#mouthplay mention
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da3dm · 2 years ago
So I've been struggling to type more than the two beginning sentences of the ratatouille au. I know where I want it to go by now but I can't spit out the words...could maybe force it if I wanted or needed to and then I'd get typing pretty smoothly after, but I've been doing that mystery au for a while now and it's stealing my attention.
So poll time!
Both are g/t, ratatouille will have brief mouthplay moments. Idk if anything like that will be in the "mystery" au, but so far I don't plan for it
So @brick-a-doodle-do and @beckyu what do you think I should do?
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so-very-small · 3 months ago
allowing my giant vampire lover to drink my blood from my neck, but they are very big and i am the size of an oreo, and they accidentally suck a little too hard and wind up inhaling and lodging me in their windpipe, ultimately having to hack me out onto the ground like a cat with a hairball
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fiber-optic-alligator · 10 months ago
(Not a request dw)
Imagine Drift's claustrophobic Little One trusting him so much that even though noms are a no-no, they'll let him have a taste occasionally by sticking their arm in his mouth. Letting him gently toy with it, slick it up with solvent, and purr at their taste. But... Seeing how nervous they are, sitting in his servo, with their arm in his intake. Like he's gonna bite down at any moment. He would Never! But he could.
He... Appreciates... Their attempt at a compromise, but for the most part, he's probably just gonna stick to cheeky, affectionate drive-by licks.
After a minute or two of giving their arm a thorough, but gentle, tasting session Drift releases them. (He wasn't holding onto them with his dermas at all, so if his Little One wanted to pull away, they could) And, because they're just So sweet and cute Drift can't help but give them a gentle kiss on the forehead. (Read: their entire face bc he's humongous)
Maaaaaaaybe a little bit of gentle licking them from where they sit on his servo too, just to be certain of their sweetness. And because their exasperated, but fond expression is Too cute to miss out on. <3 Don't worry, he's got a fluffy towel with their name on it for afterwards. Then it's cuddle time! (Presumably with him sleeping on his back, and with his Little One sleeping on his chest bundled up in blankets.)
Anon every time you send an ask like this I go absolutely feral.
I love scenarios like this so much. You captured the way Drift cares about his little one so well. Obviously tasting his human and holding them in his tank is a very important thing for him; it’s become a sort of ritual at this point, a more physical way for him to show you his love. But if you were to have a deep sense of claustrophobia? Of course he isn’t going to force you down into an environment you will be uncomfortable in! Tank time (that’s a humorous way of looking at being *eaten alive* by a giant robot) is something he wants you to look forward to! It shouldn’t be something you dread! So if he were to realize that it’s just not something you can handle, he won’t try it anymore. I think I said this in another ask addressing this topic, but Drift would be disappointed. However, he’s not going to be angry, and certainly won’t try and get rid of you. There is no way you can be seen as “defective” in his eyes. You just have certain preferences! All creatures do. So if giving you tongue baths and little drive-by licks is what he has to settle for, than he’ll take it!
Gosh, thinking about his little one offering him their arm for him to taste is such a sweet concept. His spark would melt and he would be so grateful that you’re trying to find a level of compromise when it comes to noms. Though like you said, he’d probably just settle for giving you soft licks like a cat grooming her kitten. Not only does he get to savor your addictive flavor, but he also finds it rather therapeutic to just sit there with you cradled in his hands, letting his mind go blank while he looks down at you with a half-lidded gaze and just slowly runs his tongue over you repeatedly. And *yes*, he would love having cuddle time with you. Whether it’s you sleeping on his chest or curled up in the crook of his neck, he’s going to bundle you up in a blanket and show you so much love and appreciation after he’s done with your tongue bath :)
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years ago
K but bc I found my rare tea at last it made me start having gt thoughts
Irza and Vara, one of them is going to drink the tea and the other falls in...not sure of the giant knows or not but shenanigans could ensue...what do you think this could be?
i love when random objects just become the backbone of elaborate g/t ideas lmao ,,, like "oh! a sink! imagine a tiny falling in that and having to let someone help them!"
buuuuut this is cute, i see the tiny as either one of them in this situation, and equally i see their reactions pretty much being the same: pretending they didn't notice and continuing drinking the thing. maybe g!irza just holds vara in a throat pocket or g!vara keeps irza in his mouth to chill for a little bit sjdnnfnf
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snexy-the-snail · 11 months ago
Okay wow a lot of you seemed to enjoy my little idea- and now its rotting my brain so-  
Breaking into the industry was hard and wasn’t without some sacrifices, that was something that Jackson had learned very quickly. After starring in a few short films, he got offered the chance to work on a movie. A movie with a production team. He said yes and the jitters hadn’t stopped since. “I can’t believe it.” he whispers to himself, the corners of his lips twitching upwards. He was supposed to be coming in today to discuss the pay, his role, and of course to get fitted for costumes and such.   
There was a sense of wrongness that nagged at the back of his mind, but he shoved it down further, crossing lots to make it to his meeting on time. It was a studio; he would be safe. Rules and such existed and any giant he had seen was on the other lots. He takes a small breath in as he approaches the door, his hand trembling slightly as he reaches for the nob.  
He shouldn't be this nervous, nothing bad was going to happen. It was a job, his big break, something he had been looking forward to since he was a young kid. He pushed the door open surprised to see...well nothing. Huh..maybe he had come too early?  
“Um...hello? Is anyone in here?” No response comes, his voice echoing slightly through the dark. Jackson swallows hard, feeling against the wall for a light switch. In his hast the door slams shut behind him darkness encircling him. Oh. This was terrifying. “Hello?”   
There was shifting in the darkness, a breath of relief escaping Jackson. He wasn’t alone in the dark, which was great, he really hated the dark. He takes a deep breath, before plastering what he hoped was a confident smile on his face. That was promptly wipes off his face when dim lights illuminate a large form. Much larger than he had been expecting.   
“Well, well, isn’t this a pleasant surprise.” A voice practically purrs from the giant in front of him. Jackson swallows nervously, forcing himself to laugh weakly. “Y-yeah pleasant.” He repeats taking a small step back. Just because this was a giant didn’t mean anything right?  
His heart drops when a shoe larger than him comes into view. No reason. No reason to be skittish, he was just being rude. “Well, haha you know why I’m here.” he laughs, hating how shaky it sounded.   
“Of course, I know why.” The chuckle that followed felt...wrong. It sounded too amusing, too much like a joke he wasn’t let in on. Jackson grips the edge of his shirt to keep from bolting. This was his big break after all, surely it was just a test or something.   
“You’re my little snack for the morning.”  
Jackson could feel the blood practically draining from his face, the pounding from his heart nearly deafening with how suddenly it came. “No! No, I’m not here for that.” He manages to choke out, backing up. A scream draws from his throat as a hand reaches from the dim lighting. Fingers as tall as him encircling his body and holding him in a loose fist. “Wait! Hey!” he yelps as he’s brought upwards, the dim light fading slightly as he’s lifted up higher and higher. He had never even been this high before.  
The lack of light made it hard to see much of any details, but he saw that smirk and that glint in the giant’s eyes. It didn’t look friendly at all.   
“No nononon let me go! Please no- please someone HELP!” His voice felt raw from screaming so much, another sob wracking his body as the grip changed from a loose fist. He finds himself dangling above the giant’s smirking face. “You’re a bit noisy, aren’t you? Don’t worry I can take care of that.”   
The giant’s lip's part, teeth glinting in the dim light, warmth brushing against his body as another chuckle comes from below. Jackson felt that if he wasn’t already as white as a sheet his blood would’ve drained from his body. “Wait- wait can’t we talk about this?” He yelps, reaching up to grasp at the massive fingers holding the back of his shirt. “Talk? Oh, how sweet, but this isn’t a dinner date just a quick. Little. Snack.” with each word he was lowered further and further to the giant’s maw.   
The pulsing of the giant’s throat was rhythmically and more alive than he every wanted to think about. His breath hitching as he stared basically down the giant’s throat. His heart pounded in his chest; his eyes still fixated on the certain death that loomed below him. There was a law to keep this from happening, there was security and cameras...then again there wasn’t here it was just an empty building. Tears prick at the corners of his eyes. His story ended like this? To be one of the many humans who went missing without a trace. Would anyone ever care?  
A sob draws from his chest, bringing his knees up to his chest as he was slowly lowered to the mouth. A squeak escapes him as the tongue comes up, almost creating a barrier between him and the row of teeth, it was oddly...gentle? Bitterly he wished the giant would chew him up, at least he wouldn’t slowly melt away in his stomach.  The pooling warmth seeps into his clothes as the saliva dampens the fabric.  
What was the point in fighting now? It hadn’t worked to begin with. A whine draws from his throat as the muscle curls around him. Keeping his arms and legs pinned to his sides as pearly white teeth sealed him back into darkness. He squeezes his eyes shut; the warmth nearly overwhelming now that it was surrounding him. Saliva soaked into his clothing, pooling around him with every second. He had to taste good then, any moment the giant would swallow, and he would-  
Light floods in suddenly, the crisp fresh air almost stinging against his face and in his lungs. Jackson taking several gasping breaths in, the chill making him almost miss the humid air. Everything tilts forward, those massive fingers coming into view and hooking around his waist, bringing him- was he out?  
“Well done! Well done, you did such a good job kid.”  
“What?” Jackson croaks.  
The giant continues however like he hadn’t heard him. “The screams? Those had to be a nightmare for the vocal coach to teach you huh? Really raw sounding stuff.”   
Jackson blinks in surprise, the dim lights suddenly turning into bright florescent lights, a bustling of voices sounding from below them. A familiar face greeting him.   
Aiden, a giant actor. He was terrifying in his movies, Jackson remembering an older film that had him sleeping with his parents for years after watching. Fingers lift his own arms up, green eyes rolling over his body, like he was trying to find something Aiden still speaking to him too, now warm in a tone, something about his ‘acting’. Did...Aiden really think he was acting?  
The tears hadn’t stopped, still streaming down his face, Aiden seeming to notice them or at the least acknowledge, a frown tugging down on the corners of his mouth. A slightly hysterical laugh bubbling out of Jackson. “Acting?” He repeats, his voice cracking mid word. Aiden’s eyes crinkle, his expression softening drastically. It was so different from the cruel glint he had seen earlier.   
He can’t help but flinch as the giant moves, the pad of his finger delicately pressing against his cheek, wiping saliva and tears away.   
“I wasn’t- they didn’t-” He cuts himself off with a hiccup, his chest aching from sobbing earlier. A brief flicker of confusion, and something else crosses Aiden’s face before things move rapidly, the soft feeling of fabric pressing against him. Out of reflex he grasps the material, burying his face into the material. Distantly he could hear the steady thumping of a heart? He pulled back slightly, his cheeks warmed when he realized what exactly was happening.  It wasn't as horrible as he thought being held by a giant would be.  
The subtle trembling of his body slowly faded away as the smooth movements soothe his fear. A hand cupping more around him, shielding him from the busy workers no doubt standing below them.  
"Did he know?" There was a sharpness in the man's tone that he didn't expect. The digits currently cupped around him twitch before curling more around him. He couldn't hear the answer but judging by the fact that they were now walking meant Aiden didn't like the answer. 
Okay okay hear me out-
Pred is a known actor and works a lot on movies when the pred is portrayed as the 'evil hungry giant' only the pred absolutely adores preys, and gets all soft and sweet when the scene ends, just constantly making sure the prey is alright, 'I didn't scare you too bad did I?:((' type of treatment.
Well the pred is under the impression that for the scene where they "eat" the human that the prey knows its all an act. Only the prey is a new to the scene and hasn't been told that the pred isn't actually going to hurt them so their fear is *real* when the pred starts taunting them, the begging, the fighting all of it is genuine terror
And the scene ends once the human is fully inside the preds mouth, the prey just waiting for it all it end- only they're carefully slid out of the preds mouth and absolutely praised for their acting, gentle hands checking their body over for any bruises or scrapes they might've gotten from fighting-
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the-messenger-of-the-gods · 1 month ago
— Sacrament — Chapter One: Sacrifice
Rating: Explicit
Status: On going
Word count: 3.2k
Dynamic: F/f
Summary: A young maiden is sacrificed to a beast of the woods. It goes sapphic. And horribly horny. Extensive mentions of vore, but this chapter's just mouthplay. Will be 3-4 chapters when done, and is porn with plot but you could skip around (I'm not gonna make you read a tome of worldbuilding ok we're here to suck and fuck lmfao). Dubcon? Girly is distressed but willing, more or less. Enjoy!
It was just past dawn when Volkova smelled smoke.
The night hadn’t been much of a hunt. It drove her to veer closer to the little settlement than she usually did, but still—humans didn’t typically venture into the deep, dense wood—not at this dark hour. The trees here were ancient, tall enough for a thing like herself to slink below the tops of spruce and pine. Little things lived in the younger, kinder trees, ones that did not cast shadows as wide as a fortress and hid maneaters between their branches.
Curiosity led Volkova to a grassy cliff lined with torches, nearly burnt to stubs. Atop the cliff grew young, short trees that would only reach her waist if she stood among them, but were tall enough to hide the distant village. Near the cliff ledge, a narrow stone the length of her forearm had been erected; a red figure strapped to its front. When she emerged from between the ancient trees, the figure let out a strangled screech. No, not a figure—a woman. An itty bitty, human woman, only as big as a finger, chained by her wrists and ankles to the side of the rock tower.
That was odd. But the rocky cliff side smelled of nothing but trees and dying torches and the chained prisoner they kept company.
The two were alone.
At her approach, the human began to writhe, struggling against her bonds—but it was no use. Arms held over her head and legs pulled taught against the rock, the bound maiden was wide open as Volkova knelt before the cliff side.
At first, it seemed the woman was wearing a red hood to match her heavily decorated dress, but Volkova realized it was hair—deep, beautiful, blood-red hair, sweeping over shoulders to her waist in thick, wind-blown waves. Atop her head was a wreath of crimson flowers, whose lovely petals clashed with the picture of primal fear on her face. The beige of her cheeks was flushed pink from exposure. Her chest heaved, dark eyes wide and wild as the beast's shadow dropped over her, heartbeat flying—the sound was rapid and erratic in Volkova's ears, even for a human. But her movements seemed somewhat sluggish—she must have been tied there for hours—unless littlefolk were just less energetic and alert than she remembered.
What was this? Were humans trapping other humans now? Why do it so impractically? Why leave her hanging up so high? What was the point?
Volkova cleared her throat and the splayed maiden squirmed like she’d rather the stone absorb her whole. Her voice rasped, tongue thick and heavy as she tried to remember how to speak. “Who did this to you?”
“I…” The woman froze, blinking. It didn’t appear she knew beasts could talk. Under different circumstances, Volkova would have laughed. The little lady shuddered involuntarily, wetting her lips as she collected her words. “I—Please—Be quick—Don’t—I don’t want to suffer long.” Her voice was raspy too, but not from disuse. Her throat sounded like it had been worn raw from yelling. It was a miracle Volkova was the first big thing with sharp teeth to discover her.
She narrowed ochre-yellow eyes. “Who did this?”
The woman blinked her eyes into focusing. Her voice warbled. “I—They—My village,” she bowed her head, swallowing. She seemed to be struggling to remember something. “I… please… accept me as… as an offering, so my village might be spared the gods’ torment.” She paused, as if waiting for more to come to her, but only managed a quiet, feeble, “Please.”
A long, pregnant pause went by.
Volkova broke out into a toothy grin of disbelief. “They—put you out as a sacrifice?”
“Yes,” came the soft, hoarse voice.
“For me?”
Hesitation. Then, a meek nod.
“Is that so?” She murmured, tilting her head. She leaned in close—close enough to watch the tiny woman’s breath hitch. It made Volkova’s heart skip a beat, the same way it did spotting an injured elk. She couldn’t help but start to sneer—this was just too good to be true. Humans were serving each other up to her as breakfast.
Volkova lifted the woman’s trembling chin with a careful black claw. “Let me see your face then, my pretty little sacrifice.”
The woman let out a weak sob, but managed to peer up at her executioner-to-be all the same. She was pretty—a heart-shaped face, full cheeks and lips, puffy and pink from wind and tears, her brown, almond-shaped eyes red and watery—likely early twenties, if Volkova knew anything about how humans aged—somewhat close to herself. The front pieces of her long hair whipped across her face in the wind—Volkova couldn’t believe humans could have hair so red.
What idiots, stringing up a girl like this. They should be tripping over themselves trying to keep her.
Volkova swept the front pieces off a cheek with her claw. “Tell me, little sacrifice, what your name is.”
She shook, steadying herself. “Yara,” she breathed.
“Yara.” Volkova sounded out, rewarded with another shiver from the tiny captive. She tilted her head again. “And tell me, Yara, what are they sacrificing you for?”
She sucked in a breath. “The—the crops failed again.” She said in a small voice.
“Is that it?” Volkova asked flatly. “I don’t control your crops.”
Yara shook her head. “People have been sick. Winter will be here soon, but we don’t have the manpower to prepare. And there’s still been no children after me. My—my Baba, she told me I was a blessing from the gods, but—” Yara shifted against the chains, uncomfortable. “Father Antonov says I am a curse—I cursed the village—but he thought—he says... beasts are messengers.” Her voice was so quiet now. “He says my death would appease the gods.”
Volkova raised her brows. “That’s fucking stupid.”
Her little sacrifice only sniffled.
“Still,” she shrugged, finger toying with the chains. “You are very tempting. I’ve not eaten for—it has to be almost a fortnight now, and you do look—what’s the saying?” She smiled wide, flashing long canines. “Like a pig on a platter.”
Yara’s chest sputtered with a choked sob.
Volkova leaned in even closer, lips grazing knees through the embroidered skirt that must have taken a hundred thousand hours to stitch. “You’re not much more than a mouthful, but they’ve laid you out for me so nice, haven’t they?” She whispered, scraping claws along the sacrificial stone. “A sitting duck after my long hunt. How long did it take them to string you up, I wonder?”
No answer. Only shaky, swallow breaths.
Volkova loomed, running claws across the embroidery of her skirt. Her warm breath rolled over Yara’s body. Her stomach growled, eager and angry. “Do you know what I think?”
Fresh tears ran down her pretty, pretty face. Volkova took it between her fingertips, forcing her to look into large, ochre eyes.
"I think we should let them stay cursed.”
The little sacrifice shook, blinking rapidly as she tried to connect the pieces. “You’re—you’re not going to eat me?”
Volkova shrugged, petting her face. “I like my prey to be a little bit more of a challenge than… this.”
“So—” Yara blinked again. “You’re—you’re not eating me, and you’re just—leaving me here?”
“‘No’? She croaked. "What does ‘no’ mean?”
Volkova wondered if the human was on the verge of a mental break. “It means I’m going to start with getting you down.”
Yara squirmed as she slid her hand between the woman and the wall of stone, with just enough slack to slightly angle her legs towards the beast's face. She slid her other hand over Yara’s dress; lifting her hem to peek equally embroidered shoes and a set of thick, roughly-made metal cuffs around her ankles. She could easily crush them off, but not without taking her little sacrifice’s ankles with them. She frowned. Each had a keyhole, but were so minuscule, it was impossible to pick.
“You—you’re serious?” Yara fidgeted her feet.
Oh, her disbelief was sweet. Volkova answered by holding her still and sliding the tiny shoes off. She set them on the clifftop and inspected the cuffs again.
“These are loose,” she observed. “Better for a big man than a little lady. With a bit of luck, I might be able to squeeze you out of them.”
“Luck?” The incredulous look on her face was like honey. 
“Just a bit.” With a half-teasing, half-reassuring smile, Volkova lowered her head before the tiny woman. Taking her feet into her mouth was easy—too easy. The chains rattled and half of Yara’s legs sunk between her lips in a mere second.
“What are you doing?” A panicked shout echoed.
Volkova pulled back, letting calves fall out of her mouth. “Lubricating,” she said.
“Lubricating,” Yara echoed.
“You think I should just try to rip them off you?”
She paled.
“I didn’t think so. Now relax.” When the concerned wrinkle between her brows didn’t smooth, Volkova sighed. She laid a gentle hand next to her, the way she’d seen humans put a hand on another’s shoulder. “I won’t hurt you. I promise. If you want me to stop, just say so.”
Yara’s eyes glistened with the threat of a new round of tears, but she nodded.
Volkova took her ankles back into her mouth.
Yara flinched, writhing. “It’s like fire.”
It occurred to Volkova she’d not just been here all night, but exposed to the elements all night. Those pathetic little torches couldn’t have kept her very warm. She sank Yara in up to her knees.
The tiny woman hissed and bit back a whine.
Gods, Volkova said she wouldn’t eat her, but if she’d known how heavenly her little offering tasted, she might’ve thought twice before that promise. At least those village idiots had some idea of what they were doing.
She licked the underside of Yara’s thighs experimentally, running taste buds over vulnerable flesh—oh, she had to taste more of her—now.
Yara seemed to be on a similar page—her cheeks flushed an even deeper shade now, still half-crying as she tried to angle her hips towards the source of this spectacular heat.
Volkova tried not to groan too loudly at the sight. She swirled her tongue around Yara’s legs and found there was nothing under her skirt. The discovery made her hunger roar—she wondered if her cunt tasted just as good as the rest of her.
Yara was breathing heavily now, straining against the chains above her head and in the giant’s mouth. Brows drawn, eyes desperate. Conflicted between the terror of her situation and the pleasures of her flesh.
Yes, yes, yes. Checking all the boxes. Volkova sucked down on her skin and ran her tongue across it rewardingly.
As if further confirmation was needed, Yara let out a rather pathetic, distraught whine when Volkova pulled back again—this time, she dragged teeth over soft flesh; long, sharp canines catching against the metal of the cuffs. She pulled, slowly and gently, and the cuffs slipped over heels and off tiny feet.
Volkova spat out the metal. It clattered to the ground below with a plink-plink.
Yara panted, slumping against the rough, gigantic hand. She still seemed terrified, but slightly relieved. Her legs hung free—with a look up through half-open eyes, she parted them as best she could.
Oh, fuck.
Suddenly half of Yara was in her mouth. The skirt of her dress bunched up against Volkova’s nose and chin. The long, thick muscle of her tongue wiggled between trembling thighs and Yara gasped as Volkova nibbled on them—not forceful enough to break skin, but enough to satiate the feeling that she was going to lose her mind if she didn’t eat this girl, one way or another.
One-handed, Volkova gripped the tall rock, leaning into the cliff side to press herself deeper between Yara’s legs. Tongue met pussy.
“Ah—!” Yara yelped.
Mouth watering, Volkova licked in alternating directions—back and forth, circling, side to side—trying to see which one got the best reaction before she found the tiny woman’s clit and sucked hard.
“Oh—! Shit!” Yara hissed, pulling desperately at the chains still keeping her hands pinned above her head—denying her the right to her own body, unable to put hands on Volkova’s nose and drive her deeper into all the spots she wanted to.
Instead, the beast wrecked her as she pleased—feeling hips buck against her mouth as Volkova tried to worm her big tongue into a tiny little pussy.
“Oh gods,” Yara trembled. Inside the beast's mouth, she wrapped legs around Volkova’s tongue. The big palm braced her back against the sacrificial stone as the tongue roughly fucked up and down, black lips holding her in place with a vacuum-tight seal.
Yara squirmed. “Please!”
Volkova wondered which release she was begging for.
Her thumb found Yara’s tits, fondling them through her dress. Cupping her body in her hand, Volkova sucked down on her hips and shook her head, like a dog shaking its prize, tongue scraping against the sensitive cunt beneath it.
Yara gasped loudly, eyes wide and watery. “Please!” She cried. “Please, please, please—please! Yes—please!”
Her thighs quivered. Her calves tightened. Her toes curled. Her hips bucked, rubbing against Volkova’s taste buds, and she tasted divine.
Yara whined, long and high. Her heartbeat thundered in Volkova’s ears. Her face was flushed so, so pretty. She jerked on the chains, riding the high of her orgasm in waves.
Volkova released her vacuum grip on Yara’s hips with a gasp, panting as she pressed a few more sloppy licks and kisses between squirming legs. “Please,” Yara managed between ragged breaths, “I… gods.”
Volkova nuzzled her chest with her nose. The smell of her was heavy and close—fearful and aroused. If Volkova were one of those villagers, she’d never let this treat out of her sight. She was too perfect to let go.
Coming out of her daze, Yara blinked and peered up at the remaining cuffs.
“Please…” she started again. “My hands… It hurts—it stings—please… help me…”
Volkova flicked her gaze from Yara’s face to her hands, twisting against the cuffs. Unlike around her ankles, these were fitted to be skin-tight. The skin she could see around them was red with irritation.
Something like hatred pooled in her chest. They let this poor girl hang over the ledge of a cliff, on the edge of a forest of monsters, all night. Longer than that—the sun was peeking over the horizon of titan trees. The torches were dead. Volkova should be back in her cave, curling up after her hunt to sleep the day away. It didn’t even seem like they cared which beast got to her, so long as something did.
Fine. They don’t want her?
Her hand released her supportive grasp; lips sliding forward, past hips, to her torso—Yara’s eyes widened as gigantic lips approached her head.
“No! You—! Wait—!”
Her cries were muffled, little legs kicking against the roof of Volkova’s mouth as her tongue drew minuscule hands in. She could feel her there—all of her, right there on her tongue, curled up in her mouth. She wished that damn dress wasn’t in the way, itchy with wool and soaking up all her saliva, leaving her mouth dry—getting between her and Yara’s skin. Focus. Volkova pressed her tongue—and Yara—to the roof of her mouth. As soon as she was sure the little lady was unable to swing her limbs in the path of sharp teeth, Volkova slammed jaws shut over the chains.
The metal dented with a muted clang.
She growled. Yara screamed. Jaws snapped shut over the metal again—and again—and—
Two broken ends of chain fell from her mouth, swinging against the rock where just a few seconds ago, a very defenseless tiny woman had squirmed against her lips.
Volkova lowered her tongue from the roof of her mouth, feeling Yara squirm—shaky little hands racing over gums. Over teeth. She had her; her perfect little sacrifice; wrapped up between her jaws, on a silver platter, no strings attached. Except for one.
Volkova spat Yara out onto the palm of her hand.
Gasping, the minuscule maiden wiped the drool from her face, pulling the wreath of wet, drooping flowers off her head. Brown eyes wide and fearful, she gazed up at the giant whose hand she was hopelessly stranded on.
“Told you I wouldn’t hurt you,” Volkova murmured. “This beastie keeps her word.”
“Oh—thank the gods.” Yara collapsed back against tall fingers.
She snorted. “The gods didn’t do shit; thank me.”
Yara’s gaze found its way to Volkova’s. “Thank you,” she said, quietly but earnestly. Her eyes were sincere.
Volkova blinked. She swallowed—the moment was too tender. Too personal. She looked away, over the narrow sacrificial stone to the shorter, younger trees, shielding a tiny town somewhere beyond. She tried to sound as disinterested as possible. “What do you want, now that you’re free?”
Yara followed her sight in the direction of the village. She looked back at her hands, settled in her lap. “I don’t know. If I go home, I—I won’t be welcome. They’ll punish me.”
“I don’t fancy rescuing you from this rock a second time.”
She smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress, trying to rub some of the drool off the embroidery. “If… If you take me, they’ll take that to mean their sacrifice worked.”
Taking her—what would that even be like? What would Volkova do with her? Keep her in a secluded corner of her cave, for her eyes only? Drop her off at the next nearest town? Hell, eat her for breakfast?
She frowned at the pretty girl in her hand, trying to remember anything else she just said. It took her a moment.
“So,” Volkova said slowly, “when their little charade doesn’t work, they string up the next unfortunate fool who comes by with red hair, or pointy ears, or an extra thumb?”
Yara hesitated. “I’m afraid of that.”
Far below, a loud groan gurgled angrily.
“Ugh.” Volkova rubbed her free hand over her stomach, so empty. Without curiosity or sex to distract from it, starvation clawed against her sides—the thing that drove her this far from her cave in the first place. Even during the day, the idea of a hunt made her mouth water. She tilted her head at Yara, staring horrified at the origin of the sound, and couldn’t help but start to grin. “What do you say, little red?” She traced the hem of her skirt with a claw. “I think we ought to pay your village a little visit.”
Yara watched the giant finger, then the equally gigantic palm she was poised in. She looked so tired—a sleepless night spent screaming for the people whose duty it should’ve been to protect her. In Volkova’s shadow, the dark circles under her eyes gave her her own slightly inhuman appearance. Her sight shifted to her own hand, fingers curling, and she gazed up at Volkova. Her eyes were firm, but her voice wobbled.
“I want revenge.”
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da3dm · 2 years ago
ratatouille will have....mouth play?
i love you and will love you forever /p
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And with the person you'd least expect....
Mouse!Vara but....? Who's the biggun? It's not Irza...
We shall see....
And when we do...you'll be glad it didn't go any further...can you guess who the enemy is?
If you go off what I told Becky...the animal characters are all hybrids instead of outright animals...so who is it, I wonder?
You're loved too brick <3
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suzyandthefox · 9 months ago
*drops to my knees*
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*Headpats you*
*Deep breath*
This guy is not A Pred, he is THE Pred!
(mild mentions of digestion below)
There's no character in cookie run that is more Pred coded than this guy!
If The term "Gentleman bastard pred" was in a dictionary, Then it has Shadow Milk's picture right next to it, this is a PURE and PERFECT example of a gentlemanly bastard!!
Jester Preds are already a favourite of mine, but the lines on this guy and the constant CONSTANT teasing he does in Beast yeast, combined with his canonical size being just, fucking huge, This is a pred that absolutely THRIVES on Fearplay!
He would tire you and chase you endlessly, and when you can't run no more, then he's going to give you a riddle, perhaps then he wouldn't eat you!
He is also a complete liar, he would be telling you shit like "I don't bite sweetheart!" And "It's not like I'm going to eat you or anything!" But you know dang well that it's complete bullshit.
Unfortunately for my safe vore loving self, I can't see this guy doing protective vore or loving vore (unless you're his spouse or something),he would do digestion with reformation, or spit you out and eat you again, or does a shit ton of mouthplay
Mouthplay is his bread and butter specifically, alongside endless taunts!
His stomach is a blue body horror nightmare, with eyes everywhere in it, just so he can say shit like "I can see you~" And he absolutely relishes in squirming prey.
I rambled too much about this but yeah, This guy specifically is walking brainrot, thank you for reminding me he exists.
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entomolog-t · 2 years ago
Bite Me - Chapter 6
June pulling out that uno reverse card.
As a warning this chapter is heavier with both the suggestive nature as well the content itself. There is technically nothing explicit, though this is definitely a very emotionally and physically charged chapter.
Taglist: @smallsday @ratcatcher0325 @not-a-space-alien @bittykimmy13 @naive-bias
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Previous Chapter: Chapter 5
Next Chapter: Chapter 7
Word count: 1701
CW: Mentions of blood, Adult language, Dehumanization, Suggestive, Fearplay, Mouthplay (biting), Minor injuries, Whump, Humiliation, Panic (onset panic attack), Conflicting feelings of consent
Aedes knew he was not meant to be touched like this- not in this way; Her teeth pressing into his side, her mouth covering from his shoulder to his navel. His heart pounds in his ears, screaming to him that he is in danger. He wants her to stop but- No, he doesn't want her to stop. Fear and ecstasy run rampant through his mind. Her touch thrills him. It was all encompassing. It was overwhelming. He never wants her to stop. He wants her to stop right this second.
The softness of her lips… the blunt pressure from her bite… the warmth of her breath… It held a depraved intimacy that seemed to stoak something deeply primal within him. As her teeth drag along his skin, he can't stop his body from shaking. It feels wrong- and so very good. He hisses, resisting all matter of instinct urging him to struggle against the massive fingers holding him in place.
He was drowning in foreign sensations and the emotional turmoil they wrought, struggling to find some semblance of control. If he could rein in every instinct, suppress every urge, suppress every fear-No. He wasn’t afraid. He wouldn’t be afraid. Aedes wanted her to see that he was the one in control, not her. He was in this position because he liked it- he allowed it. She was indulging him. 
He wanted respect. 
She wanted a reaction.
She nips at the fabric of his shirt, ever so slowly pulling it up and exposing his midriff. He can’t control the way his abdomen twitches as it's uncovered- the muggy air from her breath bathing him in a strange and humid warmth. As her teeth make direct contact with his skin the initial sensation nearly sends him over the edge. His muscles tense involuntarily, unable to suppress their shudder. He draws in a sharp gasp before gritting his teeth in a desperate attempt to maintain some semblance of composure. 
He not only watches, but feels as her lips curve into a grin. She liked this… far too much. 
“Since you bit me,” Her voice is like velvet- a warm and gentle murmur, “It's only fair I get a turn…” Though spoken slow and soft, those words send a jolt through him, and he finds himself reeling from it- fixated on that teasing demeanor towards his feeding. Her words giving life to a small feeling of hope being kindled in his chest. Her teasing musings seemed… Almost casual? Was she just going to overlook that he’d fed on her? Was she okay with it?? 
Or was she just looking to get a rise out of him- toying with his desire? 
Two could play at that game. 
Hands still remaining begrudgingly restrained above his head, with his knee he tilts up her chin. His eyes lock onto hers, capturing her gaze in his unwavering stare. The closeness of her is beyond overwhelming, with her face extending past the entirety of his vision. Even still, he remains unflinching in his resolve,  a declaration that he will not be so easily cowed by her teasing. 
“Eager Human,” He chides, his words flowing like liquid silk, “You would think by now you would have had more than your fair share of a turn.” He revels in the way his words summon a rush of colour to her cheeks- a rush of blood just beneath her plush skin. Despite the adrenaline beating wild in his chest, he finds himself grinning as he adds, “Though I’ll let you continue to indulge your delusion.”
The sound that escapes her is music to his ears. A subtle whine… an involuntary whimper betraying her bold candor. Just a glance and some words and this behemoth crumbles before me…  The feeling of power it gives him is nothing short of breathtaking- A high like no other. 
He must have been a delusion, the way she indulged in him.
Fervent and passionate, her lips caressed the whole of his body, and her teeth felt as though they defiled it. They carved into him- both physically and metaphorically. With each kiss - each bite - she took from him; pieces of his pride, his resolve, his dignity, leaving him raw, bruised and lesser.
He had allowed this hadn’t he? 
No- he squeezed his eyes shut. His breathing coming faster and faster. Each inhale feeling as though he couldn’t quite take in enough air. His instincts scream at him to fight back, to kick and snarl and scratch his way away, but logic tells him that's exactly what she wants- and some depraved part of his mind whispers that's exactly what you want. 
The hazy scent of her was thick in the air. Sweet and lush. The remnants of his hunger twist in his chest, urging him to take his fill. He strains against her grip, restless in his renewed thirst, but there is no budging. He grits his teeth. This fucking position. He hated it. How small he felt- how little he could move, how he felt on display. 
He was terrified. 
And yet, the pleasure he felt was undeniable. He hears her heart pounding, and he takes no small pleasure in the knowledge that the sound is his doing. Aedes' mind whirls as conflicting feelings gnaw at him. There was no denying the rush he felt, but a panicked voice within him told him that he should- a sharp pang of humiliation screaming out against the thrill. 
The way she moved her lips against his skin, eager and toying - She very clearly wanted a reaction from him and his pride is desperate to withhold it. Just what was she looking for? Did she want him to scream? To beg her to stop? To say he was scared?
He felt like he was drowning in longing. A deep longing to be in control, to escape this feeling of helplessness… and a longing for this woman to see him as more than just a… toy. Yet, he couldn't escape the painful embarrassment of his own helplessness- his pride reduced to a mere plaything for her. He couldn't meet her gaze. Not when he felt like… this.
The once warm and intoxicating touch now felt hot and suffocating. He wanted to hate it- hate the way it made him feel. He wanted it to stop…
But what if she didn't.
A twisted thought snakes it's way into his mind,
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
The only semblance of control he had was in pretending that he was allowing her to touch him like this. If he had to beg her to stop it would shatter the ruse he’d created for himself. He knew she was toying with him- looking for some kind of reaction. She wanted him to reach his breaking point. 
He was powerless.
He was trapped.
His skin no longer tingles with excitement. Instead it burns, stinging and raw from whatever the fuck this shameful thing was. He strains against her grasp, feeling disgusted by the way his body shivers under her touch. 
He hates the way his body looks under her touch. The sheer size of her relative to himself. The sight of teeth nearly the size of his hands pressing into him- drawing small spots of bloodied freckles to the surface of his skin felt like it would be burned into his mind’s eye. He couldn’t pull his eyes away from the incarnadine trail left by her predatory embrace, and he grew queasy at the sight of his own blood.
He was fucking pathetic.
He could feel panic welling up in his chest, and tears in his eyes. He wanted to scream, to beg for this to be over, but his voice failed him, swallowed by the grotesque mix of his pride and fear constricting his chest. He flinched at every touch, trembling under her overwhelming magnitude. His words failed him, his body failed him- each breath coming in short shakey bursts, never seeming to gulp down enough air. 
The weight of the humiliation seemed to manifest in her bite, leaving him gasping for breath. How had he deluded himself into succumbing to desires that left him feeling so stripped… so emasculated? 
He felt raw.  
Tears finally spilled over, streaming down his face, as the swell of panic consumed him. 
Turning his head towards her, his breath catches in his throat as he sees her eyes- already locked on his face. The intensity of her gaze is terrifying. His voice catches in his throat- a soft whimpering sound coming from him. A small puff of air. Half of a word hanging on his tongue.
He meets her gaze silently begging her to stop, his shame seeming to snuff out his voice. 
She smiles- her teeth still wrapped around his frame.
The sight is stunning- both horrifying and beautiful. The amalgamation of his internal turmoil is all at once far too much to contain. He overflows. Unable to suppress it, a single hushed word finally spills forth from his lips, repeated over and over between gasping whimpers. 
Please stop.
Please let me go.
Please continue.
To his horror, despite his fear, there's still a part of him that wants her not to stop- to be so completely overwhelmed by her that nothing else can occupy his mind. Aedes so desperately wanted to sever away that part of him, the way one would amputate an necrotic limb to stop the spread. This was wrong. He can’t grasp what he's feeling- he doesn’t want to. Nothing was making sense. All Aedes knows is he's never been so horrified in his life. 
He has to get away.
Her eyes fall to his face and she pauses. As she pulls away from him, Aedes feels a rush of cool air against his dampened skin, the sensation stinging at the raw marks she had decorated him with. Her gaze is unnerving. Her eyes, wild and wide, seemed to consume him, devouring every detail yet sharing nothing of their own. It's predatory. 
He couldn't bear it. The touch. The thoughts. The humiliation. It hurt. It hurt so much. 
"Awe,” she coos, “is the little toy afraid I'll break him?"
Aedes unravels.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years ago
My silly head cannon for why Wilbur can lean on the house is cause Phil is just a paranoid old bird. Maybe he had the house constructed to have steel in the walls or something cause he was worried about an earthquake or other improbable thing.
Like he was paranoid when he had it built but he isn’t now and currently he’s just the type of guy to have tons and tons of nonperishable canned goods. The price of fresh fruit goes up by .20 cents? Blasphemy. He’s got some perfectly fine canned peaches downstairs. (They’re only what, 11 years old? They’ll be fine.)
I can imagine Tommy/Techno being envious of Wilbur who never had to try any of Phil’s infamous “not that old” canned items.
LMFAO i love this
one day he had a dream about the apocalypse and ever since he's been stocked up, just perfectly prepared JFDJSASDS
he ran to the forest and spent a small fortune on getting ridiculously strong materials to build with and has dug out a panic room full of beans and twinkies lmaooooo
and that would be absolutely amazing to have the kids be jealous. meanwhile wilbur's literally starving but it's better than eating canned food apparently ????
i can also see tommy wanting to try wilbur's food that he gets from the giant city. cause can you imagine a giant version of some kind of candy? a seemingly bottomless coke can?
tommy would totally try to get wilbur into getting him giant versions of stuff all the time,,,,,, (and maybe techno too)
phil goes outside to see why tommy and tech aren't coming in for dinner and see's them absolutely smothered in some kind of sauce or jam or filling and wilbur's lip quivering at the fact that his dinner for the week has been stolen (maybe an opportunity for mouthplay >:])
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chuuyas-height · 8 months ago
Uhh I fell asleep so pretend you saw this on vore day🥲
This chapter includes: soft, safe, willing vore, mouthplay, brief mentions of nsfw (nothing too discriptive)
A Fulfilling Meal
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raktanag · 2 years ago
Oh. Gods. Y E S.
Kalyan giggled in excitement and licked his lips. Of course he wasn't going to eat them, he was just very fond of their taste
"Well then..." Kalyan brought them closer "Let's not waste time~"
The jaws dislocated and then unhinged to inhuman proportions and stretched wide enough to take their head in. The jaws closed around them with surprising care. The inside was... wet... warm... and his tongue went absolutely wild licking and swirling around
Hieron was tasty in every body part~
@gin-n-chthonic replied: H giggles, "Y'know for a minute there I thought you were gonna unhinge and kiss my whole head when ya asked me to close my eyes."
Kalyan laughed heartily before giving him a sly smirk
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"Why~? Would you like me to~?"
He giggled sweetly, tapping their nose with the tail tip
"Would you like to feel my tongue on your whole head~?"
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smolcinnamonchipmunk · 2 years ago
Clumsy Mouse
(Leona with rodent!Syn won, so here it is! Takes place the same week of Late Night Check In, so Leona is a bit salty about Syn’s disappearance AND finding out that Malleus and them hang out.
Also… yes, I may or may not have actually tripped like this before, but fuck off. I know I’m clumsy, lol. Also, yeah, Syn’s a gerbil but ‘Clumsy Gerbil’ doesn’t sound as good.)
Count: 6865
TW/CW: Soft, safe, nonsexual oral G/t vore and a bit of mouthplay
“Your tail’s twitching,” Ruggie said in mild amusement, glancing over said appendage as it flicked back and forth irritably.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Leona crossed his arms over his chest and looked as casual as can be, though the illusion was broken by an even stronger twitch of his tail that threatened to flick high enough to knock off anything too close to the edge of the table. His ear twitched at Ruggie’s signature snicker.
“Sure ya don’t,” the hyena raised his arms to lace his fingers behind his head, mischievously adding, “I heard Malleus has been less sulky than usual these last few days.”
“RUGGIE.” Leona practically snarled, making the shorter man yelp.
“Aw, what’s that,” Ruggie asked rhetorically, covering his nervousness at Leona’s snap. “I forgot to take your clothes to the cleaners? Lemme take care of that real quick.”
The hyena quickly left the room while Leona glared at his retreating form for a few seconds. Once Ruggie was out of the room, Leona scoffed and growled to himself.
“Tch. That fucking lizard…”
“This is DEFINITELY not the right color,” Syn sighed, putting their hands on their hips as they looked at the far too orange concoction they’d ended up with in the small personal cauldron Professor Crewel had let them borrow for this extra credit assignment.
It was supposed to be red.
Huffing, they pulled their phone out of their pocket before hesitating on who to contact for help. They were getting real tired of having to rely on everyone else for their fucking coursework.
The Octavinelle trio were the first to come to mind, particularly Jade and Azul, but they still hadn’t gathered the nerve to apologize to Azul for snapping at him last week and they didn’t doubt the two eels were more than willing to jump them the second the duo was around them alone.
Both of them had already walked up during lunch at some point and told them to ‘watch their back’ lest they find themself ‘punished for their little stunt’. Probably the only reason they hadn’t yet was because of their duties as Mostro Lounge.
Riddle was good, but he explained things in so much detail that their head would swim instead of just saying 'Put two sprigs of Witch Willow in, then the Newts Breath' and they wanted to actually be able to make it themself rather than him just take over and hand them a final product. They weren't close to Vil and he specialized in poisons, though they didn't doubt he could handle the weak transmutation potion that was just meant to turn lead into aluminum… they mostly just felt awkward talking to him.
Syn growled as they scrolled through their contacts, debating just accepting the fail to bump their score when they turned it in tomorrow.
Coming across Leona's name, they paused and quirked an eyebrow. He'd helped them and Epel before… though, that had been because Epel mentioned Rook. Still, he’d been acting a bit weird the last couple days, almost aggressively helpful.
He still insulted them, sneered at them and called them ‘herbivore’, yet somehow he’d been almost TOO eager to try and offer his assistance despite grumbling the whole time and saying they should ‘cry tears of joy for his kindness’. It was only a bit more annoying than usual and maybe they could take advantage of his current ‘compassion’ to help them figure out where they went wrong.
With the full knowledge that texting seldom ever drew the lion's attention, they steeled themself to call him. As long as it wasn’t on mute, he should, theoretically, answer… maybe.
Syn started to peel off their labcoat and gloves as they waited with their phone on speaker, deciding to take a break from the protective fabric until Leona potentially showed up. After a few rings, the man surprisingly picked up.
“What do ya want, herbivore,” Leona’s voice was thick and a bit huskier from sleep, having obviously been woken up.
Well, now they felt a bit bad about trying to get his help. And suddenly very nervous to continue lest they bring the wrath of a pissed off lion on themself.
“Ack, you know what? It’s fine,” they said, waving their hand dismissively despite him not being able to see them. “Not that important, so sorry for waking you. I’ll let you-.”
“You’ve already woken me with something to say, so spit it out,” he demanded, making them sigh.
“Crewel gave me the chance to bump my grade with an extra credit transmutation potion, but I keep fucking it up somehow, so I was gonna ask for some help with it,” Syn reluctantly replied, fiddling with one of the rubber gloves they placed on the nearest desk. “I can probably figure it out at some point though, so don’t worry about it.”
There was a growl from the other side of the phone and they fully expected to be bitched at for wasting his time. Instead, to their immense surprise, Leona grumbled, “I’ll be there in a bit. Dump what you have so we can start from scratch and I’ll tell you what you’re doing wrong.”
“Oh, uuuuh, thanks,” they blinked in surprise at his unnaturally amiable behavior, feeling hesitant and a bit suspicious about it.
“Don’t mention it. You owe me though,” they could practically feel the lions smugness from their phone, able to easily picture the smirk usually coupled with it.
“Of course,” they sighed, but it made more sense and was less disconcerting than the man somehow deciding to do something with no strings attached. Pinching the bridge of their nose, they added, “Fine, fine. As long as you can help me, whatever.”
“See you soon, herbivore,” Leona chuckled before the hang up tone sounded from their phone.
Syn huffed, glowering at the now black screen before placing the phone on the desk. As they grabbed the small cauldron by the cast iron handles, grunting a little at the weight, they supposed that it could be a lot worse. They could have Floyd wrapping himself around them to impede their movement or throwing random ingredients to cause something interesting (I.e. explosion) or Azul trying to swindle them for his assistance.
Leona would probably just eat them and pass out for a few hours, too lazy for much taunting and preferring to just get right to the point. Not ideal, but not the worst.
As they walked around a couple desks to the Magical Waste container where it would safely dissipate from a bunch of charms on it, they found themself tripping over nothing. The tip of their shoe just grazed the ground a bit too much as they lifted their leg and caused them to stumble.
They were able to keep themself from falling face first onto the personal cauldron and spilling it, jerking to the side to try and use the shelf beside them to remain upright. But, the force caused the shelf to shake, rattling ingredients against the glass doors for a moment before those same glass doors swung open. Several random ingredients fell on top of them and the cauldron, some loose and some in jars.
A particularly heavy jar struck them on top of their head and startled them with the sudden pain, causing them to bend forward in surprise and reach up to rub the spot… realizing halfway that they let go of one of the cauldron handles.
“Wait, fuck, nooo,” Syn practically wailed in tired exasperation as potion spilled and the cauldrons weight shifted enough for them to have to try and take a step to steady themself, sneaker slipping on the now wet floor. Letting out a startled scream as their foot slipped out from beneath them, they fell back against the ingredient shelf, potion and ingredients alike spilling onto them.
An explosion of multicolored smoke and magic sparkles burst in their vision, overwhelming their senses as they struggled to shake off the daze from their fall.
Head and back aching, they were at least relieved they were alive as they pushed themself to a sitting position, coughing harshly as they waved away tendrils of magic smoke from their face to see. And, coming across a somewhat familiar sight, they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.
“Okay, okay. I can handle being shrunk at this point,” Syn said, but looked at the mess surrounding them. Letting out a whine, they lamented, “Crewel’s going to kill me for this though… and right after he just told me earlier that he trusted me enough for a solo extra credit potion!”
They couldn’t help but bury their face in their hands for a second, not immune to craving approval. Approval of ‘not being a troublemaker like their Heartlabyul pups’ that was very much going to disappear when the Professor found out about this.
Sighing, they struggled to get to their feet on the potion-slicked floor, yelping when they saw something move in the corner of their vision. They quickly tried to catch a glimpse of it and felt something shift their hair, realizing that there was weight there that hadn’t been there before. Did their goggles not shrink right? They did notice that the plastic was no longer over their eyes.
Syn reached up, recoiling in surprise when they felt something large and round, eyes widening as they exclaimed, “What the-?!”
They forced themself to lift their hands to it again, heart sinking as whatever it was twitched and noticed that large, round ears adorned their head rather than their normal human ones. Which meant that the thing they saw swinging around was their tail, right?
“Oh, you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,”  they groaned as they reached back and grabbed a rather lengthy tail that was covered in tufted fur. They let go of the appendage that they could barely control, pressing a hand to their mouth as they struggled to contain their anger at the situation.
This was going to be a bit more difficult to resolve than just being shrunk.
“Oi, herbivore.”
Syn froze at Leona’s voice, something instinctive seizing their limbs. It was so strong and sudden that it had them questioning WHY considering they’d been in several situations like this. What was one more on top of it all?
But, as their heart raced and they felt their new ears twitch in the direction where the lion had spoken from, their eyes widened for a moment before closing them as realization set in. Not only did they give themself rodent ears and a lengthy rodent tail, it also seemed like their ‘prey’ instincts were magnified to an uncomfortable degree.
“Oh, come ON,” they murmured to themself, those same instincts making it difficult to say anything while around a ‘threat’. But Leona wasn’t a threat!... in the typical sense. It’s not like he meant them harm usually.
“Tch, typical Syn behavior,” Leona’s growl rumbled from the laboratory doorway, causing their ears to twitch again.
The sound of footsteps stepping into the room had them moving to the nearest desk leg before they could even realize what they were doing, blinking at suddenly finding themself hidden. Quickly frustrated at what felt like a lack of control, they silently cursed at themself while trying to rein in the startlingly strong instincts that just left every fiber of their being screaming to run and hide from the lion man.
If they wanted to get back to normal, or at least off the floor, they knew they’d have to both get his attention and his help.
“Hmmm,” a contemplative growl caught their attention, the footsteps pausing before getting closer to their desk. They stiffened in fear as the steps became louder, stopping right beside the desk where they were hiding beneath and right beside the mess of ingredients, potion, and discarded cauldron. He’d obviously caught a glimpse of the spill.
Syn felt like their heart was about to burst from their chest, deciding that maybe distancing themself from Leona would allow them the chance to shove their newfound instincts aside enough to get his attention and, hopefully, help.
Quickly and cautiously, they darted to the desk opposite the side where they barely caught a glimpse of Leona kneeling just as they moved. They heard him grumble something beneath his breath, probably something about the mess, but the blood was rushing too much in their ears as they moved to notice. They did notice the sound of shifting fabric as he stood back up and spoke a bit louder as he walked to the door, his boots and swaying tail visible through the legs of the desks.
“You still in here, herbivore?” he asked, the sound of the doors hinges creaking before it clicked shut. His boots turned as he faced the bulk of the room and added, “I didn’t catch a trail of your scent leaving the room, so either you’ve pulled off one hell of a disappearance trick this time, or you’re in here somewhere.”
Why the fuck was their heart picking up the pace?! It wasn’t like he sounded angry, just disgruntled like usual. Fucking, pull it together.
Syn took a deep inhale to try and calm their racing heart, trying to steel their courage past the near blinding fear that permeated their entire being, forcing themself to speak up before they could second guess themself.
“I had a bit of a potion mishap,” they called out, able to see the way his tail stilled for a second, able to picture his ears perking in their direction.
“Yeah, that was obvious. I hope you don’t expect me to just clean this up by myself,” Leona replied, starting to walk back towards where they were hidden, causing them to jolt and skitter back a couple steps as they struggled to maintain some level of composure.
“A-Ah, don’t get closer,” Syn yelped out, wincing at how desperate the exclamation came out. Seeing his boots pause, they quickly added, “I’m struggling a bit right now, and you’ll make it worse.”
“Tch,” he let out a scoff, starting to walk again despite their protest. “I can’t exactly help ya if I can’t see the damage.”
“There’s no damage,” they exclaimed, finding themself darting from the desk they were hidden under as his steps got closer. Under another desk before they could recognize that they’d started running, they panted from the brief sprint. They supposed the only good thing about this was their speed for the time being, but that wasn’t a big bonus when they were inches tall. “I, just… l-look, can you just make a growth potion or something, and I’ll clean everything up?”
Syn expected some kind of retort or snarky remark, maybe even an insult. But, instead, they were met with silence. A VERY unnerving amount of silence that lasted a few seconds and had them peering out to look in the direction where they’d last seen Leona’s boots and tail.
There was nothing there.
“Oooooh, fuuuuck. Where’d he go?” they mumbled to themself, looking around worriedly. They knew he was in the room still since they hadn’t heard the door open, but now they had no clue how they couldn’t notice a six foot tall man and the fact was incredibly worrying. Feeling like they were going to die from suspense after far too many seconds, they nervously called out, “Uh, L-Leona?...”
“There you are.”
Leona’s voice from behind them caused Syn to jolt and whirl around just in time to see a wall of black directly in front of them, yelping as they found themself pinned unceremoniously to the ground by one of his hands. Black leather slid across their body and they found themself picked up by their tail as the man straightened from kneeling beside the desk they were hiding under.
“Leona! Put me down!” Syn shouted, finding themself a bit dizzy from vertigo that was not helped by the fact that the only thing supporting them was a thin tail that was pinched between his two forefingers, arms and legs flailing for a second without their own support.
“Oh, this is priceless,” the lion laughed, making their ears wilt away from the sound. Sharp fangs glinted in the laboratory light and caused a shiver down their spine. “When you mentioned a transmutation potion, I wasn’t expecting this.”
“That’s because this wasn’t supposed to happen,” they snapped, balling up their fists angrily, able to feel the tip of their tail twitching. It was a very weird sensation that didn’t really help with anything. “It was supposed to turn lead into aluminum, not this! Also, how the hell could I not hear you approach?!”
“Well, my squeaking prefect,” Leona said in amusement, deciding to sit on one of the lab stools beside the desk, using his elbow to recline against the desktop. “I’m just better than you. Though, I’m very surprised you’re remotely okay if this was the result of your little mishap by the shelf.”
“I mean, same,” Syn sighed, glancing over in the direction of the spill with a small whine. “Crewel’s gonna kill me for wasting so many ingredients.”
Leona rolled his eyes, replying, “Don’t be so dramatic, herbivore. You’ll be fine. Besides, he’ll probably be impressed that you fucked up in such a way that you somehow produced a high quality animal transmutation potion and didn’t die. Despite all the trouble you get into, you’re one lucky son of a bitch.”
“Ugh, I don’t feel lucky,” they grumbled, rubbing their face with their hands a bit tiredly. Despite their still pounding heart, they were able to hold their panic at bay easier as seconds ticked on. “If you turn me back to normal, I can clean everything up and then we don’t have to worry about it, and-.”
“No can do, herbivore,” Leona practically purred as they jolted at his response.
“Wha- no can do?! What do you mean,” they asked, startled. Frowning in irritation, they added, “Look, if this is about me owing you, you can eat me afterwards.”
“Sounds like a waste of some growth potion,” the lion replied, smirking as their face flushed a bit in further anger. “But, no, that’s not all of it. I can’t exactly turn you normal because I don’t know the extent of your transmutation potion, so here’s how this is gonna go.
“I’m gonna clean up your mess, show you how to make your original transmutation potion, and then you’re spending the night with me as payment for making me go through all of this. In the morning, I’ll grow ya and we can take you to the infirmary to see about reversing your mouse-ness,” Leona used his other hand to gesture at all of them while they huffed.
“I mean, you don’t have to do anything but make me normal size, but I have a feeling there’s something else going on,” Syn sighed, ear twitching. Something crossed Leona’s expression for a moment, but it disappeared before they could gauge what it was.
“There’s nothing else going on,” he denied, voice betraying that there very much was something else going on. But, metaphorically poking Leona while they were normal-sized was already asking for trouble. Poking him at this size was probably akin to a deathwish, and they’d very much like to see the light of day at least a few more times.
“Riiight, sure.” they said slowly in disbelief. They blinked a bit as the grip on their tail shifted so their tail was pinched between his two forefingers and thumb, making their heart drop as they exclaimed, “A-Ah, what’re you doing?”
“I need my hands free to clean up, don’t I,” Leona asked, giving them a cheeky smirk as he lifted them a bit higher, leaning forward a bit to position them closer to his face. “Don’t worry, I won’t eat you. Yet.”
Syn found their heart skip a beat almost painfully as it began to hammer in their chest again, finding that they were struggling to hold their panic at bay again. They couldn’t help but flail uselessly as they exclaimed, “That’s not reassuring, you know! I’m out here with fucking rodent mentality!”
“So you’re a bit more mousey than usual-.”
“Whatever you say, herbivore,” the man chuckled, opening his jaws. Sharp fangs and teeth the size of their head split apart, allowing him to extend his tongue beneath them as he began to lower them closer. They could see a string of saliva just past his teeth, knowing full well that his throat was just out of sight behind the white bone.
“Leona, don’t you fucking dare!” Syn shouted, protest predictably falling on deaf ears as they were lowered further, their struggling only serving to make them sway by their tail.
Their ears twitched as they felt Leona’s warm breath wash over them, grimacing when they were lowered enough that their hands made contact with the somewhat rough surface of his tongue. It shifted beneath their weight and they yelped as they found themself promptly lowered the rest of the way, tongue quickly curling past their legs and drawing them entirely within his maw.
Well, most of them.
While saliva began to soak their clothes, hair, and now a bit of fur from their new ears, they felt their tail released. He made no effort to have it join the rest of them, tongue bucking beneath them to start savoring whatever flavor they had while the tail flicked about outside in irritation and fear.
“Fucking bastard,” Syn hissed to themself, unable to keep from squirming thanks to their rodent instincts. But, thankfully, the lion didn’t seem to mind it as he tasted them, presumably preoccupied with fixing their mess. They could barely gauge that he was moving past the tongue twisting around them or the chuffing that rumbled from the back of his throat, reverberating through their bones.
After what was probably at least a couple minutes of savoring them, leaving their limbs aching and them tired, they found themself pinned to the roof of his mouth and sucked on a bit as he swallowed the excess saliva.
They felt their tail become taut when his jaws opened once more, shivering as they were pulled back out by their tail. Blinking in the comparatively bright light after a few minutes stuck being tasted like some kind of living candy, they saw Leona licking his lips as he held them in front of him.
“Alright, herbivore,” he said, placing them on the desk where they’d left their labwear. He was donned in his own, small cauldron set up and the spill by the ingredient shelves was gone. Placing his hands on his hips, he asked, “You said that your potion was supposed to be transmutating lead into aluminum, right?”
“Yeah,” Syn shuddered, instinctively flicking their hands to try and rid themself of a bit more saliva as it cooled on their skin, leaving them a bit chilly. They ignored it and gestured to their labcoat, saying, “I have a notebook in here somewhere with the extra credit stuff Crewel told me about.”
Leona clicked his tongue a bit in mild annoyance and brushed their labcoat aside, pulling out a small, black notebook and starting to thumb through it.
“Should be the last page I wrote on,” Syn tried to offer helpfully, earning only a grunt of acknowledgement.
After a few seconds, it looked like he’d reached the right page, green eyes flicking over the page with a bored gaze before he quirked an eyebrow. Flipping the notebook around to show them their own scrawled handwriting, he pointed to their ingredients list with a rubber-gloved finger, telling them, “No wonder you were getting the wrong results. You completely mixed up the measurements of the Wormwood and the Knave Leaf.”
Leona turned the book back towards himself, continuing to look the rest of it over for several seconds before closing it shut with a snap. Placing it back on the desk, he turned away and walked over to the ingredients shelf, stating, “Everything else seemed fine.
“I’m not going to hold your hand through the potion-making process. You seem competent enough that you would have gotten it right if you didn’t get the measurements mixed up,” he continued, pulling down extras of ingredients that they didn’t have enough of after three failed attempts on their own. Walking back, he placed them beside the cauldron and started working, “So, I’m just gonna make it for you so that Crewel doesn’t get on your case as much tomorrow.”
“Oh… thanks?” Syn said hesitantly, giving him a suspicious look. “You’re being… surprisingly helpful.”
Their eyes widened and they couldn’t help the actual SQUEAK that they let out when the lion’s head whipped around to shoot them a glare so intense that they practically expected to burst into flames. They quickly tried to backtrack a bit, of course, adding, “A-Ah, c’mon. You can’t just do a bit of a one-eighty and NOT expect me to sense something is up. I won’t pry anymore, just caught off guard!”
Leona continued to glare at them for a second or two before deciding that they likely weren’t worth the energy to snap at over, going back to the potion with a huff and growled, “You’re lucky I’m in a good enough mood to not bite you over testing your boundaries again, herbivore.”
Syn almost asked if he was ever in a good mood, but held their tongue with the way he emphasized the little nickname he called them.
An almost awkward silence fell, watching him eventually scoop out a phial of the transmutation potion, a proper red hue compared to what they’d made earlier. And, as he placed it on the desk and prepared to clean everything up, they spoke up, �� … I do genuinely appreciate this, you know.”
With his back turned to them, they couldn’t gauge his full reaction. But, they knew he heard them with the way an ear swiveled in their direction and the way his tail paused for a moment. They’d almost think he was touched if he didn’t immediately scoff.
“Tch, don’t mention it. Besides, if my favorite snack gets in trouble, how else am I going to enjoy our special naps,” he looked back at them with a smug grin that showed off his pointed fangs, making them sigh as he cleared everything with ease. “That includes you running off without any warning to anyone.”
“Yeah, that tracks,” Syn huffed, crossing their arms over their chest. They watched their tail flick back and forth a bit in mild irritation.
“You should have known what you were getting into when you reached out to me for help,” Leona replied, suddenly back in his dorm uniform as he walked back to the desk they were sitting on top of.
They nodded a bit, saying, “You’re right, but you proceed to exceed my expectations every time. Besides, the amount of people I trust enough to ask for help that aren’t Ace or Deuce AND wouldn’t eat me as payment is small enough to count on my fingers. I should have asked Riddle or Vil or-...”
Syn’s head tilted slightly as they felt like a piece of some puzzle clicked into place, mentally facepalming as they stopped themself from saying the next name. Because while he was still Hornton to them, weirdly eccentric and stoic friend that stalked the grounds of campus at night, he was Malleus to Leona. Malleus Draconia, Spelldrive competitor and someone who Leona apparently hated with a passion.
And he’d taken them to the library earlier this week to help them with Fae history homework where they’d come across him with Leona after going to find the book required.
“Or, who, herbivore?” Emerald green eyes narrowed down at them, the beginning of a snarl on Leona’s face crinkling the side of his nose and corner of his mouth.
Syn had the distinct feeling that whatever they said next would determine their chances of surviving the night under the lions ‘care’.
“Jamil, of course,” they lied, even though the man had never actually crossed their mind just because of how busy he constantly was. They just hoped they were too small for Leona to properly hear their nervous heartbeat or that he would just mistake it for their current rodent propensity. “I heard he’s pretty proficient in a lot of subjects, but Kalim is usually keeping him busy.”
Leona’s eyes narrowed slightly as he let out a contemplative growl, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the desk and propped his chin in his hand. Completely ignoring their response like he hadn’t just given them a death glare, he asked, “Is it just your labwear and notebook you brought with you?”
“Uhhh,” caught off guard by the sudden change of topic, Syn got to their feet and began to walk along the edge of the desk to look beneath the sides, replying, “My backpack’s around here somewhere. We can chuck the stuff inside.”
“Your phone?”
“Already in my bag,” they said, eventually seeing the black fabric and pointing down to where it was hidden behind one of the desk legs, feeling their ears perk up at the sight. “There it is!”
Leona made a noise of acknowledgement and bent down to see where they pointed, picking up the bag that was only a bit bigger than his head and a lot smaller than a normal backpack. Frowning, he glanced at the bundle of labwear and rubber gloves on the desk, and asked, “All this is gonna fit in here?”
“Yeah! Here, place it on the desk,” Syn perked up, watching the man do so. They walked up to it a bit excitedly and explained, “It was expensive as hell, but check it out! Watch the little pin on the front.”
The lion raised an eyebrow but they watched his gaze fall on the currently colorless pin that shined iridescently in the lab light.
Clearing their throat, they spoke clearly, “Labwear.”
Almost immediately the pin began to shift through a multitude of colors on its faceted surface before settling on a white and black color scheme that was almost reminiscent of a chunk of marble. Before Leona could question the pin's color, Syn spoke up.
“Okay, now open it,” they said, almost bouncing on their feet. Leona shot them a look that suggested he didn’t understand their excitement, but they didn’t care, watching him unzip the top of the bag and look inside.
“It’s just another labcoat.”
“Well, duh, but check out the size,” Syn exclaimed, walking over and peering inside when he turned the opening to face them. “That labcoat should be bursting the bag at the seams! But, Vil said this is a Poppin’s brand bag, made specifically to hold more than meets the eye. And it’s voice activated for specific needs! I have pockets for all of you.”
“Here, put my stuff in there and I’ll show you what I mean.”
Leona grumbled something about taking orders from them but still packed their stuff inside, albeit a bit more haphazardly than they’d like, feeling like their notebook was now a bit crinkled. It’d usually just go under their name anyways, but they’d fix it later.
Gesturing for him to rezip the bag, they sat down cross-legged and said, “Leona.”
The pin swirled its plethora of colors before settling on a marigold yellow. When he gave them a questioning look, they gave him an encouraging motion to open it, watching him expectantly.
They felt an almost odd feeling in their chest but ignored it, unable to keep themself from saying, “I got a bunch of snacks for everyone! Yours is a bunch of stuff like beef jerky, and meat sticks. There’s also this stuff called biltong that’s like beef jerky, but it’s more tender apparently.”
Leona’s expression, naturally sour sometimes, was almost unreadable as he reached in and grabbed a bag of aforementioned biltong out of the backpack. A coy smirk made its way onto his face as he commented, “I see you’re taking a leaf out of Ruggie’s book about sucking up to me to get what you want.”
“Wha-? No,” Syn found themself squawking a bit in indignation, placing a hand to their chest. “I literally said I have snacks for everyone!”
“I’m just messing with you, herbivore, no need to get your tail in a twist,” the lion chuckled, placing the bag back in the backpack. “I’ll definitely be trying some of those later. After all, I’m a large lion, and you’re just a little herbivore that wouldn’t provide much sustenance anyways.”
“I’m going to ignore that last comment for my sanity and take the rest as your version of a compliment,” they huffed, crossing their arms over their chest. But, despite their irritation, they couldn’t help but feel pleased with themself that they had picked things that he at least seemed interested in.
That pleased feeling gave way to alarm when they felt a rumble from their trachea that rattled all the way down to their chest.
Syn couldn’t help but jolt at the feeling, instinctively curling in on themself a bit and wrapping their arms around their torso as they let out a bit of a startled noise that had Leona giving them a funny look.
“The hell was that?” he asked, glancing them over.
“I-I don’t know,” they admitted, uncurling cautiously. “It was just… I don’t know, like some sort of vibration throughout my upper torso, it was really weird.”
His brow furrowed a bit in confusion before a look of recognition crossed his face, laughing for a second as he asked, “Are you talking about PURRING?”
“What? No! Rodents can’t purr,” Syn exclaimed, before second-guessing themself, giving him a startled look. “ …Can they?”
“Don’t know. Never had a rodent happy to be in my presence,” Leona said, reaching over and grabbing them off the desk’s surface carefully in his fingers, thankfully not dangling them by their tail this time. Straightening up, he lazily tossed their bag over his shoulder. “When you said you were going to take it as a compliment, I didn’t expect you to think so highly of me that it would cause you to PURR.”
“I swear, rodents don’t purr,” they protested, feeling their face heat up in embarrassment as they shifted in his hold. “I’ve never heard of rodents purring!”
“Then why is your face red, herbivore?”
“Because you’re embarrassing me, asshole,” Syn instinctively tried to hide their face behind their hands but they couldn’t hide their rapidly twitching tail. “I’m fucking flustered!”
He only proceeded to laugh at their misery while they struggled to calm themself enough to not have their face a mottled red, walking towards the lab door as he pocketed the transmutation potion he made for them. Lifting them up to his face, they could feel his breath as he said, “Alright, I’ll give you some protection potion when we get to Savanaclaw, but I’m not carrying you the whole way there.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” they replied with a groan, running their hands across their face as if it would just wipe away their embarrassment. “Just stick me in your mouth so I don’t have to hear you talk.”
“Gladly,” Leona chuffed a bit in amusement at their response, jaws opening in front of them.
Despite their rodent instincts flaring up a little at the sight, they couldn’t bring themself to struggle much as they were popped inside of his mouth, still trying to recover from being flustered and still tired from his tasting earlier. Unlike before, he made sure their tail was carefully tucked inside before his teeth clicked closed behind them.
Probably more because he didn’t want to deal with potential questions on why he had something sticking out of his mouth as he walked rather than any sort of benevolence on his part.
In the half hour or so it probably took him to reach the Hall of Mirrors - and, in turn, Savanaclaw - Leona tossed and turned them in his jaws, tongue easily maneuvering them around to try and get all of their flavor like a living hard candy. A living hard candy that was very much drenched and still stiffened everytime they found themself pressed against his teeth, whether it was intentional or not. Anytime they worried that they would become overwhelmed by pools of saliva, they found themself to his palette as he swallowed any excess.
They also didn’t appreciate the occasional points where he’d open his teeth slightly and give them a light nibble, yelping and cussing him out each time while kicking his tongue. Their only response was a chuckle that mixed in with his pleased chuffs that still rattled their bones.
Syn was pretty sure they heard at least a couple people’s voices outside past the sloshing noise of him tasting them, but if anyone was trying to get his attention they were apparently ignored very easily.
Eventually, they could sense the tasting begin to slow, allowing them a breather that allowed them to hear a familiar muffled voice. They couldn’t discern whatever it was Ruggie asked, but they yelped as they were pressed to the roof of the mouth again as Leona swallowed the saliva buildup before they were pulled out by their tail. Again.
“I was helping herbivore here with some kind of lab work extra credit,” Leona replied while Syn blinked spots from their eyes in time to see Ruggie’s startled expression.
“What kind of extra credit results in this,” the hyena asked, caught off guard at the sight of the prefect dangling in his housewarden’s hand.
“THIS was the result of a lab accident. I’m helping them fix it tomorrow.”
“Hey, Ruggie,” Syn greeted tiredly. As they took in their surroundings, it looked like Leona had walked straight to his room, their bag already tossed haphazardly on the floor.
“Man, you just keep finding yourself in these predicaments, huh,” Ruggie said, initial shock giving way to amusement as he raised his arms up and placed his hands behind his head. Laughing a bit, he added, “I don’t envy your luck! I guess I’ll leave you be for now, Leona, but don’t forget about the Housewarden meeting tomorrow.”
“I won’t. I’m not Draconia,” Leona growled, rolling his eyes.
The hyena left with one last snicker, leaving the two alone as the lion walked over to the desk beside his bed.
Leona placed Syn on a clean spot on the desks surface and began rummaging through the drawers while they still got used to being in the outside world for now. Savanaclaw was warmer than the lab usually, but that still didn’t stop a small shiver.
“You’re quieter than normal,” he commented, closing a drawer as he straightened with a protection potion in hand.
“Yeah, I kind of spent the last half hour feeling like I was going through a spin cycle,” they snapped in response, taking a handful of the stuff after he popped the phial open and offered it to them. “Thanks.”
Leona snorted in amusement, placing the phial back and plucking them back off the desk as they shuddered from the feeling of the protection potion running through them. Licking his lips, he said, “Well, luckily for you, I’m eager to get this over with and go to sleep.”
Syn’s sarcastic reply didn’t phase the lion as he opened his mouth and placed them in once more. He really wasn’t lying about getting it over with because they only found themself lapped at a couple times to slicken them before a powerful swallow pulled them down into his throat.
It was all a lot louder than usual, their ears trying to flatten against their head as his chuffing and heartbeat intensified, everything constricting further as they slipped past his collarbone.
There was a jolt around them that would have jostled them if it wasn’t for the confines of his esophagus, realizing he had flopped back on his bed when they slipped into his stomach and found that there was already a weight on one side of the stomach where his hand was resting. They shifted to get a bit more comfortable as he let out a content sigh, mumbling, “Night, herbivore.”
“Night, Leona,” Syn replied, barely getting the response out before the man started snoring around them. Which was also louder than normal. Sighing a bit at the knowledge that they weren’t going to get much sleep tonight, they grumbled, “Yeah, that seems about right.”
“What do you mean I’m stuck like this until next week?!” Syn exclaimed, appalled as they stared at Professor Crewel.
“I mean just that, my Ramshackle pup,” Crewel continued to call them a pup despite their rodent features. “Since it’s not an emergency, we can’t get a specialist Medical mage with a Transmutation license until the start of next week at the earliest.”
They tried to not let themself seem upset over this, but their newfound ears wilted at the information. At least they were normal sized.
74 notes · View notes
the-messenger-of-the-gods · 8 months ago
— Writing Masterpost —
Chomp — After just expecting to be unceremoniously eaten, Riley finds he’s in for more than he bargained. Contains mouthplay, oral sex, light dom/sub dynamic and giantess vore, the safety/fatality of which is left vague but these are reoccurring characters, so take that as you will but safe to assume digestion with reformation. 2.7k words, completed. Explicit. F/m.
Smother — Rori (F) smothers Riley (m) between her boobs, between her legs, and between her lips. Contains oral sex, light dom/sub dynamic, and a bit of mouthplay/light aftercare. Same guys from my first short fic, Chomp, but can easily be read as a stand alone. 6.4k words, completed. Explicit. F/m.
Sacrament (short series) —
Chapter One: Sacrifice — A young maiden is sacrificed to a beast of the woods. It goes sapphic. And horribly horny. Contains extensive mentions of vore, mouthplay, unwilling to willing, and oral sex. 3.2k words. Explicit. F/f.
5 notes · View notes
entomolog-t · 2 years ago
Bite Me - Chapter 5
Flirting or Frightening? You be the judge. June and Aedes seem to be getting rather *cough* well acquainted with one another.
This chapter is a bit frisky, nothing overly explicit, a little more intimate than PG 13, but not quite NSFW.
Taglist: @smallsday @ratcatcher0325 @not-a-space-alien @bittykimmy13 @naive-bias
- - - -
Previous Chapter: Chapter 4
Next Chapter: Chapter 6
Word count: 1451
CW: Mentions of blood, Adult language, Suggestive, Fearplay, Mouthplay (biting) mild dehumanization (aware Aedes is not human, fixated on that concept)
The feeling of his heart beating wildly under her thumb was intoxicating. There was no other world that could aptly describe it. In her grasp was a man- or more accurately, a vampire- regardless of semantics, June was all too aware held an entire being within her hand. She felt drunk. This was all so surreal… surreal and undeniably intimate. Was this okay? He was actually letting her hold him… after all the fear and anger and distrust… there he was… just… in her hand. She should exercise some restraint shouldn't she? This… was enough? But what exactly was this?? Despite quite literally having him in the palm of her hand, with the way he was teasing her there was a strange unease that still hovered around the corners of her mind, as if she was the one wrapped around his finger. 
His voice captivated her. She felt as though she hung off of every word. Have you planned what you’re going to do now that you’ve caught me? His surprisingly low voice seemed to echo in her mind. You say that, she thinks, yet why does it feel like I’m the one who’s caught? 
That was an invitation right? He was goading her… wasn’t he?
Not one to be out done, she tightens her grip slightly, 
"I seem to recall something about testing your structural integrity…" she muses, watching the man stiffen at her touch, yet soften at her words, "Why don't I test just how sturdy you are, little man." she says, her voice full of coy flirtation. 
She watches his expression change, eyes glued on him and taking in every detail. He swallows, eyes wide and fixated on her. Her heart skips as she watches his strange pointed ears flicker- it was bizarre, yet oddly adorable. He fidgeted in her grasp though his movements weren’t frenzied like when she had first caught him, more so… uncomfortable, nervous? She for one, most certainly was. 
She liked this. 
She liked this far too much.
Now that he wasn’t snarling, she couldn't help but notice just how striking he was. Those strange long pointed ears peeking out from a tousled mess of velvety black hair- his features sharp and chiseled, looking as though they were carved from marble on his pale skin. The sight of him disheveled in the palm of her hand gave a whole new and literal meaning to having man under her thumb and she found herself indulging in the literal interpretation far more than she ought to. 
Was this really okay? He had been so scared -
He tilts his head at her scrutiny, a faint smirk plays on his lips. In a jarringly casual manner, he stretches his arms back, resting his hands behind his head as if making himself comfortable. His stare was smug, cocky even, as he feigned a yawn. His teasing bordered on challenging, as if playing a strange and far too flirtatious game of chicken... Taunting her as if he knew she was enjoying his reactions more than she wanted to admit. 
“Oh,” His eyes meet hers unflinchingly, “So you’re just gonna toy with me now, huh? Well, come on. I’m all yours.”
She breaks eye contact.
Oh he knew all right.
This absolutely was a challenge- and she had no plans of backing down.
"Am I toying with you?" She coos, choosing her words carefully, "I do like to play rough with my toys." She watches in rapt delight as his ears flatten. Slowly, she slides her fingers under his arms, holding him up by his underarms and letting his feet dangle.
His face flushes.
June felt like a shark sensing blood in the water. She bites her lip. The sight of a full grown -albeit very small- man dangling from her hands is oddly enticing. He was quiet for a moment, the brief pause felt like it was gripping at her heart, Had she gone too far? This was wrong wasn’t it? He was sc - 
“Well then, play with me, my human.”
That smug little tease! She nearly growls at the excitement his invitation seems to bring forth, for a brief moment chasing away all of her lingering doubts. He likes this too…  
June gives in. 
Surprising even herself, she pulls him towards her, pressing her lips against his stomach. Her mind was alight, thoughts coming and going like fireworks- loud and quick. She kissed him- She was still kissing him! He flinches at the sudden action, a strangled sort of gasp escaping him, but doesnt push her away. His body was warm against her fingers- and firm against her lips. It was all so strange… She can't help but notice just how much of his body her lips can cover, or the feeling of his heart beating wildly against them. Was this really okay? He was a stranger… Hell- He wasn’t even human! He had snuck into her house- Drank her blood! And here she was just- 
Her thoughts freeze as her gaze flicks up to his face. 
Jaw clenched and head thrown back, his hands gripping firmly on her thumbs- the sight was mesmerizing. She watches, her eyes fixated on the shaky rise and fall of his chest as her lips graze his midsection- the way he shivered under her touch was thrilling… But it was his face that truly captivated her. He stared at her through half lidded eyes, gaze piercing in its intensity. A subtly flush danced across the pale skin of his cheeks, rising up to the tips of his ears- ears which folded back with her kisses. His lips twitched with every touch, drawing up as if he was wanting to bare his teeth, the faintest hint of a snarl playing across his expression. In that moment, he looked not only carnal- but truly carnivorous. 
June releases a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. It was all so much. 
She inhales, struggling to regain her composure. Instead she catches his scent lingering on her inhale. Amberesque and nectarous, he smelt of lush fruit and warm spice- of saffron and tonka. He smelt of temptation- of the warm excitement of youth. 
June swallowed. A strange mix of desire and unease sending a chill through her. 
Humans did not smell like that. 
She wills her hands steady as she kisses him, her actions somehow becoming more desperate. The hazy infatuation seemed to give way to a brief moment of clarity. She was far in over her head in something beyond her understanding. She didn’t feel in control. He was there, in her grasp, pressed against her lips… and yet she felt as if he had her in the palm of his hand. Her heart felt as though it crawled into her throat. She didn’t like that she was scared. She didn’t like that he could frighten her. 
As she kisses, his claws dig into the flesh of her thumbs. Claws… her mind echos, Not human. She brushes the thought aside, and adjusts her hold of him, pulling one hand away to take his wrists between her thumb and forefinger. She pulls his wrists above his head, cradling his body with her free hand so he's laying in her palm; restrained and vulnerable.
June shivers-the sight of the pose undeniably lewd. 
The sound of his breathing growing heavy makes her head spin- every gasp, every hitch of his breath…intoxicating didn't even begin to describe it. Between kisses she grins at the sensation of him squirming under the touch of her lips. What could he possibly be feeling? Was he scared? Part of her found herself hoping he was. She pushed that thought aside as quickly as it came. Through half lidded eyes, she risks another glance at him- her breath catching as he met her gaze. He seemed to like that, exhaling through gritted teeth- the sound hovering between a moan and a growl. 
His teeth… The sight of those fangs made a shiver run down her neck… and an idea take form in her mind. An eye for an eye… a bite for a bite. As June continues to kiss his midriff, slowly she opens her mouth, carefully letting her teeth graze against his chest. Aedes shudders under her touch. This time- much to her surprise- she growls.
He yelps.
June pauses. The way he trembles in her hand stirs something in her. She draws back slowly, her eyes fixated on him. This time, Aedes does not meet her gaze. Instead, he looks away- face flushed. With his wrists still held in place above his head he looks so helpless. 
She likes that. 
Without meeting her gaze, he utters a single word.
June Murphy unravels.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years ago
You say you want prompts….
What if the giant who used to be quiet (maybe for not so good reasons) but came out of their shell with the help of their tiny has a short relapse where they completely don’t talk and the tiny is just there to help
Perhaps g!Ranboo with t!Tommy or t!Tubbo (or whoever I just want fluff—)
speedwriting on vacation? speedwriting on vacation.
i was gonna wait for you
wc: 1849
cw: swearing, panic, brief mutism (is that the right word? the internet gave me it), mention of (sfw) vore/mouthplay
Ranboo is going to murder him.
Tommy stumbles against the lapping wind, which pushes at his cheeks and makes them like ice. Rain patters onto him, each drop like a bucket being dropped on his head.
Shivering, he pulls his coat around him, trying to act like it wasn’t already drenched. He stumbles again, adjusting his footing right before toppling over. A blurry light shines in the distance, through an array of trees with branches that clash loudly with one another. With each of his steps, above the sounds of the wind and pouring rain, there’s a faint clicking noise. Prior to going out into the belly of the storm, Tommy had been occupied shoveling handfuls of rocks into his pocket to assure he wouldn’t get swept into the night by the gale.
The tiny made his way through the clearing, the light of the house growing nearer at an agitating pace, and by the time he finds footing on the pathway to his hole in the wall, the rain has seemed to disperse a little. He scrunches his hair up and water seeps from it, the same as he pinches the fabric of his coat. 
For the most part, the house seemed sleepy enough. Maybe he could get to bed before Ranboo confronts him. He treks the path, his soaked and muddy shoes sliding along the floor and nearly having him fall over enough times for him to discard them at their third murder attempt at him. 
The rest of the way was quick, until he finally reached his nook. The lights were out, just as he had left them. He squints in the darkness, feeling his way through the area before collapsing on a makeshift couch. He sighs, pulling his coat off and tossing it to the side with a squelch. He cringes at it, then decides he should probably do something about the wet mess he could call himself. 
He gets off the couch and flicks his lights on, which flicker for a moment before lighting the space up in warm lighting while projecting star-shaped shadows on the wall. He grabs his jacket from the floor and hangs it up, positioning a portion of a towel, (courtesy of Ranboo), underneath it to collect the fallen raindrops. 
Doing the same with his shirt, he then hovers over a basket of clean and dry clothes. 
Tommy is mid-way through struggling on a makeshift hoodie before a soft sob carries through into the walls. 
He—not before adjusting the shirt on him—pauses, interest piquing at the sound. Ranboo?, his mind supplies, thoughts of the human’s reaction to his disappearance already filtering through his thoughts. At another sob, Tommy promptly replaces his pants and hurries down the hall to the opening in the kitchen. 
Stepping out onto the counter, it wasn't hard to spot Ranboo, curled up on his couch, staring blankly out onto the floor, shuddering occasionally as the post-cry hiccups settled in. 
Tommy’s seen that gaze before. 
Guilt bubbles in his gut, the feeling in him as he remembers seeing Ranboo look like that, quiet and still after events regarding another borrower they had scared off. Tommy had gone to talk them out of the demeanor and in the process befriended them, and now months down the line they stare at the floor the same way they had back then. It didn't take much for Tommy to recognize that the trance he’d put the human in traced back to none other than himself. 
He sighs, arms crossing instinctually as he begins to adjust to a plan. Water drips inaudibly from his soaked hair, tracing down his face and dripping down his bare arms, a small puddle forming at his feet before he takes off again, along the length of the counter, (While clambering through stray things on its surface), until he reaches the edge of it, then steps off to an installed plank for him to walk along, the thing narrow and uneven although plentifully useful. 
Tommy passes through Ranboo’s excuse of a dining area and then into the living room, silent as he can as to not disturb Ranboo into panicking further. The human’s head rests on the couch with their hands folded solemnly over the edge of the couch. 
While sturdily inching his way down the pathway, Tommy debates on calling out to his friend, his mouth opening and closing with ‘Ranboo!’ stuck on the tip of his tongue. 
He sucks it up and stops in his tracks momentarily, cupping his water-wrinkled hands over his mouth and yelling out a fond: “Ranboo! My guy!” 
Ranboo’s still for a moment, Tommy narrowing his eyes at the scene before opening them up again as he human shuffles up from the couch and looks around for the borrower. He waves, attracting their attention towards Tommy. Ranboo’s eyes soften instantly, though they make no move for their little friend. 
Tommy, not knowing what to do with such a distance recognition as Ranboo’s, fills the silence.
“Oh, man, Ranboo, that storm out there,” Tommy starts, groaning for emphasis while continuing down the path to the, (still half-frozen), human, “I fucking went across the clearing for acorns, they're in season and I figured …. uh, well, I didn't really have s plan, but then it became fucking dark as shit and only at sundown, so I filled my pockets with rocks so I wouldn't blow away, I—”
“Were you leaving me?” Ranboo says, cutting Tommy off purely in relief. His voice is quiet, nearly cracking had he spent any more time crying. 
“What?” Tommy asks, dumbfounded at the question. By now, he’s halfway across the floor of Ranboo’s floor; halfway to the couch. 
“You left, and I have to ask if it was because of me,” Ranboo repeats, more emphasis and his voice a little louder, though Tommy doubts any lift in Ranboo’s demeanor. 
Tommy shakes his head, knowing well Ranboo couldn't see it but perhaps as a reassurance to himself. 
“No, no! Dickhead do you really think I’d do that? Ranboo, I wouldn't have came back if I was leaving you,” Tommy says, scoffing half-heartedly before adding a swift: “which I wasn't.”
Ranboo hums, still making no move to welcome home the borrower, who stands below his outstretched hands awaiting any kind of movement. 
“Jack was a one time thing, he just got scared, like the ass he is,” Tommy continued on. He stands, folding his arms over his torso impatiently despite knowing he shouldn't be worried about the status of his stance. 
At the most, Tommy can barely reach the tip of Ranboo’s finger no matter how much he extends his height.
Falling back down onto his heels, Tommy huffs. “One time, I walked in on Jack borrowing food and he thought I was a human. Scared the shit out of him for sure, like a human could come from the other side of the cabinet.”
Ranboo stays quiet. 
“...can you let me up?” Tommy asks, finally. Much to his dismay, he’s met with an immediate response that almost seems mindless. Ranboo’s hand inches down barely, though enough for Tommy to cling onto him. Secure, Ranboo says nothing as he brings the borrower up to the couch, resting on the unoccupied side of the pillow that he had been resting on. 
Tommy then adjusts to the uneven surface and looks up at Ranboo, who's face is covered, the strap of their seeming mask the only thing he can make out. They put the mask back on. 
(Regarding the incident of Jack, Ranboo had sulked around the house in a mask. He never understood why and never cared to question it after he took it off, and now he doesn't have the gut to ask now.)
“I'm back, aren't I? I still touched your abnormally long fingers,” Tommy points out, partially because he wanted out of his thoughts. Ranboo doesn't crack a smile at his thrown-together humor. Or, at least he assumes they don't as the mask obscures the one prominent indicator. 
Tommy pulls his lips to the side in thought, eyes narrow at the quiet human. “If I took the mask off and climbed inside your mouth would you move enough to spit me out?” 
Ranboo’s brows crease through strands of their hair. Tommy considers this progress. 
“Ranboo,” Tommy starts, something of a distant phrase stuck in his throat. His voice runs dry and his pride pulls at him to Shut The Fuck Up, but his heart doesn't care.“I'm sorry,” he says, a weight lifted from him even though he knows he shouldn't be the one being relieved, “I knew you were awake, or whatever you were doing, and I left during a storm and even then I hadn't came back and I guess it was shitty on my end. Sorry.”
There's a pause, and a longer pause, and …. it doesn't take long for Tommy to realize the pause was simply Ranboo ignoring the borrower. 
He doesn't know why, although that silence hit him graver than any other. Like months of tangling has been undone by a simple stroke. An apology from him has been left to disperse into only a fine memory of Tommy’s that leaves him remembering how kind he had been and how passive Ranboo had been. (Even so, he still has the emotions to amplify that he was more than hurt at the absence of a response.)
“Fine. Dick.” It's back to wit. “I'm going to jump off the couch since you don't want to fucking talk to me,” Tommy murmurs, turning on his heel and making less than a grand exit than he would've liked. (Not as if Ranboo's attention was on him.)
He slides off of the pillow, then close to the cliff that was the edge of the couch. Staring down at it, he considers the fall. Couldn't result in death, therefore leading him further and further until he decides to quip out a curious: “Oh, goodbye ole’ Ranboo, he-who-won't-talk-to-me.”
At his last syllable he steps from the couch, praying to Prime as the ground comes closer that he comes out of this with no less than an injury. Before he could hit the ground, just as he had presumed, he’s caught as lengthy cold fingers trap him and he’s stopped from the fall. Ranboo’s grip on him tightens ever-so-gently and he can make out his return to the couch. 
Ranboo hums, the smallest of noises he’s heard all evening. 
Instead of being let out, Tommy body pulses with warmth all around him as he’s engulfed in a darkness, a beating heart just moments away from him. He groans at their grip, yet makes no move away from the crease in his friend's neck, which radiates warmth and vibrates softly, almost silent had he not been pressed against their throat. 
“Thank you, for not leaving me,” Ranboo whispers. It echoes from where he sat against their throat. 
Through his urge of wit and of sarcasm, Tommy only has the mind to respond, loud and clear and in full honesty, with: “I wouldn't do that.”
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