#most kids nowadays have behavioral problems despite the advancements
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sunlit-mess ¡ 3 months ago
What do you think about gen alpha :3?
funny but concerning at the same time
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seblaine-rph ¡ 4 years ago
it'd be so easy to do a s1 redo with age appropriate characters. you could have all the fun s1 drama and storylines but with characters that are 21+ and even alternative fcs to give it a twist, it surprises me there aren't any active rps like that around
Despite the one (super problematic) redo rp we can see in the tags, there aren’t any others. You’re right. And they are really easy to open up, run, and figure out plots and stuff for because you already have a full seven seasons worth of script to work with if you ever get lost. There have been rps like that before, which might be why there aren’t any now. Nobody wants to be the person that takes a thousand years to make a whole rpg only to get spammed with anons about how unoriginal and they are as thieves. I don’t think anyone looking to do a redo rp should feel like they might get harassed for theft, but it might happen. I can see gleerp sending out anon hate if another season one glee redo in college were to open up, even if they made their original. But it’s not like there’s anything unique or new that the admins over there created themselves, so there’s nothing for them to claim as intellectual property. If it were a season one redo with a twist, that might be a different story if someone were to snatch the unique twist. But it shouldn’t apply to the basic skeleton of a redo rp because you’re redoing something that someone else made, it’s not your original brain child.
Nobody wants to be the person that takes a thousand years to make a whole rpg only to get no apps either, because the community is pretty much dead and nobody applies to anything that their current friends aren’t already in. I wish it wasn’t like that, but it is. For this second issue, it would be nice if people were more open to joining things that aren’t made by their friends. If we could get that “I’ll join anything that looks interesting based on the plot and nothing else” energy back, we’d have a lot more rps in the tags. Graphics used to be the hot button, where nobody would app if the graphics weren’t stellar, but now it’s about friends. I remember seeing photoshop-less groups popping up a few years back to retaliate against the super pristine, elitist, you have to spend approximately ten lifetimes and sacrifice your first born to make a successful rp mentality, but those aren’t around anymore. I think that in general, the grpc and rp in general has been starting to really die off and wind down because people are no longer comfortable joining anything but their friend’s rps. So new people try to take their hand at admining an rp and in the past, that could have succeeded but in this rp climate.. it just ends up closing. Because people beg and scream for original rps all day and all night, but they won’t join them. The only rps in any of the tags that I’ve been able to find lately ALL have the same plot: open fandom or oc, everyone magically poofed from their hometowns and woke up here for no reason oh well here we are, let’s just write like that’s normal and nobody is going to be upset about being uprooted at all. The only rps I’m seeing in the grpc tag that are really active are just open town, no plot rps. All of the original ideas that I’ve seen started have all died off before they could even begin. Nobody seems to realize that by not applying to rps that are run by other people, they’re refusing to cross pollinate masterlists and create new breeds of friends that can blossom and flourish. If we all joined any rp we wanted to, we’d be making a ton of new friends left and right. Instead, we’re quarantined to our own friends and will only rp with the same people we’ve been rping with for five years. Think about it. If we all made our own rp, but refused to join anyone else’s rp... how are we going to get members in our rp? If nobody is joining anyone else’s rps? It’d just be the one admin per group and nobody else. You have to reach out and cross pollinate to keep the rpc active and fresh. I really do think that this right here is the number one killer of all things roleplay these days. I do still have places to rp but I have heard so many people complain about how hard it is to get their rp masterlist to flourish. 
It really would be easy though, and to be honest it would probably get more people involved in it than the pedophilic alternative. It’s 2021, not 2012 despite what my dyslexia might want to say about it sometimes; most people have learned how to spot and avoid a dumpster fire and with all of the people going to jail for internet activities that involve pedophilia and cp in 2020 and 2021 (I thought we learned the lesson with the former Glee actors much earlier than now, but I guess not), it’s no wonder people are avoiding pedo rps. You really have to want to engage in pedophilic activity to be hard-headed enough to not age the characters up appropriately and cause no actual harm to yourself or anyone else, it’s not like it used to be when people were dim enough to do it without thinking. Like twincest, incest, and other problematic behaviors that used to saturate the community... the silent time where people ignored the nasty and joined anyway while pretending to not see anything they thought might be problematic are over. We’ve all seen prominent figures in the grpc being torn down from their pedestals for engaging in problematic behavior, pedophilia being one of those things that people are getting mass hate for. So it really is a fight to keep writing it. You have to go through being dragged through the mud and hated on in order to cling to these things nowadays. To me, that just makes it even worse. Not only are we all advanced enough now to be beyond the 2012 insanity, it is also costly to a person’s reputation and ability to go through life without being flamed by anon hate to continue to live by offensive behavior in a way that wasn’t “real” back in 2012. Not to mention, we’re all 9 years older than we were back then. So we should have matured 9 years and we should be 9 years further away from being invested in children having sex and writing out the whole “teenage sexual awakening” and “coming of age” stories. Maybe 9 years ago when we were all 18, it might have been closer to relevant and something cathartic, but why on EARTH would someone that is around 30 years old still NEED to write children coming of age if not because they’re pedophiles? That’s the one argument I always see for this. But I want to write a coming of age story, but I want to write about my character maturing as a teenager and finding adulthood. WHY? Why do you want to do that? Why do you want to write that? Why do you want to obsess (because let’s be real, we all obsess over our muses and their relationships and lives) over children having sex? Why? Why can’t you write an appropriate coming of age story for someone in college? Why is it that the characters being 14 is so integral to your smut and your plot and your needs as a writer?
You’re also risking the law, as I’ve stated many times. Feel free to Google what happens when the FBI decides to look at your internet history and finds pedophilic content there. And the FBI will get involved if it’s a bigger case, like a roleplay group that contains a dozen members that are all tied to the pedophilic content. You can even Google “roleplay” with that and you’ll find horror stories of people being sentenced to 10-25+ years in FEDERAL PRISON for roleplaying the 18- having sex. That alone, if your morals are weak, should be enough to keep you away from writing pedophilic content. I just don’t see how anyone could ever say to themselves that they needed to write 14 year olds having sex SO BADLY that it was alright with them if it meant they had to go to prison for it. That’s making these people’s need to write child porn sound like an addiction. Nasty.
I honestly, truly, definitely, genuinely do not understand. You have to be a SERIOUS, GENUINE, SERIOUS PEDOPHILE with a SERIOUS PROBLEM to be willing to write in a group like gleerp that has minors having sex in it. Look at the risk. I do not ever want to be able to understand how the “reward” of being able to write 14 year olds having sex with each other is going to outweigh the negative risk. Even just your run-of-the-mill, every day pedo is going to be too scared to do something like that, because the risk outweighs the reward. So.... I just don’t understand how 30 year old adults are so invested in these characters NEEDING TO BE children in order for them to want to write them. Like... Age them up to an appropriate age and make it a college rp and have exactly the same plots and exactly the same things and exactly the same everything except suddenly it’s appropriate and not pedophilia or... keep them kids and get hated on daily and risk getting yourself and everyone else in your group locked up? 
I think the choice is clear to any sane individual. 
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oochaycheesstuff ¡ 3 years ago
An Interview with Samantha Baker
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Samantha Baker was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago in 1968. She was the second oldest of four children - two sisters and a brother. In her family home, she lived with her mom, dad, and siblings. She experienced the classic stuff a teen went through in the 80s: embarrassment, disgust, first love, as well as boys being very forward and not being able to take a hint. Today, Baker lives her life as a loving mother, wife, and health teacher at her local high school. We sat down with her recently to catch up with her and see where she is now in 2021, as well as have her speak on some of her experiences growing up as a teenage girl in the 80s when it came to boys and how she feels about those experiences now.
Hello, Ms. Baker. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule and doing this interview with me.
SB: It’s no problem at all. Thank you for having me.
So, it has been almost 40 years since you graduated high school. That’s a pretty significant anniversary. Is there any time during your high school years that sticks out to you the most or that you remember the most fondly?
SB: A time during high school that I remember the most? Hmm… the number one thing that comes to mind is my sixteenth birthday. My sixteenth birthday was something I had been looking forward to since I was twelve years old. I had it all planned out: a big party with tons of people, a boyfriend, a brand new black Trans Am waiting for me in the driveway. That birthday is one I will never be able to forget, which is funny because all of my family actually forgot it was my birthday on the day of my birthday. I couldn’t believe it. I spent that entire day waiting for any of them to acknowledge me and wish me well, sing to me, anything! But I didn’t get a single thing! It was right around the time my older sister was getting married and everyone was so focused on her that they completely forgot about me. In fact, the only surprises I got that day were my grandparents asking me invasive questions and their Chinese exchange student that I didn’t know about popping up in my room. It completely freaked me out! There was a school dance that night at the school gym and they actually made me bring him along with me. During that time I had a huge crush on this senior named Jake Ryan. He was the main thing that I wanted, but he was already dating this other popular girl, Caroline, who was gorgeous, and blonde, and perfect. I thought I didn’t stand a chance. Well anyway, fast forward to the school dance, I’m watching Jake and Caroline slow dancing. I felt horrible. But then all of a sudden he looks at me, looks away, and then looks back again. It completely took me by surprise and I had to turn away. When I turned around this nerdy kid was right in my face and started making moves on me. It terrified me. He grabbed me and started dancing with me… well… more like dancing around me. He kept touching me and speaking really creepily in my ear. I was not having a good time.
Oh God, that does not sound pleasant at all.
SB: It was embarrassing! When he was too preoccupied with his dancing and wasn’t paying attention to me, I ran out of the gym as fast as I could. Once I got into the hallway, I remember sliding down the wall and crying. I was pretty dramatic back then, but I mean, what teenager isn’t? I saw the guy I had a huge crush on dancing with his girlfriend that I felt completely inferior to and this nerdy kid wouldn’t leave me alone. Anyway, I cleaned myself up and made my way back into the gym to where my friends were and this kid came up to me again! My friends kinda messed with him to the point where he started looking away and rambling, which I took as a time to escape from him… again. I made my way to the auto shop so I could be by myself and he somehow found me AGAIN! He was really relentless.
That sounds like a nightmare. Did you ever figure out a way that made him leave you alone?
SB: Kind of. I was sitting in this car that was missing it’s entire back half when he found me. For whatever reason, which I’m still not sure the reason behind, I unlocked the door for him and let him sit next to me. He makes a comment on how great the night is and I explain to him that it’s my birthday, and eventually find myself going on a rant about how the day did not live up to my expectations whatsoever. I think he started to feel bad and decided to cheer me up by telling me a secret of his. He told me that he had never actually been able to get a girl. Shocking isn’t it? Anyway, he made a comment I can’t quite remember but whatever it was it made me burst out laughing. I guess I made him feel bad and apologized. I guess he took that as a sign to make another move on me. He started to climb on top of me, bumping the car horn, and I had to yell at him and push him off of me. He sat back down and looked upset. I told him not to worry about it, and he took that as a sign AGAIN to get on top of me, which resulted in me reacting the same way as before. I pushed him off and scolded him again. Somehow we were able to get to having a normal conversation about my own nonexistent love life and I told him how I was saving myself for someone in particular, Jake. To my surprise he told me that Jake had asked him about me! I’m sure you can imagine how excited I was about that. He kind of hypes me up and convinces me to find Jake and talk to him. I don’t know how I was able to turn my night around with this kid but somehow it ended up working in my favor. I’ve been going on and on about this night, so to make a long story a bit shorter, I’ll just say that on my sixteenth birthday my family forgot my birthday, but I ended up knowing my crush might like me back and ended up giving my underwear to the creepy kid so that he could prove a point to his friends. And that’s all I’ll say about that.
Woah. That’s a big turn around from where the night started with you two. When telling that story, you mentioned multiple times how the kid kept making advances towards you when you repeatedly would reject him. That is something that a lot of people, especially young girls and women, experience many times throughout life. What do you think is the reason behind why he wouldn’t stop making those advances on you when you repeatedly showed no interest?
SB: Obviously I cannot speak for him specifically, but I think there were a few factors that played into why he and other boys and men that act this way do what they do. I believe that the movies and shows kids are exposed to play a major part in what they deem right or wrong. You know, this was the ‘80s. There were so many movies being made at that time that had so many questionable and distasteful messages that downplayed or completely disregarded how unacceptable behavior like that is. I turned sixteen in 1984, which is the same year movies like Revenge Of The Nerds came out. At the time, movies were being created that didn’t reprimand the behavior of men and boys that behaved in the manner of the characters in those movies. The characters were always seen as the hero of the movie, despite them doing horrible things. I think because of that, a lot of boys and men believed that it was acceptable to act like that, when it’s most certainly not okay.
Being in a high school setting in today’s world must be very different to how it used to be when you were in high school. More people are being vocal about social issues and movements like #MeToo are making themselves more prevalent. Do you actively talk about those topics in your classes and if so, how are the topics handled?
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SB: We absolutely talk about current events in my classes. Being a health teacher, it would be irresponsible to not cover issues like sexual assault and harassment along with the rest of my curriculum. Typically in my classes I will bring up a topic one day, ask my students what they know about the topic, sometimes watch a clip from a show or movie that touches on the subject and always have a discussion afterwards. I might show clips from movies like Animal House (1978), for example, that show acts that are inexcusable and should never be done. It allows for there to be a visual example of the issue at hand and makes it easier to ease into the topic for my students. I will sometimes also show clips from shows like I May Destroy You (2020), to show how different victims might handle or cope with these situations. I try to allow my kids to have access to all the information they need when it comes to serious and sensitive topics such as this.
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You mentioned Revenge Of The Nerds and Animal House, two movies that are now looked down upon for some of their questionable plot lines and scenes. Nowadays these movies would be what some might consider “canceled”. What are your thoughts on Cancel Culture and do you also discuss it with your students?
SB: Cancel Culture is a big topic these days. As someone who grew up when the movies mentioned were coming out, there were a lot of things that society was okay with then that are now seen as offensive or insensitive. I think Cancel Culture is a difficult subject, especially when it comes to things that were created or stated during a time when certain topics and actions were deemed acceptable. I believe we should acknowledge the bad and harmful elements of the past and use them as examples of what not to do in the future. There are certain things I have said or acted on that I now know are not correct, and I feel that we should treat the media the same. No one’s perfect, that’s a fact, but it’s important to speak on issues that can cause other people emotional and/or physical pain. These issues should not be taken lightly.
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patriotsnet ¡ 4 years ago
What Is The Definition Of Republicanism
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/what-is-the-definition-of-republicanism/
What Is The Definition Of Republicanism
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Democracy’s Discontent: America In Search Of A Public Philosophy
In this book, Sandel contrasts the tradition of civic republicanism with that of procedural liberalism in the US political history. The presentation is organized as the intertwining of philosophical and mostly historical analyses. Philosophically, based on LLJ, Sandel continuous his criticism of liberalism and argues for the idea of civic republicanism with the sense of multiply situated selves. Historically, Sandel shows, while both procedural liberalism and civic republicanism used to be present throughout American politics, American political discourse, in the recent decades, has become dominated by procedural liberalism, and has steadily crowded out the republican understandings of citizenship, which is important for self-government.
Sandel reminds us that the American Revolution was originally aspiring to generate a new community of common good. By separating from England, Americans attempt to stave off corruption and to realize republican ideals, to “renew the moral spirit that suited Americans to republican government” . Unfortunately, in the years following independence, leading politicians and writers started to worry the corruption of the public spirit by the rampant pursuit of luxury and self-interest. Nowadays, most of American practices and institutions have thoroughly embodied the philosophy of procedural liberalism. Despite its philosophical problem, it has offered the public philosophy by which Americans live.
Republicanism In The Thirteen British Colonies In North America
Republicanism in the United States
In recent years a debate has developed over the role of republicanism in the American Revolution and in the British radicalism of the 18th century. For many decades the consensus was that liberalism, especially that of John Locke, was paramount and that republicanism had a distinctly secondary role.
The new interpretations were pioneered by J.G.A. Pocock, who argued in The Machiavellian Moment that, at least in the early 18th century, republican ideas were just as important as liberal ones. Pocock’s view is now widely accepted.Bernard Bailyn and Gordon Wood pioneered the argument that the American founding fathers were more influenced by republicanism than they were by liberalism. Cornell University professor Isaac Kramnick, on the other hand, argues that Americans have always been highly individualistic and therefore Lockean.Joyce Appleby has argued similarly for the Lockean influence on America.
In the decades before the American Revolution , the intellectual and political leaders of the colonies studied history intently, looking for models of good government. They especially followed the development of republican ideas in England. Pocock explained the intellectual sources in America:
The commitment of most Americans to these republican values made the American Revolution inevitable. Britain was increasingly seen as corrupt and hostile to republicanism, and as a threat to the established liberties the Americans enjoyed.
Basic Principles Of Republican Government In The United States
The republican government in the United States has a few basic principles:
The power and authority of government comes from the people, not some supreme authority, or king.
The rights of the people are protected by a written constitution and through the vote of the people.
The citizens give power to elected representatives, based on majority rule, to serve their interests and act on their behalf.
The representatives are responsible for helping all the people in the country, not just a few people.
The stability of government rests with the people and is dependent on civic involvement.
The Constitutive Notion Of Civic Republicanism: Pettit
Insofar as republican freedom is tied to power, it is essentially egalitarian. It is held to protect each individual against arbitrary power, and also to be a ‘communitarian good,’ allowing people to identify with a state that protects their freedom. This version of republican freedom is heavily influenced by Rousseau, purged of totalitarian accretions, and updated to the advanced capitalist societies of the late twentieth century. They are now explicitly inclusive, bestowing their benefits on all members of society, and also multicultural, displaying liberal neutrality toward different substantive conceptions of the good. How far such societies can provide a stable balance between the participatory core of republican freedom and the centrifugal drives of modern pluralism remains to be seen.
Andrew Tsz Wan Hung, inInternational Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences , 2015
Understand The Factions Of Conservative Republicans
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Understand the factions of conservative republicans. Conservative republicans are broken into different groups, based on the policy or issue at hand. A person might not be conservative on all issues, but is still considered a conservative republican based on his or her beliefs and practices in one certain area.
The British Empire And The Commonwealth Of Nations
In some countries of the British Empire, later the Commonwealth of Nations, republicanism has taken a variety of forms.
In Barbados, the government gave the promise of a referendum on becoming a republic in August 2008, but it was postponed due to the change of government in the 2008 election. A plan to becoming a republic was still in place in September 2020, according to the current PM, with a target date of late 2021.
In South Africa, republicanism in the 1960s was identified with the supporters of apartheid, who resented British interference in their treatment of the country’s black population.
Republicanism in Australia
In Australia, the debate between republicans and monarchists is still active, and republicanism draws support from across the political spectrum. Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was a leading proponent of an Australian republic prior to joining the centre-right Liberal Party, and led the pro-republic campaign during the failed 1999 Australian republic referendum. After becoming Prime Minister in 2015, he confirmed he still supports a republic, but stated that the issue should wait until after the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. The centre-left Labor Party officially supports the abolition of the monarchy and another referendum on the issue.
Republicanism in BarbadosRepublicanism in the NetherlandsRepublicanism in Spain
Which Republican President Inspired The Teddy Bear
Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican U.S. president from 1901 to 1909, inspired the teddy bear when he refused to shoot a tied-up bear on a hunting trip. The story reached toy maker Morris Michtom, who decided to make stuffed bears as a dedication to Roosevelt. The name comes from Roosevelt’s nickname, Teddy.
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Republican Party, byname Grand Old Party , in the United States, one of the two major political parties, the other being the Democratic Party. During the 19th century the Republican Party stood against the extension of slavery to the country’s new territories and, ultimately, for slavery’s complete abolition. During the 20th and 21st centuries the party came to be associated with laissez-fairecapitalism, low taxes, and conservative social policies. The party acquired the acronym GOP, widely understood as “Grand Old Party,” in the 1870s. The party’s official logo, the elephant, is derived from a cartoon by Thomas Nast and also dates from the 1870s.
Identify And Believe Like The Fiscal Conservatives
Identify and believe like the fiscal conservatives. The fiscal conservatives are based around money and government. They want the government to be smaller and to reduce its spending. The government will have less power over the people. The national debt will be repaid. Fiscal republicans are also for privatizing social security.
What Defined Republicanism As A Social Philosophy
What defined republicanism as a social philosophy? Citizenship within a republic meant accepting certain rights and responsibilities as well as cultivating virtuous behavior. This philosophy was based on the notion that the success or failure of the republic depended upon the virtue or corruption of its citizens.
Republicanism In The United States Facts For Kids
Kids Encyclopedia FactsRepublican Party republicRoman Republicelectedappointedvetoeschecks and balances
Republicanism in the United States is a set of ideas that guides the government and politics. These ideas have shaped the government, and the way people in the United States think about politics, since the American Revolution.
The American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence , the Constitution , and even the Gettysburg Address were based on ideas from American republicanism.
“Republicanism” comes from the word “republic.” However, they are not the same thing. A republic is a type of government . Republicanism is an ideology – set of beliefs that people in a republic have about what is most important to them.
What Is The Definition Of Republican Government
The adjective republican describes a government made up of representatives who are elected by the citizens. If you live in the United States, you’re part of a republican system of government. In a republican government, citizens have a lot of power — their vote determines who is running the government.
So Is The United States A Democracy Or Republic
For all practical purposes, it’s both. In everyday speech and writing, you can safely refer to the US as a democracy or a republic. If you want or need to be more precise in referring to the system of the US, you can accurately call it a representative democracy. And should you need to be exacting? The US can be called a federal presidential constitutional republic or a constitutionalfederal representative democracy.
What you should take away in the confusion over democracy vs. republic is that, in both forms of government, power ultimately lies with the people who are able to vote. If you are eligible to vote—vote. It’s what, well, makes true democracies and republics.
  Exercise that right to vote, whether by mail or in person. Want more information on what mail-in voting means? Read our article on absentee vs. mail-in ballots!
What Does Republicanism Mean In Your Own Words
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Republicanism is the ideology of governing a nation as a republic with an emphasis on liberty and the civic virtue practiced by citizens. More broadly, it refers to a political system that protects liberty, especially by incorporating a rule of law that cannot be arbitrarily ignored by the government.
Is The United States A Republic Or A Democracy
The following statement is often used to define the United States’ system of government: “The United States is a republic, not a democracy.” This statement suggests that the concepts and characteristics of republics and democracies can never coexist in a single form of government. However, this is rarely the case. As in the United States, most republics function as blended “representational democracies” featuring a democracy’s political powers of the majority tempered by a republic’s system of checks and balances enforced by a constitution that protects the minority from the majority.
To say that the United States is strictly a democracy suggests that the minority is completely unprotected from the will of the majority, which is not correct.
What Is The Best Definition Of Republicanism
Republicanism is a political ideology centered on citizenship in a state organized as a republic. Historically, it ranges from the rule of a representative minority or oligarchy to popular sovereignty. … Republicanism may also refer to the non-ideological scientific approach to politics and governance.
Democracy Vs Republic: Is There A Difference
You probably hear countries like the United States or France referred to as democracies. At the same time, you probably also hear both of these countries called republics. Is that possible? Are democracies and republics the same thing or different?
We don’t blame you for confusing these two terms. With a major and heated US election underway, it’s the perfect time for some Government 101. Let’s brush up on these two words to see what they have in common—and what sets them apart.
Constitutional Republic Example In Obamacare
There are several examples of constitutional republic being under attack through lawsuits. These types of situations typically arise when the majority passes a law through their representatives, yet other citizens claim the law is unconstitutional. Perhaps one of the most prominent examples of this in recent history is the challenging of the Affordable Care Act at the Supreme Court level.
Congress passed the Affordable Care Act , which went into effect in March, 2010. The purpose of the ACA was to provide health insurance to millions of Americans who were not covered. It also sought to limit the extent to which citizens could seek health care services for which they could not – or did not – pay.
Shortly after the ACA was passed, several states and organizations – led by the state of Florida – brought lawsuits before the United States District Court in Florida, claiming that the ACA was unconstitutional. Individuals Kaj Ahburg and Mary Brown also jumped on board as plaintiffs in the case.
The group’s claims were based on a number of grounds, among them was the claim that the requirement for employers to purchase health insurance for their employees interfered with state sovereignty, or the right of the state to remain independent and have control over its own decisions.
Constitutional Monarchs And Upper Chambers
Some countries turned powerful monarchs into constitutional ones with limited, or eventually merely symbolic, powers. Often the monarchy was abolished along with the aristocratic system, whether or not they were replaced with democratic institutions . In Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Papua New Guinea, and some other countries the monarch, or its representative, is given supreme executive power, but by convention acts only on the advice of his or her ministers. Many nations had elite upper houses of legislatures, the members of which often had lifetime tenure, but eventually these houses lost much power , or else became elective and remained powerful.
What Is A Republican Republican Definition
April 11, 2014 By RepublicanViews.org
This article fully answers what a Republican is and gives the definition of a Republican in a fair, unbiased, and well-researched way. To start the article we list out the definition of a Republican, then we cover the Republican Party’s core beliefs, then we list out the Republican Party’s beliefs on all the major issues.
The Definition of a Republican: a member of the Republican party of the U.S.
Classical Republicanism And Natural Rights
Classical republicanism promoted the natural rights philosophy, which is echoed in the Declaration of Independence. Natural rights are those rights that are not dependent on, nor can they be changed by, manmade laws, cultural customs, or the beliefs of any culture or government. These rights include such things as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Other natural rights include the right to protect oneself from physical harm, the right to worship as one chooses, the right to express oneself, among others.
The reason why classical republicanism is so prevalent in the Declaration of Independence is because of the colonists’ recognition of the fact that they wanted their government to be vastly different from that of the British parliament. They believed that they were following their civic duty by separating from Britain for the purposes of preserving the “common good.”
Republican Liberty: Problems And Debates
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The appeal of the republican conception of political liberty asindependence from the arbitrary power of a master is perhapsunderstandable. This is not to say, however, that this conception isuncontroversial. Before discussing its role in developing contemporarycivic republican arguments, we should consider various problems anddebates surrounding the republican idea of freedom.
What Is The Best Example Of An Oligarchy
Examples of a historical oligarchies are Sparta and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. A modern example of oligarchy could be seen in South Africa during the 20th century. Here, the basic characteristics of oligarchy are particularly easy to observe, since the South African form of oligarchy was based on race.
What Does The Republican Party Stand For
The Republican Party was initially created to advocate for a free-market economy that countered the Democratic Party’s agrarian leanings and support of slave labour. In recent history, the Republicans have been affiliated with reducing taxes to stimulate the economy, deregulation, and conservative social values.
Examples Of Republicanism In A Sentence
republicanism CNNrepublicanismThe New Republicrepublicanism WSJrepublicanismCNNrepublicanism WSJrepublicanismThe New York Review of Booksrepublicanism The New York Review of BooksrepublicanismThe New York Review of Books
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘republicanism.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
What Is The Idea Of Republicanism Apush
the ideology of governing the nation as a republic, where the head of state is not appointed through hereditary means, but usually through an election , A philosophy of limited government with elected representatives serving at the will of the people. The government is based on consent of the governed.
Political Liberty Positive And Negative
It is notorious that there are several competing conceptions ofpolitical liberty. The now standard account was laid down mostinfluentially by Isaiah Berlin in his famous lecture on “TwoConcepts of Liberty” . According to the first,‘negative’ conception of liberty, people are free simply tothe extent that their choices are not interfered with. There are manyvariations on this conception, depending on how exactly one wants todefine ‘interference’, but they all have in common thebasic intuition that to be free is, more or less, to be left alone todo whatever one chooses. This idea of negative liberty Berlinassociates especially with the classic English political philosophersHobbes, Bentham, and J. S. Mill, and it is today probably the dominantconception of liberty, particularly among contemporary Anglo-Americanphilosophers. In Mill’s well-known words, “the only freedomwhich deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our ownway, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs”.
The troubling implications of the positive conception of liberty arewell-known, and need not be rehearsed at length here. For the most part, thesestem from the problem that freedom in the positive sense would seem tolicense fairly extensive coercion on behalf of individuals’allegedly ‘real’ interests—for example, coercivelyforcing the gambler to quit on the presumption that this is, in fact,what he really wants to do . Regardingthis danger, Berlin writes:
Republicanism Law And Legal Definition
Republicanism is the imaginary or visionary theorization of governing a nation as a republic. It refers to a form of government where the head of state is appointed for a specific period by means of elections. These leaders, rather than a select aristocracy make laws for the benefit of the entire republic. The exact meaning of republicanism varies depending on the cultural and historical context. However, in an ideal republic, head of the state are selected from among the working people; they serve the republic for a defined period, and then return to their work. The key conceptions of republicanism includes the importance of civic virtue, the benefits of universal political participation, the dangers of corruption, the necessity of separate powers and a healthy attitude for the rule of law.
The equality of the rights of citizens is a principle of republicanism. Every republican government is in duty bound to protect all its citizens in the enjoyment of this principle, if within its power. The duty was originally assumed by the States, and it still remains there..
Republicanism Example In Rhode Island
An example of republicanism disputes involved the state of Rhode Island, and came about in 1841. At that time, Rhode Island’s government was still operating under the outdated terms established in 1663 by a royal charter. This charter placed a strict restriction on who was allowed to vote, and didn’t allow for amendments to the law. Groups who were protesting the charter held a convention to enforce the drafting of a new constitution, as well as to overthrow the state government and elect a governor. This movement was known as the “Dorr Rebellion.”
The rebellion started off as a peaceful political protest, but it ultimately turned violent. As a result, the old charter government declared martial law for the area, meaning that a temporary law was imposed and enforced by military forces. Martial law is typically only imposed when the civilian government has been declared broken, or during times of civil unrest.
The state legislature required that federal troops be dispatched to the area to break up the rebellion, but President John Tyler ultimately decided not to send the soldiers in because he felt that the threat of domestic violence was fading significantly as time went on. The rebellion was squashed when Dorr decided to disband the group, after realizing that he would ultimately be defeated in battle by the approaching militia.
Republican Freedom And The Human Good
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So far we have assumed that, however ultimately defined, republicanfreedom is always a good thing. Some have wondered whether this is thecase, however. This objection is most often expressed via the exampleof benevolent care-giving relationships. On the republican view thatone enjoys freedom only to the extent that one is independent fromarbitrary power, it would seem that children do not enjoy republicanfreedom with respect to their parents. But surely, one might suppose,the parent-child relationship is an extremely valuableone, and so we would not want greater republican freedom in such acontext. Republican freedom is, perhaps, not always a good thing.
What Is Republicanism In Simple Terms
Republicanism is the ideology of governing a nation as a republic with an emphasis on liberty and the civic virtue practiced by citizens. … More broadly, it refers to a political system that protects liberty, especially by incorporating a rule of law that cannot be arbitrarily ignored by the government.
What Is The Significance Of Oligarchy
The people in this group do not have to be related and their power is most often based on wealth and/or power. The significance of an oligarchy is that these people are only able to get what they want through the formation of an oligarchy and these people hold absolute and unchallengeable authority.
Definition Of A Republican Government
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands… Most Americans grew up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in school, but just what is a republic?
The word republic, comes from the Latin res publica, or public thing, and refers to a form of government where the citizens act for their own benefit rather than for the benefit of a ruler or king. A republican government is one in which the political authority comes from the people. In the United States, power is given to the government by its citizens as written in the U.S. Constitution and through its elected representatives.
Belief in republicanism helped bring about the American Revolution and the United States Constitution. The American colonists were influenced by the writings of Thomas Paine. In his 50-page pamphlet Common Sense, written in 1776, Paine made the argument for political independence from Britain, a representative government, and a written constitution for the colonies. Paine felt the monarch had no place in government and that the people themselves were the legitimate authority for government.
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Advantages Of A Republican Government
Have you ever given up your own interests to do something that is good for everyone? In a republican government, selfish interests are given up for the common good of the country. Let’s take a look at more advantages of a republican government.
Laws made by elected representatives are meant to be fair. If people find laws unfair, they can elect other leaders who can change those laws.
A republic allows greater freedom and prosperity. Economic pursuit benefits the entire nation and people are able to live well.
When government serves the interests of the entire country, we say it is serving the common welfare.
There is wider participation in the political process. According to the Declaration of Independence, all men are created equal; therefore, it did not matter if you were a small farmer or a powerful aristocrat. Ordinary people are welcome to participate in government.
Leaders emerge based on people’s talents, not their birthright.
Civic virtue is promoted. Civic virtue includes demonstrating civic knowledge , self-restraint, self-assertion, and self-reliance.
Change and reform come about by vote, not by force.
Attributes Of A Republican Government
Power and authority in the government come from the people
Rights of the citizens are protected through a constitution and voting
Power is distributed to representatives based on majority rule
Representatives are responsible for helping everyone in the country and not just a few people
The involvement of people in the government is what guarantees government stability
Rulers are chosen for their skills and do not gain power based on birthright
Civilians participate in the government processes
The country’s economic pursuits benefit the whole nation
Examples Of Republican In A Sentence
RepublicanRepublicansRepublican Partyrepublicanrepublicans National Reviewrepublican NBC Newsrepublicans NBC Newsrepublicans BostonGlobe.comrepublicansNBC Newsrepublicans WSJrepublicans The Economistrepublicans Indianapolis Starrepublican The New Republicrepublican The Economistrepublican Bloomberg.comrepublican The Atlanticrepublican Harper’s BAZAARrepublican BostonGlobe.comrepublican The New Republicrepublican BostonGlobe.com
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘republican.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
Key Takeaways: Republic Vs Democracy
Republics and democracies both provide a political system in which citizens are represented by elected officials who are sworn to protect their interests.
In a pure democracy, laws are made directly by the voting majority leaving the rights of the minority largely unprotected.
In a republic, laws are made by representatives chosen by the people and must comply with a constitution that specifically protects the rights of the minority from the will of the majority.
The United States, while basically a republic, is best described as a “representative democracy.”  
In a republic, an official set of fundamental laws, like the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, prohibits the government from limiting or taking away certain “inalienable” rights of the people, even if that government was freely chosen by a majority of the people. In a pure democracy, the voting majority has almost limitless power over the minority. 
The United States, like most modern nations, is neither a pure republic nor a pure democracy. Instead, it is a hybrid democratic republic.
The main difference between a democracy and a republic is the extent to which the people control the process of making laws under each form of government.
Founding Father James Madison may have best described the difference between a democracy and a republic:
Constitutional Republic Vs Democracy
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Some believe that the United States is a democracy, but it is actually the perfect example of a constitutional republic. A pure democracy would be a form of government in which the leaders, while elected by the people, are not constrained by a constitution as to its actions. In a republic, however, elected officials cannot take away or violate certain rights of the people. The Pledge of Allegiance, which was written in 1892 and adopted by Congress in 1942 as the official pledge, even makes reference to the fact that the U.S. is a republic:
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
The Anti-Federalists and Federalists, as the new nation was being formed, could not agree on how involved the federal government should be in citizens’ lives; a decision on a pure democracy could never be reached. Alexander Hamilton, himself a Federalist, stated that the government being created was a “republican government,” and that true freedom would not be found in a dictatorship nor a true democracy, but in a moderate government.
The following table outlines some of the differences between a constitutional republic and a democracy:
Republicanism And Fundamental Rights
The foregoing discussion should not be construed as implying a necessary correlation between, on the one hand, liberalism and democracy, and, on the other, communitarianism and authoritarianism. Some versions of communitarianism approach a pure, popular democracy more closely than do some versions of liberalism, which would expressly renounce pure democracy. If a society is to be governed by a principle of collective welfare, and if notions of collective welfare are to be ascertained by consensus, then majority rule provides sufficient justification for deciding which acts should be penalized. No additional justification, with reference to the specific harm that would be caused by penalized acts, would be required. If the majority wishes to penalize gambling, alcohol consumption, flag burning, contraception, or homosexuality, then it may do so with no greater notion of harm than the sentiment that individuals and society would be better off without such things.
Ordinary right Putative harm caused by exercise of right Exercise of right may be penalized without special justification Exercise of right may not be penalized without special justification
Wilfried Nippel, inInternational Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences , 2015
Republicanism In The United Kingdom
Republicanism in the United Kingdom is the political movement that seeks to replace the United Kingdom‘s monarchy with a republic. Supporters of the movement, called republicans, support alternative forms of governance to a monarchy, such as an elected head of state, or no head of state at all.
Monarchy has been the form of government used in the countries that now make up the United Kingdom almost exclusively since the Middle Ages. A republican government existed in England and Wales, later along with Ireland and Scotland, in the mid-17th century as a result of the Parliamentarian victory in the English Civil War. The Commonwealth of England, as the period was called, lasted from the execution of Charles I in 1649 until the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660.
What Are The Ideas Of Republicanism
It stresses liberty and inalienable individual rights as central values; recognizes the sovereignty of the people as the source of all authority in law; rejects monarchy, aristocracy, and hereditary political power; expects citizens to be virtuous and faithful in their performance of civic duties; and vilifies …
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gunsandburns ¡ 4 years ago
Behind The Scene
“Social media is a public suicide. We are so obsessed with how we appear and somehow lose sense of reality.”
—Courtneyy Ludlow
  Technology has brought a huge impact in our daily lives. It has greatly affected the way individuals communicate, learn, and think and it is an undeniable truth that it has also eased up our lives a lot. There is a wide range of gadgets available in the market, for example, the smartphone, tablet, laptops, iPads, and much more. Which obviously everyone has already in their possession as it also plays important role in every aspect in our society today.
Regardless of how, gadget obsession became one of the most common problems in today’s generation that is known to be affecting both kids and adults’ physical and mental health. Their dependency on gadgets is getting out of hand. They really think staying online is a must and that they are afraid of missing something. Whether it be sports update or posts by friends or relatives, they want to stay updated. As a result, they regularly check their devices.
It is true that these technological advances have switched our life for good, yet there have been growing very alarming concerns about the impact of digital technologies on both adults and children’s emotional well-being, particularly regarding fear, anxiety, and depression. Evidence is mounting that there is a link between social media and depression. One of the biggest differences in the lives of teenagers nowadays and young adults, compared to older generations, is that they spend much less time connecting with their peers in person and more time connecting virtually, predominantly through social media. Also, according to experts, people who are always playing catch-up to endless online updates, who are prioritizing social interactions that aren’t as emotionally rewarding are those who [will] actually feel more like they are off the beaten path.
People have made digital media an essential part of their life. They have become as vital as basic necessities for everybody. I mean who wouldn’t? Especially if these platforms offer free teaching and enhancing social skills, strengthening relationships or just being fun. And when people try to abstain themselves from using their gadgets, they start developing and showing anxious behaviors. Like teenagers obsessed with gadgets usually become twitchy, fidgety, unfocused, detached, and disturbed. However, symptoms will differ from person to person.
The gift of gadgets conferred it to us has undeniably made life more fun and convenient, but they should not affect us adversely. To manage the addiction towards any gadget is to limit the time of using them. Also, in terms of children, a parent must be involved simultaneously to keep an eye on their activities if anything important demands a longer time. We, adults, must refrain ourselves from extremely using of our gadgets. After returning from work, we need to restrict our use of gadgets in the home and spend more time with family. Additionally, youngsters must be encouraged to build connection through the outside world rather than playing games on computers or watching cartoons on TV. These are just some tips that would surely help our kids limit their usage of gadgets and social media engagement.
After all, despite the uncontrollable technological advances and the inevitability of digital media engagement, we should always remember that most of the connections we build in the digital world are just temporary. And that we shouldn’t allow electronic devices to spoil our lives nor allow the negativities in social media to consume us nor define who we really are.
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Photo credits from Sherry Turkles’ Alone Together
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Photo credits from @Pikisuperstar
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violetganache42 ¡ 7 years ago
My Thoughts on the Logan Paul Controversy
WARNING: The following post contains descriptions of the graphic material that was recorded on Logan’s most recent vlog, which was thankfully taken down. It also consists of opinions on his and Jake’s unforgivable actions prior to this incident, as well as cursing and the possibility of some heated rage, in which I would like to apologize for in advance. If I also come off as rude in some aspects, then I’m sorry for that too. No one ever thought 2018 was going to start off like this and leave them with intense fury over it. I would also like to apologize if the topics of depression, mental illnesses, and suicide upsets or triggers anyone who is reading this. That is not my intention whatsoever. This is my overall opinion on a very controversial issue and I don’t mean to upset or trigger anyone in doing so. With all that said and done, reader discretion is advised.
Okay, I never talk about them, but because of what recently happened, I want to quickly address the elephant in the room: I hate Jake and Logan Paul. Actually, “hate” is not the right word to describe them; how about “loathe?” Maybe “despise?” “Spite?” “Resent?” Whatever the word choice is, the two are both terrible celebrities together and individually for a variety of reasons. 
As you already know, both Jake and Logan achieved their fame back in 2013 when Vine was around, achieving 5.3 million and 3.1 million followers respective by the time of its shutdown. When they switched over to YouTube on November and September of 2016 accordingly, it all went downhill from then on. In general, they spew diss tracks at each other, churn out frantic videos in order to gain viewership and consume free online content, and sell merchandise from their clothing lines instead of being TV actors. The only problem is kids between the ages of 8 and 15 aren’t necessarily part of America’s economy, so combining their focus on this specific demographic with their insatiable thirst for fame and greed, it’s basically a lose-lose situation for them. But that’s not all I have to say about them because looking at them individually, they have their own brand of problematic behaviors and content.
In Jake’s case, he endured the most controversy because he’s been exposed as nothing but an annoying douchebag who did the following: made racist remarks on his minor characters in his videos, accused of emotionally abusing and manipulating his ex-girlfriend Alissa Violet, cyberbullied and brought down people online, constantly disrupted his peaceful neighborhood and his neighbors with his stunts and pranks, delivered pop culture phrases in an obnoxious manner during an interview that came off as—how the kids describe stuff nowadays—“cringey.” Not to mention his atrocious music video for his song “It’s Everyday Bro” dealt some serious damage to his career by receiving over 3 million dislikes on YouTube. He even got fired from Disney mid-season of Bizaardvark on July 24 for acting like his fame gives him the freedom for doing whatever the fuck he wants. What grinds my gears about him is he made all these apology videos and keeps claiming that he’s changed and moved on, but there is strong evidence that proves otherwise.
As for Logan, he has managed to escape controversy up until now by having roles on films and TV shows like Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Weird Loners, Airplane Mode, the YouTube Red film The Thinning, and in the upcoming movie Valley Girl, taking part in a partnership with Dwayne Johnson, and opening his own brand called Maverick. Heck, his diss song, “The Fall of Jake Paul,” had managed to gather better reception from his fans, scoring only 173,000 dislikes, which is far less than the 3 million dislikes from “It’s Everyday Bro,” because of the actual effort put into it and the massive controversy Jake currently has. Of course, it still doesn’t change the fact that he is still a horrible person when you consider the info above, and his newest vlog helps showcase it. Without further ado, it’s time for me to stop talking about the past and focus on the present… and boy, do I have a lot to say about this.
For those of you who not aware or are just hearing about this, allow me to explain what exactly happened; however, I am generously giving you the choice to skip this because what I am about to describe may make you feel uncomfortable. For those of you brave enough to read the issue, please keep scrolling.
Earlier this week, on New Year’s Eve, Logan and three of his friends were traveling in Japan when they stumbled upon Aokigahara, which is best known as the country’s “Suicide Forest.” They all ended up going in the forest when they discovered the corpse of a man who hung himself, one of the most common methods suicide victims use to kill themselves in there. One of the friends was feeling uneasy about what they were witnessing, and despite his seriousness, Logan laughed it off and soon referred to it as “a moment in YouTube history,” only for him to get one hell of a reality check. As of now, so many people via YouTube and Twitter have reacted in absolute anger and/or disgust at what he had done and have been calling out on it, including Robyn from Anime America, Joey the Anime Man, Gaijin Goombah, Lost Pause, Game Theory, Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul, Game of Throne’s Sophie Turner, JackSepticEye, Stefan Karl, and even PewDiePie of all people. The immense amount of backlash had gotten to a point where he deleted the video and posted two apologies, one each on Twitter and YouTube. I will get to those later, but for right now, let me give my input on this.
First off, let’s break down the group’s reaction. Since the video was removed, I was able to find snippets of their dialogue from it thanks to CNN, which can be found here.
Logan: This is a first for me. This literally probably just happened.
Friend: I don’t feel good.
Logan: What, you never stand next to a dead guy?
Friend: No.
Logan: *laughs* It was gonna be a joke. This was all a joke. Why did it become so real?
Friend: Depression and mental illnesses is not a joke. We came here with the intent to focus on the haunted aspect of the forest. This just became very real.
Oh, boy. Where do I even begin with this? Logan, your friend is absolutely right. Depression and mental illnesses are not jokes, let alone FUCKING suicide! This was his first time seeing an actual dead body with his own two eyes and you laughed it off like it was nothing! For all we know, this could’ve been your first time seeing like this too, but why the fuck would you joke around like that if you were originally planning to explore the Suicide Forest’s haunted atmosphere?! It completely depletes the initial intent of your plans for your vlog all because of your “humor” in this! On a side note, whoever his friend is, can we please give him a round of applause for having the knowledge to understand what is and isn’t a joke? Because at least he gets the situation they were in.
And that brings me to another point I want to bring out: why he was joking around with what he saw. After they all ran out of the forest and into the parking lot, Logan said this that really caught my attention:
Logan: “…the smiling and laughing… is not a portrayal of how I feel about the circumstances. Everyone copes with shit differently… I cope with things with humor.”
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I’m sorry, but no! That is utter bullshit! Using humor to cope with something such as fear is fine, but using it to deal with the fact you stumbled across a REAL corpse?! That’s crossing the line! It helps illustrate that what you did was inhumanely wrong, and you know what?! The backlash proves it! When it became known to the public with around 6.5 million views, the viewers were repulsed by what you did! You showed them, from fans and people who don’t like to YouTubers, celebrities, and the media, that you have zero respect for the suicide victims through your insensitivity and voyeurism of this seriously important subject!
Not even your “Viewer Discretion is Advised” banter helped prevent this from happening, which leads me to readdressing your target demographic! For all we know, there could have been little children watching this and they would have either been scared that they saw the same hanging corpse or influenced negatively as shown by this tweet below!
“The other day my 7 year old sister showed me logan pauls video on the dead body and i was disgusted and told her to turn it off.My sister is 7 YEARS OLD and loves and watches logan paul all the time. later we went outside to do painting and she painted a hanging man in a forest” — Aoife Dormer (@aoife_dorma)
If anything, you could have emphasized your warning on how there are graphic material that are not suitable for children/minors, replaced “Advised” with “Recommended,” and made the video 18+ so that they would’ve been unable to watch it! Even so, it still didn’t change the fact it broke one of YouTube’s policy: prohibiting the depiction of violent, gory, or graphic material in a shocking, sensational, or disrespectful manner unless the footage is used for educational or documentary-based purposes. I’m not gonna touch upon how the staff aren’t pressing this forward or why they didn’t react sooner, but I digress. In my opinion, not changing the rating of your vlog—and having it violate a YouTube policy regardless—was part of a completely careless move on your part.
Oh, and this doesn’t end there; this actually leads into my next point: the apologies and the aftermath.
In the midst of the swift outcry of the enraged public, Logan deleted the video and tweeted an apology on New Year’s Day at exactly 10 PM about what he posted, but instead of taming the flame, it made things worse… and I can easily tell why. Much like the last remark, this one contradicts what he says.
“I didn't do it for views. I get views. I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple on the internet, not cause a monsoon of negativity. I intended to raise awareness for suicide and suicide prevention and while I thought, 'if this video saves just ONE life, it'll be worth it,' I was misguided by shock and awe, as portrayed in the video.”
Dear God, there is a shit ton wrong with this tone-deaf apology it makes me want to scream! What pisses me off the most is his claim and there is strong proof in not only this tweet but also in my thoughts on the vlog that highlights how that is bullshit as well!
You should’ve thought about your actions ahead of time! You were given multiple choices on what to do when you and your friends encountered the hanging dead body in Aokigahara: “Should I keep this vlog?” “How should I feel about or respond to this?” “Should I edit it out or leave it in?” “How will everyone else react?” At the end of the day, you chose the wrong choices and it resulted in heated negative consequences.
You were NOT raising awareness for suicide prevention, which is the main reason why this tweet makes me livid! The vlog proves you laughed at what you saw and cracked jokes about it, despite your friend’s input on this unsettling discovery! A lot of people, even YouTube, agree that the material was shocking for the viewers, you sensationalized at said material, and you were outright disrespectful about it by treating suicide like a fucking joke through your “coping mechanism!”
You were not “misguided;” basically, this third reason ties in with the second one.
Because of this, an insane amount of criticism was unleashed, with Sophie calling Logan “an idiot,” his claim “mocking,” and his apology “self-praising,” Aaron referring to him as “pure trash” who can “go rot in hell,” and surprisingly Rebecca Black stating that how someone with “such power and influence could intensify “an entire family’s grief beyond measure.” And guess what? She is right! One of the people calling out on him was Anna Akana, who and her brother both had to deal with the loss of her sister after she committed suicide! Not only that, but there are also people struggling with depression and have contemplated suicide, especially in Japan, who are infuriated and sickened by what they watched/heard because they knew what he did was an epitome of bad publicity... No, “bad” isn’t the best way to describe this; what they discovered was appalling publicity! It’s even worse when you realize publicity is one of the main contributors to suicide contagion, especially when a young age group is exposed to it! Given Logan’s fanbase mainly consists of children and young teenagers, that vlog was a repulsive influence on them and would most likely worsen suicide contagion despite it being removed from YouTube, which reiterates Aoife’s tweet about her younger sister painting a lynched man! The damage has already been dealt and it pisses me off so much that he would influence minors like that!
And that is just the tip of the iceberg because he posted a longer apology video on YouTube the next night amid the rampaging counteraction. Did it do anything to at least settle this dispute? Let’s find out.
“I've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment and I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm simply here to apologize. So what we came across that day in the woods was obviously unplanned and the reactions you saw on tape were raw and they were unfiltered. None of us knew how to react or how to feel. I should have never posted the video. I should have put the cameras down, stopped recording what we were going through. There's a lot of things I should have done differently but I didn't and for that from the bottom of my heart I am sorry. I want to apologize to the internet, I want to apologize to anyone who has seen the video, I want to apologize to anyone who has been affected or touched by mental illness or depression or suicide but most importantly I want to apologize to the victim and his family. For my fans who are defending my actions, please don't, they don't deserve to be defended. The goal with my content is always to entertain, to push the boundaries, to be all inclusive. In the world I live in I share most everything I do. The intent is never to be heartless, cruel or malicious. Like I said I made a huge mistake. I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm just here to apologize. I'm ashamed of myself. I'm disappointed in myself. And I promise to be better. I will be better. Thank you.”
*frustrated sigh* Oh, dear Lord. There is a reason why posted the transcript of his apology than share the video itself, which I’ll get to after I give my two cents on this. ...Ever since last night, I had a difficult time trying to find a way to reply to this. I read a couple articles saying the video was emotional and somber because of how he was on the brink of tears and it left me at a point of uncertainty; I kept asking myself if he really does deserve to be forgiven or not, but after seeing other posts and getting an update on his newest video, it snapped me out of my state and told me that forgiving Logan would mean defending him, just like his fans... and there was no way in hell I would succumb to a level as low them supporting him. So with my spark reignited, it’s time for me to break this shit down once again!
Logan, let me start this bit off by saying this: it is far too late for you to apologize. What you did was irredeemable, vulgar, disgraceful, and plain rude of you to not only those suffering from depression, mental illnesses, or suicidal issues, but to the entire country of Japan. During your trip, you behaved immaturely by making a complete racist jackass out of yourself in front of foreign tourists/residents while wearing a kimono and made a complete fool out of Americans and Westerners, but your vlog on New Year’s Eve took it too far! You desecrated a corpse, went through him to see if he had any of his belongings with him, laughed and joked about it, and showed no remorse or empathy about what you and your friends came across! Because of you, Japan is now coated in anger; you made them hesitant on us being part of the 2020 Olympics, Tokyo tweeted at you to get out, and you’re now denounced by the Japanese Suicide Prevention Group all because you ridiculed their strict laws and significant efforts into helping lower suicide rates and gave a giant middle finger to country in general by treating it like it’s a fucking playground! What you did was an act of pity because of the imminent backlash and I will never. Forgive. You.
That’s not all; as it turns out, even though Logan clearly said he doesn’t expect forgiveness, his fanbase—like I’m gonna call them by their referred fandom name—still forgave him because they believe “he didn’t mean it” and even had the audacity to attack a Japanese vlogger named Reina Scully in a racist manner all because she criticized his Suicide Forest vlog. ...Okay, first: WHAT?! Second: THE FUCK?! Like before, I apologize for suddenly snapping, but that’s NOT how you defend someone! You do not make harass the harasser by sending them racist remarks, let alone telling her and the Japanese to kill themselves! That is just sick and inhumane! No wonder people are telling others to stop supporting the Paul brothers; their fans are worse than the commonly known bad fandoms!  *sigh* Well, at least it was best of me to not apologize to Logan because there was no way I was going to stoop as low as them. It was also perfect timing on my part because I recently discovered on that his apology video was monetized; in other words, he made thousands of dollars off of it...
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Holy fuck! This is all kinds of despicable and messed up! Making between $8.5K and $68.1K off of a simple apology?! Now I am so glad I ultimately kept to my opinions about this sicko instead of accepting him like his other fans because this is one of the many examples of being greedy and money-hungry. 
Because of this, people immediately took to Twitter to repeatedly slam him until it was promptly demonetized. Shortly thereafter, conflicts began to surface regarding YouTube; a petition opened up calling for Logan to be banned from the site (which now has over 130K signatures) and many are giving the website and its staff flack for being hypocritical of the way they review the content of videos. To be honest, I don’t blame them. Although I’m glad they commented on the issue, it obviously wasn’t enough. What used to be a site that got its start from cat videos has become its own economy with terrible decisions they’ve made, from the Fair Use dilemma to labeling LGBT+ videos as “mature content.” Seeing how significant the past few days has become, they really need to wake up, get their humungous sticks out of their asses, and actually contribute than just simply stating what rule Logan violated. Regardless, with all of these factors combined into one, it is easily safe to say this second apology was typically a clear bust.
And what does Logan do now that both apologies were shown to be practically useless? He announces his hiatus last night on Twitter, stating he is “taking time to reflect.” Of course, and not surprisingly, there is a long thread which consists of a division between his effortlessly influenced fandom of youngsters and those who despise him for what he has done, both over the years and on New Year’s Eve.
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...I’m done. I’m fucking done. I’m not dealing with this shit anymore. Everything about this is wrong and I am certain I am going to get a headache out of this. I don’t care if he is “reflecting;” knowing him, he is still going to be the same idiotic frat “celebrity” that he is, especially when Maverick Apparel came forward today to say they lost $4 million in profit because of him… and Jake dissed in him in one of the most inappropriate ways ever. Ugh!… Can this nightmare end already?! I swear, it keeps finding ways to make me want to continue this rant! Well, guess what? Not. Anymore. I am concluding this right now and I don’t care what will happen to these two sickos in the near future.
*sigh* Well, to wrap things up, Logan is nothing but a stupid, inane, thick-skinned, money-hungry, thoughtless jackass who only cares about getting richer and, much like Jake, using his fame to do whatever the fuck he wants because he believes there is no such thing as “bad publicity…” until now, that is. He may have been able to dodge controversy in the past, but thanks to his obnoxious, immature personality, he has made him a danger to three important fields after his trip to Japan; he has demonstrated how much of an inadequate influence he is to juveniles countless times in the past and has managed to do so once again with his now-deleted vlog, he has made the entire Japanese country hate him for even stepping foot on their cherished land, and he has sparked yet another battle against YouTube’s policies and regulations.
Logan, I’m going to say this once and only once: it is your fault you showed Japan just how disgustingly inhumane you are by not only fucking around with their cherished laws, traditions, culture, history, and landscape. It is your fault for recording the footage of the corpse, laughing and joking about it, and not giving a single shit about suicide, depression, and mental illnesses. It is your fault you unleashed hell on earth that pitted most of the social media users against you. It is your fault for creating your half-hearted apology tweet and your equally monetized apology video that only added fuel to the fire. It is your fault Japan hates you for treating them poorly. It is your fault you’re now facing serious consequences after showing the world what you did in front of that dead man. It is your fault for ending 2017 and starting 2018 on abysmal notes. I hope your multi-millionaire empire crumbles by having the YT staff banning your vlog channel. I hope the actions you—and Jake—have illustrated over the years and the consequences you face will deal more major blows to your precious careers.
To everyone reading this, I want to say I am genuinely sorry that you saw that vlog or heard what has been going on. I am even sorry at myself for subjecting myself to this horror of learning who the Paul brothers are just to get this rant out of the way. They have a horrible sense of humor and none of the stuff they do is funny, let alone how serious suicide is.
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US, claiming an average of 44,965 American lives every year, and for every 25 attempts that are made, it annually costs the country $51 billion. In Japan, despite now having over 21,000 people claiming their lives every year—with the majority caused by men—and its suicide rate declining, it still remains as one of the highest rates when compared to other countries. The most common place for the Japanese to kill themselves is in Aokigahara, which has received its infamous nickname, “the Suicide Forest.” It earned its name and has become the 2nd most suicidal place on Earth because around 100 Japanese residents travel there to commit suicide because of its thick trees and its seclusion; two of the frequent ways they kill themselves is through drug overdose or by hanging themselves though other methods are not uncommon. Since then, Japanese officials have been putting their best efforts to decrease the suicide rate.
Suicide is an urgent situation, with depression being the #1 cause of it if left untreated, undiagnosed, or ineffectively treated and mental illnesses, disorders, and contributors such as physical ailments, previous suicide attempts, limited access to mental health treatment closely following suit and cannot be left unnoticed. If you or a loved one is experiencing suicidal thoughts or actions or have had a series of suicidal thoughts or actions, it is not too late to seek help. Whether it is in America, Japan, or anywhere else in the world, call the numbers below based on what country you live in:
United Kingdom: 116 123
United States: 1-800-273-8255
Canada: 5147234000
Mexico: 5255102550
Ireland: 116 123
Brazil: 212339191
Argentina: +5402234930430
Spain: 914590080
Portugal: 225 50 60 70
France: 0145394000
Greece: 1018
Germany: 08001810771
Italy: 800860022
Poland: 52770000
Holland: 0900-0113
Denmark: +4570201201
Sweden: 46317112400
Finland: 040-5032199
Norway: +478153300
Belgium: 1813
Austria: 017133374
Switzerland: 143
Egypt: 7621602
South Africa: 0514445691
Israel: 1201
India: 8888817666
Australia: 131 114
New Zealand: 045861048
Singapore: 1800 221 4444
Philippines: 028969191
Russia: 0078202577577
China: 85223820000
South Korea: 112
Japan: +810352869090
You can also donate to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, or any resourceful suicide prevention organizations you know because your gifts will serve them as a reminder that you are contributing to fight against this worldwide epidemic.
Don’t wait. Call now or donate to help save a life.
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oumaimaoriflame ¡ 7 years ago
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Reasons To Discourage Kids From Using Proloquo2go App And Handheld Devices http://bit.ly/2scahx5
By Anthony Schmidt
In this modern-day age, the beginning of countless technical innovations has actually made it a lot more appropriate and preferred to incorporate modern technology in a vast range of daily tasks and jobs. Whether utilizing innovation for job or even more entertainment functions, females and males could not reject its significance and application in day-to-day life. This has better resulted in the advancement of programs and applications like the proloquo2go app, which is an item from a technology firm, called Assistive Ware and was established for the objective of offering a different as well as augmentative methods of interactions, specifically with youngsters with handicaps like autism, which has a result on their talking capabilities. Despite the numerous advantages that devices like smart phones, tablets, and laptops bring to people today, it also brings with it a set of disadvantages that bear threat to the health of its users. The onset of physical and psychological problems that go along with its constant usage is not a mere coincidence, but the product of dependency on certain gadgets and gizmos that the previous generation was able to live successfully without. So despite the many advantages it has to offer like the aforementioned app, plenty of folks are against introducing kids to these devices at such an early age. Following this trail of thought, this article will emphasize on the reasons why Proloquo2go and handheld devices should be banned from kids. According to a recent study, the usage of devices like smart phones and tablets when a child is still too young is a factor for decreasing brain growth. Kids between the ages of 0 to 2 who are constantly exposed to it can hinder their brains from developing and is either because of the lack of environmental stimuli from sticking their noses in electronic devices for extended periods of time. Because of this, it can lead to attention deficit disorder, impaired learning abilities, cognitive delays, and more. These further ties in with acquiring a delayed development with their brains. When parents allow their children to use and become exposed to technology even while still being infants, it makes it harder for them to adjust when they first attend school. This pertains to their social skills but also with their performance in academics, especially since it can lessen their literacy skills, abilities, and ability to absorb new information and learn. Perhaps the most blatantly obvious effect that is most often seen is the onset of epidemic obesity because of it. This has been attributed mainly to the fascination of young boys and girls without video games, television, and the internet. According to statistics, younger kids that have an electronic device in their bedrooms such as a smart phone, desktop computer, or gaming console are thirty percent more likely to become obese because they would rather play or watch shows than go outside to play. This further paves the way to other issues, like diabetes and other eating disorders. Rest starvation is an additional problem that develops with consistent use of digital gadgets. Regretfully, sixty percent of moms and dads do not make the initiative to monitor just how much their youngsters utilize modern technology and a startling seventy percent of children have it existing in their very own rooms. Seventy percent of youngsters matured in between 9 to 10 are rest denied since of this. This more cause various other concerns, such as affecting their efficiency in college and also screwing up their resting timetables also. While only seen as a causal factor, the alarming rates of kids that suffer from mental illnesses have increased over the recent years and it has a relation to technology usage. This includes becoming anxious, depressed, worsening autism, and increasing the chances of acquiring bipolar disorder and other similar mental sickness. This can be attributed to their lack of real physical connection and an extended period of time wherein they disconnect from their reality. This additionally brings about a rise in aggressiveness, which is most associated with the terrible media material that penetrates most computer games, television programs, films and net material nowadays. It stabilizes terrible society, for the objective of using funny result without revealing its reality repercussions. By stabilizing it, they feel it is alright to take part in improper actions and believe that they do not need to deal with the effects of it as well. Furthermore, it leads to addiction. Addiction to technology might not necessarily sound so bad, but it does develop addictive behavior, which can easily translate into more harmful vices as they mature and grow older. Not only that, it leads to an increased dependency on these devices too.
About the Author:
When you are searching for information about Proloquo2go app, come to our web pages online today. More details are available at http://bit.ly/2kqJA4c now.
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zanypeaceland ¡ 7 years ago
Reasons That Proloquo2go App And Handheld Gadgets Needs To Be Outlawed From Children
By Anthony Schmidt
In this modern-day age, the beginning of countless technical innovations has actually made it a lot more appropriate and preferred to incorporate modern technology in a vast range of daily tasks and jobs. Whether utilizing innovation for job or even more entertainment functions, females and males could not reject its significance and application in day-to-day life. This has better resulted in the advancement of programs and applications like the proloquo2go app, which is an item from a technology firm, called Assistive Ware and was established for the objective of offering a different as well as augmentative methods of interactions, specifically with youngsters with handicaps like autism, which has a result on their talking capabilities. Despite the numerous advantages that devices like smart phones, tablets, and laptops bring to people today, it also brings with it a set of disadvantages that bear threat to the health of its users. The onset of physical and psychological problems that go along with its constant usage is not a mere coincidence, but the product of dependency on certain gadgets and gizmos that the previous generation was able to live successfully without. So despite the many advantages it has to offer like the aforementioned app, plenty of folks are against introducing kids to these devices at such an early age. Following this trail of thought, this article will emphasize on the reasons why Proloquo2go and handheld devices should be banned from kids. According to a recent study, the usage of devices like smart phones and tablets when a child is still too young is a factor for decreasing brain growth. Kids between the ages of 0 to 2 who are constantly exposed to it can hinder their brains from developing and is either because of the lack of environmental stimuli from sticking their noses in electronic devices for extended periods of time. Because of this, it can lead to attention deficit disorder, impaired learning abilities, cognitive delays, and more. This further coincides with having a very delayed development. According to a recent study, infants that were exposed to technology at such a tender age compared to those that were not often became more restricted when it came to their movement and one in three of these kids had a hard time adapting to school once they were enrolled. It negatively impacted their literacy and their academic performance too. As a result, most experts recommend only allowing children to use it after they get past the age of twelve. On a more physical note, it also leads to children becoming obese mainly because sitting on their butts for hours on end watching videos on the internet or playing video games discourages them from going outside and engaging in actual physical activity. In fact, statistics have shown that kids that are addicted to their handheld devices are more likely to be obese and develop other physical problems. This includes diabetes and a variety of eating disorders too. Rest starvation is an additional problem that develops with consistent use of digital gadgets. Regretfully, sixty percent of moms and dads do not make the initiative to monitor just how much their youngsters utilize modern technology and a startling seventy percent of children have it existing in their very own rooms. Seventy percent of youngsters matured in between 9 to 10 are rest denied since of this. This more cause various other concerns, such as affecting their efficiency in college and also screwing up their resting timetables also. While considered a casual factor, there have been increased cases or kids as young as seven developing mental illnesses and this is a determining factor in it. This includes depression, attachment disorder, developing anxiety, worsens autism, bipolar disorder, and plenty more. With the disconnection from reality comes acquiring an unhealthy mind and this leads them to becoming depressed without necessarily understanding the reasons why. This additionally brings about a rise in aggressiveness, which is most associated with the terrible media material that penetrates most computer games, television programs, films and net material nowadays. It stabilizes terrible society, for the objective of using funny result without revealing its reality repercussions. By stabilizing it, they feel it is alright to take part in improper actions and believe that they do not need to deal with the effects of it as well. Ultimately, its usage leads to dependency and addiction. This means not being able to do daily tasks without checking their phones or laptops. Though it does not sound very bad, it leads to other addictive behavior, which can worsen as they mature.
About the Author:
When you are searching for information about Proloquo2go app, come to our web pages online today. More details are available at https://ift.tt/2BTboos now.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2xb5ou6 via IFTTT
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oumaimaoriflame ¡ 7 years ago
Reasons To Discourage Kids From Using Proloquo2go App And Handheld Devices
By Anthony Schmidt
In this modern-day age, the beginning of countless technical innovations has actually made it a lot more appropriate and preferred to incorporate modern technology in a vast range of daily tasks and jobs. Whether utilizing innovation for job or even more entertainment functions, females and males could not reject its significance and application in day-to-day life. This has better resulted in the advancement of programs and applications like the proloquo2go app, which is an item from a technology firm, called Assistive Ware and was established for the objective of offering a different as well as augmentative methods of interactions, specifically with youngsters with handicaps like autism, which has a result on their talking capabilities. Despite the numerous advantages that devices like smart phones, tablets, and laptops bring to people today, it also brings with it a set of disadvantages that bear threat to the health of its users. The onset of physical and psychological problems that go along with its constant usage is not a mere coincidence, but the product of dependency on certain gadgets and gizmos that the previous generation was able to live successfully without. So despite the many advantages it has to offer like the aforementioned app, plenty of folks are against introducing kids to these devices at such an early age. Following this trail of thought, this article will emphasize on the reasons why Proloquo2go and handheld devices should be banned from kids. According to a recent study, the usage of devices like smart phones and tablets when a child is still too young is a factor for decreasing brain growth. Kids between the ages of 0 to 2 who are constantly exposed to it can hinder their brains from developing and is either because of the lack of environmental stimuli from sticking their noses in electronic devices for extended periods of time. Because of this, it can lead to attention deficit disorder, impaired learning abilities, cognitive delays, and more. These further ties in with acquiring a delayed development with their brains. When parents allow their children to use and become exposed to technology even while still being infants, it makes it harder for them to adjust when they first attend school. This pertains to their social skills but also with their performance in academics, especially since it can lessen their literacy skills, abilities, and ability to absorb new information and learn. Perhaps the most blatantly obvious effect that is most often seen is the onset of epidemic obesity because of it. This has been attributed mainly to the fascination of young boys and girls without video games, television, and the internet. According to statistics, younger kids that have an electronic device in their bedrooms such as a smart phone, desktop computer, or gaming console are thirty percent more likely to become obese because they would rather play or watch shows than go outside to play. This further paves the way to other issues, like diabetes and other eating disorders. Rest starvation is an additional problem that develops with consistent use of digital gadgets. Regretfully, sixty percent of moms and dads do not make the initiative to monitor just how much their youngsters utilize modern technology and a startling seventy percent of children have it existing in their very own rooms. Seventy percent of youngsters matured in between 9 to 10 are rest denied since of this. This more cause various other concerns, such as affecting their efficiency in college and also screwing up their resting timetables also. While only seen as a causal factor, the alarming rates of kids that suffer from mental illnesses have increased over the recent years and it has a relation to technology usage. This includes becoming anxious, depressed, worsening autism, and increasing the chances of acquiring bipolar disorder and other similar mental sickness. This can be attributed to their lack of real physical connection and an extended period of time wherein they disconnect from their reality. This additionally brings about a rise in aggressiveness, which is most associated with the terrible media material that penetrates most computer games, television programs, films and net material nowadays. It stabilizes terrible society, for the objective of using funny result without revealing its reality repercussions. By stabilizing it, they feel it is alright to take part in improper actions and believe that they do not need to deal with the effects of it as well. Furthermore, it leads to addiction. Addiction to technology might not necessarily sound so bad, but it does develop addictive behavior, which can easily translate into more harmful vices as they mature and grow older. Not only that, it leads to an increased dependency on these devices too.
About the Author:
When you are searching for information about Proloquo2go app, come to our web pages online today. More details are available at http://bit.ly/2kqJA4c now.
via Blogger http://bit.ly/2scahx5
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