#mostly carrots and potato skins
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taosnipple · 2 months ago
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Bugtown is bustling asf today because i gave em a good water (they love and hate watering day but!!! They've been bribed with some fresh moss that was ready to harvest.
This is definitely the tank at its prettiest, i love when they have enough real greens,, but goodness. They're hasty gardeners, this batch of moss probably won't last the night!!
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ataliagold · 8 months ago
the edges of your soul i haven't seen yet
This came from wanting to expand on the ideas in 'you're the only one who knows, you slow it down', but consider this a new fic with very similar ideas. I'm not sure how long it'll be yet, but here's the first chapter. Title from Forever by Noah Kahan.
Also on AO3 here.
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Rating: T (currently)
Tags: modern au, no upside down, autistic steve, steve has a service cat, eddie and steve fall in love while working at a farmers' market, stimming, autistic meltdowns/shutdowns/stimming, platonic soulmates steve and robin, eddie is a sweetheart
Summary: Eddie's reluctantly helping Wayne with his produce stall at the farmers' market. He's resigned himself to a boring summer - until a new face shows up at the market to run a baking stall with his best friend. Steve is...odd, like no one Eddie's ever met.
And it doesn't take him long to fall head over heels for him.
Chapter One
Eddie isn’t particularly enjoying his morning.
Not yet, anyway.
He grunts as Wayne loads another box into his arms, adjusting his footing under the weight of the produce, of apples and pears, oranges and grapefruit, of avocados and sweet potatoes and carrots and lettuces…
“Right, that’s the last of it,” Wayne announces, dusting his hands off and locking his pick-up behind him.
“Thank fuck,” Eddie grumbles. He makes his way towards their stall, cursing as he trips a little and loses an apple or two. There’s sweat dripping down his spine already, this summer proving to be particularly hot and humid even at eight fucking thirty a.m.
But Eddie had promised Wayne he’d help him out at the farmers’ market this weekend, since he had nothing better on, since his friends had actually gotten in to colleges and were busy getting ready to move away, since Eddie had been sort of…left behind, with nothing to do but trail after his uncle like a bad smell.
He does as he’s told. Sets the boxes down where Wayne points, helps him set the produce out, puts the little cardboard signs with the prices scribbled on them at the front of the table.
Once that’s finished, Eddie sinks into a plastic camp chair with a sigh, reaching for an apple and loudly crunching into it, ignoring the half-hearted glare Wayne shoots back at him.
There’s only a couple of people here this early – mostly other stall-holders setting up, the occasional dog-walker taking a non-committal glance at the wares, an old lady or two with purses clutched close to their middles.
It’s gonna be a boring morning.
Eddie chucks his headphones on, cranks the music as loud as he’ll get away with, and settles in for several hours of withering in the heat and making sure no one pockets an extra pear.
Eventually, his gaze wanders.
Wayne’s talking to a customer, something about the growing season for oranges or some shit, when Eddie claps eyes on the most beautiful boy he’s ever seen.
He sits up. Swallows, stares because he can’t help it.
There’s a literal god unfolding a table not far away, placing a thin yellow blanket on the top, smoothing it out just so. He’s about Eddie’s age, all olive skin dotted with moles and broad shoulders and golden hair that’s fallen effortlessly into place. Glasses frame his face, his perfect fucking face with those pink lips and square jaw, and even from here Eddie can see the look of concentration on the boy’s face, his brows slightly drawn together as he tucks the blanket in at the corners, as he readjusts several times to make sure it’s completely straight on the table.
A light smack to his knee jolts Eddie out of his daze, forces him to drag his gaze reluctantly back to Wayne. Wayne, who’s frowning at him, shaking his head.
“Turn your damn music down, Eds,” Wayne huffs, “need ya to dig me out some change.”
Eddie doesn’t argue. Lets Wayne believe he was distracted by his music, not by the boy several stalls over.
He rifles through their tin of change, picking out a few quarters, and then sneaks a look back again.
The boy’s bent over the table, light-wash jeans pulled tight across his ass, and Eddie’s pretty sure he’s openly gaping at the guy right now but he can’t fucking help it. It’s a baking stall, by the look of the cupcakes and cookies the boy’s currently placing out on the table, tongue poking ever so slightly out of his mouth as he works. The boy pauses for a moment in front of the table, as if assessing his wares for anything out of place.
“Eddie!” Wayne says again, exasperated. “You got that change, or what?”
Eddie snaps his mouth shut. Turns back to Wayne, hands him the change which his uncle takes with a shake of his head. Once the customer has left with a paper bag of carrots in hand, Eddie makes a decision.
“You want a cookie?” he asks Wayne.
“A cookie,” Eddie repeats, slowly.
Wayne looks down at his watch. “It’s barely gone nine a.m.”
“So? I’m getting one. You want one, or not?”
After Wayne declines, Eddie heads off with a shrug, making straight for the tall boy still frowning down at his baking, thumb drawing anxious patterns on his index finger.
As he approaches, Eddie’s words die in his throat.
He’d planned on flirting. Was ready to try and charm the pants right off this boy, as quickly as he decently could.
But the closer he got, the more the butterflies began in his stomach.
Because somehow, he only got more attractive with every step Eddie took.
And yeah, he wasn’t usually one for ironed polos and blue jeans and bright white Nikes that looked meticulously clean, but Eddie’s cheeks were reddening and his heart was pounding when he reached the stall.
The boy didn’t turn around at his approach.
Not until Eddie clears his throat a little awkwardly, hand brushing over the back of his neck. Sheepish. Shy. Two things he’s never been in his whole fucking life.
“Uh…hi,” Eddie starts.
The boy’s eyes widen behind his glasses. His hands grasp each other, almost frantically, and his gaze darts from Eddie, to the table, to somewhere off behind him. He opens his mouth briefly, but closes it again without speaking.
Huh, Eddie thinks.
Well, maybe the guy’s even shyer than he is right now.
Eddie tries again. “I saw you setting up, looks good. The…the baking, I mean, not…not you setting up. Well, that too, honestly, but I thought…” Eddie trails off, internally kicking himself.
You fucking idiot, Munson.
The boy blinks at him.
When he still doesn’t speak, Eddie shifts from foot to foot a little, then finally steps over to the table.
“Well, I’m just gonna have a look, if that’s ok?”
The boy nods. Quick, his head jerking a little, the movement stiff and awkward.
Eddie feels his eyes boring into his back as he scans the table. There’s cupcakes with piped-on frosting in several different patterns but all of them yellow, matching the boy’s soft polo that was clinging unfairly to his chest. There’s slices of brownies, cookies of varying flavours, apple pie and cinnamon donuts and red velvet cake and shortbread…
“Did you make all of these?” Eddie asks, a little in awe.
Polo-boy nods, not meeting Eddie’s eye. He’s wringing his hands, clenching his jaw, repeatedly glancing over Eddie’s shoulder as if he’s looking for someone.
“Shit, that’s…there’s so much different stuff here, how long did it take you?” And Eddie’s genuinely curious, he’s not just talking for the sake of it, for the purpose of squeezing at least a word or two out of this guy. Because everything on that table was meticulous – the cookies perfectly round, the pie sliced into completely even pieces, not even a stray dribble of batter or frosting on the cupcake liners (also yellow, Eddie noted) – there’s so much effort gone into this, and Eddie’s impressed.
The boy wants to speak, it looks like.
Eddie waits while he opens and closes his mouth a few times, flapping a hand in front of him.
“Hey Stevie, everything ok?”
A girl wanders over with several cake boxes in her arms, glancing between Stevie and Eddie. She’s got short hair, a dusting of freckles across her face, and a yellow top on to match the boy in front of Eddie, who relaxes a tiny bit as soon as he sees her.
He nods, but doesn’t stop clenching his hands together over his stomach.
The girl puts the boxes down, and steps over to the boy.
“Hey, it’s ok,” she murmurs softly, “we talked about this, remember? You’re fine, just…take a breath, ok?”
Eddie turns away from them. Senses this isn’t a conversation meant for him, and brings his attention back to the table, pretending he’s just…really interested in cupcakes all of a sudden. But he’s only a couple of feet away, and the girl doesn’t seem to care that he can overhear.
“Has he asked to buy something?”
It’s the first time Eddie’s heard the boy speak. His voice is quiet, not much above a whisper, but Eddie wants to hear more of it.
“He wanted to know how long it took me,” the boy continues, “to make everything.”
“Ok…so did you answer?”
“No. Wanted to.”
“Your words get stuck?”
“Mmm hmm.”
“Well, that’s ok. Here, I’ll help you.”
“Robin -”
“You gotta try, Stevie. You can do it, come on.”
Eddie turns back to them as Robin tows the guy – Stevie? – over by his sleeve.
“Hi.” She grins at Eddie, and the boy stands slightly behind her, looking down at his feet. “This is Steve, I’m Robin. It’s our first time at a market and Steve’s kinda nervous. Can we help you with anything?”
Eddie’s eyes flick back to Steve, to his red cheeks and long eyelashes. His heart thuds in his chest.
He smiles at them. “I’m Eddie, my uncles got a stall just over there.” He jabs his thumb over his shoulder. “We sell fruit and shit. This is really your first day? Your set up is…really nice.”
“Thanks.” Robin beams even wider. “It was all Steve really, he did all the baking too, I’m just here to help out.”
Eddie nods slowly. Steve’s still avoiding his eye, no matter how much Eddie tries to catch it.
Swallowing his disappointment, he points to one of the chocolate chip cookies on the table.
“Can I get one of those, please?”
Robin nods briskly. “Steve, can you sort that?” She nudges him slightly in the side, and Steve springs into action, seemingly happy to give his hands something to do as he grabs a paper bag and looks around the table for something.
He freezes suddenly.
Robin’s back at his side immediately.
“Everything ok?” she asks quietly.
He shakes his head, flaps a hand at the table, face drawn tight in a frown.
“Where’s the…” he mumbles, trailing off.
“The what?” Robin prompts.
Steve bites his bottom lip, hands finding his thighs and tugging at his jeans, frustrated. Seemingly unable to find the word, he brings a hand up to chest height and makes a little snapping motion with his fingers.
“…tongs?” Robin guesses, and Steve nods briskly. “Maybe we left them in the car? I’ll go have a look.”
“It’s fine, you can just use your fingers,” Eddie offers, because he truly couldn’t care less.
Steve shakes his head vehemently, face tightening even further.
“Or…I could grab it?” Eddie tries, but Steve shakes his head again, looking so distressed that Eddie shuts up.
There’s a meow from somewhere behind the table.
A black and white cat emerges from under it, a red collar around its neck, and approaches Steve confidently, pressing up against his legs.
Steve ignores the cat, at first.
He’s digging a thumbnail into the meat of his palm, shuffling from foot to foot every so often, dragging a lip so hard between his teeth that Eddie’s worried he’s gonna make it bleed, and Eddie isn’t sure what to do. He wants to help, wants to somehow soothe the boy, but he isn’t sure how, thinks if he gets any closer to him he’ll only make things worse.
The cats meows again. Presses itself harder up against Steve, stretches up so its little front paws are against his thigh, kneading insistently, refusing to be ignored.
Steve sags a little. Reaches down with a trembling hand, strokes it across the cat’s head, and Eddie can hear the rumbling purr start up from the little creature. He watches as Steve loosens up, as his fingers unclench and his teeth release his lip and the frown fades slowly from his lovely face.
Robin returns, snapping the tongs triumphantly, and hands them to Steve.
He takes them happily and returns to his task, placing Eddie’s chosen cookie into the bag with more care than Eddie’s ever seen from someone serving him food before.
Eddie takes the offered bag, the divine scent wafting out and making his mouth water. Wayne was going to regret not asking for one, he knows.
Steve looks up, catches his eye for the tiniest moment, then his gaze ducks away.
“Thanks, Steve,” Eddie says softly. “This smells great, seriously. And if you guys need anything,” he looks over to Robin to include her, too, “come see me at the fruit stall, I’m just over there.” He points in the direction of Wayne, who’s no doubt getting grumpier by the minute at Eddie’s absence.
Please come, Eddie begs silently, eyeing Steve one last time before he turns away.
“Three days,” Steve blurts out as Eddie starts to walk away.
Eddie pauses, turns back to him.
Steve’s eyes are fixed on his shoes again, and he rocks back and forth on his heels slightly. Robin glances between the two of them, then looks hopefully back at Steve.
Eddie frowns slightly, about to question him, when Steve speaks again.
“It took me three days. To bake everything. Wanted it all to be perfect.”
Eddie smiles, wide and warm.
“It is, Steve.”
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chronically-ghosted · 4 months ago
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WIP Wednesday 🎉🎉
kisses all day long for @almostfoxglove and @sp00kymulderr for the tags and 😱 i actually have something things to show off! (proof i am not mostly just sitting on my ass)
Opening scenes from Lover Share Your Road Part 3
With your elbow, you tip the brim of your hat until it slides off the crown of your head and falls against the knot of your spine, held tight to you by the dirty cords around your neck. You are suddenly intimately aware of the layer of grime and sweat against your scalp when the cool cellar air strokes you over your forehead and behind your neck, the chill erupting goosebumps down your arms, the small wooden box in your hands shaking. Against your sun-hot skin, it’s relieving, comforting, a respite against what has been feeling more and more like trying to dig through concrete with your fingernails. The fine layer of dirt over the most recent harvest in the box shifts. The dirt in the curves and crevices of your skin and shirt and pants, over the potatoes and carrots, shifts, sprinkling the cellar floor with a cruel mockery of rain. The dirt is everywhere these days.
(and here comes the downward spiral of my shame)
a while back (i mean a WHILE BACK) I got a request for an ABO Joel and . . . listen. it's something - mostly a lot of Seether and Rise Against - but it's also this:
“And as an Omega,” her gaze rolls over you, as if inspecting a new machine for cracks, “you’re supposed to be intimidated.” You lift your drink to your lips, grinning as it dribbles around the corners of your mouth. You lick your chin. She smells like magnolias, faintly. Like dead magnolias, stuffed and pickled. You wonder what she’d smell like clean of inhibitors. “‘Supposed to be’. None of that shit matters anymore. It’s the end of the world, didn’t you hear?” “So Alphas don’t bother you.” “Nope.” You pop your lips on the p, catching a drop of condensation on the side of your glass with your thumb, then your mouth. “Alphas can’t control Omegas like that anymore. But I think you knew that.”
(yes that is Tess 👀)
And, yes, there is one more. It's what I've been using to get back into writing after a rather long break. The original concept started as "being in love with someone who doesn't age would be a gift because they would see you and know you, really know you, all your life, as a sort of guardian angel." and then, well, it feels long, it feels self-indulgent, but i'm actually having some fun with it. No, I'm not going to tell you what character its for - you can just come publicly shame me in my ask box as god intended.
Despite him being several inches taller than you, you somehow manage to yank him down to your level, nose inches from the back of your hand, which is still sealed over his mouth. “I’ve worked my ass off to get to the top of my graduating class and I’ve been a good girl all my life and, goddamn it, I want a fucking beer. If I were anywhere else in the world, I could waltz up and buy one, but I’m not and I’m fucked, here in this specific bar . . . so just shut – up!” Get caught by the bouncer and tossed out on your ass or assault a former professor and a current mutant with truly hair-raising, deadly abilities you’ve seen repeatedly in action; the devil you know or the devil you-sort-of-kind-of-know-but-really-just-know-from-being-in-proximity-as-long-as-you-can-remember-combined-with-an-age-inappropiate-hero-worship-complex. And of course, he just had to remember that stupid nickname you were once so proud of you legitimately considered tattooing it on your arm. But if he was going to tease you with it, your hand over his mouth was doing a smashing good job of preventing that. Your hand over his mouth seems to be preventing a lot of things actually – he’s still standing there, hunched down – until he realizes he’s fallen right into your heinous trap of tomfoolery.
that's it for now, folks. passing along the love to:
@clawdee @covetyou @iamskyereads @imaswellkid @sweetercalypso
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wakacreations · 9 months ago
Zevlor's Bizarre Cocoa Adventure (Ch. 3)
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Prologue Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5
Word Count: 1360
Zevlor thinking strange things and dreaming strange dreams.
A wetness trailed down his cheek, the smell of iron filled his nostrils but only moments ago drowned in the smells of decay. “Obey the Absolute and you shall be free!” a shrill voice echoed. Cold winds rushed through his bones, feet firmly held to the muddy ground. Waves of pulsing warm air brushed over his skull, then a sharp piercing sensation radiated from his temple as it burrowed its way deeper. The hilt of his sword once in his grasp dropped helplessly to the soft earth. Zevlor’s head pulsed and throbbed violently. His hands gripped his skull forcefully as if he could glue his splintering mind back together.
“Hellrider, you shall bring glory to your people. They will be safe under our oath,” the voice beckoned him. His body had gone rigid. “What is happening!?!” gruff Zevlor. “Commander Zevlor, you will save us won’t you? You can protect us! I know you can!” Whispers of voices long known, some forgotten, and some recent flood into his ear canals. There were whispers of children that cling desperately to his arms to avoid the falling flames. Their yelling and pleading of tieflings being dragged away by hungry orthons. The screams of agony deafening his ears.
“Please do something Commander Zevlor, sir! I can’t take much more,” one of his own injured men fell onto him. Their eyes wide with horror soon grew to a glassy emptiness. “LAY YOUR WEAPONS DOWN! We will be safe with them,” the words escaped his mouth foreign to his own ears. What little strength his knees held buckled under the weight of the pressure. The cool dirt met his metal leggings as a warm red pool bathed his knees. “YOU TRAITOR!” The whizzing of arrows fluttered past his skin. A much too cold clawed hand trailed across his brow.
He awoke to a hobgoblin peering down at him. Sweat bathing his clothes, his joints stiff in place, tail lay limply at his side. “The first illithid teleportation is the hardest,” as he handed him a bucket. “3… 2… 1…” A rush of bile made its way up Zevlor’s throat. He doubled over clutched the bucket feeling the last of putrid acid leave his body. “You'll be alright. It would be kind of me to say it gets easier but it never does,” as he patted his back. Zevlor looked up at the hobgoblin as he wiped his mouth. “Blurg. Pleasure to meet you,” he grinned.
The hobgoblin walked over and rummaged through a set of cabinets. “Now, where is it? Ah, there it is. Drink this, it should help with the nausea.” He tossed him a small flask. “Anything to get this taste out of his mouth,” Zevlor thought. In one swig the potion of vitality vanished. “Thank you. It's Zevlor, a pleasure.” Though his stomach had settled, his mind still held a dull ache. A whiff of herbs filled the air. “Hungry? I got some warm food I've prepared for you.” Blurg setting down a tray on the bedroll. He took a seat across from the tiefling. Zevlor slowly ate the stew placed in his hands. It was a rich warm dark broth, filled with celery, carrots and hardy potatoes. Some healthy portions of beef were in the mix as well.
“If you prefer something with proper meat you can help yourself to our cured supplies.” He pointed at a stack of crates nestled in the corner of the tent. Zevlor gave Blurg a sideways glance pausing his meal. “Don't worry the food is safe unless you are allergic to mushrooms,” Blurg chuckled. “Most dishes I prepare are mostly plant based. Less I have to worry of any dried goods molding down here. But I'll meet the dietary needs of whomever I serve.” He smiled at the tired tiefling who thankfully resumed eating. 
“So, he's the famed Hellrider. Well Rolan was not far from their description,” Blurg gave the old paladin the once over. Their sharp face no longer the sickly pale red moments before, hair and battered skin still dampened with sweat, their clothes cling to their lean form. “It was such a hassle removing that armour. Paladins,” his gaze moved towards the pile of metal that laid beside the bedroll. “For as toned and hardened their muscular body may be, their mind was still vulnerable. He won't cope well for another illithid fast travel,” Blurg thought. His eyes met with Zevlor’s shimmering orange eyes.
“Omeluum told me you're in need of chocolates?” The tiefling’s tail flicked. Zevlor passed his finished bowl to Blurg. “Another helping if you would kindly, please.” He made his way to the opened pot, “You still haven’t answered my question, friend,” as Blurg ladled another helping. “Yes, I am in need of such supplies,” Zevlor cleared his throat. “Would it be possible to spare a crate or so?” he said with a bated breath. Another rejection would be too unlikely but things have not turned out as smoothly as he initially hoped. His tail snaked to his midsection and gave a firm squeeze.
“Are you able to stand? We'll have to make our way to Omeluum's tent. It is a bit of a ways,” Blurg's brow furrowed. With tentative shaky legs Zevlor rose to his feet. A tremor still held his figure. His arms spread outwards as if made to walk a line. Each step was made with a conscious effort. Tail moving to-and-fro like a ship’s wheel to keep himself on course. A slight sway in his step as he made his way to Blurg. “You walked as if you’ve had more than a couple of pints at the Blushing Mermaid, Zevlor.” The hobgoblin braced his hands to catch the teetering tiefling if need be. “I will be fine. Just give me a couple of minutes to recollect myself and I shall be ready,” Zevlor rasped as he leaned on a table for stability. Blurg gave a questionable look and a raised brow but didn't push further. “I will go check in with Omeluum, do call for me if ya need anything. It is no bother.” Blurg flipped open the flap of the entrance. “Less I forget,” the hobgoblin called over his shoulder. “Welcome to the Underdark, friend.” The flap fluttering shut.
“I am finally alone,” Zevlor took a long drawn breath. He slumped down into a stool. The sounds of dripping echoed on. For all the things that just transpired his mind was stuck in idle. He listened to the repetitive sound of water droplets for what felt like minutes but how long it truly was is indefinite. “Time moves differently in the Underdark,” he gathered. The tension still lingered on his form. He closed his tired eyes and began his assessment. Shoulders are tightly winded with tension that can't be helped. Neck is a bit stiff, could be due to his earlier resting position. He gave his body a good long arched stretch. Legs still have a weakness to them but some walking will help get the blood flow back into them. “The mind…. well that will take a long time to repair,” Zevlor opened his eyes. More rest called for him. The bedroll beckoned him but there won't be peace in his dreams.
He took a couple more bites of his stew. “For a dish that has little to no meat, it is quite delicious. Maybe I should see if Blurg would be willing to share in a culinary exchange. I'm sure Tav would..” his cheeks grew a more reddish hue. “Oh, I… What would they make of me?” as he peeled off his sweat-streaked clothes. “If I am almost always this frightened,” he slipped into a pressed shirt. “If my griefs are much too cumbersome of burdens to bare. Especially not for them to bare, not to them of all people, have they not suffered enough,” he fastened tightly on his chest plate. “If I am too feeble of a man, less I at least be capable of returning a favor owed. I can hope to provide them that courtesy guaranteed,” blade fixed to his hip. “I can't provide them much but this is all that I am,” he catches a glimpse of himself off a metal tray. “Too worn, too beaten, and too unworthy.”
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plaguedoctormemes · 9 months ago
drop the chicken paprikash resippy 👀
caveat: I don’t use a lot a measurements and just use my eye/intuition/taste buds a lot, so if you need specific measurements you’ll probably be better off following a dedicated recipe online or comparing them to mine. Also, my recipe is by no means traditional as I am just a latino dude living in the southwest and i’m Not Hungarian in any way, and this is a riff off of my mom’s dish rather than the traditional dish itself. I also like to be really descriptive so there’s a lot of steps but this recipe is, in reality, mega easy lol. Okay-
This dish contains dairy. You can try dairy-free sour cream but I’ve never tried it. Lactose-free sour cream is a perfectly fine substitute though!
(Serves 4)
- a large pot big enough to line thighs on the bottom
- A wooden spoon or spatula to stir with, and tongs or something to take out the chicken with.
- Chicken thighs with skins on (i really do not recommend skinless or substituting for breasts at all) enough for 1 or 2 per person
- 1 white or sweet yellow onion
- 3-4 cloves of garlic
- 5 large carrots, or two handfuls of baby carrots.
- 3 Russet Potatoes
- Sour cream (you can use 8 oz, i like to use 16oz because i always use a little more than half)
- Chicken broth (at least 4 cups, I used almost a whole 32 oz carton.)
- Any neutral oil (for frying), olive oil is ok though
- Salt and pepper
- Paprika (If you can get hungarian paprika that’s preferred, but otherwise dont sweat it. The dish is called Paprikash so make sure you have plenty)
- Cayenne pepper
- Dried red pepper strips (I happened to have a bag of them from Trader Joes. This is kinda optional but i liked it so much that i recommend it.)
Optional Ingredients:
- Any other vegetable you want (corn, peas, green beans or diced fresh bell pepper would be good!)
- Tony Chachere’s cajun seasoning (for seasoning the chicken, i put this shit in everything tbh)
- Parsley (for color)
1. Season thighs liberally with salt, pepper (and tony chachere’s seasoning if available), allow to sit for 30 minutes or while you chop veggies.
2. Pre-cook the potatoes partway by using a microwave, oven, or cubing and boiling in water until almost done. I used a microwave since it’s much faster.
3. While potatoes are cooking, slice onion horizontally (into rings) or vertically (into strips), whichever you’d prefer. Slice large carrots into 1/2 cm coins or baby carrots in half. Smash and mince your garlic.
5. Blend entire bag of dried red pepper. It seems like a lot, but it’s not since peppers are mostly air now. If you don’t have a blender, use a mortar and pestle or put into a bag and smash the fuck out of those guys until theyre a powder. It’s okay if it’s not super duper fine. If you dont have dried red pepper, skip this step.
6. Whenever your potatoes are half done, take them out of whatever vessel you chose and carefully cut into large cubes (theyre probably really hot!)
7. At med-high heat, add a couple tablespoons of oil to your pot, enough to coat the bottom. Add your thighs skin side DOWN so that theyre in direct contact with the bottom. Allow the thighs’ fat to render out and the skin to brown a bit. It should take about 6 minutes. If the skin hasnt taken on a lot of color yet, that’s ok- allow a few more minutes and then flip the thighs. Allow the bottoms to cook for another 5 minutes in the rendered fat then remove.
8. Now put in your carrots, garlic, and onion in the pan to cook in the rendered chicken fat. Scrape whatever yummy brown fond has built on the bottom. Don’t sweat about scraping it all up, as youll get most of it later. Cook until carrots are softened but still a little firm and onions are starting to turn translucent.
9. Add your cubed potatoes in with the other vegetables, give them a toss, and take off of the heat so you can add the seasonings- papricka scorches easily. Most recipes use ~3tbs, I swear I always use more like 4. Also add in your powdered red pepper here, as well as 1 tbs of cayenne some more salt and pepper. Mix everything and bring back to the heat, which you will reduce to Medium.
10. Pour in your chicken broth, enough to submerge all of the vegetables. Add about 3 generous spoonfuls of sour cream, mixing it in so that the soup is now a creamy, luscious gravy. It’s important to not have the pot much hotter than Medium so that the sour cream doesnt curdle. This is a good time to do some extra fond-scraping if you couldnt get a lot earlier! The potatoes may soften and deteriorate, and that’s fine.
11. Re-place the thighs back into the pot as well, making sure theyre covered in the gravy. If the liquid doesnt cover the thighs, add some more chicken broth and sour cream until it does.
12. Chop up or tear up a handful of parsley and add.
13. Cover pot with a lid and allow everything to come back to a boil. Let everything mingle together for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. This will re-heat the thighs and finish cooking them. You can also taste the gravy for salt and adjust accordingly. This is also a good time to add some frozen corn, peas and stuff if desired.
And that’s it! You can serve this on top of egg noodles as well since thats pretty traditional, but the thighs and veggies alone with the gravy makes for a very savory and hearty dinner. Make sure you add another ladle-full of gravy on top.
This dish will result in something that sort of resembles a stew with a bright vibrant reddish zesty and creamy gravy, tender vegetables and juicy, tender chicken. The gravy should be chickeny, savory, and delightfully creamy. Paprika is already powdered red pepper, but I feel like adding just normal powdered paprika and then the freshly blended dried red pepper adds an additional fresh, sweet richness to the sauce. Thighs still have the bone in it, so i usually eat this dish with a fork and use my fingers to carefully tear the meat off the bone, and then just pick up the bone once it’s cooled off a little and gnaw on the rest of the meat and the softened cartilage.
My partner and friends really liked it. Next time we’re going to add some chipotle or southwestern red chile to it for some more spice and smokiness to try out.
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nosanime · 1 year ago
Ishikari Nabe with Yuba (Makes 5 Servings)
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We bring you this recipe from our panel, “Anime Foodies: Laid-Back Camp The Movie”.
After the first, Scandinavian inspired salmon soup of the evening, Aoi brings over a previously hidden second pot containing something more traditionally Japanese: a hot pot.  This Ishikari nabe she and Nadeshiko prepare is a classic Hokkaido nabe using salmon and miso that is perfect for the winter.  As is not uncommon for our group, however, they decide on some additional, personal touches to the hot pot in for form of milk, yuba – tofu skin – and houtou to finish everything off.
5 Cups – Dashi
2 Medium – Carrot
1 Ear – Corn
1 Small – Russet Potato
¾ Lb. Skin-On – Salmon
2 oz. – Shimeji Mushrooms
4-5 Large Leaves – Napa Cabbage
8 – Green Onion Bases (Negi)
4 3-Inch Sections – Dried Tofu Skin Sticks (Fresh Tofu Skin)
3 TBSP – Miso
2 TBSP - Mirin
2 Cups – Whole Milk
3 TBSP – Unsalted Butter
200 Grams Plus Some Extra – Flour
7 TBSP – Water
At home, mix your flour and water in a large bowl and stir until a rough dough is formed.
Move to a floured work surface and knead the dough for a few minutes until it is pretty smooth.
Place the dough ball back into the bowl, cover, and let rest for 10 minutes.
After the rest, further flour the work surface and roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a rectangle to about 3-4 mm thick.
Sprinkle the top of the dough with additional flour, fold the rolled-out dough into thirds, and cut 1 cm thick noodles from the flattened dough.
Sprinkle the noodles with additional flour and store in a container in the cooler to take to the campsite.
Once on site, at least 6 hours before cooking, take your tofu skin and put into a container of water to rehydrate.
When it is time to make the hotpot, peel the carrots and chop them into bite-sized pieces, slice the salmon into 7 large nuggets, separate the shimeji and chop off any dirty bases, cut the green onion bases into large lengths, and wash and chop the napa cabbage leaves into large chunks.
Place the dashi in the hotpot pot over high heat to bring to a boil.
As that boils, peel the potato and cut into large bite-sized pieces.
Once the dashi is boiling, add the potatoes, yuba, and the ear of corn, cover, reduce the heat to medium, and simmer for 5 minutes.
After this simmers for 5 minutes, remove the ear of corn and slice the kernels off the cob.
Now slide the potato and yuba together in the dashi and add the carrots, salmon, shimeji, green onion, napa cabbage, and corn into their own sections.
Cover and continue to simmer for 5 minutes.
As this simmers, get your mirin, milk, and butter out and take your miso and place it into a large ladle.
When the simmering finishes, dunk the ladle into the broth to get some in there and, using chopsticks or a fork, muddle the dashi into the miso until most of the chunks are gone and you have a thick slurry.
Dump this slurry, the mirin, milk, and the butter into the stock, cover the pot, and lightly shake the pot to get the ingredients mixed in with the rest of the liquid.
Cover again, simmer another 5 minutes, turn off the heat, and the hotpot is ready to eat.
Once the solid chunks in the hotpot are all or mostly gone, turn the heat back on high and grab the houtou from its container.
Once at a boil, add the houtou, allow it to come back to a boil, and then reduce the heat to medium and cover.
Simmer for 15 minutes – adding additional water to the leftover broth if necessary – cut the heat, and serve.
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If you don’t feel like messing with the houtou, you can use any flat dried noodles of your choice.  Keep in mind that you will almost certainly need to add additional water if using dried noodles.
Any kind of dashi will work for this.  We used a kombu/katsuobushi dashi made at home and brought in jars, but powdered dashi made on site would also work fine.
2 oz. of shimeji is half of the standard packs you’ll find it in at grocery stores.
You can use any miso you choose, but we used a dark, brown rice miso, so you may need extra miso if you’re using something milder.
The yuba can be kept in water to soak for up to a day without concern, so this can be prepared even further ahead of time or before going camping entirely depending on when it will be eaten.
If you have access to and are using fresh yuba, no soaking is required and it can be added into the nabe with the salmon and other ingredients.
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gabriellerudessa · 4 months ago
Hourglass (Thaddeus x OC) - Part III
Molerat stew, clearly made from the softer sides and ribs, pieces of potato and carrot floating in the thick broth; roasted molerat leg with sautéed onions, sharp knife stabbed into it, clearly so people could cut it themselves; cooked maize, a high pile of cobs; salads made from carrot and broc flowers and gourd, full of spices and fried garlic…
It was a feast.
From the likes his mom used to make.
Thaddeus dry-swallowed, homesickness sharper – don’t start crying now.
AO3 | Part I | Part II | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII |
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Word Count: 4.373
Warnings: None
The first thing he got as Goose opened the door was the thick smell of food: animal fat and cooked meat and maize and the spiciness of salads made with flowers and leaves. Just like back in his parents’ farm – the food back in the base never smelled a tenth as good in all his years there. The hollow of homesickness in his guts sharpened, and Thaddeus swallowed, staring dead ahead above Goose’s head – stop thinking about them, stop.
It allowed him to notice the room beyond the door, ample, the floor made of wood bearing the marks of time. People were spread all over sofas and chairs and a rug, plates of food in hand; he counted eight people, two of them kids sitting by the rug with straight back. Willow barely noticed him, more worried with eating from her plate piled high with food, but Andrea, hip leaning on the back of the sofa, and Ed, sitting beside Willow, nodded at him with a smile.
“That’s Thaddeus, Willow’s childhood friend!” He jumped, Andrea’s voice interrupting the talk as her fork pointed at him.
The people hollered at him, words indistinct and freaking loud, but no one pointed a gun at him or whatever so he took that as a good sign. A moment later they went back to eating… Even if he still felt some eyes on him.
“I fixed a plate for you, Goose!” a redheaded woman waved from a sofa and pointed a filled plate in an old padded chair.
“Thanks, Stacy, but you didn’t need to.” She looked over her shoulder towards him, still that elegant and dignified up tilt to her chin – how the fuck she managed it without appearing cocky, he didn’t know. “The food is over there, go right ahead.”
Thaddeus followed her hand pointing left, the kitchen a follow up of the room, no wall separating it all, and then Goose was walking towards the hubbub of people and conversation.
The wooden table in the middle of the kitchen was filled with pots and pans and bowls, the mouth-watering smell floating from it. Against a wooden wall, the same of the entrance door, a tall cupboard with mismatched doors holding more cutleries and plates and bowls; the wall beyond it was concrete, a long wood stove with its fire still lit and a small counter full of drawers and what appeared as sink and tap; to one side and against another wooden wall, a table, longer and thinner and clearly working as a second counter, a bunch of things stored both under and above it.
An older man leaned against that thinner table, thick hair and beard, both reaching his shoulders and already mostly white, even if his tanned skin wasn’t that wrinkled. Tall and muscled and dressed in leather pants and jacket, with a thick and heavy tool-belt around his hips. He ate from a chipped bowl piled high with food.
Thaddeus swallowed and forced himself to approach the table, despite feeling the man’s dark eyes following him.
“You can get a plate and fork there, Thaddeus.” The man nodded at the cupboard.
“Oh, thanks-?” Thaddeus reached inside the furniture, keeping his body angled enough to not give his back to the man, hopping to receive a name.
He had heard everyone’s names from Willow, sure, but he had no face to associate to those.
“Francesco. One of Ed’s dads.” The man explained as Thaddeus stopped beside the table, bowl and fork in hands, eyes going over the foods presented, stomach twisting and growling inside him.
Molerat stew, clearly made from the softer sides and ribs, pieces of potato and carrot floating in the thick broth; roasted molerat leg with sautéed onions, sharp knife stabbed into it, clearly so people could cut it themselves; cooked maize, a high pile of cobs; salads made from carrot and broc flowers and gourd, full of spices and fried garlic…
It was a feast.
From the likes his mom used to make.
Thaddeus dry-swallowed, homesickness sharper – don’t start crying now.
“What are you waiting for? Go ahead, take whatever you want.”
His head snapped towards the man, a focus for him to forget the homesickness.
“Whatever I want?”
“Well, yeah. And how much you want. Guests don’t starve here.”
Marigold had said “guest” to Norm, when he asked why she was serving him a bowl of squirrel stew, despite threatening his life earlier in the day and everything else. That was what she had meant? Guests don’t starve?
His shoulders uncurled a bit. He hadn’t known the whole phrase, but… She had treated him well after everything, no hint of intending to beat the shit out of him just because. Andrea and Ed too.
Sighing, an eye still on the man – Francesco, the one most of the people called “dad” –, Thaddeus started putting food inside the bowl, carefully and slowly at first, but as Francesco just ate, eyes moving from him to the rest of the room, he relaxed, the food piling up faster.
His back muscles loosened too, the twist of anxiety deep in his guts relaxing, and he tried to ignore the tight feeling in his throat at the fact that, in that moment, food and eating was safe – no worry about carefully portioned rations, no risk of someone trying to steal his rations…
Just food. As much as he liked.
Goose methodically went over her plate of food, the thick stew carefully spread over the cooked maize and the sautéed onions deliberately mixed with the salads, the way she liked. Stacy knew her well.
Her eyes followed Thaddeus as he filled his bowl, his shoulders slowly relaxing as he understood that yes, he could get as much food as he wanted. Her ears caught small details of Mojave news from Ed and Andrea, but after their confirmation that the small groups of legionnaires were still fighting between themselves, with no sign of ever being able to unify again, she tuned most of what they said out, in favor of paying attention to Thaddeus’ behavior.
Dad was calm, eyes mostly on the living room, apparently ignoring Thaddeus – Goose knew he would have no trouble killing with his tools if worst came to shove. Ma and Lily should still be held up in the Drying Room, but Ma’s plate was carefully laid behind him, a clean rag covering it.
Even if there was always enough food for at least two meals, Dad and Pa always made sure to put away some for her when she got held up in whatever duty it was.
Thaddeus finished serving himself and looked around, clear confusion in his face as he tried to find a place to sit down. Mika, plate empty, got up from beside Ed, snapping his fingers to get Thaddeus attention.
“You can get my place.” Mika signed one handed, but Thaddeus just squinted at him. Her brother sighed, then pointed at Thaddeus then at the empty space in the sofa, in the most simplified way possible.
Mika was so used to them all being able to get his signs and the complexity he could impart through them that being forced into “me Tarzan you Jane” simplified ones frustrated him to no end, no matter how brief. Goose hoped no unlucky wildlife would cross his sights during the night, he would shoot it just to get it out of his system.
“Oh! Thanks, man.” Thaddeus beamed – there was absolutely no other word Goose could think for his smile, gap-toothed and all – at Mika before sitting down.
She kept analyzing Thaddeus, barely noticing Mika signing he was going to relieve Pa from watch, leaving with a filled plate – Pa liked to eat in the tower, under the twilight and the stars. He said it reminded him of when he and Ma still traveled to trade.
Ed stopped whatever he was talking to point the people around and tell their names, a far cry from how Marigold had acted with Norm. Thaddeus started eating, voracious in how he did it, eyes following Ed’s finger and nodding in greeting – Stacy, Catarina, Mika, Evie and Josh. There was no particular interest in his eyes when Ed pointed the twins last, just a faint acknowledgement for the kids.
Goose’s feet relaxed in her boots and she carefully moved her toes and circled her ankle to dissipate the rest of the energy and the faint beginnings of a cramp.
“So, Thaddeus, Willow…” Catarina started once Ed finished, spreading herself on her side of the sofa beside Stacy. Thaddeus stopped eating at hearing his name, eyes big on Catarina. “How the fuck you met each other after God knows how long?”
Willow straightened in her place, licking her fingers clean of animal fat.
“That’s a fun one! It involves Mari-Mari and Norm!”
There was a collective hush in all talk as they looked at Willow, and Goose felt a smile appear on her face.
Oh, she wanted to hear that, but Ma would want too.
“Then we better-” The front door burst open and interrupted Goose. Lilly ran inside directly for the food – that was a first for the small girl, always slow to it and usually needing clear orders for it – and Ma Guadalupe followed, striding inside with heavy steps, the door closing softly behind her. “There she is.”
“What? Oh, we have a guest! What’s the name, boy?” Ma’s voice rumbled, the cheeky grin that Marigold had inherited together with the height and weight in place.
“Thaddeus, sir.” The man squeaked, cheeks flaming as he shrunk into himself.
Laugh filled the room, and Goose shook her head with a wry smile.
So someone used to being proper to high ranking people… Or at least intimidating people – Ma was more intimidating than Marigold, after all.
“I think ma’am is more in order, boy.” Ma teased and Thaddeus just put more food into his mouth, cheeks redder. “Thanks, sweetie.” Ma pecked Dad’s cheek as she took her plate, the chair beside Goose immediately freed from clutter by Andrea’s hands. “Welcome back, Ed, Willow, Andrea. What’s the news?”
The three looked at each other in brief silence as Ma sat down in the freed chair; Goose noticed Lily approaching, carefully balancing her plate, and Thaddeus shrunk his legs before she could stumble into them, head immediately back to watch Ma – attentive, nothing else, nothing that made her back ramrod straight with worry.
“Well… There’s a lot.” Ed started, smile big, and he and Andrea gave a soft look towards Willow. Oh, so they would start there. Ma needed some good news after the last weeks. “First… Willow is pregnant.”
“Oh, fucking finally!” Ma’s smile was big, her happiness infectious; Guadalupe loved to have the house filled. A hand reached out to tap Willow’s arm, eyes rarely soft. “That’s amazing news, darlings. Can’t wait to meet my new grandkid.”
“We can’t wait to meet them too, Guadalupe.” Willow tapped Ma’s hand back with a nod. “The other important new, we were just starting, we met Mari-Mari and Norm at Catarina’s house!”
Ma leaned in her chair towards them, food practically forgotten, and Goose wasn’t ashamed in admitting she did the same – she had a bet going on, after all. The kids in the rug leaned towards the two, and Stacy was almost falling off her place. Catarina crossed her legs, eyes on Willow and Ed, and Goose noticed even Dad approaching, hands on his hips as he stopped beside Thaddeus – just watching their dynamics while he ate. Hadn’t Andrea said he rambled like Willow?
But also eager to please, from what she got. Maybe waiting to see how best to do it? Most likely.
“C’mon, spill the beans, Eddie.” Ma demanded, voice fast.
Ed leaned forward, elbows on his knees and empty plate loosely held, all annoying smile and raised eyebrows.
Annoying little shit; there was only fondness in Goose’s thoughts.
“… They left for the Mojave to try and find Norm’s sister.”
Goose rolled her eyes with a smile. Of course he was going to make suspense.
“Sure, sure, Marigold is expanding her wings and travelling farther away, but at what fucking stage were they?”
“Well, Mari-Mari before had been determined to come back with us and let him travel alone…” He kept his charade, and Goose noticed Andrea smiling.
“… But I made her see reason and they confessed they love each other before leaving. But that’s it.”
A collective groan and curses, Catarina getting up and grumbling – Goose clearly heard a “Fucking hell, Goldie, you’re fast in everything else” –, while Stacy crossed her arms with the biggest pout Goose had ever seen on her sister-in-law.
Goose wasn’t surprised; Marigold was a fast shot and had no qualms in pursuing her one-night-stands, but she was, before anything else, a hunter that enjoyed the chase. Why would it be different when she fell in love?
Ma honest to God pouted, and Goose grinned, extending her free hand.
“Only confession of love? No ‘marry me’ or official relationship of any kind?”
“Sorry, Ma.” Ed shrugged, annoying smile still in place.
“Mercenary.” Ma let a bunch of caps fall on Goose’s hand and she put it into her apron’s pocket without bothering to count. Ma still smiled despite the word. “All right, give me more juicy details!”
“Who do you take me for, Ma?” Ed said dramatically, and Goose grinned at him.
“A gossipy, Ed. Both you and Andrea.”
“You wound us, Goose. You really think we would watch such a privative moment?” Andrea grinned from her place leaning against the sofa’s back.
“Watch, no, but you two definitely heard behind the door.” Thaddeus carefully said, a bit more relaxed in his place, bowl almost empty of food – so someone that snitched, at least on something harmless.
Would he snitch on more troublesome things?
Willow laughed and extended her hand for Thaddeus to high five. He did it, beaming again.
It was Ed’s turn to pout as Ma grinned.
“I was trying to build some suspense, Thaddeus, for God’s sake!”
“Sorry for spoiling it, but the two of you giggled so much that night it took ages for me to sleep.” Thaddeus shrugged.
“You’re up, Eddie. C’mon, talk.”
“All right, all right.” Ed got more comfortable in his place. “First thing: she found the third Lord of the Rings and he reads it aloud for her.” Ma and Stacy gasped and the twins high-fived – what those two had been up to? “And he admitted to not even liking reading that much when he confessed.”
“He reads only for her?!” Catarina screamed from the table, plate filled again, her face one that told Goose of utter teenage joy despite being more than thirty.
“… I noticed your face that day, Willow-Tree, after we brought the clothes and the books up, when Norm said he read for Marigold, but I… Don’t get it.” Thaddeus interrupted cautiously, eyes going across them.
“Reading is hard for Marigold, Thad. Basically, it gives her headaches.” Willow explained, extending her plate towards Andrea while patting her belly. “More, pumpkin, please?”
“Norm is also insufferably jealous. We’ll need to make sure Hugh gets Marigold really isn’t into him before they return. Atom knows the ideas Norm will have the more time he spends up here.” Andrea commented before leaving with Willow’s plate.
Ma gave a mean grin at those words – Hugh had been testing everyone’s patience the last six years. Goose was also pretty sure Norm had just gained a few points with Ma.
“That too, but…” Ed started, eyes going soft in a way Goose wasn’t used seeing if not directly focused on his wives. “I won’t be able to repeat their exact words, but the gist is that… He sees Mari-Mari for who she is. She sees him for he is.” Ed shrugged, smile small but genuine.
Ma nodded at that, straightening, the grin melting into a slight smile.
“That’s good to know. I just wish they were more official at this time.”
“I bet they’ll return married, Ma.” Catarina started as she approached back, grinning. “Twenty caps Goldie is the one to pop the ‘marry me’ question first.” She said, sitting down again.
Goose grinned back.
“Twenty it’s Norm.”
“Not going against Goose this time. Bets on Norm too.” Ma laughed and agreed with her.
Catarina didn’t let her grin die, just put more food into her mouth and changed her focus.
“All right, back to what I had asked before Ma arrived, how you met them, Thaddeus?” Catarina said towards Thaddeus and Willow.
Goose tuned her out, leaning against the backrest of her chair, and Ma did the same, their heads leaning towards each other, eating and watching, but not participating in the conversation.
“What do you make of the Thaddeus boy?” Ma whispered, stabbing a piece of roasted molerat.
“No particular or worrying attention to the kids. Trying to keep himself from being a target. Didn’t attempt to take his hand back when I squeezed hard, despite wincing. Calls Willow Willow-Tree. Polite and too eager to please, born from a place of survival, I’d say. Hand calloused, so he’s used to hard work. Going through mutation of some type, Willow assumes ghoulification. I’m inclined to agree.” Ma’s hand stilled for a moment before going back to eating.
“Did he say what he expected?”
“Said he expected to go north to the Unrooted Trees, but was a bit disappointed when I talked about how Ash comes here frequently and the path is beaten.” Goose frowned, watching as the man’s cheeks flushed red with whatever he was talking about.
“Willow will want him to stay.” Ma tapped her fork against her lips, and Goose nodded, Willow complementing whatever Thaddeus was saying. “Eager to please… Thinks he served in something?”
“Possible, but don’t know where or whom. Those clothes seem to be Sarah’s, and the gun is Andrea’s.”
“So Catarina’s house. Must’ve been where he met them.”
“It sounds like.”
“Final recommendation?”
Goose pressed her lips tightly. That… Was harder to answer than usual.
Norm had been easy, polite with cards close to his chest and smart and not intimidated by all the taller people despite his apprehension, with barely a look towards the kids. She had only said that Ma should follow the agreement as long as he managed to fix the power distribution. Had agreed that he and Marigold were a good fit.
Thaddeus, however… If Thaddeus was just some guy, she would say “shelter for the night, send him on his way tomorrow”, to avoid any problem the eager to please born of survival trait should brought upon them. It was her most common answer and a recommendation that Ma usually followed. Most people weren’t excessively dangerous, weren’t bad, just dangerous enough in the right situation.
But he was Willow’s friend. Clearly a dear one, no matter the time without seeing each other. And she was fucking pregnant. That type of decision would annoy her to the ends of the Earth, and an annoyed Willow was always causing trouble.
“Gee?” Ma called out lowly and Goose let out her breath slowly.
Catarina’s voice rising full of anger saved Goose from needing to give an answer.
“So, I was hiding close to your house, Catarina.” Thaddeus found it best to start there, trying to keep his words light-hearted, and absolutely determined to not talk about KPSS Radio Station; Marigold had been clear in saying that Catarina and Sarah had left their shack because they had seen the Vertibirds arriving at the Radio Station and concluded it was too risky to remain.
He thought it was better to leave that part of the story out.
Catarina – as tall and muscled as Marigold, the same square jaw and high cheekbones, hair the same dirty auburn but chin-length – raised an eyebrow at him, and it did nothing to soften the overall mirthless expression she had. Marigold had been terrifying, sure, but she had an easygoing way about her that made clear she smiled or at least grinned a lot. In fact, she had done so after she had killed the other guy and the danger had passed.
Catarina had nothing of that.
“Hiding from something specific or just overall hiding?”
He dry-swallowed and forced himself to no drop his tight-lipped smile. He shouldn’t have said “hiding”.
“Brotherhood. I’m turning into a ghoul, so… There’s that.” No need to go into details, no, absolutely not. “I noticed your garden and how it was all… Well, dying. I knocked and no one answered. So I started taking food and water and taking care of it.” That made Catarina smile and nod, face softening just a bit as she finished with the food in her plate, and Thaddeus relaxed a little. “Then one day I’m happy as a pea, returning with a bunch of food… AND BAM! A gun pointed at my face!”
Catarina’s smile became a cruel grin and the redheaded, Stacy, started laughing. The smaller girl – he assumed she was Lily, it was the only girl-child missing from Willow’s talks – looked at him with big eyes.
“That was Aunt Marigold?”
“That’s right, kiddo. Almost gave me a heart attack. Anyway, her and Norm were a bit worried I was a threat but hey, I had no guns.” Thaddeus raised his hands, tight-lipped smile still in place. Don’t talk about being ex-Brotherhood. “I’ll tell you what, they work well together. She threatens, he analyzes. Amazing. Also really lovey-dovey.”
“How so?” the twin kids said at the same time, back straight.
Thaddeus immediately felt his cheeks warming, and did his best to keep his smile and not squirm in place.
“Oh… Well, there was a moment he kissed the back of her hand.”
“Thad’s right about the lovey-dovey. They even left holding hands, even after the Root-Blessing was done. Fucking cute to see.” Clearly unlike him, Willow had no qualms about watching those types of private moments.
The twins high-fived and Stacy pumped both fists into the air.
“Two hopeless romantics! YES!”
“Fuck. I owe Regina twenty caps.” Francesco mumbled, crossing his arms. “How long was that, after the start of your ghoulification?”
“Oh, I think… Two weeks after the first signs.”
“Spent too long too close to the Shady Sands crater?”
“Oh. Hm. No.” Thad stuttered. Aw fuck. How much to say? “I… Got my foot really fucked up and found this… Doctor.” His disgust at the man in top-hat was audible. Also better not to go into details about the man, he still remembered how Marigold had laughed when he did. “He gave me this weird stuff, it fixed my foot. The other consequences became clear later.”
“I hadn’t got the details… Was that before the mess at KPSS?” Willow, God help him, said and he froze, the slight smile Catarina had been sporting at her sister’s news melting into a scowl.
Thaddeus swallowed. Aw fuck. He had been right in not talking about that.
Useless, because Willow did.
Aw fuck.
“KPSS? DJ Carl hates being bothered. There’s also a fuck ton of traps there. Those neck scars were because of them?” She leaned forward, elbows on her knees, squinting eyes and frowned eyebrows as she stared him down. Thaddeus wished the sofa would swallow him. “What the fuck were you doing there? Trying to kill Carl?” Aw shit.
Thaddeus opened his mouth, only a screeched ���no!” leaving him as he pressed his back against the sofa.
 “What?! Catarina, no!” Willow’s voice pressed his answer, and an arm appeared in front of him – Ed’s.
“I needed to use the radio! Carl allowed me to, was very civil about it!” He finally got more words out, Catarina’s scowl not diminishing.
“Exactly! DJ Carl is still happily broadcasting those annoying songs.” Ed complemented him,
“Then-” Catarina froze and her scowl worsened.
“What, Cat?” The tall older woman with white hair and small wrinkles appearing in her face spoke, deep voice soft. She was also clearly the person both Catarina and Marigold got their looks from. No one had said her name to him but he bet she was Guadalupe.
He was fucked he was so damn fucked he shouldn’t have come-
“You’re the one that called the Brotherhood to the KPSS. Motherfucker. You three really brought a Brotherhood of Steel?”
“Ex-Brotherhood.” The words burst from him and Catarina rolled her eyes.
“Oh, great, someone that left them barely a month ago!”
“You’re talking as if we haven’t taken in the occasional Brotherhood member in need of shelter in the past!” Ed’s voice, heated.
“When me and Sarah didn’t live here! Forgot she’s a ghoul?!”
“He’s turning into one!”
“That rarely makes a difference if people want to be scumbags and you fucking know it!”
Thaddeus tried to sink more into the sofa the more the words twisted and turned into something akin to a sibling spat; he had seen and participated in enough of them. Whatever he said would fall on deaf ears. And if it didn’t, it would just give ammo against him.
“Silence.” Guadalupe’s voice cut the spat sharply, and he felt her eyes on him. He carefully turned his head to look at her above Ed’s arm, swallowing at the frowned eyebrows and unhappy curve of her mouth. “You can pass the night, Thaddeus, but that’s the only guarantee. Tomorrow morning I’ll decide what the fuck to do with you.”
“Later, Willow. Can you examine her now, Goose?”
“Sure.” Goose got up. “Let’s go to my examining room.”
She went first, deeper into the house, half-empty plate handed towards Francesco. Willow glared at Guadalupe for long seconds before getting up and stomping behind Goose, chin held high, eyebrows heavily frowned – she looked fucking pissed and he couldn’t remember seeing her like that even as kids. The belly didn’t slow her down.
Andrea and Guadalupe closed the line, the matriarch’s eyes pointedly looking at him for one moment.
“Eddie, you help your dad with clean up. Stacy, put the kids to bed and empty the latrine. Catarina, last checkout of the security system.” Guadalupe still talked before disappearing inside a corridor.
The two women and the kids disappeared fast, plates and bowls in Francesco’s hands, and Thaddeus flopped in the sofa.
“Aw shit.”
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ofmaddogs · 4 months ago
AFTER YOUR FIRST KILL, you receive your scar.
"It's like a credit card. I think that's what Skye explained it as. I don't really understand credit cards." Hadn't needed one when there was mostly the mountain garden, hunting, bartering work for lumber.
Skye, though. Skye had grown up here in civilization, she had a car and a credit card and a phone.
The teen flexed his bicep in the cloudy autumn sun. There was a scar on his upper bicep.
Years old at this point. He'd gotten it at thirteen. The scar was about six inches tall. A thin spiral carved into the skin. Then a triangular flame scratched in the middle. The wound was packed with mistletoe, mullen leaves, datura.
The flame-bearer rested for a few days. Jack had "slept" for a week. Sleep would have been merciful. This was a clawing at bedsheets, convulsing, fever dreams of gore and blood and loss. A fluttering memory of wet towels on his forehead, salves and a chorus of humming, a waft of incense.
Then. You were a Fiddler. Welcomed back to reality with warm hearty potato carrot soup and Hawk and Gramps drumming and singing the blessing-prayers and a bandage on your inner elbow.
"You get this and you can get as many 30 racks as you want at the liquor store. It's kinda fun." He shrugged. "Less and less stores are taking it, though. Gramps says the world is changing. The town has less locals, they don't know our role. They don't know our legends."
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motherhenna · 2 years ago
Some recipe suggestions/tips from someone who hates cooking, doing dishes, and dealing with produce:
Ingredients I get in bulk/always have on hand:
corn tortillas (get the giant bag of them and stick it in the freezer, they make great snacks on their own, and you can put mish mash in there and call it a taco!)
Tomato sauce and paste
Canned/frozen veggies (I like beans, corn, potatos, and peas especially but to each their own. Chickpeas are usually pretty good too.)
canned refried beans
Ground meat (I buy in 1lb increments and stick in freezer for easy protein)
frozen chopped onions
diced garlic in water
spices (Garlic and onion powder, cumin, curry powder, paprika, cayenne, oregano, basil, rosemary, bouillon, etc)
condiments (soy sauce, sweet n sour sauce, mustard/ketchup, honey, peanut butter, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, etc)
Samosa filling
Boil potatos or heat up canned ones until hot and soft. Microwave frozen peas, corn, carrots (or whatever veggies u like) until not frozen, or used canned. Put some fennel seeds into a pan for a little while until toasty, then add some oil/ghee and dump in your veggies/taters, plus some onions and garlic. Mush with a spatula and add curry powder/cumin/paprika or other savory spice mix to taste and cook until it smells/tastes good. Put in a tortilla/pita with some sweet n sour sauce if u want.
Lentil/Chickpea mishmash
Boil lentils until soft and the skins are kinda peeling, drain. Add to pan w canned chickpeas. Add some broth or water, just enough not to burn. Add savory spices, stir until chickpeas are softened. Optional: Cook garlic/diced onions in pan before adding lentils and chickpeas.
In a pot, cook some ground meat until browned, add some italian/savory spices. Dump in canned veggies, if using frozen then microwave first so it doesnt mess w cooking time too much. Season to taste. Add broth or water and buillon until desired soup consistency. Bring to a boil, then add short pasta noodles (like bowtie or fusili). Cook until pasta is almost done, then turn heat down and simmer and add spices until it tastes/smells good. You can freeze portions for later too.
Homemade pasta sauce
Storebought is expensive so: diced onions in a pan until soft. Add garlic, then tomato sauce (enough to coat amount of pasta u want). Add some tomato paste and italian seasonings (oregano, basil), then cook until it doesn't taste like raw tomato. Salt to taste. (Optional: cook ground meat until browned with the onions. if cooking from frozen wait to add the onions until meat is halfway cooked.) Boil ur pasta, then drain mostly (leave a little water) and pour pasta into the pan ur cooking the sauce in. stir to coat pasta.
Smashed cucumber salad
look up a recipe, there's a thousand out there, but usually i just cut up persian cucumbers, pour some vinegar/soy sauce/sesame seeds/chili flakes on there and boom
Peanut cucumber salad
Peel and slice american cucumbers, put in bowl with a lid. Add halved cherry tomatoes and peanuts. Add balsamic vinegar, olive oil, peanut butter/peanut sauce. put lid on, shake vigorously. If u dont have lid, then combine sauce ingredients separately and whisk to emulsify before adding to salad.
Also quick and great: Bean and cheese burritos, peanut butter sandwiches, eggs, caprese salad.
Thanks so much! There's definitely a couple in here I could fuck with, and yeah having more canned stuff sounds like a good idea. Not as good as fresh obviously but better than fast food right? Also, truly wish I could eat refried beans without shitting myself to death afterwards lmao that and chalula or tapatillo is why almost every mexican dish makes my intestines radioactive
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ragana62 · 4 months ago
It's soup season, we could all do with something comforting, so who wants my grandmother's super low maintenance soup recipe?
Of course you do. Frikadeļu Zupa is good, the weather is getting cold for those of us in the northern hemisphere, and good, relatively cheap to make, relatively easy to make, food with good nutritional value is something we all need, especially in these trying times.
Bread Crumbs (honestly, I eyeball this, use however much speaks to you. I suggest using slightly stale rye bread or black bread, but use what you have)
About 1 lb Ground Meat (or meat substitute of your choosing. I use beef, use whatever speaks to you, just adjust your broth accordingly. Use however much meat as you want meatballs, this is just a standard amount, but just know if you go too much above this, you will likely need more broth as well and that’s fine)
2 eggs (or egg substitute, this and the bread are just binding agents really)
Seasoning (I use a mix of salt, white pepper, and dill, but if you want to add paprika or oregano or want to use black pepper instead of white pepper, go for it)
Broth/Soup Base:
10 Cups Broth (match your meat or meat substitute, I tend to use half beef, half veggie broth. Use what you have/what you like)
Carrots (about 5 big ones, or however many small ones you have. Cut into about bite sized pieces)
Potatoes (about 3 medium without skins, grated on the medium holes of a standard cheese grater, or if you're like me and get tired of fussing with that, you can just take a peeler to it and use that directly into your broth)
Greens (I use mustard greens, or dandelion greens or even nettle greens if I can get them. This step is optional and not technically correct to the original soup recipe inspiring it, but my grandmother always combined frikadeļu zupa with a nettle soup, and it is good and adds some additional vitamins and nutrients, so I do it still.)
Start heating your broth over medium heat, just until it has started to simmer. You can add a little extra seasoning to it as well if you like, but avoid adding lighter herbs like dill until later or you are just wasting your herbs.
While your broth is simmering, mix your ground meat (or meat substitute) with eggs (or egg substitute), seasonings, and breadcrumbs, before forming into small meatballs about the size of an acorn. Set these aside for now.
Add your potato shreds to the broth (or just grate your peeled potatoes directly into the simmering broth if you're lazy or just don't want to have to wash another dish) and simmer for around 10 minutes.
Add your chopped carrots (and greens if you are including them) and simmer for another 10 or so minutes.
Add meatballs directly into the broth (careful, it will splash and you don't want to burn yourself). Simmer for another 30 minutes, or until your meatballs are fully cooked. Stir occasionally, but mostly you can just leave it alone.
Eat the soup. You will almost certainly have many leftovers. This is not a problem, because it reheats well, tastes good, and will keep you warm and happy and full. You may want to add more broth when you reheat it, so keep that in mind, as the potatoes can absorb a bit of the broth. This is also not a problem, because it means you now have extra flavorful potatoes.
If you are feeling fancy, serve it with the same bread you put in the meatballs, and a pickle (either in the soup or next to the soup). Or, cucumber salad (sliced cucumber, white vinegar, honey, dill, salt, sliced radish if you're feeling fancy, all eyeballed, taste as you add your ingredients after mixing them all well to decide whether you have your balance right).
If you do make her soup, please tell me. Or better yet, show me! We can have a bowl together from wherever you are in the world. I just passed my first year without her, and miss her horribly, but she would be very glad to know that her soup is out there making people happy when everything is so frustrating and depressing.
Feel free to share the recipe as widely as you like. Or reach out for pointers, or ask for my black bread recipe I make to go with it, or anything else. Food was always one of her love languages, so I can't help but love it too.
I think we all need some soup right now. Reblog to give prev a bowl of their favourite soup.
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scottbiffinchef · 3 months ago
How to Make Moroccan Chicken Stew- A Flavorful Journey into North African Cuisine
Moroccan cuisine is known for its bold flavors, vibrant spices, and rich culinary heritage. One dish that perfectly captures the essence of this cuisine is Moroccan chicken stew. A hearty, aromatic meal, it combines tender chicken, a medley of vegetables, and an array of spices to create a warming, flavorful dish perfect for any occasion. This guide will walk you through the process of making an authentic Moroccan chicken stew at home, ensuring every bite takes you on a journey to the bustling markets of Marrakech.
Ingredients You'll Need
The beauty of Moroccan chicken stew lies in its use of simple yet bold ingredients. Here's what you'll need:
For the Stew:
2 pounds (about 1 kg) of bone-in chicken thighs or drumsticks (skin-on for more flavor)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
3-4 garlic cloves, minced
2 medium carrots, peeled and sliced
2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
1 can (14 oz) of diced tomatoes or 2 fresh tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup golden raisins or dried apricots, chopped (optional for sweetness)
1/4 cup green olives, pitted and sliced (optional for a tangy kick)
3 cups chicken stock or water
Fresh cilantro or parsley, chopped, for garnish
For the Spice Blend:
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon paprika (smoked or sweet, as preferred)
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional for heat)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
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Optional Additions:
1 cup cooked chickpeas (canned or freshly cooked)
1/2 cup frozen peas or green beans
Lemon wedges for serving
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: Prepare the Chicken
Season the Chicken: Generously season the chicken pieces with salt and pepper. This step ensures that the meat is flavorful throughout.
Sear the Chicken: Heat olive oil in a large pot or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add the chicken pieces, skin side down, and sear until golden brown, about 3-4 minutes per side. Remove the chicken and set aside.
Step 2: Build the Flavor Base
Sauté Aromatics: In the same pot, add the chopped onion and garlic. Sauté until the onion is translucent and fragrant, about 3-5 minutes.
Add the Spices: Sprinkle in the spice blend (cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, paprika, ginger, and cayenne). Stir constantly for about 1 minute to toast the spices and release their aromas.
Step 3: Combine and Simmer
Layer the Ingredients: Add the carrots, potatoes, diced tomatoes, and dried fruit (if using) to the pot. Stir to combine and ensure the spices coat the vegetables.
Return the Chicken: Place the seared chicken pieces back into the pot, nestling them among the vegetables.
Add the Liquid: Pour in the chicken stock or water until the chicken is mostly submerged. Bring the mixture to a boil.
Step 4: Simmer to Perfection
Reduce Heat: Lower the heat to a gentle simmer. Cover the pot and cook for about 30-40 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and tender. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.
Incorporate Optional Ingredients: If using chickpeas or frozen peas, add them in the last 10 minutes of cooking. This ensures they remain vibrant and retain their texture.
Step 5: Final Touches
Adjust Seasoning: Taste the stew and adjust the seasoning with salt, pepper, or additional spices as needed.
Garnish: Sprinkle with freshly chopped cilantro or parsley for a burst of freshness.
Serving Suggestions
Moroccan chicken stew is traditionally served with:
Couscous: Fluffy couscous is the classic accompaniment, perfect for soaking up the flavorful broth.
Rice: For a heartier option, serve the stew over steamed white or brown rice.
Bread: Moroccan flatbread or crusty bread is excellent for sopping up the stew's rich sauce.
Tips for the Perfect Moroccan Chicken Stew
Use Bone-In Chicken: Bone-in chicken adds depth to the flavor and keeps the meat moist during cooking.
Experiment with Spices: Moroccan cuisine is flexible; feel free to adjust the spice levels to suit your taste.
Make It Ahead: Like many stews, this dish tastes even better the next day as the flavors meld together.
Why You’ll Love Moroccan Chicken Stew
Nutritional Benefits: Packed with protein, fiber, and a variety of vitamins from the vegetables and spices, this dish is as nutritious as it is delicious.
Versatility: The ingredients can be adapted based on what you have on hand, making it a forgiving recipe.
Warm and Comforting: The aromatic spices and hearty ingredients make this stew perfect for cozy evenings or when you're craving a taste of North Africa.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I make this dish vegetarian? Absolutely! Substitute the chicken with hearty vegetables like eggplant or zucchini and use vegetable stock instead of chicken stock. Adding chickpeas or lentils will provide protein.
Can I freeze Moroccan chicken stew? Yes! This stew freezes well. Allow it to cool completely, then store it in an airtight container for up to 3 months. Reheat on the stovetop or in the microwave.
What other spices can I add? You can experiment with cardamom, ground coriander, or even a pinch of saffron for an extra layer of flavor.
Moroccan chicken stew is a true culinary gem, offering a delightful balance of savory, sweet, and spicy flavors. With its rich history and bold ingredients, this dish will quickly become a favorite in your household. Whether you’re cooking for a family dinner or looking to impress guests, this recipe is sure to deliver. So gather your ingredients, embrace the aroma of toasted spices, and transport your taste buds to the heart of Morocco. Bon appétit!
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dermac1 · 3 months ago
Improve Skin Health by Adjusting Your Diet
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Improve Skin Health by Adjusting Your Diet
We at Dermac Clinic in Model Town, New Delhi, understand that skin health is greatly influenced by nutrition. The foods we eat have an impact on our skin health as well as our general well-being. This blog examines how dietary decisions can affect the health of the skin, especially with relation to disorders like acne, and how dermatologists can assist in determining possible Hydra Facial in Model Town.
The Link Between Diet and Skin Health
The connection between nutrition and skin health was mostly disregarded for a long time. Recent studies, however, have brought attention to how crucial diet is in the treatment of a number of dermatological disorders. Acne, eczema, and premature aging can be avoided with a well-balanced diet full of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and antioxidants.
Key Nutrients for Healthy Skin:
Vitamin A: Helps preserve the integrity of the skin barrier and is necessary for the development and repair of skin cells. Beta-carotene-rich foods like sweet potatoes and carrots are great sources.
Vitamin C: This potent antioxidant helps produce collagen, lowers inflammation, and guards against damage from free radicals. Bell peppers, strawberries, and citrus fruits are excellent sources.
Vitamin E: renowned for its ability to moisturize, vitamin E aids in shielding the skin from oxidative damage. This vitamin is abundant in leafy greens, nuts, and seeds.
2.Healthy Fats:
Omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in walnuts, flaxseeds, and fatty fish (such as salmon), are essential for preserving skin moisture and lowering inflammation.
Zinc: This mineral is essential for immunological response and skin repair. Zinc-rich foods include whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
Probiotics: Foods that promote gut health, such as yogurt and fermented goods, have been connected to better skin outcomes.
Identifying Dietary Triggers for Acne
Although eating a balanced diet might help your skin, some foods can cause or worsen acne. Typical dietary offenders include:
Dairy Products: Because milk contains hormones, some research indicates that eating dairy products may raise the risk of acne.
High Glycemic Index Foods: Refined carbs and sugary snacks can raise insulin levels, which causes inflammation and an increase in oil production.
Processed Foods: Consuming a lot of processed foods can exacerbate skin conditions and cause inflammation.
The Role of Dermatologists
Dermatologists are essential in assisting patients in determining which food triggers might be influencing the condition of their skin. At Dermac Clinic, we frequently advise:
Elimination Diets: To see if their skin condition improves, patients may be instructed to cut out specific foods from their diet for a while. This method can assist in identifying particular triggers.
Personalized Nutrition Plans: Dermatologists can offer dietary recommendations that are specifically designed to treat particular issues and encourage improved skin health based on individual evaluations.
Education on Healthy Eating: We discourage patients from consuming too much sugar and processed food while educating them about the value of a balanced diet full of antioxidants and vital minerals.
Practical Tips for a Skin-Healthy Diet
Remain Hydrated: To keep your skin hydrated from the inside out, sip on lots of water throughout the day.
Consume Antioxidant-Rich Foods: To guard against oxidative stress, eat fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamins C and E.
Limit Sugar Intake: To assist control insulin levels, cut less on sugary foods and beverages.
Select Whole Foods: To keep blood sugar levels steady, choose whole grains over refined carbs.
Consume Good Fats: To promote skin hydration, including foods high in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.
When it comes to keeping skin healthy and treating issues like acne, diet is crucial. As part of their skincare routine, we at Dermac Clinic in Model Town, New Delhi, advise our patients to pay attention to what they eat. You can attain healthier, more glowing skin by identifying possible triggers with dermatologists and eating a well-balanced diet full of vital nutrients.
Please don't hesitate to make an appointment with us if you have specific skin concerns or would want individualized nutritional guidance. Knowing how diet and dermatological health are related is the first step on your path to clearer skin!
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holyheckflowers · 6 months ago
I think to make sure i keep my fast tomorrow i’ll walk to the store and make a stew to break it with. That way i can’t eat until the stew is done (and stew is never really “done” lol)
I tend to improvise a lot but i’ll plan out a recipie this time :)
1lb chicken thighs (if you buy them with skin/bone attached because you think its a better deal, you’re wrong. The price per pound might be lower, but youre paying for bone you’ll just throw out anyways. If you’re savvy enough to deconstruct them, just buy the whole bird and freeze what you dont use.
4 ounces each finely chopped onion, carrots, and celery (ok to snack/chew on celery ends since they have negative calories :3 )
1tsp tomato paste
One large/two small tomatoes, peeled
One small yukon gold potato, cut into small cubes
1tsp butter substitute
2tsp vegetable broth bouillon
Fresh pepper
Garlic powder
In a stew pot, heat 1tsp of (not) butter until melted. Add in carrots, onions, and celery and cook on medium high heat until soft.
Remove vegetables for now.
Sear chicken thighs on both sides until golden/good color. (You probably dont need the whole package if youre just cooking for yourself, probably only 1/2 of it or so, unless youre saving for meal prep.)
Add back in vegetables. Add tomatoes and tomato paste.
Once things quiet down, add in 3/4 cups of water (enough to cover everything), vegetable boullion, and spices. Simmer for 4-6 hours on the lowest heat possible, covered. Once all flavors are successfully combined, add in chopped potato pieces and cook until the potatoes are mostly dissolved. Add salt to taste.
Enjoy :3
Total c410r13$: 800 from 1lb chicken, 153 from vegetables, 10 from boullion, 4 from tomato paste, 30 from tomato, 2 from spices, 10 from butter substitute, 100 from potato = 1109
Total servings: 4
Serving c410r13$: 277.3
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Occurrence of Fungicide Oxadixyl In the Surface Water of an Urban Lake _ Crimson Publishers
Occurrence of Fungicide Oxadixyl In the Surface Water of an Urban Lake by Villanueva JD in Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies
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Abstract The ongoing re-emerging Nipah Virus (NiV) outbreak represents serious public and global health concern with 12 deaths including 3 laboratories confirmed, and over 25 suspected cases in Kozhikode district, Southwest coast of India. Overall, more than 100 deaths out of over 600 reported human cases have been reported since 1998 mainly in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore and elsewhere. Fostering R&D and operational research priority on NiV and risk factors mapping in forecasting and modelling in improving further R&D investment for better communities’ preparedness and similar to Ebola and SARS viruses’ outbreaks threats and consequences. NiV outbreak R&D roadmap leadership and investment is crucial to ensure availability of diagnostic tools, accurate and timely safe drugs NiV/HeV infection or vaccine for scale immunization in endemic areas in addition to community awareness and training, health education and resilience programs is vital to increase the likelihood and sustainable development.
Introduction Oxadixyl (C14H18N2O4) is a phenylamide fungicide [1]. This fungicide is used to treat diseases caused by Oomycetes family [2]. It was employed since 1986 for various purposes such as protection of barley, potatoes and vegetables (Lettuce, Carrot, Cabbage, Spinach, etc.), treatment of ornamental tree seeds and treatment of the soils. In Southwest of France, it was specifically used against mildew, a common disease seen in the vineyards. The use of Oxadixyl in France was prohibited since year 2003 as it was found toxic for the environment and for humans. According to the European Regulation of 1907/2006/EC, Article 31, Oxadixyl is toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effect. For humans, it is harmful if swallowed and inhaled, and in contact with skin and eyes.
As a systemic pesticide, it implies environmental distresses. Systemic pesticide persists in soil for long duration that reaches groundwater, resulting to contamination [3]. Another type of risk in water is that Oxadixyl slowly hydrolyzes that can release ammonia and form acetate salts [4]. In the United States, product cancellation was earlier as it started year 2002. The aim of this study is to find out if Oxadixyl is present in the surface water of Bordeaux Lac in France. This lake is important for its recreational use (swimming area and sailing school) and habitat for aquatic resources. Lakes are prone to organic contamination [5] due mostly to different agricultural [6] and industrial activities [7]. The occurrence of organic molecule in aquatic systems should be assessed to determine the state of the water quality [8]. Sampling campaigns were done in 2011, 8 years after the banning was implemented.
For more articles in Journal of Environmental Sciences,
Please click on below link: https://crimsonpublishers.com/eaes/
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papercherries · 11 months ago
Considerations of my soul. It is getting hotter, the weather doesn't agree with my body. The flames of the sun burn my soul too easily. Plus it's usually my least financially secure period. At least I don't burn too easily and I catch the sun on my skin even in the winter. If I go outside often enough. I am warm blooded, a natural radiator of heat. The winter usually provides great comfort as I am often happily warm. Not too hot, not too cold. I am quite good at conserving heat. I'm also the type of drunk to get incredibly hot when I drink, it's probably due to my preference being vodka.
But summer is a wonderful time. There's a lot more joy in the air and people seem a lot happier. I suppose having to pay less bills is always good. People dying of homelessness and neglect is lower as some of these cases are due to winter diseases. I imagine dehydration becomes more of an issue but being able to ask for tap water in a restaurant always helps, though it is extortionate that a water bill must be paid. As well as rent. And food, even if a food bank system is apparent, it's rarely funded well/ at all by the government or it's completely supported by local communities. When I have more disposable income (which is rare), I try to make a big batch of chilli. As it's one of my favourite things to make and it's relatively easy to make and it's given to the local food bank. Though I've never taken it myself as I can't drive and the food bank is out of town so someone else usually does it. I imagine food banks get more donations in the summer, I wonder if they're less stressed in the summer due to the lower bills and then they have too much food. Probably not, as I also imagine a lot people donate tinned food and I love tinned food. It just lasts so long, I would prefer it fresh but you can't get specific ingredients fresh here. Like kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans. At least, the canned variants are cheaper and will last longer. And, the canned kidney beans from lidl come in a chilli sauce so, if you buy some tomatoes and spices. You can make a mean chilli con carne sauce. But I usually buy everything else fresh, besides meat, but that's because I usually buy vegetarian stuff. On the rare occasions I do buy meat, I buy it from the farmers market, I try to buy my vegetables there too but only if I know I'm gonna use it within a day or two.
A good thing for my soul would probably be gardening. Though, I've never done it. I understand how it works and how to get good results as my mother was a florist (though only for a short while) and my sister was briefly into gardening. I just haven't tried it. I'd want to grow potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, garlic, onions and chilli's of all kinds. Mostly because these are what I usually buy (besides potatoes, I don't really eat potatoes but it would be good for making homemade chips and mashed potato). So I'd be saving money, though I've no real clue how it works or if I'd even save money. It's a calming activity nonetheless. My cat would probably find a way to destroy it though. She broke a vase the other day. She's just a little menace but she's a little baby, though she is the most baby like cat I've ever had. She even likes being held like a baby, though that's probably my fault for holding her like one when she was a kitten.
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nosanime · 1 year ago
Campsite Taco Bar (Makes 6 Servings)
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We bring you this recipe from our panel, “Anime Foodies: Laid-Back Camp The Movie”.
As the movie opens, our characters are enjoying a group camping trip during their high school years on a lake shore near Mt. Fuji.  For their supper, they create a taco bar that allows everyone to customize the final product to their tastes.  While some components of the taco bar are familiar, the centerpiece – a whole chicken roasted in a Dutch oven over coals – is a showcase for their camping adventure.
Roasted Chicken:
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1 Whole 5-6 Pound – Chicken
1 4 oz. Stick – Unsalted Butter
1 ½ TSP – Kosher Salt
1 TSP – Black Pepper
1 ½ TSP – Juniper Berries
4 Springs – Rosemary
1 – Orange
2 Small – Russet Potatoes
3 Medium – Carrots
Allow the butter to come to room temperature, mix in the salt and pepper, and set aside.
Cut 4 large slices off the orange and eat the rest.
Roll a large length of heavy-duty aluminum foil into a ring and place it into the bottom of your Dutch oven.
Line the base of the Dutch oven above the foil ring with two layers of heavy-duty aluminum foil and line the lid with another layer of foil.
Remove your chicken from its packaging and dry it off with some paper towels. 
Working from the back of the bird, carefully reach in and separate the chicken skin from the meat without tearing it across as much of the bird as possible.
Once the skin is lose, take ½ of the seasoned butter and stuff it into the space you’ve made between the meat and skin of the chicken, spreading it evenly.
Stuff the cavity of the chicken with two slices of orange, 2 springs of rosemary, and ½ TSP of juniper berries and then truss the bird.
Peel the carrots, scrub the potatoes, chop them both into large chunks, and place the few of the smallest of your carrot pieces down in the middle of the Dutch oven.
Take some of the additional butter and smear it over the outside skin of the bird before tucking in the wings and setting it into the middle of the Dutch oven on top of the small portions of carrots.
Spread the remaining root vegetables along the outside of the chicken and dollop the additional butter over these.
Place the other two slices of orange, 2 springs of rosemary, and the remaining TSP of juniper berries over the top of the chicken and then place the lid of the Dutch oven on (making sure it fits tightly to prevent any ash getting in).
Prepare your coals and set 1/3 of them evenly underneath the Dutch oven and the other 2/3 evenly across the lid. 
Allow to cook for 1 hour and 30 minutes and then carefully remove the lid, set it aside, and check the temperature with a thermometer (allow to cook for additional 10 minute intervals as required).
Once ready, place a piece of foil loosely over the chicken and allow to rest for 15 minutes before slicing or pulling for tacos as desired.
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If you’re not up to roasting an entire chicken with potatoes and carrots for your taco bar, feel free to pick up a rotisserie chicken from your favorite grocery store as a much simpler alternative.
If you have a small cooking rack or something else to keep the chicken from sitting right on the bottom of the Dutch oven, that will also work in lieu of the foil ring.  This and the thinner pieces of carrot being under the bird is meant to mitigate the bottom of the chicken from burning while the rest of it roasts.
The juniper, orange, and rosemary mostly function to scent rather than flavor the chicken and can be omitted, if necessary.
When separating the chicken skin from the meat and adding the butter under the skin, emphasize the breast portion of the bird as this portion is most at risk of drying out during the cooking process.
No need to be fancy with your trussing.  As long as it keeps the legs together and the back cavity of the bird closed, it will be fine.
For our coals, we were unable to get binchotan like they used in the show.  We instead used a similar looking hardwood charcoal we found locally: Blue Hog – Hog Logs.  We used 18 in total with 6 on the bottom of the Dutch oven and 12 on the top.  These did not require a change, but if you’ll be using smaller lump charcoal or briquettes, check about halfway through the cooking process as additional coals need to be added.
Taco Meat:
1 ¼ Pound – Lean Ground Beef (Ground Turkey)
1 TBSP – Worcestershire Sauce
1 TBSP – Ketchup
½ TBSP – Sake
½ TBSP – Mirin
2 TSP – Chili Powder
½ TSP – Paprika
½ TSP – Garlic Powder
Heat a pan over medium heat and add the ground beef.
Brown the ground beef while breaking up any large chunks.
Add the remaining ingredients, stir to combine everything, and raise the heat to medium high. 
Cook, stirring as necessary, until the liquid has almost entirely boiled away.
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Lean ground beef (93/7) is done to mitigate the need to drain any fat from the pan.  You can use fattier ground beef, but you may need to add an additional step of draining the fat.
Ground turkey can also function as a good substitute and typically does not require fat to be drained.
A classic stateside taco seasoning mix can be used in place of the Japanese version presented here if desired.
Taco Shrimp:
1 ¼ Pound Medium, Peeled – Shrimp
1 TBSP – Worcestershire Sauce
1 TBSP – Ketchup
½ TBSP – Sake
½ TBSP – Mirin
1 TSP – Chili Powder
½ TSP – Paprika
½ TSP – Garlic Powder
Take all the ingredients, mix them together, and allow the shrimp to marinate for 30 minutes to an hour in the cooler.
When ready to cook, heat a pan over medium heat and add the shrimp with its marinade.
Cook for 4-6 minutes or until the shrimp are cooked through.
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2 Medium – Red Tomatoes
½ – Green Bell Pepper (Any Mild Green Pepper)
¼ Medium – White Onion
1 – Lime
2 Pinches – Kosher Salt
Dice the tomatoes, green pepper, and onions and add them to a serving bowl.
Add the juice of the lime and the salt and stir.
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Remaining Taco Bar Ingredients:
1 Head – Red Leaf Lettuce (Romaine Lettuce)
2 – Lime
2 Medium – Red Tomatoes
½ Medium – White Onion
8 oz. Block – Jack Cheese
1 – Avocado
2 Packs, Taco-Size – Flour Tortillas
1 Small Bottle – Tabasco Sauce (Any Preferred Hot Sauce)
Wash your lettuce, separate the leaves, and set aside.
Slice the limes into wedges, the onion into thin half-moons, and the tomatoes into slightly thicker half-moons.
Shred your block of cheese and keep it in the cooler until ready to serve.
Just prior to serving, split and pit the avocado, scoop the flesh out of each half in one piece, and slice into half-moons.
Heat a pan over medium heat and toast the tortillas one at a time for 30 seconds to a minute on each side.
As the tortillas finish, place them on a plate under a towel to keep warm until it is time to serve.
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Any long leaf lettuce will work fine.
You can skip the process of shredding your own cheese by buying a standard pack of pre-shredded cheese that you enjoy with tacos.
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