#mostly distracted today lol
wildwoof · 5 months
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safyresky · 24 days
Frostmas Year 7: Behind the Scenes
Prologue | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12
Lmao I JUST posted Y6 and the BTS for it like, YESTERDAY as of starting this post, and I'm ALREADY HITTING UP YEAR 7 LMAO LET'S GOOOOoOOOOoooooOOo
Year Seven was a fun one! My notes were small and it ended up being one of the longer chapters which was genuinely shocking to me. Year 9 also did the SAME THING. Check out the OG notes below the cut! :)
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Short enough it fits in a screenshot. WILD. ALTHOUGH! It is SURROUNDED with little snippets from the year (hence the "see right side" note up top)—I imagine they were written while I was struggling with Year 6.
Anyway! Let's hecking get into this, yeah?
Jacqueline's Intro
Guess who scrapped it!
Fun fact: I actually never liked the intro. I felt it really deterred from where I left off in Y6, so when I went back to read it and still felt this feeling, I scrapped it
As of writing this, I THINK I'm going to add it post-the tree and fast freeze hair scene? But we'll see if it works with the funky flow of things~
Jacqueline heads back to the Pole January 3rd
She has the convo about the Final Form Resort with B on January 3rd
They come up with the arson idea on January 3rd
She gets the twins clearance from Santa Jack during his wee lil interview on January 3rd
Now when I originally wrote this, I had not picked up on that at ALL. I thought that there'd been some time in between, but alas! I did it all on the SAME DAY. It only FELT LIKE IN BETWEEN TIME BECAUSE I KEPT TAKING LONG BREAKS BETWEEN WRITING SESSIONS!
So NOW, without FURTHER ado. The Behind the Scenes of Year 7 Mark 2 because ah-fuck-i-can't-believe-i've-done-this dot vine.
Scene 1: Freedom
As per the crossed out original opening of this BTS, I decided to move the intro somewhere else, and found a good place for it, I think. I didn't want to break up the flow from Y6 into Y7, and I kind of like it a LOT better like this! :)
"Right now immediately" is tumblr vernacular/maybe a reference to the breadsticks meme?
Don't worry, she DOES find her left shoe again! Snow likes her a lot so when she went back up north she was like "HEY SNOW. YOU SEEN MY SHOE." and the snow yeeted it right out of a huge drift and slid it her way :)
And FINALLY she decides to come CLEAN to Blinter
I gotta tell you guys. Writing Blinter has been a STRUGGLE in these old parts. I have to keep remembering that CS has not happened, nor has MtF, so Winter's frozey and Blaise needs a Fucking Nap. I ALSO have to remember that they are decent parents. Like, they are trying their best. And as I read through these old chapters, some things they said were phrased in such a way that I was like "Hmm. My parents would say that. Let's change that!"
The other thing too is that a lot of lines in Frostmas were peer reviewed and quite well liked in the reviews, so trying to keep those in (because I liked them too!) while updating the vernacular and making sure everyone is in character has been a CHALLENGE. But I think I did well enough! HOPEFULLY.
My apologies if there was a line you liked that's GONZO now 🫠
Scene 2: Coming Clean to Blinter
This scene actually held up pretty well!
One major change was Blaise's anger. It was directed at her, so this time around I tweaked his vocab to make sure it was directed at her disappearance, and to hopefully show that it's coming from a place of concern and fear and that's why he's angry about it lmao
Winter too! Though she deffs didn't appreciate Jacqueline's sass levels, which are 100% hints I've dropped about what happens to her at the end of Year 10 >:)
"...they had grown into a sentient enchantment"
^So the gates at Frost Manor were NOT enchanted by Blaise to open on their own, funnily enough! They grew into sentience on their own. It happens sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But the gates are one of my fave characters and they really love the family which is a good thing given they've been standing on that lot for like, four thousand or so years
"Mom’s thumb rubbed my cheeks, her lips pursed. “Jacqueline darling…what have you done to yourself.” She chipped away at the ice on my face, head tilted, looking…perplexed."
The MOMENT she sees Jacqueline she's like "this is fake as fuck. why have you put all this ice on your face. what in the actual fuck, Jacqueline"
She's gd Winter ffs!!! And Jacqueline ain't SLICK! She thinks she is but she's really not :) But she tries and we gotta give her credit where it's due!
"I know it's convincing" says Jacqueline, meanwhile Winter's thinking "it's a mess, actually, and close up not convincing in the slightest but you've had a long day so I'm not going to roast you about that this time :)"
"Your FATHER trying to reach out" is a new line! Since I decided how Blaise's connections with the kids worked I figured I'd mention in in Y7 lmao. He's like "I'll leave you be but I am there if you need me" meanwhile Winter's like "I am a constant threat presence"
It's an interesting view into how they both grew up, actually, how they approach parenting and how their connections work!
Winter was surrounded by loud, loving sisters and a lovely mum. They were/are very tight knit and it shows with how active her connections with the kids are
Blaise didn't have a lot of freedom growing up, CONSTANTLY under the watchful eye of his parents AND brother AND the entire nobility AND the entire gd continent so he, of course, is very much like. Give them the freedom they need but support where you can kind of thing
sups off topic. Getting back ON topic. AH.
the line about the spiked warm drink was one of MY faves and I did my best to make sure I could keep it in there >:)
Scene 2.5: The Actual Chat
Blaise's hair is his worst tell. And the truth of the matter is, he can 100% keep it temperate if he wants too but he doesn't—he is the reason Winter always beats him at poker or any card game involving bluffing, really :P
Blinter deffs were unsure she'd be back by Christmas, given how everything went with the first child. They tried very hard to be hopeful and they were, doubt just creeps in REAL EASY especially when you're THAT old and have SEEN SOME SHIT
And the thing is, they DO understand! They've both been there. Dealing with some gnarly extenuating circumstance, that may or may not have been caused by family members or at least, contributed to by them, and they have fought through it and clawed their way out of the ground time and time again and are reminding Jacqueline about that in this whole scene. And also me. Because I frequently forget the shit I put these two through when they were younger (see: civil war, the call, day of darkness)
Blaise's speech about how many times can you keep doing it is loosely inspired by this post which whenever I see it I go hope IS messy, and also, BLAISE VIBES bc that's his core lmao
And it makes me feel better for constantly trying again and again even when things seem hopeless
hope really is messy business, isn't it? ANYWAY
"I am a simple woman. I just like to watch people flail on ice until they fall over.” “A worthy pursuit.” “Thank you, dear.” Dad nodded over the rim of his cup.
this was newly added, i fucking LOVE Winter she's so funny and Blaise is just like "you're valid hun" like. I love them? 🥰🥰🥰
Which was HUGE foreshadowing, lol, as that's LITERALLY what HAPPENS as we know by now in Year 10!
You've heard of sad. You've heard of bad. Get ready for ANGRY. REALLY, REALLY FUCKING ANGRY! That's Jacqueline's nature as a frozen sprite, if you haven't noticed lmao
Reading this now post writing it, I'm like, DAMN, I could go for a Blinter sammy hug. That sounds delectable!
Scene 3
I have I ever told you all how I can pinpoint the exact moment Jacqueline's heart freezes? No? Well, I can, and if you're curious to know, it's in this scene 🤫
Scene 4: Visiting Gran
Yet ANOTHER instance of fixing shady character shit, oy VEY.
One of my pet peeves is Mother Nature being characterized as the BIGGEST bitch, derogatory, completely uncaring and cold. Like, yeah, Nature do be like that but also, it do be warm and comforting and nurturing, you know?
And she always seems very nice in her scenes in the movies so, you know, the MOMENT someone is like "she doesn't CARE" or ANYTHING like that I'm OUT.
So when I catch it happening in MY work I'm like, oh HELL NOOO
And I think this scene had a few instances of it that have since been refreshed and cleared out :)
CS HEADCANON ALERT: Fairies can shrink their size to get into small places! So can Pixies.
CS HEADCANON ALERT: The Legendary Figures all guard a specific type of magic that was used to create the World. Oh, there's all sorts of magic involved there. But the big ones, the ones that are easy to pick up on and most common? The Legendary Figures guard it, and make sure it keeps flowing and that the world keeps turning
This is why MN says that she felt a shift and things felt righted—Jacqueline, being a Legendary Figure atm, coming back out into the world proper, tips the magic balance back to where it should be.
Hence the comment of "having the legendary magics back in the fold, and all that" and the meaning behind it! Which maybe you didn't need to know. But hey! You know now! :)
Because that's Jacqueline's thought the ENTIRE time the council is meeting. I WAS RIGHT THE ENTIRE TIME and she is READY to gloat about it and WILL gloat about it FOREVER
And now we're getting into the messy business of "how come the Council didn't know Jack wasn't supposed to be Santa" and the obvious plot hole in tsc3 of "How did FT NOT pick up on Jack doing that?" which are smaller facets of the whole HOW DID THEY LET THE THEME PARK HAPPEN ANYWAY?! Argument
They didn't! Jack just did it. And as for timelines, well, FT coming in CLUTCH with an explanation! Of sorts.
I mean, they gave us the answer in tsc3—their powers don't work on other Legendary Figures! So if a Clause is used, Christmas magic, in conjunction with Time magic, BY the guy who uses the WINTER MAGIC, well. It's going to get messy and the timeline's gonna be all sorts of fucked up and FT is popping up now to start tackling that problem
And because we are more than halfway through, and we all know how the movie ends, so...time to start having FT figure out the shit going on!
Especially with Y8 being right around the corner, lol.
"Picture of poise and grace and such" was I think, "Picture of sophisticated grace" originally and yes, it was a Frozen reference.
Scene 6: Jacqueline's Intro
Tada! This is where I moved it! When the New Year starts proper! I thought that was rather brilliant on my end :3
Apparently, this opening was one of the heavily enjoyed ones? Idk. But I'm happy with where it is and glad I didn't have to scrap it entirely! I kind of like them, you know? I like that Jacqueline essentially TW's us for what shenanigans are gonna happen NEXT before telling us about said shenanigans.
Also. Sometimes. the Canadian just SLIPS OUT. And it sure fucking did with the last line of the intro lol
Fun fact! Jacqueline's a dual citizen. Her other citizenship is Canadian 🤭🤭
Scene 7: Breaking into B-Man's. Again
Idk WHY. When I was writing this. Jacqueline was like. I commit breaking and entering as a hobby into Bernard's house, specifically. But! Here we are!~
We can also see the uh. Friction getting to Bernard, with him being snappish @ Jacqueline
tho admittedly it's ah. well deserved given that ah. She did break into his house and deliver bad on bad on badder news!
Scene 8: LOTS of BAD Ideas
Like. SOO many bad ideas.
Okay. So we got like. The final version of the Resort, right? Then we have Jacqueline's big plan: FIRE.
And Jack calling in actual reporters from the ordibeing world
So you'll NOTICE that THAT detail wasn't on the notes! That'd be because I added it as I was writing! I realized that like, if he'd dropped off all these tickets and people were calling it a scam and y'know, social media circa 2001 was going OFF about it, it'd be ideal for Jack to fess up asap before other people took the credit for it OR everyone deemed it a scam with fruitless investigations and whatnot (if that makes sense)
BASICALLY it was to give the Resort a sense of legitimacy given that it was this close || to being brushed off as a scam or silly marketing scheme (which aren't totally untrue statements)
Do I know where Jeff works? NO! All I know is he's the only reporter (him and his team) to come up and the interview is gonna be SO exclusive lmao
Bernard probably had to talk Jack down from hosting a whole ass PRESS CONFERENCE lol, bc he absolutely would. 100%.
An aside: I bet the pieces on news stations when reporters who have kids go to the Resort are interesting pieces lmao. The whole world is probably like "wow! crazy!" and the news casters are probably like "A fun activity to do with your kids this Christmas!" and the Council is probably like "Woahg. They're?? Not thinking it's the real deal? Crazy"
This got off topic, but YEAH! The reporter bit was added in as I was originally writing! Neat facts!
"Your fascination with arson concerns me, Jacqueline. Especially considering your alignment and all."
^Okokok this is one of my fave lines. It's a call back to her suggesting they burn his satchel the year before. It's also very true: she quite enjoys starting fires. Loves her a good fire, that Jacqueline. DEFFS the summer sprite blood there. The Twins also have more winter sprite tendencies! Fiera constantly overheats and LOVES being cold. Fino always has a window open when it's nice and cold outside. That sorta thing!
Jacqueline: suggests the TWINS join their efforts
Literally Everyone: are you insane
Jacqueline: >:O. YES! OBVIOUSLY!
"...I know listening is hard for them, but I would rather have a controlled fire than something akin to the Great Fire of London." “Hey! They were young! It was an accident.” “They started that?!” “Oh! I assumed you knew? I thought that’s why you brought it up.”
The Twins did, in fact, start the Great Fire of London. In 1666 specifically. That one.
They didn't mean too! They were quite young and missed Jacqueline so they took the long maiden voyage out of Crystal springs, all the way across the world to Europe and met up with her in London, promptly SETTING IT ON FIRE.
I think they're both complicit. Fiera was sparky and Fino wanted to pet the animals in the barn. It is what it is, I suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Scene 9: Crashing the Interview
Making Jacqueline channel Jack brings me great joy for reasons I cannot express but could probably be easily summed up as ANGST
“And his name is Jeff, which I think is very funny for a bigshot journalist doing a travel piece. On Santa Claus.”
->She's calling me out :( I didn't have a name for Jeff so I went with Jeff bc I had just watched WWDITS and Jesk existed and was a thing 🙃🙃🙃
(In Nadja voice: It's like a weak ejaculation!)
“On the biggest news story this year!” “The year is still young, y’know."
I wrote this bit. Remembered that Y7 takes place in 2001. And my face was immediately like
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"Since this is an off-school year" Jacqueline says, surprising even ME as I didn't know that's how they did school in CS
But I'm getting the vibe for magibeans, they take decent breaks between schooling years just bc of longevity or something. Idk. I'm working on it? I guess?
Like when people take gap years to travel or whatever, lol. Would NOT be surprised if Magibeans did something similar but the students would go travel into the ordibeing world or do magical research or projects or SOMETHING like that, lol
"I winked at Jeff, which seemed to do the trick as he laughed heartily, thinking it was some sort of joke amongst us magibeans"
I spent this whole passage thinking of the culture shock Jeff must be dealing with and cackling
Also. Love having Jacqueline throw her title in Jack's face, makes me cackle >:)
Scene 10: Best Laid Plans Start. A MONTH OR SO LATER! NOT ON THE SAME DAY!
I am so mad about this same day thing, honestly
Imagine being Jack. And dealing with THESE THREE GREMLINS on the most STRESSFUL year of your REIGN AS SANTA SO FAR.
It's also been very fun writing Bernard, especially when he gets a little win—like ruining everything on airport day specifically >:)
Jacqueline references this CS fact when she talks about how Fiera and Fino may have invented the fire hazard/fire safety
Hot girl soot is just a play on hot girl shit. So it's. You know. hot girl shit. Eating hot chips. Girlbossing. Starting fires. Practising elemental control. That sort of thing!
And this is immediately followed up with ANGST. I surprised myself with it too, tbh!
"And thinking of the amounts of paperwork the Resort will result in? Arson just seems more and more promising" Blaise is not here for the paperwork at ALL. I am thoroughly convinced that if he remembered Frostmas, he'd throw Jack into a lake and yell THE PAPER WORK I HAD TO DEAL WITH! And Jack would resurface and be like "gee dad. you really need to cool off" and push him into the lake with a snowy assist
The news the next day: Old Man is thrown Into Lake By Even Older Man.
So that's why he's all "hell yeah" for arson, lol. He really really isn't looking forward to the bureaucratic NIGHTMARE the Resort will be—between the secrecy laws being broken, preventing the other secret magibean places from being exposed, and lady only KNOWS how much witness damage control? YEAH. BURN IT BEFORE HE DOES WHEN IT ALL CROSSES HIS DESK
Scene 11: Actually LAYING the PLAN
One day. What is WRONG WITH ME
Anyway! This scene is all new! To explain how the twins get up there and make a lil name for themselves BEING up there so that when the fire ACTUALLY HAPPENS it's not as sus as could be. even tho. y'know. it's DAMN OBVIOUS LOL
It turned into another one of those back into the present scenes where the cold front is recounting the tale with one another and this one was SO FUN and made me weak
the implication is that the twins somehow managed to weasel themselves into the cold front's day off plans? I think that comes across
Not that Jacqueline minds, of course! She sees Jack too often at this point and is more than happy to have her other siblings hanging out too, let someone else bother the man while she takes a beach nap
She just likes to tease him bc yes, the twins absolutely DO have Jack right in the palm of their hands, the sneaky lil hotheads
Scene 12 & 13 & 14: Fire Time
12 is deffs my favourite scene! Well, one of them, lol. Just. The image of disgruntled Santa Cosplay Jack watching two fiery beings try to shove themselves into a backpack while the other sibling loses it laughing beside them and just being like. I GUESS THIS IS MY LIFE NOW. Just SENDS me.
"He stopped beside Fiera; they stared at each other quietly for a moment before Fino nodded" <- this is twin telepathy at play right here
"Bermuda?" "Neutral Territory" <- don't quote me on this. to my understanding Summer mostly deals with Bermuda so she's HAPPY to host fight dates for Spring and Winter, helps ease their squabbling and also makes it easier for Summer when she hands off with Spring.
This could be why the Bermuda Triangle is Like That, lol.
(I know there's science in that shit. Let me suspend my disbelief for one goddamn moment, where is the WHIMSY)
Yes I named the Fire Marshal Marshal. A silly thing that was unappreciated when originally revealed so now I am making it VERY OBVIOUS
But also, he's more of a character in Y7 PROPER now, given the whole. FIRE thing we have going on here, so now his name has to be in your face instead of one off wordplay joke.
You guys would not BELIEVE the pause this scene caused me. I got right up to go time and then paused like "huh. how do you start fires".
Did I google it? Yes! Needless to say, reddit has a sub for EVERYTHING and I learnt about a very prolific serial arsonist and now may have to take out another book from the library, but that's neither here NOR there
I also googled "is varnish flammable" and it is, more so than paint so, here we are lmao!
Would NOT be surprised if I was on some kind of list, especially since half this research was. In fact. Done at work 😬
Scene 15: Cold Front Time
I went on a whole ass OTHER research rabbit hole involving PLANES and POLAR TRAVEL for this one lmao
Boeings don't GO into polar regions! I know this now! And more! The wikipedia page on the Lockheed planes was very very very long and informative, wow.
when Jacqueline says "terrible new paint job" please know it is the exact design it had on it in the movie. The Santa flying on top of the plane design. That one lmao
As for the crew, I was thinking about this and I wasn't sure they'd be human/ordinary, non-magical people, y'know? But I FIGURED that Jack would know some seedy mofos/have people who owe him or vice versa and he'd be able to cash in on that for a situation like THIS.
I know nothing about the crew, other than the pilot is very tiny, dressed like an old timey pilot, and you cannot see their defining features so all you know is that they are a creature of some sort but that's it!!!
"Have you ever waded through molasses, let alone cold, non-magical molasses? It’s exhausting.” “I wouldn’t know. I was in Chicago at the time, not Boston.
You guys. I have been resisting the urge to reference the molasses flood of Boston MA the ENTIRE TIME Jack has compared the Christmas magic to Molasses. I finally caved. Hashtag worth it.
Trying to figure out how the people got into the pole, given the itty bitty hole and GIANT plane and lack of any environmental storytelling was a CHALLENGE, but I'm quite happy with it!
I originally wanted to have Jack talk about putting in a historic display that leads UP to the Resort and say some BS like "It's the FINEST iteration YET" but I was like "woah there, dani, you need to calm DOWN" and so I canned it at the uh, Disney pre-show mentions lol
Anyway. Jack never says the I told you so as they head down and see the FIRE, but I think it speaks for itself 🤭🤭
Scene 16: Twinsplinations
When I tell you. Fino and Fiera have been practising this bit ALL YEAR. I mean it
They are giant hams. This whole family is tbh (and we love them for it? I think?)
They're so good that even Jacqueline was like HEY LIVE THEM ALONE >:( despite knowing they were playing it up--but this is also a side effect of her own predicament lol. She's entering her angry era ;)
I deffs modelled the "what's salvageable" bit after the exact same scene in tsc3! I love me a bit of mirroring here and there >:)
I am pretty sure they would've gotten away with it if Jacqueline hadn't ended the scene the way she did. Absolute banger, of course, but my GOD she's causing problems on purpose, isn't she? heh.
REGARDLESS. These two continue to vex one another and quite frankly, exhaust me. Remember when I wanted to update every thirteenth? And this was updated late July? And the BTS is now being posted in (checks watch) AUGUST?!!? AND YEAR EIGHT HASN'T GONE UP YET???
Scene 17: Home Safe
So I reworked this scene quite a bit! Blinter is now included, and Jacqueline's mood post-arson can only be described as:
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So. Let's see what notes and references I snuck in here!
None, apparently! But I am a big fan of this whole scene and interaction. Hitting us with the Winter angst when she asks Jacqueline to stick around! Whatever the heck Blaise and Winter are saying with their facial expression! I sure as shit don't know, but they sure do!
Scene 18 and 19: The Finale
When Jacqueline finally goes back up North to spy/scout/antagonize Jack for the most part, and she talks to Jack about everything, and he mentions the security footage and how the missing bits and how security was just like WHOOPS, I 100% pictured Gary(?) from the series. Heard it in his voice and everything!
I have to keep reminding myself that Jacqueline and Bernard are on the same team here, lol. And that the elves are HAPPY to help make things messy for Santa! So the erasure of the bits of security footage that showed the twins causing the fires was added to aide that bit
And I feel deep in my bones that they pulled a Speed and looped old footage of the twins eating with Bernard in case Jack was a wee bit too clever lol
And then we have the reveal as to why the security officers in the movie were human, and not elves! Jack time out'd them, which means Jacqueline made cute little ice statues of them and sent them off to help the others with the TUNNEL lol
The permanency of the PEN. me @ me:
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Um, the carbon monoxide thing is new! I think about that story of the guy who was leaving notes for himself he couldn't remember, and how it ended up being carbon monoxide and a broken detector, quite frequently.
This year had like a LOT of explanatory semantics re: how the Resort was received/took off in the mortal world. That was one HECK of a summary passage to write in this last scene!
And I SOMEHOW managed to preserve the same end sentence. FUNK YEAH!!!
GOD this year was a MESS of a year. Glad to have fixed it up though! It's still holding up a month later (I started this BTS July 7th, and a week later ran into my IT WAS ONE DAY?!?!? problem, and FINALLY got around to posting it after finishing Year EIGHT) which is GREAT and now I can take a break from these bad boys since Y8 and Y9 already have a BTS! That'll make things MUCH easier! RIGHTO. Enjoy this raging dumpster fire of me RAMBLING. Prommy I'll get last week's scrimble done and this week's too at some point, and HOPEFULLY will throw Y8 onto ao3 BEFORE September (she says, on August 28th 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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airenyah · 10 months
love sitting in front of assignments until 1:30 in the morning
#this is half sarcastic and half genuine#it's sarcastic bc actually my personal fun time starts at 10pm!! where i finally go do stuff i WANNA do#which these day is mostly watching thdrama lol (unless i fall into a youtube rabbit hole of PROBABLY sth gmmtv acots related lmao)#(like watching fanmeet and concert fancams and stuff)#but it's also genuine bc i'm a night owl and my brain just works best in the middle of the night#so i was able to do my assignment without getting distracted too easily or procrastination#and i was muuuuch faster than i would have been during the day (ESP in the morning) bc my brain was actually WITH me#cooperating with me can you believe (my brain hasn't cooperated with me all semester!!)#but it's just depressing when you finish an assignment and immediately have to go to sleep without doing fun stuff :(#i didn't get to do fun stuff all day bc in the morning i was doing some chores and working on a presentation#then a uni colleague came over to run through said presentation bc it's a partner assignment#then i had to practice vocabulary#then i had class after which i went shopping#then i had dinner then did the dishes and then immediately sat down for my assignment#no fun things for me today :(#it's ok tho bc tomorrow a friend who lives in a different federal state is spending the night#which is why today i was working on uni stuff past 10pm so that tomorrow i'll have time for my friend#that'll make up for today!!!!!​ i'm excited to see my friend he's my 2nd most important friend#airenyah plappert#ok no i REALLY need to go to sleep bc tomorrow i have even more uni stuff to do before my friend arrives
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yousaytomato · 1 year
I still feel wobbly today, I think I might do for a while - until I feel like this is all over.
But I woke up today feeling like the world was ending, and it didn't. and I'm still here.
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propertyofwicked · 4 months
based on this request! hope i did it justice lol ✧ my inbox is open! ✧
warnings - smut directly below the cut!! virgin!reader, mostly soft <3 not proof read (so lets pretend i can spell)
completed my first assignment today!! 6 more to go!! <3
masterlist the playlist
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“ill be gentle, ok?” lando told her, his entire body hovering over hers.
the room was mostly dark, their skin only illuminated by the soft glow of light casted from the fairy lights that hung around her bedroom walls. y/n laid under him, the soft skin of his arms resting against her stomach as she fought away her nerves.
she looked up at him, his eyes were soft, his lips parted as he ran his cock through her folds.
“ready?” he asked her, staring at her face for any sign of discomfort.
“i think so,” she nodded, having been ready since the moment he’d been working his fingers in and out of her.
“tell me if it hurts,” lando said softly, lining himself up before slowly pushing his length into her. she felt the urge to tighten her entire body up at the intrusion, but lando’s head dropped, his lips meeting hers to distract her from the stretch.
“you’re ok, just breathe f’me,” he told her, feeling the way she clamped around him, her hand gripping tightly at his bicep.
“fuck,” she whined, “stings.”
“it will baby, but it’ll stop soon i promise,” lando reassured her, pressing a short kiss to her cheek. she felt herself relax around him, breathing through the stretch until she began to feel comfortable.
“move, please,” she stuttered out, watching the way lando’s eyebrows quirked at her urgency. still, he started to move, pulling out slowly before pushing back in, equally as slow. it was a nice feeling, the way her walls tightened around him when the tip of his cock hit a certain spot, the way she could feel every small movement he made inside her.
y/n assumed his pace would quicken as she fell at ease, but minutes later and he was still thrusting into her at an excruciatingly slow rate. it’s not as if he didn’t want to go faster, but she just looked so delicate lying beneath him, he feared she would snap in half. y/n was growing impatient, but found herself unsure of how to ask him to speed up without sounding mean - she didn’t want to sound inexperienced despite the two of them knowing she’d never been with anyone so intimately before.
lando’s cock hit that spot inside her again, the spot that sent her mind numb, and her hips intensively jutted forwards forcing his length back into her. she noticed the way he grunted, and the way her pleasure increased at the pressure. so she rolled her hips up again, hoping he’d start taking the hint.
but still, he ignored her, his face now pressing to her neck, his teeth nipping at the skin. so she did it again, and again, and again, until she was practically setting the pace for him. he soon caught on quickly.
“baby, im trying to be gentle and you’re making it really hard,” he told her, a grin rising on his face.
“then stop trying to be gentle and fuck me like you mean it,” she replied, astounding herself at her own confidence, a blush rising to her cheeks as she realised.
“fuck, angel, love you so much,” lando replied, connecting their lips in a heated kiss before pulling back and tugging her to the edge of the bed for him to stand, his cock never leaving her heat.
“prove it,” she told him, regaining a sense of confidence she hoped would stay.
lando began moving into her again, slowly at first, until she whined at his teasing. he sped up, still cautious to not be too rough, but struggling to hold back when her legs raised to wrap around his waist tightly, pulling him impossibly deeper.
“can’t believe you’re all mine,” he grunted, using one hand to grip at her thigh, the other reaching down to rub harsh circles into her clit. the pressure was driving her wild, and her back arched up from the bed in response to the feeling of his skin on hers.
her legs started to shake around him, a combination of being held up in an awkward position and the waves of pleasure running through her veins.
“you good?” he checked in, her moans the only thing reassuring him.
“don’t you dare stop,” she warned, noticing the way lando’s eyes momentarily filled with concern at the feeling of her legs.
“wouldn’t dream of it - unless you asked me to, of course,” he added, smirking at her as he removed his hand from her clit, and pulled her legs down. she whined at the lack of pressure on her sensitivity, but soon returned to satisfied moans of his name when he pushed her legs up and leant further over her body.
the new angle did something to the both of them, that neither of them could explain. y/n was putty in his hands - lando could say jump, she’d ask how high and how far, if she could form a coherent thought that wasn’t just the mental image of the veins bulging down his arm as he pinned her legs to the bed.
“you gonna cum for me?” lando asked her, his voice losing the sense of softness it had before. she hadn’t even realised she was close, but he felt the way her walls clamped around him for longer, and the way her words merged into one long mewl. she was panting, relishing in the way he moaned and grunted with every thrust.
“fuck, yes. gonna cum,” she spluttered out, finally managing to string a sentence together.
“good girl - cum for me, angel,” he told her.
her mind went blank. stars filling her vision as she felt herself come crashing down around him, her legs struggling against his grip as she searched for anything to ground her to this feeling. lando followed soon after, watching the way her body reacted for him sent his own mind into complete overdrive. he could never feel the same for anyone else ever again, he wanted only her, for the rest of time.
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wewontbesleeping · 2 years
guys dr Jones and Alice are like. becoming friends……….
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gasstationlady · 7 months
the start of something beautiful | a lando norris social media au
pairing: lando norris x private!reader (fc: tyla)
lando is spotted with an unknown woman, and everyone thinks she’s another fling. however, later revealed as naomi campbell’s daughter, lando's fans slowly start to love her despite her tendency to be private.
notes: btw, i’m so sorry i’ve been mia for a while! honestly, i have a ton of drafts i’ve written over the time i didn’t post, but i lowkey hate all of them lmao. anyways, hope you enjoy this fluff :)
disclaimer: swearing. photos not mine. OLD PIC OF JAZ AND ROSS (yes it’s a warning bc i’m still mourning that relationship, and ik i’m not the only one). there are a few mistakes in the tweets that i was too lazy to fix lol. also, i hope the flow doesn’t feel too rushed!
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liked by landonorris, yourbestie and 138 others
yourusername 🌸
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yourbestie 👀
↳ yourusername 🙈
yourbestie framing these pics brb 😍😍
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f1gossip We received these photos of Lando and a girl today! It looks like the same girl he has been spotted with for the past 3 months, but it’s still unclear who it is. ☕️
View all 202 comments
user three months of them being pictured AND YET NONE CLEARLY CAPTURE HER FACE. that’s some bs
↳ user no deadass bc you guys had one job 🙄
user lmaoooo i know the delulu fans are crying that she’s still here
user Are we sure it's the same girl? Lmfao even if it is, he's probably going to get tired of her soon!
user god i hope people learn and treat her better than how they treated luisinha
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and 759,301 others
landonorris First time trying wakeboarding 🤙
View all 1,401 comments
user happy lando >>>
user Where’s your girlfriend
user not the red bull life vest lmfaoo
user lando rlly said here’s some shirtless pics to distract u
↳ user frrr but like it’s not working 😭
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f1gossip Naomi Campbell and daughter, Y/N Campbell, making an appearance at today’s GP! It's presumed that Y/N is dating Mclaren driver, Lando Norris. Our sources in the paddock mentions that the two visited the Mercedes, Ferrari, and Mclaren garages before the race. 👀
View all 188 comments
user i'm literally in love w her she's soo beautiful 😍
user this actually makes sense that they knew each other since naomi has been connected to f1 for a while now
user I would be unstoppable if I looked like her.
user she looks so kind 🥺🥺
user oh the things i would do to reincarnate as a wealthy person’s child
user i was there and got to meet her and i’d just like to say that i’d go to war for her
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landoupdates Max, Lando, and Y/N (seen in second photo, far right) with fans at an after party! We received these pictures a few minutes ago, and the fan included “Y/N mostly stood behind as Max and Lando were asked for photos but she was so so kind !! Although you can tell she likes to keep to herself, she told me she thought my dress was cute and even got Lando’s attention for me so I could ask for a picture 😭 Also, he kept holding her hand !!!”
View all 204 comments
user her face card is insane.
user now that we know she's naomi's daughter, i can't believe we didn't see it before LOL
user “he kept holding her hand” 😭😭😭😭😭
user I have never wanted someone to go off private so bad 😩
user honestly she’s my new fav wag
user it’s the way everyone loves her rn lmaoooo
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f1gossip Lando, Ginge, and Ethan possibly alluding to Lando’s new relationship with Y/N in the recent Quadrant video 👀👀
See all 239 comments
user not them clowning him 😭
user i mean we all know by now that they’re together but this was the cherry on top
user melting over how he couldn’t stop smiling 🥹
user the fact that he kept this clip in 😩😩
user I get it 😭 I also wouldn’t be able to hide that I’m dating Y/N
user perfect example of private but not a secret, in love with them 🥹🥹
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landoupdates A few photos of Lando and Y/N at the paddock today ☺️
See all 195 comments
user literally my fav couple
user when is he gonna make it officially on insta
↳ user My thoughts exactly!! 😭😭 I know not everything has to be posted, but I’m just excited to see him officially announce it.
user my girl y/n looked so fucking good today
user i just want him to post her solely because i want more y/n pics
↳ user LOL you’re so real for that
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liked by yourusername, angryginge13, georgerussell63 and 1,221,334 others
landonorris We so good ❤️
View all 4,201 comments
user not tagging her is criminal 😭😭
↳ user girl what’s the point when she’s on private
user When will it be my turn 😩
user LANDO??? OMFG
user omggg i can’t, they’re goals
user i luv my parents
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yoredoesmore · 3 months
Okay I have a request with Hoshina Soshiro. So maybe some angst thing but fluff. Okay so since reader joined hoshina team she flirted with him, give him things , complement him yk? And he would mostly ignore her, give her extra training ANYTHING to make her go away cuz he didn't want to lose her on mission (dangerous job) but she didn't know that. So it lasted for like long time and a new member joined and he started to flirt with reader, give her flowers itp. And she unfortunately thought that making hoshina love her is like against his own will. She doesn't want to be a b so she leaves him alone. And he doesn't like that at all? I love that kind of fanfic. 🎀
Words cannot describe how much i love this request!! thank you so much for this, i hope you enjoy what i came up with!!
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Attention | Hoshina Soshiro
pairing: jealous!hoshina soshiro x reader
summary: you stop giving hoshina your attention and he doesn't like that at all.
genre: romance/angst/jealousy/fluff | [wc: 3.3k ]
a/n: my very first request (so exciting!!) i hope i do your wishes justice! hoshina is kinda mean in this one, lol ^^
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“Vice Captain Hoshina!” You chimed in an enthusiastic voice, your body moving over to the man's disappearing figure. The vice captain did not even bother to turn around, nor halt in his footsteps as he heard you approach him. Even as you finally catched up, his gaze remained focused on the scene ahead.
“Today's mission went surprisingly well, don't you think!” Excitement hung in your voice, even as Vice Captain Hoshina remained unbothered by your presence. You were all too used to his unbothered demeanor, his avoiding gazes and the lingering silence, therefore you did what you always did in these situations– keep the conversation alive.
“But honestly, with you as our Vice Captain I didn't expect anything else–”
“Your movements towards the end of the battle were sloppy and unprofessional. Talking about a successful mission, tsk, is there nothing else but air in your head? You could have seriously gotten hurt.” His voice was sharp and mocking but the worst part was, it stung.
It has been a little over a year since you joined the Third Division. Despite all your attempts of building a healthy relationship between you and the Vice Captain, nothing much has changed so far. All the compliments, all the gifts and hard work– none of them had been able to bring change to your chemistry. And watching him turn into this jolly ball of joy when talking to the other cadets definitely didn't make you feel better either. It sometimes discouraged you from continuing this sad pursuit of his attention, but only sometimes.
“Seriously, If you wanna stay in this division and continue being part of these missions you gotta be better than that. What even happened back there?!’
A strong force rushed through your lungs, your mind recalling the last minutes of battle. It silenced you immediately.
A Yoju had appeared right behind your exhausted figure, catching you off guard. In any normal situation you would have drawn your weapon at light speed and blast right through the monster but something had stopped you.
The Vice Captain himself.
Nobody else saw it, how could they have– Vice Captain Hoshina did his best to conceal his little mistake. But you took notice of it, of the Vice Captain actually missing his target. It was unexpected to say the least, distracting as well. But the Kaiju blood that ran down his face, temporarily took his vision and that caused his momentum to shift. He lost his balance for a split second and let the Yoju escape from his weapon. He immediately caught up with the monster but the worry that engulfed your stomach was enough to temporarily cause your brain to shut down.
If it hadn't been for Reno calling you back into reality you would have seriously gotten hurt indeed.
“I apologize Cap–”
“Don't bother.” And with that said he left the scene, joining the others in a discussion of how to proceed with the mission.
“Are you alright Y/n..?” Shinomiya approached you, her gentle hand finding its way on your shoulders.
“Yes, I'm alright. Guess he wasn't in the mood to talk, haha..”
This was just one of many failed attempts of you trying to charm Hoshina.
About a week later you were wandering through the hallways of Tachikawa Base. The sun had long kissed the world goodnight, leaving only the dimmed light of the moon to illuminate the building. Sleep was unable to find you, thus you decided to take a short stroll around the building.
It calmed you, watching the stars live in perfect harmony with the moon. They were able to enjoy its presence, even from a distance– just like you were still able to appreciate Hoshina.
He wasn't all that bad honestly. What happened a week ago was a rare occasion, he only got worked up like that when you gave a sloppy performance during a mission.
Perhaps he just wanted you to improve? One could view your way of thinking as delusional, yes, but you preferred to think that you were just optimistic.
On your way back to your dorm you heard subtle sounds in the distance. A few grunts here and some equipment being moved there. Allowing curiosity to take the best of you, you investigated the strange noise. What you found left you shocked and motionless.
The Vice Captain was up and about in the training room, moving in ways you have so rarely seen him in. His body became one with his weapon, it was as if they molded into one to perform something magical. Seeing him in action, in his element, it reminded you why you still chased after Hoshina. He was just perfect in every single aspect, from looks to abilities. You watched him just a little longer, until you decided to step back and return to your dorm to not get into any trouble for being up so late.
“And where do you think you're going?” A single sentence from his lips was enough for your body to become imobile. The Vice Captain was the scariest during battles, when neutralizing Kaiju, everybody knew that. But whatever vibe he was emitting right now, it felt just as dangerous. With each step he took towards your body you could feel your limbs grow weaker and weaker.
“It's quite disrespectful to stare. And on top of that you're walking around past the curfew. Honestly Y/n, it's starting to get annoying.”
“I apologize. I couldn't sleep, that's why I–”
“Give me 50.” Hoshina interrupted you, turning back around to collect his things.
“I..are you serious?” The last thing you wanted was to sound disrespectful, but his cold demeanor was starting to affect you in a way you had hoped it never would.
His body bent forward to grab both his katana and zip jacket. For only a moment his eyes met yours.
“Yes. And while you're already at it, try working on your reflexes and stealth as well, I could hear you from miles away. Your mistakes of last week's battle could have cost you your life. Don't let it happen again."
His gaze fell onto the ground and his grip on the jacket tightened. Like always you were unable to make out what concrete emotions he was hiding behind those eyes but his voice pretty much gave away what state he was currently in.
He was pissed.
As Hoshina walked towards the exit, he made sure to throw one last look at you. You didn't notice it but even if you had, it would have made no sense to you..
The following weeks continued to all look the same. While you were trying your best to uphold a positive attitude towards the Vice Captain, it felt like he was distancing himself further and further away from you. Even the other cadets were starting to wonder when you were finally going to move on and give up.
“Hoshina!” You exclaimed cheerfully, waving at the man. “I hope you had a great weekend. I'm looking forward to today's work!”
Like always he just passed you by, not even bothering to give you anything else than a roll of his eyes or a nod (when he was feeling generous).
Even when you left little notes for him or small treats on his desk, you would always later on find them in the trash.
“Wanna go out and drink something together?”
“Excuse me, but could you please help me with–”
“I'm busy.”
“Why wasn't I called in to participate at the weapon testing–”
This went on for a couple more months, until a certain someone brought you back to reality.
“Please welcome Tanaka Yosuke, the newest addition to our team.”.
Tanaka was an interesting guy. He was sweet and nice and always had something positive about you to say. On missions he would have your back and even off the battlefield he would make you feel warm and welcomed. Being with him made you realize just how much attention you actually deserved and maybe even how much you wasted on Hoshina. Tanaka made you appreciate how nice it felt to be sought out for once.
Your words did not pass him by, nor did any of your actions go unnoticed by his attentive eyes. He was someone you were able to feel comfortable around.
“Y/n!” His voice immediately caused a smile to appear on your face. Tanaka stood in front of you, a playful grin shining right back at you as he approached your seated body. You were at the base’s cafeteria, enjoying a simple meal by yourself. After another failed attempt of talking to the Vice Captain you believed that you deserved a little treat.
“I got you something.” He spoke, hands reaching into the small bag he brought with him.
A sharp breath escaped your lips and a feeling so fuzzy engulfed your heart it almost knocked you off the chair.
“Look, aren't these flowers beautiful.” White Lilies swayed in the wind, brought by the Kaiju’s collapse. Only this group of flowers had stayed untouched from the destruction, maintaining their beauty.
You had made one little remark about the flowers but here this man was, surprising you with a whole bouquet of them. As your fingers grazed over the soft petals a thought suddenly occurred in your head.
What if Hoshina genuinely disliked you?
It wasn't a brand new discovery. Vice Captain Hoshina not being a fan of yours was quite obvious, yet you thought that his opinion about you could be swayed if you tried hard enough, like in movies. But seeing him dodge you like a bullet and going out of his way to hurt your feelings..maybe you were a bother after all..
Spending more time with Tanaka and less around the Vice Captain felt strange. You wondered if he noticed or if he even cared about the lack of your presence. The thought occupied your mind even while you were looking at your gift.
But did that mean that you like Tanaka..? Despite being a sweet guy, all you saw in him was a comrade who you could call a good friend. No one could ever compare to the Hoshina that you met years ago, before you joined the decision. The sweet man who saved you that day..the man you fell in love with.
“These flowers are beautiful, Tanaka.” But that didn't change the fact that Tanaka's eyes were different. They looked at you, not past or beyond, they stared right at you and made sure to perceive you.
“Not as beautiful as the one who is holding them..”
For a brief moment you felt your heart skip a beat, Tanaka's words melting on your ears like butter. While you were losing yourself in this warm feeling you didn't notice the person who was lingering behind the wall, watching the scene unfold with sharp eyes.
“That new guy, what's his name again?” Hoshina rested his body against one of the bookshelves, arms crossed over his chest as he watched the Captain arrange some files.
“You mean Tanaka Yosuke? What's with him?” Mina's gaze remained on the countless sheets of papers in front of her, only moving up once to give the man a questioning look.
“Something about him seems off, I don't like the guy.”
“Oh please.” The woman finally averted her attention to her friend, a smug smile hanging on her lips.
“You're just mad that Y/n is paying him attention, much more than you recently.” The last part of that sentence came out as a mumble yet Hoshina’s sharp ears picked up on Mina's remark.
“As if.” Hoshina scoffed. “It's just, he is always dragging Y/n to the front of every battle and acts as if he has known her for ages.”
“You want him to act like you? Cold and ignorant, even after knowing that she is one of the sweetest people around.” Although Mina tried to add a playful touch to her voice, the backlash of her words stayed strong.
“Everybody knows that Y/n is, or maybe now was, head over heels for you– yes even I picked up on that. Yet for some reason you are a complete asshole to the poor girl. But now that she has decided to stop paying you that special kind of attention you want to complain and talk about some "I miss her” and what not. Give me a break.”
Hearing these words come out of the Captain's mouth felt like a strong jab to the side. Hoshina found himself unable to respond, react in any way, really. Like a block of ice he stood motionless in the room, mouth slightly open.
“Play with a girl's heart for too long and she will leave you in the past. You men have the audacity to treat the woman who cares for you like trash and ignore her but get upset when she starts showing affection to another man who actually treats her right, how childish.”
A paper ball suddenly came flying towards Hoshina’s head. He let the crumbled item hit his skull. His eyes followed it as it bounced off his head and fell to the ground, rolling around for a little longer until it eventually stopped moving. A strange taste now sat in his mouth. It was bitter yet blunt, how irritating..
"Whatever reason you have to act this way, just stop. Tell Y/n face to face how you actually feel and give that poor thing a break for gods sake."
The day came to an end rather quickly today. Only hours ago you were out with Tanaka, enjoying some time together and now you were already headed to bed. But before you decided to tell the world goodnight you had to make one quick stop at the base's library.
There was a book about flowers Tanaka gave you that you wanted to lend out, to be able to properly tent your gift. But as you searched through the countless isles, too concentrated on quickly finding the copy, a loud noise suddenly pulled you back to reality.
“Vice Captain..” You stuttered, startled by Hoshinas' sudden appearance. The man stood in front of you, his usual nonchalant expression printed on his face. You were ready to apologize for being out this late once again but before you were even able to open your mouth you were silenced.
“You've been avoiding me..” He spoke in such a low tone you almost didn't hear him.
“I've been…what?”
“You've been avoiding me, Y/n.” Hoshina took a step forward, invading a fraction of your personal space. A gasp slipped from your lips but he continued to stare you down.
“Well..I was under the impression that I was bothering you, Vice Captain, so I backed down a li–”
“Now you can't even say my name anymore?” Another step was taken towards your direction.
Hoshina's playful demeanor had completely disappeared, all that was left was a stoic facade. But something about the way he positioned himself above you, his sharp eyes looking down at your frame as if they were guarding you– it fell off. Despite appearing cold and upset, he somehow seemed..vulnerable?
“I really don't understand what is going on here. I thought you didn't like me?”
It seemed like Hoshina wanted to say something along the lines of “what gave you that idea” but he quickly realized that those words would have not helped him at all. Thus he remained silent for a while, his arms crossing over his chest as his gaze fell onto the wall.
“That Tanaka guy, is he your latest obsession?”
“Excuse me?” You mildly snapped. “Yosuke is a friend of mine, a very nice guy and an amazing fighter.” Hearing you speak his first name so casually caused a nerve to snap in Hoshina’s body.
“He is a completely irresponsible guy if you ask me. Dragging you out to the front of every battle, making you fight all these Yoju– it's like he's setting you up for injuries.” As if the Vicevice Captain's words didn't irritate you enough, he had the audacity to add a scoff, leaving you confused and slightly vexed.
“Orrr maybe he just trusts in my abilities. But with all respect sir, what are you talking about? Are you here to hand out another punishment or is this some type of joke, pretending to suddenly care about me and all..” Silence hushed over the space as your question stayed unanswered. It was beyond obvious that your words triggered something in Hoshina but you didn't know what it was. The lack of a conversation allowed you to reflect on past interactions. Despite hish harsh words, this was the third time that the Vice Captain has mentioned you potentially getting hurt during battle.
Was he maybe..
“I apologize for my tone..” You suddenly sighed.
“But Vice Captain Hoshina, I think I have made it quite clear that I..that I like you yet you don't seem even the tiniest bit interested in me. Which is okay, I get it, but how come that now that i'm finally leaving you alone, you all of a–”
The door to the library suddenly swung open, cutting you off mid sentence.
“Y/n?” Tanaka called out, looking around the empty space.
Hoshina had reacted before you could even realize what was going on. The Vice Captain quickly pulled you into his embrace, so that your back rested against his chest, and placed his hands over your mouth. The mild sensation you felt only moments ago in your stomach now fully exploded, causing a strong heat to rush through your body.
“Weird..the others told me that she would be here..” Tanaka looked around one last time before turning off the lights and closing the door behind him. You thought that Hoshina would let you go but his grip around your waist stayed strong.
“Y/n..” He lowered his face to softly talk into your ear. Something inside the man felt relieved. Now that you were both standing in complete darkness, unable to see each other, he could finally confess what was on his mind.
“As a Vice Captain it is my duty to charge head first into battle, despite knowing that I could die any second. You are persistent by nature, I saw that during our first encounter a couple years ago, so the thought of you being stubborn enough to follow me on the battlefield and potentially getting hurt always haunted me. I..I tried getting rid of you to prevent that from happening and during the process I must have hurt you a lot and I am so sorry. I kept ignoring you because being close to you..it made it so fucking difficult to not–”
Hoshina stopped himself from continuing that sentence and let go of you, his body's heat becoming too overwhelming. With every second your eyes adjusted more and more to the darkness, until you were properly able to see him.
“Don't run after any other man when I'm right here, Y/n..”
You could only see fragments of it but Hoshina was smiling. Hearing you finally drop the formalities made him happier than it should.
All this time, the man you thought hated you for purely existing had a special spot in his heart reserved just for you. It felt weird, being perceived by him, but at the same time there was no sweeter feeling.
“I don't know if I can just forgive you yet..” You joked. “It's gonna take a lot more than just your words to make me forget the months of blatant disrespect.”
“Don't play around too much now.” The man pulled you back into his embrace. One arm tightly held you by the waist while the other pretended to pull on your ear. For a short moment the two of you laughed together, until he suddenly spoke in a more serious tone.
“Please keep your eyes on me, don't look away.” One of his hands wrapped around yours to pull it up to his face. Hoshina's soft lips ran over your fingers, placing a strong kiss on your hand. Then his eyes fell on yours, locking your gazes.
“I'm yours, Y/n. You don't need anyone else as long as I'm here so please continue to give me your attention. It gets me going like nothing else, hearing your adorable voice and seeing how much effort you put into every fight. Fuck” He chuckled, the other hand now cupping your right cheek.
“You don't know how long I had to hold myself back. But now that the truth's out, I can finally show you just how crazy you make me.”
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1pepsiboy · 5 months
Just Like A Movie (Matt Sturniolo fluff)
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Description: After a morning of fliming, Matt wants to enjoy fall activites with his girlfriend (reader). Inspired the song by the Wallows and Matt's love for fall time.
Word count: 1.4K
Warnings: None, just fluffy and silly Matt!
A/N: This is my first Matt writing, so sorry if it's not totally accurate! Lol I do requests! Currently anything Chris, Matt, Nick, and Colby!
Matt, Chris, and Nick were filming a guess 21 different halloween candies challenge. You sat on the couch behind the camera, scrolling through your phone but periodically looked up to glance at your boyfriend. Who would cheese when you did. Sometimes you'd make a silly face or comment, distracting him enough they'd have to restart part of the segment. Finally, they finish and Matt was the one closest to getting them all right. It wasn't surprising since he'd won guessing 21 different drinks.
Matt makes his way to the couch and wrapped his arms around you immediately. He nustles his head into your shoulder for a couple minutes and you run your fingertips up and down his back. Then he gives you a quick peck on the lips, mostly because Nick and Chris were still in the kitchen and they would make jokes about it.
You lick your lips and furrow your brows. "Hmm... I taste Snickers? No, Reese's?"
"(y/n)!" Matt whines lightly.
"Wait, wait, wait." You kiss his soft lips again. "It's Kitkat!"
A giggle escapes Matt and he lightly rolls his blue eyes. "Can we go do fall things, babe? Get away from those idiots over there. I've had enough of them today."
Nick flips him off as Chris fake laughs and makes a face. "So unoriginal Matt."
Now you roll your eyes. "Let's leave these losers to their lame things."
"I can drive if you want, babe," you suggest as you make it out the door after Matt changed his outfit to fit the vibe more. It's early afternoon now and barely a breeze to make it feel like a real fall day.
He shoots you a side smile and unclips the keys from his jean beltloop. "No, that's okay, I don't mind."
The two of you get comfortable in the front seats, starting up the recent playlist you created.
"Where to first?" you ask.
"What about... apple patch? Wait, I mean pumpkin picking... Fuck, I mean apple picking and then a pumpkin patch."
You reach out and lace your fingers with his. "I'd love to go to an apple patch and pumpkin picking. Maybe hot cocoa after?"
He nods and you put in the directions for the nearest apple picking farm. The two of you sing along. And you couldn't help pointing out people going about their daily lives. It takes up most of your conversation before you arrive at the farm.
Matt locks the car before he clips them back on the their loop and takes your hand. The apple farm was free to anyone, but they had a jar and square for donations/tips. You take out your card for them to do a $5 donation, and Matt doubles the amount.
You take a small basket and pull him over to one of the trees. Unfortunately most of the reachable ones were picked. But both of you still attempt to get one or two by running and jumping. You know you look like idiots, however you didn't care.
Matt gets a video of you as you finally acquire an apple and show it triumphantly. "That's right. No tree is a match for me! This apple is my bitch." You bite a chunk of the crispy green apple.
Matt laughs. "Babe, we're supposed to save them to make caramel apples!"
Your eyes go wide and you laugh as you chew it to a point you could speak. "Sorry, I can get another one."
He slips his phone back into his pocket as he shakes his head. "Let's try a different tree.
The second tree was a similar situation despite it just being on the brink of fall. There were a lot of early birds.
This time you get a story of Matt snagging two apples and he tries to not show how out of breath he is. "Ahh! Hah! I got some."
The two of you try two more trees and manage to get a few more.
There was a station for you to either bag them right away or make them caramel or chocolate covered before leaving. You spend far too long deciding on how many should be caramel and chocolate, and what toppings should be on them. You think of each brother and friend that'll want one. By the end, there's only one left and neither of you made one for yourselves.
"You choose," Matt says, kissing your cheek.
With creative intuition, you make it half and half, then smear all sorts of toppings on it and present it. Matt rests his hand on top of yours and takes a bite out of it.
"Mm..." he nods and runs a half through his hair, most of falling back in place. "I like what you did with the caramel and chocolate."
You take your own, attempting to lick the excess off around your mouth. "Delicious."
Your next stop was at a nearby pumpkin patch, which was also a little picked over. But there were still enough to enjoy and walk around a little bit. You pick up a few of the biggest ones you could find to get photos with.
Matt pulls you in for a selfie. His eyes squint as the sun is directly in your eyes and fumbles backwards. This causes him to run into a bundle of baby pumpkins and his butt lands on top of the stems.
"Fucking shit!" He groans as he holds onto his ass and rolls over on the ground.
You hold back a laugh and help him up. He paces back and forth a couple times.
"I'm done with the pumpkins," he sulks.
"Let's get hot cocoa to make it all better," you baby, jutting out your bottom lip.
He tries not to laugh but it didn't work.
You enjoy a small walk as you sip on hot cocoa, the sun starts to go down. You hold the to-go cup tightly between your palms in the hopes to warm up your hands. You forgot to bring any sort of warm layer. Once the sun is gone, it feels like fall now.
Matt shoots you a concerned look. "Are you cold, babe?"
"A little, yeah," you laugh under your breath.
"Here, wear my sweater, (y/n)."
"No, it's fine."
It's too late, he already took his jacket off and pulls the vintage sweater over his head. You take the sweater and tug it over your short sleeve tee. The warmth of the material and from him wearing it all afternoon engulfs your entire body. It sends shivers down your spine from the temperature adjustment.
Matt has his jacket back on and wraps his arms around you, rubbing his hands up and down your arms. He kisses the crook of your neck. "Better?"
The two of you reminisce on your adventures of the day. Ultimately, though, it leads back to a few of the couples around you in the park. One were unashamedly having a full on make out session underneath a tree. Another were taking cutesy photos in matching outfits.
"You'll never catch us doing that," Matt comments.
You raise your eyebrows at him. "Did you forget the matching pj pants we had for christmas last year?"
"That doesn't count," he scoffs lightly. "It was only pants. I mean, like, top, pants, accessories, the whole fit. It's just cringy."
You giggle. "Whatever you say, Matty B."
"It is! Are you saying you want to do that?" He sips on his hot cocoa. "Cause that might be a deal breaker."
"Not seriously. More in an ironic way. Like those people on tiktok doing the 80s style photoshoots at JcPenny. Now that would be fun and not cringy!"
He shook his head. "No, nope."
"Come on!" you argue. "Think about the memories we could make!"
"Absolutely not, it would be embarrasing."
You roll your eyes. "That's kind of the point, babe."
"Still," he retorts.
"Fine." You sigh lightly. "I'll just ask Chris to do it with me. He won't care."
Matt shrugs, finishing the last of his drink, and tosses it into the nearest trash can. "Okay, you two have fun with that."
"We will." You do the same with your drink.
You sense Matt's a little down now and force him into a hug. "Thanks for today, babe. You're the best."
He falls into your body more and lets out a deep breath. "Any time, (y/n)."
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begko · 10 months
keep quiet. -seijoh 4
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warnings: 18+ MDNI, poly, implied masturbation, implied sex(? I think), idk how to tag so lmk if there's anything else
contains: fem reader, seijoh 4 x reader (but mostly Matsukawa x reader and Hanamaki x reader)
wc: 1.2 k
a/n: I feel like there's not enough seijoh 4 fics out there so I decided to write one myself lol. This is my first fic so if anyone likes this I'll finish this and try to post more. Just ask and I'll lyk if I can do it!
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Living in an apartment with four other boys never left your days feeling dull. Although you were all in your 20’s and supposedly more mature than your younger selves, they were still boys. 
They would each find ways to somehow piss you off, whether consciously or not. Dirty laundry in the living room, a bag of chips left open on the counter, or the loud moans of a random girl spilling through the crack in their bedroom door. These things wouldn’t typically leave you feeling so annoyed, but hearing a repeating “Yes Oikawa!” at 3 AM– the night before your abnormal psychology midterm may I add– was seriously starting to test your patience. 
Before you knew it, you found your feet gliding stomping down the hallway towards the brunette’s room, unknowingly drawing the other three to peek out from their own doors. 
“I SWEAR TO GOD TOORU. IF SHE DOESN’T SHUT UP YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN.” You emphasized your threat by loudly pounding your fist on his door, then swiftly retreating back to your room, slamming your door for good measure. You put your earbuds back in and tried to focus on the music that filled your ears.
Thankfully, you eventually drifted to sleep, but the groggy feeling you had the next morning did not dissipate, even with the large coffee you had made. After fumbling with your keys for what seemed like forever, you were met with the faces of your roommates, all waiting to greet you. They each gave you a warm smile, which normally would brighten your mood a bit, but the sight of Tooru’s face made a frown appear on your face. Without a word, you disappeared into your room and threw yourself onto the bed, hoping to catch up on some sleep.
“What did I do?” Hajime immediately slapped the back of Tooru’s head in response. “You idiot! She had an exam today and you haven’t even apologized for keeping her up!” Hajime clicked his tongue in annoyance at his best friend. Tooru rubbed the back of his head to soothe the pain. “Well how do I make her forgive me? I didn’t know she had an exam!” 
Hajime merely shook his head, “Figure it out.” he said before going to check on you. As he opened your door, he found you– jeans and all – laying face-down on your bed. A groan of acknowledgement came from your figure, causing Hajime to let out a breathy laugh. “You okay?” 
“Headache.” Was all you managed to say before beckoning him to lay with you. He obliged, letting you roll over before laying on top of your half-made bed with you. He adjusted you both so your head would be comfortably caged in his arms, while you curled into his warmth.
“It’s alright, just get some sleep. I’ll stay with you, baby.” There it was. That nickname he gave you. It always put a smile on your face, this time no different, as you drifted off with your lips sleepily curled up at the corners.
While, yes, they were annoying at times, one could argue that they had a soft spot for you. They would often lay with you if they knew you wanted the company, just as Hajime was doing. When a boy would break your heart, you would find one of them waiting outside of your lecture hall with a bouquet of daffodils, ready to take you out to eat or to a club. With them, you never needed to watch cringey rom-coms while incessantly crying. They distracted you from the heartache, until it eventually melted away. And those nicknames, god, those nicknames. You were sure that they meant nothing, but the way that they locked eyes with you as they uttered ‘Princess’ or ‘Darling’ made your heart stop in ways that felt more than platonic. Sometimes, when you touched yourself in the dead of the night, you found yourself imagining them saying it, driving you to your climax. But you would never admit that to any of them. Just as they wouldn’t admit that you would sometimes let your moans get loud enough for them to hear, driving them to let their hands wander down beyond the waistbands of their boxers. They quickly chased their high, knowing that without the sweet noises of your pleasure seeping through the thin walls, they would be left unsatiated.
You awoke to the delicious smell of food wafting in from the kitchen. After stretching a bit, you opened your eyes to find Hajime no longer next to you. You followed the smell into the main area of your apartment, finding the boys sitting at the kitchen counter chatting while Tooru stood with a pink apron on. 
Your small laugh caused them all to turn their heads to wear you stood, a smile appearing on each of their faces. You walked up to them and put your hands on the counter, surveying the mess left on top of it.
“I made you your favorite! And before you say anything, I was just about to clean up.” That drew another giggle to fall from your lips. You mumbled out a ‘You better.” as Tooru wrapped his arms around your form. “I’m sorry for keeping you up last night, please forgive me?” 
“ Fine, just buy a gag for the next time you wanna bring one of them home.” The four laughed while you began to set the table.
After dinner, Tooru told you to put on a movie while the rest of them did the dishes and grabbed something sweet to snack on. You opted to take a quick shower before doing so and changed into a comfortable tank top and shorts. As you plopped down on the couch and simply chose to re-watch The Hunger Games, Hiro and Issei sat down on either side of you. Issei guided you between his legs, allowing your head to lay on his chest, as Hiro moved your legs into his lap. Hiro draped a blanket over your form, as you gave him a small smile of thankfulness. Soon after, Hajime and Tooru sat in the smaller armchairs and started the movie. 
You’ve seen this movie a million times, after all it was your favorite. But as you watched Katniss tie herself to a tree in an attempt to get some sleep, you began to grow bored. You shifted from your position, fidgeting in hopes of becoming comfortable again. “Sit still, pretty girl. I wanna know what happens next.” You heard Issei whisper into your ear. You freeze. For some reason, the mixture of the hot breath that you felt on your neck and the raspiness of his voice made your stomach form a knot. But it wasn’t until you felt Hiro’s hand start to slowly travel up the length of your leg that you finally realized what you were feeling. You felt hot, making you squirm even more. Issei’s arm snaked around your middle, holding you in place. “I said sit still. We’ll give you a reward if you’re good.” Suddenly it felt like your senses were heightened. The feeling of Issei’s arm and Hiro’s wandering hands made your breathing come to a halt. Is this a dream?
“Do you trust us, pretty girl?”
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elsa-fogen · 5 months
Oh, thinking more
What if the hunter that shot Alastor was Vox?
Like, I doubt it, but we "know" they had dogs, so I was thinking about who if any has anything resembling dogs? And the only one I can think of is Vox, like he had two sharks in the show plus some dog-shark creature in the insta stories
So, what if he was pretty young, loved radio and any new technology, so he was a fan of Alastor's. In addition, he had just started to learn how to hunt and wanting to impress his parents went out late to practice, took the dogs so that he could just say he went out with them if anyone asked
Then out in the woods, the dogs start to bark and he readies his gun, mostly just to better his aim, not intending to shoot. Then he sees the figure rise, he can't fully comprehend it before he takes the shot. He can hear a thud. He got it? He got it! He shot a deer!
That's gonna be hard to hide.
Should he tell dad that he was able to shoot a deer? Like, yay, he did it! But also, no, he went out with dads gun without permission.
He approaches the deer, trying to figure out what to do with it, only to freeze when he gazes upon it.
It's not a deer.
It's a-
This is bad.
That was the last time he went hunting. He can't get the image out of his head. He'll never forget that face.
The worst part was, he knew who it was. He had figured it out when he saw a missing poster of his favorite radio host.
He still liked technology, and to drown out the past that's where all his focus went. He wanted to be a big part of TV just like Alastor had been a big part of Radio. It was his way of honouring Alastor.
Still, sometimes it was hard to listen to the radio, that's why his focus was on the TV. They where practically the same, just some extra visuals, distractions, it was practically an upgrade. He just knew Alastor would agree, that man was always on the forefront of what was new in radio.
Surely, if he was alive, then he would have obviously pivoted towards TV after realizing the benefits of the medium
Imagen then how Vox would reach when seeing Alastor for the first time in hell. Like he doesn't know if Alastor is aware that it was Vox, but if he does maybe he won't recognize Vox? He has a TV for a head now, not really a human feature. Still though, he can't help but want to spend time with Alastor, tell of all that has happened in the world and share with him how Amazing the TV had become
That would be such a cool turn, like. Vox clinging to Alastor in pathetic attempt to apologise for killing him and make up for it, and get waht they could have in life if he haven't killed him. And Alastor just doesn't understand Vox's behavior nor the reasons for it
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tubatwo · 4 months
escape rooms - kang taehyun
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summary: where taehyun takes you to an escape room for the first time and gets a bit distracted
pairing: kang taehyun x gn reader
genre: fluff; 0.8k works
a/n: short drabble inspired by a dream I had lol also will I ever end a fic without a corny ending…… hmm probably not
“hi, my name is yeonjun and i’ll be your attendant for today. have you guys been to an escape room before?”
you and taehyun decided to plan a date to an escape room after embarrassingly admitting that you’ve never been to one. and that was the moment taehyun became determined to fulfill his mission.
he made sure to clear his schedule just for you, and he was counting down the days until he got to have fun with his baby!!!
“i’ve done a few, but this is their first one.” taehyun explains softly, rubbing your back.
“well, let’s get a beginner room for you two, yeah?” yeonjun taps a few buttons on the tablet in front of him before grabbing a set of keys and signaling you to follow him. “don’t worry, it won’t be too easy! I think you guys can really work together on this one.”
“thank you, yeonjun!” you thank him for being considerate of your limited knowledge while also trying not to make things too boring for your boyfriend. you didn’t want him to think things were too easy but you also didn’t want to look dumb by not knowing how to solve anything.
as you walk in, you two are met with an introductory message and what seems to be a broken generator. after a few minutes of figuring out the main goal, you split up and begin searching all over the room. there was mostly a comfortable silence unless it was time to put any important pieces together.
“wait, baby, there’s a piece over here that matches the blueprint we saw earlier.” you remind him, dragging him over to the corner you left a few moments ago.
“oh? but I tried this one earlier and it didn’t fit…” taehyun says, pouting slightly. you frown at the piece before remembering a small tube that seemed to connect. “wait! remember the tube piece from before?” you ask out loud, not really expecting an answer. you grab the tube and untwist the top. “I think if we add this to the piece over here we can fill in the missing gap and connect it to the generator.”
you hear your boyfriend chuckle and let out a small breath. you notice he hasn’t moved and your eyes look up to see him already staring at you. “you sound really sexy right now.”
“taehyun! they can probably hear us!” you shove him slightly while both of your giggles fill the room. “I don’t care, they should know my partner is smart and sexy.” he walks over to hold your waist while trying to sneak kisses. eventually you give in, allowing him to press his lips to yours.
“hey– cut it out! ahem, I mean you have 20 minutes remaining~”
both of your eyes widen as a voice comes from the intercom.
“was that?”
“oh hey, yeonjun.”
“guys please, I don’t get paid enough for this...”
you and taehyun chuckle and quickly apologize before focusing back on the puzzle. eventually, you two finish the escape room with a few minutes to spare. you walk out to reunite and bid farewell to yeonjun, who expresses his gratitude for you two keeping things PG, which was disgustingly uncommon for some of the couples that would show up. but he thought you two were a cute couple nonetheless <3
eventually you make your way back to your shared apartment and plop on the couch, arms open waiting for taehyun to join you. he walks over slowly and allows himself to crawl on top of you.
“today was fun, taehyun, thank you.” you run your hands through his dark brown locks and peck his cheek a few times before squinting your eyes at him. “you totally knew what to do earlier, right?” you ask.
he pretends to think for a second before hiding his face in your neck. “okay! just a little bit!” he admits. you scold him by playfully trying to push him off of you while laughing. he only holds on tighter while his giggles vibrate your skin. “to be fair, I just wanted to spend more time with you. if we finished it too soon then it would’ve been over, right?”
you didn’t mind at all. you knew there would be plenty of opportunities for more challenging ones in the future. which means more time to spend with your boyfriend!
“you just looked so cute and–“
“taehyun, it’s okay! just promise me we can try a bunch of different ones?”
“of course, baby.” taehyun smiles and leans back down to kiss you gently. “soon enough we’ll be escape room champions.” you see him think to himself for a bit before continuing.
“I also really love when you talk puzzle to me.”
“oh my god, please stop!”
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slut4thebroken · 6 months
Erotomania pt. 2
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Jonathan Crane x reader
Summary | Jon isn’t adjusting as well as you thought he would and his behavior finally breaks you.
Warnings | Angst, violence (on accident lol), blood, eating disorder? (technically), slow burn, a lil bit of sexual tension, he’s still really mean, and a little whiny lol.
Words | 4.3 k
Notes | Ty for everyone who helped me out w this lol.
Ao3 link | <3
Fic Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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gif: @kittenonpluto
Part 1
The following morning, you woke up to your alarm and immediately turned it off. Your head hurt, your eyes felt puffy, and you were just so tired and drained. So you decided to call off work. As you were trying to fall back asleep, you almost didn’t register the sound of your door opening because of how tired you were. 
“You’re going to be late.” You whined and buried your face in the pillow. 
“I’m not going.” You mumbled. 
“Get up. I don’t want to be stuck with you the entire day.” He said sternly, bringing back all the emotions you were feeling last night. 
“I’ll stay in here then. I don’t exactly feel like doing much else besides this.” The bitterness in your tone was mostly overshadowed by the sadness you were desperately trying to hide. You waited for his response, but after a while, he just slammed the door shut. 
True to your word, you mostly stayed in your room. You left to go to the bathroom and sometimes get food, but you didn’t eat with him. The day was spent reading, doing some work to make up for missing a day, trying to distract yourself so you didn’t make yourself cry, and moping. Every time you went out he was always in the exact same spot. Before dinner, you showered and changed into some clean pajamas, not wanting to physically feel the same way you felt mentally. 
“Have you eaten today?” He almost seemed startled by your voice. “If you tell me what you want, I can try to make it.” You said softly. He didn’t respond or look at you and you sighed before continuing. “Why aren’t you eating?” You were quickly growing frustrated with his behavior. 
“You’re the psychologist, you tell me.” Deep down you knew why, especially based on his words yesterday, but you were still hoping it would be because of some kind of temporary hunger strike or something instead. 
“You’d really rather die than be here with me?” You couldn’t help the way your voice broke. 
“Yes.” He spat and you immediately frowned as your bottom lip trembled. 
“Fine.” You grabbed a carving knife from the knife stand and stormed over to him, making him quickly stand up and take a step away from you. Once you were a few feet from him, you tossed the knife onto the ground in front of him. “Do it then. If this is so terrible and you hate me so much then just fucking do it.” He stared at the knife and you waited impatiently. 
“Or better yet, kill me.” That made him look up again. “I know you want to— and I can’t fucking take this anymore so just do it.” He stared at you, then narrowed his eyes. 
“Are you serious? My rejection is making you suicidal?” He scoffed. Your eyes burned with tears and you rushed forward, making him step back, but you reached for the knife on the floor instead of him. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Now that it’s in your hand, you don’t know how you should do it— The carotid should hopefully be quick. When you raised the knife, he rushed forward and grabbed your arm, yanking it away from you. 
“Stop!” You cried, pulling back against his hold, trying to wrench yourself free. 
“Are you fucking crazy?” He asked, beginning to raise his voice now. His grip on your arm tightened as his other hand tried to take the knife from you. When you let out a choked sob and started crying, your arm went slack and the force of him pulling it away from yourself made your hand fly toward him. He couldn’t stop it before the blade sliced the top of his chest, making you gasp as he winced. He released you and staggered back, and you dropped the knife as if it had burned you. 
“Oh god— fuck. Are you okay?” His hand was pressed tight to the wound so you couldn’t see how bad it was but the pain on his face was evident. When you moved toward him, he stepped back again. 
“Don’t fucking touch me.” Even through the pain, his tone was still incredibly harsh. 
“I- I’m sorry. It was an accident.” You took another tentative step and he did the same, but his back met the wall. He leaned his weight against it and took a deep breath as his eyes fluttered shut. You quickly wiped your tears and tried to calm down long enough to think of what to do. 
As you examined him, you noticed the blood seeping through his fingers as his arm grew tired holding his hand tightly against the wound. You also noticed how pale and sweaty he got in that short amount of time. He was putting as much of his weight on the wall as he could now. 
Deciding to start with the imperative, you moved closer until you were in front of him and removed his hand to look at the wound, then put pressure on it. It wasn’t… that bad— it wouldn’t need stitches, but it still almost made you gag. He winced and opened his eyes as if to make sure he wasn’t just imagining you daring to come this close. 
“Get the fuck.. off…” His words slurred together and you could tell he was fighting to keep his eyes open. When his knees buckled, you tried to hide your distress, but that and the blood seeping through your fingers made it almost impossible to do so. 
“Okay.. okay, hang on.” You looked around for something to absorb the bleeding but there was nothing nearby other than a blanket that you haven’t washed recently. Tentatively releasing him, making sure he wouldn’t fall, you took your shirt off— feeling incredibly grateful that you decided to wear a bra— and pushed it against the wound. He let out a pained groan and your heart panged, knowing you were only worsening his suffering. “I know, I’m sorry. I have to press hard though.” He didn’t respond and just started sliding down the wall as his eyes fluttered shut. “Fuck.. fall on the couch, fall on the couch,” You held him up and guided him to the couch just as he lost consciousness. 
You could feel his chest moving under your hands so you knew he wasn’t dead, you were just worried about how to solve the malnutrition issue while he was unconscious. It’s not like you have an IV… so you’ll just have to wait until he’s awake. 
Lifting your shirt from his chest, you checked on the bleeding— it was definitely less, but it was still bleeding a decent amount. So you continued pushing down on it. While you waited, you let out a heavy breath and closed your eyes. That escalated so quickly, it felt like you’d been holding your breath since you picked up the knife. 
After a few minutes you checked again and decided it would be okay for you to run to the bathroom to grab a few things as well as some water and painkillers really quickly. When you returned, you kneeled on the couch next to him and tried to lift up the shirt he was wearing. Since it was yours, it was already a little tight on him, so it barely moved, especially because his back was against the couch. 
Minding the gash, you carefully took both sides of the now cut fabric and pulled as hard as you could. It ripped a lot easier than you were expecting though and was now torn from the collar to the bottom hem. You cleared your throat and tried to keep your eyes on the wound, but couldn’t help it when your eyes strayed to the exposed skin. You could distinctly see the outline of his sternum and ribs and you stifled a gasp as you pushed the shirt open more— no wonder he passed out, he looks like he hasn’t eaten in weeks. 
The sight of blood trailing down his chest snapped you out of your trance and you made quick work of using the damp washcloth to clean as much of the blood off as you could. When he wakes up, you’ll have him go to the bathroom so he can wash with soap and water, but for now you covered it with the largest bandaid you had, then sagged back into the couch with a heavy breath, just needing a second to calm down. 
After what felt like hours but was only about 15 minutes, he woke up with a groan. You grabbed the water bottle and took out three pills, having them ready for him. His eyes fluttered open, squinting at the bright light, and he scowled when he saw you next to him. 
“Take this.” You held it out to him and he looked down at his chest, then let his head fall back into the couch again as his eyes closed. “Please take it. It’ll help with the pain.”
“How did I get here?” He rasped, voice strained. 
“You passed out and I wanted you to fall here instead of the floor.” You wanted to reprimand him for not eating but you knew now wasn’t the time. It almost seemed like he wasn’t taking the painkillers out of spite, but after a moment, he huffed and held his hand out. You handed everything to him and he only drank enough water to take the pills. 
“You have to drink it. The whole reason you passed out is because of how malnourished you are.” You urged gently. 
“The whole reason I passed out is because you stabbed me.” 
“Jon, please just drink it.” You said, exacerbated. All he did was glare at you so you let out a disappointed sigh and stood up to go to the kitchen. He didn’t say anything as you started pulling things out and cooking. You weren’t exactly sure what the best option would be for malnutrition and blood loss, but you figured something with high protein and iron would be a good start. 
When you walked back over with a plate of grilled chicken breast and steamed spinach, he raised his brows as you held it out to him. You were pleased to see that while you were busy, he did drink some of the water. 
“What?” He asked, when you just waited for him to take it. 
“You need to eat. Clearly you don’t want to starve to death since you tried to stop me so just quit being so goddamn stubborn and eat the fucking food.” Your tone got significantly harsher by the end of the sentence and he almost seemed shocked. After a moment, he huffed, but took it from you anyway. You sat down next to him and tried to ignore how the smell of the chicken was roaring your stomach back to life. 
“After you finish eating, you should clean it with soap and water.” You said quietly. “I can help if you want.” 
“I’m fine.” 
“I haven’t used that knife in ages, it wasn’t exactly sterile. You need to clean it or it’ll get infected.” 
“I’ve had worse.” Now that you weren’t focused on the large gash, you could see a few scars on the exposed skin of his torso. 
“Fine.” You stood up and left to grab two clean washcloths, a bottle of soap, and a bowl that you filled with water. When you walked back over and set the items on the coffee table, he narrowed his eyes and scowled at you, watching you get down on your knees in front of him. You reached for the bandage and he circled your wrist in a bruising grip. So you moved your other hand forward and he did the same thing, but winced when the motion made his shoulder shift. “If you let me do this I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the night.” 
“We’re not going to fucking play nurse. I can do it myself.” He spat. 
“I believe you. But I don’t believe that you actually will.” You challenged, making him roll his eyes with a scoff. “The quickest way to get rid of me is to let me do this.” He clenched his jaw and looked away from you for a moment, then released your wrists, letting you continue with your original plan of removing the bandage. When you ripped it off, he hissed in pain and you glanced at him nervously. “Sorry.” You said sheepishly. 
You hesitantly pushed the shirt open a little more, worried it would make him snap, but he just glared at you, letting you do it. Once you had enough room, you dipped the washcloth in the water then squirted some soap on it and worked it into the fabric. Getting up on your knees a little more, you shuffled closer, ignoring the feeling of his leg against your side— or… trying to, at least.
“I'm sorry again.” You said quietly as you started cleaning it. “I really didn’t mean for that to happen.” When you looked up at him, he was still watching you carefully, his guard fully up. “I’ll see if I can get something stronger for the pain when I go back to work.” You let your focus move back down to the task at him, trying not to blush under the heat of his gaze. 
“That’s illegal, you know.” He murmured, sounding uncharacteristically… neutral. 
“So is breaking out a criminal.” You countered. You didn’t really like talking about him like that though. Sure, he’s technically a criminal, but anyone failed that many times was bound to walk away without their sanity completely intact.
“You think I deserve to be in there?” He asked after a moment of silence. You couldn’t decipher his tone and you looked up at him again, his eyes a little softer now. 
“I don’t think anyone deserves to be in that hell hole.” 
“That’s not what I asked.” Your hand slowed to a stop, resting against his chest. 
“I think… given your history, it would’ve been a miracle if you grew up “normal.’” You said quietly. “I think you deserve to be in there for the things you’ve done, but not just to be imprisoned, to get help.” 
“If you’re going to survive there, you need to learn this sooner rather than later; the people in there have no remorse for what they’ve done, and neither do I.” He warned. 
“I can’t let myself believe that.” 
“Those people don’t want to be saved. I mean seriously, did you think our little talk sessions would change me? Make me a better man?” He cooed mockingly, making you frown. 
“I hoped they’d help you work through your trauma. After that? I wouldn’t need to do much else.” He scoffed at that, all but rolling his eyes. 
“You think I don’t know how to identify the root of what made me so fucked up?” His voice was back to the viciousness that you’ve started getting used to. 
“No, I think you do know how to identify it. I just think you don’t know how to overcome it.” You said calmly, trying not to agitate him any further. 
“I do not need to be lectured about trauma by someone who would’ve been my subordinate.” He snapped. 
“I’m not lecturing you, Jon. And don’t you think there’s maybe a reason why you’re getting so defensive right now?” He clenched his jaw and let out a heavy breath through his nose. 
“Fine. If you’re so interested in psychoanalysis, why don’t we talk about you then?” 
“That’s not what I’m doing,” 
“Your need for my praise and approval is almost pathetic.” He cut you off, making your mouth instantly close. “You’re so fucking desperate for it— Why do you think that is?” He tilted his head slightly and you swallowed the lump in your throat, barely able to look at him. “You break down at just the slightest amount of rejection. I mean for fucks sake- you literally tried to kill yourself because of it.” 
“Stop it, Jon.” You said quietly. 
“C’mon.. I’m sure you’ve heard of something that fits that description, even if it’s not an official disorder.” He said facetiously. “Personally, I think I’d just use the word “delusional.’” 
“That’s not what this is! I love you.” He raised his brows and gave you a knowing look, so you doubled down. “Being in love does not make me crazy.” 
“No, it doesn’t. But kidnapping someone and trying to kill yourself because you were rejected certainly does.” You paused and tried to control your expression so he didn’t know how much his words were affecting you. 
“I didn’t.. kidnap you. I got you out of there, like you wanted.” You said quietly. “And having you here is keeping you safe from being found and sent back to Arkham again.” He scoffed a disbelieving laugh and looked away from you. So you sighed and resumed cleaning the wound. 
“Whatever you need to tell yourself to help you sleep at night.” He muttered, making your frown deepen. You looked at him for another moment, then sighed and tried to finish cleaning quickly. 
Once you were done and another bandage was in place, you got up and headed toward your bedroom. You searched your closet for something he could wear, but the only thing you had that he’d be able to get into easily was a zip up hoodie. So you grabbed that and walked back out, which he clearly wasn’t pleased with since he probably thought you’d be gone longer. 
“Lean forward.” You said softly, sitting next to him to help put it on, making him scowl. 
“I can dress myself.” He spat and you sighed, but agreed, watching him struggle to get it on. Eventually, he succeeded and you leaned back on the couch when he continued eating, keeping your eyes down so you didn’t make him uncomfortable. “Are you planning on staying half nude?” Your entire face heated up when you realized you’ve yet to replace your shirt. You were just so anxious and upset that you didn’t even notice it. 
“N-no. Sorry.” Your voice cracked embarrassingly and you stood up to go grab a shirt from your room. He was on the last few bites of food when you walked back out. “Are you feeling any better?” 
“It fucking hurts.” He grumbled. You checked the time, seeing that it was already past seven. 
“I can try and go right now to get you something for the pain.” You suggested and he scoffed in response. 
“Do you want to lose your job?” That made you frown— you just wanted to help. “You stop by after hours for whatever reason and eventually they notice something’s missing and you think you won’t be made the primary suspect immediately?”  
“Okay, I get it.” You sighed. “I'm sorry. I was just trying to help.” You looked away from him as you thought of what else you could do. There aren’t any over the counter pain relievers that are any stronger than what you already gave him. “Wait,” You suddenly stood up and walked toward the kitchen. “I don’t know if you have a preference but either way it should help. It affects the central nervous system so the pain doesn’t seem as bad,”
“I know how it works, I’m not an idiot.” He snapped. “But you must be if you think I’ll willingly intoxicate myself around you.” Even though his words stung, you tried not to take it personally and just move on from the insult. 
“It’ll help, Jon.” 
“I don’t care.” You sighed, then walked back over and sat down again, keeping your eyes on your lap. You felt horrible. The only reason he’s in pain is because you were acting irrationally. 
“I know it won’t make it better, but I really am sorry.” You said quietly, chancing a glance at him. 
“I thought you promised to leave me alone if I let you play nurse.” He huffed. 
“Right. Okay, I’ll… I’ll go.” You cleared your throat and tried to hide your disappointment as you stood up. “If you want to shower, there are towels in the hall closet.” You offered. When he didn’t respond again, you sighed quietly and went to your room to leave him alone. 
You woke in the middle of the night and tried to go back to sleep since you had to be up for work in a few hours, but you couldn’t shake the anxious feeling that something happened while you were asleep. Like the wound was infected and he was dead. 
That thought was a little extreme, but it was enough to get you out of bed to go check on him. He was asleep, laying on his back, and you moved closer to slowly unzip the jacket enough to see it. He hadn’t bled through the bandaid and you gently lifted a corner to see inside. Everything looked fine. At least you thought it did… You’re not that kind of doctor. 
When you zipped it back up, you couldn’t help but stare at him for a moment. He looked so peaceful, not angry or full of hatred. You wished he’d look like that all the time. 
Once you were satisfied knowing he wasn’t dead, you managed to fall back asleep. When you got up again, you somehow woke up fully after the first alarm so you were about twenty minutes ahead of schedule. You walked into the kitchen, still in your pajamas, and saw that he was awake this time. 
“Do you want some coffee? Actually,” you knew he wouldn’t answer it like that, “how do you take your coffee?” He scoffed a laugh and you couldn’t help but blush even though he was clearly laughing at you, not with you. 
“Black.” Was all he said, but it made you smile so big that it almost hurt your cheeks. It felt like you were finally getting somewhere with him. Walking over with two mugs, you handed one to him, then sat down, much to his displeasure. “Don’t you have to get ready?” 
“I woke up early.” You shrugged, taking a sip of the coffee. “You need to eat and quite frankly I don’t have many options here so I’m going to stop somewhere after work. What do you want?”
“I’m fine.” He muttered, drinking the coffee and keeping his eyes straight ahead instead of on you. 
“That’s not what I asked.” You said firmly— you had no clue where this boldness was coming from. He looked over at you with raised brows, almost… impressed.. by your audacity. “There must be something you’ve been craving since being in there. Tell me what it is and I’ll get it.” He huffed but seemed to understand that the quickest way to get rid of you is to just answer. 
“There’s a Southern place in Otisburg, right across the street from the Botanical Gardens. I don’t have a preference, I like everything they have.” You smiled, happy that you finally got a real answer out of him. Even though it’s out of your way, you’re excited that he actually shared something with you and agreed to eat. 
“Perfect. I can stop by the store too. Do you want anything specific for breakfast or lunch?” 
“Eggs.” He said simply, almost making you laugh. 
“Eggs it is. Anything else?” 
“What you have here is fine.” At least that means he looked and considered eating. 
“Do you like the coffee? Or should I get a different one.” He huffed, clearly getting annoyed with your questions. 
“It's coffee.” 
“Well, I like blonde roast. I don’t know if you prefer dark roast or something.” You said defensively. He didn’t answer so you assumed that meant he didn’t care what kind of coffee you had. You checked the time and decided you could sit here for five more minutes before you should start getting ready. You didn’t want to bother him so you just stared out the window, smiling at the way the morning sun was peeking through the buildings. If you ignored the very obvious contempt he has for you, this moment could’ve been perfect. 
“Does it still hurt?” You asked, turning to face him and blushing when you noticed his eyes were already on you. He didn’t seem bothered by the fact that he’d been caught though. 
“Not as much.” He finally looked away and took another drink. 
“Do you think you still need something stronger than what I have here?” 
“I’ll be fine.” His tone left no room for argument, but you could tell he wasn’t being truthful. 
“Okay…” You said, still unsure. “Can I just check it really quick? Then I’ll leave you alone and go get ready.” He let out an exasperated huff and rolled his eyes, annoyed by your concern. But once again, he seemed to understand that the fastest way to get rid of you was to just agree. 
“Fine.” He grumbled, leaning back on the couch. You set your mug on the coffee table and scooched closer to him, getting on your knees on the couch so you could fully face him. You slowly reached for the zipper as if approaching a wild animal that could attack at any moment. He didn’t say or do anything as you unzipped it and pushed it aside. You lifted half of the bandage and leaned closer to get a better look as your fingers delicately ran over the skin around it. 
“It looks like it’s scabbing.” You said absentmindedly. “So that’s good at least.” When you looked up at him, you suddenly noticed how close you’d gotten. You also noticed the way his eyes snapped up from your body to your face. You blushed, now hyper aware of the small, thin pajama set you were wearing. Clearing your throat, you quickly zipped up the hoodie again and leaned back. “It— Try to wash it today please.” He almost looked amused by your flustered state. “I… I should— I’m going to get ready now.” You quickly grabbed your mug and stood up, practically running to your room. 
Part 3
Again, sorry it’s cut a little awkwardly lol. This was written as a one shot.
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adnauseum11 · 7 months
Unexploded Ordinance (John Price x Reader)
You and John navigate the process of moving in together. John is pleased you are home.
1.4k words
CW: swearing, explicit sex MDNI
If the end of this chapter feels a bit abrupt it's because I split it in two to keep it from being a ridiculous length. You can expect the next chapter to pick up where this one left off.
Still not completely happy with this chapter but in the interest of not circling the drain forever and moving forward I'm posting anyways lol yolo
feedback welcome!
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When John hasn’t returned from his call before you are done eating your breakfast - and polishing off the last of the raspberries - you take yourself to the bathroom to shower. He’s waiting for you in the living room when you finally emerge, feeling a bit more like yourself. He’s clearly lost in thought, your hand on his shoulder finally knocking him back to the present.
John is easy to talk into moving more things today, on your impromptu day off. When you arrive back at the apartment, he checks the door before he lets you enter, satisfied it’s been undisturbed. You immediately bicker with him about your furniture and what pieces will stay or go. You can tell he’s pleased when he wins the debate between the couches, you being partial to your vintage re-upholstered and wildly heavy chesterfield sofa. It’s too short for John to lay down on, forcing him to bend his knees and isn’t very comfortable, truth be told. It’s a gorgeous deep green velvet that draws the eye but otherwise isn’t overly practical. You pout about having to give it up until he gives over on your books entirely. He’s consistently bitched about moving your personal library, filled with heavy anthologies from your university days. They’ve been dragged from pillar to post over the years and you’ve refused every less than subtle suggestion to sell them. He doesn’t even try to make you choose which ones to keep, sighing deeply in resignation and asking how many boxes you think it will take to pack them all. This earns him the hardest hug you can muster and a rain of kisses he has to crouch for, chuckling lowly.
You make a trip back to his place with your clothing, the colourful array of fabrics making John’s limited selections seem all the starker by comparison. It brings you up short, seeing your things beside his in the wardrobe. You get caught up wondering what the hell you are doing, agreeing to this. You don’t get very far in your spiral before John finds you, kneeling surrounded by folded t-shirts. You’re jealous of his ability to seemingly pick a course of action and execute it without the self-doubt that swamps you occasionally. If you hadn’t known him as long as you have you would say it’s something he learned in the military, but you’re pretty sure that’s all John.
His presence steadies you again and you end up making another trip to collect your hairdryer and various other products needed to make yourself presentable for work tomorrow. Most of your everyday use items and valuables are safely rehoused in John’s flat by the time you are ready to throw the towel in for the day. You agree to go to the pub around the corner for dinner, neither of you feeling like cooking. On the walk down, John’s big hand stays on your lower back, keeping you close as you wander down the street together. It’s quiet at the pub, early in the week meaning the clientele are mostly regulars. You get your choice of seats and John steers you to a booth against the back wall, tugging you to sit on the same side as him.
He questions your half-baked plan to quit your job while distracting you from giving an answer, his hand creeping over your thigh and shoulders, bracketing you against him. You finally cross your legs, pinning his warm hand between your thighs so you can formulate a coherent response. He presses a smirk against your temple and listens as you complain of your treatment this morning, and then just in general. You've had a volatile few days and vent your spleen accordingly.
He removes his hands from your body when the food arrives, creating a tiny sliver of space between you on the bench seat. John hums sympathetically at your complaints but finally convinces you to get through the rest of the week before you submit anything in writing, pointing out you should probably update your resume first at minimum. You grumble but reluctantly agree, his even-keeled approach to the situation a better tactic than your instinct for dramatics.
John’s level head only seems to extend to your choices because by the time you’re out the door and on the way home he’s truly unable to keep his hands to himself. Twice on the short walk back he’s pressed you up against the wall of a nearby building, his hands cupping your face as his eager mouth finds yours. You make out like teenagers until you can feel the cold creeping into the tips of your ears, a gentle push against his chest enough to back him off temporarily. You’re getting better at reading John in this state, how his eyes glaze with want and his focus narrows. You finally resort to threading your fingers with his to keep his hand from constantly drifting over your ass, wrapping yourself around his arm to make him behave. 
You open the door using your key, John too preoccupied with working his hands under your jacket and shirt. His big body corrals you against him, kicking the door shut after wrestling you through it, almost not giving you time to get your key out of the lock.
“Fucking hell John.”
You breathe out as he spins you around, your arms going around his neck automatically. He kisses you hungrily, his palm cupping the back of your head. You feel the thump of the wall at your back, his hand leaving the back of your head to shove your coat off your shoulders. You wiggle out of it and push at the thick lambskin jacket he’s wearing, slipping your hands under it to grip his shoulders. He shrugs out of it, his lips finding yours again almost immediately. You can feel desire vibrating through his frame, his thigh working its way between yours. Before he can overwhelm you completely, you push back against his chest.
He's breathing hard, confusion mixing across his face as you flatten your palms against his chest and push, reversing your positions by backing him up against the opposite wall. You have to go up on your tip toes, gripping the back of his neck to tug him down to kiss you again. He’s got his hands full of your ass, too preoccupied to catch on to your intent until you're slipping out of his grasp, sliding to your knees in front of him. Your nimble fingers have his belt undone and his jeans open before he can process and stop you, hissing out your name as your fingers wrap around his twitching cock.
You smirk to yourself and wrench a deep groan from his chest as your lips close around the flushed head of his cock, your eyes locking on his face. His cheeks and throat are flushed with the same shade of red as his cock, his blue eyes now nearly black, his pupils dilated with desire. He looks so intense it sends a thrill through your belly that you’re capable of affecting him like this. You swirl your tongue over the head, tasting the salty pre-cum and slide your palm up the wiry hair of his firm abdomen, pushing his shirt up.
John growls lowly, his fingers burying into your hair, gripping close to the roots. He doesn’t try to direct your movements, content to let you work him over however you see fit but the gentle pull on your hair sends flashes of sensation down your spine. The muscles of his stomach jump at the drag of your fingers on his cock as you squeeze the base, sucking on the tip deeply, making John’s fingers clench in your hair. You lift off him and press his erection against his belly, running the flat of your tongue over the underside before teasing his balls with the tip of your tongue.
That has John rocking up onto his toes, hissing your name again followed by a curse. You can’t stop the pleased smirk that slides across your face and wrap your lips around the tip again, focusing your tongue on the sensitive spot on the underside. You can feel his cock twitching, the tension in his body ratcheting tighter with a moan. You let his shirt drop and cup his balls, lapping at the tip intently.
That seems to finally push John beyond his limit and he firmly tugs your hair to pull you off him. Your scalp tingles and you hum in disappointment but John’s already got a hold of your arm, lifting you to your feet again.
“C'mere love, I want to be inside you when I cum.”  
He growls lowly, making you shiver, backing you down the hallway to the bedroom with predatory intent. The look on his face makes your stomach quiver in anticipation, your insides going molten.
Next Chapter
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jennaajoseph · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤ ❛ The beginnings. ❜ ⸻ David Loki x F!Reader.
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── ﹙౨ৎ ⋆。˚ MASTERLIST&INFO.﹚. ☆
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ SUMMARY. ⸻ You and David remembered your sweet beginnings together.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ PAIRING. ⸻ david loki x fem!reader.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ CONTENTS. ⸻ none, mostly fluff, female reader.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ A/N. ⸻ amazing request from anon!! (I'm so sorry it took so long) I tried a bit of a different style this time, I hope it doesn't look too bad?? I've tried to make Loki more brightful/flirty person in this. I need this man to be happy for once lol.
Work is kicking my ass lately lol, sorry for being inactive with fics, I'm still working on a few requests!! I have a few fics in my drafts I wanted to post for a long time so stay turned.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ CREDITS. ⸻ photos - pinterest (cropped by me) , divider - @/cafekitsune.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ﹙©jennaajoseph﹚
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You laughed at another funny memory with David that you remembered. "Oh, c'mon, that was embarrassing." He covered his face with both hands, feeling embarrassed.
"What?! It was adorable!" You chuckled softly.
He gently shook his head. A small smile appeared on his face at the memory of him wearing a pink shirt to one of your dates because you once said that pink is pretty. Later, he found out that it wasn't even your favourite color at all. "Do you know how stupid I felt after?"
"I was actually amazed that you were paying attention to little things like that." You leaned a bit closer to his face.
"I just wanted to do my best." He smiled as you leaned closer to him, looking into your eyes. "Impress you, you know?"
"You impressed me a lot, just like the first time we met." You gave him a toothy grin and he raised an eyebrow.
"Was there something wrong with our first meeting?"
"You don't remember? You were so eager to keep talking to me."
"I wanted to keep the conversation going! You really interested me that day." He tried defended himself.
You chuckled shaking your head gently at the memory.
David was sitting quietly at his table, drinking coffee. His eyes occasionally landed on you from time to time. You were peacefully typing on your computer, trying to finish the work that needed to be done for tomorrow morning.
The cafe was empty, there was no one besides you and him. A few small drops of rain were softly hitting the glass windows, making it not too uncomfortably quiet.
"Anything else?" The server looked at David, holding a coffee pot.
His gaze quickly dropped off you when he heard the waitress. "Oh, no, not really, thank you."
"If you need something, I will be behind the counter." She said softly, smiling. David returned a small smile. When the waitress walked in the opposite direction, his eyes landed on you again.
Your gaze accidentally met his, you quickly turned to look back into your computer, furrowing your eyebrows. His eyes dropped to look at his half-empty cup of coffee.
Despite everything, you could still feel his gaze on you, his eyes were basically burned into you, and you felt it. Your mind was telling you that he was just another creep that wanted to say some nasty joke when the time is right, and that was the last thing that you wanted to hear today.
"Could you stop staring at me, please?" You finally spoke, and his gaze met yours again.
"I'm sorry." He said a bit ashamed, his eyes dropped down again. "I just thought that you look really good today." He added awkwardly.
"Thanks, but you don't need to burn your eyes into me." You chuckled, looking at your computer again.
"It's hard not to look at you." He gave you a small, flirty grin. You rolled your eyes.
"I didn't know I was that pretty for some random stranger." You looked back at him. A small, almost unnoticable blush appeared on his cheeks.
"What are you writing?" He took a sip of his warm drink.
"I have some work due tomorrow."
"I'm probably distracting you, don't I?"
"A little bit." You gave him a playfull smile. "I could feel you staring at me like a creep, and I couldn't focus."
He placed the cup back on the table, chuckling awkwardly. "Sorry."
You rolled your eyes, smiling and started typing on your computer again. "Next time when you stare at some random girl, don't make it that obvious or scary."
He chuckled quietly, shaking his head. David wanted to keep the conversation going, but also didn't want too sound pushy or needy. You intrigued him, and he couldn't just let you slip past his fingers. "Thanks for the advice."
You gave him a quick wink and kept writing. Despite your comments, Loki kept staring at you. There was something about you that was different, unique. Something that intrigued him.
He decided to take another shot, and kept talking, even if it was something that would make you annoyed again. "I've never seen you here before."
"Because I've never been here before." You stopped typing, and looked at him again.
"You just moved in?"
"You are trying so hard, aren't you?" You closed your computer.
"Isn't what people do when they are interested in someone?" He gave you a cheeky grin.
"What if I told you that I have a boyfriend?" You returned the grin.
He shrugged softly. "I don't know, you have one?"
"You were playing so hard to get, y/n, that's all I can remember." He said suddenly, getting you out of your thoughts.
"You were creepy."
"I was just showing interest in you." He put his arm around you, and pulled you closer.
"In a very creepy way." You smiled, laying your head on his chest.
"What exactly was creepy in my behavior?"
"The way you were staring at me, almost all the damn time."
David couldn't help but chuckle. "But in the end, you agreed for a coffee with me, don't you?" He smiled gently as you looked up at him.
"I think in the end, you intrigued me too."
"What do you think?" You leaned in your seat.
"If you had someone, you wouldn't talk to me."
"I think there's only one way to find out." He started, and you raised your eyebrow. "Would you go out for a coffee with me sometime?"
You smiled gently, he returned a smile. "When?"
"Same place at 8 tomorrow? I can pick you up."
"You are very forward, aren't you?" You stood up from your seat, and packed the device into your bag. "I will get here by myself, but thank you."
"As you wish then."
You took a few steps towards him and held your hand out. "It was nice to meet you..."
His eyes sparkled a bit, unnoticeable for you to see.
"David, David Loki." His hand squeezed yours.
"Y/n L/n."
"It was also nice to meet you, y/n."
"I hated the coffee you bought for me the next day." You blurred out suddenly, chuckling.
He sighed, rolling his eyes playfully.
"But I had a very nice time, you know?" You looked up at him. "I'm really glad that you tried to keep the conversation going."
"I'm very glad about that too." He leaned softly to kiss your forehead.
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A New Kind of Distraction (poly!Pro!KiriMina x Bi!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot)
Pairing: Pro!Kirishima x Pro!Bi!Mina x Bi!Fem!Reader (race not specific) 
Synopsis: After your boyfriend of a year breaks up with you on what would have been your two-year anniversary, your very good, very attractive friend Mina (whom you’ve secretly been crushing on since high school) and her even more attractive boyfriend Kirishima decide that the only way to get you over your shit ex is through a threesome with her and him when you get an invite to Dynamight’s birthday party. 
Warnings: Smutty smut (MINORS DON’T READ), 18+, Mentions of Alcohol & Marijuana, Friends to Lovers, Poly Romance, Threesome, Swearing, Dom!Kiri, subby!Mina & Reader, Bratty Mina, Aged up!Kiri & Mina (both are 25) Spanking, Facefucking, Mild Degradation, Praise, Spit Play, Cunnilingus, Fingering, Clit Stimulation, PIV Sex, Pussyjob, Unprotected Sex (IF YOU DON’T WRAP IT, YOU CAN’T HIT IT), Mutual Orgasms, Aftercare, Bakugou catches y’all, Bisexual!Mina & Reader, Race of reader is not specified 
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you! 
Writer's Note: Hiiiiii!! Nice to meet y'all. I'm Jazz (or Jasmin) & I'm fucking nervous to be posting this. This is my first fic on Tumblr & I've been a lurker for a LONG time now lol.
I was known as the author JasminNelson then urgirlyjazz for a long time on Wattpad. My stories were fairly popular until writing on Wattpad got stale & I needed a clean slate. So now I'm on here & Ao3! I've very excited to be a part of the community of talented black writers I've seen on here, so I hope my writing is enough!
I've had this little idea for a while now, so I decided to finally write it. All criticism & tips are welcome too! Enjoy! -Jazz
Ao3 link here!
“I’m not going to the party, Mina.” 
“Why noooot?” Mina whines from her spot on the couch, still dressed in her pajamas of a loose Red Riot tank top and shorts that showed off her very impressive ass from many hours of pilates and work as a pro hero. Your eyes quickly flick away from the double RR, stark red and practically mocking you, on the front of her breasts. 
You turn your back to her as you stand in your kitchen in the apartment you both share as roomies and best friends, mostly to keep your eyes off her tits and that damn tank top as a reminder of what you don’t have anymore. You busy yourself by whipping up your iced coffee to go with your breakfast that you still haven’t prepared yet. 
“Well, number one, it’s way too sudden,” you begin to explain as you grab your thermos and fill it with ice from the fridge. “I don’t even have an outfit for something as big as Dynamight’s birthday bash.” 
Mina rolls her golden irises with pinups as black as inkblots as she sits cross-legged on the couch. “It’s tomorrow night, Y/N,” she huffs with a scoffing laugh. “We can go shopping once you get off work today. You get off at 4, right?” 
“Yes,” you reply, and you wish you don’t because that opens the door to the possibility that you’ll be interested in attending Bakugou Katsuki aka Dynamight’s 25th birthday party at his house. His parties have always been extravagant as soon as he became a pro hero, nothing but a show of his money and fame. Last party he had, his whip ended up in his swimming pool. “But it’s still a no. My plan was to come home and sleep like I always do.” 
“Yes,” Mina agrees, her tone accusatory. “Like you always do, and have been doing for two months with your depressed ass.” You whip around with your thermos, mouth agape. “Hey!” you shout defensively. “I am not depressed! And don’t joke about that kinda shit. Mental health is no joke.” 
“You’re right!” Mina agrees. “Which is why you should avoid sinking at the bottom of a depressive hole like you did before by coming out with me and Kiri. You remember what happened when that first month, don’t you?” She stands from the couch, giving you a good look at her toned legs and the very bright, very pink bra she wears underneath her RR tank top. 
Goddammit. Why does she always have to this to you? It’s bad enough you’ve had a crush on the girl since your days at U.A. High with her bubbly and silly self. You thought you had gotten over it once you both got older, but years later, with Mina now being dubbed the pro hero “Pinky” and you in college and juggling your job at a local financial law office, things have only gotten worse. 
You and Mina have been friends for years and you’ve seen her grow into the adorable, kind woman she is today, which makes crushing on her so damn hard. It’s even harder seeing her date your mutual friend since high school Eijoru Kirishima aka “Red Riot”, one of the sweetest people you’ve ever met, even after years of hard work and constant threats that would make anyone break. 
And whom you also have been crushing on.
Mind you, your crush on Kiri has not been as long-term as the one you have on Mina, but it is just as strong and just as pestering. But who wouldn’t fall for that big, goofy grin, that deep, raspy voice, and those muscles that you’re guilty of dreaming of touching for yourself? He and Minda dated right after they graduated U.A. High after years of secretly pining for each other and you couldn’t be happier for them…. 
At least, that’s what you try to tell yourself. Though they do their best to include you in their plans and not make you feel like a third wheel, between crushing on both of them and not having your ex to distract you anymore, hanging with them feels like slowly losing your mind. Every time Kiri comes to visit your and Mina’s apartment during his lunch break or on his days off, this results in you usually making an excuse to leave to avoid watching him and Mina be lovey-dovey and dry hump on the couch. 
And activities outside of the apartment? Forget it. You’d rather stay home and drown in ice cream and movies than watch your hopeless crushes giggle with each other at the restaurant table or cuddle in a movie theater. It’s fucking torture! But you know it could never be possible to be with either one of them. 
Realizing you’ve been silent for too long, you answer Mina as you move to get some oat milk creamer out of the fridge. “Yes, I remember, Mina,” you sigh, not wanting to. “That first month after he left me was not my hottest.” Mina clucks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “I still don’t know what you saw in that guy,” she mutters.
You put your thermos on the Keurig coffee maker and press the start button, staring down at your painted nails and the cuffs to your sweater for work. It’s been two months since your ex took your heart, shat on it, and threw it in the trash all on what would have been your second-year anniversary. But according to him, he never had your heart in the first place. 
He had told you all of this while standing outside of the restaurant he wasted time making reservations for, humiliating you in front of the people who walked in and out the doors. “You think I don’t see the way you look at them?” he had scoffed to you, face twisted in a scowl. “You think I don’t know? How the fuck are you with me but you’re in love with them?” 
“I’m not in love with either of them!” you had shouted, in tears, makeup and night ruined. “We’re just friends! I had a crush on Mina in high school, but–” 
“And it hasn’t left,” he had growled. “Don’t bullshit me, Y/N. Whenever we’re all together, you look at her like you want to kiss her. And you look at her man like you want him to join!” 
His harsh words made you flinch, and it made you cringe even more that you weren’t subtle in keeping your feelings hidden from him. “I’ve done so much to try and show you how much you mean to me,” he said, his voice strained with emotion. “And yet…” He scoffed to himself, looking away from you as if he couldn’t stand the sight of you. 
You stared down at your shoes, ashamed. started to be angered with yourself at hurting him so…until he said this fuck shit: “I thought I was okay with you being bisexual, but deep down, I always knew this would happen.” 
Your head shot up so fast you could’ve gotten whiplash. “You’re kidding, right?” you scoffed, but his scowl told you differently. “You’re blaming this on my sexuality? Something I can’t help?” He was silent, walls behind his eyes completely guarding his true feelings.
You should’ve known that would’ve happened. It wouldn’t be the first time you were misunderstood for being bisexual in the dating scene: ‘So it’s not a phase?’ ‘Does that mean you’d be down for a threesome?’ ‘What if you cheat with a guy and a girl? I couldn’t handle that!’ 
The first month after that was filled with crying, self-loathing, and nights getting cuddles from Mina. The next month was better, but you’ve learned to keep a boundary between Mina and Kirishima, including missing out on hanging with them by taking up extra hours at work or going to your campus library to study for exams instead. 
“I just worry about you, Y/N,” Mina sighs, bringing you back down to earth. “Kiri worries too. He just doesn’t tell you because he’s worried he’ll cross a line. You don’t even hang with us anymore!”  
You sigh to yourself, feeling horrible for treating your friends in such a way. You want to explain yourself to them, but that would mean admitting to them the truth about why your ex left you in the first place and about the pitiful, embarrassing crushes you have on them. As the smell of coffee fills the air, the hot liquid becoming chilled from the ice in your thermos, you turn to a worried-looking Mina. 
“I’m sorry, Pinky,” you say apologetically, tugging at the sleeve of your sweater. Mina cracks a smile at the use of her hero name and your old nickname for her in high school. “I guess I’ve just been trying to distract myself from any romance…including you and Kiri.”
Mina’s brows furrow in confusion. “I mean, shit, Mina,” you chuckle. “You guys are relationship goals! Every time you guys are together, I feel like offing myself.” 
Mina giggles to herself, the sound like music to your ears. Then her smile drops. “Have we been making you uncomfortable?” she asks, and then gasps, horrified. “Have we been rubbing our relationship in your face this whole time? Is that why you stopped hanging out with us?” 
“Mina, Mina, honey!” You immediately come to her aid, putting your hands on her shoulders. “You’re gonna make yourself sick. No, you and Kiri don’t make me uncomfortable. You just make me remember what I had.” Or wish I had. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Mina softly says, looking absolutely gutted by this. “I didn’t even realize…” She trails off, staring down at her yellow shark slippers. You want to kick yourself, feeling like you just made her feel guilty for something that isn’t even her fault. 
Finally, she looks back up at you, a newfound understanding in those stark night eyes. “You don’t have to come to Bakugou’s party, if you don’t want to. I know his parties aren’t your scene and that’s fine! I just thought it’d be a good chance for you to have fun and relax because you so deserve it.” 
‘Do I?’ you want to ask. Do you really deserve anything close to peace after your relationship ended because you’re crushing on two other people that can never like you back? 
The Keurig buzzes, signaling that your coffee is done and making you realize that you’ve yet to cook breakfast, and you start your shift in half an hour. It also makes you realize that you do, in fact, need a distraction from your breakup, even if just for a little while. And you’ll make sure you stay as far away from Mina and Kiri’s love affair as possible while there. 
You let out a defeated sigh, earning Mina’s attention. “Fine,” you groan. “I’ll go.” Mina squeals, happily clapping her hands. “But only for an hour. I’m not gonna stick around and watch Denki try to take body shots off of every girl at the party again.” 
Mina shakes her head so hard that she’d put a bobblehead out of work. “Yeah, yeah, of course.” She squeals again, wrapping her arms tightly around you and giving you a whiff of her strawberry shampoo from her soft, pink curls. “Oh, this is gonna be so much fun! I’ll meet you outside of your office at 4 and we can go shopping!” 
“And get dinner,” you add, playfully batting her away. “Now shoo! I have to get ready for work.” Mina giggles and goes to leave you to pack up, but not before grabbing your chin and planting a kiss on your cheek that leaves you feeling hot in your sweater and your brain short-circuiting. 
Ten minutes later, when you finally grab your coffee and your bag for work and make it on time to the bus stop to take you to work, you wonder if this is really a good idea. Is it possible to stay away from your very attractive best friend and her very attractive boyfriend tonight, especially when alcohol is involved? 
Standing under the cherry blossom trees that grace the block of your apartment, pink petals cascading down around you, you look to the blue spring sky in prayer. “God, help me,” you moan. 
When you and Mina step out of the Lyft she orders the next night and stand in front of the massive mansion brimming with activity and noise, you already regret stepping out of your apartment. 
Especially in the mini dress she made you wear after shopping the day before after your very slow shift at the financial law firm. Your boss wasn’t there that day, so you let yourself take a longer lunch than normal after completing all of your tasks as soon as you got there. It’s a pretty good gig–the pay is enough to keep the lights on, you get your own private cubicle, and it puts you in a position to meet pro heroes who have financial problems of their own, so the gossip with Mina is always juicy. 
You now wish you would’ve just made an excuse to go straight home yesterday instead of shopping for a good party outfit. Though you’ll admit you look good in the skin-tight, bodycon dress, matching pumps, and a push-up bra that makes your titties look absolutely scrumptious, the cool spring breeze sneaking up your thighs to your panties makes you think twice. 
Especially as Mina drags you up the steps to the brick walkway to Dynamight’s humble abode. You can hear the hip-hop music blaring from the speakers inside (sounds like Pop Smoke), so loud that the windows shake, and the DJ hyping the dancing crowd up into the mic. Multi-color lights flash from inside the living room, all different colors of rainbows. 
Mina, with her hand still in yours, turns to smile at you. She went for a black crop top that stops just above her toned stomach and low-rise jeans with rips at the knees that exposes the V-line that leads down to where your fantasies can only imagine. In her six-inch pumps, she stands just at your height, and her gold earrings dangling from her ears glint in the moonlight shining above the mansion roof. “Ready?” she brightly asks. 
“Definitely not,” you answer, nervously staring at your hands still connected.
“Aw, come on, girl!” she giggles. “You’ll be fine! Everyone you know is there. Bakugou is very particular about his guests. Plus, you look fine as hell.” She sneakily takes a handful of your ass, making you squeak. “No doubt you’ll find someone to get your mind off of that jerk. Now come on!” 
Before you can protest or even recover from the ass grab, she’s knocking on the door where a big, burly man comes walking up to the door with a very intimidating scowl. “Name?” he asks as he gets out a notepad. 
“Mina Ashido and Y/N L/N,” Mina answers, her bright smile never faltering. The guard looks over the notepad for a moment before nodding and allowing them through. As soon as they’re inside, he shuts the door and stands by it protectively. 
Your eyes drink in the large, beautifully-decorated living room where guests, many of whom you know and are familiar with, occupy. Most are on the dance floor that is separated from the front door by a red velvet rope, bodies bumping under the lights to the music. On the far right is a mini bar where three hired bartenders are serving drinks, from cocktails to rounds of shots.
Along the walls are love seats and lounge seats where you see puffs of smoke from lit blunts and hookah pipes float up to the ceiling. Near the dance floor is a DJ stand where the DJ stands working hard, taking a break from yelling into the mic. Though the party still looks like it is worth a couple thousand, it’s pretty chill for Bakugou’s taste. 
Speaking of Bakugou, when he yells at Mina and you from across the room, it’s like a record scratch in itself. “Pinky! Y/N!” he screams at the top of his lungs, waving one muscular arm at them from his little VIP area which includes the likes of the Bakusquad. Sero gives a wave too which you happily return while Denki throws up the peace sign, too faded to function as he snuggles with Jirou in his seat who gives you a wave as well. 
“There’s the birthday boy!” Mina happily laughs as Bakugou throws both arms around her tinier body, nearly knocking her over. “Damn, someone’s been goin’ overtime.” 
“You fuckin’ know it,” Bakugou slurs before giving you a hug as well. You can smell the liquor radiating off of him. “She got you out of the crib, huh? Must be a full moon.” 
“Very funny,” you scoff, throwing his arms off of you as he cackles. “And happy birthday. Surprised you didn’t go overboard this time.” Bakugou rolls his crimson eyes at your words. “Ugh, don’t even mention it. My publicist was up my ass about how my car ended up in that pool.” 
You giggle at the memory of that group chat where you, Mina, and the rest of the squad clowned Bakugou for his bad decisions. “And I’m surprised you put yourself in that get-up,” Bakugou comments, his eyes trailing over your form. “What, you my birthday present or something? ‘Cause I wouldn’t be complaining.” 
“Careful, K,” Mina says in a warning, protectively putting a hand on your lower back. It only makes your skin catch fire through the fabric of your dress. “She just got out of a relationship two months ago. I don’t think she’s wanting to take care of your drunk ass tonight.” 
Bakugou scoffs in disbelief at her words, making you giggle to yourself. “Don’t worry, Bakugou,” you coo, patting the birthday boy on the back. “There’s plenty of girls I’m sure would love to give a piece of another kind of cake tonight.” 
“And who would that be?” a very familiar, very sexy, rasped voice asks from behind you. “Certainly not you, right, Y/N? You’re way too good for this messy bitch.”
You slowly turn, finding the Red Riot to be standing behind you carrying two lemon drop martinis rimmed in sugar. And he looks so damn good–he decided to go casual with a loose mesh tank top that exposes his impressive pecs where you see the silver ring that adorns one nipple and muscular arms roped in tattoos, leather joggers that only leave to the imagination what’s underneath, and hightop sneakers. His red locks are tied half up, half down, though some strands still fall into his crimson eyes that are dead-locked on you and Mina.
He gives you both a toothy smile, cocking the brow that is pierced. “Well, look who decided to grace us with their presence,” he chuckles. “Two of the prettiest girls to exist.” Bakugou rolls his eyes at his friend’s words. “Stop being such a fuckin’ simp, man,” he groans. 
Kiri only laughs. “You’re just jealous is all.” He sticks his tongue out at Bakugou before handing you and Mina the drinks. “For you, m’ladies. Figured you’d get some now before other guests arrive. Deku and Ochako are running late, Shoto will be here later after visiting his siblings, and I think some other folks are coming.” 
“Thank you, babe,” Mina giggles and wraps her arms around Kiri’s neck. He returns the embrace, squeezing her against him before taking a handful of her ass with one muscular hand. “Who the fuck told you to come out the house like this?” he playfully growls as she squeals in his ear. 
You stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do except sip your drink. God, you wish you were between that, feeling Mina’s breasts pressing against your front while Kiri holds your hips from behind, the hard planes of his chest pushing into your back. You picture the two of you together on the dance floor, hips rolling and lost in the bliss, hands caressing and lips on each others’ necks. 
“Oi, don’t drool on my floor, dummy,” Bakugou playfully growls into your ear. You startle, looking at his humored smirk. “I’m not drooling,” you hiss. 
His smile still doesn’t slip from his face. “You ain’t tell ‘em yet?” he asks, nodding at Mina and Kiri who are now laughing to each other about something Denki did an hour before they arrived, Kiri’s eyes loving and adoring as they regard Mina. “And don’t give me no dumb shit and say, “tell ‘em what”. You know what I mean.” 
Even if you wanted to play dumb, you don’t think you’d have the energy to. You take a sip of the lemon drop, hoping the taste of sugar, citrus, and vodka will help ease the tension you feel watching your friends canoodle as they stand at the bar now. “No,” you whisper to Bakugou. “And I never will. They’re my friends, Katsuki, and they’re dating.” 
“You know poly is a thing, right?” he asks like you’re an idiot. You roll your eyes so hard into your head that you swear they’ll roll out your skull. Yes, of course, you know that polyamorous relationships are a thing! You’ve never been in one before, but you know you want one with them. 
“Yes, fuck!” you hiss, irked. “Of course, I do, but just because it’s a thing doesn’t automatically mean they’d be down for it…or that they feel the same way!” 
“Who feels the same way?” Mina questions, now suddenly beside you. Kiri stands behind her with his own beer, cracking the bottle cap open with no problem. “Uh, no one!” you immediately answer. “Nothing! We were just…talking. Right, Bakugou?” 
Bakugou looks at you and then at Mina and Kiri, not even blinking. With a sip of his drink, he silently walks away, heading back to the VIP section to stop Denki from dry fucking Jirou on his coffee table and Sero’s horrible singing by impressive dancing to the reggaeton now blaring from the speakers above. Without him as a buffer, you feel awkward and embarrassed standing in front of your attractive, gorgeous, sexy friends. 
“Hey, why don’t we sit?” Kiri suggests with a grin. “Wouldn’t want either of you to get knocked over in these things.” He taps his foot against Mina’s pumps and then your four-inch heels. “How the hell you walk in those?” 
“These aren’t even that high, Kiri,” you giggle, stopping abruptly when he puts his large hand on your lower back. The light touch of his fingertips on your skin leaves a trail of fire in their wake. “I know nothing about women’s shoes and I’m glad I don’t,” he chuckles as he leads you and Mina to another lounge section. “By the way, you look really good tonight. Red is definitely your color.” 
The compliment has you flushing. “Doesn’t she?” Mina squeals happily. “I had to make the girl get the dress ‘cause she was adamant about not wearing it. Doesn’t she look like she’ll get some good dick by the time the party ends?” She smirks at Kiri who lets out a loud, belly laugh. 
“Mina!” you shriek, embarrassed. “Or pussy!” Mina adds with a devious giggle. “Sorry, girl. Can’t forget you go both ways.” You roll your eyes as you take a seat on the black loveseat presented to you farther away from the commotion of the party. “You’re impossible, and you’re not even drunk yet.” 
Mina winks at you, sipping her martini. “Nearly there.” Kiri takes a seat next to you first before circling an arm around Mina’s waist and positioning her to sit in his lap. His left arm settles there protective while his right moves to sling around the back of the couch, right behind your neck, still holding his beer. Like he’s protecting both of his girls. The nagging thought makes you sip your drink a little slower. 
“So what’s been up, stranger?” Kiri asks, flashing you an easy grin that makes your stomach flutter. “You’ve been good? Mina says you’ve been getting better since that dickhead dumped you. And on your second anniversary?” He shakes his head disappointedly. “That’s so unmanly.” 
“Tell me about it,” you sigh despondently. “I’m much better than last month. You should’ve seen me–nothing but tears, ice cream, and wine bottles. Mina will tell you.” Mina nods, clarifying your statement. Kiri frowns, not happy with hearing that. “Shit, Y/N. Why didn’t you come hang with us all that time? Was starting to think you hated us.” 
He says it like he’s kidding, but you can tell from his slightly saddened gaze that he means it. You feel even worse now. “I don’t hate you, silly,” you softly giggle. “But I’m sorry for making you both feel like that. I just didn’t wanna be reminded of what I didn’t have anymore.” You tick a finger between him and Mina. 
Kiri raises his pierced brow. “That’s why you always leave when I visit you and Mina? Or why you never come out with us anymore?” Your face burns with embarrassment. “I know it sounds stupid, but–” 
“Y/N,” Kiri cuts in, sounding serious, “if you were ever feeling uncomfortable with Mina and me showing each other affection in front of you, you could’ve said so. Especially since you just got broken up with. We would’ve been more mindful of how you were feeling.” 
Mina nods, agreeing, and takes your hand from across Kiri’s lap. “We love you just as much as we love each other,” she says, her soft voice serious and firm. “You’re our third piece, you know.” 
Third piece. Like another missing piece to a puzzle. Like the answer to an equation. Maybe it’s the alcohol starting to talk, but something in those words fills you with so much warmth and fuzziness that you have to shift in your seat to make yourself comfortable. “Thanks, guys,” you manage to giggle. “I feel much less like an idiot now.” 
“You should feel like an idiot for thinking we wouldn’t notice your change in behavior, dummy!” Mina pokes your cheek, making you and Kiri laugh. “But there’s nothing like a little alcohol that can change that.” She clinks your glass with yours, her glossy lips shining under the flashing lights. “How about it, Y/N? You down with hanging with us tonight?” Kiri’s eyes lock with yours, the softness in them pleading with you to stay. 
You didn’t have to be told twice. 
The next hour rolls by in flashes; clips that you know you won’t be able to remember come tomorrow. At some point, you notice Deku and Uraraka sneak in holding hands and give them a wave. Shoto slinks in as well alongside Hitoshi and Iida, who looks way out of his element here. Momo and Tsuyu come too, and you, Mina, and the rest of the gang of U.A. 1 girls chat for a while about your outfits and relationships before Kiri steals you and Mina away again.
In the hour, you consume about two martinis, two tequila shots, and a shot of Henny that is coaxed by Bakugou walking around telling people to drive the boat. “And no hands!” Denki had yelled beside Bakugou, just as ready to see you and Mina down a shot with a phone in hand and the camera light in your face. “But I get to pour it,” Kiri prompted, already moving to snatch the bottle out of Bakugou’s hands. 
Bakugou put up his hands in defense, allowing his friend to first pour a shot down Mina’s throat. The girl was ready, throwing her head back with her mouth open. “Tongue out,” Kiri had demanded in a low growl you’ve never heard before, and it sent a flutter between your legs that you had to clamp shut by crossing your legs. 
Mina did as she was told, sticking her pink tongue out to catch the stream of Henny that poured from the bottle. She took it gladly, swallowing it and then giving a gaping Bakugou and Denki a grin. She then looked at you with a mischievous smile. “You’re next, kid,” she giggled as Kiri loomed on you, a wide smirk on his face. “Don’t worry, cutie,” he chuckled at your horrified expression. “You can take it. I know you can.” 
Before you could respond or even tell your mind to stop getting in the gutter, Kiri was already coaxing your mouth open, tongue out, and the Henny was pouring down your throat in a short but strong stream. You swallowed it, feeling the short burn in your throat and then the warm feeling that wrapped around you later once it started settling. Mina squealed happily, hugging you tightly while Denki drooled and Bakugou went in search of new people to harass. 
After that, the alcohol really started settling in. You could tell from the warmth you felt all over your body and the way your stomach felt like it was filled with butterflies. Not to mention the way your pussy clenched. Mina and Kiri sitting so close to you don’t make it any better.
You all now sit with Mina in between you and Kiri on the loveseat, arms thrown over your shoulders. Her heels are off and her lip gloss is gone, her head tilted up to the ceiling as she mouths the words to SZA’s “Love Galore”. You look over at Kiri and see him swaying to the music, eyes hooded. You’re not sure if he’s tipsy too, but you wouldn’t put it passed him. 
“Ah, I’ve missed this,” Mina sighs contently. “Just us. Being together like this.” She puts one foot in your lap and wiggles her painted toes. “You say it like we’re all in a relationship or something,” you giggle and then freeze, realizing what you just said. God, is the alcohol really that strong? 
Mina stares at you, her gaze softer than normal. “Aren’t we though?” she questions. “Aren’t we all one big happy family?” You blink at her, not sure what she means or why it makes you feel so warm. 
Kiri must notice the tension because he lays a hand on his tipsy girlfriend’s shoulder. “Mina, baby…” But Mina is still giving you that soft-eyed gaze, one that makes your heart beat ten times faster.
“I think what she means is that things feel natural when it’s all three of us, you know? Like three peas in a pod.” He gives you a friendly, lopsided smile that eases the strange energy in the air between you. He sits back, sipping some of his beer. “But it’s better when you’re happy and comfortable.” 
Now you realize what Mina meant: you really are like a big, happy family. You, Mina, and Kiri, together. Two people you trust wholeheartedly with your secrets and weird habits. Two people you can count on to have your back through everything. The newfound knowledge makes you want to cry. You blink away the tears in a hurry, not wanting them to think you’re that drunk. Damn those fucking drinks! 
“I am,” you answer honestly, looking into Mina and Kiri’s eyes.  “And…I’ve missed you guys too. I like us together like this too.” Your words make them both grin happily, the sights of them making your heart swell.
“Come on, girly,” Mina giggles. “Bring it in closer!” You scoot over and hug her to you, breathing in her scent of perfume, sweat, and strawberry.
Kiri wraps his muscled arms around both of you, squeezing tight even as you wheeze and Mina cries out for him to ease up. “Kiri, you’re crushing me!” you shriek with laughter. 
“Not a chance,” he grunts playfully, but he eases up enough to allow you both to breathe.
You feel oh-so-happy you could kiss both of them. You were so worried that things would be awkward or that you’d ruined everything after not hanging with them as much, but now you realize how stupid those thoughts were. You’re so filled with love for them that you could just grab them and hold them, run your hands over them, feel your tongue caress theirs as you– 
“Oh, boy.” Kiri’s voice stops your heated thoughts from taking flight, his eyes directed towards the DJ stand where Denki stands with the mic in one hand and a red solo cup in the other. “Turn the fuckin’ music up!” he slurs into the mic. “I wanna see some ass! Ladies, single or not, get out on this fuckin’ floor!” 
The DJ is happy to oblige, switching to a mix of City Girls, Megan Thee Stallion, and a bit of those 90s songs like Uncle Luke and 2 Live Crew that make you want to hit the splits and throw your ass in someone’s face with your drunk ass. Mina squeals, already standing up and moving her hips, happy with the song change. 
“You heard Denki’s drunk ass,” Kiri chuckles to you. “Ladies first.” He motions his hand for you and Mina to go first. You stand on legs that suddenly feel like jelly and walk with a dancing Mina to the dance floor where it’s beyond packed. Mina takes your hands in hers and moves with you to the music, no ass-throwing yet.
Kiri stands protectively behind Mina, not touching her but still keeping watch. You giggle, moving your hips with her, and though your dance moves are pretty tame, it’s enough to attract someone from off to the side of the dance floor. And his eyes are on you. 
The guy is pretty nice-looking, but he’s not familiar. His leering presence is enough to make Kiri move in, standing between you and Mina, and the stranger. “Ah, sorry, dude. She’s with me.” Mina, finally paying attention, flashes a smile at the guy. “She’s with us, actually,” she adds with a wink. 
The stranger puts up his hands in defense and slinks away, but Kiri never moves away. Mina turns to you and wraps her arms around you, pulling you closer. “Right, Y/N?” she purrs to you, so close you can smell her perfume and peppermint gum mixed with the vodka on her breath. “Aren’t you with us?” 
The scent of her perfume, the closeness of her, and the alcohol are all making it very hard to focus or even speak. She doesn’t allow you time to think of a response before she’s whipping around and bending her knees, winding her pretty ass all up into you. Though you’ve done this plenty of times with her, it feels so much different now. Kiri laughs from beside you as his girlfriend pops off, even hitting a split before picking herself back up and proceeding to leave her breathless. 
“You’d better catch it, cutie,” Kiri chuckles. “Mina doesn’t play when she throws it.” He gives you a wink, telling you something only you can catch. “Oh, I know,” you laugh. “Neither do I.” Catching Mina by surprise, you whirl her around so she’s standing behind you and throw your ass into her. She gladly allows it, her hands gripping your hips to push into hers. 
“Shouldn’t you be the one in my position, sir?” Mina playfully scolds, and for a moment you forget Kiri is still here. “Get your ass over here!” You stand up straight as Mina pulls Kiri towards you and moves to stand behind him, her hands on his hips. 
“Oh, I don’t…” The words die in your throat as you get a look at Kiri’s hard chest and how close he is. You can feel his hot breath fanning your face and the cologne he’s wearing smells so damn good. Why does God punish you so? “It’s okay, Y/N!” Mina laughs from behind her boyfriend. “Throw it back on him, girl!” 
Kiri looks down at you, the multi-colored lights flashing across his handsome face and hooded eyes. “You heard her,” he whispers, a cheeky grin on his face. “Lemme see what you got, cutie.” 
He’s called you “cutie” so many times before, but this feels different. Personal. You’ve danced with him before too, of course, but never like this: so intimate and nasty, your ass winding into his hips that push into yours, moving in time with the beat. But you’re too gone in the alcohol, the music, and the closeness of Kiri to think rationally. 
You can see why Mina always brings Kiri to parties and clubs with her because the man can keep up. At one point, he picks you up and bounces you up and down against him, your titties jiggling in your bra and hair flying, your and Mina’s shrieks of laughter heard among you. He does the same thing to Mina too, leading you to hype him up and take your phone out to snap a video. You can only imagine what the man can do in bed with moves like that. 
After the freaky music ends, it only gets freakier, the tempo growing slower and more sensual. You recognize the song now playing as that mashup between Beyoncé’s “Cuff It” and Twista’s “Wetter” (Remix here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbyPBIy_qYA). The energy on the floor shifts as bodies begin to bump and grind under the lights.
The energy in the air shifts too as Mina suddenly moves behind you, sandwiching you between herself and Kiri. “Now we switch,” she giggles softly, the sound breathy and barely above a whisper. “Stand close to me. Don’t want you gettin’ away from us this time.” 
You find yourself unable to speak as both press against you from the front and the back, Mina’s hands on your hips and grinding herself into your ass. Kiri has his hands on Mina’s ass, meaning his arms around wrapped around you since you’re sandwiched in between. “Is this okay?” he whispers against the shell of your ear. “Still feelin’ good, babe?” 
“I…I…” Your words are soft and weak. You wanna tell him you feel like a prisoner in a very sexy and tempting jail cell, but how the fuck would that sound?
Kiri smiles down at you, his gaze less than friendly. “I know I told you already,” he whispers, “but you look really good tonight. And you’re wearin’ my color.” He inhales sharply as one hand moves to run down your hip, his fingers gliding across the fabric. “You don’t know what that does to me.” 
Your mouth is parted with unspoken words, your mind desperately trying to make sense of what’s happening. Before you can, Kiri twirls you around so you’re facing Mina and he’s behind you, his hard body swaying with both of yours. Mina wraps her arms around your shoulders and moves closer so you’re chest to chest, stomach to stomach.
You can’t focus on anything other than how good this feels, being between them like this, where you feel as if nothing could ever touch or harm you. You find yourself leaning your head back into Kiri’s chest, neck exposed to his lips or teeth if he wishes to take a bite of you. You’d welcome it. 
But it isn’t Kiri who decides to assault your neck in kisses. It’s Mina. The scent of her strawberry shampoo hits your nostrils as her lips caress the exposed skin of your neck. You resist the urge to whimper, and you don’t know whether you should push her away or welcome her.
“We should…we shouldn’t…” The words coming from your mouth are barely audible, even to you. The scent of Kiri’s cologne and Mina’s lips on your neck are enough to silence you as your pussy clenches in your panties. 
Just as the song changes to something just as slow and sensual, specifically that Ariana Grande x Ciara mashup that you’ve found Mina winding her hips in the kitchen many times to (Remix here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMfl3yOQ3us) and you begin to think the DJ is trying to get the dance floor pregnant, Mina moves her head from your neck to look at you. Her gaze is soft and hungry, less than friendly. 
The air is charged, shifting to something completely different. Something heated and tempting, nasty yet sensual. Then, like a full moon, Mina’s face gets closer to yours and her lips are suddenly on yours. They’re soft and slightly sticky from the remains of the Fenty gloss that coated her lips. Your eyes are open, wide with shock, and her lips move against yours, the tip of her wet tongue caressing your bottom lip, but not coaxing it open. 
The kiss lasts for what feels like an eternity, but it’s only for about twenty seconds at the least. In that moment, your mind goes blank and all words cease to exist. Mina’s eyes flutter open to look at her, her golden irises soft. “Thank God for those martinis,” she sighs softly. “Or else I wouldn’t have been able to finally do that.” 
You blink at her, silent, not understanding what the fuck just happened. But that’s stupid because of course you do! Your friend, your beautiful, amazing, talented, sexy best friend, just kissed you in the middle of the dance floor. “W-What?” you dumbly ask. “What did you do?” 
Mina is still giving you that soft, longing look as her arms drop from your neck. “Would you believe it if I told you that I’ve been crushing on you since our U.A. days?” she asks as if afraid to find out the answer. 
You blink again, rapidly, making sure this isn’t a dream or some hallucination from inhaling too much weed. “Wh-What?” you dumbly, idiotically, stupidly, and drunkenly ask again. 
“She’s not the only one, cutie,” Kiri guiltily says from behind you. You turn to face him and he’s giving you an apologetic look. “I’m guilty of that too. But we were all such good friends back then too that I didn’t wanna say anything.” 
Mina nervously wrings her hands together, looking less than confident. “Me either. And then Kiri and I started dating, and we both admitted to each other our feelings for you. We just weren’t sure if we should ever say anything, especially when your ex came into the picture. I mean, poly relationships aren’t exactly new, but they’re still kinda taboo in society, y’know? They’re misunderstood.” 
Kiri nods, agreeing. “Plus, we’ve never been in a poly relationship before, so it’s still new to us too.” He rubs the back of his neck, causing his tricep to bulge. 
You look between your two friends who look like they wanna dig their hands in the sand and never come out, and you can’t believe anything they’re saying. This has to be a dream, right? There’s no way this is real. It’s just too good. Too sweet. Too much of a blessing. Your mind races as you attempt to process their words and confessions, and the fact that they feel the same way as you. “Shit.” It’s all you can muster. 
Mina’s eyes widen an inch and she looks downright terrified. “Fuck, we’re overwhelming you, aren’t we?” she laments. “I knew we should’ve waited! I fucked up with that kiss, didn’t I?” She moves to back up, nearly bumping into someone, but Kiri grabs her arm to stop her. “Mina, baby, relax.” 
“You didn’t!” you say loudly, your hand shooting out to stop her from leaving. Then again, softer, “You didn’t.” Mina blinks, surprised. You lick your dry lips and will yourself to tell the truth. It’s too late to turn back now. “My ex broke up with me because he knew my heart lied with another,” you softly admit as you take Kiri’s hand into other empty hand. “Or rather two others.” His eyes widen in realization. 
“I’ve wanted you both for a long time now,” you softly admit, even as the heat in your cheeks rises and you want the floor to swallow you up whole. Especially as the silence between you swells uncomfortably so. 
Suddenly, Kiri’s gaze grows hooded and dark, all kindness gone. “Fuck,” he growls, unable to stop himself now. He grabs a hold of you by your waist and allows you to let out a tiny gasp of surprise before his lips are suddenly on yours. His lips is a little less soft than Mina’s, but still sensual and careful, his tongue asking for access to your mouth by caressing your bottom lip. 
You allow it, your mouth parting so his tongue can slip in and caress yours. You can taste the liquor, the slight tang of beer, and mint gum in his mouth as his tongue dances with yours, the feeling making you moan softly against his lips. You’re aware of Mina’s hands on your hips and her lips on your neck, making you want to shake from the feeling. This is just too much. The high is just too good. 
The sound of wolf whistles and Bakugou’s cackling in the mic make you and Kiri jump away, the kiss leaving you lightheaded. “Awww, shit, they fucking on the dance floor!” Denki hollers into the mic. “Get some!” He is still standing with the DJ as Bakugou and Sero laugh from beside him, both making obscene gestures at Kiri who flushes. 
Mina gives them the finger and turns to you both, her gaze electric. “Let’s go somewhere more private,” she whispers. You can’t agree more, and neither can Kiri. His calloused hand, rough from years of training and hero work, grab yours and Mina’s, practically dragging you off the dance floor to the banister leading up the winding staircase to Bakugou’s upstairs area. 
“No fucking in my bedroom, nerds!” Bakugou yells into the mic.
“Use protection!” Sero calls after you all as you practically run upstairs, Kiri nearly knocking one guy down as he stands blocking the stairs.
You don’t stop moving until you’re finally upstairs, hidden away from the prying eyes and ears of the party. The hallway is long and dark, many of the doors leading to guest rooms reserved for only Bakugou’s closest friends. His grand bedroom, which is right down the hall, is locked, the only doors open being some guest rooms and the bathroom on the left. 
“In here,” Mina whispers, already cracking open an unlocked door to a grand guest room. Kiri lets you and Mina slink in first before he walks in, shutting the door behind him.
The guest room is quite beautiful and clean with a flat-screen mounted on the wall and facing a king-sized bed covered in a soft, black comforter, a nightstand, a private bathroom, and a sliding glass door that leads out onto a balcony where the moonlight shines into the bedroom, lighting the darkness. It doesn’t appear that the door has an inside lock, but you doubt anyone will come upstairs to find you…or you hope not. 
You find yourself not really caring, especially when you’re standing in a room, alone, with your longtime crushes finally. Mina stands in the middle of the room, the moonlight making her hair look like a halo. She looks beautiful.
“Finally,” she sighs, exasperated. “I thought I was gonna have to start fucking you on the dance floor.” She steps toward you, eyes sensual slits. She takes her time; a predator assessing her prey. 
She doesn’t speak as she continues to saunter towards you and you don’t move. Your feet are frozen in place. She finally makes it to you and wraps her arms around your waist, bringing you close. “Now tell me all about how long you’ve wanted us.”
Her lips find yours once more, caressing your mouth. Her tongue slips into your mouth and swirls against yours for a few seconds before her lips suck gently against your mouth. A tiny moan leaves her lips at the soft sunction, the words taken right from your lips. 
As she gently releases your tongue, a thin strand of saliva glints between your mouths that seem to make you wetter. It even affects Kiri–you can hear the soft groan that leaves his lips from somewhere behind you. Mina gives you a playful smile, her eyes never leaving yours as her pink lips coat your neck and collarbone in kiss, her fingers dancing across your back. 
You moan softly at the feeling of her everywhere all at once. “Mina…” Her name is a sigh on your lips. 
“Tell me all about how much you’ve wanted to kiss me,” she coos, her lips like a sweet drug to you. You just want more. “Or kiss Kiri.” She pulls away and gazes at Kiri who has been standing there respectfully behind you but his fists are clenched and his joggers aren’t doing much to hide the bulge there. Your eyes widen at the size. He’s huge. 
Mina giggles to herself as her fingers glide down your hips. “I bet you’ve been dreaming about trying him for yourself, hm? Well, now’s your chance. We get to share him tonight.” Your mouth drops at her words and you stare at her, dumbfounded. She must take your reaction wrong because her smile fades, her eyes nervous. “I-If that’s what you want.” 
If that’s what you want. ‘Does a bear shit in the forest?’ you think. Of fucking course that’s what you want!
Kiri steps a little closer, still giving you space to feel comfortable. “No pressure, cutie,” he softly, encouragingly, says. “This is all about you. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about this a few times.” A light dusting of red coats his cheeks, matching his stark red hair. 
All about you. The words are sweet but they don’t make you feel too good. You don’t want tonight to just be about you. You shake your head slowly at Kiri. “No. It’s about us.” You take his hand, bringing him closer to you and Mina. To his girls. “I’ve wanted this since our U.A. days. I’ve thought about us, together, like this.” 
The happy smile that crosses both Kiri and Mina’s lips makes your heart flutter. If you got a contact high from all that weed and hookah smoke floating about downstairs, then this is the best hallucination ever. Mina wastes no time cupping your face in her hands and kissing you again, passion and words left unsaid for years exploding through that one move. You return the kiss, moving your hands to hold her slim waist against you. Your tongue glides into her mouth, unable to get enough of your touch.
“Fuck, Y/N,” she softly moans into your mouth. “You taste so good.” The sound of your name on her lips, so lewd yet so sweet, goes straight to your clit, making the tiny bud jump in your panties. 
You’re hyper aware of Kiri’s strong hand caressing your back as you and Mina makeout, lips and tongues dancing with one another. “Fuck,” he exhaled sharply. “That is so fucking sexy, seeing you pretty girls kiss like that.” Pretty. He called you pretty. “Is it okay if I join?” 
Mina pulls away from the kiss and raises a brow at him, laughing. “Are you kidding me? That’s why you’re here!” She yanks him over, having him stand between you and her. “Get your sexy ass over here.”
Kiri is like a very sexy wedge between you and Mina, nothing but muscles and a 6 ft frame that towers over you but doesn’t make you feel intimidated in any way. You’d gladly let the man toss your ass around like a rag doll, fuck you any way he wants to. But it makes you even wetter to know he’d ask you first and do it how you want it done. 
“Is that okay with you?” he asks, eyes serious. You nod, unable to speak, but Kiri ain’t having none of that. His hand moves to caress your chin, making you flush. “Gimme a yes, cutie. Not just a nod.” 
You don’t know how you manage to speak, but the tiny “yes” that leaves your lips are enough for him. A smirk crosses his lips and it soaks your panties even more. “Good girl.” 
God, as if you couldn’t get any more aroused. Those two words make every single cell in your body come to life. Kiri doesn’t allow you time to process the words when his mouth finds yours, swooping in to give you one toe-curling kiss.
Mina, ever the observant little minx, notices your reaction to Kiri’s praise though and giggles. “Oooh, you found her weakness. She just loves being called a good girl. And a word of advice: she goes insane for praise too….and neck kisses.” 
Kiri pulls away, looking at her in surprise, and then at you. “Oh, yeah?” he asks, quirking curious a brow at you. 
“Hey!” you gasp as Mina pokes her tongue at you. Leave it to this sneaky bitch to use your confessions of kinks against you after many times of talking about sex between two girl friends. You eye Kiri, pursing your lips at him. “And I bet you know she loves a hand on her throat. And spankings.”
Mina flushes while Kiri smirks. “Oh, don’t I,” he growls. One hand comes down to smack Mina on the ass, the sound of his hand coming down onto her cheeks and Mina’s little yelp turning you on. “Little brat, ain’t she?” 
You nod in agreement as he turns back to you, his gaze softer now. “Before we go any further, is there anything you don’t want me to do or say? Any boundaries I shouldn’t cross?” 
“Uh…” You try to grasp for something to answer his question. Really, you’d let them both do whatever they wanted to you, but you can understand why he’s asking. This is the first time either one of you are together like this. So you answer honestly: “Not really. I don’t mind being called a slut. And I guess just let me know if you wanna do rougher shit with me.” 
Kiri nods, understanding, as Mina throws an arm around his neck. “Oh, don’t worry, pretty girl,” she purrs. “Kiri’s a gentleman. He’ll be as soft or as rough as you want him to be. You’re in good hands.” Your eyes trail over Kiri’s face, your eyes locking with his. “I know,” you whisper, only for him to hear. You trust him and Mina completely with your body, your heart, your soul. 
Those words make every single restraint Kiri had on himself crumble. “Come here, gimme that neck,” he growls, and his lips begin to assault your neck and shoulders, giving you the sweetest, wettest kisses everywhere he can reach. “Fuck, you feel so good against me,” he groans against your skin. “It took everything in me to not fuck you up on that dance floor.” 
The dirty secrets leaving his lips make you moan, throwing your head back, unashamed and unabashed. “So now you know we both wanted to jump your bones,” Mina purrs, now suddenly beside you, her breath fanning your face. “Watching you two like this is so…fuck. Why don’t we finally get out of these clothes?” 
Kiri pulls away, his look hungered. You don’t even think your ex looked at you in such a way. “I thought you wouldn’t fucking ask. I was so close to ripping those clothes off of both of you.” 
“That’s not gentleman-ly at all, sir!” Mina mockingly scoffs. “Bad boy. Now you’ll have to watch instead of us.” She lays a hand on Kiri’s hard chest and playfully pushes him back onto the bed. He falls back against the soft mattress with a light laugh, the sound making you laugh too. “Just watch us for now, baby. Relax and enjoy the show.”
The moonlight illuminates Kiri’s face and you can see every ounce of lust in them. “Fuck…Yes, ma’am.” He does as his girlfriend says, moving against the headboard to put his muscled arms behind his head, enjoying the show unfolding before him. 
Mina comes up behind you, her fingers reaching for the zipper to your dress. “Come here, pretty girl. Let me get this zipper down for you. Is that okay?”
At your slow nod, she slowly brings the zipper down until your dress pools at your heeled feet. She softly gasps at the familiar push-up bra and panty set that adorns your skin, and Kiri groans, recognizing it too. “Rihanna’s lingerie? Naughty girl. I bet you were hoping you’d get fucked tonight, didn’t you?” 
Her hands come to cup your ass, gliding all over your hips and lower back as her lips kiss the back of your neck. Her hands then glide to the front to cup your breasts, gently needing them in the lace cups of your bra. “Ah…” The sound leaves your lips, feeling like a release. 
“Probably not by two though,” she giggles, eyeing Kiri. He lays there, the tent in his joggers growing bigger. “Lucky me. You’re still in your clothes though, Mina. Don’t you wanna join our pretty girlfriend?” 
Girlfriend. Our girlfriend. Fuck, if you would have died now, you’d die a happy woman.
You turn to assist Mina, wanting to get your hands on her. “Lemme help.” She happily allows you to strip her off her clothes, leaving them discarded on the floor. She is just left in just her pumps, a black bra that brings out her pink skin, and a matching thong that makes her ass look immaculate. So many times you’ve dreamed of touching those impressive, toned globes, smacking it, squeezing it. 
She lets you do it now and you can’t stop yourself. Your hands have minds of their own as they glide all over her ass and hips, your lips on her neck. The sounds that leave her lips are music to your ears, testimates of how good you’re making her feet.
“Yes, baby, touch me,” she softly gasps. “Let me touch you too.” Her lips find yours as her fingers find your panties, sneaking between your thighs to touch your fabric-covered flit. “Fuck, Mina,” you moan, unable to hold back. 
Her hand doesn’t stop its slow but deliberate strokes against your clit, moving to cup your sex and grind her palm into your mound. Sparks of pleasure shoot into your clit at the feeling of her palm against it, the feeling making your toes curl in your heels. You don’t even remember that Kiri is there until he lets out a strained groan. “Fuck, I love watching you two.” 
Mina pulls away from you and turns to look at him, a sexy smile on her face. “We can tell.” You turn to look at him and you find his hand in his pants, stroking his hardened dick that is still hidden from view beneath his joggers. He smirks lazily at you. “You like seeing me stroke myself, baby girl?” he coos. “It’s okay, you can look. It just makes me harder for you.” 
You can’t look away, practically salivating at the sight of his hand moving up and down beneath the fabric of his pants. Mina unabashedly stares too, her chest rapidly moving up and down at the sight. “Maybe we should help him out, Y/N. Put him out of his misery.” Her eyes twinkle as she looks at you and then kneels down at the bedside. 
Kiri practically scrambles to move closer to her, putting his legs over the bedside so she can reach. She smiles up at you, curling her finger to beckon you forward. “Come on, kneel with me.”
You’re helpless to resist –both by the sight of Kiri’s bulge and the curve of her breast peeking out of her bra cup as one of her straps falls loosely down her shoulder. You kneel beside her, feeling quite sexy as you do. “Go ahead and take off his pants.” 
You oblige and reach for the waistband to Kiri’s joggers. He lifts his hips for you, giving you easier access to get them off his hips before lowering them back down. “Fuck yes,” he breathlessly says, “and I’ll work on my shirt.” 
You go to help, but he stops you. “Nah. I’ll take care of the rest of me. You just worry about getting my pants down, okay, cutie?” He winks at you, making you flush and giggle like a damn schoolgirl. “Okay,” you breathlessly reply. He works fast to strip himself of the flimsy tank, flinging it somewhere on the floor, forgotten and unimportant. 
As you move his joggers down his legs sinwey with muscle, your eyes graze his impressive body–it’s nothing but muscle, pecs that could make great pillows, a six-pack granted by hours of workouts and discipline. His hooded eyes meet yours as his pants are finally at his feet, and then in one swift motion, gone when you take them down. “Good girl…now take my dick out.” 
You’re happy to oblige, your hands quickly moving to pull him out. And good Lord, you needed a warning! When you wrap your hand around his his big, hard dick and pull it out, your mouth falls open. He’s big, thick, and curves upwards, nothing but veins and precum that bubbles at the head for you and Mina that leads up to a patch of trimmed, black curls that are his natural pubic hairs. He has the most beautiful dick you’ve ever seen. It’d give any male porn star a run for its money. 
You can’t stop yourself from licking your hand and wrapping it around the base and stroking up and down slowly. You tighten your grip enough to add friction, watching as soft sighs of pleasure leave Kiri’s lips. “That’s it,” he coos. “Fuck, your hand feels so good!” He throws his head back, exposing his neck and bobbing Adam’s apple to you. 
Mina giggles from beside you, intently watching you work Kiri’s cock. “Stroking him already? Greedy girl. You didn’t even give him time to breathe.” She moves closer, whispering in your ear. “Mmm, isn’t he so big? And so hard for us? Bet you’ve wondered what it’d feel like in your hand.” 
‘Yes,’ you think, lips parted in astonishment as you watch your hand stroke Kiri up and down, the skin there stretching at your movements. Precum continues to drip down your hand, leaving you salivating. You want to taste him. 
“That’s it, nice and slow,” Mina coos into your ear. You listen, still working Kiri just right. He must think so too because he moans and grunts at the feeling, not holding anything back. The sounds drift up to the ceiling and make you even wetter. You’re practically soaking the floor through your panties. 
“Listen to those moans!” Mina moans, just as aroused. “He’s just begging for you at this point. Should we give him a treat?” She looks at you, eyes glinting and smile mischievous. Kiri picks his head up to look at you both, eyes wide and greedy. “Both of you? Oh, fuck yes, please!” 
Mina laughs, kissing your shoulder. “You heard him, girl. Get those lips around that dick.” You do so, making quick work of putting your lips over your teeth to cushion Kiri’s cock as you put him in your mouth. You give him slow strokes of your mouth and kitten licks first, getting used to feel of his big dick stretching your mouth. Kiri shudders, his toes curling at the feeling of your wet, hot mouth and soft lips drinking him in. 
Mina watches, coaxing you by rubbing your back. “Mmm, that’s it. Enjoy it. He feels good stretching out your mouth, doesn’t he? Oooh, you look so good taking him like that.” She moans lewdly at the sight and you swear you could burst at this point. Talk about foreplay. “How does she look, Kiri, baby?” she hums. 
Kiri is in his world, eyes red slits as he looks at you taking his cock so well. “So…so fucking good! You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth, gorgeous.” His words filled with sweet praise make you go deeper, your hand still stroking his shaft. 
“Come on, baby, take him deeper,” Mina encourages, eyes drinking you in as you take your boyfriend’s cock. “Yes, yes, like that. Take all that dick down your pretty throat.” You do so, gagging slightly as Kiri’s cock enters your throat. What you can’t take you stroke, slowly gagging on his dick and breathing through your nostrils. 
Kiri is losing it. He writhes underneath you, an arm thrown over his face like he can’t believe how good it feels. “Fuck, Y/N! Taking my cock so good!” You moan against his dick, the vibrations too much for him as you continue to bob your head up and down, up and down, just like that, right there… 
Kiri’s moans get louder, strained. “Oh, God, b-baby!” he calls out. “You have to stop or I’ll…I’ll…” You moan encouragingly, nodding your head because yes, you want him to cum. You want every ounce of his cum in your mouth, coating your tongue and throat. 
“Stop.” Mina’s stern voice stops you and reluctantly, you move away from Kiri’s dick now dripping in saliva and precum. His big balls are the same, glistening in the moonlight. Kiri’s chest moves up and down rapidly, his skin coated in sweat. “Don’t want him to blow a load before I’ve gotten a taste yet,” Mina purrs. “Move over, greedy girl.” 
You slowly move over to give her room, unhanding Kiri. Your hand and lips are coated in spit, but you don’t wipe it away. You like yourself like this for some reason. Mina giggles at you, bumping your hip with hers. “Don’t just sit there, silly. Help me out. Stroke his shaft and his balls for me. He loves that.” 
And then she’s taking Kiri in her mouth, giving him short strokes before taking her in her throat with ease. Your eyes widen at the sight of Kiri’s fat dick stretching out her mouth, but she gladly takes it all, her golden eyes looking straight at your helpless, writhing boyfriend. Your hand, still wet from stroking Kiri, palms his balls, gently kneading the soft skin there. 
“Ohhh, my fucking God!” he practically screams to the ceiling above. “So…so good…” He’s so loud that you glance at the door for a moment, worried someone will come walking in to see what’s up. But then again, if they hear the moans coming from Kiri’s luscious mouth, maybe they’ll think twice about it. 
As you use one hand to massage Kiri’s sobbing wet balls and stroke what Mina can’t fit in her mouth, you watch as your beautiful friend-turned-girlfriend gags on your sexy friend-turned-boyfriend’s dick. She’s an expert at it, taking him with ease, little gagging and slurping sounds leaving her lips.
Spit drips from her lips and down Kiri’s shaft, spilling into your palm and making your hand extra slick. Only the sounds of Mina’s mouth and Kiri’s wanton moans and grunts fill the air with the bumping of the music muffled from downstairs. 
Finally, Mina comes up for air with a big gasp, popping off of Kiri’s cock with a wet pop! She smiles at you, lips slick with saliva. “And now we switch again. You take him in your throat while I stroke him.”
You practically pounce on Kiri, devouring his dick like it’s your last meal. You take him in your open throat, breathing through your nose, and welcoming Kiri’s hips bumping up into your mouth. “Yeah,” he raspily grunts, “take it, baby girl. Take my dick.” 
The dirty, praise-filled words leaving his lips that are usually reserved for words to make you smile, laugh, and encourage you makes you sobbing wet, so much so that you slowly grind against nothing just to try to ease the aching in your poor, needy clit.
Mina’s hand curls around the back of your neck. “So eager, aren’t you?” she whispers, her eyes drinking in the way you take Kiri’s cock. “Is it okay if I push your head down?” 
“Mmm-hmm!” you mumble, nodding your head for extra measure. Mina giggles at this, moving her hand to spank one cheek. “Naughty girl.” Her hand places itself at the back of your head, gently pushing your throat farther down Kiri’s dick until you’re gagging around it and tears prick the corner of your eyes. 
Kiri is a mess underneath you, grabbing your shoulders, eyes rolling to the back of his head. Mina keeps her head there, giving you the naughtiest words of encouragement that are worthy of a porno. “Yes, baby girl, gag on that dick,” she whispers in your ear. “Take all of it the way you want to. Make him fucking scream for you.” 
You do so, moving your head up and down as much as Mina will allow you, stroking Kiri’s dick with your throat. He grows bigger, thicker, in your mouth, and you know it’s only a matter of time until he cums. “Fuck me!” he gasps loudly, the volume of his voice going straight to your core. “Wait, wait, Y/N, baby, stop!”
His pleas make Mina’s hand fall from your head and you release him. You look up at him, curious as to why he wants you to stop before he could cum down your throat. He stares down at both of you, chest heaving, crimson eyes glowing in the moonlight. “Fuck, you both got me so close. You’re both so good at sucking cock!” 
Mina glances at you, wiggling her brows. “Oooh, you hear that, Y/N? First time and you’ve already got him fiending for you.” You let out a breathless giggle, happy with that fact. “So why not let yourself cum in our mouths?” Mina innocently asks Kiri, tilting her head to the side. 
Kiri smirks at her. “Because we’ve barely gotten started. I haven’t even tasted either of you for myself.” 
  You shiver in anticipation, wanting whatever he’s giving. “Well, why didn’t you say so?” Mina giggles and helps you stand on wobbly legs from kneeling for too long. “Maybe you should go first, Y/N. After all, this is new for you too.” She gets on the bed next to Kiri, spreading her toned legs for you to lay in between. “Just lean back against me.” 
You don’t have to be told again. You scramble to get up on the bed to join them and lean against Mina, your back against her front. “Let Kiri get a good look at these pretty little panties,” she hums, her fingers moving to pry your legs apart so your panties are on full display. “He’s practically salivating for a taste of these lips.” 
Her fingers play with your panty-covered pussy for a few seconds, warming you up and making you crazy from not feeling her soft fingers against your naked pussy. Finally, she moves your panties to the side, the fabric covering your lips coming back shiny with your wetness. Kiri’s eyes widen an inch from seeing how wet you are, especially when Mina’s index and middle fingers gently dip into the wetness.
“M-Mina!” you moan, throwing your head back against her shoulder. She softly giggles, her fingers gently moving upward to toy with your clit, rubbing it in gentle circles. 
“Fuck,” Kiri growls, primal and insane with arousal. He gets into position, moving his head between your thighs but never ducking down to taste you for himself. Instead, he looks at you, asking for permission with his molten hot gaze. “Tell me what you want from me, baby girl. Tell me where you want my mouth before I lose my fucking mind.” 
Mina’s ministrations and his gaze don’t allow your mind to think clearly, too clouded by need and arousal. “I…” 
“You want them on your lips?” Kiri lowly asks before moving to plant a kiss on your mouth. “Or maybe not there…but on your gorgeous tits?” His hands slowly move to take down the straps to your bra, causing your pretty breasts to gently fall out. He pulls the cups down lower so he can suck your tits right, his tongue swirling around the hardened peaks of your nipples. When he nibbles at one with those damn teeth, it damn near makes you crazy. 
You let out a strained moan and a whimper, toes curling at the feeling. “You like that?” Kiri asks, voice slightly muffled by his lips against your tits. “God yes!” you cry out as he continues, his mouth like a drug to you as Mina continues to play with your clit, your pussy gushing.
Finally, she stops and moves to suck on her fingers, humming at your taste. “Don’t tease my poor girl, Eji,” she huffs. “Give her what she wants.” 
Kiri raises a brow up at her, moving from your tits. “Someone’s impatient and she isn’t the one getting touched yet.” Mina pouts at him. “You’re damn right,” she answers impatiently. “I’m dying to see how she looks writhing against your tongue.” 
Kiri chuckles, still not moving to touch or taste your aching, sobbing wet pussy. “Tell me what you want, pretty girl,” he murmurs to you, eyes locked on yours. “Say it to me.”
With his laser stare on you, it makes it hard to say the words, but the ache in your clit eggs you on. “I…I want…” You swallow hard, getting up the nerve to tell him to his handsome face. “I want your mouth on my pussy.” 
Kiri’s face brightens with realization. “Oh? I can do that.” He grins at you before ducking down, groaning at your shining, wet lips. “Fuck, you’re wet! Better not let this go to waste then.” He swoops in, his soft lips cushioning and pressing against your clit as his tongue dips inside you, swirling around, up and down. 
“O-Oh, fuck!” you choke out, the pleasure hightening your senses. Mina giggles from behind you as her hands curl around your front to toy with your breasts. “Does he feel good, pretty girl?” she asks, her index finger and thumb on both hands gently pinching your nipples. You cry out in response, too gone to give her a real answer. She laughs happily. “I guess that’s a yes.” 
Kiri is truly a champ when it comes to eating pussy. He laps at your wetness, alternating between gently sucking at your clit to dipping inside, his nose pressing deliciously against your clit.
Finally, he pulls away enough to speak, his lips coated in your juices. “Fuck, you taste so good!” he moans. “Such a good girl, giving me so much honey to taste.” He moves his index and middle fingers up to your mouth and wordlessly, you suck on them, coating them in your spit. 
He takes them out and slowly, very slowly, plunges them inside of you, curling them upward. Your toes curl and your back arches, the sounds leaving your lips sounding so unlike you. Who is this needy little slut in your place? “But, of course, you should know, only a naughty girl would want her pussy eaten and grinding her hips back into my face like this.” Kiri grins up at you. “Don’t you think so, baby girl?” 
He goes back to sucking on your clit for a few seconds, his fingers slowly moving in and out until he reaches that spot inside of you that makes you see heaven. “Oh, God, Kiri!” you practically scream. 
“Oh, I think so,” he giggles into your pussy. Fuck, even his giggles are hot! “I think your pussy thinks so too. She just keeps gushing around my tongue. How about we make you feel even better, hm?”
With that he slowly takes his fingers out of your wet depths and slides his tongue down your slit to your asshole, wet from your juices dripping down. Kiri? Eating ass? You knew he was an ass guy (hence being with Mina), but you didn’t know it was like that! 
His work on your asshole and pussy have you seeing stars, the sounds leaving you unable to be contained. Mina comments on them, cooing at you teasingly. “Aw, listen to those sounds you’re making! At this rate, someone will definitely find us up here. You just can’t help but let out those slutty sounds.” 
You turn slightly so you’re facing her pussy now and Kiri has to throw one of your legs over his shoulder to eat you out from the side. You press your hand against Mina’s panty-covered slit, the fabric wet and making it easy for friction. She gasps at the feeling of your fingers, her eyes going wide. “Oh, fuck!” she shouts, her voice loud and high. 
Kiri laughs at his girlfriend’s lewd sounds. “Now who’s got the slutty sounds? Trying to make her hit a high note, are you, Y/N?” 
You continue to rub Mina’s cunt, smiling at her whimpers and soft moans. “You…you sneaky little…” She inhales sharply, her words cut off by the pleasure. “I-If you’re gonna do that, at least move my panties out of the way.”
You raise a brow. “Oh?” you hum as you move her panties to the side, revealing her pink, puffy lips slick with wetness to you. “Like this?” 
Your fingers touch her clit gently, rubbing it in slow circles. Mina’s body lurches at the contact and a gasp leaves her pretty lips. “Yeah!” she gasps out. “Yeah, just like that!”
She grinds her hips into your hand, giving you better access to rubbing her clit, applying as much pressure as she wants. Her face is so pretty the way it’s screwed up in pleasure, eyebrows knitted and eyes closed. 
Kiri watches you intently and you can feel his cock stiffening against your inner thigh. “Fuck…you sure I can’t just watch you two do that?” he chuckles, but still ducks down to kiss your pussy. “Move that hand, cutie. Let me take it from here.” 
You do as he says and he proceeds to rub Mina’s clit with precision, going as fast as she wants him to. As he does that, he ducks down to suck on your clit, never letting up because that’s not Kiri’s way. You and Mina’s moans and whimpers fill the air, soft gasps and words of “please”, “faster”, and Kiri’s full name falling from your lips. 
You suddenly feel that pleasure building in your core, signaling your joyous end. “Oh, my God, Ejirou!” you cry out, using Kiri’s full government name. “I think…I think I’m gonna…” The words die in your throat.
Kiri looks up, eyes fucking feral. “You’re gonna cum, baby girl, hm? Go ahead. Give it to me. I can take all of it! Cum for me!” He ducks down to assault your clit again as his rubs against Mina’s clit get faster. 
“M-Me too!” Mina gasps out, her hips wining into her boyfriend’s hand. “Keep rubbing my clit like that, baby, and I’ll…” Her head falls back, mouth a silent O. You can feel that feeling rising, that bubble about to burst.
“No!” you desperately cry out. “No, stop!”
Kiri slowly moves his lips away from your pussy, confused. “No…?” 
He even slows down his hand on Mina’s clit. “No, no, please!” she cries out, whimpering as the pleasure dies. “Oh, fuck, I was so close, babe! Why did you…?” 
You move away from her and Kiri, sitting up on your knees to look into their eyes. “I want us all to cum together,” you softly confess despite the flush you feel at such a lewd confession. You look at Kiri, taking his hands in yours. “I want to finally feel that dick inside of me, and watch you fuck Mina too.” Your eyes lock with his, begging him to promise to do this for you. “I want you to make us cum like that.”
Kiri blinks at you, dumbfounded, and then his gaze darkens. “Fuck,” he exhales. “But how would we do that? I only have one dick, in case you didn’t realize it.” He nods down at the hardened extra leg he’s packing between his muscled thighs. 
Mina is one step ahead. She swoops in to peck Kiri on the lips. “I’ve got an idea,” she giggles and looks at you. “Babe, lay down for me.” You do so, laying on your back on the soft comforter, the fabric smelling faintly of lavender detergent.
Mina smiles. “Perfect.” She gets on top of you, throwing her soft, luscious legs on either side of your hips. She then arches her back and moves up to hover you, her tits now in your face. 
“Now, Kiri,” she purrs, “you get behind her so her pussy and my ass are right in your face. Perfect for switching between, right?” She wiggles her ass around enticingly and Kiri’s eyes follow her hips, hypnotized. 
“Ahh, I’ve got you,” he hums, moving as fast as the speed of light to settle himself behind Mina as she straddles you. This has got to be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and I get to be a part of it? Fuck, that just about makes me wanna burst!” His enthusiasm is enough to make you laugh. 
“Uh-uh, not yet, daddy,” Mina gently scolds, and you swear Kiri and you share the same mind because you both look at Mina like she’s a plate of the finest dessert as soon as she says that. “Not until you fuck us both.” She looks down at you with a grin. “I wanna see this cutie explode all over your fat dick.” 
Her words and the anticipation drive you wild, your pussy gushing and clenching around nothing but air. “God, just fuck me now before I lose my shit!” you desperately plead, grinding your hips up into Mina. 
Kiri chuckles darkly, cracking his neck as he gently strokes his dick. “With pleasure,” he growls. “Put your hips up, baby.” You do so, lifting your hips so he can grasp them and align himself with you. “Good girl.”
His hand sneaks up Mina’s ass to spank her, the sharp sound making your pussy clench. “Fuck, this ass is just too perfect,” he murmurs, spanking Mina again who moans in delight. 
“As hot as this is, baby,” Mina breathlessly says, “I want to see Y/N bounce on your dick, if you don’t mind.” The third spank he gives her is sharper now, making her hiss at the contact. “Hush, you bratty girl,” he growls to her and she buttons her lip, a secretive smile on her face. Seeing them play this game, have this dynamic right in front of you, is the hottest shit ever. 
Kiri’s eyes glint at you as he looks down at you. “You ready, gorgeous?” he questions. You nod, even murmuring a “yes” in case he wants verbal consent. “And you know we can stop at any time, right?” he asks, eyes serious. Once again, you say “yes” and he needs no more persuasion to grasp your hips and slowly push his cock head into your pussy, separating your wet lips. 
Your eyes widen, feeling full already. Your hand immediately goes to grasp his muscled arm while the other grabs Mina’s thigh. “K-Kiri!” you belt out. Kiri is barely hanging on, eyebrows knitted and muscles clenched. “Fuck, you’re so tight!” he yells out, but manages to keep still enough to allow you time to adjust. “You okay?” 
“Y-Yeah,” you breathe out, welcoming Mina’s comforting rubs on the outside of your thigh. “Just give me a minute?” Kiri nods, staying put. “Of course.” Your ex wasn’t as well endowed as Kiri, so you’ll definitely need a few minutes to adjust. Kiri gives you that, coaxing you to relax and even moving underneath Mina’s body to rub your clit. His paitence, and Mina’s words of encouragement, allow your body to relax fully. 
“Okay,” you finally say. “Just go slow. You’re really big.” Kiri grins at your words. “Just take your time, baby girl. There’s no rush. We have all night for this.”
Before you can bring up this being Dynamite’s bedroom, Kiri growls out, “Fuck Bakugou” before pushing inside of you more. He goes slow, but still, you can feel the stretch and the slight burn as your walls stretch around him. You’re just glad you’re wetter than a lake at this point, allowing it to be easier with how slick you are. 
“Can you take him, baby?” Mina asks into your ear.” Yeah? You need a little help? How about I suck on these pretty nipples in my face?” She ducks to suck on your nipples, her strawberry-scented scalp in your nose. “And let me rub that cute little clit.” Her fingers move to play with your clit as Kiri moves out and then back in, nice and slow. 
Once he has that rhythm, he has it and he never lets it go. His hips slowly move against yours, his stroke game fucking immaculate. And Mina gets to feel this all the time?
Kiri’s dick has you seeing stars, the entire fucking galaxy exploding behind your eyelids as he strokes those parts inside of you that have you moaning and taking the Lord’s name in vain. “Oh, my God, Eji, yes!” you cry out, not caring if people hear you. Anyone would be this loud if they could get a feel of Red Riot’s dick inside of them. 
“Ohhh, yes, that’s good,” Kiri groans, still going slow. “You’re taking me…even deeper…you’re doing so good, baby, oh, my God!” He is vocal, never shutting up, and that makes you even wetter, allowing you to take him deeper. “Fuck me harder!” you cry out, your other hand letting go of Mina’s thigh to grasp Kiri’s other arm. “Please, Kiri, please!” 
Kiri does so, wanting to please you. His hips snap against yours a little harder, his stomach rubbing up against your clit. “Such a slutty girl,” Mina giggles, lips hovering over yours. “That’s it, baby, take that dick. Let yourself relax into him. Put a hand on that throat, Kiri. She likes that too.” You stare up at her, eyes wide and open-mouthed. “Oops!” she snickers. “Did I say that?” Oh, this bitch… 
Kiri obliges, wrapping a hand around your throat, but not squeezing. “Like that, gorgeous?” he asks, his voice dipping lower into a growl that sends your tummy into butterflies. “Hm? Is this what you fucking want?”
Fuck, if you get any wetter, you’re gonna soak the bed. “Yes! God, yes!” you scream out, unable to keep quiet from the sheer pleasure you’re feeling. 
Kiri continues to fuck you as he presses a kiss to Mina’s hair. “I’ll give you anything you want,” he groans. “Both of you. I’ll fuck you in every fucking way possible.”
His sweet yet sensual words awaken something inside of you. Something just as primal. “Promise?” you ask, biting the flesh of your bottom lip. 
Kiri’s hot gaze locks on you as he rolls his hips into you. “I fucking swear.” Mina moans from above you, her tits jiggling every time Kiri thrusts into you. “Keep saying shit like that and I’ll cum before you’ve gotten inside me.” 
Kiri immediately stops his movements. “Oh, no, the fuck you won’t.” He slips out of you slowly, making you feel empty. “Let’s take a break, babe. This bratty bitch still needs the same treatment, doesn’t she?”
He takes a handful of Mina’s hair and wrenches her hair back, Mina letting out a surprised gasp at the sudden switch in personality. He grins down at you, looking like a damn villian. “Watch me fuck her up.” 
With that, he aligns himself with Mina’s pussy and slides inside, only sticking his head in. Mina’s mouth falls open into a pretty O as her back arches. “Oh, fuck!” she shouts. “P-Please…go slow. I wanna feel you go in slow.” 
Kiri smiles brightly at this, pressing a kiss to her back. “Of course, babe.” He proceeds to slide into her slow, painfully slow, stretching her pretty, pink pussy out. “Anything…you…want.” Moans and whimpers fall from Mina’s lips as he begins to roll his hips into her ass. He looks down at you, one hand moving to palm your breast. “How about you, gorgeous? Want me to do something for you?” 
Your eyes drink in Mina, the sight of her like art–her dark-pink nipples hard, pretty tits jiggling in your face, toned stomach glinting with sweat where you’re sure she can feel Kiri’s dick. “Just fuck her harder,” you breathe out.
Kiri smiles anything but kind. “I can do that.” And does that he can. He fucks Mina right above you, hips snapping into her ass just the way she likes it. “Yeah, you like that, Mina?” he coos, hand still gripping her hair. 
Mina is fucking gone, eyes closed and mouth open. “Y-Yeah…that feels so good! Harder, daddy, please!”
Her using that title again makes Kiri fuck her harder, pounding her pussy until the sound of skin slapping and bed springs bouncing are all that fill the air besides Mina and Kiri’s lewd moans. You find yourself rubbing your clit at the show taking place above you, indulging in the best kind of porn as Kiri bounces the both of you with his thrusts. 
He chuckles as he looks down at your tits jiggle. “Look at you, babe: bouncing every time I fuck her. It’s almost like I’m fucking you too. Almost…” He stops and slides out of Mina despite her mewl of disappointment. “But not quite. You didn’t feel that stretch, did you, baby girl?” Without getting an answer, he slides into you again. “Now you do.” 
Your eyes go wide at the sudden feeling of being filled again, but he doesn’t give you a chance to process it before he’s fucking you again, hips rolling mercilessly into you. “Oh, my God!” you yell out, throwing your head back against the mattress.
Kiri grabs onto Mina’s hips, bumping her ass into him as he fucks you silly. “Fuck, the two of you are so fucking sexy,” he moans out. “I-I don’t know how long I can keep this up.” 
The need for his cum filling you up makes you desperate. Needy. Willing to say and do anything for it. “You can cum!” you yell out. “You can cum inside me! I’m on the pill!” 
Mina giggles from above you. “Me too. Eager little cumslut, aren’t you?” She dips down to assault your neck, palming at your breasts and rubbing her thumbs over the sensitive nubs of your nipples. 
But Kiri stops and slides out of you despite your moans of protest. “Nah,” he huffs. “Not yet. I still have to make sure you two get equal attention, don’t you? So I’m gonna keep switching back and forth between these pretty little pussies until you’re both ready to explode for me, okay?”
He doesn’t wait for an answer as he slides into Mina and rams into her, beating her pussy up. “Kiri, please!” she cries out, and you understand. Pleading for more and for less all at the same time, the pleasure too sweet. 
“You two just keep feeling good for me,” Kiri pants, every muscle coated in sweat. “Can you both do that for me?” He suddenly moves to lift one of Mina’s legs and fucks her that way, giving you a good view of her pussy stretching around his dick that slides in and out of her.
“Oh, my God, yes!” Mina cries out, tears pricking in her eyes at the pleasure. She looks down at you and you swear she’s never looked more beautiful. “Kiss me, baby. I wanna taste you.” 
You oblige, moving to kiss her as your hand moves against your clit, fingers rubbing the bud faster and faster until you can feel that dam about to break. “Oh, fuck, I’m so close!” you shout. “Please tell me you two are close!” Kiri nods frantically, teeth gritted at the feeling. “Yeah!” he stutters out. “S-So, so close!” 
But Mina stops you both. “Wait, Kiri. Stop.” He listens, his face coated in sweat and disappointment. “Oh, fuck, why? I was so, so close!” You were as well, the sweet feeling of release dying as you stop rubbing your clit. 
Mina looks back at him. “Because we wanna cum at the same time, right?” she purrs. “So why don’t you slip that dick out of me and put it between us instead? And you can still fuck us until we cum. With extra clit stimulation.” She turns to you, winking. “Does that sound good to the both of you?” 
Does that sound good to you? Shit, you’re just about the cum from the idea. “Fuck, Mina…” You squirm around beneath her, wanting to cum with them so badly. Kiri laughs at your neediness. “This cutie is practically begging for that. I’m down for it.”
He slips out of Mina and aligns his dick to meet your pussies just right. “Now hold still for me.”
You both do, waiting as patiently as humanly possible for him to finally slide his dick between your pussies. But when he finally does, you’re not prepared. The feeling of his hard dick stroking your clit between you and Mina as you grind your hips immediately, up and around, anything to get that release.
“Perfect,” Kiri grunts, hips rolling with yours. “Fucking perfect. Does it feel good for you girls as it does for me?” 
“So…so good!” Mina moans out, her hips grinding down into Kiri’s dick. “I can’t stop!” You know what she means. Your hips and your body have minds of their own, moving for that pleasure.
“Does it feel good for you too, babe?” Kiri asks, but you can’t speak. You can only answer with the lewdest sounds you’ve ever come out of your mouth; sounds that would put Mariah Carey’s career in a casket. 
Kiri and Mina laugh at your sounds much to your embarrassment. “I guess it does judging from those high notes,” he snickers, hips moving faster, harder. “You both needed this, didn’t you? A nice fucking for two pretty little sluts.” 
“Keep fucking us like that and we’ll show you how much we needed it,” Mina softly growls, just as feral as you. He does so, grabbing Mina’s shoulder and your thigh before fucking the shit of you both, his cock mercilessly stroking your clits.
“Yeah, like that!” you yell out, practically babbling and drunk from the pleasure. “Keep fucking us like that, daddy!” 
Kiri’s eyes snap to yours at the title, his crimson eyes blown with pleasure. “Tell me whose you are,” he growls deeply. “Both of you. Tell me who’s making you feel this good.”
He leans down, squishing Mina between the both of you, and presses his lips to your ear as he ruts deeper between you. “Tell me,” he growls deeply in your ear. 
That release builds again, increasing from Kiri’s controlled movements and Mina’s noises in your ear. “Fuck, Eji, please!” you sob, your hips beginning to stutter and move sloppily. “I’m gonna…I’m gonna cum!” 
“M-Me too!” Mina whines into your ear, her tits squished against yours and bouncing in time with you and the mattress as Kiri ruts between your pussies. “Oh, my God, I-I can’t stop!” Her body begins to writhe against yours and she grabs you, wrapping her arms around you as Kiri fucks the everloving shit out of you. 
“Such good little girls for me,” he growls from above you, going faster and faster, signaling his own dawning release. “So good! I’m gonna cum all over your pretty little pussies.” He thros his head back, lost in the pleasure, moaning to the ceiling, most of them being your names. “Fuck…fuck…fuck!” 
When it cums, it’s messier than messy. You can feel his hot cum spurt out of his dick and coat your pussy and Mina’s. The sounds that fall from his lips trigger your own release and you tumble down that hill, falling into an abyss of pure bliss. Mina falls with you, whining and moaning into your ear as her hips slow their grind.
“O-Oh, f-fuck!” she stutters out, gripping you for dear life. “S-So…so good…!” You silently agree, gripping her ass and grinding with her, riding that blissful wave. 
“Still cumming!” Kiri moans from above you, hips still going and going. “So much!” You can feel it–ropes and ropes of hot cum spilling onto your stomach and onto the comforter as he gives you about a week’s worth of nut. Finally, after letting out a groan that would make any girl blush, his movements slow and stills, breathing heavily. 
You lean back against the comforter, exhaustion overtaking you. Above you, Mina laughs hysterically. “Damn, daddy!” she giggles, wiggling her ass into an exhausted Kiri. “You practically soaked the comforter!”
Slowly, Kiri pulls away from you and Mina slowly gets off of you, revealing the very large mess of bodily fluids that coat the black comforter. 
The laugh that erupts from you is loud and abrupt, and you’re taken aback by the reaction when you should be horrified. But the bliss you feel from that earth-shattering orgasm and that your two crushes reciprocating your feelings doesn’t allow you to. “Bakugou is gonna kill us,” you giggle.  
Kiri laughs with you, wiping sweat from his forehead. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” he sighs, looking down at you and at Mina adoringly. “That was amazing.”
Mina hums in agreement, gently running her hand down your naked tummy. “It absolutely was,” she says with a smile. “Talk about a good distraction from your shit ex, hm?” 
You couldn’t agree more. “Mmm,” you hum in agreement, orgasm-sedated exhaustion settling in. You try to sit up and need Kiri’s help, your limbs feeling flimsy and jell-O-like. “Easy there, cutie,” he whispers encouragingly. Slowly, now.” 
“Let me go get us some water,” Mina says, letting Kiri help her off the bed so she can walk to the private bathroom. She turns shortly after with two glasses of water, one of them being for you. “Here, baby. Drink up.” 
You thank her, gladly taking the glass and gulping down the sweet, cold water. Her and Kiri share the other before Kiri crawls up to the headboard and settles under the covers. He smiles lazily at both of you, arms open wide. “Come here, both of you. We all need a good snuggle.” You giggle as you crawl towards him alongside Mina. “Glad to see you’re not too manly for cuddles.” 
Kiri looks at you like you’re insane. “You shitting me? Cuddles are for everybody.” You take one side while Mina takes the other, curling at his side. “That was better than my wildest dreams,” he sighs, enclosing his arms around both of you, holding you close to him. Mina hums in agreement, her hand moving to cup yours on Kiri’s chest, right over his beating heart.  
You let out a content sigh, loving this feeling of bliss. The smell of mingling scents–sex, perfume, cologne–fill your nose as you cuddle into Kiri’s side and let Mina rub circles into your knuckles with her thumb, feeling safe. But even so, that nagging feeling of something bothering you doesn’t allow you to fall so deeply into the peace. 
You nervously look at Kiri and Mina, biting your lip. “So…does this mean we’re all dating now?” you carefully ask. “You’re my girlfriend and my boyfriend?”
Kiri and Mina look at each other before looking at you. “Yeah,” Mina brightly answers, breaking into a beautiful smile that eases every insecurity and uncertainty you felt. “If that’s okay with you.” 
You blink at her, almost not believing it was that easy. “It’s…” You trail off, scoffing to yourself. This is way better than a dream. “It’s more than okay with me.” You grip Mina’s hand and press a kiss to Kiri’s pec, making him hum. “Good,” he sighs, “‘cause I would’ve jumped from the nearest building if it wasn’t.” 
As you and Mina giggle, giddy from the sex and the way the night has turned out and this, there is a loud, harsh knock at the door that startles you. Kiri sits up immediately, protectively shifting so he’s covering your naked chest with his body and throws the covers over Mina to hide her from the chin down. 
The door is opening before any of you can protest. Bakugou’s raspy and slurred voice drifts into the bedroom as he opens the door. “Yo, shitty hair! What the fuck is with those bed springs jumping? You’d better not be–” 
His words cut off immediately as he gets a good look at the way his guest room looks–clothes on the floor, comforter a mess, and the three of you naked and occupying the bed, staring wide-eyed at him like deers in headlights.
He steps back into the doorway and grabs the door handle. “I’ll kill you all later,” he growls before shutting the door behind him, leaving you alone once more. 
Silence swells in the room before you three erupt in laughter, so much so that your stomach hurts. “We’re never gonna live this down now, you know that, right?” Kiri asks through a fit of giggles. “He’s never gonna let us come back here.” 
Mina wipes at her eyes, leaning up to stare into your eyes. “I’ll gladly take the fall for that,” she sighs contently. “Especially for more of this.” She moves to stroke your arm lovingly as Kiri wraps an arm around you, holding you even closer. 
You couldn’t agree more with that statement and finally, you allow yourself to fall into the bliss that sleep brings, cuddled up with the two you trust most.
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