moulinnoirrpg · 3 years
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𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑𝐭𝐡, 𝟏𝟗𝟎𝟕 
A dark cloud was cast over the Moulin in the recent weeks—scandals, gossip and a tragic end to a household name. A new performance was set and the smiles have been painted as exquisitely as the artistic visage of the stage, but with the whisperings of a dark, dark fate, the brisk, cold air of November was not the only frosty thing enveloping the Noir. Scandals have always been a positive thing—if, naturallement, they served to lure the guests and investors, not scare them away. 
Police sniffed around for a week and the glorious stage was threatened to crumble—losing investor after investor, guest after guest, until only the most loyal—or most debauched—of patrons remained. The jewels adorning hands and necks of the patrons seemed to have been as blinding as the supernova as the blackest of mills faced loss after loss, their income cut down to the third of what they used to earn. 
But, a month later salvation came—and the supernova exploded again when Annette had returned—as abruptly as she had left. Like moths to the flame, the audience returned in full force, vastly surpassing in numbers and attendance. But, for a week there had been no shows, only talks about how l’etoile brilliant is tired from her abrupt trip and ought to rest— but, the promise of her fully returning to the stage had been dangled in front of everyone’s faces like a shiny toy in front of a child—come to us, play with us, let us empty your pockets and together, once again, we shall bask in the glory of our Moulin!—the smiles said, hiding behind yet another layer of paint and pretense.
Tonight’s pretenses are followed by music and liquor—and dancing. It was Geoffrey’s idea— and what a splendid idea it was! Hidden things, subtle things, have always been the most delicious and picking out the seemingly innocent day of the Sancta Lucia to hold an extravagant and lavish ball in the Moulin Noir seemed like a spectacular idea. 
Now the stage is set—wide, flattering smiles ; soft, inviting gaze—gloved hands eager to embrace another and pull into a dance, spin around the ballroom. Painted facades and glittering jewels, stage decorated as if the president himself would come to attend—but in the world of Moulin Noir, investors were more important. Tabs were open, a round or two were on the house and all of Paris—the wealthier side of it—flocked to the Noir, hoping to catch a glimpse of the famous—or infamous—Annette, and the rest of the performers of the Moulin. 
OOC Information: Welcome to our first event! All characters have gathered at the Moulin Noir for an investor’s ball, patrons and staff alike mingling throughout the club. Interactions may now begin, and the event will run from August 8 to August 22 on the dash, while the date in-game is the evening of December 13th, 1907.
An additional note: If you wish, feel free to use the starters written for your application during the event or any time during the roleplay.  
Welcome to Moulin Noir RPG, and we’re thrilled to have you!
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