#most people would say Venti and Kazuha are similar because of the dead friend
gierosajie · 1 year
Sometimes I think about that time my friends and I were like, theorizing and characterizing Kazuha like how we thought Nameless Bard would be like (0 to 100 and would be the kind of guy that faces god and walks backwards into hell but is also kinda chill? Still has a flavor of insanity tho) and it's kinda wild how close we got
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dendrosystem · 2 years
if you don’t mind, would you please elaborate on your anemo vision theory? 👁👁 this is one of the elements that has always confused me the most, because some anemo vision havers have this very easygoing and “go with the flow, wherever the wind takes us” type attitude (venti and kazuha, for example) while others seem to be much more rigid in their approach to things (jean and xiao). i also feel like the similarities between pyro, geo, cryo, etc. characters are much more obvious than the things anemo characters have in common (everyone says dead friends, but let’s be real, many characters in this game have lost someone close to them at some point, so i don’t think it’s limited to anemo)
ahh im so glad you asked ! when i say freedom it has a very flowy definition between each wielder (just like the wind !)
i think that every anemo character has connections to freedom in some shape way or form
venti is obvious, he is the anemo god, the wind is free and so is he and all he wants for his nation is safety and freedom, so he doesnt interfere too much (which is something i will elaborate on at some point with the true intentions of celestia + khanaria)
kazuha is pretty obvious too, he’s a wanderer and was pretty devoted to the inazuman war, even blocking the shoguns blow with his own sword
sayu is a bit less obvious but she does value her free time to sleep and just be leisurely… which is nice because it shows that us sleepy people can still have ambitions <3
heizou wants the world to be free from crime
now this is where it gets difficult
like you said jean and xiao feel too .. frigid for freedom to be the trait but if you look at it (and i am so sorry for trying to speak over you about jean please forgive me) but jean, being born and raised in mondstadt and always a hard worker/servant to the people of mondstadt… she works hard to preserve freedom. that is something that matters to her very much. she looks up to vanessa so much who fought for her peoples freedom
and xiao… his is the least obvious and this is where the “its a flowy definition” comes in… his struggles with freedom are pretty important to his character. he is devoted to liyue and protecting it which may make him seem more geo leaning but xiao faught for the freedom of liyue by freeing it of the anger of the dead gods laying under it and he was literally a slave for so long, freedom has got to be an important thing to him at that point
so yeah idk maybe this is less solid than i think but i havent come across any traits that fit anemo characters better than freedom… or any other traits that really fit at all tbh
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dourpeep · 3 years
So like, whose your favorite chars and ships and roles? *rolls all over your blog* I know you like albedo, as you should, but I feel like your big brain hides hidden potential of reasons
Ehe I have a lot to say and a lot of people to go through so...most will be under the cut. Like this is really just going to be me going on about what I like about a bunch of characters.
My works are a love letter to the characters nodnod y'know that quote--
Oh!! Okay okay uhhh here's a few of my faves and reasons:
There's a lot of similar interests-! Also being an alchemist/scientist is my dream.
His personality is very sweet and his interactions with others (like during the Golden Apple Archipelago) are hilarious and endearing. Like...the whole slipping away while Diluc and Kaeya were bickering? His little comment hinting that he had to yell at them while riding Dvalin due to the wind and their volume? Then every interaction with Klee (including his character trailer) are so wholesome uuuuu
Albedo, my beloved-
His outfit!! I want to get Albedo cosplay just for the jacket
Also his movements, attack wise, are very polished and clean-cut! It's pretty obvious that his style is similar to that of fencing, but then you also see that he often will condense his sword into pure geo or thrust it out in a burst of gold!! And his Q???? He snaps and then his burst just---bursts fourth out of the ground???
Man's skilled.
And then ehe...I just really am into the archetype of a smart, gentle, yet modest person and he fits that bill perfectly.
I can't wait to see more about him! We know such a small amount about him since his character story was intertwined w/ introducing Dragonspine and also more about him testing the Traveler--also we didn't get to play as him during it :<<
He is a very gentle character who's been through so much and I admire his ambition and willingness and selflessness
I really like his attacks, too--the fluidity of his movements that ties in with his backstory and just his personality in general
I also want his outfit
There's just something about his character that is incredibly appealing--you see him at his worst with the Karmic Debt, the rawness of his personality due to his blunt way of speaking and the earnestness that he displays
Lots of quiet protection nodnod. You have to talk to one of the NPCs to find this out, but he helped a little girl get her doll back after it'd been taken by Hilichurls. He didn't have to do it because it's not something that people would consider important, but his duty extends beyond that. If he can help it, he will lend a hand
Also the interactions we have?? Like when he saves Traveler (the subtle shift of his grip on their hand, a little offer of stability) and then in Moonchase now?? *chef's kiss*
First off, she's a rockstar who's taken something and made it entirely her own?? Her guitar is of her own design too!! It's made to work with her pyro vision!!! Like how cool is that????
Her personality is strong, down to earth--ugh man she's so cool
I want to be friends with her so bad
She's absolutely strong-I personally built her as a phys dps so her shield doesn't really do much but man does she carry. If none of the boys can handle the job, I swap her in and she sweeps the field clean. Those mobs never stood a chance nodnod
Her aesthetic!! I also want her outfit. I want everyone's outfit.
While her en voice got a lot of questions/hate, I love it. I can't help but feel pumped up and ready when I use her skill and burst and she shouts out "Time to rock!!"
Her dedication to her music and unyielding determination to get her name out there is incredible, I can't help but admire her passion for music.
I just really love music, even if I'm trained more for classical + operatic ehe rock's actually my favorite genre so it's all the more better!
Ah! The first time I saw him I immediately decided that I'd adopt him on the spot nodnod kinda like having a kid brother, y'know?? I think we'd get along well
Also the fact that he's a bookworm??? Again, I gravitate towards people who are considered smart--no matter what it's about! You could be incredibly knowledgeable about snails and only that and I will listen to you go on and on
He's a prankster! Poor Chongyun, being the butt of most of his jokes and all.
But like his character is really cute and I had a lot of fun listening to all his voicelines--there's a lot of funny stuff going on with him like his dislike for carrots, his handwriting-- but then he's also dedicated to his martial arts and helping others no matter the task! Very chivalrous indeed nodnod
A few of my other favorites are: Beidou, Kazuha, Scaramouche (it's a love hate)
Moving onnnn!!
I'll do roles first :DD
My favorite to play, hands down, are full on DPS and Support/DPS. Xiao, Kazuha, Albedo, Xinyan, Kaeya-- there's a lot but these are the peeps that I have, am currently, or would main.
I started off as a hybrid Kaeya main (some phys, some elemental), then Xiao's been my main DPS since!
Kazuha is incredible in tandem w/ Xiao because of his cc as well as his em buffs nodnod. Also Kazuha is just really fun to play in general.
Ngl, I think that getting and playing Xiao basically ruined all other characters for me because you can pry his attacks and burst plunging (very fun) out of my cold, dead hands (/j). The quickness of his attacks and playstyle--lots of poking w/ spear and then dodge + attack at the same time with his skill. 10/10 very fun, absolutely love.
As for support/DPS, this is more fun to do in co-op ehe. I usually end up playing Kazuha, Raiden (her skill gives all party members that passive extra electro dmg whenever you land a hit) or another elemental-based character--
That being said, elemental damage, when paired up to procc reactions is ugh sooo good.
I saved this for last because I know it's not everyone's cup of tea ehe. After all, I'm an x Reader blog!
But that being said--
I like the idea of XiaoVen, but I prefer KazuXiao because I feel like they'd work better together--this kinda goes over why. There'd be a lot of respect between the two.
Though, XiaoVen is really cute because they have complimenting personalities nodnod. Also froggie hat. And the idea of Venti being the one to play the flute that helped Xiao.
BeigGuang!!! Their dynamic is hilarious--not to mention that they do get along well but just so happen to butt heads often because their views are so wildly different-
YanTao! I feel that they'd be really cute together! Also Yanfei would probably make sure that Hu Tao stays out of trouble ehe...
XingYun! Very cute and wholesome--platonic or romantic, either way. The fact that they have matching friendship tassels?? Xingqiu seeking Chongyun out to read to him? OTL
I don't have any NOTPs, at least among the popular ships but I do get a little icky about AlbeRose because of some...unsavory experiences due to someone who overstepped. So ehe. We'll not talk about that.
But like Sucrose is really cute! I love her character and she's very sweet and the excitement that she shows with her research is something I relate to heavily! It's just--ahh the ship itself was ruined for me.
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