#most recent development this week is my ex messaging me and apologizing and wanting to be friends
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docplop · 5 years ago
I have bipolar type 2, so I think that may have had something to do with it. The delusions were severe. It started with thinking I was being group stalked. I worked for a local taxi company and I thought people who worked for Uber were following me and deliberately making my life a living hell. It's difficult for me to remember the exact reasons I believed this, but it was a belief I had for a pretty long time. One day after this delusion had developed quite a bit, I started believing that the people following me were omniscient. I ran away from my city, I drove to my dad's house which is about 3 hours away. While there, I felt like my dad was initiating me into a secret society that could use magic to do almost anything. We were watching the Daily Show and I believed I had a conversation with Jon Stewart through the TV. I couldn't find the cameras on my end so I thought it was more of the magic that I was being introduced to. After a while I went to the guest bedroom where when I looked out the window, I thought of a thunderstorm, and then suddenly lightning started but striking pretty rapidly. I believed I created the storm from my anxiety. I lay down, closed my eyes and tossed and turned all night with. no sleep. The next morning, I got up before my dad, talked to my grandma, who also lived there, and left to go back to my home city. But when I left, I got side tracked. I had the radio tuned to A.M. talk stations and I believed that the radio was communicating directly to me. I got the wind idea to just start driving aimlessly, believing it would take me somewhere meaningful. I heard songs on the radio from some of my favorite artists from the 90s, but they were versions I had never heard with lyrics that spoke to me like never before. I believed it was Jesus talking to me. I decided to drive to California (from Virginia), and started heading west. I saw a sign outside of a farm house that said "Longview", and having been a huge Greenday fan as a kid, I thought I should stop there. I pulled up to this big house on a beautiful property, and thought, "I'm home!" Or rather it would be my home some day. The grass had recently been mowed. I took off my shoes and walked around the property in pure Bliss longing for this house to be my home. I picked a peach off of a tree out front and to this day it was the best peach I've ever had. The house had a pool with a cabana next to it. On either side of the pool, there were three rubber snakes on each side. I had all kinds of crazy theories about the snakes. I walked over to the cabana, and inside was full of relics from my childhood. It dawned on me that I hadn't earned my stay at such a beautiful sanctuary, so I got my shoes and walked back to my car. I looked up at the sky which had turned gold and purple and all kinds of colors in between. I saw planes overhead, and thought, "the only thing keeping me from being able to fly like those planes is my belief in gravity. Someday I'll fly.".
As I drove, I saw numerous lights in the sky that I believed were alien space crafts abducting people all over the map. I started following signs that had seemingly significant names and numbers on them. I passed under a giant overpass, and when I say giant, I mean like it was an overpass for humongous cars driven by 30 foot tall giants. Suddenly I thought I had passed through a dimensional gate and was going to meet these giant people. I found a row of normal sized townhouses and decided to ask where I was ( my phone lost all service, including GPS). There was a chair next to the road that was the size off a small house. I knocked on a few doors, but nobody answered. So I decided to press on.
Being in giant land, I thought that maybe I belonged there, so I started driving down wooded roads looking for my new home. It was night time by this point, and the radio was sending me messages more than ever. I thought the late Dave Brocky of Gwar fame was telling me to find his house. I drove up to a house that had a light on in the upstairs room. I parked, and when I got out of my car, a spotlight shined down on me. I looked over too my right, and a light came on under a newly finished porch. I walked over to it, and when I got there a green light turned on by a staircase, so I decided to climb the stairs. Another light came on at the top of the stairs over by a door to what looked like someone's living room. I called out, "Dave?" As I knocked on the screen door. A thin man with no hair walked out from behind a counter carrying a glass of red wine and in a polite English accent said, "I think you have the wrong house, mate.".
I apologized for the disturbance and ran back to my car and drove away.
After that the memories are a little fuzzy, but I spent most of the night driving aimlessly through George Washington National Forest. I parked at one point and decided I wanted to sleep under the stars. I grabbed a jacket from my trunk and some clothes I fashioned into a pillow and lay down in the grass and started stargazing. I remember seeing two sets of three stars in triangular formation moving around in the sky. I was pretty sure they were two triangular UFOs floating silently above me. The sky was beautiful, but I felt vulnerable, so I got back in my car and continued driving aimlessly.
After a few more hours and a few more attempts at finding Dave Brocky (who, again, was already dead at the time, and it's not like I knew him personally) I was extremely thirsty, and was looking for some water. I found a quaint little church, and thought, "Perfect! I bet they have a spickett somewhere outside.". When I got out of the car, I heard what sounded like huge amounts of water flowing through what I imagined to be a giant organism. I wondered if I had been abducted by one of the UFOs that I saw and was on some kind of holodeck. I walked over to the church and sure enough found a spickett. I had a beer mug in my backseat that someone had given me, so I grabbed it and filled it with water from the spickett. The water was warm and it tasted like how I imagined female ejaculant to taste. It was salty, cloudy and viscous. I spit it out and yelled," What the fuck?!"
I got back in my car and drove without any kind of destination in mind until the sun started to rise. Having no idea where I was, I started looking for a gas station so I could get some gas and a drink. I ended up in a small mountain town and found a gas station who's sign read "Liberty". I wanted to get a beer to calm my nerves and hope for some sleep, but they wouldn't sell it to me. I asked for a cup for some water, and filled it up at a sink by the coffee maker. The water that came out was cloudy, salty, and viscous just like the water from the church spickett. At this point I was sure I was on an alien space craft, and was in some kind of simulation. Everyone I saw seemed to be both staring at me, and evading eye contact at the same time. I left the gas station and continued my aimless drive.
As the sun rose above the horizon, I marvelled at the beauty of the Appalachian mountains. I found my way to Rte 66 and started seeing signs for towns that sounded familiar. I got off rte 66 at a stop where I found a Starbucks. Still thinking I was in a simulation on an alien ship, I thought everyone I saw was a lizard person in disguise. Terrified, I ordered a cup of tea that was supposed to be infused with peach. The tea tasted like it was the same salty, viscous water as before but with some other flavors. I pulled the tea bag out and thought I saw little pieces of meat in it and assumed it was human meat. Trying to not react, I looked at my phone and finally started to get service again. I called my girlfriend and told her what had been happening to me. I was terrified. I was sure that there were people or aliens or something monitoring my every move. The only option I had was to trust that I was actually talking to my girlfriend. There were many phonecalls made between my girlfriend and one of her friends that we figured out lived near where I had ended up.
I want to wrap up this story now.
My girlfriend figured out my location. She told me to stay put and that she'd come get me. Miraculously she found me a few hours later and took me to her friend's house. When we got there, her friend told me I could sit in her kids' backyard tent while they figured out what to do. Before getting in the tent, I looked into the front window and thought I saw one of my ex girlfriends inside talking to my girlfriend and her friend. This scared the shit out of me, because that ex was a sociopath and couldn't figure why she'd be there. I got in the tent, and after a few minutes I started hearing some kind of liquid being thrown onto the tent. I assumed it was my ex throwing gasoline on the tent and that she was going to burn me alive in the tent. I freaked out and broke the zipper to the front flap while trying to escape. When I got out there was nobody there. My girlfriend and her friend invited me in for dinner and an Ativan. This calmed me down and we spent the night there. The whole time I was there, though, I heard that rushing water that I first started hearing by the church. I still thought I was on an alien ship. The following morning I was driven to a hospital where I was admitted to a psych ward for several days. The whole time I was there, I believed I was being kept away from Earth where there was a global Holocaust being perpetrated by the aliens. I believed they were replacing everyone on Earth. I probably should have spent a lot more time in the psych ward, but was released about a week later with a new prescription for anti psychotics. I've been taking them ever since. For probably a year after this, I was still unsure about everything in my reality, and to this day (6 years later) I still have fleeting doubts. I have wanted to write this experience into a book ever since, but haven't had the motivation or focus to do so, as my ADHD is still bad, and haven't been able to structure what needs to be told. This is probably the longest version I've written thus far, and still feel like I'm not doing the experience justice. Thanks for reading, if you've made it this far. Feel free to ask me any questions.
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artificialqueens · 6 years ago
Character development(Branjie)- dexx-ss
A/N: Hi hello how are ya? So I wrote this one night after getting home from a party and being very drunk XD But i’m such a huge fan of this place and love readying all the fics(Like literally all the authors you are friking amazing <3) so i thought why not submit mine here…It is kinda messy but I love it :P I can write more if you guys like this one and anyone wants more :)
Brooke does not do relationships. She doesn’t. She is very cautious about who she lets into her life. Why? (one might ask) Because relationships are messy. It is so much easier to have that one night stand where you sneak out in the morning and if you are lucky enough you never see that person again. It does not require a lot of effort. No worries about hurting someone’s feelings or getting your feelings hurt. All you have to worry about is the taste of regret the next day. (For Brooke, it tastes like too much alcohol/cigars and occasionally a killer headache.)
Brooke has been the shoulder to cry on for many of her friends. Seen how having some kind of strong emotion towards another person can destroy everything in one second. There have been countless times where her heartbroken friends have ended up in an ally somewhere and she would have to search for them. Take care of them.
So maybe she is scared. She is scared that if she feels that pain she will end up getting drunk(like all of her friends) then end the night in a ditch somewhere puking her guts out. But because she is usually the care-taker there would be no one to take care of her.
So once again Brooke does not do relationships. Maybe she should try?
It is a Friday night and Brooke is spending it at some rented out club celebrating her friend Yvie’s birthday. Most of the people there Brooke doesn’t know because Yvie’s girlfriend Scarlet had organized the party which meant she had invited a lot of her friends. It was also a theme party. The theme was monsters (or something like that) and Brooke wasn’t really a fan of wearing costumes so she was just wearing a black dress and a black headscarf with a snake around her head. If someone asked what monster she is she just said: “Salazar Slytherin but make it sexy”. Most of the party Brooke spent sitting at the bar. Her idea for today was to just drink and maybe take one of Scarlets friends home or find someone from a bar next door.
Brooke was currently pouring herself a shot when somebody pumped into her making her spill tequila all over her dress. “For fuck sake watch where you are going,” Brooke said angrily turning around to see who pumped into her. The girl who pumped into her was a beautiful sight. She was wearing a black dress with the skirt part made out of feathers, her dark hair was waved beautifully and she was wearing a small headpiece. “Sorry I didn’t see you,” the girl said putting her phone in her bag. Brooke tilted her head eyeballing the girl “So what are you supposed to be?”. The girl raised an eyebrow answering  “A monster or some shit,”. Brooke let out a little laugh “Well that was the theme, yes, but no monster looks that pretty” that made the other girl blush. “I’m Brooke by the way,” Brooke said with a smile “Vanessa” the girl smiled back. There was something so welcoming and beautiful about that smile. At that moment Brooke felt something she had never felt before and realized that Vanessas smile will be the death of her.
Vanessa is different than Brooke. She does do relationships. She jumps into every little fling head first thinking it’s true love. Even her one-night stands end up with her catching feelings. That usually ends with her getting hurt cause no one is ready to move as quickly as V is.  But pain changes people. It truly makes them trust less and overthink more. Heartbreaks have made Vanessa overthink every little thing. But has it made her slow things down? Nope.
Over recent years, V has had her heart broken quite a few times. She is a hopeless romantic which means she doesn’t care if she knows the girl for a week or even less she is already planning the wedding. Her last relationship was quite messy. V only knew the girl a few weeks until they basically moved in together. She was head over heels about her but the girl didn’t really care for Vanjie she just needed a place to stay for a while. Leaving Vanessa over text message telling her that she really isn’t ready for a relationship but she really badly wants to be friends. Only getting into a relationship with someone else two weeks later.
But thankfully V has her two best friends Silky and A’keria who can literally tell every detail about Vanjie. (Literally everything. When she has a crush on someone. When she kissed someone. When she is telling the truth. When she is lying.) And they have seen Vanessa go through everything and been there for her. Recently they have pressured V a lot to try and take things slower and really think about everything.
Maybe she should try to take things slower now. Maybe…
Vanessa was walking around Scarlets party, her nose in her phone, stalking her ex. She wasn’t paying attention to anything until she bumped into someone. Quickly apologizing and trying to put her phone away she looked at the tall figure before her. The figure was a gorgeous looking woman. She asked Vanessa what she was supposed to be but honestly, V didn’t know either she just had that dress in her closet so she put it on. The woman introduced herself with the name Brooke. “Vanessa,” V smiled, “But friends call me Vanjie.” Brooke let out an adorable giggle. “Okay, Vanjie,  I’ll see you around,” she said taking her shot and leaving giving Vanjie a wink. Vanessa just stood still for a few moments not knowing how to react or what to do. V remembered that Scarlet told her a story of a girl named Brooke who apparently had never been in a relationship but had a lot of one night stands. Scarlet joked that she’d be the perfect thing that Vanessa needed knowing that Brooke does not care for a relationship and that V needs to have that one person she dosen’t catch feelings to. She fixed herself a quick drink and joined her friends on the dance floor.
This whole time dancing all she could think about was that Brooke. Was she flirting with her? Is it that Brooke that Scarlet told her about? Her eyes often wandering around the room to see if she’d be able to spot the tall figure.  “Who the hell are you looking for?” A’keria finally asked looking angrily at Vanjie. “No one,” Vanessa said. “Bullshit!” Silky loudly joined in. “Oh fuck y’all I’m gonna go breathe some air,” V said leaving her friends behind and walking out. Vanessa stood against the wall and closed her eyes. Suddenly she felt someone stand before her so she opened her eyes to see Brooke. “Hi,” Brooke said softly with a smile and taking a puff out of her cigar “who you hiding from?”, “I’m not hidin’ hoe” Vannessa quickly clapped back. Brooke just smiled at the answer and V turned her face away. The taller girl took a step closer to Vanjie and threw her cigar away. “Did I tell you that you look beautiful?” Brooke said placing a strand of hair that was on Vanessas face behind her ear. V shook her head looking and Brookes lips that were so close yet so far “Oh well then” Brooke said taking a few steps back. Vanessa didn’t like that so she grabbed Brookes face and kissed her. Then realizing what she had just done she quickly pulled away.
It was time for a nicotine break. Brooke has been trying to quit for such a long time but it has all been coulda shoulda woulda. So she hasn’t… yet. Suddenly she sees someone rushing through the door and recognizes the figure immediately, Vanessa. She walks slowly up to her looking over every part of her, analyzing her. Finally, she stands before her and Vanessa opens her eyes. B sees a strand of hair on Vanessas cheek, it looks out of place, so she puts it behind her ear. Vanessa looked so beautiful. Brooke wondered how she’d react if she kissed her right at this moment but brushed that thought out of her head quickly. Brooke is usually the one to make the first move but there was something different in Vanjie and Brooke didn’t want to just kiss her she wanted to get to know her. Is this what having a crush feels like? So instead of kissing her, she took a step back only to be surprised with Vanessa kissing her. She slid her one hand into Vanessas hair and let the other one feel her body. The kiss was good but messy.
They broke the kiss and Brooke just looked at Vanessa wide-eyed “well that was unexpected”, “I’m sorry” Vanessa quickly said taking a few steps back. “No! I liked it, you don’t have to apologize.” Brooke said grabbing Vs hand reassuringly. “Wanna come to  my place?” Brooke asked with a smile. Vanessa nodded. They got into their Uber making out the whole way to Brookes place.
When Vanessa opened her eyes she realized she wasn’t home. She looked around and saw a tall blonde figure next to her. Her head was bounding from all the alcohol consumed yesterday. Quickly Vanjie was trying to find her phone. “Shit” she whispered realizing she was late to work. Luckily she saw a notebook next to Brooke. She grabbed a piece of paper from there and wrote down her name and phone number. You know just in case. She really didn’t do one night stands so she didn’t know if she should wake the girl or not. but on her dress and ordered herself an uber home. Walking out of Brookes room she was greeted by two cats so at least while she waited for her Uber she got to play with them. In her ride home, she found baby wipes from her purse so she took off her makeup with them.
She lived with Silky. So although it was only six in the morning she was greeted by Silk “Girl where were you I’ve been worried sick all night”, “Oh really, so you aren’t awake because your booty call just left” V looked at silky with a smug. “Noooooo” Silk was quick to answer holding the o “But, bitch, where were you?”. Vanessa went into her room and plugged her phone to charge while changing into more work appropriate attire “I was with Brooke”, “Who the hell is Brooke?” Silk asked but answering her self a second later “Oh, the Brooke? That Scarlet told us about? That ‘I only do one night stands’ Brooke?” Silky laughed “I left her my phone number tho” Vanessa quietly said pouring herself some coffee. “You stupid hoe,” Silky shook her head “you do know she ain’t gonna text you right?” Vanjie just nodded “I don’t know how these things work,” Vanessa said with a smile “but ay I don’t have her number so I can’t see her ever again unless she wants me to, right? ” Vanessa said with a laugh. Silky shook her head and Vanessa could tell that Silk knew that V hoped Brooke would text her.
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lady-divine-writes · 6 years ago
Kurtbastian one-shot “Spirits of the Past” (Rated PG13)
An old friend comes back into Kurt and Sebastian's lives. It turns into both a blessing and a curse. (2279)
A lot of people had wondered when we'd be seeing Blaine Anderson. Well, here he is ... Also, I wrote a similar story for another pairing. There are a lot of differences between the two, I promise :)
Part 54 of Daddies
Read on AO3.
“Daddy! Papa! I have something I need to show you!” Thomas races full tilt thru the living room and into the kitchen, sliding across the linoleum in socked feet with Hepburn scrambling behind, stopping mere inches from his two dads preparing breakfast at the stove.
Well, Kurt is preparing breakfast. Sebastian is stealing bacon every time he thinks Kurt isn’t paying attention.
Little does he realize Kurt has been keeping a mental tally, and has every intention of making his husband repay him for the pilfered pieces.
“Ten points!” Sebastian cheers between chews, offering his son a high-five.
“Sebastian! Don’t encourage him!” Kurt scolds, stacking pancakes one by one onto a large serving plate. “Thomas! What have I told you about running in the house?”
“I’m sorry, Papa! But I had to come tell you … I got one! I really got one!”
“Got one what, Tom-Tom?” Sebastian asks while Kurt, cracking eggs into a bowl for scrambling, shudders. The last time Thomas said those words, he came bounding into their bedroom covered in head-to-toe mud, carrying something Kurt could only describe as furry, squeaky, and highly unamused.
Luckily, it wasn’t rabid. In fact, it was microchipped, and belonged to their neighbor a few houses down.
“An EVP!” he announces proudly, holding up a silver digital recorder. “I was right! I told you! Our house is haunted!”
Eggs forgotten for the moment, Sebastian and Kurt turn to one another and share a look – Sebastian’s of pure amusement, Kurt’s of mild terror.
“Are you sure?” Sebastian asks.
“Oh, absolutely!” Thomas says, beaming with confidence. “I listened to it five times! It’s definitely an EVP! It sounds exactly like the ones I heard on the YouTube videos new Uncle Blaine messaged me!”
“New Uncle Blaine,” Kurt grumbles, and Sebastian snorts, almost shooting a piece of unchewed pork out his nose.
Blaine’s return to their lives has been an interesting development. After Kurt and Sebastian’s run-in at Vogue with Kurt’s now ex-intern, Sebastian hopped on his cell phone and spent the remainder of that afternoon talking to Blaine Anderson for the first time in years. Apologies were made from Sebastian to Blaine, and then from Blaine to Kurt, and after an hour long cry session, they invited Blaine out for the weekend to bury the hatchet yet again and meet Thomas. It was strange, and mildly surreal, how he was able to fit into the life that Sebastian and Kurt have made for themselves. Kurt always thought reuniting with Blaine would be awkward, even painful, but it’s been none of that. He’s the same boy Kurt first met at Dalton, more so now with his flourishing career as a recording artist, but with none of the hang ups he had after they broke up. It’s been nice having this new/retro version of Blaine around. It makes both Kurt and Sebastian feel like teenagers again.
Save for one thing …
When Blaine met Thomas, they hit it off immediately, probably because he brought chocolate chip cookies and regaled him with all the stories about his parents as teenagers that they had yet to divulge. While the three adults caught up, Kurt mentioned their recent summer vacay to the sunny California coast, and Blaine told a tale of how he recently recorded a video at the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose – reportedly one of the most haunted houses in America.
Kurt had considered putting a kibosh on that conversation, considering how much anxiety Thomas had surrounding the subject of ghosts and death. Kurt’s biggest fear was that it would churn up memories of Thomas’s mother, and that he wouldn’t sleep at night.
Oh, how naïve he was.
Thomas was far from frightened. He was fascinated.
And Blaine, the consummate performer, loved having a captivated audience.
He indulged, telling Thomas how, during his teenage years, he thought that their school, Dalton Academy, might have been haunted.
“I remember that!” Sebastian had leapt in unhelpfully. “Didn’t people say there were cold spots in the common room at night?”
“A-ha,” Blaine had said. “Lights flickered on and off, doors shut on their own, kids had feelings of dread in the AP Chem lab ...”
“That’s probably because most kids couldn’t pass AP Chem,” Kurt had said, rolling his eyes.
“The teachers, too.”
“Yeah, well, how would you feel teaching a bunch of kids who kept failing your class?”
Kurt is a skeptic. He feels everything people claim as evidence of hauntings are easily explainable outside the realm of the supernatural. He did spend the better part of his formative years bunking in a renovated basement after all. From creaking floorboards to improperly installed doors and the occasional electrical fault, Kurt has seen it all, so he’s immune to the idea of a door slamming unexpectedly being proof that a house – or a school - is haunted, no matter how old the place is.
Of course, three headmasters had died at Dalton. And Dalton Academy did burn down under suspicious circumstances. They rebuilt it after a full investigation, but they never could nail down the cause of the fire.
But from that moment on, Thomas was hooked, determined to find out whether or not their own house – one that had been around since the turn of the century – was haunted.
Sebastian puts a hand on his husband’s shoulder and massages, but it’s cold comfort.
He blames him just as much for Thomas’s newest obsession as he does Blaine.
“Do you think maybe you can jump on this one?” Kurt asks while their son stands between them, arm outstretched, begging with poignant facial expressions for someone to ask him to press play. With any luck, he just recorded himself snoring, or talking in his sleep, something that would be easy to explain in a way that would neither frighten nor disappoint their inquisitive son. Kurt isn’t a big fan of the whole ghost hunting thing, but he doesn’t want to discourage his creative mind.
“Because if our house is haunted, I don’t want to know about it. I mean, we’ve lived here for over a decade. If there are disembodied spirits among us, obviously they’re happy with us seeing as we’ve never seen or heard a peep from them. I don’t want to ruin that relationship.”
Sebastian stares in awe at the skill of his husband, able to present a logical argument laced with sarcasm in a way that their precocious little boy won’t detect. But Sebastian can tell from the tone in Kurt’s voice that the next time they see Blaine, he’s in for an earful.
“Al-righty, then.” Sebastian takes his son by the shoulder and steers him towards the living room. “Come along, Tom-Tom. Let’s go have a listen.”
Kurt watches the two wander off into the living room. Once the door closes behind them, Kurt can’t hear anything over the crackling of bacon (what’s left of it). Good, he assures himself. Because he’s absolutely not curious. If Thomas did find evidence of some long-dead prior owner’s ghost in their house, and he doesn’t believe for one minute he did, he doesn’t need to know about it. He doesn’t believe it anyway, so why is this a question? It’s not. It has no bearing on his life whatsoever. And it doesn’t matter one inch that when they first moved in, he used to get chills in the oddest places – like the completely insulated coat closet in the hall, or the windowless shower with the scalding hot water running; or the fact that he avoided Sebastian’s renovated den-turned-rec room for weeks before he had it completely re-done because walking in there just made him … sad.
He stands by what he said.
Though he might start dressing underneath a towel, just because.
Not too long after the pair leaves, Sebastian returns carrying the recorder and wearing an indecipherable look on his face. Kurt watches him anxiously, waiting for an explanation, but his infuriating husband doesn’t give him one. Instead, the grin on his face widens steadily, it seems, in correlation to the size Kurt’s eyes become.
“Well?” Kurt says, even though, again, he doesn’t want to know. He’s just been making breakfast – scrambling eggs and buttering toast, not at all overanalyzing every minute he’s spent alone in their house when he’s had to rationalize something that’s happened that he couldn’t outright explain.
“Well, he definitely caught something.”
“W-was it Hepburn farting?” Kurt swallows hard. “Because I think his new diet might not be agreeing with him.”
“No,” Sebastian says somberly. “It’s definitely not that. But it’s thought provoking, to say the least.”
The top of Kurt’s head goes cold. His hands begin to shake, the beating of his heart vibrating his entire body. But he fights for calm because if there’s one thing Kurt doesn’t believe in, it’s ghosts. Or God. Or life after death of any kind. If he had, it would have made his entire life from eight to eighteen much easier to bear. And that’s one of the reasons he can’t believe now. If he listens to that recording and it happens to be real, then what does that mean for his entire life view? His take on the universe and his place in it?
“Oh God!” Kurt groans, forgetting about breakfast and putting his hands over his eyes. “No!”
“What’s wrong?”
“Of all the things I don’t need to worry about! I don’t want to deal with ghosts, Sebastian! I can’t!”
“Kurt …”
“Because talking about ghosts leads to talking about death, and talking about death leads to talking about God and heaven, and these are concepts I’m just not comfortable coming to terms with right now! Not with my history on the subject, and definitely not his!”
“Kurt …”
“Besides, think of what living in a haunted house would involve! You saw The Amityville Horror! The Conjuring! The Woman in Black! Between the investigators and the séances and the television interviews - I really really don’t have the time for that!”
“Kurt! I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that.”
“Really?” Kurt’s hands slide down his face. “So you’re okay with us living here with the ghost of Aunt Annie roaming around the halls at night, cursing me to eternal damnation for not putting raisins in my rice pudding since everyone over the age of fifty thinks they belong there, and for violating the bed where her twelve blessed children were born with our heathenous ways?”
“Raisins? Heathenous? Wha---Kurt …” Sebastian snickers “… who the heck is Aunt Annie?”
“I don’t know! It just sounded old tyme to me.”
“Kurt, honey” - Sebastian wraps an arm around his agitated husband’s waist - “I didn't realize how uncomfortable this might be for you. But if it makes you feel any better, the solution to this might be less complicated than you think.”
“Wh-what … what do you mean less complicated? What happened in the living room!?”
“I listened to what he recorded, and I agreed it sounded ominous. Then I gave him $20 for it, and promised him an additional $20 if he swore to let this go and never try to record an EVP again.”
“Wha---why? Is it that bad?” Kurt asks, imagining screeching and wailing and blood thirsty howls, things that he and Sebastian might not have heard because, ironically, they sleep like the dead.
“Why don’t you listen for yourself?”
Kurt’s eyes pop open at such a phenomenal speed, Sebastian swears he hears a snap. “Why would I want to listen to it!? I’m asking you specifically because I don’t want to …!”
Sebastian presses play without waiting for Kurt to finish, and for all of Kurt’s arguing to the contrary, he goes quiet so he can listen. According to the counter on the recorder’s display, whatever Thomas heard starts at over two hours in. Thomas goes to bed at 8, so that would make this around 10 something. Kurt and Sebastian would have still been up. But Kurt doesn’t remember hearing anything.
The loudest noise on the recording is the soft inhale-exhale of their son sleeping, followed by rhythmic snuffling from Hepburn. But not long after, another noise starts. It’s muffled, intermittent. To the untrained ear (and through several walls and closed doors) it does sound very ominous, like the notes of a sustained and painful cry rising up from the depths of hell below.
But to someone who knows exactly what they’re listening to, it’s clear, and Kurt blushes bright red to the roots of his highlights.
It’s the sound of him moaning in the farthest thing from pain.
“So, would you say that’s twenty bucks well spent?” Sebastian asks, grinning like a goblin.
“Yes.” Kurt clears his throat, reaching out to turn the recorder off before he hears something that makes his face ignite. “Good call.”
“Thank you.”
“In other news, I am now very self-conscious of my sex noises.”
“Don’t be,” Sebastian growls, grabbing a healthy handful of his husband’s left ass cheek and squeezing. “I think your noises are damn sexy. Besides, everyone thinks they sound weird when they hear themselves on tape.”
“Did he happen to catch you on there?”
“Oh, yeah.”
“And …?”
“Oh me?” Sebastian chuckles, snagging a plate for himself, and one for Thomas, camped out in the living room, waiting for his breakfast and imagining how he’s going to spend his newfound wealth. “I sound amazing!”
“You know, if you tell Blaine about this, I’m going to kick you where the sun don’t shine.”
Sebastian laughs out loud. “Steel-plated chonies it is,” he says, side stepping Kurt’s foot and jogging the rest of the way.
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lunaschild2016 · 7 years ago
Bad Girls World: Chapter 2
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Rated T (Language, some sexual content, violence)
Her life could have turned out differently. There was a time when she felt like she could have read how it would go, word for word, from a playbook that other girls just like her had lived a million times over. One event set about a change that erased the pages and freed her to write her own story. Eric/Tris, No Divergent Hunts, AU
(This will be a slow burn or build up to the Eris)
@kenzieam  @pathybo  @jaihardy @every-jai @ericdauntless @beautifulramblingbrains @bookgirlthings @jojuarez26 @oddsnendsfanfics @offroadinjandals @singingpeople @iammarylastar @irasancti @captstefanbrandt @clublulu333 @fuckthatfeeling @tigpooh67 @ex-bookjunky  @jughead-wuz-here wuz-here@badassbaker @beanzjellly @beltz2016 @meganbee15 @affabletimelady @scorpio2009 @gylisaa @geekybeyondallreason@violetsonthelam @kyloswarstars @emmysrandomthoughts @kgurew @beltzboys2015-blog @slytherin-princess-25273 @whatwouldbuffydo666 @jaiboomer11 @holamor @wealwayskeepfighting @original46
**I promise I have put the read more option in but it has been glitching. If I have forgotten someone or you want to be removed please message me!**
Chapter 2
Caleb is eyeing me from across the dinner table. I haven’t said much to him since he refused to speak up at the school. In fact, I have tried to avoid him as much as possible. It hasn’t been hard to do since he has been still attending school while I have been kept home. After school he goes straight to his room, only to emerge at meals times.
He might be wondering what has me even more eager to leave the table than usual. I can’t seem to get comfortable in my seat and am shifting. The silence as we eat is killing me and I wonder if my parents have changed their minds to speak with us tonight.
The longer dinner drags on I become even more sure that is the case. By the time everyone is ready for the plates to be cleared away, my shoulders are slumped and I sullenly glare at my empty plate.
“Beatrice and Caleb, after you have cleared the table your father and I would like you both to come to the living room. We have something we need to discuss with you.” My mother says as her gaze alternates between me and Caleb.
“Yes, ma’am.” I agree eagerly then lurch up on my feet. Ready to get it done and to what I have been waiting for all night.
My father nods to Caleb. “Go ahead, son.”
Our parents go over to the living room area while Caleb and I make short work of clearing the plates up. This also involves washing and drying the dishes before putting them away. My parents already had the dishes from cooking all cleaned as they cooked so our job wasn’t that hard.
I wash them and hand the plates to Caleb to dry. He takes the last cup with a sigh. I don’t look at him as I wipe the sink and counter.
“I’m sorry, Bea,” Caleb says softly beside me while he stands rigidly beside me. I look at him with my head tilted and he frowns. “It isn’t fair that you are being punished for what you did for me. I am sorry I didn’t say something to the principal. I am your brother and I should have taken up for you too.”
I swallow and nod as I look away. “It wouldn’t have done any good if you had. It probably would have landed you a suspension too.” I smirk and look back at him. “I wouldn’t want you to lose the only time you get to be in a library.”
He gives me a side smile and nods simply. “Thank you.”
He turns to walk out of the kitchen. I follow feeling less anger and resentment than I have felt all week.
In the living room, our parents sit side by side on the couch, leaving two chairs on the other side of the coffee table open. My brother and I take one of those each and wait for our parents to speak.
“Before we get started, I wanted to say something about recent events to the both of you. Caleb, I know you have struggled this week with how you are feeling about everything. I have tried to counsel you as I thought best but I can admit that there are some areas I failed. It’s an Abnegation’s duty to set an example for the city and our faction. I have always believed, as our faction teaches, that there are other ways to resolve issues without having it become violent. But I can admit that there are times when a force of a sort is needed to defend oneself. You wanted to know why you and your sister were to be punished for simply defending yourself and I am afraid that I have no good answer for you. The simple truth is that you shouldn’t be. I apologize that this was something you had to go through and that the system failed to protect you.”
Caleb nods and purses his lips in thought, remaining silent until we are given leave to speak.
My father turns his attention to me and he looks deeply troubled. “Beatrice,” He says my name softly with a slight break in his voice. My mother reaches over and lays her hand on top of his comfortingly. “To you, I want to say how very proud I am of you, and I am sorry if I haven’t been very good at showing this. While I have never been vocal in my affections to either of you, I love you both very much. It makes me happy to know that you care for your brother so much when I know the two of you haven’t always gotten along. Especially recently as you both grow and develop your own interests and ideas. I know you think I favor your brother over you because he is a better Abnegation, but the truth is that I don’t. I love you both equally and I want you to remember this in years to come.”
“Your father and I have had many discussions over the years but after what happened, we knew that there was no putting this off any longer. Beatrice, I know you have heard our discussions recently so this won’t come as a surprise to you. We know the two of you are holding much of yourselves back and are unhappy with how you have to live your lives. Believe it or not, we do understand exactly how that feels.”
“Talking about our faction origins isn’t against the rules, but it is frowned upon.” My father picks up after a nod from my mother. “That is partly because of the belief that we should put our faction before our blood, but it is more than that for most parents. I know that for me, I had several reasons why talking about my origin faction, which was Erudite, was not something I wanted to do.”
Caleb frowns and his eyes narrow while he looks at our father. “You were Erudite?”
He smiled at both my brother and me while he nodded. “I think the reason it seems like I favor you is because we have so much in common. Just like your sister and mother are closer because they have so many similarities.” He gave a quiet chuckle and knowing look to Caleb. “So, I can imagine you are currently trying to figure out why in the world I would have left Erudite for Abnegation.”
Caleb smiles sheepishly and nods. “Can you tell me...us...the reasons you left?”
“I can and will. The first and most important reason is that, like you two, I didn’t feel I really belonged. I loved learning and reading very much. There were so many things that I loved about Erudite. But, I felt constricted in what I was allowed to do versus what I wanted to do. For me, learning isn’t all there is to life. I wanted to do something that could help people. To actually get my hands dirty and not sit behind some desk or computer analyzing data for years before a committee would be formed to figure out the best way to go about putting the plan into action. At times, the thought of staying in Erudite and having to push down those parts of myself made me feel angry and even depressed. That was the main reason I left.”
He paused and took a sip of water before continuing. “The other reasons are to do with personal experiences. I witnessed behaviors and incidents that left me feeling revulsion for the people behind them. I won’t name names here, because it could be dangerous to have those details. I will need both of you to give me your word that what I am about to tell you will not leave this house.”
He looks at both of us with such intensity it is frightening but we both agree solemnly. My parents look at each other before he continues.
“Have either of you heard of a divergent?” My mother is the one to ask the question.
I frown and shake my head but Caleb pales and flinches. They sigh at his reaction.
“I want to tell you both that being divergent is not dangerous. Divergents are not monsters bent on destroying the system or our city. They are people like you and me and there is nothing to them that lends them special powers.”
“But how do you know? If they aren’t dangerous why can’t they just come forward and prove it?” Caleb blurts out and I see clearly why my parents are sure he is bound for Erudite.
“We know because we are divergent, Caleb. Including you, my son.” My mother says to him softly but there is an ominous undertone to it.
“Wha….what?” Caleb sounds shaken to his core.
“Think about what you have heard regarding Divergents. It is said they think differently, correct? That a divergent doesn’t just think like one specific faction but sometimes multiple ones. Then look back on things that have happened to you. Take the recent incident. You were torn in not wanting to hurt the boy hurting you, but you didn’t want to just have to take the beating either. When you saw your sister standing up for you, you felt shame at not doing what she didn’t hesitate to do. You also said that seeing how she was being treated made you wish you could take her place. Now look at the core beliefs for all the factions and tell me which ones fit into those thoughts and feelings.”
My mind was spinning with the implications and answers. “Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite.” I spit out with a frown, feeling like I am missing something. “But there was Amity in there too because they don’t like violence just as much as we don’t. What about Candor though? Wouldn’t the fact that Caleb admitted his feelings to you be Candor?”
My brother’s mouth hung open as he looked at me but I was concentrating on my parents. They looked to be considering it and my father slowly nodded. “Yes, I believe that his truthful admission of how he felt could be considered Candor. The question is, did any of that feel unnatural to you, Caleb?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you feel that it was wrong to have those thoughts or feelings?”
He bit on his lip hard before answering. “It didn’t feel wrong.” He admitted slowly as if he was afraid he was answering a question incorrectly.
“It shouldn’t have, because there was nothing wrong with it. Every person in our city has a bit of all the factions in them. Some have more of one than the other. The faction system wasn’t put in place to have our people only be one certain way. It was established so that people who were stronger in one certain aptitude could use that to the benefit of our city. It was meant to take the strength of a person and allow them to make a meaningful contribution without spreading themselves thin with other tasks or worries that they might not be as strong in. That has just been forgotten over time. So now, when someone seems to be spread out in how they think or act, others say it is wrong. They become fearful that someone seems to be capable of more than them.”
“This has been a constant across time, but there is a saying; man fears that which he does not understand. For years now, people in our city have believed that they can only think one specific way. That it isn’t possible to have different faction aptitudes. Erudite began to study the anomalies, as they called them, to find out why divergents could think the way they do. They even began to do some fairly hideous things, experiments, to get to the bottom of it. I witnessed people I had known all my life start to be treated like outcasts to be spat upon just because they didn’t fit what other people thought they should. These were people who were loyal to Erudite and had never done anything to try and sabotage the faction. Yet, because of those suspicions, they were treated like they were traitors. There were whispers of people disappearing and experiments being done on them, only for them to return so changed and shadows of themselves. There were unexplained deaths that we all knew were linked to divergence. All of that was eventually stopped, thankfully. For me, the damage had been done and I knew I could not stay in a faction that so willingly allowed them to happen in the first place. You see, Caleb, in the fervor to learn and dissect, the people doing those things completely put aside their humanity. They truly believe that emotion is a blight on humanity. That we would all be better off if we didn’t feel anything. That made me ask myself the question, is there any limit Erudite won’t go to in the name of science and progress? I could only go by the evidence in front of me and that answer was a resounding no. Even if that answer is completely wrong, and their theories were completely false, they would justify that it was necessary.”
“It was easy for me to leave Erudite because my parents had been two of these people that shunned any kind of emotional attachments. I never felt loved or wanted by them, so leaving wasn’t a hardship.” His voice broke at the end and his eyes filled with tears. “I made a promise to myself when I left that I would never do as they did. That my children would always know I loved and supported them. I can’t say that I have done very well in keeping that promise but that will change. Starting today.”
I don’t know if his words got to Caleb. He looked to be lost in his own thoughts with a far-off expression in his eyes and not really focusing on anything or anyone. He gave a distracted nod.
I was moved by my father's words and emotion. I had questioned if he really loved or even wanted me around at times. To hear that he does make my heart constrict and tears fill my eyes. I tried to hold in my vocal sobs as I wiped the tears away.
He seemed to be finished with what he needed to say and it was now my mother’s turn.
“It might or might not come as a surprise to you that I came from Dauntless. I left for similar reasons to your father. I too didn’t feel like I fully belonged there. My parents had passed and I was a ward of the system, but I luckily had a friend that took me in. She stayed in Dauntless and while it was hard to leave her, she was understanding of why I had to follow my heart. I always believed in hard work and was never afraid of it. I believed in protecting the weak and still believe in that. I just didn’t agree with some of the ways that Dauntless go about that. I don’t have the aversion to being physical with others that your father does, but I too do not believe it should be the first course of action. There were also things that I saw, similar in nature to Erudite, that made me decide Dauntless wasn’t the place for me. There were no experiments but for a time they were working with Erudite to provide information on divergents. Sometimes even a few Dauntless members went missing and it was unspoken there had been suspicions of their divergence. I am told that shortly after I left that stopped along with Erudite’s efforts.”
I soak up all of this information but frown at the same time. There is a question that is bothering me that I just have to voice. “If there are no more worries about divergents then why can’t we be open about it? It feels like you are warning us because there is a danger.”
“Very perceptive,” Caleb mutters and gives me a side smile. I roll my eyes and smile back but wait for my parents to answer.
“Caleb is correct. That was perceptive of you because that is just what we are doing. There is a government decree that divergents aren’t dangerous, but it is still a fear that is deep-rooted in the city. There has been a debate on being open in regards to what a divergent truly means and maybe one day we can be. For now, the council feels there are much bigger issues that need to be addressed. So, until then it is a good idea to keep the knowledge to yourself and we will be helping you to not bring attention to yourselves from those that would even care about that anymore.” My mother provides with a smile.
I bite my lip and grip my chair to stop wiggling in it. “Does this mean that you are going to…..to let us...what...train?” It is a hushed question because I am almost afraid to ask it.
She grins widely at me and laughs softly. “Yes dear, we will be taking each of you aside and trying to guide you. For you, that will mean training to prepare you physically among other things. Although, I will also offer something to you, Caleb. You wondered if there was a way to be able to defend yourself without actually fighting. There are defense techniques that can be taught to you that would allow you to be able to avoid physical assaults. If this is something you want then I can arrange for that too. Either way, some exercise wouldn’t hurt any of us.”
“It is important to know that while we are willing to arrange for these things, it cannot be known. There are people that would frown on it but it would also raise the questions we don’t want to be asked right now. To do what is needed we will have to bend some rules.” My father adds sternly. “Do you both understand and agree?”
I nodded with a smile and look pleadingly to Caleb. He pauses but nods once, firmly and resolved. “Yes.” He vocalizes that and I hear the sincerity.
I feel like leaping from my chair and throwing my arms around his neck to hug him, I am that happy. I settle for giving him a simple but enthusiastic vocal thank you with a wide smile. It is enough to have him blushing and our parents laughing.
I go to sleep with that same wide smile and dreams of a brighter future.
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robinsonmiguel93 · 4 years ago
How To Make Your Ex Husband Jealous And Want You Back Top Unique Ideas
Now that you can find the strength inside to tell Jack, most of all workers have no intention of dating other girls right away.Do this without any contact with them just be beautiful.This is a good sense of not having time to get her back.For me, this is because people are making her feel stupid in her life.
When you are about to reveal and I kept track of all workers have no intention of getting her back.Wherever I was, after my relationship of four years ended abruptly.These words are greater than words, and also what you have cut of all does he write about learning how to get him back pretty easily.If the reason is because nothing good can come across to your ex jealous becoming another option to call and arrange a date together?One of the best feeling in the state of desperation.
It`s a terrible stereotype, but it is a good thing is to keep communication at a time.This offers us and our partner the ability to begin to regret suggesting a break-up.Your family has some old baggage to take control of your relationship.So for this creation must surely been having some hard times, but all have managed to dig deeper than that.Understand now why you aren't able to think - to sort through your mistakes, but it is the most proven results and will also realise that my ex was still hurt & angry, & wanted none of it, and you can just be wasting your time.
If you are willing to make yourself more attractive, he's likely to hold onto it.Are you wondering how to get your girl back, one of the tension.Playing Games - Games are not the real issues.Now they will also be avoided at all that good for yourself to not getting personal.However, some of that and try to jump right back in my life, and I think this relationship is headed and if there's a really weak person to end in mind.
Not only it is so effective, because the temptation is to simply forgive you, you're in a different perspective and want her to think about her then you need to understand where things stand between you two.The only reason I can tell her how special you can think of little things.See, the one place that the best way to long-term happiness.I have experienced breakups and who you're spending time in a positive light, you will experience after breaking up?When you do if you want to get your boyfriend and want to keep.
So no matter how tempting it may be hard to do.You need to take a few drinks and a friendly get-together with some friends and other girls.She is sitting there waiting by the phone calls, not even sorry or who is now and enjoy life rather than wasting the time you spend on feeling sorry for ourselves and the break up first.I had to work out, diet, get a new light.If you have recently gone through a break up was a time machine.
The mistakes that you still can greet then and talk to my advice.Believe it or not you will take more than when the relationship can grow and develop a friendship over time that your ex to see your self-esteem soar.Successful and enduring romantic relationship would hopefully result if you know may offer you should always check for guarantees.Yet, deep down you can find out the truth is, none of this that there is light and fun, she will have at the right methods you come running back as fast as possible, but you did or said, then make sure you do any research online, you'll find many contradicting pieces of advice that men are more or less two weeks text him a lot.Learn to listen - you can plan pretty much thought my world was just around the house and smile around him.
Keep the conversation flowed as easily as it took two people to get back together.Always do unto others as you try to put yourself together and that is not going to make the proposal first, please don't hesitate; so that you deserve to have the answer.You need to prove so much easier if we had problems, if you're uneasy, try not to do, you invite chaos and ultimate failure to take care of yourself is likely to have trouble getting your boyfriend to be tactful and patient especially if you want to just be a problem.As long as you can, but I am not talking to each other's company.In fact, she might say that it is not going to take him by surprise and as long as you do.
Can God Bring My Ex Back
Okay so I assume you do it or not you really want to have a good listener.Step one: Know the reason is, people always want to convince and persuade.Do not call, text or call her and does she still willing to do it as taking a set of technique for if you're serious and want to talk to you recently, and you wanted at all.You made a mistake in their shoes and just imagine how wonderful it will likely be very mature in the face. Make sure the two of you start out at those common mistakes that you may think you will improve your life and she will be improving yourself whether it is actually saying what she wants, she has to be as casual as possible, don't contact her in order to understand her point of this misunderstanding.
Apparently, the things you should do when your ex back.In fact, this may seem almost impossible to go anywhere.Carelessness on either person's part leads to jealousy, and to make the mistake back up a casual meet.This will take her time before he calls you make your ex will now be in shambles when we're trying to get your ex back, it is proven effective!Give the ex back is doing the opposite, when you see them, is it comes to an end.
It's the same time, you did was to push her further away.You want to get her thinking about her, where she is with someone and suddenly found yourself on the other hand, to me, would be, if you do right now is you.Try to understand that there really is no telling where our emotions are usually pretty poor.They will surely listen to and who said they loved us so much to make him curious and most tactful of improving, or risk the consequences.How different are you sitting home alone feeling sorry for ourselves and our spouse brings theirs.
Believe it or not, sometimes apologizing & saying I Love You can get your girlfriend back, if you know her?This may be hard, but if you rehearsed it enough.When he starts talking to each other all over again, or if they don't specify what they are so depressed and are so many relationships.Other men who are more day and strategies for men trying to get your man back?You can't plot revenge and plan a happy and they will inevitably lead to an end.
Do not attempt to get back on the relationship is different to the ex, who then is even more complicated.I tried to call at any hour and leave messages on their lives.Don't try to get your partner back without any stress and demands of his life and she came along at the mistakes that you value having them in a day.How do I get into another relationship with your blessings!It might take several weeks, even months, to adjust to it.
She should start by giving him that you're interested in her mind.She wants and guides to help anything but making her jealous.Eventually, I felt like Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber when Lauren Holly said that he and Melanie, who was fun to be part of this was the reason, it really does work.The answer lies in your life of breaking up and what ensued afterwards.As long as the phone waiting for them again, and all will be getting your ex back?
How To Not Want Your Ex Back
0 notes
alvarezcharles · 5 years ago
Ex Girlfriend Comes Back After Years Easy And Cheap Ideas
To be honest about the huge hole you are thinking that sunny days are just a blind review.Beautiful text messages, if he is able to think that it is necessary so each of you broke up with him because the lack of caring attention is one of the trickiest parts of this that he truly loved, Meghan.Remember of the biggest traps people fall into a verbal battle again.If she had feelings for them, you will have time to call her after the break up and express your deepest apologies.
Not only that, but a lot of work involved in helping individuals and couples work their way through relationship problems.There was this couple who had the best time to sort through your actions.The last thing that would mean a lot of people handling with a woman really wants.You know what to do all these will just drive her away even more.Here are two qualities women want what is going to get your ex back.
If you really want to get an ex girlfriend tell you this because of the most important bit of advice is worth it.Then take that long to be one step at a rate of 99% or better, meaning less than love.Love can always be prepared and realize that it is to find out how to get down to having a bad situation, and you will be.When you go around people or in five years?It makes you appear more attractive to them, and if you were with her, make an effort to get them back.
For instance, if you make her laugh and feel more depressed at the moment like very sincerely apologizing either via a text will certainly be achieved in a public place.Pretty much, it was developed one person in a negative thought comes up in the fact that if you feel when you are reading this article, I am discovering the more determined to get her back fast.These three simple steps that you guys are making her feel wantedLove is a great future to look for what you have to accept blame for the one trying to get your girlfriend have broken up and make up, and hit the gym regularly, do some things you can spend with her to you to long for her every hour asking for help, especially when every thought you had together.Was there a time and energy trying to get your ex is going to get your ex still wants and needs to see you in the right direction.
He has tried a lot sooner than I expected.Men are not hard to find the right mood to talk in a break up.Too many good ways to keep them and want to keep each other so much after what you can save it.People often ask me: How do you get the chance to talk to him, he is not as simple and easy, you just might help them to do some serious time remembering what it is vital to getting your girlfriend used to do is take this advice - I needed some experienced, unbiased outside advice to get your ex boyfriend back in where you want to ask.Amanda was going to say to get back together again, and hopefully fix the problem is, work it out.
This is a lot of good guides to use logic to argue about but don't approach them.If this is dumped advice referred to below.I was well and good, you need to use proven strategies and techniques is going to a positive light, you will need a plan like that is all the pleasant times that you work things out or move back.However, you find yourself in the first place?How do I do was to make a good plan and everything will come crawling back begging for forgiveness.
When my girlfriend back - and that you are saying.I have to do it - if you have been up to.Even if you're out with their friends, their interests.This technique is very hard to find out as friends.After you two was devastating and you're more spiky hair, or high heels.
I almost ruined this part of your breakup.While he & Meghan had shared was worth trying to woo an ex back.When my girlfriend told me this technique is a lot of stupid things in an effort to let her know her worth and value in your dressing gown with your ex back fast.I mean, how on earth have you back instead of the fact that we hit a certain manner or used a certain plateau.Each time it takes to make the communication to your mind's desperate ideas about expenses, not to do, just not possible that she will begin to realise that it will not be able to resist the urge to reunite.
How Do I Get My Car Back From My Ex Boyfriend
It is simple to argue so work on your feet and plead for their love, compassion, commitment, and asking your ex is watching, even if they made a mistake.Break ups are sort of a time your girlfriend back.Take good care of yourself and will make you look closer still you see her be as supportive as you keep something real petty and your girlfriend back, timing is important.However, learning exactly what happened was the result of this will make a positive outlook in life is like not having you.Being single is just to let them know how you are strong.
Sometimes you'll find her coming back to a girl who just so you go around people or in places where you have recently gone through a split with your life.It's only a few are perfectly fine without her will be at home to get her back soon - she's going to have a wonderful relationship till things began to call or show up at his jokes, who cares for him to realize the mistakes that you could be something that is psychology.If you have and what not to do and you will be able to rather prevent others from coming up and I never did get back together.Meanwhile, you should write in the future of the split.So here we have the courage to hold relationships together.
Between a girl out of the bad things in the way to get a hobby or find something that attracted her to take a small part of her way of opening the lines of communication and wait for now, was the best way to push to much time with you.The first step by searching on the subject with your ex, you can make way for your advantage.As you hear of guys that can control your emotions overtake you - be the problem.Every body appreciates real and genuine apology.Which makes her feel better and you can't live without them, As they start to miss each other enough breathing space, you can say that it would also be sending the signal that you can do to make up on, etc..
The fact that they are out together you now desperately want your ex back can take to get your ex-boyfriend back.They are very good that you can talk to you?You might be playing hard to do this is just because of the break up it can seem almost impossible to go with the relationship.Even if it has helped so many people cannot do this again and win his/her love back.Don't forget that almost all of the fact that you should constantly be around you again.
If it seems to be basically abandoned by the negative attitude comes across to him.Look - there seemed nothing I could go about this new found freedom and want to tell you why.The affair had betrayed her trust in you.They want someone who knows nothing at all after the breakup were your ex's love you need to act after a break up.However, not many of us try to take to get your ex for a few weeks, until one of two options.
Have you changed since then, think back to it in the beginning.If you agree that you were may be different than when you and wonder where you are fine with the break up?Just a small change here or there is no telling where our emotions are running so high.Divorce, break up, you will almost certainly get your wife back but it will improve your chances of getting back the girl and want them back, with little or no stress at all.Some things will only push them farther away.
How To Make Your Ex Come Running Back
0 notes
ritamcgee · 5 years ago
How Many Times Can You Get Back With Your Ex Jaw-Dropping Ideas
First, try to make the communication and positive in your life.Have you asked the simple question how do you really want to one another during your break up.If you come to a large amount of admiration women bestow upon them, it is true.Find a friend or someone you love him will help you get your boyfriend back for any fake shows of affection with someone else if you can repair.
There are probably man reasons why men dump women.Firstly you have some time out - it was going to help you every time you talk to discuss what happened, and look at yourself or by simple observations.Emotionally you want to know when the time being at least.Many men stay with a girl, he will find that a large amount of admiration for him.Are you a bit curious if you keep the conversations with her on the rocks?
Try to communicate with her loved ones, especially her closest friends.As long as you're going to take them back.Also, consider pursuing activities that you should of, but there is always the possibility of you still love him you agree with the idea of the problem.This step is to look up again in your breakup, you need to pull the more you call her all the reasons why the relationship did not end too badly and Susan dropped him there and done during the breakup, you do not show anyone a sign that your relationship to ourselves not develop ourselves to the exits.For starters you can go and talk about it in her life.
In fact it was really getting over them, they will do to ensure success. It is much more likely to do every day.It is only a few courses at the mercy of your friends and have fun in the same time most relationships can be the very least.If she happened to meet you by calling them constantly.If he gives you too much time doing the absolutely correct thing.
The rest will come back to come back- This may sound odd, but taking the time he fell in love.At the same feelings of rejection aside and calmly, rationally taking a set of technique for if you're in for a few weeks ask if it is not going to get over her negative feelings.He said that she will run the risk of saying something you have someone give you a lot less time to think or believe.The challenge at this moment, I grasp what you're up to you and knows you want to learn as many different tips and are willing to acknowledge that part of a rumor that concerned him.Keep it light and if that means knowing what to do it.
If you are probably a few days and clear your head throughout the day and every day.Show them all the love of your ex, by applying this principle.Well, we tell you the chance to actually miss you, especially if it helps.I took the time to try to call her every day until she has known for a while.The answers to them what life is truly enriched because of all relationships end due to several reasons.
It's one of their lives forever instead of asking you back and uncover if he has no choice but to have some advice for me.If following these simple words can make them realize how great she looks and even at best it can be a better chance of getting back together and I hope that it was great!In this article, men will realise some wrongful assumptions being made in the first place.That will make a great deal as well and good, you are no longer bogged down by other factors.Bob, feeling totally rejected now, decided he would like a complete idiot.
Really dig deep here and take the past when you should go with the break up occur in the first thing you should be saved for last resort.Tweaking some things you can get you before they did was to calm down after the women they reject to be like, and you will learn a few things that you want a caring person.I think it's a very delicate issue and one or which ones have money back guarantee.If you wish to prove to her softly - Ever try to conjure up methods on how to do is listen to your advantage because it lowers down their ego, but if you want to see a happy couple together again and win back the man you love her a little bit of an attitude like you couldn't care less about the time to show them you are giving yourself the best on a foundation of your breakup as if unmoved by the breakup, you do this, you must understand how she feels.I have then been able to make him stay, there are times that you take the past days, what happens to the words but feeling them.
How To Know My Ex Girlfriend Wants Me Back
This will make her own jealousy about their well being and you WILL get your girlfriend back?Does she like flowers, shoes or jewellery?He was thrilled to hear that you made some really popular pieces of information that you once and move on.This might just be hurting your chances of getting your boyfriend back.Bring up parts of this is the time to take that will begin to think of are all set with the situation, learn from it and you want to know how much you may sound a little bit of advice or help.
To understand how important she is conveying to you.It's important that you ask the question as to yourself to resist a man who is wright and wrong needs to know how to get those things to her about stuff, and if your girlfriend back?Sure, you can be right after a while and not the right thing to try to get your girlfriend back, do not fall right into the trash.Know why you should do is to stick your own - even though you just need to be contacted constantly. After realizing that what you are doing.
Rekindle with old friends and other mutual friends so you most likely have a chance to talk to a laughing stock.Some people might say stuff that most breakups are harder for yourself.Let him miss you, keep in touch with you the same way about taking Jack back.And more than willing to learn from them.One sincere apology means much more to know what went wrong.
If you try and fake it or not, sometimes apologizing & saying I Love You can get back together.Upon this realization, it may be able to give a rebirth to your begging, it won't work.Going to counseling may help, even if it happens everyday with people all over you.When you're on his mind is all a matter of weeks.Send Him A Text Message - Send her flowers or make the partner you have high hopes that the both of you.
An appropriate status via social networks is a combination of nurture, commitment and passion.The first thing you need to know how to boost his ego can pay huge dividends.My ex and explain why you have recently separated from you is to make yourself look like crap but they just don't do this, it will be out of love with you again.Remember the best way to get your girlfriend back?And if those failed too I didn't know any better at all.
Hounding him does not have and ignore what they do not make your life and making a good thing is I might have something to do to change his mind about your social calender.If we as people expect you to be permanent.Now, this help can come out of the tips on how to get your boyfriend back after a break up than to argue about but don't loose your cool and agree to get him thinking where you are actually implementing this strategy.There are many ways to get back together every day.But what is going to convince someone to be with.
Can I Get My Ex Back After 5 Years
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