kiwibirdlafayette · 2 months
i love puttin on my showtunes playlist because inevitably all it does is put all these AUs/animatic ideas in my head for me to rotate around like frozen fruit in a blender
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voidandradiance · 5 months
mianite is a wonderful series. mianite lore is like a car crash that you can't look away from and instead just giggle at in horror.
pick your favorite car.
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coolcattime · 7 months
motanite & foxxsize! (and also Martha/Capsize for laughs)
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Motanite gets really dragged down by the very weird season 2 lore conflicts that can make it so Dianite is meant to be a mentor figure to Mot. I still will put it in stories, but it's not the ship I find the most interesting.
Foxxsize best ship!!! I love it so much. I know it doesn't make as much sense as like some ships, but like I love them together and they got vibes.
Martha x Capsize - objectively the two never meet and I think that is an important part of a ship making sense. I also imagine Martha as a decade or two older than Capsize (like Martha's at least pushing 40 in my head). But I do think there's a world were I could write something with them, at minimum they're each other's type (as much as that upsets me).
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wingkink · 9 months
guys this is so fucking specific but I'm trying to find a song that I first saw on a post on this site that someone was saying was a mot/motanite song, it was called like half alive or half asleep or something like that, and I remember it was on a site I'd never seen before like it wasn't on YouTube or soundcloud or anything which makes me think it wasn't well known. I'm going crazy over this
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vonsoh · 1 year
#Social Activism
   #Es ist essenziell, #dass die Menschen in #Israel anerkennen, #dass ihre Vielfalt eine Stärke ist und #nicht eine Quelle für Konflikte. #Durch interkulturelle# Bildung und# Dialog können#Vorurteile abgebaut #und# Verständnis #gefördert #werden. #Es wäre hilfreich,# gemeinsame Räume und #Projekte zu schaffen, #die den Austausch und #die Zusammenarbeit# zwischen den verschiedenen Kulturen fördern. #Ein inklusives politisches System, #das die Interessen #aller Bürgerinnen und #Bürger vertritt, #ist von großer Bedeutung, #um ein harmonisches Nebeneinanderleben zu #ermöglichen.#Schließlich sollte die #internationale Gemeinschaft eine #unterstützende Rolle #einnehmen, um #den Friedensprozess #zu fördern und #die Bemühungen #für ein friedvolles #Miteinander in #Israel #zu stärken. u/shlom #shlom # שלום @ שלום #kul u/kul @כל#כל #yish maslol shba lashlom israel @יש מסלול שבא לשלום בישראל   1. שלום# (Shalom)# 2. פיצוץ# (Pitzutz - #Explosion+ 3. אחדות# (Achdut - #Unity)# 4. סיום #הקונפליקט# (Siyyum HaKonflikt - #Conflict Resolution)# 5. חברות #(Chaverut -# Friendship)# 6. שוויון#(Shivyon -# Equality)# 7. יחד# (Yachad - #Together)# 8. נישואין לשלום# (Nisuin L'Shalom - #Marriage# for #Peace)# 9. מתנדבים לשלום# (Mitnadvim L'Shalom - #Volunteering for Peace)# 10. דמעות של שמחה# (Dma'ot Shel Simcha - #Tears of Joy)# 11. אהבה בלתי מותנית# (Ahava Bilti Motanit - #Unconditional Love)# 12. רגעי שקט# (Ragayim Shket - #Moments of Silence)# 13. מאבק לשלום# (Ma'avak L'Shalom - #Struggle for Peace)# 14. חיבור בין תרבויות#(Chibur Bein Tarbuyot - #Cultural Connection)# 15. אמנויות לשלום# (Omanuyot L'Shalom - #Arts for Peace)# 16. התמדה לשלום# (Hitmadut L'Shalom - #Perseverance for Peace)# 17. מערכת החינוך לשלום# (Ma'arachat HaChinuch L'Shalom - #Education System for Peace)# 18. תקווה לשלום #(Tikvah L'Shalom - #Hope for Peace)# 19. פעילות חברתית# (Pe'ilut Chavratit - #Social Activism)# 20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMVRpiSTrNM
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grailknightmonty · 2 years
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what up. its ya boyo back with more mianite season 2 moments that Live In My Head Rent Free
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dizzyst4rs · 4 years
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1 of 2 commissions for @smmybb of his designs of mot & dianite from mianite! i know. very little abt mianite but i enjoyed drawing these two a lot ;w;
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the-moon-pal · 5 years
IV for Dia/Mot
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Hold ur husband for good luck
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rafaerucore · 5 years
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Dianite: One bonus of being An Immortal Being™ is grossly misusing modern slang on purpose and watching the players cry inside.
Dianite: The other day I pointed at a reactor and, while looking at Sparkly Loins right in the eye, went “Man is that bae or what huh?” and the look on his face was something i will treasure for years
Mot: This is exactly why I love you
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Homeward Bound
The whole universe felt like it had bloomed, like a sea of petals was surrounding him. It was agonizing to push through all the heavy petals, all while making sure he left neither Mot or Dianite behind. And yet, he held that image in his head, of the cinnamon grove inn, the room with all the beds, Tom—
He felt himself appear inside, feeling everything at once. The warm air, the floor under his feet, and by Mianite did he feel dizzy. Tucker collapsed to the floor, shaking, dry heaving. The floor was cold beneath him. His flesh felt too tight, as if his body didn’t belong there, which it sort of didn’t. He looked up, and sighed with relief. Mot and Dianite were there too, looking just a little dazed.
Tom looked at the both of them. Tucker waved, then retched. Sonja walked into the room, Martha peeking up from where she was studying a now sleeping Wag.
“Hi,” Tucker said. Tom opened his eyes, looking curiously at them, until he realized who was there.
Mot finally seemed to regain his senses, and rushed over to Tom’s bedside, Dianite stumbling after him. Mot collapsed by Tom, gathering him into his arms in a loose, gentle hug, wary of the bandages all around his chest, and the one on his knee.
“Mot? Hi, hey, it’s alright—“
“No it isn’t!” Mot snapped, “How did this happen?”
“Fucked with the wrong champion. Ianite’s. Her name is Celia, ya gotta be careful…”
“I have to be careful? You almost got yourself killed!”
Dianite set a large hand on Mot’s shoulder, trying to calm him a little.
“What he’s trying to say is that he cares, boyo. And this was sudden and scary for him. Right?”
Mot nodded, his eyes filled with tears that trickled down his mottled face.
“Martha,” Mot said, “can’t you make a potion? Use something to heal him?”
Martha shook her head.
“I don’t feel confident enough in my magic to do something like that, I’m scared that I would make it worse. And I never really was a healer…” she gently carded her fingers through Wag’s hair. “...I don’t know.”
Mot looked at Tom’s knee, then back to Martha.
“What about potions?”
“I don’t have anything to make them. No netherwart or anything.”
Tom groaned, trying to pull Mot closer to him.
“Celia will hurt you, she’ll hurt you if she finds out about the Dianite stuff… there’s a portal, to uh. To the nether in a place called Kuljät. Dianite is trapped there, and Lev and I are gonna go save him—“
“Not with that knee!” Dianite shouted. He laughed a little, rubbing his face.
Goodness, he was crying. A god, crying. Not the first time he had seen it, but… Tucker stood, the floor swaying under his feet a little as he did so. He looked at Sonja and waved, stumbling over to an empty bed and flopping down. Oh, he’d teleported with two people. He did that! Without any help— Gijsbert would be so proud. And soon enough, this would all be behind them, and they’d be home again. Home.
No more hurt, no more psychotic champions, no more shadows or any of that shit. Just the savannah, and the gods, and his Mianite.
Mot and Tom held one another, and Tucker laid down, trapped in memory.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
sorry for hamilton posting on main but i cannot emphasize enough how much of a Ianite x Spark song Helpless is... like Dia is Angelica, Mianite is Peggy (canonical sibling ages aside) like. its just so her. Eliza in that song is S2!Ianite in a huge nutshell for me and it makes me silly in the best way
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voidandradiance · 2 months
it is so important that motanite at all times are looking at jordan like the couple across the bar who likes his vibe
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coolcattime · 2 years
dude I heavily agree with your mot take there. like I think the only way motanite works if it’s one sided (and only on mots side) because if it’s reciprocated Dianite’s getting revived to be sent to JAIL. I’m actually sending him there myself. but also yea there not being any romantic feels between either from either of them would’ve been the best route
Honestly there's a lot of Mianite that would've been improved if there was less shipping and romance going on, but particularly with Dianite and Mot. Like if you really wanted these characters to have romantic feelings, maybe have them have met both as adults? But yet, one sided Motanite works far better.
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voidfish-er · 5 years
I’m making a new DnD character and I knew I wanted him to be a tiefling and have a face scar, but when I was deciding what color to make him and chose green, I realized he is a theoretical Motanite child and I will never escape my Mianite loving brain.
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vonsoh · 1 year
#Es ist essenziell, #dass die Menschen in #Israel anerkennen, #dass ihre Vielfalt eine Stärke ist und #nicht eine Quelle für Konflikte. #Durch interkulturelle# Bildung und# Dialog können#Vorurteile abgebaut #und# Verständnis #gefördert #werden. #Es wäre hilfreich,# gemeinsame Räume und #Projekte zu schaffen, #die den Austausch und #die Zusammenarbeit# zwischen den verschiedenen Kulturen fördern. #Ein inklusives politisches System, #das die Interessen #aller Bürgerinnen und #Bürger vertritt, #ist von großer Bedeutung, #um ein harmonisches Nebeneinanderleben zu #ermöglichen.#Schließlich sollte die #internationale Gemeinschaft eine #unterstützende Rolle #einnehmen, um #den Friedensprozess #zu fördern und #die Bemühungen #für ein friedvolles #Miteinander in #Israel #zu stärken. u/shlom #shlom # שלום @ שלום #kul u/kul @כל#כל #yish maslol shba lashlom israel @יש מסלול שבא לשלום בישראל 1. שלום# (Shalom)# 2. פיצוץ# (Pitzutz - #Explosion+ 3. אחדות# (Achdut - #Unity)# 4. סיום #הקונפליקט# (Siyyum HaKonflikt - #Conflict Resolution)# 5. חברות #(Chaverut -# Friendship)# 6. שוויון#(Shivyon -# Equality)# 7. יחד# (Yachad - #Together)# 8. נישואין לשלום# (Nisuin L'Shalom - #Marriage# for #Peace)# 9. מתנדבים לשלום# (Mitnadvim L'Shalom - #Volunteering for Peace)# 10. דמעות של שמחה# (Dma'ot Shel Simcha - #Tears of Joy)# 11. אהבה בלתי מותנית# (Ahava Bilti Motanit - #Unconditional Love)# 12. רגעי שקט# (Ragayim Shket - #Moments of Silence)# 13. מאבק לשלום# (Ma'avak L'Shalom - #Struggle for Peace)# 14. חיבור בין תרבויות#(Chibur Bein Tarbuyot - #Cultural Connection)# 15. אמנויות לשלום# (Omanuyot L'Shalom - #Arts for Peace)# 16. התמדה לשלום# (Hitmadut L'Shalom - #Perseverance for Peace)# 17. מערכת החינוך לשלום# (Ma'arachat HaChinuch L'Shalom - #Education System for Peace)# 18. תקווה לשלום #(Tikvah L'Shalom - #Hope for Peace)# 19. פעילות חברתית# (Pe'ilut Chavratit - #Social Activism)# 20.
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