#mothflame canyonclan
voidcreechure · 4 years
🍄With Wildspirit and Jasperchasm 👀👀
ooooohhhh finally getting to the spicy questions i see
🍄 my immediate thought for Wildspirit was Wolfmask, actually! For no other reason than because they are both absolute units and would create a very soft and squishy cushion by cuddling together...... also I just enjoy more outgoing personalities meshing with more shy ones! Wildspirit and Flamestride could also have a really fun relationship, even though I can only really see that being very casual, maybe even just friend-flirting. They would be a chaotic duo for sure tho and I live for that
🍄 for Jasper.......... hhhh he’s difficult. On the one hand, I think having him have relations with a CanyonClan cat would be SUPER complicated considering Circumstances™ but on the other hand.............. Olivebranch. Back In The Day, I think him, Mothflame, and Olivebranch could’ve really been sweet, and I really love Jasper/Olive friendship now, even though our glimpses of it have been limited so far! Plus Olive and Jasper already have some interesting dynamics going that (I think?) have yet to be explored, what with Jasper’s reasoning for leaving Canyon to join Creek, and Olive being a big supporter of Duskwatcher! I also think Jasper and Flamestride would be funny to watch, since they’re just. So painfully opposite each other. And they’d have a similar dynamic bit since Flame is also a Dusk supporter, just without the past history stuff there for Drama™. I mostly think Jasper/Flame would just be entertaining to watch, though who knows, perhaps a deeper bond could come from it.
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mumblerose · 2 years
I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings
🏅😻- Ravinewing
🎨- Pinespark
🥀- Bubblebee
🎵- Earwig
♈- Spice Wish
☀️- Mellow Flame
🏅- what is your character’s reputation within their clan? what about the other clans? is your character popular?
             Ravinewing is a looker within CanyonClan, but doesn’t have much standing beyond that. He tends to keep himself in the background by choice, since he hates having eyes on him, but he isn’t unpopular per se – he’s got plenty of friends. Mothflame, Hawktail, Olivebranch, maybe even Fernsky or Whispershriek to much smaller extents. He’s….middle of the road, popularity wise. As for the other clans, it’s highly likely all they know of him is his disowning of Beesting at the gathering – and how they feel about that is honestly lost to him, good or bad.
😻 - is your character insecure about their appearance or are they confident?
             Oh, what a conundrum…See, Ravine knows he’s a ten in CanyonClan, maybe even above that. A pelt dark as night, an angular and lithe build, he has it all. But, well, his…Uncanny resemblance to Beesting’s rival made itself known whenever his mother looked at him. No matter how much of a model he is, any long-lasting glance at him is just the same as the bewildered and bitter expression he’d been at the receiving end of for as long as he can remember.
🎨 - does your character have a unique skill that sets them apart from others?
             Maybe not wholly unique, but Pinespark focuses on distraction and disorientation in her fighting style. She knows she’s not the strongest out there, so she uses cunning, quick decisions to try to catch an opponent off guard. Not a very honest fighting style, but then, fights are hardly ever really fair.
🥀 - has your character lost someone important to them? if so, how do they deal with it? have they moved on?
             Bubblebee lost Anoleslip, his best friend, incredibly recently – a mere two moons ago. This is the only significant loss she’s had to face, even though she is a senior warrior, and she’s…not taking it well in the slightest. Between wearing The Matron’s skull as a fucked up trophy, blaming Tarponshine for TideClan’s suffering, and thinking nothing of his apprentice’s rather grievous actions, it’s clear Bubby’s grief has more than gotten the better of him. It’s consumed him, and he doesn’t know how to get out – if he even wants to.
♈️ - what zodiac sign would your character be? (and, if you wanna get crazy, what would their birth chart be like?)
             I don’t think we have an official timeline, so I’ll go off vibes. I think Spice Wish would be a Pisces!
☀️ - what are your character’s goals and what would they do to achieve them?
             Mellow Flame wants to be a warrior HoneyClan can be proud of. They…aren’t quite sure what that entails, seeing how peaceful life has been, relatively speaking. But they’ll take care of any problem that comes to their territory, even if it’s some big, scary, supernatural thing. It won’t get through them, that’s for certain!
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mudpool-art · 3 years
🌲hawthorn + 🍁sedge + 🌸whisper !
🌲Hawthornberry – asgjh only so many options there but! Depending on the Vibes there are a few options that could be real fun! Hawthorn/Horizon lives in my heart for fun times and good vibes ONLY, for the "we're too old for the rules to apply to us" energy. Hawthorn/Bee would be messy purely bc of Family Drama but man oh man it'd be good,,, completely opposite vibes but common ground in having lost a lot, plus they grew up together! Could be interesting.
🍁Sedgeclaw – Tie between her argument with Rattlefang in the tunnels, her talk with Mothflame at the border, and her chat with Coyoteleap in camp! Super opposed vibes but they all were very fun to RP for different reasons and I feel like they let me dig into her thoughts and feelings well! The argument was rough to write but in a good way, tapping into her anger in RPs is fun. The Moth and Coyote threads were significantly chiller lmao I really liked both for how sweet they were,,, hanging out with surrogate son and good pal/brother-in-law who gives you life advice 💕
🌸Whispershriek – I've named a few in previous asks, but Whisper has a lot of dynamics I'm fond of! Their and Velvet's bitter relationship is super interesting and spicy to me! Haven't gotten to RP it too much but I also love their dynamic with the CanyonClan Girl Gang; Batshadow especially they have such a neat relationship with, but I think Whisper hanging out with any of those three is really entertaining lol. And WhisperCrane is a given but like!! Specifically love Whisper dragging Crane into his antics and them both going in on pranks and stuff sometimes that's always super fun!
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vivirrins · 3 years
* Nyooms in * ✨ For Moth 🍁For Rocky 🌸All and any of your COTS baby ❄️ Moth or Jag if you have one
This got long WHOOPS SORRY I went on a tangent about Velvetfang
Mothflame- This boy has gotten dinged the fuck up I want to hold him in my hands...Mothflame's had a really rough time and I hope he can regain his confidence and heal emotionally too. I want him to know that he's a hero and beautiful and he has a winning smile and all of his friends are happy he's back. I mean not that anyone needed to tell him so, they wouldn't leave him alone when he was recovering ZDFVDFGSG
Rocktalon- Answered here!
Favourite Relationships- Here for Rocktalon, here for Railspur! Maplesweet is pretty new, so I'm honestly still thinking on this but I have a much clearer idea for Velvet.
For Velvetfang it HAS to be her dynamic with Whispershriek I'm sorry. Their relationship and how it ended...I just have so many thoughts about it that I remember sending just PARAGRAPHS to Rev when we were discussing it. Velvetfang was really close with Orioletooth. Their relationship was open, but Velvetfang felt an especially strong bond with them. They were brave, funny, fiercely intelligent, and that was all really attractive to her. When Starlingstrike died, when Oriole became Whispershriek, Velvetfang thinks a part of him died too. Maybe not as once, maybe it curled up and wasted away, but the person she fell in love with was gone. This is a bit from her ref:
If you replace every twig in a nest, day by day, how long before it is no longer the same nest? Or more relevantly, how much did a cat have to change before they became a completely different entity? How much of Orioletooth was left? Did he cease to exist when Starlingstrike did, replaced by a stranger? Or had it been a slow painful death- a metamorphosis that purged him from that which was now Whispershriek? This little thought experiment of Velvetfang’s became a topic of obsession- and drove Whispershriek further from her. She looked at him with an almost superior scrutiny, as if she were watching an insect.
Eventually Whisper had had enough of her observations, her psychoanalyses. “I’m not the cat you knew anymore. Didn’t all your time staring and your little experiments or whatever already tell you that?” They didn't want her looking at them like a project. That was their breakup. Nothing grand or inflammatory. That was the end of it. Velvetfang is still kind of not over it. I think she's trying to cling to some hope that Orioletooth might still be there in some way, despite knowing they will never be together again. I think it scares her to realize that Whispershriek is unmistakably different, but he's still just him. So she's in denial about it and insists that there's a separation. Orioletooth is dead and Whispershriek is a spectre inhabiting their body. It has to be the case. Otherwise it's her fault that they left her.
Jaguarleap- He's shaking now, so full of barely contained rage. He doesn't even care if he's making any sense, his heart is racing so fast it feels like it will break through his chest any minute and his vision is blurry with tears. Some of that energy fizzles out and he stares Windclaw directly in the eye and says with certain clarity, "I'm glad I left. You aren't a leader worth following." The coldness in his tone matches his face as he turns around and stands beside his Clanmates, blocking Duskwatcher's body from view. "Look away, all of you. It's what you're good at. You don't deserve to set eyes on him for another second."
It's just one of those moments where while reading I was like YES JAG GET HER, KING!!!!! CanyonClan are fascinating characters but in that moment I was screaming for BLOOD!!!!!!!!
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