#movie stars maxiel au
fiveredlights · 3 days
new au. max and daniel as actors in the f1 film. im gonna tomdaya these bitches so hard they won’t know it’s coming.
Film Updates @/FilmUpdates ·
Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen are announced as the leads in the upcoming untitled film based on Formula 1.
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maya 🏎️ @/boxboxferrari ·
wait you guys were actually serious when they were making an f1 film 🧍
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okay if they don’t make the two actors engage in a homerotic teammate relationship then they’re doing the movie wrong and it needs to be cancelled
#they’ll never do that because f1 are cowards but at least let me have a whiff of gay in it #if i don’t get a brocedes like relationship in that movie i’m gonna be pissed
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overtake · 1 month
Non-driver Maxiel AU where Max lives in London and is forced into a run club by George.
Warning: mention of vomiting
The sun is obscenely low in sky when George raps at Max’s bedroom door. It’s soft at first, then graduates into louder and louder pounding that Max can’t ignore, even in this hungover haze. He drags his heavy limbs to the shaking bedroom door and flings it open, hoping his visible rage and pillow-creased face make George fuck right off.
“What do you want?” 
George is perky, that irritating fucking smile accompanying clear skin and bright under-eyes. There’s no signs of last night’s adventures left on his face. He’s also wearing the ugliest, most neon green workout set Max has ever laid eyes on. The shorts are obscenely short. Max isn’t wholly convinced George isn’t aspiring for the sex offender registry if he wears those in public.
“You promised you’d attend run club with me,” George says. He begins dropping into little side-to-side leg stretches, and Max has to avert his eyes to avoid being flashed. 
“Mate, I absolutely did not do that.” If a criminal was holding Max’s family hostage and said the only way to save them was running a 5K, he’d have to beg the guy for a chance to say goodbye.
“Yes, you did,” George protests. “It was after that guy you hit on turned out to be straight.”
As if Max needed to be reminded of that part, which does come back to him quite clearly, along with the many g&ts he downed after.
George, rather unwisely, keeps talking. “I said it was a great way to meet people, then Alex said you wouldn’t last a single kilometre in a run club, and then you bet him 10 quid you could finish the run and agreed to come today.” 
Max blinks at him dumbly. To be fair, it does sound like the kind of stupid, competitive bet he’d get into with George’s new boyfriend.
They all technically work for the same company, but Max is in IT and Alex was always tech-literate enough to never need Max's help. Ever since Alex all but moved into this flat — which George's mysteriously wealthy parents pay for, so Max shuts his mouth and deals — they have become well acquainted. George has effectively weaponized their innate need to antagonize each other into fights over who can dry dishes faster, sort out the recycling best, and hang framed photos the straightest.
This, however, is a whole new level.
“Absolutely fucking not,” Max says. He moves to slam the door in George’s face, but George swiftly kicks his foot in the gap.
“Fine, but I’m telling Alex you backed out,” he threatens. He’s serious, too. He’s been begging them to join this run club with him for ages, but it’s been a losing battle against two people who hate both early wakeups and exercise. 
Max thinks of Alex’s smug, delighted face when Max is forced to hand over the money — and he’ll make a whole show of it, probably in front of all their co-workers — and grits his teeth. “I’ll fucking go, but I’m moving out.” 
“That loses its effectiveness when you threaten it every other day,” George informs him, then drops into a lunge that exposes his matching neon green briefs. This is going to be the worst morning of Max’s life.
They roll up to the meeting spot five minutes late and both extremely grumpy: Max at the whole situation, and George at Max because he apparently dressed too slowly. He’d dragged him by his wrist the whole way there. 
George is instantly greeted and swept away into a crowd of runners who could be his fucking clones, short shorts and all. Max briefly wonders if he can escape without George noticing, but as he begins a shuffle toward the edges of the group, someone catches his eye and begins walking over.
“You’re new!” he says, just as eerily enthusiastic as the rest of this group, like it’s not literally six in the morning. Max is beginning to wonder if he’s starring in a horror movie.
The man flashes perfect teeth at Max. At least he’s extremely beautiful. The least this group could do is give Max something worth looking at if they’re planning to ritually sacrifice him at the end. 
“I’m Max. George made me come,” he says, sticking his thumb out at his evil, detestable flatmate. Max will be unleashing the cats into George’s locked office, where he keeps his priceless collection of vintage teapots on display.
“Oh, he’s always talked about bringing his boyfriend! I’m Carlos. I founded this group.” 
Max tries to resist gagging at more than just leftover gin sloshing around his stomach. Judging by Carlos’ amused expression, he does not succeed. “Flatmate. Definitely not his boyfriend,” he corrects. 
Carlos runs a tan hand through his beautiful, flowing hair, and Max doesn’t even bother to pretend he’s not watching the movement. “Welcome, George’s not-boyfriend. Let’s get you sorted into a pace group. What’s your usual time?” 
“I haven’t run since I played football in school. I will be walking behind the slowest group.” 
Carlos laughs as if Max just made a hilarious quip, which is vaguely concerning seeing as he could not be more serious. “Just run at whatever pace works for you. We believe in pace inclusivity here. You’ll have Daniel over there hanging behind the pack today so nobody gets separated, and we’re just doing 5K today. You’ll be fine.” 
“Just 5K,” Max repeats flatly, but Carlos is already gone. Fuck his life. He’s swearing off all bets with Alex for the rest of time. 
He tries to get a peek at the mysterious Daniel that he’ll seemingly be spending loads of time with, but all he can see is the back of a worn navy cap, long sleeves, and tight compression leggings under shorts. At least he’s not an exhibitionist like George’s little neon crew. 
Carlos stands on a nearby bench, gets everyones attention with a clap, and starts on some monologue about the beauty of morning runs. Max tunes him out and wonders if it might have been a good idea to stretch.
When Carlos gets the run started, Max doesn’t even try to move near George. He lets himself fall back with the only other person who looks vaguely close to struggling. The dude's in an ankle brace, but still, Max is able to keep pace with him for a solid two minutes.
Things start getting a bit shaky 1K in, but Max can still see some of the other runners. He knows the run club pace guy should be somewhere behind him, but he can't turn around to check. If he pauses for even a second, there’s no way he’s making it through.
He’s definitely wheezing quite loudly, and his legs are cramping in ways he never thought possible. Every new step aches. His four-year-old worn down shoes probably couldn’t survive another London rainstorm, let alone an actual run. He knows the wrinkly t-shirt he wore to bed is probably completely drenched in sweat, but he successfully gasps through another kilometre.
Only three to go before Alex has to pay up, and that thought is pushing Max through. He’s almost completely lost track of the group by now, and he can hear the slow tread of the poor guy stuck with him getting closer. The guy — Daniel, he thinks — calls out to him as he approaches. 
“Mate, if you don’t mind, I’m just going to run beside you so you don’t veer off-path.” 
If Max could hear anything over the sound of his own heavy breathing, he might have clocked the Australian accent and familiar cadence. Instead, he focuses so hard on not tripping over a now-unravelling shoelace that he instead misses a giant fucking stick in his way and eats shit straight onto the pavement. 
He sits with his back curled over his scraped-up knees, trying to remember a time when his chest and lungs didn’t physically ache with every short breath. He can feel last night’s drinks and 2 AM kebab churning around his stomach.  
“Are you okay?” a kind, concerned voice asks. There’s a hand lightly touching his back, and it’s making Max feel sickly over-warm in his already burning body. 
Max turns, looks into Daniel’s eyes, and promptly vomits onto his ex-fiancé's pristine white shoes. 
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somerandommess · 4 months
Maxiel au
Bookstore owner Max/ Famous Daniel, just an idea
Something Max owns a bookstore and does well for himself. He lives above it with his roommate who forces Max to watch movies with him. Jimmy and Sassy frequent the bookstore and the customers love them. Often times Jimmy is perched by the cash register and the regulars bring treats.
One day this new guy (Daniel) walks in and starts looking around. Max knows he’s new and probably not from around the neighborhood (the shorts, the shades, the very ugly hat) cause he walks around looking lost before stopping in the fiction section. His eyes scan the shelves for maybe 20 seconds before he picks up a book and heads to the counter. Max recognizes the spine as a book from this fantasy series that he’s read.
Max, friendly blunt as always, asks him if he’s read the other books in the series before.
The guy (Daniel) looks at him and raises his eyebrows before spitting out some answer like “Of course I have. Duh” (liar)
Max nods his head obviously not believing him before ringing him up.
Jimmy jumps down from his perch on the shelf behind and walks along the counter infront of Daniel, who brings his hands down to his sides immediately.
“Don’t like cats?” Max finds himself asking.
“I’m not fond of them,” Daniel responds.
Max hands him his change and Daniel heads out.
Max thinks that’s the last he’ll see of him so he goes about the rest of his day.
2 days later Daniel comes back in with power in his steps, demanding for the books in the series.
Max raises an eyebrow and guides him to the shelf where Daniel grabs the first book and heads to the register.
Max follows and smirks when he asks “I thought you said you read all the books already”
Daniel rubs the back of his neck before laughing, “I kind of, maybe, possibly, lied. I needed a break from…stuff, and your shop was the first one I walked into”
Max nods and doesn’t ask about what the ‘stuff’ may be. When he hands him his change (because he always pays in big bills), Max introduces himself and Daniel does the same.
Daniel places a tip in the jar and is on his way.
He shows up again at the end of the week asking for the next book.
When Max rings him up Daniel hesitates at the door and Max finds himself asking what’s wrong.
He explains that he has a pretty long break and that Blake told him to explore and have fun (Max assumes Blake is his friend? Partner?) (He’ll later find out that he’s wrong)
“So you decided to come to the bookstore?” Max says
“Yeah?” Daniel responds shyly.
“No judgement. Come, there’s a reading space near the back”
Max takes him there and sets him up on the couch near the stairs to his apartment. Daniel thanks him and starts reading his book.
Customers come and go, and Max checks on Daniel when he gets the time.
At some point Max went upstairs and made tea for him and brought it down.
“You make tea for all your customers?” Daniel asks.
Max blushes and runs off.
At some point his roommate comes back and as he’s going up the stairs he greets Daniel with wide eyes and shock.
Max is confused and his roommate pulls him upstairs in a frenzy.
“Why is Daniel Ricciardo here drinking tea?!”
Max is even more confused.
His roommate pulls up a picture on his phone of Daniel on the red carpet. He looks…good.
“I don’t get it” Max says.
He explains that Daniel is this super famous movie star who’s doing press/filming right now.
Max and his roommate slowly turn and head back down to see Daniel stood at the bottom of the stairs.
“Please don’t call the paparazzi” he says sheepishly.
They don’t end up calling the paps and Daniel explains himself. Everyone is cool and Max helps him hide from fans or his manager Blake.
They fall in love. Obviously.
Daniel keeps coming back and Max keeps making him tea before Daniel confesses he actually hates it but drinks it anyway cause it’s Max.
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preet-01 · 6 months
3,B Maxiel:))
3 - Celebrity AU; B - "How did you even find me?"
Daniel had gotten used to how things were in Monaco. No one cared who he was or what summer blockbuster he'd just starred in. There he was just another pretty face with more money than sense and no one cared because he was far from the richest person there.
But Daniel wasn't in Monaco anymore, or LA and New York. And he definitely wasn't in Perth where people had seen him grow up and leave to become a bigshot actor. Instead, he was in Amsterdam for a press tour, and people here weren't used to him.
Shockingly, he had more than a handful of fans in the Netherlands which was a big fucking shock to him. Daniel had found out about it as he got chased by fans from where he'd been buying his mum a gift to wherever he was now... in some shady alleyway. Fuck, he should've listened to Blake when he said that Daniel should take his new bodyguard with him. But no, Daniel had wanted to blend in with the crowd (and it definitely wasn't because Daniel didn't know how to not make a fool of himself in front of his beefy, thick-thighed, mesmerizingly blue-eyed bodyguard. It definitely was not because of Daniel's inability to be normal around Max.)
Daniel's thinking of how to contact Blake without getting an 'I told you so' when he sees Max. "How did you even find me???!" Daniel questions, utterly shocked to see Max.
"Find My Friends," Max replies with his phone held up. Of course. "Hop on," Max says, and while Daniel has thought of that more than he'd admit to Max, he doesn't think it would be practical for them to fuck while there are hundreds of fans and paparazzi looking for him.
"Hop onto my back," Max clarifies, "I don't have a car or a bike. So it will be easier for you to be on my back."
"On your back?" So Max doesn't want to fuck in the alleyway, pity, Daniel could've been easily convinced to drop his pants.
"You will be able to hide your face in the space between my neck and I can run us back to the hotel with no one figuring out that it is you," Max explains as if it was very obvious, which it wasn't, but Daniel won't say that now. Right now he'll climb Max like the tree he is and wonder how ethical it would be to seduce his bodyguard. He'd seen enough movies about people falling in love with their bodyguards, hell he'd been in one himself. Maybe he should watch it for some creative inspiration.
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nobrakes · 3 years
Hi :) do you have a maxiel fic rec list anywhere? I’m new to them and don’t even know where to begin !
I don't have a fic rec list as of yet, I am, however making my way through attempting to make edits for my fav fics, but so far only managed to make two . I dug through my bookmarks and here are some that I can recommend:
longer fics (over 10k words):
Heels turned black by the_Orange_one (a must read)
like ribbons by heroics
you pick me up and take me home again by wintrs (one of my favourites of all time);
make a wish that weighs a ton by rickybobby (recently added to AO3; a masterpiece)
I love you, ain't that the worst thing you've ever heard? by mandzilkos (soulmate AU)
steal the air out of my lungs (make me feel it) by nahco3 (medical doctors AU)
can you love me again? by byAlessandra (AU where they aren't drivers) (angst; made me sob);
three rounds and a sound by ladyeggplant (LA Coffee Shop AU, considered required reading)
the view from here by tobabylon (DJ Max AU, it is so so good).
come on, star boy by yekoc (American High School Football AU) (made me cry) (should be turned into a movie that would sweep the Oscars)
shorter than 10k words:
late nights on my balcony (my heart is going again) by maxverstappens
Kissin’ in the morning sun by WhiteWolfCraft
it's a small world after all by lamingtons (funny as hell, very quotable)
all my heart finds true by gentleau (iwanna_seeyou_undoit), the_Orange_one
Take me out, and take me home (Forever and ever) by washtheseghostsclean (very funny, there's other parts to the series but this one is my fav);
Are We There Yet? by Roger_That_Sarge (technically not only max/daniel but legit one of the funniest fics I've ever read);
I hope this list wasn't too overwhelming, if you are looking for something more specific, let me know!
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fourmula1 · 2 years
Have you had any thoughts of Maxiel in other universes? Such as in regency, movies (Harry Potter? Star Wars?)?
Interesting question! I have never been tooo much of an AU kinda gal tbh! But I am also not opposed. I have read some great AUs but I am supremely picky about them. Additionally I am not really into cross-overs (ie: transporting these characters into an existing universe (Harry Potter or Star Wars for example) if that makes sense?
Like I've read (many times now) and adored the incredible Depressed Finance Bro Max AU by the incomparable @yekoc but that was all-together her own universe.
So though I am not opposed, I'm not really seeking either! What sorts of AU Maxiel thoughts do you have, anon?
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preet-01 · 6 months
Fics Masterlist
Multi Ship
Daniel’s Day at a Kissing Booth (College AU: Maxiel, Dewis, Jenson/Daniel)
The Viscountess Wolff (Regency AU: Lewis/Toto & Elkilton)
ASOIAF AU (Sebastidan, implied Sebastian/Max)
We've Never Hooked Up Part 2 (Elkilton, Lewis/Toto, Implied George/Toto)
Daniel and His Harem of Boyfriends
Ch. 1 ● Ch. 2 ● Ch. 3 ● Ch. 4 ●
Max ● Dosh First Meeting ● Dewis ● Josh Persona Non-Grata ● Chaniel Vegas ● Dosh Playoffs Loss Comfort ● Dosh RB Car Launch ● Boyfriends Against Will Buxton ● Grill the Grid ● Boyfriends Against RB Sponsor
Max Universe Switcharoo
Max False Pregnancy
Zandvoort 2023 - “Are You Hurt?”
Movie Star Daniel/Bodyguard Max
Tattoo Me
"Do You Want Me To Stay?"
Batman AU ● Batman’s Lip Freckle
The Beauty of Their Dreams (Political AU)
Ch. 1 ● Ch. 2 ● Ch. 3 ● Ch. 4 ●
First Meeting ● Iowa Campaign Trail ● Why Daniel Married Max ● Daniel Choosing a College ●
Elkilton (LHxJE)
Lewis Signs With Ferrari
Valentine's Day
Domestic Snippet
John Courting Lewis
Saudi Arabian GP 2024
Accidental Marriage
Take A Risk
Ch. 1 ● Ch. 2 ● Ch. 3
Scotty's Wedding
Scanielax Historical AU P2
Lewis to Ferrari
Detective/Art Thief (past brocedes)
Painting with Pups
Fake Dating
College AU
Angel/Demon AU
WAG Lewis
Royalty AU
Part 1 (Lewis) ● Part 2 (Daniel)
Undercover Agents
Omegaverse Unplanned Pregnancy
Professor/Student AU ● Part 2
Stuck on a Deserted Island
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