#most of the time they should have just kept it to themselves 🙄🙏
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
These Milkvans are hardcore Millie stans on twitter who hate Noah They are the ones who call him ugly, jobless, stupid, homophobic etc. and try to say that Nillie are not besties.
There is something so concerning about them being convinced Millie hates Noah… like just imagine, he’ll very likely be in her wedding (something she herself has talked about him being a part of, less than a year ago and before she even got engaged) and watch them try to gaslight themselves into thinking he forced her to do it or something 😭
Millie and Noah are probably the closest cast-members coming out of ST (besides maybe like Charlie and Natalia).
Tbh I don’t even care about fictional ships when it comes to this level of delusion. Like just seeing them be so completely outside of reality, that they are so threatened over a fictional ship they have to make up their own version of reality where Millie hates Noah in order to subscribe to all the stuff they want to believe?
Anyways when s5 promo rolls out and then drops and Millie and Noah are having the time of their lives in interviews and bts being their usual bff selves, milkvans will be spiraling enough as it is, only for byler endgame to come in and really fuck it all up 😭
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