#most of the fish enthusiasts i saw were on tiktok
ikareur · 7 months
Hi Fishblr people, I need help
So I wanted to ask for advice. I have two goldfish(?) that I may or may not have rescued from my uni because they were used for an experiment. Every other fish used in the experiment died, with only the two survivors. They are Brobbles and Yoimiya. I knew my neighbour had fish, I tried to ask if they wanted these two but they already had six full-grown fancy goldfish (I don't know what kind) and could not take them. So the responsibility kinda fell to me. I bought a tank. I know 20 gallons is the minimum, but I was forced to take this 30x25x30cm tank (it's a 5-gallon, I think?), and I know it's been stressing both of them. It's way too small, I know. Brobbles is really aggressive and territorial and nips and chases Yoimiya and I feel bad for Yoimiya because her(?) tail is cut short. I really was hoping to get that 20-gallon tank because I knew this would happen, but unfortunately, I couldn't. Is there any way I can lessen the stress? Make Brobbles less aggressive or anything? Yoimiya is struggling with Ich I believe and I've already bought a heater (it's shipping for a few days) and added in a teaspoon of no-additive rock salt (could've been aquarium salts but from what I saw, rock salt was fine as long as there aren't any additives), changed the water and added a few drops of methylene blue to it too. I know I probably shouldn't have taken them in being so underprepared, but I thought them being stuck in a water bottle left to die and seeping into chemicals was probably not the life they deserved. I just felt bad for them, and now I really truly do want them to feel better. Please be nice to me, I'm really a beginner. I just want these little fish to know life better than being stuck in a lab and suffocating in chemicals.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Part 1 of 2
Part 2
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
Anon requested- can I get a one shot where the reader does the body positivity trend with the new megan thee stallion song and the reader is insecure about how ppl will react to it?? Most importantly how peter will react to it?? K thanks
Awww I love doing smol readers and where Peter's actually the one that has it together lol sooo thanx for this
The TikTok is that new body positivity trend with that Megan Thee Stallion song. Couldn't link it because tumblr acts weird about links but part 2 will have a video for Peter. Also reader will be 18 (senior in high school) cuz some people think minors shouldn't participate in the trend lol
A/N: Either a motivation fairy hit me in the middle of the night or I'm really just that bored to the point where I had no choice but to get my motivation to write back. Either way I'm happy lol. Enjoy! Thanks to @yumings and @kelieah for helping me feel confident in this lol
Will definitely be a two parter🙂
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Body oddy oddy oddy oddy oddy oddy oddy-
You'd finally finished editing the video.
It was a simple, short collage of all of your favorite selfies and pictures that showed off your body well. There was a new trend going around on TikTok and when you saw it you just had to jump at it headfirst.
People would take their favorite pictures of themselves, ones that showed off their bodies just the way they liked, and they'd put it to the sound of Megan Thee Stallion's song "Body".
You looked through your entire phone gallery to find pictures that you were confident enough to post, some you'd forgotten you even took in the first place.
When you were done, you threw in the simple caption that everyone was using.
Heard we're using this sound to show off. My turn then😜
Yeahhhhhh, the caption sounded much more confident than you actually felt.
You actually thought about deleting it from the minute you posted it. Insecure wasn't even the word for it. And even with your followers there to hype you up, you couldn't help but feel self-conscious. So, albeit hesitantly, you went to your friends for support.
The first person you showed was Michelle.
"You killed that," she said in math class as she passed you the phone underneath the table so that the professor wouldn't see.
"Thanks," you said. "I was honestly kinda nervous about it." You noticed her incredulous look and explained yourself, toying with the loose strings on your jacket. "Like seriously, I don't wanna fish for compliments, it's just that there are so many better ones out there."
Michelle gave a lopsided grin. "That's just you being insecure, you dork," she retorted. "You look hot." She gave an uninterested glare at the teacher when they told her to be quiet. Then she turned towards you with a smile. "You shown Peter yet? I bet he'd agree."
You shifted in your seat nervously and MJ immediately caught on. "What, you don't wanna show him?" She gave you a look when you took a while to answer. "Dude he's literally your boyfriend. I'm pretty sure he'll like it."
"MJ, we haven't even-" you looked around secretively. "-we haven't even taken our shirts off in front of each other yet. There's literally a pic of me in my sports bra and I.." You shrugged, a little embarrassed by the conversation topic. "I-i just don't know how he'd react."
You and Peter were a fairly new couple and were taking it slow. You'd only ever kissed, cuddled, and held hands so far. Plus, you were a major causal clothes wearer. Sweatshirts and jeans, those were your specialty. The two of you were in no rush and you were both fine with that, but you had no idea how he would react to seeing pictures of you like that.
And, though it wasn't the most feminist approach, you kinda wanted to impress him. Was that so bad?
MJ, forever the voice of patronizing reason, rolled her eyes at you. "So, let me get this straight. You're not fine with your boyfriend seeing sexy pictures of you, but you're okay with literal strangers seeing you instead?"
"Look, I know it's-"
"No, no I totally get it," she said with a sympathetic smirk, before laughing. "I just wanted to show you how dumb it sounded though."
The bell rang, signaling the end of class.
"Look," she said, standing up and getting her things. "You have nothing to be worried about. Peter practically worships the ground you walk on. He'll love it."
When you showed Ned, he genuinely didn't give a shit.
"Oh my God, there's a new Megan Thee Stallion album?!"
"Uh, yeah."
"I have to listen to it right now!"
"Yeah okay, but do you like the-"
He was already plugging in his headphones before you even finished your sentence.
You showed Harry next. If anyone was gonna rate you unabashedly, it'd definitely be him.
He was the only friend you had in your lunch period, so you met up with him every day. Towards the end of lunch that day, you'll pulled out your phone and asked if he wanted to see the video. He enthusiastically agreed.
He watched the short video with an amused expression, bopping his head to the music all the while.
When it ended, he handed you your phone back and gave you a high-five. "Damn girl!," he praised. "Just throwing it out there, if Peter fails you, I'm hella available."
"Heh, thanks." You smiled as you felt your entire face heat up. "Ya think he'll like it?"
"What, you haven't shown him yet?" You shook her head, giving a nervous smile. "Oh-" he nodded confidently. "-he'll love it. Trust me."
"Are you sure?," you asked.
"Yeah," he responded with a shrug. "Why are you so worried?"
"Because he's not-..he doesn't really seem-" You couldn't find the right words for it. "I dunno, I just really want him to like it!"
Harry scoffed. "Look. Let me tell you a little secret about Peter Parker," he snickered. "Or practically all guys for that matter."
"Okay?," you said, curious as to where this was going.
He smirked. "You remember when he introduced himself to you at my party last summer?"
You nodded.
"Well, hon..." Harry lowered his head to where he was whispering in your ear. "Your personality wasn't what he was noticing from across the room.. catch my drift?" He chuckled when he saw you blushing as you caught where his eyes had wandered. "Just sayin'."
Seeing your incredulous expression, Harry continued. "Peter likes to act like he's not checking you out every second of the day, but I promise you he is. That little "I'm so respectful and bashful" crap he has going is complete B.S."
You smirked and rolled your eyes as he pulled away from your ear and kept walking. "You're an ass."
Harry shrugged. "True, but I'm a realistic ass." The alarm on his phone sounded which marked his time to start heading to his next class. Standing up, he smiled down at you. "Seriously, if I could take back all the time spent listening to Pete go on about how good you look in your jeans, I'd be one well rested guy."
You rolled your eyes, but it betrayed the small smile growing. After all, he wouldn't be Harry if he wasn't a flirtatious dweeb. "Bye Harry."
"Show him the video, [Y/N]. He'll love it. You know I'm right."
And then there was one...
Later in the day, you were talking with MJ after school, waiting because Peter always insisted on driving you home because chivalry was not going to die as long as he was alive to keep it going.
When he finally showed up, the first thing he did was take you by the hand and give you a quick peck on the forehead.
"How are you guys doing?," he asked as your little trio started to walk.
"We're good," you chirped, ever so conscious of the phone in your pocket that you were suddenly very hesitant to pull out.
MJ noticed and nudged you. "You got anything you wanna show anybody, [Y/N]?," she asked with a smirk, causing Peter to look at you curiously.
You stayed quiet, but MJ still wasn't putting up with it. "I think you may have a video that you made..."
You remained silent and Peter looked at you, a lot more confused now. MJ frowned. "Um... cough.. cough."
Peter laughed and stopped walking. "Okay, what am I missing?" He looked to you and when he didn't see your expression falter, he looked to MJ. "What's going on?"
Michelle shrugged. "[Y/N] wants to show you a dumb TikTok she made but she's scared about how you'll react."
"Michelle!," you scolded.
She shrugged again. "What? You weren't going to say anything anytime soon."
"A TikTok?," Peter questioned. "Cool, which one did you do this time?"
You could feel your face heat up for the hundredth time that day. "It's a...um.." You stared down at the ground. Jesus, this was hard. "..It's a body positivity trend."
His eyebrows went up at that. "Oh, well um.. is it cool if I see it?," he asked.
You blushed. "Sure." You pulled out your phone and opened the app. When you got to the video you quickly shoved it into his face before you had a chance to second-guess yourself.
Both you and Michelle watched Peter's face as he watched the video.
His cheeks immediately turned red but his expression was unreadable. He had to have watched it over 5 times before MJ pulled the phone out of his hand. "Helloooo, earth to Peter Parker?"
She snapped into his face several times and he started to blink wildly, apparently being pulled out of a trance. "I...um- heh.."
You gave a small, nervous smile. "..did you like it?," you asked, growing confused as stared at you, his expression still the same. "Um, Peter?"
Suddenly, he smiled and let out a little chuckle. "Sorry... just..." He laughed again and scratched his head, unable to keep eye contact. "You're just- like.... really hot."
You blushed. Fuck. "You're not just saying that are you?"
"No, really like-" He looked back at the phone. "...Damn." He bit his lip. "How on earth did I get so lucky?"
"Okay, can we please get in the car before I throw up?"
The two of you looked at an uncomfortable MJ with embarrassment riddled on your faces. "Yeah, totally," you said with an awkward cough. "Sorry."
"Nice video [Y/N]," Peter murmured bashfully, opening the door of his car for you, his face still beet red. "Really nice..."
Tagging: @allegra-writes, @allegra-soleil l, @yumings, @hey-its-grey, @spideyyeet, @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete, @snarky--starky, @sovereignparker, @thesherlockianavenger, @bubblebucky, @eridanuswave, @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr , @kidney9-9, @gwenvrse
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welcome-to-the-cafe · 3 years
Shang-Chi (2021) Review Pt. 2
This one will be about the less character-relevant stuff, such as casting, props, settings, and design.
Easiest first: props and costumes.
A bit cool, a bit silly, and bit too "Chinese-themed".
The old Ten-Ring troops had normal armor for the time and age. The new Ten Ring troops looked like the Snake-Eyes fodder ninjas but with tassled helmets. Like I appreciate what they were going for, but...it look dumb dude. And what they were doing with only one hook sword? The electrified thing was cool, but y'all didn't use the bladed hand guard, the combo hook move, the spiked pommel...wasted potential smh. And then the electric arc crossbows....again I appreciate the idea, but that was silly, especially after we showed the Ten Rings sniper with a normal ass gun. Or, just go full sino-futurism and give me the chainsaw spiked club, the electrified monk's spade, taser three section staff.
The villager's clothes were too...saturated, and monochromatic. It kinda reminded me of Mulan (2020) actually, the white people's ancient Chinese clothing. In contrast, in the he TianLongBaBu wuxia series I've been watching, people dress in...normal earth tones. Oh also, too many fucking sandals, where are my black loafers and thick white socks, with rope bindings? Like the kind modern Shaolin monks wear?? The villager's weapons too. Only Xialing's was kind of interesting, the rest are vanilla staffs and sword+shield. Boooo. Where's the dragonscale fangtianhuaji? The dragonscale guandao? Ok I'm done. Just disappointed.
Wenwu's costumes were pure drip in every scene. Zero complaints.
Shang-Chi's letterman's jacket was my favorite costume to be honest. He should not have changed in the village. The final costume seemed a bit too...modern, but not quite to the level of the Black Panther suit. It just seemed like Western superhero top with a vaguely Chinese pattern on it. Or it looked kindof...southeast asian? Wish it had no sleeves.
Katy should've kept her Macau drip. The "traditional" robe just didn't look right.
Xialing looked the best in her inverse Bruce Lee colors crop top and sweats. Like damn.
Ying Li's robes' green is too saturated in my opinion, unnaturally. Same with Michelle Yeoh's character. Now that I think about it, I hardly ever see bright green in traditional Chinese clothes...or modern Chinese fashion. Her pristine white/biege wushu outfit is also meh for me.
Death Dealer's dark blue + yellow colors are quite striking, but a bit odd and out of place with the rest of the Ten Rings' getup. Perhaps it was intentional, since he's the elite trainer? I wish it was more modern, a la Snake Eyes' suit. I would also like to complain about his opera face makeup though; why only the top half? Is that even a real opera face design? It's kind of a dumb half-ass reference I think. Like, Noh masks are used all the time for creepy effect, why not Beijing Opera?
Next, CGI animals.
Morris the Hundun/Dijiang was cute, but I half expected him to suddenly go nuts and devour Slattery, since the Hundun is one of the primordial evil beasts. But Disney needs their marketable mascot. I even saw a Lego piece for him before the movie was released!
The trip through the other world was a bit too safari-like. Like wow, the Ninetails is just chilling by the road, and a herd of Qilin conveniently pass by. The execution of these creatures were fine, though the Qilin eyes were too "dead".
I don't have problems with the Lions' design, but they were completely unnecessary, and lowered the stakes for the final battle for me. Those two lions could literally tear apart all five of Wenwu's trucks in less than a minute.
I stated already, the big evil monster, the little soulsuckers, and the dragon are completely unnecessary to me. Even when I saw just the wood carving of the soulsucking bats, I felt disappointed. Xialing and Shangchi spent way too long riding the big dragon and not doing kungfu :/
Onto settings.
I just recently visited Bay Area! The hilliness of SF was nicely showed off by the bus fight.
Macao seemed well-grounded and normal for a modern Chinese metropolis. Was portrayed better than Tokyo was in Snake Eyes in my opinion. The bamboo scaffolding scene reminded me heavily of Rush Hour 2's Hong Kong fight, and I could hear Jackie Chan assuring us "don't worry, Chinese bamboo, very strong!".
The Ten Rings compound was...eh. No defining features to locate it anywhere real so whatever. But the interior was weirdly homey?
The Ta Lo village is what I really want to complain about: why they gotta throw Chinese people back to the Xia dynasty like that? Straw huts? Really? And there was a total of like 7 buildings there, across a tiny area. That is not a village, it's a medium-sized temple complex. Kung Fu Panda 3's hidden panda village was loads more impressive, with interesting geography. This was on a flat plane next to a pond. Combined with the costuming, it's like hello, it's hokey Western orientalism again.
Tony Leung. Perfect. Outstanding. Phenomenal. Sexy as hell. I have recovered fully from Lust, Caution. I see on Tiktok that westerners are thirsting after him, and I am very satisfied. The "Killmonger-Loki" Effect is now the "Wenwu-Killmonger-Loki" Effect. I only wish he were younger, because I hate the "daddy" kink. Mr. Leung, you are a hero to Asian-American men. Thank you.
Awkwafina. Yeah she is pretty good as the unabashed ABC friend. But lately, I feel she has been over-used as the main Chinese-American actress. On some social media, I have seen Black users complain of her 'blaccent' and vow to boycott Shang-Chi in protest. I'm inclined to defend her, as it is probably what she grew up with, and the boycott feels like another attempt to draw moral hierarchical divisions between minorities. Similar sentiment is "yall didn't come out for Black Panther, why should we come out for Shang-Chi?". I don't have any data as to whether 'we' did come out for Black Panther, but I generally disapprove of POC factionalism.
Simu Liu. I'm glad that Westerners are thirsting over him too. I'm glad he's very enthusiastic and affable, and well-liked in the Asian-American community. He's us! And he got a shirtless scene! But the catch is...he doesn't fit the current Chinese standard for "hot guy actor".
From the majority angle: that's toxic af. He's hot enough, why are we being so picky with dumb Asian beauty standards? Will we ever properly support ourselves? Like damn, this is the first Asian-American lead in a goddamn Marvel movie, and this is how you treat him?? By the Heavens.
From the other angle: his eyes are small, his jaw kind of round, head kind of wide. Not the most masculine, but definitely not feminine. He's a normal Chinese-American dude. Chinese dude, Harbin, Heilongjiang born. Compare that to Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Paul Rudd, Chris Pratt, Sebastian Stan, Chadwick Boseman, Anthony Mackie, etc. These are among the finest western specimens; why did the pick the Asian hero to be played by the 'normal-looking' dude? Was Jackson Wang not available? Or Ludi Lin? I personally have a suspicion that his appearance most fits the stereotypical look of an Asian man to Western audiences, and that's why he was cast.
He's received hate for this, from Reddit r/aznidentity, the sub that I frequent, which currently is cheering Shang-Chi's box-office success. That's toxic af, and must be heartbreaking for him. Unfortunately, it's part of the larger conflict of Western and Eastern media, representation, markets, and culture. And that's a big fish to wrangle in part 3.
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idreamtofthereaper · 4 years
Huang Renjun As Your Ex (Clarity Oneshot)
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NCT 127 // NCT DREAM // WAYV // Clarity Main Masterlist
A series of oneshots for different groups, for each member, wherein instead of them being your boyfriend, how they will be as your ex.
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The Situation
one of the advice your seniors keep repeating to the group is
“Never, I mean never, be in a relationship with an idol at your age. No matter how mature you are, you’re still too young to not feel awkward around them when you fight or break up.”
you and your members just laughed it off
you’re not laughing now after breaking up with huang renjun
one of your guest co-host in knowing bros
The Co-Hosts
when your manager contacted you to tell that you were going to be the guest for knowing bros
you were ecstatic
over the moon excited 
even before you became a trainee you watched the show religiously
to the point where you caught up with all episodes and was even watching replays
and after your manager offered you the spot to be a temporary guest host
you were already looking online for uniform like outfits
it was only you knew it wasn’t just you when renjun
yes that guy from nct 
came in your dressing room while you were doing a tiktok with heechul
“Oh, sorry. I thought this was the guest dressing room.”
“You’re in the right place! Come in.” Heechul said enthusiastically to the soft-spoken, head bowed Renjun who, just like the Three of you, was already in school uniform.
He briefly greeted his senior before facing you. “Hello, I’m Renjun. I though we would only have me as the temporary host as the guest though.” He said, confused lacing his voice as both of you shook hands.
You chuckled at this before nodding. “Yeah, I’m also a guest host. I think our agency forgot to mention that. Nice meeting you too, sunbaenim. I’m yn.”
“Ah that sounds weird, just call me Renjun.” He visibly cringed when you called him sunbae.
You laughed at his reaction but nodded. After a few more exchanged conversation, you continued with the tiktok but now with Renjun.
after the show aired
everyone was shocked to know that you and renjun were going to host
it was teased that there would be a temporary idol to host
but not Two, let alone Renjun and you
who is part of a just a year old group
but still, everyone had a great feedback with your dynamic
after being teamed up with multiple games
and being in an idol group
you and renjun just clicked
and the run was smooth
heechul then begin teasing the both of you backstage
causing the others to tease you as well
you initially didn’t want to give in
but then ultimately gave up 
First Date
knowing you would get a lot of teasing from your ‘hyungs’
you and renjun went on a date in secret
not letting anyone know that you invited him to your apartment
okay maybe some of your members know
and maybe nct dream knows too
still, the date went well
you agreed you would handle the where
and renjun will handle the what
meaning: food and what to do really
he showed up 10 minutes early
and saw you actually set up a fort at the living room
it was hard to miss really
it occupied the entire space
“I’m sorry if I did too much-”
“I love it! You could’ve waited for me and we would’ve assembled it together.”
What Happened?
you only went on a few dates
because you know, yall were idols
fans and schedules and all
but spending time with him during kb was enough 
and officially became a couple after a month
called it quits 4 months in
the both of you just wanted more
more time with each other
but also more time for each of your own career
you thought breaking up would give you more space to think
and that it’s really the correct choice
but a day after not reading his unusual morning texts
after not hearing him tell about his day all the while he’s yelling at his members (and hearing their voices most of the time asking how you were)
you missed him already
but you couldn’t go back to him 
you would just start thinking about your career again
“You guys should date. Like no joke, I’m serious.”
You and Renjun glanced at each other at the same time, but then looked away immediately as he chuckled. “Uhm, hyung, yn and me? Haha, uhm-”
“We were in a relationship for the past 4 months, but we called it off since we need to focus on our careers first.” You said as you stood up from the chair, following your sentence with a laugh as Heechul looked at you wide eye. “Oh, the staff is calling us. We should go.”
And the End
when you and renjun finished off being the guest host
everyone was quite sad
mostly the fans
for your last episode, you, renjun and the hosts were just watching the very first episode the both of you were in
but then said a very grateful goodbye to the fans and the staff
during this time, you and renjun are still awkward with each other
but still very professional on cam
as the episode aired
you posted on instagram some behind the scenes photos with the caption thanked the fans for welcoming them along with the staffs and crew of the show
meanwhile renjun posted on nct dream’s twitter and his bubble
which just made the fans sadder 
that night though, as you were about to call it a night
you received a text
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Not Really
it has been 2 months since the last episode filming for kb
and you became the host for Show Champn not long after
along with you were Jaehyun and Naeun
still, you and renjun could just never get away from each other
each interview you would have people would ask if the both of you kept in touch
and how was working with renjun, if not all of the kb host
renjun is dealing with something similar
but since dream would have a comeback
it was just time until you would cross paths again
however, you did have to pay SM a visit since you need to practice an opening number with Jaehyun
you were supposed to be with Naeun but your schedules didn’t aligned
after a brief greeting, the both of you started to practice
which wasn’t really that hard 
so it only took a few hours before the both of you called it a night
with your manager, you were simply lounging at the sm cafe when you received a text from renjun
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you chuckled at your own reply, knowing he already knows why you were here but would definitely confuse him.
the last time the both of you talked to each other was at the last day of filming, the rest are just social media interactions and some mentions.
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instead of him being confused, it seems like it was you who was more confused.
you fixed your position and pulled your phone closer to you.
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you then struck up a conversation with your manager, telling him how renjun invited you and at first, he didn’t allowed it as some fans might see and perceived it differently and you have an early taping tomorrow.
but after more persuading and promising to come back at the dorms in less than an hour, he eventually agreed. giving you a specific instruction to text the company driver once you’re done.
you then texted renjun right after, telling him that your manager agreed. instead of replying through text, he opted to call you instead and told you how he was going to come down to get you and told you to go to the elevators.
as soon as you arrived at the elevators, he was already there and the both of you dropped the call.
after greeting each other briefly, he guided you to their dorms. following him at the elevators as he pressed a number. as the doors closed, he leaned to the side, same as you. “how was working with jaehyun-hyung?”
“he’s amazing, very gentle guy.”
“who is the better sunbae though?”
you pretended to think for a bit, which renjun replied by looking at you with disgust, earning a laugh from you. “of course it’s you.” renjun nodded, satisfied.
silence then followed, just as when he seems like he is about to say something, the elevator doors opened. he let you out first, waiting for him once you get out so the both of you side by side.
before you could even reach their dorms, you could already hear yelling. and once renjun opened the door, you could see the dreamies scattered over the place. the most prominent once was jeno and jisung slapping each other’s hands, even hearing a “let’s wait for yn-”
renjun groaned at the sight and turned to you. “I’m so sorry you have to see them like this, it’s usually not this messy and noisy. Most of the time they’re asleep.”
you only laughed at this, renjun introducing you to each other soon after and was finally able to get a taste of the cupcakes they made. 
admittedly, it wasn’t the best. but it was edible and above average for someone who only started out baking and only did it because the video games were lagging.
you offered to do the dishes but was then denied by almost everyone, telling you that you were the guest and it wasn’t nice to clean up their mess. because of this, you were given some time with renjun, who invited you to his room.
as you entered, you noticed how not a lot changed. you have been here before, but mostly when no one was around beside you and him.
“hey, you still have porkchop!” you exclaimed, grabbing the blue and yellow fish you from renjun’s bedside.
he chuckled while nodding, even if you couldn’t see as you were too busy examining 1/2 of the prize you got from a game you played at kb. 
“of course, do you still have fillet?”
“yeah, just showered her and all yesterday too.” you answered, referring to the small pig stuff toy that has a pajama outfit.
you placed porkchop back at his position before walking to his chair, renjun sitting down at the edge of the bed facing you. “soooo, how have you been?” renjun asked, nervousness lacing his voice.
you just nodded in reply. “the hosting isn’t easy nowadays since we’re about to start preparations for our comeback but yeah, it’s something I could handle.” you leaned back to the chair as you answered, renjun nodding at your answer. “how about you? missing me enough to invite me, huh?” you joked.
“to be honest, I do. I saw how you were having fun with jaehyun-hyung, you really do know how to leave an impression you work with.” his replied caught you off guard.
you were speechless, not knowing what to say. your eyes started looking around the room, but his eyes on you was burning too much for you not to feel. as you are supposed to respond, your phone rang.
you sighed and pulled it out, seeing it was the company driver. after a short acknowledgement, you closed your phone again and look at renjun with frustrations. “I’m sorry, I have to go.”
renjun smiled at this and nodded, standing up from his bed the same time you stood up from the chair as he stretched a bit. “let me walk you to the elevator?”
you nodded at this, renjun opening the door to let you out first. saying your goodbye to the members as you and renjun walked the empty hallways, renjun sprinting out a bit as an elevator was about to close.
you thanked him as you stepped in. “thanks for today, renjun-ah.” 
“no problem, yn.” you were looking at him as the elevators doors was closing in. when there was barely anything of renjun left, you let out a sigh and immediately pressed the open button, startling renjun was about to walk away from the elevator. “did you forgot anything?”
“maybe we should get dinner sometime, just the two of us. soon.”
renjun smiled widely at this, before nodding. “sure, just tell me when you’re available?”
“yeah. okay now I really need to go, bye renjun.”
“text me when you’re home so I know, I’ll see you around yn.”
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