs (no pfp, no reblogs, no age mentioned) and spam likers will also be blocked.
✧ Please don't dm me for aimless small talk, both of our time and energy are precious. If its a brainrot you want to share, please use my inbox instead! But if we're mutuals, don't hesitate to say hi!
Character Studies
Dark Content (Sans the topics listed in the next category)
Reader Insert
Female/Gender Neutral Reader
Reader with a certain personality trait (e.g. shy, snarky)
Suicide (The act in vivid detail)
Male Reader
Explicit NSFW (Vague implications are fine though.)
Religious themes
Cult stuff
Hybrid AUs
Character x OC
Character x Character (Ships)
Reader with specific physical traits (Height, skin color etc)
Yandere Reader
Poly relationships (Skeptical, but I'll do it if the concept is interesting enough.)
(The names in bold signify characters that I'm most interested in writing. The names in purple signify characters that I really love.)
↬al haitham, scaramouche/wanderer, lyney, kamisato ayato, shikanoin heizou, kaedehara kazuha, tighnari, aether, venti, dainsleif, pantalone, diluc, cyno, zhongli, il dottore, kaveh, neuvillette, wriothesley, sethos, il capitano
↬blade, dan heng, dr ratio, aventurine, sunday, argenti, moze, jiaoqiu
↬ Please be kind and patient with me, as I'm (unfortunately) quite the perfectionist, it takes time for me to post since I want to make sure I'm satisfied with what I've written first :(
↬Please send all requests via my ask box, not my dms.
↬Please refrain from sending personal rants, although I explore many psychological themes, I'm by no means qualified to deal with serious issues. It's most productive if you contact someone trustworthy/professional instead.
↬ Please specify if you want the writing to be non-yandere, otherwise I'll automatically assume Yandere since this blog focuses on that.
↬ Anonymous asks detailing not-sfw themes will not be answered.
↬ Do remember that I have every right to reject/ignore a certain request/ask if it discomforts me, violates the rules or simply doesn't interest me at the moment. Though, I'll try my best to answer everything :)
↬ Please do not send requests for sequels to my oneshots like A Funerary Smile . But, I may consider a sequel request if it's a character I really love/if you can follow up with some suggestions/ideas for said sequel.
↬ Lastly, please don't hesitate to send in an ask now, part of why I decided to open them was because I wanted to connect with my readers and fellow writing blogs! We're all simps who just want to indulge a little, so there really is nothing to be afraid of <3
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yurinaa-world · 2 years
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
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💫𝒲𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝓌𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒
NSFW (suggestive is perfectly fine)
Abusive relationship (i can do like "them reacting to finding out you were in an abusive relationship" or something like that. Not the character being abusive)
Character x Character
Character x OC
minor! character x Adult! reader or Adult! character x minor reader in romantic relationships
Poly relationships
Male reader ( I only do female and gender-neutral readers)
I'm not comfortable changing the character's gender sorry
Everything else is free game :)
💫𝑅𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓇𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓈
Be respectful and kind when requesting.
If you request when my requests are closed I will delete them.
or if you don't respect the things I don't write and request it anyway I will delete it.
you can request up to 7 characters.
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𝒯𝓇𝒾𝑔𝓊𝓃/𝒯𝓇𝒾𝑔𝓊𝓃 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓂𝓅𝑒𝒹𝑒
Millions knives
𝐻𝑜𝓃𝓀𝒶𝒾 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓁
Dan Heng/ Imbibitor Lunae/ Dan Feng
Jing yuan
Welt Yang
Veritas Ratio
𝒲𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒲𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓈
Genshu Lin
Xiangli Yao
𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝑒𝑒𝓅𝓈𝓅𝒶𝒸𝑒
💫𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓈𝒶𝒻𝑒 𝒿𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓃𝑒𝓎!
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hanaeriin · 1 day
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﹒✸﹕ writing !
i welcome criticism towards my writing. however don't use that as an excuse to be rude and/or harass me, i'm here to write for my own enjoyment and it's free for you to read .
i do write for — oneshots ,, headcanons ,, drabbles ,, fluff ,, slightly suggestive ,, angst ,, yandere ,, hurt/comfort ,, aus ,, male/female/gn readers ,, malexmale ,, femalexfemale.
i do not write for — smut/nsfw ,, romantic with characters that look way too young/smol ,, character x character.
﹒✸﹕ request !
i do accept requests — suggestions ,, ideas or anything you have in mind. just make sure to give me the details and my character limitation for multiple character works are merely 4 only. always remember to put separately when requesting a group/trio/duo/etc together otherwise i will take it as a group and not by inviduals.
﹒✸﹕ characters !
wind breaker (nii satoru) — sakura ,, suo ,, nirei ,, umemiya ,, hiragi ,, kaji ,, togame ,, endo ,, sako ,, kiryu ,, takiishi ,, kotoha ,, kusumi ,, tsubaki.
kaiju no.8 — reno ,, narumi ,, hoshina ,, kafka ,, mina.
genshin impact — thoma ,, kazuha ,, alhaitham ,, kaveh ,, itto ,, heizou ,, cyno ,, tighnari ,, wanderer ,, zhongli ,, childe/tartaglia ,, neuvilette ,, wriothesley ,, xiao ,, lyney ,, gaming ,, albedo ,, gorou ,, sethos ,, kinich.
honkai star rail — aventurine ,, blade ,, boothill ,, dan heng ,, gepard ,, jiaoqiu ,, Jing yuan ,, luka ,, luocha ,, moze ,, sampo.
demon slayer — giyu ,, sanemi ,, obanai ,, mitsuri ,, kyojuro ,, kanao ,,shinobu ,, kanae ,, akaza ,, douma ,, genya ,, inosuke ,, muichiro ,, nezuko ,, rui ,, tanjiro ,, tengen (& his wives) ,, zenitsu.
characters that i don't write for — dr.ratio ,, argenti ,, smol characters ,, majority of the female cast and the ones you don't see in the list are either i have no clue how to write them or i don't feel comfortable writing for but i do write for some girls (for my mutuals) occasionally whenever the idea strikes.
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