#mouse rat band shirt
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clobberbox · 1 year ago
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“When we started we were Teddy Bear Suicide. But then we changed it to Mouse Rat”
Whatever the weather, you can represent the best band in the whole of Pawnee, Indiana with our new Parks and Recreation inspired band sweaters!
Great Christmas gifts for TV fans!
Available to buy online now, link: 
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corroded-hellfire · 8 months ago
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Prompt Day 5: On the Road Again
Word Count: 997
Rating: G
Pairing: None
CW: None
Summary: Wayne joins the band on the road for a couple of days
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Wayne really hadn’t wanted to, but here he was. 
Since Corroded Coffin’s tour began, the guys had tried to get Wayne to join them on the road for a few shows. The older man always turned them down, insisting that they’d have more fun without him, and that tour bus living wasn’t for him.
But, just like it had been from the day he was born, Wayne would do anything to make his nephew happy. So, he told them he’d come on tour with them for one weekend. Two days only, no ifs, ands, or buts.
The shows that lined up with the weekend Wayne chose were Orlando and Tampa, and Wayne thanked God it wasn’t the summer. Never mind dealing with the weather, Wayne worried the heat would make the tour bus smell worse than it probably already did. 
“Wanna visit the Mouse while you’re here?” Gareth teased when they picked Wayne up from the airport.
“I sat in front of kids who were headed to Disney –I’ve heard enough about that damn rat to last the rest of my life.”
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The show that night was in a nice-sized venue, but like most of the venues on this tour, it was standing room only. That wasn’t going to work for Wayne. Luckily, there was a sound booth towards the back of the crowd with a chair Wayne could comfortably watch the show from. Or maybe just watch the show, Wayne thinks as he eyes the hard-looking plastic seat. 
The music was even louder than when Wayne would swing by to pick Eddie up from rehearsal at Gareth’s place. The audience only added to the noise. That was good for the band, he knew, but it was also grating on his nerves. 
Eddie belonged on that stage, though. Wayne watched his nephew work the crowd, never missing a note or lyric. He assumed for the lyrics, anyway. Wayne couldn’t hear Eddie clearly through the speakers, the bass drowning out his voice in every song. 
But as he watched the show, watched Eddie effortlessly play his music, Wayne knew this was exactly where the kid was meant to be. The stage was his home just as much as that one-bedroom trailer back in Hawkins. 
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Seeing Eddie up on a stage felt so natural and right. But the rest of the night’s events were some of the wildest Wayne’s ever seen. The number of people waiting between the backstage door and the bus left him speechless. Security officers kept them at bay, but the cacophony of screams made Wayne think he’d landed himself in the middle of a riot.
The guys took it all in stride, though. They were sweaty and tired, but beamed at their fans as they basked in the attention. 
About halfway to the tour bus, a woman in a modified red Corroded Coffin tank top lifted her shirt up, flashing the band as they passed by. 
Wayne looked to his nephew and friends for their reactions. There hardly were any, though. To them, it was something that happened from time to time—it didn’t faze them anymore. But Wayne couldn't help but shake his head as he kept walking. 
“Jesus Christ,” he mumbled under his breath.
When they finally made it onto the tour bus, Wayne felt like he escaped a war zone. The roar from the crowd outside could still be heard, but it was mostly muffled. 
“Woo!” Eddie cheered. Using both hands, he rubbed over his face to get any excess sweat off. 
“How’d ya like it?” Jeff asked as he walked towards the mini fridge. He pulled out two cans of beer and handed one to the older man. 
“Was loud,” Wayne said as he popped open the can. “But you guys look real good up there.”
Jeff slapped a hand on Wayne’s shoulder in thanks.
“So, old man,” Eddie said as he plopped down on the couch, “wanna party?”
Even the mere question made Wayne feel a hundred years old. Party? His internal clock was all messed up, trying to adjust to not being on the night shift. Right now, the only one Wayne wanted to party with was a bed.
“Boy, you must’ve lost your damn mind,” his uncle answered him.
The guys chuckled from behind Wayne, and Eddie looked up with an amused smile.
“I’m messing with you. After a show we just kinda wind down for a bit then hit the sack. Have a beer, eat something, and just bullshit for a while.”
“Too fucking exhausted for anything else,” Gareth added.
Wayne sat down on the bench situated next to the dining table. 
“I might not even make it through that whole party, but it sounds good to me.”
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The next day was the same thing, just a new city. Same uncomfortable chair for Wayne, bass drowning Eddie’s voice out, screaming audience members that swarmed wherever the band would be. But there was one thing that made everything more than worth it.
“Ed? Can I talk to you for a minute?” Wayne asked after the show in Tampa, while Jeff was in the bus shower, and Gareth and Frank attempted to pop a bag of popcorn without burning it. 
“What’s up?” 
Wayne had never been an emotional man, especially on the outside. He usually just mumbled and hoped it conveyed the message.
“I, uh,” Wayne started, slipping his hands into his pockets. “Watching you be that rockstar up on stage is…it’s something that you always wanted. And you went for it and look at you now. You put your mind to it, worked hard, and it paid off. Eddie, I—I’m really proud of ya, son.”
“Thanks, Wayne.” 
Eddie was equally as awkward with emotions; even though Wayne’s words touched him almost to the point of tears, Eddie wasn’t sure how to express it. Before he overthought it, Eddie stepped forward and hugged him. 
Wayne wasted no time in embracing him back. 
“Thanks, Wayne,” Eddie repeated. “For everything.” 
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badnoahmens · 1 year ago
I Took Your Keys, It Was Me - Part 2
Noah Sebastian x Reader
Words: 2.5kish
A/N: I’ve never had so many requests to make a part 2 to a fic before, so here’s this. Part 1 found here.
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Two weeks had passed now, your normal daily life routine had fallen back into rhythm. A swell of work, sleep, food somewhere in the mix. There was a slight adjustment though, and that was the odd text message from Noah. It wasn’t every day, and no deep, dark secrets were being shared, it was simply a meme, a photo of something mundane, or most of the time, a terrible, terrible, pun.
The communication between the two of you was effortless, like talking to a lifelong friend. There was no sense of urgency, no burdening, no feelings of dread whatsoever, which was unusual for you to feel like that.
Their tour was starting to wind up. Only 1 week left, and 3 cities to visit and perform at. To think back at the meeting you had 2 weeks ago seems like more time had passed than it actually had. It could be because of life going back to normal, or because of all the stories Noah had told you about touring, both old and new.
Your mind got lost in a memory, one of a late night. You were sitting on the couch, dirty dishes on the table in front of you, scrolling through your phone absentmindedly as the TV kept playing in the background.
The sudden vibrations in your hand and a change of screen distracted you from your doom scrolling, seeing Noah’s name flash up. It wasn’t often that he would call, this was only the second time, but there was a comfort in talking to him that didn’t seem to happen with anyone else, especially this quickly after meeting someone.
“You’ll never believe what just happened” he would say, not even letting you say hello. Immediately, he continued. “So, tonight, after the show, we went to get some food because the hungry boys deserved a feast, and then…”
Your mind started to wander. He was so excited about what had happened that he called you. You. Out of anyone in the world. It was something that you tried not to think too deep about, but boy was that hard. He was excited, and thought of your name, and wanted to tell you all about his exciting story.
It was his laugh that brought you back to the conversation, bringing you out of your own head and back to whatever epic tale he was recounting. Something about getting lost and then being chased by some rodent and needing to hide up a tree, then the rodent climbed the tree too… it was hard to follow along with what he as actually saying because of the wheezing and laughter mid-sentence. You couldn’t help but just smile. A big, goofy, toothy grin. He sounded so genuinely happy.
“So, as you can probably guess, I have a new fear of rats now” he finished.
“So what you’re saying is, that big, bad Noah, who wears a ski mask and wraps his hands like a boxer to perform, is scared of a mouse?” You tease.
“Did you not hear me! This rat was the size of a small dog! What if it bit me!” He was off again. Going into strangely specific detail about how big it’s teeth were and how hairless it’s tail was.
Snapping back to reality, you couldn’t help but scroll through your old conversations, giggling once again at some of the photos he chose to share with you. One in particular was a favourite.
It was a selfie, and wore a uniform black outfit of a shirt and beanie. It looked like it was night, the windows showed a dark sky. Although it was a selfie, the photo was aimed over his shoulder, a chaotic scene of arms flailing and frustrated expressions in the band and crews faces. Noah himself looked as though he was stifling a giggle with his eyes semi-closed and lips pursed together. What looked to be a Monopoly board and its game pieces were scattered over the floor, table, and lounge. What you could only imagine is an argument occurred where someone was wrong done by, egos were crushed and friendships were put to the test.
It was these kinds of photos, the casual insights into his life, that made you think more about him than what you probably should.
Almost as though he knew you were thinking of him, a new message from Noah dings in your phone.
“We’re in your town next week!” Is all it said, followed by a second message. “Still offering that tour of the best places to eat?”
Your heart skips a beat. The memory of the offer to show him around your city floods back and you cringe a little at the awkwardness of it all. After musing over a response for a few minutes, you respond.
“I’ve got just the right place in mind”.
The next week had finally rolled around and you were on your way to the food truck you had told Noah all about. It was… quaint. Set up permanently in an old car park, with some rickety plastic chairs scattered around, it served some of the best food you’ve ever eaten. Throughout the morning, you had changed outfits 4 times, drank 3 coffees, turned the house upside down looking for a hat that you didn’t even wear, and then almost locked yourself out of the house, all thanks to the panic that was starting to set in.
Thoughts if doubt started to creep in, force of habit you guess. Your mind was not the kindest of places, especially to yourself. Some of the things you would say to yourself almost made you pull the plug and not go at all, but you were distracted once again by Noah sending a message confirming the address.
Right now, you were sitting in your car, around the corner from where you were supposedly meeting everyone. You had invited the whole band and crew along to try and ease the awkwardness, but now it has made the whole thing even more daunting.
You leg bounced in its place, nervously tapping a rhythmic and repetitive beat, almost like you were building up the courage to actually get out of the car. A very long 5 minutes passed, and you forced yourself to push open the door. Why was this so nerve-wracking? Was it because it had been building up for a week, or because you were seeing Noah in person for the first time since you last met? Was it because you had brought along the hoodie that he gave you last time to give back to him, but secretly you didn’t want to part with it?
One foot started to move, followed by the other, as you walked closer to the desired location of greasy burgers and fries. Your stomach rumbled fiercely at you, reprimanding your choice to skip breakfast and run only on a caffeine diet this morning. It distracted you enough, right up until you could hear a familiar voice, echoed by a band of laughter.
You stood at the corner, looking at the food truck, seeing all familiar faces crowded around the plastic chairs and tables. Folio was talking to Jolly, making strange expressions and wide arm movements, as though he was telling an age-old story of his, meanwhile Jolly looked as though he had heard it all before. They were the closest, a wall of bodies with their backs turned to you was behind them, a mix of people, of which you could vaguely make out Bryan, Matt, Ruffilo, Dakota, Tim, Steven, and even Miles.
Memories of their faces flash back in your mind, back to the night you met them, sitting around in a circle in the greenroom after their concert. They were so kind to give up their space, time, and drinks for a stranger, let alone a fan of theirs.
There was a shift in the crowd that stood around the plastic table, and then you could see Noah. He was sitting down at one of the chairs, glancing between his phone and his friends around him. Dark sunglasses hid his eyes, along with a white graphic tee and some black shorts. He was a simple fashionista, but you’d be damned if you said it didn’t look good on him.
The 10 seconds that you stood there for felt like a lifetime as the bubbling of nerves in your stomach grew. They all seemed to happy and relaxed, and you could help but think, why ruin that?
The devil on your shoulder screamed at you to leave them alone.
They’re happy.
Don’t ruin it for them.
Look how well they’re doing without you there.
You could feel your eyes welling up, threatening to spill over tears at any moment, but you wouldn’t let that happen, especially with the threat of them seeing you like that.
You suck down a shaky breath, holding it in as you turn on your heels. In the end, that voice was right. Why would they need you to join them? A fan, nonetheless, that they met once, to hang out like they were childhood best friends? It was ignorant to think that it could have gone any other way than this.
You could see your car now, almost acting like a safe place. Your steps quickened as you impatiently headed towards your familiar haven to then let the tears fall. That was until you heard your name being called out from behind you. It makes you stop in your tracks. A feeling of panic rises inside your chest as you hear it called a second time.
It was Noah. It was his voice, undeniably, calling out to you.
Your eyes squeezed shut in an effort to fight back the feeling of despair, forcing the tears back. You couldn’t face him like that. You could hear him walking towards you, footfalls growing louder and the keys that jingled by his pocket rang like a warning bell.
Blinking back the fear you still had, you had no choice but to turn and face him. When you did, his face was full of confusion, slightly tilted to the side, eyebrows knitted together like he was trying to figure out what you were doing.
“The food place is this way” he says, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder, glancing back in that direction. “Are you okay?”
“Just got lost, I guess” you lie. He knows. He can tell something is off.
“We’ve been waiting for you. Need some recommendations for this place!” He says enthusiastically. It’s clear as day to see he is trying to cheer you up. He’s reading your situation exactly as it’s playing out. He gives you a look, tilting his head down and raising his eyebrows almost as though to say ‘you coming or what?’
It was his calm demeanour that was the only thing that could have convinced you to stray from your path of heading to the car. The way his eyes pleaded in the gentlest of ways made it feel like it was all going to be okay.
“The burgers are greasy as, and you’ll regret it afterwards, but they’re the best thing I’ve ever eaten” you finally respond with a slightly shaky voice. There’s still an air of hesitancy as you start walking towards Noah, but you admit defeat and cave anyway.
As you step closer, one arm lifts and wraps around your shoulder, pulling you into a side hug as he spins to face the rest of the band of friends. His arm drops and pulls out his phone, taking a quick snap of the food truck as he strides towards it. You need to quicken your pace because the fucker has long legs and walks fast as hell.
As you near the crowd, they turn and meet your gaze. A chorus of “Hey! Good to see you!” “Where have you been? I’m starving!” And “what’s new key-girl” welcomes you.
You throw out a wave, paired with a “good to see you guys again” and a side glance at Noah, who’s smile is beaming as he looks on at the menu hanging on the side of the truck.
The next hour that follows is one filled with jokes, good food, tales from the road and even a short walk down the Main Street of town. Framing each side of the road are buildings of all different architectural styles. Art-deco neighboured modern, which neighboured neoclassical. There was even a gothic-style library building that you walked past. It was something you admired about this small city, it wanted to be so much more than it was, but seemed like it never really got there.
You walked amongst the group, trailing more towards the back, looking up at how the sunlight danced through the buildings, the trees, and reflected on shop front windows. The sky was a picture perfect blue, letting the sun shine down a radiant warm that gently kissed your skin. It was mid-admiration of your surroundings that you see in your peripheral vision that Noah was looking your way. When you finally glanced at him, you were met with a sweet smile, one that was soft but warmed your heart. He looked away quickly, down at his feet, with his hands shoved into his pockets, along with a little giggle as he scuffed a rock with his shoe.
“Thanks for earlier” you say, looking up at him, squinting slightly as the sun was shining behind him, highlighting a glow around his hair, showing every whiff of the wind that tousled loose strands.
“Don’t mention it” he says, swerving to bump his elbow into your side. It took you aback seeing how comfortable he was being this casually playful.
“I wasn't going to come. I was on my way home”
“I know. I could tell. You had the fear of god in your eyes” he said with a smirk. You couldn’t help but notice how one side of his lips curled up a little more than the other when he smiled.
As terrifying as it was to admit, he was right. You were never that good at hiding your emotions, so why would this be any different?
“I’m glad I caught you, though” he continued, looking back at you, with that damn smile again.
“I’m glad too” you reply, looking away from his gaze in an attempt to hide the blushing in your cheeks. There was a moment of silence between the two of you, yet it was comfortable.
You look ahead, glancing between all of the friends, strolling down the Main Street of your town like it was nothing. Like they weren’t these recognisable figures adored by thousands, if not millions. Including you, you admired them. As artists, as people. They had brought you so much joy and yet here you were, just going for a walk with them.
It was only a few minutes later that you reached your destination, the bank of a lake, splitting off into river mouths and down into streams. It was a favourite of yours because of how tranquil it was, how calm it seemed and how it housed an entirely different world beneath the surface that just fascinated you.
There was a concrete wall that ran along the side where the group had started to sit, some propped up and some laying on their backs on the grass next to it.
But you and Noah decided to keep walking for now, continuing the conversation of small talk and banter.
“How long have you lived around here?” Noah asks.
“As long as I can remember. It’s changed a lot over the years. It’s kinda comforting, but it also gets old. I guess it’s different to what you’re used to” you reply, cautiously asking about him, but not wanting to pry.
“Yeah… I guess you could say that. I haven’t really stayed somewhere too long to really get that used to it. I’m at a good place now, though. Living with some of my closest friends” he says, looking ahead into the distance.
“I meant, with tour, you probably see some cool places.”
“Oh, for sure. We have been to some awesome cities, met awesome people. It’s quite a unique lifestyle that’s for sure.” He looks down at you to meet your eyes, “not for the faint of heart”, followed by a wink.
A wink? Dude, come on. You’re already confused about how you feel, and now he throws you a wink? This man.
“It’s a lot of temporary things. Temporary bed. Temporary city. Sometimes temporary people” he was looking out over the water now.
You admire the way he chose his words carefully. It was clear that he had been through some shit, but he was clever and never intentionally dragged up baggage for pity or for entertainment.
“I hope I’m not a temporary person” you say, almost too quiet. He looks at you and smiles, and you panic. Was that too forward? Would he think you’re clingy?
“So do I” he says, then looks away again.
Your heart starts pounding in your chest, and right on schedule, the overthinking-train arrives. What is that supposed to mean? Is he flirting with you? Is this a joke? Are there hidden cameras somewhere filming this whole prank?
Noah can see your mind racing, it might have been the jittery hands or the rapid eye movements to look anywhere but in his direction.
“I hope I haven’t freaked you out” he admits, and in a moment of confidence, you start to question him.
“Is this some kind of cruel prank you play on fans that you meet?” You ask, in an almost harsh tone. Noah is taken aback slightly, pausing his steps to come to a standstill.
“Why would you say that?” He asks sounded offended.
“You can’t blame me. Think about it. Fan meets band. Band and fan hang out. Fan and band become friends. Fan gets feelings for band. This stuff doesn’t happen in real life” you say with a sigh in defeat. Saying it out loud makes it seem more like a joke.
“It’s… it's not a joke. I rarely meet people that seem like good people.” He pauses, thinking of what words to use, carefully plucking them to try and not make you flee. “It’s different for me too, but you seem like someone I really want to get to know”.
There was sincerity in his voice. You looked at him, and there wasn’t an ounce of falsity to him.
“Plus, did you just say that you have feelings for the band?” He asks, cracking a smile.
You throw your head back, covering it with your hands and turn away from him to hide from the embarrassment. Why did you say that? You have feelings for him? What a way to fuck it up now!
“Yeah… I mean… you can’t blame me” you’re stalling. “I mean, have you seen Ruffilo? The man is beautiful”.
Noah smiles and let’s put a small laugh, but his eyes give away that he’s a little offended that you didn’t mention his name.
Fuck. Now does he have the wrong impression? Why is this so hard?
Now you were panicking, trying to think of a way to fix this.
“But really…” you start, trying to quickly think of the right words to say. “Think about it. Even us walking along here together, right now, seems like it’s a bit far-fetched.”
He nods, acknowledging the strange circumstance that led up to this point.
“I don’t want to seem ungrateful. I mean, I get to spend time with you. That’s something I never expected!” You say trying to change the mood, but Noah shifts and crosses his arms, avoiding eye contact.
“No, I get it. It’s to be expected, really. I guess I was a bit delusional for thinking that wouldn’t come up” he looks out over the water, past you, with a solemn expression. I guess you really did hurt his feelings. You internally kicked yourself for royally fucking this all up.
You stop walking, Noah takes one step more than you, then turns to finally meet your gaze. You take a big breath in, close your eyes, and then exhale. Noah looks at you quizzically. When you open your eyes, you give him a soft smile, and hold out your hand to him. He looks at your hand, then back at you.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you” you say kindly, then offering your name to him.
“Is… this… are you okay?” He asks.
You drop your hand and give him an exasperated look.
“I’m trying to start things over”.
“Oh.. oh okay. Hi, I’m Noah” he states, then holding his hand out. You shake it, feeling the warmth of his hands and noticing the calluses forming.
Noah’s phone pings at that moment, he takes a second to type out a response, then puts it back into his pocket.
“Everything okay?” You ask.
“Yeah. The guys said they’re heading back. I’ll meet up with them later.”
“If you need to go, I won’t be offended”
“We only just met! I can’t leave now, that would be rude” he says with a smirk.
You continue to wander, side by side, for the next 30 minutes, at some stage turning and beginning your walk back to your starting point.
“Are you staying locally?” You ask.
“Yeah, we have a hotel tonight. A nice break from the bus. That thing gets crowded and smells bad real quick.”
“I can drive you back there if you need. Your hoodie is in my car too.”
“I said you could keep that” he glances at you with a side eye smirk.
“I know, I feel bad keeping your stuff though”
“I have probably a million pieces of Bad Omens merch. I can even give you more if you want”
Your mind quickly flashed to the mound of merch for this band that you already own. “I don’t think that’s necessary, thank you for the offer though”
“Fine, suit yourself.” He shrugs. “But I will take you up on the offer to drive me to the hotel. Think of it as that driving tour you promised me last time.”
You smile down at your shoes remembering the interaction, the hoodie he gave you, him making sure you got back to your car safely. He did everything so right, and you were trying everything you could to not stuff this up even more.
By the time you got to your car. The sun was starting to set. You hadn't realized that you had spent half a day with Noah until you turned the headlights on.
Noah slipped into your passenger seat, legs so long that they almost needed to be folded over each other just to fit. He rummaged around for the mechanism to move the seat, and finally found it giving him more leg room as he slid back in the chair. You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at the sight.
“What? Man needs his leg room!” He throws his hands forward, motioning to his long limbs, which we’re still bent just to fit. You shook your head a little, playfully, and then pulled the car out to start your journey.
Noah directed you to his hotel, saying it was about a 10 minute drive from here.
“For someone just passing through, you sure do know your way around” you joke, keeping your eyes on the road. Noah, however, was looking at you, like you were having a full conversation, only glancing ahead to point you directions.
He was a passionate talker when he got out of his shell, spoke with his hands a lot. The boy couldn’t keep them still at one point he was almost twisted completely around just to emphasize the story he was telling. He had you in stitches, the way he recounted events and waited for your response, then gave you time to recover from a laughing fit before he continued. He watched you react to his words, he paid attention to the small details, the crinkles by your eyes when you laughed hard, how you would glance at him throughout the conversation to tell him you were listening, even the way your grip would twist around the steering wheel when he was describing a scary part of the story. He noticed everything about you. And you noticed him noticing you.
You had a moment of realization that he was just a person. A person who laughed, who cried, who’s been through shit and now, is just sitting in your car. The sudden wash of relief, the pressure you were feeling, just gone.
The drive comes to an end and you pull up outside the hotel. Nothing too fancy, just to get them through the night. You look up at the building, half its lights were switched on in the three-storey building.
You turn and look at Noah then, the glowing of the lights bouncing off his face making him look as angelic as ever, so much, that it actually made your heart skip a beat. Trying to make sure he didn’t notice the hitch in your breath, you twist at an awkward angle, reaching for the black hoodie on the back seat.
You couldn’t help by notice Noah lean to look over too, your faces now only an inch apart. So close that you could even feel his warm breath each over your cheek. It didn’t help the state of admiration you were already in.
Your fingers graze the material, grabbing at it and finally twisting back into your position in the drivers seat.
“I believe this belongs to you” you say, handing over the garnet.
“I thought I said…” he spoke, pausing to take the hoodie in his hands and hold it out by its sleeves. He then leaned towards you, stretching his arms above you and wrapping the piece of clothing around your back and over your arms, twisting it into a knot on your chest. “You could keep it.” He finished, smiling triumphantly.
The closeness had you feeling a little lightheaded, maybe because you felt like you forgot to breathe around him, or maybe the low lighting made this interaction feel way more intimate than it was.
“I guess…. Thank you” you say, looking into his eyes. All you could see was a sweet dark chocolate brown staring back at you.
Noah’s hand then takes yours as he plants a light kiss on the back of it, placing it back down into his hands again. You couldn’t help but stare with your mouth ajar slightly at the gentlemanly gesture.
“It’s my pleasure.” He pauses again, looking outside then back to you. “If… if I asked you out on a date, would you hesitate to show up to that too?” He asked, sounding honest in his intention, his eyes looked in your hands together.
“A date?” You gawk, almost too quickly. He nods. “I, uh, no. I wouldn’t.”
“Because I’m still in town tomorrow if you’re free.”
“Tomorrow… tomorrow…? Uhh..Nothing on the agenda that comes to mind.” Honestly, you had no idea if you actually had anything in tomorrow.
“Great. It’s a date. I’ll meet you here at 10?” He asks excitedly, that sweet lopsided grin making a comeback.
Your heart was beating through your chest, it was a miracle that he couldn’t hear it.
“10. That works. I’ll be here.” You say, not sounding that convincing.
“I hope so” he replies, paired with another wink. With that, he opens the car door, stepping outside, and closes it with a gentle thud behind him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” he says with a wave through the window. You couldn’t help but smile back at him, taking in the image of him gentle waving and glancing over his shoulder as he walks to the door. He enters safely, and on his way to his room.
That’s when the excitement hits. You grip the steering wheel tight and let out a squeal. That’s right, a squeal. You have never squealed before in your life, but this man has you feeling so giddy it’s unreal.
With a deep breath, you pull the car out again, heading home, already running through every possible scenario that could happen at 10am the next day.
Part 3
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angelicyouth · 2 years ago
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Youth ; Chapter 1
⇢ pairing: kenny mccormick x marsh!reader x craig tucker
⇢ synopsis: ❝Growing up with the boys as the sole girl of the group, it was only natural for them to grow protective over their pseudo-little sister as the years went by.❞
⇢ [AO3 link] ; [series masterlist] ; [next]
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“....-N…. Y/N..? Helloooo? Y/N!”
I jolt when I hear someone calling my name through the music I’m listening to. I take off my headphones and let it hang around the back of my neck, answering without looking away from the computer screen in front of me.
“My bad, what?” I question disinterestedly as the music continues to play faintly below my ears. The clicking of my mouse can finally be heard since I threw my headphones on for full immersion a while back.
“The guys are coming over, throw on some pants.”
I take my eyes away from the RPG that I’m currently playing and when I notice that my brother is wearing nothing but boxers and a graphic tee, I lazily lift an eyebrow at him.
“What?” He mocks as siblings typically do when he notices my condescending gaze and I roll my eyes at him, saving the progress I’ve made on my game.
“Clyde got that new video game we were talking about last week.” He continues to say as he lifts his body up from his laidback stance against my door frame, typing something on his cellphone. Probably the guys telling him that they’re on their way.
I hum a simple hmm in answer to him as I get up from my chair and stretch the kinks in my body after spending the past few hours sitting down.
"Oh yeah, do you know whose burrito is in the fridge?” My brother distractedly asks as I take my time walking to my closet to look for some shorts to throw on.
Similar to my brother, my current attire is just an oversized band tee and my underwear. On me, however, it reaches my mid-thighs. Dwarfing my body, I wear these types of shirts often to sleep as a makeshift pajama dress, meaning I forgo any bottoms since no one but my family sees me like this. Because of this, my brother and I wear each other's shirts, which is often the cause of our mom’s headaches when we fight over clothes.
“You know it’s mine.” I quickly glare at him as I pull the article of clothing out from its designated shelf.
I do this carefully so that I don’t disrupt the other pajama bottoms its in between because Lord knows that if I fuck up this area in my closet, I’ll carelessly handle my other clothing until the whole closet becomes a rat's nest.
It’s already messed up here so it shouldn’t matter if I do the same to everything else. I’ll clean it soon anyways… Not.
“Yep, I know. I already ate it.” He laughs, a shit eating grin on his face as he slams my bedroom door shut. The sound of his feet quickly hitting the floor can also be heard as he runs to wherever the fuck he decided to hide.
“STAN, YOU DICK!” I yell, pulling up my shorts in anger.
I grumble and pout to myself while I do a quick check in the mirror to make sure I’m presentable. I was looking forward to reheating my leftovers after getting in a good amount of progress on my game.
Why the hell do siblings touch shit that isn’t theirs? Ugh. And the audacity he has to directly ask me about it when he already ate it. If he's still hungry, I'll just give him a knuckle sandwich.
I throw myself onto my bed to check my phone since I went MIA for the past couple of hours that I was preoccupied with the gaming world. The date catches my attention and I grimace when I notice that tomorrow would be the first day of sophomore year. It’s easy to lose track of summer when this shitty town is covered in snow all year round. Hearing the front door slam open and multiple muffled voices overlapping, I bring myself downstairs to the living room and spot Clyde putting a disc into the gaming console in front of the television.
“Sup?” I call out to no one in particular with multiple variations of hey being thrown back at me.
I jump over the back of the couch and settle myself in between Kenny and Tweek, with Tolkien sitting to the right of the coffee addict. Kenny automatically pulls my legs up to settle over his lap, resting a hand on my calf as he fiddles with his phone with the unoccupied one.
“How the hell do you guys not have any cheesy poofs? What kind of household is this? I’ve been busting my balls for years waiting for this game to come out and when the day finally arrives, I can’t even enjoy it with the best snack ever?? I’d expect this from broke ass Kinny but not the Marsh’s!” Cartman complains as he follows the ever aloof Craig over to where the rest of us are lounging, stomping his feet from the kitchen to the dining room in a normal Cartman-like tantrum.
“Shut up, fatass! Stans ordering pizza so stop complaining before we put a limit to your slices!” Kyle threatens from the kitchen while Kenny and I roll our eyes.
“You’re welcome to leave.” I sarcastically mumble with my eyes still trained on Clyde setting everything up. He always looks really cute when he's concentrating.
“Oh shut up Y/N, this is your poorass pantry I’m talking about.” Cartman shoots back as he dramatically plops down on a seat at the dining table, his head down on the tabletop and his arms stretched out on either side next to Butters. I flash my middle finger at his pathetic display and see that Craig is sending him one too so I snicker when the black haired boy and I make eye contact.
“Instead of bitching, here's a suggestion. Why don’t you make your fat self useful for once and get some at the store then? You can even take it back to your house and just stay there for the rest of the night.” I snark back despite the sickeningly sweet tone of voice I adorn.
“Aye!” Fatass sits up and yells back at me before Kyle walks into the room, rolling his eyes.
“Dude. You can lay off the snacks for one night, can’t you? Cause you know, I’m pretty sure you have enough fat stored in your body to last you without any type of food for a few months and you’d still be alive.”
“Shut up, Craig!”
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
Loud, but this is just a typical night in with the boys. The boys, meaning Team Stan, Team Craig, and of course, Butters. We all hang out together as one but like any other group, there are cliques within it. I guess they formed when we were younger and would play games that required opposing teams having to go against each other.
Having to split, these are the groups that always formed when we played stuff like catch or basketball, and why the guys in each respective teams are a bit closer to one another as opposed to the other team. They naturally formed because Stan, Kenny, Cartman, and Kyle live near each other whereas Craig, Tweek, Tolkien, Clyde, and Jimmy live closer to one another.
Of course, I’m usually in my brother's “team” and this works out for us because Butters typically likes to sit our games out and play moderator instead.
Speaking of. My brother, Stan, and I are actually twins. Because of this, our parents decided to separate us and have Stan and I go to different schools when we got into elementary. They wanted to encourage us to be independent individuals and to make our own friends, instead of being comfortable with sticking together after we went to preschool together. Yes, we met all the guys and became friends with them when I still attended the same place as my brother, but my parents were worried that I wasn’t spending enough time with other girls my age.
Even though I went to a separate elementary school and middle school than the others, I still grew up and spent all of my time with them when we were outside of school. Because of this, I’m still as close to everyone else as they are with each other.
This year, however, my parents finally decided that we were old enough to make the decision of whether or not my brother and I wanted to finally attend the same school. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity to go to school with my older brother and our friends. Well, okay. It was more like I insistently begged them and they finally caved in and gave me the green light to transfer.
Gathered around the television on either the floor or the couches and with pizza in our faces, Kyle silently curses as he checks his phone.
“My ma wants me home early since tomorrow is the first day of school.” He informs us, wincing when he remembers the start of a new school year.
“Ack! I completely forgot!” Tweek’s eyes widens and twitches as he clenches his shirt in first day jitters.
“Oh gee, me too! But that means we’ll finally be able to go to school with you, huh, little buddy?” Butters nudges me with his elbow and I smile into the can of soda I’m drinking from.
"Yessss! I can’t wait! I’ll finally be able to meet the other schoolkids at South Park!” I beam, throwing my arms around the blonde and hugging him in euphoria.
Growing up with the boys and being the only girl, everyone has naturally grown to be rather protective over me as they see me as their pseudo-little sister. This meant that they constantly whisked me away from others our age and would promptly pull me away if I ever did something as simple as wave to someone outside of the group. They called it taking me away from the lame-o’s, as Cartman constantly reminded me.
Of course, I knew the other people that my friends are cool with like Timmy, Scott Malkinson, and Dovahkiin. They tag along with us from time to time and it’s a refreshing change of pace when they do.
“I’m also excited about the commute! Finally, I get to catch some more sleep in the morning because mom or dad don’t have to drive me thirty minutes just to get to North Park!” Cue me dramatically fake sobbing into Butters shoulders as he consoles me by petting my hair.
“There, there, buddy. You won’t have to worry anymore!” I giggle as Craig pulls me away from the little cutie.
“Lameee, I already see your ugoo face enough. I don’t need to see it at school either.”
"Shut up, Cartman. How do you think we’ve felt seeing your fatass in and out of school for all of our lives? That’s a decade too much.” Kyle tiredly says.
“Well, I’m excited to finally see my bestie at school!” Clyde throws his arms around my shoulders from behind me. We giggle to each other in excitement as I place my hands on his arms.
“I’m going to get so much second-hand embarrassment when I finally get to see you try to flirt with a girl, Clydey.”
“Y/N! You wound me! Did you forget that I’m the most handsomest, most charming, and most smoothest guy in school—no. In all of South Park!” Clyde boasts while I continue to laugh, consolingly patting his arms in pity for his delusions.
“Besides, I wouldn’t think to do that anymore now that I have my baby girl going to school with me!” He says as he puckers up his lips and exaggeratedly makes kissing sounds towards me.
I’m still laughing as I lightly block his face from me. Clyde is always so silly and more sensitive than the guys (ahem, a crybaby, ahem), making him my partner in crime in stupid antics like this.
“Dude.” Stan pinches the space between his eyes and furrows his brows at the obnoxious flirting. The boys and I play flirt all the time for fun, but mostly to annoy my brother.
“You’re like this now, Stan, but wait until tomorrow. In a small town like Shit Park, a new student will be the talk of the school.” Tolkien slyly smirks, trying to get into the ravenette’s overprotective head.
“Oh shit. Fuck, I forgot. You’re fresh meat.” My brother stares at me uncomfortably, his face going pale at the overwhelming thought.  
“Leave him alone, guys… Besides, my princess will have her trusty knight by her side.” Kenny gloats.
When we were younger, there was a fantasy game we liked to play, involving a “Stick of Truth” that we fought for. Kenny chose to be a princess at that time to cheekily spend more time with me, another princess in the game. The pet name stuck and has been something he’s fondly called me from then on.
“More like mangy dog. You’re just going to drop her as soon as you see someone else with legs and a pulse, McWhoremick.” Craig deadpans, setting Kenny off as he clenches his jaw in anger.
“Anyways!” I cut them off before it escalates, “I’m most excited to see the poor girls you guys have dated!” I teasingly smirk.
“No. No, no! Respect my authoritah, Y/N! I'm seriously! Don’t come anywhere near those stupid skanks, nothing good ever comes out of girls!”
Cartman always gets defensive when his ex or any of the girls that the boys know gets brought up. Probably because the guys still clown him for the voicemail they got ahold of when we were kids, crying and threatening to commit suicide if she didn’t get back together with him. They like to joke around and say that they’d use “dying pig Cartman” the way those rappers use voicemails in their hit songs.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
As I lay in bed after the guys go home, I restlessly toss and turn, repositioning myself in bed for hours into the night. I can never sleep due to both excitement and anxiety before the start of any school year. Deeming all my attempts futile, I pull out my phone from under my pillow and text the group chat to see if anyone else was in the same boat as me.
N/N: yoooo
Toolshed (Stan): nooooo (barf emoji)
N/N: aye! fucking RUDE >:(
N/N: imma stuff you back into mom’s womb
HumanKite (Kyle): LOL gross dude.
theCoon (Cartman): not as gross as ur mom’s jew vagina
HumanKite (Kyle): Shut the fuck up, fatass.
theCoon (Cartman): you know, its ironic you call me that when you have a fat bitch mom!
SuperCraig (Craig): idk cartman, your mom’s must be gaping to have been able to push a fat baby like you out
Mysterion (Kenny): LMAOOO tru dat
Mysterion (Kenny): phat pussy
theCoon (Cartman): AYE! at least my mom didn’t willingly fuck a soulless ginger like urs craig!
SuperCraig (Craig): (middle finger emoji)
Tupperware (Tolkien): Your mom literally did, Cartman…
HumanKite (Kyle): Fucking dumbass.
theCoon (Cartman): details, DETAILS
theCoon (Cartman): his parents are still together so she still does!
HumanKite (Kyle): Yeah, but that just means your poor mom has to work hard to make enough money to feed herself and 10 other people because you eat enough for an army.
theCoon (Cartman): shut up you fucking JEW!!!
N/N: i can’t sleep :(
Toolshed (Stan): no one cares lol
N/N: shut up
N/N: you know how theres always a twin who's less attractive, even when they're identical?
N/N: that's you, stanley
N/N: ur just bitter cause im the cuter twin
Toolshed (Stan): ur literally ugoo but i admire ur confidence i guess
Tupperware (Tolkien): I never get why you always insult each other's looks, you're literally twins
ProfChaos (Butters): poor buddy
ProfChaos (Butters): want me to hop on my switch? we can play animal crossing together until you get sleepy :3
Mosquito (Clyde): oooo, i can’t sleep too so i’ll also visit ur island :D
theCoon (Cartman): laaaame
theCoon (Cartman): kick these pussies out of the chat ffs
theCoon (Cartman): lets hop on our PCs and start an online campaign instead
FastPass (Jimmy): hop on this dick instead :P
Mysterion (Kenny): AYO??
Mosquito (Clyde): LOL, NO HOMO BRO???
FastPass (Jimmy): nah bro, all the homos (sunglasses emoji)
Mysterion (Kenny): AYEEEE
Toolshed (Stan): LMAOOO
FastPass (Jimmy): lmao wait no i was just kidding (crying emoji)
theCoon (Cartman): you guys are fucking idiots.
N/N: ewwww, with cartman?? who can be that desperate, even as a joke jimmy? (barfing emoji)
Mysterion (Kenny): want me to swing by N/N? i know a few ways to make you tired (winking emoji) (smirk emoji) (devil emoji) (tongue emoji)
SuperCraig (Craig): (middle finger emoji)
Toolshed (Stan): DUDE.
WonderTweek (Tweek): Want me to oo br ing you coffee eee tomo rrow Y/N?? ??
Tweek’s twitching often has him typing like this. He doesn’t bother fixing his typos since it’s not hard to make out what he says, anyways.
N/N: my gate is open butters :3
N/N: idk clyde, you trampled on my flowers last time.. >:(
N/N: ily tweek!! <3
Mosquito (Clyde): Y/NNNNN!!! T—T
FastPass (Jimmy): he did it on purpose too, Y/N
FastPass (Jimmy): i saw him
FastPass (Jimmy): i kept telling him not to
FastPass (Jimmy): he laughed like a maniac and everything while he did it
FastPass (Jimmy): he also threatened to chop down your trees
Mosquito (Clyde): LIEEEEES
Mosquito (Clyde): DON’T LISTEN TO HIM Y/N
Mosquito (Clyde): people are always trying to take me down because im HANDSOME so SHUT. UP!!!
Mosquito (Clyde): jealousy is a disease, jimmy, and i hope you get better soon because it looks UGLY on you!!!
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
Despite sleeping late due to playing on my switch with Butters and Clyde, I wake up earlier than my alarm multiple times. Because of this, I decide to give up on going back to sleep when I notice that it's not that long until I should start getting ready anyways. I opt to pass the time on my phone instead, scrolling through social media like Coonstagram.
With my morning routine out of the way, I barge into my brother’s room without knocking to make sure he’s not still asleep so we’re not late to the bus stop… and also, to be annoying. After confirming that he is, in fact, awake when he throws a comic book at me, I go downstairs to eat some breakfast.
“I can’t believe you and Stan are already starting your second year of high school… Soon, you’ll be off to college like your sister and leave your father and I behind.” My mom laments as she places a plate of food in front of me.
“Don’t worry, mom. I’m pretty sure Stanley will still be living with you guys until he’s at least 35!” I smile sweetly at her while I spread butter onto my toast, as a muffled AYE! can be heard from upstairs. She tiredly sighs at us for getting onto each other's nerves so early in the morning but I continue to innocently eat my food.
“You remember what we talked about, right?”
“Even though you're going to school with your brother and the others now, I still want you to try to branch out into other things without them. You’re in high school now and I don’t want you to miss out on once in a lifetime opportunities and experiences because of the boys,” The brunette continues.
“Yeah mom, I know. Don’t worry, I’ll make new girl friends when I try out for sports. Maybe volleyball? Or basketball. I don’t know—something. I still haven’t decided yet.” I shrug around a mouthful of food.
“You know that's not what I mean, Y/N… Just think about at least trying to join, maybe, I don’t know. Cheer? We don’t care if you don’t make it, but at least just attend tryouts? Who knows, maybe you’ll like it.”
Ahhh, and there it is. Even after all these years, my parents are still trying to push me to be more independent from my brother and the boys by doing more female dominated activities.
“Pffffttt!” Shelley snorts behind a glass of orange juice and I glare at her, angrily stabbing at my poor eggs.
“Why are you even here? Shouldn’t you be on campus, at your dorm or something? I bet she’s ditching classes, mom! Wasting all that college tuition!” I tattle annoyingly on my elder sister in spite.
“Shut up, TURD!” She voices over me, kicking the leg of my chair and making me pout even more.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
When my brother and I walk to the bus stop, I’m still pouting at what my mom reminded me of. I get more upset when I think about how we have to take the bus, even though most of the guys know how to drive.
Admittedly, we’re not of age to even get our license yet but some of us have their driver’s permit. They learned a little earlier because all of our parents are pretty chill with us learning how to drive as South Park doesn’t get traffic at all. This eases their anxiety as there are barely any other drivers on the road.
It doesn't ease my anxiety though, which is why I never learned to drive. I mean, why would I need to when I have a servant—oops, I mean brother, who can? The only problem is that none of our parents have gotten any of the guys cars to freely use (except for richass Tolkien) and aren’t planning to until they can legally drive.
“Mmph mmmph mmph? (What’s up with you?)” Kenny asks me before pulling down his parka’s hood.
“I don’t know, man. She’s been pouting since breakfast. Just ignore her,” My brother shrugs in answer for me and I pout even more.
“Probably that time of the month,” Cartman snarks before Kyle punches him in the arm.
“Shut up, fatass.” He says so I seek comfort from the ushanka wearing teen for coming into my defense, hugging his arm and leaning my head against him so I can comfortably mope.
“Hey! I asked how you were first. Come here, Princess.” Kenny whines and makes grabby hands at me but before he can do anything, the bus pulls up. As I look around at the new faces sitting all around me, Kenny grabs my arm and pulls me to the seat beside him.
“What’s wrong, beautiful?” He asks, putting his arm around me but I just shrug in response.
“Is it because you didn’t get enough sleep last night? You know you don’t need beauty sleep when you’re already so pretty. And Tweeks bringing you coffee, yeah? Just wait a few more minutes and you’ll be able to get your fix,” He gently offers but I just shake my head.
“Are you nervous for your first day? Don’t worry baby girl, daddy’s here.” He teasingly says while winking at me, and it works. I crack a smile because of how cheesy and ridiculous his words are and softly slap the hand that's on my shoulder, leaning my head against him for the rest of the ride.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
South Park High looks the same as it did on orientation when we got our class schedule, prior to the first official day of school. Even then, I’m not as nervous about transferring to a completely different environment since I have my boys with me.
Kenny still has an arm around me as he walks me to my locker, until Craig pulls him by the hood to take him off of me, choking him in the process.
“Fuck! You asshole!”
“Can any of you guys not get into trouble on our first day of school?” Kyle sighs with his eyes closed, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose when he and the others get to us. I finally get my much needed coffee and hug Tweek out of appreciation.
“That’s like asking Cartman not to eat.” Clyde snickers to the guys, eliciting laughs all around and lifting my mood up even more.
“Ngh! Whoever gets to the cafeteria first grabs us an empty table, right?” Tweek interrupts while we voice our confirmations, my arm wrapped around his lower back from our earlier hug as I sip on my warm cup of caffeine.
“I’ll pick you up after class for lunch, N/N.” Craig’s monotonous tone reaches me, leaving no room for a no as the others pick up conversation around us.
“You don’t have to! Isn’t your class at the other end of the school? I don’t want you to have to go through all that trouble for me.”
“Yeah, dude.” Stan side eyes him, having heard our exchange.
“You’re so short, I don’t want you to get lost in a sea of people and miss lunch.”
“Pffft, Craig! Even if I did get lost, I wouldn’t miss the whole lunch period.” I smile fondly at him, letting go of Tweek to adjust my backpack’s strap.
“Yeah, if anything, I can pick up Y/N.” Kenny pipes up as Craig furrows his brows at his interruption. Stan rolls his eyes at the both of them, deciding to leave the conversation and go talk to Kyle instead.
“We have the same class, you idiot.”
“And? Everyone knows I’m faster than you.”
“Says who? My legs are literally longer than yours and I’m the tallest of the group. One step from me is equal to, like, four struggling steps from you. Three if I’m being generous.”
“Ugh, you guys are annoying. I have the class before lunch with Clyde so we’ll just meet you guys there, okay? Sheeeeesh,” I make the decision for them.
“You rang, beautiful?” Clyde drops his prior conversation with Jimmy and Tolkien midway to nosely join ours at the mention of his name, leaning his arm on me like I’m an armrest.
“Shut up, Clyde.” The three of us say as I shove his elbow off of me.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
When it’s finally lunch time, Clyde and I enter the cafeteria to see that a few of the guys managed to snatch a table for us so we head straight to the lunch line to grab some food. On our way there, we stop by a table and say hi to Jimmy, Scott, Timmy, and Dovahkiin.
“You go here now, baby Marsh?” Dovahkiin types out to me on his phone, an eyebrow raised.
“Yep! My folks finally decided to let me go to school with everyone!”
“Oh boy.”
“Hmmm? And what do you mean by that? I don’t like your tone, Dov.” I playfully shoot back.
“More trouble this year :p”
I laugh, “We’re not that bad! Actually… that’s valid. Whatever! You’re just jealous that you don’t get the attention of being the new kid now that I’m here!” I stick out my tongue at him and push down the bill of the hat he’s wearing to cover his eyes.
His melodic laugh can be heard and I smile, feeling proud that I was able to get a sound out of the notoriously mute Douchebag. I notice that a few other students look our way in surprise from the corner of my eyes.
I settle myself in between Craig and Kenny while Clyde takes a seat at the other side of the table between Tolkien and Tweek. The rest of the school day goes fine and the day after goes similarly. The third day, however, is different. It’s during one of our passing periods when I’m at my locker to switch out my books that it happens.
I share all of my classes with at least one of the guys so I usually have a buddy with me throughout the whole day. While Butters normally walks with me during this passing period, he had to use the bathroom and told me that he’d just meet me at class. When I close my locker door shut, a group of girls come up to greet me.
“Hi! My friends and I were wondering what your name is, new kid.” The black haired girl smiles at me. She’s really pretty and I can tell from that, her silky hair, and cute sense of fashion that she’s probably popular with others.
“Oh! Hi! My name is Y/N!”
“Cute name! I just wanted to formally introduce myself. My name is Wendy Testaburger. I’m the student body council president and co-captain of the cheer team,” I nod at her words, impressed. Holy shit, she’s only a sophomore and she was able to get people to vote for her for president?
“My name is Heidi Turner! It’s nice to meet you!” A girl with light brown hair introduces herself next. Her headband is so cute and unique with a flower sitting to the side of it, I’m in awe of her personal style and confidence.
“I’m Bebe Stevens! Stick with us and you’ll be fine, okay new kid? We’ll let you know which boys are a waste of your time!” The blonde giggles, twirling curly hair around her perfectly manicured finger.
I can’t help but to think that the aura she exudes is more mature. Maybe it’s because of the higher end attire she's sporting? Or maybe… it’s her rack..? Ah fuck, don’t look there, stupid! Eyes up, idiot! God dammit, this is all Kenny and Clyde’s fault!
“The name’s Rebecca McArthur but you can just call me Red! If you want to try out for cheer, let us know so we can tell you when our coach has a date set for tryouts!” Wait, are they all cheerleaders? The boys will be jealous of me once they find out about my new pretty friends hehe.
“We actually wanted to ask if you’d like to have lunch with us, too. Find us in the lunchroom if you ever decide to and feel free to sit with us! It doesn’t have to be today, but anytime you feel like it! We’ll see you around, okay?” Wendy invites me as the rest of the girl say their byes.
While being the new kid means that a good amount of people have been greeting me in the hallways or going up to me in class to introduce themselves, this was the first time that I’ve been invited to sit with someone for lunch. I’m so excited that I inform my lab partner of the news.
“no one new has invited me to sit w/ them at lunch since i came! :D” I write out in my notebook before sliding it across the two-person lab counter to my seatmate in science class.
“duh, it’s cause ur bro + his friends are super overprotective of you. no one can approach you even if they wanted to since you’re with them all the time :P” Dovahkiin writes back and I frown at this revelation.
“huh… that makes sense, i guess? oh god ew, i hope no one thinks that im dating any of them :x my brother?? CARTMAN?? vomit!!”
“its ok, you can tell anyone that im ur bf if they do :D” I softly hit his arm with the back of my hand even though I’m rewarded with his melodic snickering.
By the time lunch comes around, I’m giddy when I grab my food with Clyde. I tell him to go on ahead of me and he doesn’t question it, probably thinking that I want to stop by Timmy and the other’s table again. I don’t, however, and scan the room until I find the table that the girls are sitting at.
I sit next to Wendy and Bebe after I skip to their table, the ravenette patting the seat between them with a smile on her face. It feels nice talking to the girls as we get to know each other, with them asking me about how I’m adjusting to the school and what classes I have.
“We have another friend, her name’s Nichole, but she said she has to do something in the library today.” Red informs me and I soak up the information, enthusiastically nodding my head at her words.
“Speaking of Nichole, we actually noticed that you hang out with her boyfriend and his friends.” Bebe nonchalantly brings up as the girls all glance at one another.
“Oh, what! Wait, so that means your guy’s Nichole is the same one that's dating my friend Tolkien, then? No one else has a girlfriend that I know of,” I smile up at them.
“Mhmm, we actually noticed that you're really close to the guys,” She continues. The other girls seem interested too as they give me their undivided attention.
“Haha, yeah. They’re like my brothers!”
“Really? You just started going to school in South Park though?” They’re all surprised.
“Yeaaah, but I’ve known them all my life! I’ve actually lived in South Park all my life too. I just went to school in North Park until this year,” I say as I munch on my fries.
“How? Are you neighbors with one of them or something?”
“That, but I also went to preschool with them. If you guys have always been in South Park like me, we probably even went to the same preschool! I can’t remember shit from that long ago though so you guys probably don’t remember me too,” I shrug.
“Huh. I’m surprised that you guys kept in contact throughout the years then.” Wendy says to me in thought this time, the other girls nodding.
“Hmm, I can see why you'd say that. But my brother’s one of those dumbasses, so…”
“What?!” All the girls exclaim. Their unexpectedly loud response causes a casualty in my fries. I look at the fallen piece of food under the lunch table and mourn the tiny loss.
“So that makes you twins then..? Unless one of them flunked, resulting in you getting stuck in the same grade with him. It’s honestly believable with how dumb those guys are but we’ve gone to school with them all of our lives and we know that none of them have been held back a grade…” Wendy mumbles out and I laugh, agreeing with her statement.
“Yup, twins! I’m a Marsh!” I proudly boast, smiling wide with my teeth showing. Wendy chokes on her water and all the girls share a meaningful glance with her.
“Pfffft, oh man! We wanted to warn you about those dumbasses because we always saw you with them, but we just thought they got to you first and you were oblivious to who they were. I didn’t think you grew up that close with the guys, much less being related to one of them!” Bebe laughs at the unexpected turn of events.
I blush, flattered that they cared enough about a new girl like me to want to warn me about who they thought the ‘wrong crowd’ was.
“Not like you can say anything though, Bebe. You dated one of them,” Red scoffs, entertained at Bebe’s slowly reddening cheeks.
“That doesn’t count! Who even counts relationships from when they were in elementary school?!”
“Wait… Does this mean you’re the same Bebe that dated Clyde?” My entire expression does a complete 180 as I cross my arms and lift an eyebrow at the blonde.
“Dude. You used him for shoes.” I continue, furrowing my brows at the mortified girl.
“I was just a selfish little kid! I didn’t know any better! At least I didn’t date Eric Cartman!” She throws Heidi under the bus in an attempt to divert the attention away from herself. I continue to stare at her, unamused.
“Well, Wendy and your brother dated on and off when we were younger!” My eyes widen as I turn my head to the person sitting on the other side of me.
“Aw, dude.” I say to her in a mixture of pity and disgust, the expression reminding the girls of when Stan would say it. If there were any doubts about my bloodline, this further confirmed it for them.
“I-I-It’s not like that anymore! I haven’t thought of him in that way since elementary school!” It’s Wendy’s turn to get red in the face and embarrassed.
“Yeah, it’s the other Marsh. Homegirl has a type~” Bebe snickers at the other girls but I don’t hear it, still in disbelief that my brother managed to date someone as pretty as Wendy, regardless if their relationship wasn’t legit due to their age.
Before anyone can say anything else, the bell signals the end of the lunch period and the disbelief remains throughout the day. I catch up to the guys outside of the lunchroom and they waste no time questioning me.
“What the hell, Y/N! Why’d you eat with those bitches?! I know it might be hard for you but I thought I warned you to stop being so stupid!” Cartman seems irritated as the other guys echo their sentiments at having seen me eating with the girls. No, their exes. I squint my eyes at my dumb brother and at the fatty.
“Hello? Y/N! Don’t tell me your weak ass got brainwashed in an hour?! Jesus fucking Christ, woman!” Fatass continues while shaking my shoulders. I roll my eyes and push his grubby paws off me.
“You’re an ass. Heidi’s such a sweet girl. I don’t know why I’m so surprised that you managed to fuck that up,” I tell him as we continue to walk in the hallways.
“Nuh-uh! She was the crazy bitch in the relationship! She manipulated me! She took advantage of all this,” He waves his hands over his body, “For her own selfish gain!”
“What is there to even gain from you? A few pounds?” The guys laugh and I fistbump Craig.
“And you! Bro. Brooo. Wendy? When will you surprise me for once and not embarrass me for being related to you?” I cross my arms while Kenny hugs me from behind, throwing his arms over my shoulders and smiling at Stan from over my head.
“Nah, she's nicknamed Testabitch for a reason, babe.” Kenny takes out the lollipop in his mouth to reply and I push his hand away from my face when he offers the sweet to me.
“She’s not your babe,” We hear from Craig’s deep voice as he eyes the blonde in disgust at his offering.
“Did Bebe say anything embarrassing about me?” Poor Clyde tugs on my jacket to get my attention. I offer a sympathetic smile and hug the jock, breaking out of Kenny’s hold.
“Don’t worry Clydey, she seemed embarrassed that I knew about her using you for shoes.”
“Don’t hug him for being a fucking simp, Y/N. It’s his fault for being a dumbass. The only thing that bitch is good for is her fat rack.”
“Shut up, fatass.” Of course, Kyle is the one who replies.
“Shit, right? I couldn’t stop staring at them!” I turn my head towards Eric to say.
“Y/NNN!” Clyde whines in betrayal and I pet his head in apology.
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syensy · 1 year ago
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I think I posted them before but here. hands you these beasts in one post
[ID: Picture 1: Two digital drawings of a purple grumpus meant to be Brian from The Walten Files. He has short fur with it flaring out around his head, light purple paws, chest, chin, eyebrows, and one light purple spot over his left eye. He has yellow eyes and wears a brown backpack. He has three teeth in an asymmetrical overbite and a red nose and a flat face. He has an unseen small bunny tail noted in the sketch. In the left drawing, he is holding his backpack's straps and is smiling. In the right photo, he is partially snax; straws resemble horns on his head, he has tusks, small ribbon wings sprout from his back, and his tail, right foot, and most of the left side of his body is an amalgamation of vegetable snax.
Picture 2: A digital drawing of Richie from The Walten Files as a grumpus from Bugsnax. He resembles a rat, having curly gray fur on his legs and face, curly brown fur on his arms and fur on his head resembling a mullet, mouse ears, a triangle nose and fangs, and a rat tail. He has furless hands and feet with small claws, and he wears a striped purple shirt with a recorder around his waist. He is smiling.
Picture 3: A digital drawing of Ashley Parks, Hilary Barclay, and Kevin Woodings as grumpuses from Bugsnax. Ashley has dark purple fur, darker fluffy fur around her head, tail, and limbs, a blue nose, underbit teeth, fluffy ears, and pink eyes. Her nails are pink, and she has several colored bands and an orange satchel. Hilary has curly red fur that fades to a lighter color at her paws. She has a blue nose, brown eyes, and sharp ears. She wears a purple scarf and has an orange bag. Kevin resembles a rabbit and has brown and white fur. He has long bunny ears, wears a brown and white sweater, and has an orange toolbelt. He has red eyes and a dull overbite. /end ID]
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townieandy · 2 years ago
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SILAS CLINE ... for @wrixie's JUMPING for JUNIPER Bachelorette Challenge!
let me introduce to you silas cline! aka everybody's dream trashy wannabe music artist boyfriend.
silas cline grew up in the sleepy suburbs of san sequoia, starting a small band in high school, before immediately jumping ship to san myshuno after he graduated. there, he learned that not everything was sunshine and rainbows--and it especially wouldn't be as easy as he hoped for his idyllic pipe dream. still, he didn't let any of his troubles get him down! it's all part of the "journey," as they say.
more info below the cut!
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full name: silas cline age: young adult (~26-27) pronouns: he/they sexuality: bisexual occupation: unemployed "aspiring musician"
traits: muser, goofball, slob, music lover
likes: playing guitar, alternative music, video games, sausage pizza, road trips, stand-up, rom-coms, large dogs, dancing (even if he has two left feet), karaoke
dislikes: having to fix things, airplanes ("what's the deal with airline food? hahaha i'm deathly scared of flying"), snobs, cooking for himself, long lines, thunderstorms, crime films, confrontation, parrots (they think they're better singers AND comedians than he is!!)
fun facts:
the band they started in high school was called "rat mouse"
he was homeless for a few months after his savings ran out. fortunately, a friend let him crash at their apartment until he could "get back on his feet." he still sleeps on their couch.
he has a younger sister who is currently attending medical school.
if they had the money, they would treat their partner extremely lavishly. unfortunately for them, they're incredibly broke...
he once owned a motorcycle... before he crashed it, totaled it, and broke his arm. he now owns a beat-up van.
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(feel free to dress him how you want if chosen. he has some cc but most of his outfits are from the new "grunge revival" kit. he literally owns like 3 pairs of pants and a bunch of band t shirts. sorry.)
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bramble-mouse · 7 months ago
I wanna try writing some of my furry characters...or drawrin them. Rosie the mouse is a super cutiepie, very Beatrix Potter and very, VERY naive about pred types. Literally has no clue she's even in any danger. Likes playing with friends, doing anything creative and baking.
Twig is just a lazy shithead possum that plays video games and vibes all day. Super chill and will just hang out with you in comfortable silence. Will probably say out of pocket shit. Dresses in band t-shirts, jeans and oversized jackets/hoodies/etc. They are the closest I have to an actual fursona LOL
Saffron the calico kitty is the adult in the situation a lot of the time and kind of picks up the slack for the other two. Loves sleeping and period dramas. Very cottagecore.
Bryn is a rat. He's kind of a doofus, scrappy, big feelings and will fist fight god. Despite being kind of aggro, he's actually just a big softy and wants to make sure his friends are all okay. He stays calm if the others are calm. Rosie is really good at calming him down. Dresses kind of like Billy Idol
These guys are also part of my Internal Family (look up Internal Family Systems Theory, it's been very helpful to learn in therapy!) so they each play their own role.
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milfygerard · 3 years ago
i really feel like tour ended and we just stopped talking about it like. they sang mastas of ravenkroft for multiple shows. gerard rambled about the band thursday and then failed to stomp a printer named stuart to death. ray and gerard kissed. mikey way talked into a microphone. they played fashion statement. gerard covered himself in some sort of oil and wore a muscle shirt. there were 2 seperate poncho nights. one eyed feral cat who brings me dead. fucking. rats. the RATS. exterminator call 210 KL5 RATS. the cityscape. gerard walking over and staring directly into a stagelight while singing "these bright lights are always blinding to me" gerard saying war all the time before mama. gerard having the crowd sing the bridge to mama. gerard pointing to himself during the bridge to mama. frank taking over the moaning during destroya because gerard was making demon sounds with his vocal sound pedals. ray closing out one of the shows with the sexiest solo ever and then dropping the guitar so it fell to around his knees while fist pumping in the tit window shirt. ray toro leaning over to tell gerard something and giving gerard a wet willy. ray toro donwing a half full glass of red wine and using the glass to make some unreal guitar sounds during the end of sleep. ray toro. meta man. gerard having to explain meta man bc some people online thought it mightve been some bizarre form of advertisement? the pancake vid. the mickey mouse pictures. the outfits. when someone lied online and convinced us they played early sunsets. piss and vinegar.
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milligramspoison · 2 years ago
So now the portion of the tour for 2022 is over, l'd like to share my (and fan!) favorite (and iconic) moments from it :)
Sorry in advance for the long ass post :P
Live debut of Foundations (Eden night 1)
Disappear for the first time since 2010!
Live debut of Surrender the Night <3 (my first MCR song ever so I FLIPPED when this happened)
Live debut of Boy Division!
Gerard crawling on the floor
Frank moaning in Destroya for the first time in years
FINALLY being able to hear Mikey's line in Vampire $$$
Cemetery Drive for the first time since 2012 (Eden night 2)
Only Hope for Me for the first time since 2012
Tour debut of House of Wolves
Ghost of You for the first time since 2011
Tour debut of S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
Headfirst for Halos for the first time since 2009
Live debut of Mastas
The first two shows having Gerard in normal dad clothes then the third show has the bloody mess we all know as Meta Man (MK night 1)
Deathwish for the first time since 2007
Saying moan instead of actually moaning during Destroya
Bulletproof Heart for the time since 2011 <3 (MK night 2)
Ray and Gerard kissing after Destroya
“How'd you get that off my closet door”
Rat attack documentary played before the show (MK night 3)
Mikey dedicating Helena to Rowan and Kennedy <3
Cancer for the first time since 2012
Rowan dancing on stage before MCR goes on with the crowd cheering for her <3
Piss and vinegar
Tomorrow’s Money live debut (Dublin night 1)
The “fuck the queen” chant
Frank's moans during Destroya
Frank telling a fan to listen to Gerard
Frank picking up a (fake) rat
Piss on stairs (Dublin night 2)
“These are my best friends”
Fuck the queen chant round 2
Ponytail Ray
The birthday balloons for Bandit's 13th birthday (Warrington)
Gerard dedicating Teenagers to Bandit for her 13th birthday
“My little bee keeper”
Gerard cardboard cut out
Save Yourself for the first time since 2011 (Cardiff)
“I'm just giving myself an ass pat, sorry”
Frank attempting to toss a hat onto his head
Oil Gerard (Glasgow)
Na Na Na being dedicated to Grant Morrison
Sleep being dedicated to Kristan Morrison
“It's time to drink my piss”
Grant getting the drum head from the Glasgow show
Frank completely shredding it
Mikey Mouse shirt (Paris)
Gerard taking a leap of faith
Joke about drinking Frank’s piss
Video of the band making pancakes (Rotterdam)
Ray playing guitar with his wine glass
Fans recreating this
Mikey wearing a happy birthday Kennedy shirt for Kennedy's 3rd birthday <3 (Bologna)
The crowd singing happy birthday to Kennedy for her 3rd birthday <3
Gerard stating that they hope it won’t be a long time before they come back :)
Discussion of Twilight
The Da Vinki twins went to the show in Budapest
Slow clap moment
“How many of you are MCR Veterans..Trademark”
Na Na Na played a second time in Warsaw but faster
Engagement during Teenagers!!
Gerard taking down Stuart
Heaven Help Us played for the first time since 2008 (Prague)
Another mention of wanting to return
Clown Gerard (Berlin)
Story time about playing in Berlin for the first time
Hearing Frank laugh when he’s nowhere near the mic
The interesting drum
Poncho Gerard (Stockholm)
“I went a little hard the other night with filth clown”
Pointing a rainbow out to Gerard
Mikey’s crooked heart <3
Pink shirt Gerard (two nights in a row in Bonn)
Admitting to googling their own lyrics (Bonn night 1)
Ray's hair being half up half down
Coughing during Destroya instead of moaning
Gerard talking about Hayley Williams
Frank watching Gerard perform Cancer (Bonn night 2)
Llama on stage (a toy but a real one would’ve been cool too)
Closing off the European portion of the tour with Cancer </3
North America:
Clown Gerard 2.0 (Oklahoma City)
Gerard laughing with sparkling water in their mouth
Sleep with an alternate outro
The shirt incident
“Lighten the fuck up, buttercup!”
Ray breaking his wine glass against his guitar
Sleep with an alternate intro and different outro
Second unintentional Frerard moment
Besties moment from Ray and Mikey <3
Iero on the floor
Debut of the Sunshine intro leading into Sorrows
Summertime being dedicated to Kristin, Rowan, and Kennedy <3
Kristin livestreaming the show!!
Everyone (except Gerard) wearing Mikey Fuckin Way shirts!
The World Is Ugly for the first time since 2008; live debut of the studio version
Gerard almost drinking their microphone
Gerard twirling around and Ray cheering <3
Rowan and Kennedy’s drawings make their debut <3
Mikey doing a livestream prior to the show!!
Gerard singing on the floor (Cincinnati)
Frank stealing Mikey’s line in Vampire Money
SHORTS GATE 2.0 (Raleigh)
Gerard's story time about Bandit trying to make advil m&ms
Everybody Hates The Eagles live debut (kinda)
Gerard in a bloody eyepatch
Gerard shushing the crowd (jokingly) so they can take advil
Sleep with an extended outro (Elmont)
Shorts for the second night in a row
Everybody Hates The Eagles for the second night in a row
Weird ass mask debut
Two fans wearing Petekey shirts
And someone else had the Petekey arm notes written on them
Anddddd two other people had matching Frerard shirts
Shorts for the third night in a row (Philadelphia)
Vampires for the first time since 2012!!
Pool Boy at the Vampire Mansion <3
Gerard calling Mikey Lil Mikey
Debut of the mystery shirts
Sunshine intro leading into FLW (Albany)
Shorts for the fourth night in a row
Mikey watching Waterparks perform
Priest/bloody eyes Gerard (Uncasville)
Eagles returns to the setlist
Ray and Mikey brushing their teeth before the show
Sunshine intro but with S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
Skeleton Gerard (Toronto night 1)
Mikey wearing the happy birthday Goose shirt (Goose is what he calls his mother in law)
CAT GERARD (Toronto night 2)
Frank attempting to kick Mikey (jokingly)
Black Swan Gerard (Boston night 1)
Wholesome picture of Ray and Christa <3
Ray and Gerard colliding then hugging
Best Day Ever being dedicated to Thursday (Boston night 2)
Mikey blowing a kiss to Kristin <3
Frank wearing a headpiece
Ray rocking out with his sons <3
Crowd singing happy birthday to Mikey!! (NYC night 1)
Mikey dedicating Helena to Rowan and Kennedy again <3
Everyone except Gerard wearing Mikey Fuckin Way shirts for Mikey's birthday!
Drum is a Mikey shrine for Mikey's birthday
“How ‘bout you birthday boy?”
Fans wearing party hats for Mikey’s birthday
Gerard wearing the outfit he wore when he witnessed 9/11 (just a special moment honestly; NYC night 2)
Lily pointing Mikey out to Rowan <3
Frank crossing himself during Sorrows
Bathroom photoshoot
Gerard’s story time about running into one of the openers while with Bandit
Frank posting a picture of his ass and getting a ass tattoo (Detroit)
Hey Chris in Detroit
“Lucky for him…I had other plans.”
Crossing out Cancer for Helena (not a favorite or iconic, just offensive lol this is a joke dw)
Hawaiian shirt Way Brothers (St. Paul)
Teenagers being dedicated to Gerard's mailman
Bullet hole makeup
Jackie O Gerard at Riot Fest
Wholesome Jamia moment from the LS Dunes set <3
Wholesome family moment from Frank during Weezer's set <3
Hey Chris at Riot Fest
Frank wearing a bandana around his neck
Frank facetiming his dad just before his set with LS Dunes <3
Mikey watching TBS (Taking Back Sunday) perform
CROP TOP GERARD (Alpharetta)
Teenagers was dedicated to the band's crew
First of the hometown shows and Gerard performed with Thursday!! (NJ night 1)
Best Day Ever with Geoff of Thursday
Frank Sinatra Gerard (NJ night 2)
Teenagers was dedicated to Midtown
Cover of Frank Sinatra's My Way
Cherry taking a pic/recording Mikey :)
Miles getting excited when Frank said “trust me” <3
Gerard performing with Thursday
Gabe being one of the reasons why FOB8 is Pete’s villain origin story (iykyk)
The entire band signs a mannequin leg
“You'll get this at the end of class”
Ghost Gerard!! (Sunrise)
Gerard took the trans flag during WTTBP <3
Frank going out on stage with HGP
Mikey going out on stage with Midtown
Gerard being unable to pronounce Florida
Ended off the east coast portion of the tour with Cancer </3
Dress in Houston!!
“I thought about wearing a dress in Texas before...but that's a story for another time”
Ray posting a peanut with a penis after the show
Mikey going out on stage with Midtown (again)
The return of dad clothes in Dallas
Teenagers was dedicated to the opening acts
“Get fucked at an airport bar”
Mikey wearing a Midtown shirt
Dad clothes again in Denver
Frank interacting with his kiddos <3
Teenagers was dedicated to Sydney
Adam of Taking Back Sunday said opening for MCR was the only way to get Mikey to return his calls
Ray moaning during Planetary Go
“Just sit back, daddy’s gonna take you where you need to go” Adam Lazzara, 2022 (Portland)
Gerard dedicating Teenagers to Taking Back Sunday
Gerard grabbing their phone to look at something
Tomato soup…hm
“Your turn!”
Meta Man cardboard cut out (Tacoma)
Sign for Gerard’s two cats, Mitch and Lotion
Frank going on stage with Kimya
Meredith and Andy went to the show!!!
“Cause if you think Mikey fuckin Way is coming out here to a cold audience, you’re mistaken”
Teenagers was dedicated to Panda (Kimya’s daughter)
Gerard simping for Robert Pattinson in Batman
Gerard wearing a Twilight shirt
One of Frank’s kiddos giving a fan a paper set list
Smiley face drumhead! (Oakland)
Cum sign
Idk why someone did this but yeah
“Ray and I’s home state. We’ve lived here for...14 years?”
“I see a lot more flesh than usual. It’s fleshy out there”
Mikey and Frank almost bumping into each other before Skylines
Gerard chasing the tech off stage
Singing happy birthday to Worm
Mikey petting Worm’s beard
Gerard in an all black outfit with a rose (Vegas)
Ray rocking out with his sons <3
Ray patting his son’s head <3
Gerard dedicating Teenagers to Bandit again <3
The drum was for Bandit <3
Engagement during Helena!!
Mikey having a random book signing (Aftershock)
Crowd surfing a…a sex doll during the LS Dunes set
Frank attempting to do a bottle flip at the end of the LS Dunes set
Ray, Jamia, and Frank’s kiddos watching Frank from side stage <3
Gerard’s shirt saying scabs
Gerard gagging on the microphone
The drum saying choke me which goes perfectly with the point above
A deer running around during WTTBP
“This song is about my favorite fucking human” spotlight proceeds to go onto Frank
Gerard got a haircut
Teenagers being dedicated to Quentin Tarantino
Mikey with his family during I’m Not Okay <3
I Never Told You being dedicated to glow in the dark skeleton man
Dedicating Teenagers to a fan
Frank singing Teenagers to Lily <3
Frank hugging one of the twins prior to encore <3
Frank waving to his kids prior to Foundations <3
Foundations being dedicated to Doug </3
Teenagers dedicated to a random fan again
WTTBP being dedicated to Doug’s wife and kids </3
Teenagers being dedicated to Bandit for the third time as well as dedicating it to her friends <3
Bandit attending the show with her friends
Ghost of You in the encore!!
Mikey bringing Rowan on stage for Kids <3
Rowan making heart hands at the crowd <3
Teenagers dedicated to the crew
Dinosaur in the pit
Gabe’s son having to be “evicted” during Midtown’s opening set
Ray rocking out with his son during Kids <3
Gerard throwing fake insects to the fans
The final bow </3
Luigi cosplayer comforting emos at the first day of WWWY (cause it was canceled)
Katy Perry welcoming the orphans/emo kids to her Vegas residency show due to the first day of WWWY being canceled
Katy bringing an emo kid on stage with her and starting a mosh
Opened with I’m Not Okay!
Secretary of Salmonella
Gerard misaddressing the crowd as Utah
First time Foundations isn’t on the setlist since it was released (not a favorite or iconic, just really strange cause we’re all so used to it every night lol)
Frank walking onto the stage like an actual old man
Gerard flipping the crowd off before the show even started
Hayley (from Paramore) mentioning and thanking MCR <3
Person who did their prosthetics last weekend is back! (WWWY night 3)
Adam from TBS sitting on a whole ass person (ik it’s not MCR but it’s too funny to not include)
Foundations returned to the setlist!
Gerard dressed as an army general
Mikey wearing the Kristin Fuckin Way shirt <3
Closing off their final US show with Kids </3
Jamia, Kristin, and Christa taking a photo with each other <3
MCR’s first time in Mexico since 2008!
Another sex doll for some reason
“You look good today baby boy” Anthony to Frank during LS Dunes’ set
Gerard spelt fuego wrong
Mikey winked and smirked at the camera
Gerard playing a telephone sound
Gerard shouting out Frank and the rest of Dunes <3
Gerard got an axolotl plushie <3
Ending the North American tour and the final show of 2022 with Kids </3
If you’ve made it this far, first of all, hi! Secondly, ty for looking through this haha.
I’ll probably do this again when they’re in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan next year, so stay tuned! :)
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htgroupmmo · 4 years ago
Mouse Rat T Shirt Andy Dwyer Mouserat Band T Shi Classic T-Shirt
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strawberri-vanilla · 3 years ago
50 facts about Emmi
She likes putting chips in her sandwiches
Her favorite drink is strawberry lemonade
She makes homemade jam
She has extreme Nyctophobia, like full panic mode
This resulted in her almost losing her leg earlier on in their relationship due to a blown lightbulb and a misunderstanding
Ever since, she’s realized and enforced the importance of open and free communication between her and Peter
Peter now also replaces every lightbulb in the house once a month, even though she’s told him he doesn’t have to
Her pokemon team would consist of Audino, Nidoking, Crobat, Shuckle, Gourgeist, and Bewear
She can sing surprisingly well!
Her favorite songs are “Can’t Help Falling In Love” and “Sway”
Her favorite bands however are The Pretty Reckless and Halestorm
She absolutely loves True Crime
She’s met Peter’s former therapist and is the reason she’s “former”
She’s superstitious 
Emmi loves to cook and come up with her own recipes
She also loves raw veggies though... tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers? She’ll eat em like apples
She has a thing for playing cat and mouse and loves being chased down
She’s 100% the kind of person who brings home strays
She adores Rat and almost half the photos in her phone are of them
The other half is of her cat
She doesn’t like her own picture being taken, she’s very self conscious about it
She has a high alcohol tolerance
She’s a whiskey kinda gal
She’s a overly affectionate drunk
 She’s tried moonshine and described it as a punch to the liver
She has an insatiable sweet tooth, but is trying hard to cut back
Her eyesight is terrible but she hates wearing glasses
She’s not on speaking terms with her mother
She misses her father more than anything
She’s the eldest of 5
Emmi has anxiety
She’s a cuddle bug and can never get enough physical touch
She sleeps in just an oversized t-shirt that goes down to her knees
She’s a treasure trove of completely useless facts and trivia
She likes making people groan with bad puns
She plays fortnite 
Her favorite perfume are floral smelling ones
She’s a Disney nut
She likes to collect pins
Her favorite meals are baked spaghetti and bbq chicken with mashed potatoes
Her love language is physical touch and gift giving
She often “forgets” to eat
Peter sometimes has to make her eat 3 meals a day
She’s easily distracted 
She calls it being “Shiny red balled”
Her favorite candy is pop rocks
She loves squishmallows 
She can’t drive
She nibbles as a sign of affection
She can get overly jealous and clingy
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clobberbox · 1 year ago
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“When we started we were Teddy Bear Suicide. But then we changed it to Mouse Rat”
Whatever the weather, you can represent the best band in the whole of Pawnee, Indiana with our new Parks and Recreation inspired band sweaters!
Great gifts for TV fans!
Available to buy online now, link: 
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fernrisulfr · 2 years ago
Character I’m actually currently using. A Bard that plays almost like a Rogue. My third attempt at a Dragonheist Campaign and it’s going well so far. His name is a homage to a Halfling from another game I was in by the name of Halffoot. 
Halfling (Lightfoot) -  Bard (College of Swords) - Criminal - Chaotic/Neutral
Concept: Halfling (Lightfoot or Ghostwise) - Bard/Rogue/Warlock? - Criminal/Smuggler Former member of a WereRat Thieves Guild. Left after getting cold feet over a particularly bold scheme, inadvertently sabotaging it, and is now on the run from the WereRats. Plays the Lute or a Balalaika. Cowardly and skittish by nature.
Note: Possibly change Class. Doesn't strictly need to be a Bard, and unsure how being a Bard actually plays into it. Rat Bard partially inspired by Omen Sight.
Martin Redwall, nickname "Underfoot". Cowardly. Former member of a Wererat Thieves Guild. Got cold feet about a particular job and bolted. Group was known as the Wharf Rats. Probably from Waterdeep?
Maybe make him older, drop the high cracking voice, re-work cowardice, and make him the former leader of the Thieves Guild, or a higher ranking member. Got cold feet and tried to get the others caught before making his escape. Still on the run.
Backstory Used:
Born Martin Redwall, in the lands bordering the sea of fallen stars, his was a childhood stricken with poverty and very little else of interest. In his latter years, and for a long time, he was member and leader of a gang known as the "Wharf Rats", a band of Wererat Thieves plaguing the coastline. Being the big cheese was the good life, at least until it wasn't. One of the other members became increasingly zealous in his call for the group to aggressively expand their operations and influence. Worse yet, a number of others agreed. Concluding perhaps he was getting a little old for these games of cat and mouse, he hatched a plan to get the entirety of the gang caught minus himself. Setting up a job, he then discreetly informed the local authorities to turn it into a trap…and a right fiasco. A generous description would that things didn't go to plan. On the positive side, the chaos was more than enough to make his escape, sitting in the negative column was the fact wererats didn't really allow people to leave a clan.
Fleeing west under the guise of a travelling Minstrel, he was able to obtain the services of a Cleric of Waukeen in removing the wererat curse in return for a "generous donation to the church". Eventually his flight took him to Waterdeep, a good place for one to disappear thanks to it's size. Unfortunately being on the lamb tends to mean one owes favors, and one such favour was about to be called in.
Notes:  - Loves Cheese. - Cheese Puns - Cagey
Appearance: 3′2, 40 lbs. Heterochromia, one blue one hazel. Black hair, tan skin. Scar over one eye. Hair and beard/mustache are immaculate and positively dashing. Red shirt with a high collar kept closed. Long boots and long leather gloves, both black. Gloves are fingerless for that light touch. Black hooded cloak with a clasp, furred collar. Belt for tools pouch and potions. Wields a rapier and a parrying dagger.  Has three tattoos. Two on the right bicep, and one on the left. On the right: Two stylized rats around a solid circle forming a lock, their tales make a band around the arm and look like waves. The second is a stylized rat wearing a crown with a crescent moon on it. On the left: A pair of coins, one with the profile of Waukeen, the other Tymora, both facing forward. Once again heavily inspired by https://paleo-punk.tumblr.com/ take on Halflings, so very hairy. I suggest you check them out, their artwork is fantastic. 
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termanigabs · 4 years ago
Borrower Reader Scenarios (Unedited)
3.)When You Get Caught
-You were very paranoid,you didn't know if the Princess,who goes by her name Star,was around and you hadn't eaten in a while.You didn't know why you haven't left yet,that was always a question that raced through your head."Y/n you haven't eaten in how long just get your head straight and go borrowing," You say to yourself as you got your stuff ready and went out,"they should be gone," you reassured yourself as you peeked out of the hole.There was no one around so you cautiously started forward,you spotted a few strawberries laying out in an oddly neat way,it felt off though."Strange,maybe I should go ba-" before you could finish your sentence a jar was quickly placed over you,"see Marco!I told you there was a tiny person here!" Star said proudly,thoughts were swirling through your head as you slid to the ground and sat there,'how could I be so stupid?'
Gravity Falls
-"Gravity falls you have amazed me with another one of your beautiful evening lights," You exclaimed as you sat on the roof of the Mystery shack watching the mysterious beautiful lights that came from the forest."Sadly,I am not coming back to live in your wild forests cAUse I'd die," You stated munching on some chips.You could of sworn you heard creaking but then again you always heard things in the Mystery shack,"heh," you say a bit sadly as you hold a small shiny stone in your hand.You sat there in thought,you didn't notice the creaking becoming louder,until something pinched the back of your shirt,"woah!Hey!" You kick as you were lifted off the ground,feeling very nostalgic you stopped kicking and went limp.Your eyes met with one of the twins,"oh..hey..Dipper was it?" You say nervously.
The Owl House
-Today was a eventful day,you vanquished the rats that dared live in the home and got a cupcake as a reward!Strange right?Like it was left out there just for you,pfffft nah!That was impossible.Anyway,you even made a mouse creature friend,you named them the most perfect name..."Squeaks my noble steed come to me!" You say proud and bravely.The mouse creature quickly came to your aid as you grabbed your needle and jumped on your pet's back.Squeaks raced through the holes of the house swiftly,"this is what human's call a pro gamer move!" You yell as Squeaks darted out of the hole and onto the kitchen counter,"woooo!" You screamed as Squeaks reared back to the hole.You jumped off and landed by in the middle of the counter with a dramatic pose,"that was amazing!Slightly dangerous!And adorable!" A feminine voice said as you paused."Um..thaaaanks,I was pretty great," you say playing it off casually as the human leaned on the counter staring at you.You couldn't just run she would easily grab your shirt," My names-" "Luz Noceda,human," you say fast and nervously,you just wanted to hide away for eternity.The worst part was you dropped your needle.
The Loud House
-You have been very panicky lately,you would run through the walls and vents like your life depended on it.Sometimes,unknown to you that the loud siblings have been hearing it,and would investigate,but you were already gone.Lucy knew exactly that it was you,she had been listening,and watching you for various reasons and she finally decided that she would catch you,this was going to be easy because you were louder than usual,and that loudness is exactly how she caught you."Put me down,put me down,put me down!" You screech in fear of being held in her hand,there was rarely anyone home,just the two older siblings so no one really heard you."Lucy!Lucy put me down," you screech once more as she dropped you in a jar.Your heart was pounding and you felt like it was going to burst out of your chest,she moves quicker than you thought.She seemed to ignore you all together and place the jar on her bed where no one can see you,"shhh,quiet or they'll hear you," was all she said.The way she said it made you want to hide in an ally way,it was so spooky and freaky.
-"We meet again little thing," the voice owner's accent rang as you huff and turn your head away from him,you were scared to death but showing fear was not an option.He held you in his fist as he examined you,"mind telling me what you are?" He questions to which you roll your eyes and huff at him again.He didn't seem to like that as he tightened his grip on you,"I'm a borrower!" You shout angrily as Tord smirked,"a borrower?" He seemed to say to himself as he carried you to his room,you didn't like where this was going.He casually set you on the counter,you could see a knife embedded into the dresser he set you on.Your body froze as you watched him move around his room as if looking for something,'what was he planning?'
Hazbin Hotel
-"No!No!No!No!No!Let me go!" You yell as tears formed in your eyes,you were starving and you didn't mean to blindly fall into her trap.Was it worth it?In your perspective no."Calm down!Calm down!I promise I won't hurt you!" She tried to say but you were fluffing out your wings in defense and then started to wrap them around you securely as you went quiet.Making sure not to draw any attention,Charlie quickly enclosed her hands around you and quickly fled the scene back to her hotel.She would have to keep you out of sight from the others for a while and gain your trust.
Fnaf 2
-You were feeling very sour,the freaking Guards wouldn't stop pestering you.They would mess with your holes,try to catch you and do so much and it didn't help that the animatronics were being snoopy as well.'I'm going to die but I don't care,' you thought as you wait for the guards to walk in,when they finally did they were shocked to see you."So,you guys done yet?Done pestering me and making my life harder?" You start as Vincent smirks,"you've got some guts coming out of your little hole," he said as you rolled your eyes."You've got some guts pushing my limit," you sneered unknown to you that the animatronics were listening in."What are you going to do bite size?" Vincent questioned cockily as the other guards flinched back when you used a rubber band to fling a fork at his head,Vincent was clearly pissed but Mike stepped in before he could grab you."Let's not make this a blood bath," he says as he eyes you,you only smirked at him.Some catch.
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purplesurveys · 3 years ago
When you were younger, did your mother or father ever let you open a few presents before Christmas or your birthday even arrived?  We open all our presents the night of Christmas Eve to begin with; but no, they don’t tease by letting us open a few of them before our usual schedule.
If you could receive a 100 dollar gift card for either blouses, pants, dresses, shoes or purses, which would you chose?  If I could change blouses to shirts, then I would go with that because I’ve recently gotten into t-shirts and sweatshirts and no longer the trendy and preppy tops I used to like haha. But if not, I would go for shoes.
What is your favorite thing to do after crying? Ex: Sleep, listen to music, have some alone time, talk to someone, etc?  It varies as it depends on how much I cried. The harder I cried the more I’d want to sleep it off, because it can actually get pretty exhausting. Sometimes I’ll reach out, sometimes I write. It’s really different every time, but at the end I’m just glad I can no longer even remember the last time I cried out of sadness.
Do you think Trump will be assassinated, or will he survive his term?  Well we know the answer to this. It’s satisfying to notice him disappear off the face of the Earth immediately after his term, though. I don’t have a clue what he’s up to now.
Last time you felt suicidal?  For some reason I felt down last Thursday and I felt the slightest, slightest tinge of suicidal thoughts. No idea where it came from.
Last time you had butterflies?  Ugh idk but it was probably BTS-related hahahahahahah
Biggest asshole you know?  Certain politicians.
Did you ever leave someone because you know you’d hurt them?  No, I was on the opposite side of the coin for this one. I was broken up with because they believed they would hurt me, if not already doing so.
What song did you last listen to?  Hip Hop Phile by BTS.
Ever ridden in a police car?  Nopes.
Ever witnessed a murder?  Hmm, not that I can recall. I do remember having to monitor crime stories for one of my very first journalism assignments and the one time I didn’t tag along to the fieldwork with my classmates, they got to witness a stabbing incident :/ By itself of course it always sucks to have violent situations like those, but as a reporter it would’ve been interesting to see the scene and its aftermath.
Have you ever lied under oath?  I don’t think so, no. I can’t even remember the last time I was put under oath.
Have you ever failed a subject before? I’ve failed exams but never an entire class.
Have you ever had a deadly animal as a pet?  No.
Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender?  Well yeah, I dated one.
Have you ever been in a hot tub before?  Sure.
Have you ever been to a movie that sold out?  I’ve never experienced trying to buy tickets only to find out they’re all sold out, but that’s also probably because we have hundreds of malls in Manila alone and you can always find a theatre that are still offering tickets.
What movie last made you too scared to go to sleep?  I’m not usually that way with horror movies, but I do remember running into a jumpscare on TikTok while I was scrolling at 3 AM. Not fun.
When you’re on a laptop, do you hook up a mouse or use the touchpad?  Touchpad. I never use a mouse.
What’s your mom’s mom’s name?  Agnes.
Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the person you like?  I’m not interested in anyone so this shouldn’t be a problem.
Have you ever been tempted to steal?  Sure, but the urge is never so strong.
What is the main character’s name in the book you’re reading? I’m not reading anything.
Do you have a favorite local band? Who are they? Nah. I did have a Ben&Ben phase, though I haven’t revisited their music in a long time.
Who’s the last person you saw naked, aside from yourself?  I’m not sure about completely naked, probably still my ex. As for partially naked, my dad sometimes goes shirtless at home as most Filipino dads do lol.
Who’s your favorite horror monster/killer?  The most iconic for me would be that porcupine looking ass from Resident Evil 4, I believe it was meant to be for one of the boss stages or something. Anyway, it’s memorable for me just because that fucker had been impossible to defeat and I loved watching my older cousin do attempt after attempt. I don’t think he ever got to beat him and by the time he did us cousins were already adults, lol.
On a side note, we called him ‘Porcupine’ as kids since a shitload of spikes would stick out of him unpredictably during the boss stage, and I thought that nickname had been just our thing; but I’m actually surprised that that villain actually comes up when you do a simple ‘Resident Evil 4 porcupine’ search haha. I guess other people called him the same thing too.
What kind of music do you prefer to listen to when driving?  I usually put on a playlist of BTS’ rapline; I tend to enjoy high-energy songs while driving.
Would you ever own a hairless rat, cat or dog?  I don’t see why I wouldn’t when it comes to the dog. I don’t want a cat or rat. 
All the people you’ve kissed, what did their names start with?  G.
What did you and your ex fight about most?  It was about the deeper, more profound stuff. We never saw eye to eye about the future, if we were helping the other grow, etc. Someone was always scared or insecure about something that the other could never help with fixing.
Don’t you love long hugs?  Sure, I love getting hugs as long as I’m comfy around the one giving it.
And long kisses?  Mhm, they’re nice.
Have you ever purchased condoms?  Only for Angela when she had still been too shy to ask for it herself. 
Have you ever gone on vacation with your boyfriend/girlfriend?  No. We had gone out of town for daytrips, but never for a fully-decked out vacation.
Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument?  I wouldn’t do anything that loud. My resentment’s a lot more reserved and subtle, definitely on the passive-aggressive side.
Would you leave a note on a car claiming responsibility if you damaged it?  If I left like a paint scratch, no. If I was somehow stupid enough to manage wrecking the car then yes.
Have you ever used someone's handicapped parking pass to get a parking spot?  Oh that’s just gross. No. I do remember unknowingly parking over a spot meant for the handicapped once just because the paint was so fucking faded. It was genuinely so hard to tell but in the end I ended up just getting out of the spot and looked for another just to be on the safe, unassholey side.
Are you embarrassed to tell people your job?  Not at all! I love telling people I work in PR and sharing the brands I work with...it’s just a bitch trying to explain what exactly it is I do on a normal day. I’m still blanking out on it now that I’m thinking about it, haha. PR’s a challenge to summarize in one or two sentences.
If you ran over an animal would you keep driving?  I honestly have no clue how I’d deal with it. Ideally I would pull over and help bring it to the side of the road, and try to ask for help from passersby as well. I’m still not sure what I should/would do next.
Where’s the best place to eat a romantic dinner?  French, Spanish, and Italian restaurants always seem to carry a pleasant, date-y atmosphere to them, so any of those cuisines should be ok. I also like quieter restaurants with warm yellow lighting, since that makes me feel at home the most. The place definitely doesn't have to be super popular; I would just want for it to serve good food.
What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?  Flying planes.
What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?  Probably something that’s booked with thrill-seeking adventures? Like a day of wakeboarding, paragliding, skydiving, riding an ATV...I would be exhausted as fuck and sleep for the next three days, but I can’t even begin to imagine how fun it would be.
When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? Writing stuff. < Yeah, essentially. My friends ask me for general life advice too.
Has anybody criticized the way your significant other looked like?  Yeah. But I always defended her.
Have you written or drawn anything for somebody else?  I mean I’ve written long letters, but I haven’t made a poem or song for anyone.
Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?  These days it would probably be Arlan. He just finished his Masters in Journalism at Columbia and I couldn’t be more proud. I remember wanting to attend Columbia too, but seeing how my love of journalism turned out...I’ve long accepted the fact that that route was not meant for me, hahaha.
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?  Finish a painting, which can also serve as a callout to me lol.
What would you rate 10/10?  Seafood.
What do you hope never changes?  My relationships with my best friends.
Would you ever have sex with the last person you texted?  No, I barely have a clue who she is and she seemed decades older when she called me up this morning.
Is there anyone that you’d love to just spill your guts to?  I’m good.
Where is the person you have feelings at right now? 
Are you happy with your relationship status?  Yessssssss. I love not having to worry about another person to spend on LOL
When did you last cry? What for?  Two Saturdays ago. The one-year mark of my breakup had been coming up and an overwhelming wave of emotions just flooded me all of a sudden, I guess. There was happiness and relief from not being stuck in it anymore; feeling sorry for myself as I remembered the turmoil and deterioration I went through in the latter part the year; anger for the shit she pulled; and there was also just the general feeling of being grateful that I’m still here after everything.
Do you think you’re wasting your time on the person you love? 
When’s the next time you’ll kiss someone?  No clue. I’m not holding my breath for it and that’s okay.
Were you ever scared to death of anyone you knew? Or are you currently?  Yeah, unfortunately I’ve always been surrounded by at least one person who terrifies me.
What’s the longest you’ve been away from home by yourself?  Nothing more than a day. That’s something I have yet to try out.
Have you ever been made fun of, because of what you look like?  Athenna was relentless in her insults. I dunno why I was friends her for as long as I was.
Have you ever made fun of others, because of what they look like?  If they’re some random person on the internet with disgusting political views, then yeah; but it’s just thoughts I keep in my head and I never verbalized the bullying. But not anyone in real life. Do you think it’s cute when you’re leaving a place, and a guy says “no hug?”  If I’m friends with the person I’ll banter with them for a bit until I give in for a hug. If it was any other guy I barely know...I would be disgusted and throw them the dirtiest glare.
Do you wear short shorts (if you’re a girl)? I didn't know short shorts were specific to females. < LOL same. Anyway no, not these days. I used to but they’re not really a part of my personal style anymore.
Who are you the most uncomfortable around?  Relatives with the wrong political views.
Who has your heart?  Nobody.
Should cloning ever be allowed to happen?  I don’t see the point. No.
Are you impatient with really shy people? If it gets to the point that they seem aloof and radiate very I-could-not-care-less-about-getting-along-with-any-of-you vibes, then yeah I feel like I would get irritated pretty fast. But I was an extremely shy person once too, so I’m typically friendly with them and I would usually be That person who constantly stays next to them so they feel like they belong.
Does your house have air conditioning throughout, or do you have one that sits in your window?  It sits in the window, as with most households here.
What is the most ridiculous band name you’ve heard recently?  I haven’t encountered anything wacky recently.
Would you ever get a fashion mullet?  No.
Do you believe that Jesus lived and is returning?  No.
Do you believe in spiritual gifts?  No.
Do you believe in callings?  Not really, no.
If you were rich, would you get a professional photoshoot done?  Hell no. I get extremely sheepish in front of a camera and a thousand times worse at posing.
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whothehellisyn · 3 years ago
Cat and Mouse | Ch. 4
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Dark!Mysterio x F!Reader
Rating: 18+ (full fic)
Chapter Warnings: none
AN: oh my god I can’t believe I haven’t uploaded in so long. I’m still writing this but more for my own personal consumption. Tenses get mixed a lot in my brain and this is definitely not beta read. I have no clue where I’m going with the story but I’m about four chapters past this one with stuff!
The rest of dinner passes in quick silence. Louis, paid not nearly enough to deal with the two of you, looks slightly relieved when he delivered the bill to you. When you hand him back the booklet you slip in a £100 note. He seems confused, and you urge him to take it with an insistence that it’s an American custom. Quentin is watching you with an unreadable expression the entire time. You pretend not to notice.
A black SUV is waiting outside for you and Quentin. He motions for you to enter first, and you seat yourself as close to the opposite window as you could to avoid being near him. He sits in a relaxed position, making small talk with his driver. As you watch the buildings blur by in the window you tune out the rest of the world, nestling into your thoughts about everything happening to you. Everything happening because of Quentin Beck.
You love him, though that’s not quite true, is it? You love Mysterio, the widower from another Earth. Who fiddles unconsciously with his wedding band when he’s reminded of his late wife, who has a deep and thoughtful stare when he recounts his grief. Who met your eyes when you recounted your own and said I understand your pain. This, is not that man. This is an actor, a stranger with his face. Is it possible to have loved an illusion worn by a villain yet loathe their very existence?
His laugh breaks your contemplation. It’s boisterous and genuine.
It pains you to hear it.
“Wendell, this is (Y/N).” He says, introducing you to the driver. Wendell is a man in his late fifties with greying hair. You can see the crown of his head where his hair is wearing thin.
“Ah, so this is the SHIELD agent you snagged, hm?” Wendell muses. He meets your eyes through the rearview mirror. “It’s very nice to meet you, despite your circumstances.”
So he’s aware you’re trapped, you think, and doesn’t seem to care. Or maybe he can’t. You’d like to think Wendell is a nice man who is just afraid of Quentin. That seems like a good optimistic line of thinking.
Wendell pulls to a stop some time later in front of a warehouse on the harbor. It’s an unassuming place a ways away from town, the exterior is a bland mix of brown bricks and mortar. Nothing about it screams ‘villain dwelling’ to you, but you don’t discount the fact that Quentin is a master of illusions and probably gets off on boring real estate hiding his tech.
Wendell gets out of the driver’s seat to open your door and let you out. You don’t move, not wanting to go anywhere else with Quentin. Maybe if you’re still enough, you hope, you’ll cease to exist entirely.
Wendell leans into the car to keep Quentin from hearing him, “My heart breaks knowing you don’t belong here, Miss.” You look away to keep from crying, but he knows you’ve heard him. “I wish I could take you far away from here and still be safe from him but...” He’s trapped too.
Wendell swallows nervously and looks over the roof of the car for Quentin. “Mr. Beck is waiting for us. If you don’t go now, he’ll come and get you himself.”
Reluctantly, you take off your seatbelt and slide out of the vehicle. Wendell gets the door behind you and hangs back as you approach Quentin. You can’t blame him, really.
Once you get to the door, Quentin places his hand at the small of your back and pushes you closer to him. You feel hyperaware of his touch as he “guides” you into the building and down a corridor. You imagine his hand burning through your shirt and leaving a pink handprint on your skin, or maybe his finger tips being barbed with poisoning spines. It’s just a hand. But it’s his hand.
You pass by a large room, filled with people you don’t know. Many sit at computers, and you can see a dismantled drone on a table. A few people meet your eyes and then quickly avert them, almost like they know who you are despite them being strangers. You wonder if Quentin has talked about you to them.
After walking through two more corridors, Quentin stops at a room with a heavy looking metal door. He places his hand on an interface next to the threshold and the heavy metal door swings open into the room.
“Look familiar?” Quentin asks, pushing you inside. As the door slams shut behind you, you realize what he means. You’ve been here before. All this time, that “hotel suite” he took you to was right here all along. Another illusion.
He take his hand off your back and leaves you in the middle of the room to pull clothes out of a large duffle bag on the bed. They’re your clothes, at least mostly. A lot of it are your comfort clothes, sweats and tank tops and t-shirts. He also starts pulling out your underwear and bras, casually laying them out in organized stacks. He looks back at you and, noticing your expression, gives you an incredulous stare.
“What, did you think I was going to make you wear the same dirty clothes every day?” You don’t respond and just stare back. Quentin looks annoyed but continues, “I do have some sense of decency, believe it or not. And regardless of that, I would prefer to fuck you without being reminded of the last time I did.”
You grimace at the remark. You think about how you have little tender spots along your thighs from the clones gripping your legs so hard, and the soreness in your shoulder from Quentin twisting your arm behind your back. The sheer stupidity of his statement when you’re the one who bears the reminders makes you snort, and he picks up on it immediately. He abandons the clothes on the bed to walk over to you, only a few centimeters from touching with his body.
“Was something funny?” He asks, voice vaguely threatening. You instinctively avert your eyes to the floor as he waits for your response. “I’ll ask you again,” He grabs your chin and forces you to look at him, his grip firm. “What’s so funny about what I said?”
Your eyes are wide with fear as you struggle to muster the courage to speak. “Come on, sweetheart,” He says, tilting your face up further with his hand, “I know that pretty little mouth of yours works just fine.”
You blink rapidly, tears welling up as he continues to stare into your eyes. He really is nothing like the man you love. When you try to form an answer your voice stutters and all that comes out is a sharp little whimper, which makes you want to cry even more out of shame. Quentin smiles wickedly at you, enjoying your difficulty to speak.
“It’s not so funny now is it?” He asks. You shake your head no and a tear falls onto your cheek from the movement. Quentin swipes it away with his thumb on his free hand and leans in close to your face. “That’s what I thought.” He releases your chin and goes back to taking your clothes out of the bag. You still don’t move, but you do wipe your eyes once his back is to you.
After he empties the bag, he checks his wrist display and points towards the metal door.
“That door is reinforced steel. It weighs over three hundred pounds and is powered by hydraulics. If you try to mess with the interface, I’ll know. If you try to damage the door, or break the door, I’ll know. And not only will I know when you’ve tried to escape, I’ll be forced to punish you for it.”
You know that his use of the word “forced” is bullshit, and anything he inflicts on you is completely chosen for his own pleasure. You watch as he presses his hand to the interface on this side of the wall, and the door groans open yet again.
“I have to go work now, honey.” Quentin says, almost like he doesn’t want to leave. “Behave yourself like a good girl while I’m gone.” With that, he exits and the heavy door slams shut behind him. For this first time in over 28 hours, you are alone. After you’re sure he’s gone, and not listening on the other end, you let yourself cry for the first time since everything has started.
Tears begin to stream from your eyes as you walk past the bed and into the bathroom. The large mirror behind the sinks reveals your disheveled appearance, and the shock finally wears off as you realize just how awful everything is. You look pathetic. Your clothes are filthy and torn in various places, and your hair is a rat’s nest. You begin to sob, just a little, and as you cry you go over to the glass-door shower and start the faucets. The water is just a little too hot but you don’t care, and you begin to strip with your back to the mirror. You don’t want to see yourself anymore right now.
The dirty clothes go directly into the trash can in the corner, and you step into the shower and huddle under the too-hot water. It hurts, but it feels cleansing to hurt this way. There’s soaps in there but they smell like Quentin, and so you just let the water rinse you off. When you get as much of the grime off you as you can, you sink to the floor and hug your knees tightly. If you close your eyes, you can pretend this is your shower back in your apartment. You can pretend that you just had a bad day at work and you’re showering to forget about it. You rest your head against your knees, close your eyes, and you pretend. You’ve always been good at that.
An hour later the hot water runs out and you’re forced to get up and turn off the faucet. You’re not clean but you’re definitely not dirty anymore. After a search through the cabinets, you find the towels and grab one to dry off your body with, using a second one on your head. Once you’re dry enough you grab some of your clothes off the bed and get dressed in the toilet area that’s walled off from the rest of the bathroom.
Dressed and somewhat clean, you’re exhausted. You can’t bring yourself to sleep in the bed, or even touch the blankets. Quentin sleeps there, you know that much already. You used to sleep there too, before. There’s no way in hell you’re sleeping in that thing now when it’s the only place Quentin could sleep as well. There’s a large tub in the bathroom, and you decide that’s as good a place as any. Armed with a pillow you took from a sofa in the common area of the suite and a blanket from the linen closet in the bathroom, you climb into the bathtub and create a makeshift bed. It’s not very comfortable, but it feels safe. You remember hearing from a classmate years ago that people hide in bathtubs during tornadoes and earthquakes, and wether that’s true or not you find that to be good enough for you.
Sleep comes quickly despite your sleeping arrangement. You have an incredibly vivid dream, about walking through a meadow. You can almost feel the wind on your skin, and your eyes squint in the sunlight. Bees drone sweetly as they fly by you as if in greeting. There’s a little boy a few hundred meters in front of you, toting a bundle of flowers in his arms. You feel yourself call out to him, as if you know him well, but you can’t place him in your memories.
A soft touch stirs you, and you can feel your body being carried and then settled again. You’re warm and comfortable, a weight being pulled over you.
“It’s alright, sweetheart.” A voice says. “Go back to sleep for me.” Okay, you think.
You return to the meadow, the little boy close but far, and the softness of the long grass tickling your fingers.
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