#moved my guppies into a smaller tank so i could do a deep clean of the big tank
kyeabove · 1 year
Keeping fish as pets is very fun, but Watch Out.
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kingyo-diva · 7 years
Pet rant
Hmmm… I have been thinking about getting a pet again. So far I’ve had two cats, nine mice and some variety of fish, but my last pet (my cat Tweety) died two years ago. Sure, my sisters had their hamsters, but I never cared much for those (I find them slightly scary tbh. I’m totally okay just looking at them, but touching? Nope. Those are little killer machines.)
I don’t think I can care for a cat, my family does not want one rn, and because I’m sure not to let it roam outside (Two of my cats already died because of that; Tapsi got trapped somewhere and came back with a tail full of maggots and had to be euthanised, and Twiggy was run over not even twenty meter from home), and because I’m lazy I don’t think I could give them the attention they deserve.
I love mice, but they are just so fragile… Most of my mice died from tumors, and there really isn’t much you can do about it (Or maybe it was just my mothers reluctance to “waste money” on a 5€ animal. Money and mice where the No.1 source of tension between me and her). Anyway, mice are small, feeble, and you can’t really do that much with them. (You probably could if you had more patience than I) Also, they are smelly (If you don’t clean them regularly. Ehehe…)
I used to have a small aquarium when I was… nine? Ten? Young. It uh… kind of traumatized me. Even them I uh, wasn’t really a good caretaker. One time all my fish died but three guppies, which was not really my fault; a container tipped and something dripped into the water while I was on vacation and well, it had to be really toxic. And when I got new ones I just… neglected them. I gave those that were still alive away to a friend when I was twelve I think. One of my fish still lived some four years there! When we finally moved the aquarium we found one of my small frogs behind it; long dead of course. It must have sprung out when I cleaned it. We never found the second one :/.
Tbh I still have nightmares about fish and deep water. BUT I also have though about becoming a marine biologist. And I don’t think I can do that with a fear of fish. I have already tried multiple times to swim in the ocean, and while it was not… sooo great I don’t think I would totally freak out anymore. Now I just have to get around my fear of fish.
I’ve been thinking about getting a betta fish. The tank I’ve had back when I was a child was already big enough for one, but because all my guppies and frogs and other swarm fish I never thought I could get one. (That tank is long gone, but getting a new one should not be too expensive)
I figured I am not too scared of betta fish (I’m also weirdly okay with gold and koi fish. I’ve got more problems with catfish wels. or anything that looks close to it. And dead fish. Those creep me out). Also two years are a good live expectancy. The routine of having a pet usually felt good, and caring for a fish cannot be that hard. Changing water, feed it, clean the tank. I also wouldn’t want many fish. Just the betta and maybe some smaller cleaning fish. (I'm not even sure betta are ok with any kind of company)(I don’t know if they still sell those frogs I’ve had when I was little. I think not? Haha I wouldn’t want to endanger them with a betta.)
Last thing I’m thinking about… Are fish okay with loud music? My mice never cared (But now I listen to even louder music eh…) I also jump around a lot.
I fear that all that noise could be too much? It’s not as if I’ve got a loud beat, just loud and me jumping around. I think I have to consider that all a bit more.
At least fish are quite… My mice used to be very loud, especially when they were still figuring out who was boss.
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