#mostly because thats also where we get stinky work id and I wanna hold onto that no matter the cost
arolesbianism · 4 months
takes nktes takes notes. one more question btw- i'm fairly sure in /some/ log its stated that duplicants are neotonous like axolotls, but when i read thru the one about duping errors it only mentioned the warbly voices. is this just a fanon thing bc ive seen it mentioned in other posts or is it mentioned in some other log
Im not entirely sure what you're referring to, but I'm going to take a shot in the dark and assume that you're talking abt one of the three "initial success" logs as they definitely are one of the biggest sources of confusion around duplicants in fanon that I've seen, since well. They're not talking abt dupes. In fact in the files they're titled clonedrats clonedraccoons and clonedrabbits, so any speculative dupe biology should not be taken from those. In fact, there's incredibly little actually documenting research and development on duplicants, with pretty much everything we know about them either being inferred or from One scrapped log. In fact the most we know about them from gravitas itself is that they were designed to not be able to do much without smth guiding them, outside of that every other instance of catalogued information about the printing process itself is in reference to animals, likely the same rodents that Olivia usually works with in whatever universe. We can definitely make educated guesses abt how dupes are built based off of those, but unfortunately there is remarkably little documenting physical characteristics of duplicants
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