#mother and child hospital in noida
neohospital01 · 10 months
Gynaecologist in Noida
Neo Hospital in Noida is a renowned healthcare institution that excels in providing a wide spectrum of medical services. With a commitment to women's health and well-being, Neo Hospital houses a team of dedicated and skilled gynaecologists who offer comprehensive gynecologic care. Gynaecologists in Noida play a crucial role in addressing women's health needs and empowering them to lead healthy lives.
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The Role of Gynecologists:
Gynaecologists are medical doctors who specialise in women's reproductive health, focusing on the female reproductive system, pregnancy, childbirth, and related health concerns. At Neo Hospital, gynaecologists offer a range of services, including:
1. Routine Check-ups: Gynaecologists provide routine pelvic exams, breast exams, and Pap smears to monitor women's reproductive health and detect potential issues early.
2. Family Planning and Contraception: They offer guidance on various contraceptive methods, helping women make informed decisions about family planning based on their preferences and health needs.
3. Prenatal and Obstetric Care: Gynaecologists at Neo Hospital provide comprehensive prenatal care, monitoring the health of both the mother and the developing fetus throughout pregnancy. They guide women through each stage of pregnancy, addressing any concerns and ensuring a safe delivery.
4. Management of Menstrual Issues: Gynaecologists diagnose and treat menstrual disorders such as irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and painful cramps, offering effective management and relief.
5. Treatment of Gynecological Disorders: They address a wide range of gynaecological conditions, including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and pelvic inflammatory disease, providing personalised treatment plans.
6. Gynaecological Surgeries: Gynaecologists perform surgical procedures, including minimally invasive surgeries, hysterectomies, and laparoscopic procedures, to address complex gynaecological issues.
Gynecological Services at Neo Hospital:
Neo Hospital takes pride in offering a comprehensive range of gynaecological services, designed to meet the unique needs of women at every stage of life. Some of the services provided by Neo Hospital's gynaecologists include:
1. Preventive Care: Regular screenings, check-ups, and preventive measures are emphasised to maintain optimal gynaecological health.
2. Maternity Care: Gynaecologists at Neo Hospital provide holistic care during pregnancy, ensuring the well-being of both mother and child. They offer prenatal education, monitor foetal development, and support women through labor and delivery.
3. Gynecological Surgery: The hospital's gynaecological experts perform advanced surgical procedures, including minimally invasive techniques, to treat various conditions while minimising discomfort and recovery time.
4. Infertility Treatment: Neo Hospital's gynaecologists offer fertility evaluations and treatment options to assist couples struggling with infertility, helping them realize their dreams of parenthood.
5. Menopause Management: Gynaecologists provide guidance and support to women during the menopausal transition, addressing symptoms and offering strategies for maintaining overall health.
Neo Hospital stands as a beacon of excellence in women's healthcare, with its team of skilled gynaecologists In Noida dedicated to nurturing women's health and well-being. With a comprehensive array of services ranging from routine check-ups to complex surgeries, Neo Hospital's gynaecological department is committed to empowering women to take charge of their reproductive health and lead fulfilling lives.
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latikasingh · 1 year
pregnancy care centre greater noida | Dr. Latika Singh Sinsinwar
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The Leading Pregnancy Care Center Greater Noida for High Risk Pregnancy Treatment is Dr. Latika Singh Sinsinwar. Our skilled gynaecologists guarantee the mother and unborn child's complete safety. Dr. Greater Noida's Latika Singh Sinsinwar Hospital is a one-stop maternity facility for a risk-free pregnancy and delivery. Our hospital has everything you might possibly need to meet your maternity needs. We are Greater Noida's top hospital for pregnancy care centre treatment because of the way we do business.
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softzenia-tech · 2 years
Significance of Pediatric Care for the Child Development
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Pediatricians from the best hospital in Greater Noida are doctors who are specialized in treating children of age organization from new childhood to adolescence. They specialize in the diagnosis and remedy of congenital sicknesses, infectious diseases, and continual medical conditions that occur throughout adolescence.
Pediatricians address your child's fitness problems and might easily apprehend how exceptional illnesses and situations can affect an infant's fitness, well-known wellness, and highbrow ability.
How Pediatricians Can Help Your child :
1. Toddler health assessment:
A pediatrician in greater Noida starts at the infant level in your child. They offer you the vaccination chart that must be found and administered according to the age to immunize your toddler from existence-threatening infections. They also provide a developmental boom chart and milestones to be carried out by your infant at every degree of his/her formative years. This would help every parent to perceive the kid's boom and improvement and cope with any form of underlying health situation to save you any fitness issues inside the later part of a kid's lifestyle.
2. Treating chronic contamination :
In a few children, any underlying fitness condition that isn't handled on the preliminary degree may also affect their every day properly in the long run. Chronic health situations and congenital fitness conditions should be handled inside the youth under the supervision of specialists so one can assist the kid to lead a higher life. Positive mental fitness conditions like ADHD while recognized and treated at the right time might help the child revel in his lifestyle like every other infant. Henceforth; mother and father must recognize the significance of their child's well-being properly from the time their infant is born.
3. Infant's nutrients and physical well-being :
Pediatricians from the greater Noida hospital list advise you with quality infant nutrition guidelines and weight loss plans that help your baby meet his dietary requirements and attain on-time increase and improvement.
In case you've planned to consist of all the nutrient ingredients to your toddler's eating regimen without skipping immunizations, then you may see better development of your infant's health, both bodily and intellectual. You can visit pediatric doctors near me and get a consultation.
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What Parents Should Know About NICU Care
A new born baby needs a lot of care and is very sensitive. Sometimes, immediately after being born, the baby may not be able to adjust well to the conditions of the outside world. Also, in some cases the baby may have problems in breathing, or digestive system or any other kind of health issues. In all these cases and even when the baby is born premature, i.e. before 27 weeks of gestation, then the baby has to be immediately shifted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The NICU is a place with all kinds of medical facilities where newborn babies and kept under critical care in certain conditions. There is nothing to be scared if your baby is shifted to the NICU after birth. It ensures that the baby is taken home without any birth defects or medical problems.
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Neonatal care plays a very important role from the moment the baby is born. It lasts upto 28 days from the day the baby is born. When the little one is born, it is an entirely new world for them. Their lungs should breathe air, digestive system should function properly, liver, immune system and overall healthy functioning of the body is checked.
There are different levels of care required on the basis of the intensity of needs. In this regard, Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Units are the ones having several well-trained medical staff on board such as a team of Neonatologists, Neonatal Nurses and Respiratory Therapists who are available for their assistance and medical service round the clock. The Level III NICU is also known as the subspeciality NICU or sub specialty care centre.
There are several mother and child care hospitals in India which provide advanced neonatal care facilities. Motherland Hospital is the best child hospital in Noida which has a state of the art Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Each delivery is supported by the Department of Neonatology – which comprises of a well experienced team of neonatologists, intensive care specialists and anesthetists to take care of the newborn. The experts are also well trained and equipped to handle any complications such as – preterm delivery, infections, breathing difficulties, to list a few. All of them follow international standards of developmental supportive care – a specialized medical approach used to handle the sick and fragile newborns. Each NICU has been outlined remembering the prerequisites of the neonate. The supporting staff and nurses are all trained to handle the delicate newborns with care and empathy in compliance to the worldwide benchmarks of formative steady care, laying stress on the importance of sound, light and taking care of all things essential to the newborn baby. There are state of the art incubators and warmers, ensuring that the child feels safe and secure. The department is well established to deal with instances of prematurity, precious deliveries and twin deliveries alongside guaranteeing all parts of disease control and quality.
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coochiequeens · 3 years
The doctors at the Government Institute of Medical Sciences, also known as the G.I.M.S., a public hospital in Noida, a suburb of Delhi, recently told me that during the first wave of Covid-19 last year, most pregnant women had moderate symptoms and were able to return home after being hospitalized for a few days.
The G.I.M.S. serves about 2,000 patients from the suburb and its surrounding villages every day without charge. Throughout March, April and May, the doctors there told me that most pregnant women arrived with acute respiratory distress syndrome, their lungs collapsing. Out of the 15 pregnant women who were in the gynecology ward of the hospital when I spoke to the doctors, two weeks ago, 11 were on oxygen support, two were on ventilators and one was recovering.
Pregnant women, who have weaker immune systems, have been developing widespread scarring of the lungs after getting infected by the virus. “Their lungs looked white as bone on X-rays,” the doctor said. “Their air sacs filled with fluid that had leaked from blood vessels into the lungs.”
With a more severe second wave of Covid-19 since mid-February, Indian doctors started observing a greater need for high oxygen ventilation for pregnant women, a need for more surgeries to expedite and prematurely deliver babies, and a higher incidence of abortions and stillbirths.
On May 2, Palkan Thakur had an itch in her throat, which developed into a cough. She was seven months pregnant and expecting her fourth child. Local doctors in Faridabad, her hometown bordering Delhi, tried paracetamol, cough syrup and a drip of iron and glucose, but Ms. Thakur was unable to breathe and coughing up blood.
Her husband, Zakir Khan, who ran a store of Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine, drove her to Lifeline hospital, three miles from their home. After an X-ray, a doctor informed them Ms. Thakur’s lungs were badly damaged. The hospital had run out of beds. They tried 11 other hospitals and were denied admission everywhere: Some had no beds; some had no oxygen and no ventilators; some sought exorbitant treatment fees.
Thirteen hours had passed since they left their home. Ms. Thakur was bleeding from her nose; Mr. Khan wiped her face and broke down. A relative called with information about a bed being available in the gynecology department at the G.I.M.S. hospital in Noida. They got there at 3 a.m. and Mr. Khan carried his wife in his arms.
A doctor attached a cannula to Ms. Thakur’s nose and administered a continuous flow of oxygen at 50 liters per minute. She struggled to maintain her oxygen saturation rate at 80, way below the normal level of 95. “Is she going to make it?” a junior doctor asked. The older doctor didn’t reply. Ms. Thakur is still fighting for her life. She is 27.
When Ms. Thakur was admitted, the doctors at the G.I.M.S. were also treating a woman in her eighth month of pregnancy. A ventilator helped them push her oxygen saturation rate up to 80 percent. One evening, after a sonography showed a healthy baby, somersaulting inside her belly, the doctors found themselves debating whether they could operate on her for C-section. Administering anesthesia to operate on the mother would lower her oxygen saturation rate to dangerous levels.
The doctors were uncertain she would survive that. “Can we save the child?” a doctor asked. Mother or baby. Baby or mother. They debated. “No doctor should have to make these decisions,” one of the doctors told me. Hours later, mother and baby died.
More than 850 miles from Ms. Thakur’s hospital in the Delhi suburb, about 1,000 healthy babies were delivered in May at Nair hospital in Central Mumbai, the designated hub for treating pregnant women infected with Covid-19 in India’s most populous city. Yet there too, in April alone, 17 pregnant women died, mostly between 25 and 35 years old.
I remembered my own experience of being pregnant with my daughter: the extreme fatigue of the first trimester, an increased heartbeat in the second and how my belly swelled in my third term, making me breathe deeper and deeper.
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A report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzing about 400,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44 found that pregnant women with Covid-19 are more likely to require I.C.U. beds, invasive ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. The risk of death is 70 percent higher in pregnant women than in nonpregnant women. Expecting mothers are also at an increased risk for blood clots.
About 67,000 babies are born every day in India, which suggests that about two million Indian women were in the ninth month of their pregnancy when India started its vaccine rollout in January. On April 29, the Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India called for a prioritization of pregnant and lactating women in the vaccination process as the benefits of vaccination seem to far outweigh any theoretical and remote risks.
The United States, Britain and Belgium have prioritized expectant mothers for vaccination. But Indian women are not yet permittedto get the Covid-19 vaccine because Indian authorities have cited lack of empirical data supporting the urgency of inoculating them. On Wednesday, the Indian health ministry recommended Covid-19 vaccination for lactating women, but added that for pregnant women “the matter is under discussion and further deliberation.”
Indian social media has been increasingly filled with desperate calls for help and heartbreaking announcements of deaths of pregnant women due to Covid-related complications. The rising number of these deaths is setting India back after decades of progress at reducing maternal mortality.
In 1946, a year before India’s independence, India reported that for every 100,000 births, about 2,000 mothers died. Ill-equipped and undertrained midwives, home births and poor transportation over long distances during emergencies contributed to the high number. Sustained efforts over the decades, expansion of maternal health services, childbirths in hospitals instead of homes, and improved prenatal and postnatal care helped India bring the maternal mortality rate down to 130 per 100,000 live births in 2016.
Covid-19 threatens to set back these hard-won gains. A study in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics noted the medical treatment of pregnant women from October 2019 to February 2020 and April to August 2020 fell by 45.1 percent in institutional deliveries; there was a 7.2 percent increase in high‐risk pregnancy and a two-and-a-half-times increase in admission to the intensive care units. Fear of contracting the virus also decreased postnatal visits by women to hospitals.
I spoke to over 50 nursing homes across the country, and every single one refused to admit pregnant women who had tested positive for the virus. Some were afraid of contracting the virus, some didn’t have the resources to handle both Covid-19 positive and negative patients; some felt they were not equipped to adequately treat high-risk patients. Most nursing homes do not have I.C.U. beds or specialist doctors.
During my travels across Maharashtra — one of the most affectedIndian states — I stopped at dozens of rural health centers. Most reported a shortage of government-mandated doctors and specialists including surgeons, physicians, gynecologists and pediatricians. Most lacked any form of prenatal care despite the existence of a government program offering free prenatal checkups.
The virus is not sparing expectant mothers even among the upper and middle classes in India’s major cities, who always had the financial resources and better access to health care than people in impoverished villages.
In early April, as the second wave of the pandemic hit Delhi, several members of the Chauhan family in the Saket neighborhood in Delhi were infected. Anshuma Chauhan, their daughter-in-law, who was eight months pregnant, isolated in her bedroom. During the night of April 29, Ms. Chauhan couldn’t breathe. “Eventually the virus found her,” her sister-in-law told me.
With her oxygen saturation levels deteriorating, after a tedious search they found a bed at Sunrise Hospital, about seven miles away. Doctors informed her family that the Covid-19 medication she needed would be harmful for the baby and pushed for an emergency C-section. On the evening of April 30, she delivered a healthy boy.
Covid-19 protocols prevented her family from joining her. Ms. Chauhan was devastated when the doctors rushed the newborn to the I.C.U. for babies. But a few hours later, when her own condition deteriorated, the hospital had no ventilator.
The following morning, after pleas for help and a social media campaign helped along by a Bollywood actress, the hospital found an I.C.U. bed for Ms. Chauhan at another hospital in south Delhi. They rushed her out on a stretcher, but when they reached the other hospital, she was declared dead on arrival.
Alia Allana is an Indian journalist.
How many women around the world have to die before men stop wondering why the birth rate in many places have dropped during Covid?
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Motherland Hospital is a condition of craftsmanship Mothers and Child Hospital at Noida. It is the biggest office for all encompassing consideration for ladies and youngsters. At Motherland we accept that each lady is extraordinary and she merits atmost care in her adventure to parenthood.
24*7 High-End State of Art Facility For Mother and Childcare
24*7 Qualified Obstetricians and Pediatricians
Level III Neonatal ICU For Care of Premature and Critically ILL Babies
World Class LDR Suites
Able and Qualified Care Providers To Handle High Risk Pregnancy
24*7 Specialized Nursing Care
5D Ultrasound For Best Diagnostic Care
24*7 Services To Ensure Complete Mother and Child Care
24*7 Pharmacy and Laboratory Services
Crisis Support for Potential inconveniences
Level III Neonatal ICU For Care of Premature and Critically ILL Babies
Able and Qualified Care Providers To Handle High Risk Pregnancy
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When It Comes to Your Child’s Health, There’s No Compromise
In life there are many things that we compromise with, sometimes willingly and sometimes unwillingly, simply for the sake of convenience, ease or whatever other reason we may have at the time. However, the one thing no one ever compromises with is their child’s health. The moment it becomes a question of your progeny, everything else becomes secondary. This is why, when it comes to the health of your child, you should only trust the Best Paediatrician in Noida at the Best Hospital in Delhi NCR.
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Kids are developing in every aspect of their being, both physically and mentally. So it is up to us as adults and especially if we are parents or legal guardians, to ensure that this development is not hampered or negatively affected in any way. As the Best Paediatrician in Noida will tell you, part of this development is their immune systems as well. While newborns do receive some basic immunity from their mothers, their immune systems are still immature. This is why as they grow, you can see that children often fall ill while adults remain unaffected. And this is precisely the reason why it is important that you take them to the Best Hospital in Delhi NCR at the first sign of any trouble.
At Yatharth, child care is of utmost importance. This is why they have invested in highly trained doctors and staff, including the Best Paediatrician in Noida as well as the latest, state-of-the-art technology. With the combination of world class equipment, expert staff, and advanced critical care facility for neonates and children, Yatharth sits at the forefront of child healthcare.
Acknowledged by many as the Best Hospital in Delhi NCR, Yatharth has a history of providing the best service at affordable costs. Founded with the vision of evolving as the most preferred destination for quality healthcare that provides a comprehensive range of services and is trusted for personalised care with compassion, Yatharth has been working hard to achieve that goal over the past 15 years. Their quality policy of constantly upgrading to keep pace with what is new in the field, to deliver healthcare, recruit highly qualified doctors and further improve clinical outcomes, patient safety and patient satisfaction, combined with a healing atmosphere, ensure that Yatharth always delivers on its mission promise of delivering quality and personalised care to improve the well-being of patients and communities they serve.
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vijayrajput07-blog · 5 years
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Motherland Hospital is a state of art Mothers and Child Hospital at Noida. It is the largest facility for holistic care for women and children. At Motherland we believe that every women is special and she deserves atmost care in her journey to motherhood. Best Gynaecologist in Noida.
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evalin24 · 2 years
Best Gynecology and Pediatrics Hospital in Noida
Pregnancy is the happiest time in a woman's life, she will not jeopardize her health because she knows her baby is breathing only because of her. Every mother’s wish is to seek medical help from the Best Gynecology and Pediatrics Hospital in Noida like Motherhood Hospital Noida.
Motherhood Hospital Noida is one of the best woman's care hospitals, it understands a mother's responsibility to her child and provides complete newborn and mother care.
During pregnancy, women require more guidance, support, and care than usual. That is why Motherhood Hospital Noida has only hired the greatest gynecologists and pediatricians in the hospital.
Gynaecology - Motherhood Hospital Noida
Motherhood Hospital Noida provides a wide range of women's health and child care services. Women of all ages who are experiencing gynecological issues can benefit from our well-woman checks. Hysterectomy, Pap smear, and Colposcopy, Endometriosis treatment, Fibroid treatment, Urinary Incontinence Treatment, Infections (UTI, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) treatment, Prolapse treatment, Premenstrual syndrome treatment, Contraception, and HPV vaccination are some of the treatments provided by our gynaecology specialists. Motherhood Hospital Noida offers both outpatient and inpatient gynaecology services here.
Gynaecology Services Offered at Motherhood Hospital, Noida
Pregnancy, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Advanced Laparoscopic Gynaecology Surgery, General Surgery for Women, Neonatology & Pediatrics, 24/7 Pharmacy, 24/7 Laboratory, and Round the clock Gynaecologist & Paediatricians.
Gynecology Facilities
2 Operation Theatres, 2 Dedicated LDR Suites, 12 Best-in-class NICU Beds, 6 Consultation Rooms, 2 Triage Rooms, 1 Suite Rooms, 11 Executive Rooms, 3 Twin Sharing Rooms, and 2 MICU Beds
Pediatrics - Motherhood Hospital Noida
Before your baby arrives, you'll need to make a lot of preparations for his or her care, and choosing the correct paediatric care is the most important step that parents can take. For those looking for the best child care facility in Noida, Motherhood Hospital is the ideal option. A team of trained medical specialists that have experience caring for children's physical and psychological requirements from birth to the age of sixteen is housed here.
Motherhood Hospital understands the importance of child health care as the top infant care and paediatrics hospital in Noida, thus has skilled and well-qualified physicians and paediatric subspecialists to diagnose and treat a wide range of childhood-related ailments.
Motherhood Hospital’s capacity to treat any childhood ailment with the help of cutting-edge technology and highly qualified experts. Motherhood Hospital also has allied health professionals on hand, such as dieticians and physiotherapists, to ensure that your child receives the comprehensive care they require.
Paediatric Services Offered at Motherhood Hospital, Noida
Immunization, Asthma Management, Vaccination, Developmental Screenings, Hearing and Vision Screenings, Treatment of minor illnesses and injuries, Sports Physicals, Weight Management, Well-Child Exams, Neurology, Asthma / Pulmonology, Diabetes / Endocrinology, Dermatology, Audiology, Digestive Care / Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, Ear / Nose / Throat, Plastic surgery, Nephrology, Heart care, Orthopaedics, and sports medicine, Rheumatology Surgery, Ophthalmology and Rehabilitation
Paediatric Facilities
1.       Emergency services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for children suffering from ailments such as seizures, asthma, injuries, trauma, infections, and more.
2.      Every feasible medical facility is available, including ambulance services (which are equipped with all medical facilities).
3.      Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Units
4.      A large number of pediatric subspecialists at one location.
5.      Children's play area that will keep them occupied and entertained.
Make an appointment with
Motherhood Hospital, Noida
, the leading
Gynecology and Pediatrics Hospital in Noida.
Call today and make your appointment at Phone: 080 6723 8899 / 1800 108 8008. Address
:1B-206 A, Block B sector 48, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301.
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yatharth-hospital · 3 years
Testing During Pregnancy
Pregnancy refers to the time between conception and birth of a child. During this time, the fertilized ovum, which is only a ball of cells at the time of conception, goes through a series of developmental changes before becoming a fully developed human in the mother's womb. Pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks, separated into three trimesters, during which the mother is guided by the best gynecologist in Noida.
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That being said, the mother's body undergoes notable changes during each trimester, owing to which several tests need to be undertaken to ensure the safety of the mother and the child. At Yatharth Super Specialty Hospitals, one finds the best diagnostic centre in Noida, wherein you can get prompt results to all the tests conducted, and have a prompt check-up with your gynecologist. You should consult the best gynecologist in Noida for regular health check-ups during pregnancy to monitor your health as well as the health of the developing fetus. During pregnancy, the following tests are performed on a regular basis:
1. Blood Tests
To confirm pregnancy, the levels of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) in the blood are measured through a blood test at the diagnostic centre at Yatharth Super Specialty Hospitals in Noida. In addition to this, your blood group and Rh factor are determined to rule out maternofetal Rh incompatibility. When a Rh+ve mother has a Rh-ve foetus, Rh incompatibility ensues. The red blood cells of the fetus are destroyed as a result of this anomaly, in which consulting the best gynecologist in Noida becomes imperative.
A complete blood picture (CBC) test would also be recommended by your doctor to check the levels of various blood components (RBCs, WBCs & platelets). Infection is indicated by a low number of white blood cells in the test conducted at the diagnostic centre in Noida. Anemia is detected by checking hemoglobin and red blood cell levels on a regular basis throughout pregnancy.
2. Urine Tests
Proteins, carbohydrates, ketone bodies, and bacteria levels in your urine sample are measured at the diagnostic centre in Noida throughout pregnancy. The best gynecologists at Yatharth Hospitals in Noida can diagnose a lot of disorders in the mother and the child. High glucose levels in the urine, for instance, suggest gestational diabetes. The pregnancy hormone (hCG) can lower insulin production, resulting in gestational diabetes, because of which the health of the fetus may be jeopardized.
Preeclampsia can also be diagnosed by the presence of protein in the urine sample, which is accompanied by elevated blood pressure. If left untreated, the growing fetus may experience growth retardation, a concern often pointed out by gynecologists in Noida.
The presence of germs in your urine sample implies that you have a urinary tract infection. A urine culture would be recommended by your gynecologist to determine the culprit organism, and antibiotic treatment would be prescribed.
3. Pregnancy Ultrasound
An ultrasound scan creates images of the developing fetus using sound waves. The best gynecologists in Noida use ultrasound monitoring to determine the baby's position and movements. Your doctor will advise you to drink plenty of water before having an ultrasound to ensure a clear image of the fetus. An ultrasound can be taken at the diagnostic centre in the hospital premises in Noida.
During pregnancy, an ultrasound can be analyzed for a variety of purposes. If a problem was discovered during a prior ultrasound or blood test, your doctor may prescribe repeat ultrasounds. Ultrasounds can also be used for non-medical purposes, such as generating photos for the parents or determining the baby's gender.
Yatharth's Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is a well-developed health unit that treats all medical conditions affecting women's reproductive systems. The Department is backed up by a devoted staff of the best gynecologists in Noida, highly qualified obstetricians, surgeons, and trained Obstetric nurses who have years of expertise dealing with even the most difficult cases.
Yatharth Hospital also offers High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Minimally Invasive/ Laparoscopic Surgeries, Urogynecology procedures, and Family Welfare Programs, which include tubal ligations, laparoscopic ligations, and contraceptive advice.
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gunjanhospital · 3 years
Who is the best gynecologists' in Noida? Gunjan Hospital (Dr.Dimple Bordoloi )
If you're looking for the Top Obstetrician in NOIDA, look no further. Dr. Dimple Bordoloi, a renowned Obstetrician/Gynecologists' in Noida, is an expert in the field. During pregnancy, women are encouraged to pay attention to their nutrition and health, get enough of rest, and avoid jobs that require a lot of energy or heavy lifting, since they risk injuring themselves or their babies. When a woman becomes pregnant in India, it is customary for her to return to her mother's house for adequate care and relaxation. It is not a clear and fast rule that all women must see their mothers. Previously, there were joint families, and pregnant women either went to her mother's house or stayed with her husband's family, where there were enough people to look after her. However, in today's world, nuclear families exist, in which a woman lives with her husband alone in the house. This isn't always a negative thing, but it may be difficult for her during pregnancy. However, living alone while pregnancy is not a major issue; the major issue is maintaining personal health.
 Treatment for: Obstetrics and Gynaecology services include:
 Prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal care are all available.
 Program for Prenatal Education
 Ultrasonography and Fatal Assessment
 Delivery is painless.
 The Gynaecology Department provides the following key services:
Hormonal imbalances, menstruation difficulties, and vaginal discharge are all common teen concerns.
Problems with menstruation
 Uterus with fibroids
 Uterus prolapses
 Tubal occlusion
 Endometriosis is a kind of endometriosis that affect (medical & surgical treatment)
 Cysts in the ovaries
 Pelvic adhesions are a kind of pelvic adhesion that occurs when
 Infertility - In Vitro Fertilization
 Cancer of the uterus and ovaries
 Hysterectomy using Minimal Invasive Surgery (removal of uterus)
 Laparoscopic litigation – sterilization
 Cervical cancer detection and treatment
 Urogynaecology is concerned with urine incontinence.
 Noida's Best Gynaecologist - You will place your faith in our medical and technological competence, as well as our understanding of your mental and physical requirements, by visiting our Gunjan Hospital. We understand the emotional turmoil that comes with trying for a child, and we will be there for you every step of the way, providing ethical guidance and counselling.
  It takes a team to treat infertility successfully. From the initial consultation through the completion of treatment, a highly experienced and dedicated staff is on hand to provide the finest possible advice, treatment, and care. Find the Best Gynaecologist  Near me.
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apnajobs · 3 years
Which are the top companies to work for in Delhi?
Looking for a job in Delhi but confused about where to apply? Check the list of top companies in Delhi to work for.
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Delhi is not only the national capital but also the centre of innumerable job opportunities in variety of sectors. While searching for a job in Delhi NCR, most of the job seekers face dilemmas about which company to apply for or which company would best serve his/her interest among thousands of options. To solve this dilemma and help you make the right choice for yourself, we bring you the list of top companies to work in Delhi NCR. Read on to know more… 
1. Google
Google is considered employees’ favourite company across the world. The reason behind its popularity is the incomparable facilities and perks that the company provides to its employees. This pampering feature makes it the best company to work in Delhi or anywhere else across the world. A few of the perks are free breakfast, lunch, and dinner, flexible working hours, gym, outdoor & indoor games, sleep pods, massage & haircut parlours, sleep pods, health insurance, etc.
2. Amazon 
Among the big companies in Delhi, Amazon is the topmost name in the e-commerce sector. Apart from good pay and great atmosphere to work, it provides attractive perks such as transport facility, travelling allowance, internet allowance, insurance, stock option, etc. It offers jobs such as administrative, production, developer, business development, customer service, HR, IT support, etc. 
3. American express
American Express popularly known as Amex is one of those organizations which have stimulated a cool and interactive corporate environment. It provides facilities such as smart savings program, fitness centre, child care centre, health benefits, tuition reimbursement, mother nursing rooms etc. 
4. Adobe 
Adobe India is headquartered in Noida and is known to remain committed to providing equal pay, healthy environment at and beyond the workplace. The common jobs offered by adobe are a Data scientist, designer, sales, finance, marketing and legal jobs. 
5. Oyo rooms 
The company was founded by an 18-year old guy Ritesh Agarwal and is currently the largest hospitality chain in the country. It provides an employee stock option plan (ESOP), health services, long term insurance etc. The common jobs are Business development, HR jobs, program manager, data analyst, software engineer, content jobs etc. 
6. TCS 
Among the IT companies, TCS is a well-known name in the industry. It’s also one of the largest employers in the IT sector. It has 3 offices in the region: Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon. You can find jobs in banking, insurance, financial services, HR, engineering and communication in this one of the best IT companies to work in Delhi. 
7. Microsoft 
Microsoft is counted in the top MNC companies in Delhi. It’s known for its amazing work culture where individual ideas are valued and nurtured. It promotes employees to contribute it others’ success, which also affects their performance evaluation. 
8. SAP labs 
SAP Labs is ranked top on employee retention and employee happiness level making it one of the most desirable companies in Delhi. It’s known to provide unique benefits specially to women such as long maternity leaves and work from home 4 days a month.  
9. Flipkart 
The indigenous e-commerce giant Flipkart is a quite popular workplace in India. Known for its employee empowering policies and ideals, it’s been a great employer for freshers as well as experienced job seekers. 
10. Marriott Hotels 
Mariott is a global hospitality giant which provides special benefits like staff discount, social engagement, onsite child care, maternity & paternity leaves, car wash etc. 
If you are looking for job opportunities in the best companies in Delhi, try apna app. This app is a great platform to find suitable jobs in over 70 categories like recruitment executive, counsellor, E-com executive, cook, back office executive, driver, accountant, Customer support executive etc. The best feature of this app is that you can directly call the HR and schedule your interview instantly. Apart from this, you can also use it for learning new skills and professional networking. 
Instal apna now!
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cityspideyofficial · 3 years
Doctors of Motherhood Hospital, a leading mother and child care hospital, conducted a cleanliness drive in Dwarka's residential areas of Sector 48 Saturday morning. The hospital staff and doctors took pledge to keep the environment clean.
According to the hospital, the drive was organised to spread the message about the importance of hygiene and cleanliness for a healthier nation. This drive was a step towards encouraging doctors, healthcare institutions, hospitals and healthcare companies to promote better health and hygiene through such platforms.
The hospital administration said this is a social responsibility to increase the green cover in the city and promote Prime Minister's Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. The hospital said it is committed to improving the health of the city. The initiative was led by Dr Neetu Singh, Consultant, Gynaecology, Motherhood Hospital.
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Noida's Premium Birthing, Woman And Child Care Facility Centre.
Each member of your family and most importantly you, are the happiest hearing about the pregnancy news in your family. You look forward to turning a new page in your life with the arrival of the little bundle of joy. But before that, there are a lot of arrangements to make for the welcoming of the little one in your family.
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Selection of the maternity hospital or a birthing center is one of the primary tasks. You need to ensure that the maternity hospital provides the best services and facilities so that there are no hindrances during childbirth and postnatal care. As a common practice, you would prefer a maternity hospital which is near by your home, so that in case of any emergency and need, it would be very convenient for you to reach the hospital in no time.
For the residents of Noida, selection of a birthing centre gets easier having Motherland Hospital in their vicinity. It is a recommended and the best maternity hospital in Noida and provides an excellent childbirth experience to the entire family. A state of the art hospital, it provides holistic care for women and children. The medical experts here are well trained and highly experienced Gynecologists, Neonatologists and Obstetricians. Even when it comes to high risk pregnancies, Motherland provides the best care and treatment for safe and healthy pregnancy and childbirth by their expert team of Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists (MFM Specialists).
Here we give you more reasons to select the premier birthing center in Noida for the birth of your baby-
- Level III Neonatal ICU- The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Motherland Hospital has been certified by the National Neonatology Forum and it is a Level III certification, which is the highest level of intensive care. This NICU has advanced facilities for the utmost care of premature and critically ill babies.
- World Class LDR Suites- In the Labor, Delivery and Recovery suites, you will get the state of the art and well equipped facilities for labor and delivery of your baby. In earlier days, you would have to go to a separate room for delivery at the last moment. But the LDR suites facilitate easy and comfortable delivery in the same suite so that there are no hassles and full comfort and you get an excellent birthing experience.
- Round the clock nursing services and availability of Qualified Obstetricians and Pediatricians ensure that you get the required support and care whenever needed.
- In case of requirement of treatment for infertility, Motherland provides the best of IVF specialists who provide the best solutions of having a successful childbirth through the Assisted Reproductive Technique known as In Vitro Fertilization at the high technology enabled labs.
- Even the diagnostic services and Ultrasound is world class and is 5D to provide the highest quality Ultrasound image results for you.
At Motherland, we are of the belief that  every woman is special and she deserves utmost care in her journey of motherhood. So we make this wonderful experience better and comfortable with personalized care and treatment.
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aartinursingbureau · 4 years
The Different Types of Services Provided by Nursing Bureau in Delhi
Taking care of your loved ones and ensuring best recovery for them from an ailment or injury is of highest importance to anyone. While it is possible to take care of your loved ones by yourself, however it can get difficult for a number of reasons. Sometimes, you may not get sufficient time or you may not have the right expertise to meet the medical needs of your loved one. At this time, you can simply hire the expertise of a professional caregiver from a specialized Nursing Bureau in Delhi such as Aarti Nursing Bureau.
The care offered by nursing professionals is of best quality and it helps your loved one recover well under the supervision of a medical expert. Moreover, a nursing bureau also caters to requirements of medical facilities as well as hospitals require nurses on a regular basis for patients. The 5 different types of services offered by nursing bureau are given below:
Professional Nursing Services
Professional care nursing services is one of most important types of nursing services offered by Nursing Bureau in Delhi. Such service is required in hospitals and medical facilities to ensure specialized care of patients and fulfill their medication needs. Some of the most types of professional nursing services offered by nursing service providers include cardiac nursing services, pediatric nursing services as well as diabetic nursing services.
Ward Boy Services
A fundamental necessity for any clinic or hospital,  ward boy service is similar to professional nursing service. Any medical clinic or facility by and large depends on the nursing departments for this prerequisite and have long-standing associations with the ones they work with. This aids in guaranteeing continuity of service and accessibility of prepared ward boys in the medical clinic consistently.
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Home Nursing Services
As the name suggests, home nursing service is the one where medical care is provided to the patient in their home for better comfort. Although the service is provided in home, the quality of the care is not compromised and nurses always ensure to take care of the patient in the best way possible. The trained nurses provide best care under professional medical supervision to ensure the recovery of the patient from a particular illness or injury.
Old Age Nursing Care Services
This is one of the most popular nursing services offered by the Nursing Bureau in Mayur Vihar for parents or relatives of working professionals. The professionally trained nurses or caretakers made available by the nursing bureau in Gurgaon or Noida make sure that ageing parents are looked after in the most desirable manner with all their needs fulfilled. So, whether it is meal planning, assistance in eating or changing clothes, the trained nursing staff helps with almost all aspects of daily living to keep your loved ones stay healthy.
Mother Care Services
A very important service provided by the nursing bureau is mother care service that is required by new mothers during the time of pregnancy and post childbirth. This service helps make the whole process of childbirth quite easier for mothers. The Nursing Bureau in Noida makes available well-qualified nurses who are thoroughly trained to cater to the needs of expecting mothers and also monitor their health condition during pregnancy and post the birth of a child. Hence, this service proves to be of big help, especially in cities where the culture of nuclear family is prevalent.
Read more about Nursing Services in Noida
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tritonhospitals · 4 years
Best Childrens Hospital in South Delhi
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Best Hospitals in South Delhi
Delhi being the capital of our country offers the best services than any other state or region of India. You could find several multi-speciality hospitals in Delhi. Also, you must have seen doctors from smaller states refer patients to bigger & best hospitals in South Delhi. Furthermore, there are numerous multi-speciality hospitals in Delhi/NCR that provide different speciality services over a different field of treatment methods, such as gynaecology, cardiology, or paediatrics. Here is a list of 10 best childrens hospital in South Delhi, which provides Paediatrics services.  
Triton Hospital
Triton Hospital is on the top of our list. It has been set up as a twin tower hospital including 8 floors over a carpet area of around 24,000 sq ft. The hospital has a broad range of room options available to purvey to all populations from the general ward to deluxe suites plus specialized labour and mother and infant suite. The hospital is a well-equipped building that houses a team of dedicated, hard-working, and highly qualified doctors. It has emerged from the heart of the cohesive group of renowned doctors working under Dr Anuj Gupta having a post MD experience of more than 11 years in the field of Paediatrics and Neonatal intensive care.
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals
The Apollo Group is a prominent health-care group in India. It is the first corporate medical facility in India. The Delhi building is a 710 bedded unit. The patient sanctuary is their top priority and that makes it the best among its equivalents. The Apollo Centre for Advanced Pediatrics is the child-care or Paediatrics section of Apollo Hospital.
Max Superspecialty Hospital, Saket
Max Super Specialty hospital is one of the few reliable and highly esteemed hospitals in Delhi. They provide treatment options for every medical speciality under the same roof. The pediatric facility aims to become the best and preferred child care centre in the whole of Delhi.
Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon
Fortis Memorial Research Institute is a spacious hospital located in Gurgaon. It is one of the most inquired after quaternary care centres known for its world-class treatment adroitness and modern infrastructure. The department of paediatrics is well equipped with state of the art technology to ensure the best quality of treatment.
BLK Super Specialty Hospital
BLK Super Specialty Hospital is among reputed health-care centres in New Delhi. It was set up by an experienced obstetrician and gynaecologist B.L.Kapur in January 1959. It ranks among few of the largest tertiary-care hospitals in the National Capital Region. The hospital provides multi-disciplinary treatments in Delhi. The pediatric department furnishes neonatal and adolescent medication besides child-care. Artemis Women & Child Center, Gurgaon
Artemis hospitals are known for their excellent services and talented surgeons ready for assisting their patients. The childcare unit has all the necessary medical and technological support to help the surgeons treat every type of medical emergency and child disorder. Columbia Asia, Gurgaon
Columbia Asia is a chain of healthcare providers having hospitals in multiple continents like Asia, Africa, etc. The facility at Gurgaon is a 90-bed unit. It has gained trustworthiness and trust among parents because of its dedicated medical workers serving the paediatrics department of the unit. Max Super Speciality, Patparganj
Max Super Specialty hospital is a 400 bedded multi-speciality medical facility located in Patparganj region of New Delhi. It is well known for modern infrastructural facilities and the highest quality of medical care provided to patients. A competent staff of medical and non-medical professionals strive hard to ensure the provision of best service to each patient. Moolchand Children hospitals, Lajpat Nagar
Moolchand Medcity is a health-care facility that is extremely trusted. Moolchand Children's Hospital is a unit that is patronised by multiple generations of families for their children's health issues. The experienced pediatric surgeons provide to the positive reputation the hospital has gained. Fortis Hospital, Noida
Fortis Hospital located in Noida, is an enterprise established by Fortis Healthcare Ltd. It is a multi-speciality hospital with state-of-art medical abilities. Its modern infrastructural facilities and patient-friendly staff, make the hospital one of the most sought after medical centres in Delhi NCR. Adiva Super Specialty Hospital
Adiva Hospital is one of the most notable hospitals located in Delhi NCR. It is well equipped with cutting edge medical facilities and latest amenities. The staff here is incredibly patient-friendly and doctors are distinguished specialists which make the hospital, one of the most preferred medical centres by patients from all over India as well as abroad. Max Super Speciality, Vaishali
Max Super Specialty is a super-speciality hospital located in Ghaziabad. The hospital founded by Max Healthcare group is equipped with the modern infrastructural facilities, the most advanced medical technology, and a team of highly competent staff. The hospital has earned global recognition by catering to patients from all over India as well as abroad. So, these are the 10 Best Childrens Hospital in South Delhi & also best for Paediatrics or child care. Although there are many other decent hospitals in the NCR, these are one of the best out of them. Additionally, if you are looking for a good hospital for your child, then you should choose from the above-mentioned hospitals.
For more information, visit us & call us on 09818306423.
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