#mouth gaurds for sports mens
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How do Mouth Gaurds Help full to sports persons? II Partha Dental II
A mouthguard is a defensive gadget for the mouth that covers the teeth and gums to forestall and diminish damage to the teeth, curves, lips and gums. A mouthguard is regularly used to avoid damage in contact sports, as a treatment for bruxism or TMD, or as a component of certain dental methods, for example, tooth dying or rest apnea. Contingent upon application, it might likewise be known as a mouth defende.
 Partha Dental specializing in affordable cosmetic dentistry. We provides teeth Implants services at over 103 Clinics in Bangalore, Hyderabad,Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Know more about Dental Implants @ http://www.parthadental.com/dental-Im... Contact Us @ http://www.parthadental.com/Contact Subscribe to our Youtube Channel @ https://www.youtube.com/c/myparthadental Like our Facebook Page @ https://www.facebook.com/myparthadental Reach us on Google+ @ https://plus.google.com/+myparthadental Follow us on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/myparthadental/ Follow us on Tumblr @ https://myparthadental.tumblr.com/ Follow us on Instagram @ https://www.instagram.com/myparthadental
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machinehead · 8 years ago
I’ve debated even writing this. You all know how I feel. I’ve said probably all I’ll ever need to say on the subject a year and half ago. I’m going to tell you the conversation my wife and I had Sunday morning. As she drank tea (me; Blue Bottle coffee) I told her about the white supremacist rally(s) held in Charlottesville, Virginia on Friday and Saturday, she had only heard bits… She was appalled. We discussed how people could feel that way, read our president’s pathetic “many sides” response to a domestic terrorist attack by white supremist's, watched the horrifying videos of a white supremacist's car barreling though counter-protesters killing one woman and injuring 34, and looked at the barreling car photo in the NY Times showing a pair of shoes on the ground (where a person used to be) while men hung upside-down in the air. It was seriously disturbing. She looked at me and said “ I hope you’re not planning on writing a General Journal about this…?  I don’t want to have my life threatened again, I don’t want to have out kids lives threatened again… this kind of stuff scares me”. I sat in silence.  I let her know I had begun dabbling with one a little before she woke up. She continued, “Berto, I was scared to go to your birthday bash, worried that some whack-o was going to bomb the place or do something crazy to you, or me, or someone else." "People know how you feel, do you need to add fuel to the fire?” And she’s right. I don’t need to add fuel to the fire. What happened to my family as a result of the “Racism In Metal” video was fucking scary. She’s not over it. I’m not over it. Hence, why I debated this. Even a year and half later, when I go out to most big metal shows, at least one group screams “white power” at me. I keep my head up, do my best to ignore them. And while a healthy fear of whack-o’s comes with the territory of being married to someone famous, no one “wants that”. Out of respect to her, I told her if I finished writing something, I would show it to her before posting asking for her blessing. She read this and said "go for it". So I’m not gonna offer my opinions on the events in Charlottesville. Instead, I’m gonna tell you a story about a journalist I used to know. His name was Onno Cro-Mag. He was a Dutch hardcore journalist / hardcore scene supporter /and co-owned a record company with Agnostic Front’s Roger Miret. He passed away a few years ago, but the mark he left on me was deep. And while the story is a little hazy to me 20 years later, I’ll do my best to honor the dead. I first met him on our 1994 tour across the Europe.  He interviewed me a few times, we shared a mutual love of the hardcore band Cro-Mags, (that’s Onno who comes up and sings back ups on our Cro-Mags cover of “Hard Times” in the Dynamo ’95 YouTube clip). Ya see… Onno was an ex-skinhead.  An ex-racist-skinhead. He was extremely open about that to me during our conversations / interviews and it always caught me a little off-gaurd.  Not in a bad way… but let’s face it, how many ex-nazi’s do you know?  It’s not the first thing you expect to hear out of someone’s mouth. He explained to me how he’d gotten caught up in some bullshit in the scene, at some point something serious happened, serious enough that it shook him out of it. He never looked back. At least in the handful of conversations we had, he looked back on those days with a brutal honesty and regret that was palpable. But he wasn’t apologetic about it, he was strong about it.  He fucking owned it.  It was a life-lesson that he never let himself forget. I gotta tell you, I’ve never met anyone quite like him. And it’s not like because he realized the error of his ways, that all was forgiven.  No, no, no.  He faced considerable danger from his ex-partners, he faced a considerable lack of trust from people who knew the “old Onno”. It bothered him deeply. We could all learn a lot from Onno Cro-Mag. We should all aspire to be so honest with our flaws. Because we all have them. We were/are all assholes at one (or many) points in our lives. I’m no exception to that. I look back on the person I was in my mid-twenties and think “who the fuck is that guy?” And if you change, someone will always be there to shove it in your face, the asshole you have been. Now more than ever, in today’s “gotcha” society someone is gonna try and say to you “LOOK, you were like THIS before!" I can assure you, as soon as I post this, some dickhead will post a 22 year old photo of Kerry King and I (from when MH and Slayer toured together in 1995), arms by our sides, walking alongside Jeff Hanneman and Gary Holt (both in nazi-salute), and go “why didn’t you write a song about these guys?!” Or say, “you’re a hypocrite for saying what you said about Anselmo!” That’s been the racist's rallying cry for decades, “how, if you’ve ever been racist, can you decry racism?”. Welp… Guess what..? That just ain’t gonna happen. And the fact is, most people are incapable of change. Once someones mind is made up, whether via political party, religion, whatever... it’s nigh impossible to change. It usually takes a considerable tragedy to shake ‘em out of it, and even then... But people can change. I don’t care if someone was in the nazi rally Saturday, if they were disgusted by the senseless death of Heather Heyer, and said “Fuck this shit, enough... I’m out”…. we need to be tolerant enough to respect that. A tad skeptical…?  Sure. As I wrote this today, I read a story about an ex-white supremacist named Christian Picciolini who started an organization to help people get out of the WP movement called Life After Hate. In a nutshell:  they are a non-profit created by former members (called “formers”) of the American violent far-right extremist movement. Their goal is to "work with individuals who wish to leave a life of hate and violence, and help organizations (community, educational, civic, government, etc.) in grappling with the causes of intolerance and racism.” In their own words, "Life After Hate works to counter the seeds of hate we once planted." Because on the flip side of this fiery topic, we need be non-judgemental of the defectors of that movement.  The Onno Cro-Mags of that movement, who wish to change, who want out, but fear they won’t be accepted by anyone other than their own. I’ll leave you with this. Saturday my buddy Sean Doolittle (ex-Oakland A's pitcher and current National's pitcher) was on a tweet rampage (he along with comedian Patton Oswalt were seriously giving me hope for the entire world). Amazingly Sean has not been silenced and regularly post provocative, thoughtful opinions on political land mines for subjects. Kudos to him for being such a high profile sports figure, and still letting his voice be heard. He tweeted: "People say, 'if we don’t give them attention, they’ll go away'. Maybe. But if we don’t condemn this evil, it might continue to spread.  This kind of hatred has never gone, but now it’s been normalized, they didn’t even wear hoods. It’s on us to condemn it and drive it out. There is only one side. Actual nazi’s just marched on Charlotesville, we have to come together and drive this hatred & domestic terrorism from our country. While it’s important to protect free speech, we have a patriotic obligation to condemn racism and domestic terrorism." - Sean Doolittle Links: https://www.lifeafterhate.org https://www.exitusa.org http://www.npr.org/2017/08/13/543259499/a-reformed-white-nationalist-speaks-out-on-charlottesville
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thestalkerbunny · 8 years ago
might aswell do em all at once, oshune, osheel, ecohla, dacola, zina, yolanda, eris and her boys, shadow fuckits, the dragon princess
you can painfully tell where I got tired and I don't know what Shadowfuckits are.
Imena (there's nothing really that sexual with Imena.)
-Imena honestly has no real intrest in having a sexual relationship, a boy/girl/date friend, or intentions to get married.
-*steps up to a microphone.* I am hardly 15 and I've only held hands with one other person and he was a skeleton, let me run my country, you guys don't even have clean drinking water and you're concerned about me poppin' out babies.
-She just really wants to get her country in order before she considers even getting with anyone, let alone sex.
-her asshole of an uncle nearly married her off the Meme Lich (to have some sort of control over the skeleton endemic) but it just pissed off Memey even more because A: he only saw Imena as a friend and his first friend in a long time and B: Imena was nearly 13 at the time.
-She does get numerous letters from foreign royalty, saying that a Prince has come to claim her hand, per some made up agreement they made (Agnola's Royal blood line is believed to the be the only ones who have acesses to a true dragon's horde. Outsider royals want in on the goods.) She turns them down, but they come anyway.
-Knights have broken into the castle, claiming they've come to save the Dragon's Princess. Nobody ever seems to inform these people of the gramatical error. They are usually hauled off by Imena's royal gaurd and put in the stocks for disturbing a princess.
-Imena's possibly Demisexual or Asexual, she just sees sex as a process for makin' babies (and in the middle ages, that is a dangerous thing do be doing for a lady.)
-Never really had sex before the whole 'I gotta pay for collage because I'm not talented enough to get a scholarship and I've lost the financial aid, I need cash.'
-the embodiment of 'please do not tell my mother what I do to make money.'
-She liked her first client. He was rather clean, polite and a nice tipper. Everyone else was a varying dissaray of rude, disgusting or terrible tipper-or shy and akward. Eris likes the shy and akward ones, less scary. She really liked the rich ones-or the heavy sleepers that didn't notice when she took extra 50s from their wallets
-Oogie and Slash are probably the first REAL relationship she's ever hard. They were good clients who became nice aquatinces who then offered her a part in a poly relationship.
- She has yet to be arrested for sex work. It helps when you're able to change shape really fast. Dive into a crowd and the cops will never find her.
-She doesn't like aphysxiation. Choking scares her deeply, she likes all hands to be kept away from her lil' neck.
-Biting on her lil' ears however, is welcomed, provided it is the nice gentle nibbles and not too hard. Pulling the tail is fine, just not too hard
-Is rather jaded in the regards to the nude form thanks to many live model art classes and her line of work. There is no blushing embarressed girl in the bedroom when the tits and dick come out.
-She's just as comfortable doing girls as she is boys-she just happens to have a much heavier male clientel.
-Best at blow jobs. Hands down.
Slash n' Oogie
-Slash is half Oogie's size, so usually it's Oogie being on top, which Slash has no argument on.
-Oogie is completely down for the whole being hit schtick. Takes him back to his old moshipitting days where he got decked in the nose and got weird boners.
-Slash never had sex really before Oogie. Akward making out and weird groping with partners, yes, but never full on sex.
-Slash likes to bite, but usually it's very gentle nibbles because his fangs are itty bitty. He also likes it when his little wings are played with.
-Eris is, and both of them agree on this, the best girl they've ever had sex with. Considering how Oogie's only been with guys all his life and Slash has only had sex with Oogie prior Eris.
-Oogie was hesistant in the whole regard of the poly idea, mainly because muscians and girls usually have a bad history trend of fucking things up. Eris has yet to fuck anything up.
-Oogie is best at oral and sexual things, but Slash gives the sweetest fluffiest smooches you'd probably get diabetes.
I have no clue what the Shadowfuckits are. Clarify please
-It's been probably 80 years since she's had a fuck and she couldn't care LESS
-her baps are all natural and big and they annoy her to no end because she can't ever find cheap bras that'll fit her and in life, it caused her back pain. Now she feels nothing-but they still get in the goddamn way. They are also sensitive. Select few know this and have had the glory of being pushed against them.
-There are scars, very lightly around her reproductive bits and breasts, you can't even really tell, but by touch you'd know they're there. Brothel work was an ugly and violent trade for her. She hates that they've followed her into death. She had much more when she was alive.
-She bit. Hard. Not in the sensual way, but in the agressive, 'get off of me, your hour is fucking up and I HATE you' way. People have had scars and needed stitches after leaving Yolanda's company, often complaing about the moody blue eyed Snorunt lass.
-Has various erotic impulses and thoughts with people she's attatched to when she's absolutely sloshed, but never acts upon them.
-She did like it when her more sumissive 'clients' play with her boobs and let her take more charge during the whole thing. Some of her clients were petrified younge men who where dragged there by their fathers to ensure their boys were 'made into MEN' and had never done anything more than looked a girl in regards of womanly contact. She was a bit more compassionate twords these fellows.
-She doesn't like the 'BSDM' or the concept of hitting someone for sexual sport. If someone even playfully slapped her in bedroom regards, she'd probably lay into them with her fists.
-Watched porn maybe 3 times in her afterlife. All she said was 'She's faking it, He's faking it, all of it sucks and is completely inaccurate, nobody can have that much dialouge with dick in mouth.'
-Having sex for reasons outside of reproduction is an SIIINNNNNNNN
-praise gets her motor going tho. Telling her that she's good and valid and what not.
-Not much else to say. She's probably never masturbated or seen porn.
-LET THEM WEAR THE CAPE DURING SEX. They're gonna wear it anyway whether you tell them to or not.
-Bite BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE, they love to bite and love to be bitten.
-Rough sex is good sex to them
-they do NOT like it when an outfit is ripped to shreds just so genetials go be gotten to faster. clothing is carefully undone, no button busting here.
-will seduce you, your gf, your bf and your bff and then sleep with you all in one massive orgy.
-'Bluh Bluh, let me suck your bits.'
-BOOOBS ARE GREAT AND WONDERFUL, very fond of titties and biting nips.
-Good lord, the list is LONG
-down for almost ANYthing, provided it's not gross (like, peeing or something like that. Nasty)
-gives head like a pro, eats out like an american. you want stress relief? you want Ecohla.
-will let you do them in the nook AND backdoor just for the sole purpose for their hands to be unoccupied so they can do something else.
-This rainbow drinker seems to only want to drink rainbow fluids.
-doesn't bite, not into the taste of blood.
-good at handies
-can't see worth shit and yet has the best bedroom face ever.
-making out mentally behind the mask and stupid grin.
-is masturbation sex when you're two diffrent people fused together? I suppose it is. Having a one handed wank is twice as enjoyable.
-is just as open to everyone as Oshune is, a bit more reserved as Seelie is.
-we have been over this enough to know she's down to clown with you all.
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topbarhealth · 6 years ago
New Post has been published on Top Bargain Health & Wellness - Please like and share. https://is.gd/adQQli
New Post has been published on http://topbargainhealth.com/the-confidental-pack-of-5-moldable-mouth-guard-for-teeth-grinding-clenching-bruxism-sport-athletic-whitening-tray-including-3-regular-and-2-heavy-duty-guard-3-lll-regular-2-ii-heavy-duty/
The ConfiDental - Pack of 5 Moldable Mouth Guard for Teeth Grinding Clenching Bruxism, Sport Athletic, Whitening Tray, Including 3 Regular and 2 Heavy Duty Guard (3 (lll) Regular 2 (II) Heavy Duty)
The ConfiDental Moldable Mouthguard – Pack of 5
The Kit Includes: 3 pieces of 3mm thick ConfiDental Dental Guards 2 pieces of 6mm thick ConfiDental Dental Guards 1 Travel Hygiene Case Step-by-step instructions for the molding and fitting process Our high quality professional mouthguard is an excellent dental appliance. For a better prevention, our mouthguard is made from soft thermo plastic premium medical grade BPA Free and Phthalate Free material. It's comfortable for you to use it every day and night. Our guard is the best solution for teeth grinders. It protects both your upper (top) and lower (bottom) teeth. In addition, it can be used for a whitening tray in teeth whitening treatments. With the slim (thin) design, our mouth guards provide you with comfort when wearing it.
Each package comes with 3 Regular gaurds (3mm thin) and 2 Heavy duty guards (6mm thick).
Our ultra comfort mouth guard can be used as a dental protector, teeth whitening trays, and sport mouthguard.
If you have problem with bruxism while sleeping at nighttime. You can use our mouth guard to prevent your teeth (tooth) in your sleep.
If you want to whiten or bleach your teeth, you can also use our mouthguard as a teeth whitening trays along with whitening gel in whitening or bleaching process.
Whether you are men, women, mom or dad with a child, teen, kids, children, or teens with a small or large mouth, if you have teeth grinding problems, our nightguards are the best fit for you and your loved ones. You can easily mold and customize the gaurds right at your own home with a boil water. It is adjustable to custom fit your mouth since It can be molded and remolded.
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