#mostly coz i wanna go for a swim in that outdoor pool again!
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breakfastteatime · 2 years ago
Local writer takes another long weekend to actually do some damn writing.
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allie1804-fan · 4 years ago
Please Assist Me (Chapter 11)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8,  Chapter 9, Chapter 10
Warning: mentions of sex
She Said
Having had such a lovely day at the beach, Keanu offered to take me and the kids back there again on Sunday.  We headed out early  as we didn’t know if it would get crazily busy.  It was a bit more off the beaten track than the LA beaches that were on the evening news, heaving with people not distancing from each other and the kids always wake early so it was no hardship really.
Keanu came into his own at the beach having seemingly endless energy for games, swimming and bodysurfing. By 3pm, our energy was waning  and I could feel the saltiness on my sun-drenched skin and that wonderful tiredness from being out in the fresh air all day. We headed home and the children were asleep on the back seat in under 10 minutes.  
 “we’ve beaten them for once thanks to you” I grinned.
Back at my house the kids revived enough for a quick dinner of pasta with pesto before a little quiet time in front of the TV then stories and bed. We each took a kid for a story and met up in the living room afterwards. I was down first and set some music playing from my phone on the speakers.
The music was being selected at random from my playlist. Just as Keanu got down after finishing Miguel’s story, a familiar tune started up.  Keanu laughed out loud as the simple piano notes of “This never happened before” started.
“I swear it’s just on random selection!”
“OK, I believe you – so do you wanna dance”
There was no need to answer that as he well knew! As we moved to the music, I can’t deny that I was thinking about that scene as I nestled into his chest and slid my arms up and around his neck. We were soon kissing, sooner than him and Sandra I think! I was utterly lost in the moment and his kisses until I heard a creak from the corner of the room. We both heard it and pulled away from each other, startled but there was nothing there ……. or so we thought.
He said
Our family day at the beach was idyllic and we managed to avoid the crowds and the paps as far as we were aware. And there was nothing to see from a Pap point of view anyway as we were playing it cool in front of the kids.
The day left my skin taught from the sun, sea and wind and I had that lovely tiredness you feel from a full day of outdoor fun. In the evening we danced and kissed to “It Never Happened Before” which was both weird and lovely. Our dance was cut short though when we heard a noise  - the moment was lost and I realised as well just how tired I was so decided to head home. We each had a busy week ahead so I likely wouldn’t see her until the following weekend. If she could arrange a sleepover for the kids, maybe there was a chance  she might be feeling ready to take the next step by then.
Then, on Tuesday evening I had an interesting call from Sophia
“So I have some news”
“Oh yeah what?”
“So Eva asked me today if you were my boyfriend!”
“Oh, right, how did she figure that out?”
“Well, when she told Julie that she had seen us kissing ..”
“Yup, anyway so Julie said you must be my boyfriend if you were kissing me!”
It turned out that when we were dancing and heard that little noise, Eva had forgotten her doll and popped downstairs to get it and had glimpsed us dancing and kissing. She’d then told Julie who’d obviously asked Sophia about it.
“So what did Julie say”
“Well she said that all the other bubble mums had totally realised why I wanted you to join the bubble and knew it wasn’t because you were lonely”
“Are we that transparent?”
“Well obviously I am! They said they knew I’d been mooning over you for at least 6 months!” She chuckled as did I.
“And Julie also made us an offer”
“Oh yeah what kind of offer, does she want paying off to keep the secret?”
“No don’t be ridiculous  - that’s a given. What happens in the bubble, stays in the bubble OK? No,  she said that next week when it’s her school day she’ll keep my 2 overnight and take them to the next mom so we can have a couple of days and a night together. Are you free Tuesday, Wednesday?”
In an instant I said I was.
“You can’t have checked your diary that quickly!”
“Well if there’s anything in it, I’ll move it – or my PA will!”
She burst out laughing at that
“OK Boss. Sooooo it’s a date then”
“Yup, a special date”
She Said
Being discovered like that was a blessing but since it also accelerated the big moment, it filled me with nerves - excitement too but mainly nerves.
I think Keanu sensed my nerves as each time he called and asked what I wanted to do during the day, I was struggling to think, almost paralysed by what was going to come next!
“Look, let’s focus on the rest of the day OK, I can tell you’re worrying about, you know, the rest of our plans but try not to please.  I want to please you, OK and I think you want that too right?”
“Yes, of course”
“So everything will fine if we relax and focus on that OK?”
So he took over and suggested another bike ride up PCH and a short hike, maybe around Topanga Canyon before going back to his house. He then said we could order take-out from one of his favourite restaurants, Georgio Baldi sending me the menu to choose ahead of the day.
The time we had before our date allowed me to buy some new underwear – I definitely hadn’t thought about underwear in a sexy way for 3 years at least so it was fun to choose something new though I ended up ordering several different sets online because there was no option to go to an actual shop and try things on. I was going to wear my yellow sun dress for our dinner  - I had in inkling he liked it on me. I did see him in person too before our actual date since there were PA tasks that required me to be at his house on some days but we mostly kept to business unless I was there for lunch when we’d take a break and share a meal on the patio together.
When Tuesday came at last, his choice of the ride and hike turned out to be just what we needed to relax and enjoy each other’s company and the great outdoors instead of everything being focussed on what was going to happen later.  We made it up to one of the canyon’s best viewing points by lunchtime and sat looking over the spectacular views to the city and the sea.  We had stopped on our way for sandwiches from Keanu’s favourite deli that was fortunately still open for take out, stowing them in a cool bag in one of the paniers on the bike. He had all the gear for the touring bike that made things comfortable for a day out. We spent a good half hour of our time at the viewpoint talking sandwiches! He’d gone for a BLT because it needed to travel OK but if we’d been eating straight away he’d have gone for a hot pastrami sandwich instead he told me, lovingly describing the relishes and gherkins he’d include. He sure can talk with passion and knowledge about his food preferences for someone who really doesn’t cook!
After a little more hiking up at the canyon after lunch, we made our way back to his house where we cooled off in the pool for a while.  Now we were properly alone, not to mention not wearing many clothes, Keanu took his opportunity to get up close and personal. I was resting against the pool side, eyes closed leaning my head back and enjoying the sun while he did a few lengths. I noticed that the splashing had stopped and opened my eyes but couldn’t see him. A moment later I gasped as he popped up from the water right in front of me having swum a length underwater. He was delighted at my surprised reaction and leaned in to kiss me, pinning my arms back against the edge of the pool. My legs instinctively went up around his waist and I could already feel his hard on pressing against me as he looked hotly down at my cleavage and groaned.
“Sorry, I’m being like a horny teenager aren’t I?”
I giggled at that, he was so sweet and playful so in that way, yes, he was young in attitude but he had none of the horrible demanding nature of a real teen.
“Nahhh, horny teens are pushy, you’re just needy I guess”
“Yup, why don’t we get out and get showered and changed ready for dinner. The restaurant delivery is due in around an hour so we can have the crostini out here with some champagne”
He hopped out of the pool and helped me out too.
“You trying to get me drunk Reeves, coz I can tell you, you don’t need to”
“Nope, just trying to please you, like we said”
“OK then”
I was smiling as I headed to his room and the shower while he set the dinner table and got drinks chilling.
  @fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @witty-wallflower @paperplanesandwallflowers @bitchyslut99 @ladyreapermc @toomanystoriessolittletime @fanficsrusz @keanuficfiles  
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