#most folks I know move out by the time they're 25
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based off some previous comments, I'm very curious
again, pls reblog for a larger sample size, etc etc
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illarian-rambling · 2 months ago
Consider me bamboozled :)
🚫 - What are some things that one of the species in your world cannot do that humans (or a different species they resemble) cannot?
Happy WBW!
Oh so many things lol
It'd probably be easier to start with what humans can do that's special. Among all the folk of Illaros, humans are the best suited for travel. They're by-and-large a seafaring folk, with the ability to subsist off of fewer nutrients and survive for long periods of time without food or water. An elf or a dwarf will starve to death within a week, while a human can last for nearly three times that long. They're also one of the physically bigger folk. In general though, the stand-out trait among humans is their sorcerers. All folk on Illaros can have sorcerers, but humans by far have the most and are more likely to pass the genes on to their children.
Okay now onto cool abilities other folk have. I'm just gonna focus on the lineage of non-human characters otherwise we'd be here all day (skipping over the fae because they aren't biological, really) (;
The standout ability of the sirens is the Voice. Technically, this isn't a genetic thing, it's a divine blessing given by Lamsara Hedandros to all his people, but a siren would really have to fuck up to have that blessing rescinded. They have two keys; the mental and physical. Both can excite the emotions and weather, respectively. With training, these can be honed into very specific effects, such as a stun charm or a lightning strike, or flesh carving to assume a land-based form. Other than that, they're fish people who live at great depths, and they have a sense of hearing far sharper than a human's.
Halawemavira, or selkies, are made up of two groups; the halawemavar (freshwater, fish-like) and halawemavish (saltwater, seal-like). Both are known for their quick form-shifting. Unlike sirens, who have to put in a lot of effort to assume a land form, halawemavira are quite quick to move between water and land. They're also known for their ability to stomach almost anything - from rotten meat to mild poisons - as well as their keen sense of smell and sharp teeth.
Physiologically, there aren't too many differences between Nabafyrian and Skysheerian elves. Skysheerians are slightly better acclimated to their mountain climate, while Nabafyrians have better low-light vision. As for differences between elves and humans, elves tend to be both shorter and lighter. They live for much longer, up to five-hundred years (they stop aging at about 25-30 and only start again in their 300s, then go slowly from there). There are the long ears, which give them a better sense of hearing, but are generally used for expression more than anything (an elf will use their ears far more than their eyebrows). I guess elves also have slightly sharper teeth, that's about it.
Changelings... Boy, where to start. Changelings are prokaryotic, person-sized organisms similar to amoebas, but, you know, prokaryotic and person-sized. They have a very flexible membrane and chromatophore organelles that allow them to mimic the appearances of others. Originally, they were manufactured by the fae, but many have escaped onto Illaros. They can switch between a solid and more liquid form, making them very slippery. There are so many other weird quirks of their biology - they do gas exchange through their skin, they excrete bodily waste in the form of a mucous membrane, they have a decentralized 'nervous'-system - but if I get into it, I'll be here forever lol.
Daramakti, similarly to elves, are divided between Darain and Makti. There isn't much physiological difference between these two - Makti tend to have curlier hair, while Darains have longer horns. But in terms of differences from humans, Daramakti all have blue skin and blood, white hair, long double-pointed ears, and opalescent horns. Daramakti women often have a second set of horns protruding from their cheekbones as well, but not always. Daramakti also all have the divinely granted ability to levitate. It's not quite true flight, more like switching off gravity for a bit, but they make use of it in combination with gliders and kites. Also, as a side note, the blue blood gene is incredibly dominant, so anyone with a drop of Daramakti heritage will probably have blue blood.
And finally, the uradowish. They are one of the three peoples of Halah and probably the most numerous. They are very short of stature, generally never breaking four feet. They're reptilian but bipedal, sort of like dnd kobolds, with blue/green/gray scales. They do not have horns, but they do have very sensitive whiskers and tails used for sensing nearby objects in dark confines. Indeed, the uradowish have overdeveloped senses of touch due to their subterranean environment. (In case you were wondering, Faalgun is mostly uradowish with some Daramakti mixed in)
Thanks for the ask!
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t-n-c · 2 years ago
A Comprehensive List of my Thoughts on Elemental (STILL WITH SPOILERS!)
So here's the rundown I promised of my feelings toward Elemental
The Good
The music--I found it memorable and unique; the main theme had soft vocalizations that felt almost ethereal, like it was an ancient hymn. I also found the song that played during the montage of Ember and Wade's dates catchy and fun. It was pretty great soundtrack imho.
The design of the world--I really loved how they creators took into account how all these different elements would move and interact in the city. It made the setting feel, for lack of a better term, more "real" to me. It also set up some of Ember's conflict as a Fire element living in a city that wasn't made with her people in mind.
The designs of (most of*) the characters--for the most part, the characters looked unique and, even better, they looked like average people (for lack of a better term) to me; call me a sap or whatever, but I've always preferred characters that have all the "flaws" of average folks than the ones that look like some iteration of "perfect," they just feel more relatable to me I guess. I also found it fun to see how design features such as "hair" were incorporated in the characters and how those same features varied between the elements. If there's one thing I can consistantly praise Pixar for it's for not being afraid to play around with design.
The animation---I loved how the characters moved and interacted in the world. The felt like living things and I appreciated that.
Wade and Ember are adults implied to be in their mid-to-late 20s--This is probably just a me thing, but I find it nice when I see shows where the protagonists aren't adolescents or barely-18 young adults going through some sort of coming-of-age scenario; there's nothing wrong with those kinds of stories of course, I just find them a bit boring and over-done myself. That and whenever I see films like that it always feels like they're insinuating that people over XYZ age can't be protagonists, so I tend to avoid them these days. On a related note, here are some other reasons why I like that Ember and Wade are adults: a) They both still live with their parents but neither of them is shamed or mocked for it--I've seen waaaay too many "comedies" that pick fun at the "25-year-old-living-in-their-mom's-basement" so I found it nice to not have to sit through that kind of "joke" again, b) Neither of them have got their lives "figured out" yet--Wade's gone through multiple jobs, and Ember's just begun to understand what she actually wants for her life--as someone who's gone through multiple jobs, earned 2 bachelor's degrees and is in the process of getting a master’s, and is still trying to make sense of their life, I found their struggles extremely relatable; it's nice to see adult protagonists be allowed to struggle with figuring out who they are and what they want to be, c) They're allowed to have fun and goof off--in a lot of films I've seen, the adult characters are always depicted as being so serious and "boring" it's nice to see adult characters actually have fun and enjoy life.
Ember' relationship with her parents, specifically her father--I found the interactions they had very sweet and moving; it made Ember's conflict between choosing to take over her father's shop or pursue her romance with Wade all the more relatable, imo.
How Ember and Wade's romance developed--it wasn't a love-at-first-sight kind of thing; they actually had to spend time interacting and getting to know each other before they fell in love--and most importantly, they showed us on the actual screen how/when they started to fall for each other. They went on dates, opened up to each other, fought with each other, etc--all the things that normal relationships have; while sure, there's still an aspect of "forbidden romance" to their relationship, it's more subtle and in the background than the trailers implied it would be. It also doesn't end with marriage and kids--they leave together for Ember’s internship and it’s implied that they’ve moved in together but that’s all; idk I thought it was nice that they could just be a couple.
The Bad
1. The blink-and-miss representation LGBTQ+ representation--I've gotten reeeeeeaaaally tired of how LGBTQ+ characters are treated in films; to clarify, there's a scene where Wade introduces Ember to his family and he introduces her to his youngest sibling, Lake (who is described as being nonbinary in supplemental materials) and her/them girlfriend, Ghibli. Lake's identity as nonbinary is a bit ambiguous in the film (Wade does refer to them as his youngest sibling, but that's all we get--without the tie-in material it's to mistake them for being WLW). Further, between them Lake and Ghibli have at most 2-3 lines in the entire movie--like I appreciate that us LGBTQ+ are being recognized and put in films, but I'm tired of all our rep always being the side characters that hold no weight in the story; I think they can start making shows with LGBTQ+ leads now, thank you.
2. Wade's fake death--I'm not a fan of having characters (and the audience) go through huge, life-changing events only to have the events "fixed" and everything be all hunky-dory again--imo, it's a cheap trick to manipulate the audiences' emotions at best, and at worst, it's a disrespectful act that not-to subtly implies that the audience "can't handle" seeing the characters go through heavy stuff. I'm a firm believer that if you're going to have your characters go through something as serious as having one die on screen you need to commit to it--you need to take it seriously, pulling a 180 and undoing all that development is cliche to the point of annoyance. Now, I'm not saying I wanted Wade to die, I'm not even saying that I think he should have stayed dead--what I'm saying is that I don't think there should have ever been a "death" scene in the film at all--there are plenty of other ways they could have had Ember realize her feelings for Wade/be honest with her father.
Mixed Feelings Section
1. Ember and Wade's designs*--it's not that they're terrible or anything, but they are a bit generic imo. In comparison to their family members and the background characters, they both have that "typical protagonist" look that I find a bit cliche
2. Wade's family being 'good' rich people who don't mind that Wade's in love with Ember vs Ember's father who spends most of the film being aggressively anti-water--I'm kind on the fence with this tbh; on the one hand, if both sides had been against Ember and Wade's relationship, I feel it would have put too much emphasis on the romance and taken away Ember's story as the child of immigrants, and it's not like Wade's family weren't bigoted at all--they threw plenty of micro-aggressions at Ember when she first met them; that being said I do have to side-eye how they made the ones more accepting of fire people Wade's rich, probably-descendents-of-the-founders-of-Element-City family and made the one most aggressively against water people Ember's immigrant-built-his-family-a-home-and-business-from-scratch father. Idk, it feels iffy to me.
3. Most of the Wade and Ember's interactions takes place within a week--As much as I felt that their romance was pretty well-paced, I can't deny that they still fell for each other very quickly--I get that the main plot point had set it up that they only had a week to fix the broken water-spill doors, but I don't know why it had to be a week; why couldn't it have been a couple of weeks or a month? It would have made a lot more sense both for the romance and the main plot, but I digress, I still found their relationship adorable.
4. The experiences of immigrants is homogenized--The culture of the fire people draws on a lot of different types of immigrants, the Irish, different Asiatic groups, maybe some Middle Eastern groups, etc--and while I appreciate that the story was about immigrants and experiences they share in common I also felt a bit iffy about taking all these different cultures and merging them together. I feel it would have been better they made the fire people's culture more of a unique entity than a combination of cultures.
Like I said before, I highly recommend this movie; it's cute and tugs at your heart-strings.
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nikrei · 7 months ago
August Comic Round-Up
Look the thing about the 60s and silver age comics is that a whole lot of stuff happens, but not a lot of things.... accumulate. Knowing what's actually going to be carried forward into the continuity is a total crapshoot. This is why its not my favorite. Some day I will be free of the sixties. I have done this to myself.
Action Comics (286-335) (1962-1966)
We're really getting into the superhorse content now.... Leo Dorfman why must u ship this so bad. Also, Kara's parents are still alive?? That's truly a ballsy move to make Leo Dorfman. With all the interstellar and time travel they're really conscious of the fact that folks from other planets and other time periods wouldn't speak the same language, but they like to side step it in increasingly ridiculous ways. Lois and Clark and Lana all know ancient Welsh. Lois and Jimmy are fluent in Latin. Most aliens they interact with apparently watch earth like it's their favorite soap and have therefore all learned English.
Superman (143-182) (1962-1966)
This set of comics tend to do this thing where there are post scarcity worlds that "have virtually no crime because everything is provided" and the few people who are committing crimes at doing it for the thrill of it..... so like.... tell me ur aware that like 95% of crime comes from resource scarcity and then turn around and slap me with the "all criminals are evil and its a state of mind the only reason crimes are committed is because how evil these people are." Also... anti-evil mindcontrol I hate it.
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (59-90) (1962-1966)
Convinced that no comic writer working on a superman title knows how to write romance or chemistry there's nothing there bro! Jimmy and Lucy are just going through the motions, she's dating other people semi seriously he's doing one off dates to make her jealous i cannot be convinced that these people care about each other. She asked him to take care of her dog for the weekend and he literally went over to her place and DID NOT TAKE CARE OF THE DOG!! Tbh they only convince me they car about each other when they are sandra and magi.
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane (29-62)(1961-1966)
Siiigh, it's about 80/20 haha that uppity lois lane got her comeuppance/competent and compassionate lois. And 95% of it is her being desperate to marry superman. Honestly it's sorta the most difficult to get thru at this point.
World's Finest Comics (124-155)(1962-1966)
Batman and Superman are getting more time to actually interact which is fun. These two are sorta deranged in the exact same way. Seeing the "presents" they get for each other for anniversaries and birthdays, Tim's 16th birthday makes perfect sense and also it's possible that Bruce thought it would be well recieved. As far as backups go, I didn't read Congorilla at all, the Green Arrow backups are getting longer so there's some actual personality shining thru, and hey mom, how come aquaman gets two comics?? (at least for a few issues)
Superboy (89-126) (1961-1966)
Started this run where Mon-el showed up! But uuuhg I'm so bored with the Lana Lang plots!! Ooooh she's scheming up ways to find out his secret identity! Cause that's what women do, they scheme! Schemey schemers gotta teach them a lesson am I right?? I'm so over it.
Adventure Comics (281-341) (1961-1966)
Thank god in issue 300 the back up started being LoSH i honestly hate the bizarro back-ups so much, it's so awful and ableist in a very 60s way ahhhhhhhggg! Anyway now that it's LoSH I'm enjoying it. And oh-ho, at 309 LoSH goes from back up to main feature, nice! All these children are my precious babies now, btw.
Aquaman (1-25) (1961-1966) + Showcase (30-33) (1961)
Omg Mera showed up, hi Mera!! Garth continues to be the most precious fry in the sea. Also they keep getting halfway there about caring about the environment. Like.... the enemy has made a desalinator to prevent aquaman's saltwater fish from attacking him. But. The fact that he has apparently desalinated the whole gulf of Mexico is treated as a tremendous feat of human ingenuity?? That time they cause a gas leak to defend against interdimensional wizards. Its fine things leak into the ocean all the time don't worry about it. The army warns aquaman about nuclear testing sites so he can stay clear of them because they know that the bomb and fallout are dangerous.... but any further reaching consequences are not considered. It's still better than all the runs which really don't care or consider at all, don't get me wrong. One more thing: it was more fun when aquaman was this homeless hick nobody who had never even been to Atlantis and was just calling himself the king of the sea. Now that he's been to Atlantis and was actually elected king it is not as much fun. Tho Aquaman and Mera's blissful matrimony is v fun. Aquababy had also arrived on the scene! I know ur days are numbered, baby.
Green Lantern (11-42) (1962-1966)
Look, this comic is the only one to be normal about non-human shaped aliens and I love it for that. Not even LoSH manages that most of the time, and the super titles super don't. Also Black Hand routinely breaks the 4th wall and directly addresses the readers all the time and it's never remarked on. He's the only one who does this, it's fascinating to me.
Justice League of America (9-33) (1962-1965)
Traditional JLA stuff, wacky and wild but pretty usual. Snapper is the most likeable he's ever been.
The Brave and the Bold (50-57) (1963-1965)
This is where B&B starts being about actual team-ups rather than a random anthology mostly about robinhood/knights/vikings it seems. Got to read Rex's first appearance, which was v fun! Rex <3 Sapphire 5ever!
My Greatest Adventure/Doom Patrol (80-93) (1963-1965)
MGA 80 is the first instance of Doom Patrol, before the magazine is renamed Doom Patrol at 86. Before that it was just an unrelated anthology. Anyway i really like the og team! Rita is my fave but of course Cliff is a close second. Steve can go jump off a cliff.
Hawkman (1-11) (1964-1966)/Brave and the Bold (34-36 & 42-44) (1961 & 1962)
I actually really like the relationship between Katar and Shayera, like, it's 60's flavored but you can actually tell that they like each other as well as love each other. There's a lot of little story beats with them connecting with each other that are very sweet.
House of Mystery (143-155) (1964-1965)
What i expected from the Martian Manhunter stories in a magazine called house of mystery: J'onn J'onzz, police detective, solving mysteries in the city, as a police detective. What I got: J'onn J'onzz living in a cave with a small alien side kick named Zook dealing with magic in rural America. Didn't read the other stories in the anthologies.
I've been trying to read about a year a week, so if I manage to keep that up then I should be able to get back to the 90s in..... 5-6 months?
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nomi--sunrider · 1 year ago
⭐ for the fic writer's ask!
Ah, a behind the scenes for Then, Now, and Always. Let's see....
Oh I know! I'll unpack the scene that got me the most negative feedback I've ever received on anything I've written: The Duel from Chapter 25: Battle of the Goddesses.
(I haven't talked about Then, Now, and Always in like a month, so be prepared for an essay.)
I thought up the silent Tally/enraged Alder epic duel very early on in the drafting process. Literally, it's in the first, very very rough draft in my docs, which is about 15 pages long and half-summary, half- little bites of scenes.
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The reason I wanted them to have The Duel is twofold:
It's genuinely the most tragic thing I could think of for two people who love(d) each other. Y'know? Like Anakin and Obi-Wan on Mustafar. Badass scene, but you're fully aware of the tragedy all the way through. It's supposed to hurt that these two women who once loved each other are now on opposite sides of a war and forced to do battle.
2. I thought it would be fucking awesome.
Part of the inspiration of Then, Now, and Always was this scene:
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Tally Craven's hottest scene in the whole show imo. What was I gonna do, give her an enhanced witch baton and not let her use it to full effect? And who else was she going to fight who mattered? It had to be Alder.
Also, Alder's headbutt was dumb. You can quote me on that.
Look, if nothing else, Alder and Tally fight in the actual show. And that fight is important, it does have narrative and thematic relevance, and there is a damn good reason it happened. Unfortunately, that fight is also LAME. Seriously, it is the lamest thing ever! And not even because Tally gets her ass kicked in seconds! The scene is shot cleverly, with perspective shifts and quick camera cuts to veil the fact that the actors and stunt doubles aren't really doing that much. It's the only time we see an actual scourge battle that might have given some indication as to why it's the weapon of choice for witches and why witches make such deadly soldiers. And then it's five seconds long and nothing special.
So I wanted to write a cool fight scene for the fic. Not a spar, by the way. Sparring scenes are popular in fiction, but I personally think they're pointless (unless the author is trying to accomplish something unserious). Literally, a spar is a fake fight. A fascimile. It isn't real. I wanted to write something very, very real. And that led to a lot of the narrative wrapping around making Battle of the Goddesses possible.
Someone on Discord posted during a TNAA discussion "Oh Alder would never hurt Tally." The thing about that is a.) canonically, she can and she has, and b.) For Then, Now, and Always, that's actually not an unreasonable assertion to make. Alder is carrying one hell of a torch. Therefore, I had to make Alder angry enough to actually fight Tally with no holds barred and every intention of beating her.
And that ended up making Chapter 24: Judgment, what it is. In that same very early doc, I had this Petra line.
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Literally, that's all. I had no idea where I'd put it or for what reason, but it felt important. I knew about the Ozarks twist from the start, so I knew that someone had to call out Alder for her judgment eventually. Then I realized that, since my plan when I started drafting TNAA was to fix everything, including mandatory freaking conscription of a persecuted minority group, I had the perfect, perfect opportunity to make Alder vicious enough to kill.
Tally's trying dissolve the Salem Accords. That was her endgame the whole time.
Now Alder's angry enough to fight to the death and make the duel truly epic, Tally's goal is much broader, the fic has the chance to move into deeply philosophical, big-picture territory, and I get a pair of dope-ass chapters out of it. Eight birds, one stone. I was so happy.
Zooming back out, I think part of the reason a lot of folks were upset by Battle of the Goddesses pertains to my theory that fanfiction is like ice cream. Easy to eat, requires no effort, delicious and instantly satisfying. The main romantic pairing isn't supposed to fight each other to the literal death, even if it's fucking awesome and deeply symbolic. Duels/battles/wars between two love interests are common fare in sci-fi/fantasy because of their intense thematic and narrative heft, but not in fanfic. That's serving roasted sweet potatoes and kale at an ice cream parlor. It's too much for a lot of readers.
Finally, I think a lot of readers were upset about Alder losing the fight. Here's the thing:
It's not interesting if she wins.
Just like it's not interesting if Goliath beats David or if Jamal doesn't win the jackpot in Slumdog Millionaire. It's a story. The underdog has to win against all odds by their cleverness and mettle. Yes, I too, am sad that Sarah Alder's trauma was never addressed. She's a traumatized, damaged victim of the narrative and her story is a tragedy, start to finish. I think a big draw of the Talder ship is that it allows us to protect and humanize Alder in a way the show never did. Few people want to see her be the victim of even more pain in fic.
This doesn't change the fact that General Sarah Alder is brutal, unyielding, and violent. She's a three hundred year old soldier and her entire existence is war. She is not a good person. To defang her without earning it would be OOC. Trauma doesn't make good people. Healing makes good people. And there's no indication in canon that Sarah Alder has healed in any way, shape, or form.
If you've read this all the way til the end, that's very kind of you. Thanks for letting me ramble!
Why her character arc in Then, Now, and Always really doesn't start until Arc III lmao. When Alder is on her knees, defeated and disgraced, but instead of Petra and Tally going for the kill like they did in the show, they both offer a hand to help her back up. Alder heals because she's given the chance to do so by the people around her. Because I chose to not, y'know, immediately kill her off after tearing her from her pedestal. Genuinely, I have lost so much sleep over all of the amazing, transformative character work the show had in its damn lap and chose to ignore.
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ashlyndharvey · 2 days ago
Scriptwriting Pt. 2 - Ashlynd Harvey
TREY TREVINO, a 25 year old man, sits up in his chair and scrolls on his phone as he waits to be called for an interview. He puts his phone down and checks the time on his watch. A PRODUCTION ASSISTANT knocks on the already opened door. She listens to someone on the other end of her headset. 
PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Trey, they're ready for you now. 
TREY (Concerned): Is everything okay?
PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Why wouldn't it be? 
TREY: It's just that I've been here for like a couple of hours already. The lady at the front brought me back to this room and left me here, so I thought something might have happened. 
PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Okay... You were supposed to be on set three minutes ago, so please follow me.
WOODY NOLAN, a famous, middle-aged talk show host, stands at the center of the stage and shakes hands with a random celebrity as the crowd applauds. As the celebrity exits the stage, WOODY smooths out his purple suit and turns to face the audience.
WOODY NOLAN: Okay folks, our next guest is nothing short of a good time. Please welcome Trey Trevino to the stage! 
TREY: I thought this interview was a one-on-one type of thing! 
PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: It is! Now get out there before you get me fired! 
TREY walks out on stage.
TREY: Who the hell are all these people-
WOODY NOLAN: Well Trey, let me just say that we're all ecstatic to have you here with us tonight! Aren’t we everybody?
TREY: Um, thank you for your time and for having me, Mr. Nolan.
WOODY NOLAN: Oh please, that's my father! So Trey, how are you tonight? Have you been enjoying the Big Apple so far? 
TREY: I'm pretty good. And I mean, New York's the same as it was yesterday.
WOODY NOLAN: Let's start off by talking about some of your most recent projects.
TREY: Alright, so recently I've been bouncing around and exploring my options. I've been working as a receptionist for a couple of companies. It's something steady until I find something more long term, you know?
WOODY NOLAN: Oh, so does this mean you've been prepping for an upcoming role? Come on, you can tell us! 
TREY: I mean, I'm willing to work in any role or position you have open. 
WOODY NOLAN: You are too funny! Moving on now. What was it like to work with Emma Stone on your latest project?
TREY: Emma who?
WOODY NOLAN: Emma Stone, your co-star? Oh my mistake, I know she uses “Emily” now. 
TREY: I'm sorry, but I've never worked with an Emma before. 
WOODY NOLAN: Are you not THE Trey Trevino? The movie star? 
TREY: I am Trey Trevino, but I'm an unemployed guy who came here looking for a job. 
WOODY NOLAN: Trey, do you know where you are right now? 
TREY: At my job interview? 
WOODY NOLAN: No. You're on the Woody Nolan Show right now. A late-night talk show. 
TREY: Oh my... It's not live, is it?
WOODY NOLAN: I’m sorry…
TREY runs off the stage, past the PRODUCTION ASSISTANT
PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Well if I wasn't fired before, I definitely am now. 
0 notes
the-chaos-tavern · 1 month ago
Session 2, February 8th 2025
We go look for the prisoners, and we do find mister Blue Hat, and another dude in the cell next to him. Some dude I vaguely recognise from the riot is handing Blue Hat a pin, tricolor, 'pro the People of France'... I know exactly no one's name. There's some sexual tension-esque staring contest going on between Blue Hat and, apparently, Barold the Prisoner. This could be interesting. They're yapping about gambling, and I overhear that Bluey has only been stationed here for a week. The other 3 are briefly introduced, but comme habitude, I am not paying attention whatsoever, but I do catch that they are imprisoned for talking badly about the government, or something. The First prince of the Blood blah blah blah Louis-Philippe the second (apparently) has beef with Barold the Prisoner. Something with a murder that went awry because there were more defenses than forseen. 'The info I gave was indeed faulty, but that doesn't mean it's my fault!', Philippe reasons. Barold says he will shoot him, on sight. They appear to both be against the monarchy.
'Well, if you're against the Monarchy, you should've hung yourself, but you didn't do that, did you now?', Barold retorts. Louis-Philippe does indeed want to be a king, but in a constitutional monarchy, and not in this current one.
'Will you actually be a King for the People?', Bluey inquires. Louis-Philippe answers that he would be, if he's voted King by said People. This goes on for quite some time and I am getting bored, so I mentally check out and decide to ask for the cell's key. I don't get it, but Bluey does free Barold after Barold promises to not kill Bluey, and will help 'secure the pin', whatever that means.
The guy from outside, his name is Fréderique, yoinks the keys out of Bluey's hands and frees the other prisoners out of their cells. In the meantime, he's conversing with Marat. I've got absolutely no clue what it's all about, but they seem to be serious.
Finally, everyone says their names. Priesty Boi is called Gérald Leclerc, and apparently Bluey's name is Gaspard Augerreaux. I introduce myself as Agnès l'Astley d'Avignon. I will probably forget their names later in the day.
Barold asks if anyone has some spare weapons. Seeing as I got in invisible, I still have all my weapons on me, and I sneakily hand him my dagger. No one notices.
We make our way outside, and Fréderique suggests we celebrate the win of the people Gaspard want his guns back, seeing they got confiscated. He yells out to the crowd: 'Ey, has someone seen my Gun?! It's got a name engraved in it!'
'Yeah I've got it', someone distantly answers. 'Can I have it back then?' The current holder looks at the weapon. 'Non, I quite like it.'
Barold returns, handing me my dagger.
I look around and see Gérald with a glowing ring above his head, and about a dozen victims rise from the near-dead. I can, technically, cure the three army members that are bleeding out. I tell Gaspard to choose one I will heal. He chooses Pièrre, whomever that may be. The other two look on with betrayal in their eyes as he springs back to life, as if nothing ever happened to him. Gérald heals nine more people, and one doesn't make it, despite his best efforts. It looks like he's reviving the entirety of the men who fell. I have no idea how or why, but suddenly 25 people are just... standing there, completely fine.
We all follow each other into a tavern. More precisely, the tavern I am a regular at, playing at their front doorstep whenever I can. We go there to celebrate our victory. A dude is singing inside the establishment, a happy atmosphere surrounding us. Most of our folks are enjoying their respective beverages, nursing the glasses of wine and other assorted booze. Gaspard and Fréderique are talking. Fréderique wants to make a National Guard, and I suspect they are negotiating that.
I decide to dance, knowing very well that I absolutely cannot move my body in a coördinated manner. I clumsily move about, knocking some mugs off of tables, but everyone's elated and no one cares, so we're having fun despite the shattered vessels. They do say that shards are a harbinger of good luck, don't they?
I see Freddie (Fréderique) trying to drink the bottle of wine ad fundum. I also see him coughing up his lungs when he inevitably fails and the wine shoots down the wrong side of his throat.
We pray (I don't believe, but I'll humour the Priest under the guise of 'maybe you can convert me'), and I mentally check out, not registering any of the words.
They continue drinking. I am still sober as a sock.
Eventually, we all fall asleep. We also, eventually, all wake up. I hit my head on the overhead beam of the table I fell asleep under. Fréderique looks hit by hangover, and is nursing a cup of coffee while reading in a newspaper.
'Yesterday the virtuous folks stormed the Bastille...' insert article if DM ever gives it to me bc I don't want to live translate from Dutch to English while also payingb attention
My tablemates are discussing spreading the fire, figuratively, to storm the arsenal. I am still drowsy, and a bit dizzy, since I hit my head a couple of moments ago. Bluey wants to use violence, Priesty Boi doesn't. Eventually, we decide to use violence and to weapon ourselves with weapons from the Bastille. There are 97 survivors in total, and we try to gather more folks to join us in storming whatever it is we're storming next.
We walk towards the Market Place, a cobblestoned Plaza in the middle of the city. There, we turn our voices towards the people of the City, asking them to join us. Most of those people are women, and they don't look too calm, wondering if they're going to have enough food to survive these times comfortably. The two men (aka the idiots) give a speech.
'And even if they won't give us the bread, we will find out how they make it, and craft the best bread we have ever tasted. And in doing so, we will dismantle their power, because we won't let them take any more; We won't let them take what doesn't belong to them!', I yell. And because I am a woman, I hold the power to awaken the flame even more for these Parisian women.
We linger around for an hour, and more and more people gather in the Plaza, so many of them, that they become a sea of men and women, ready to give their all.
And so we make our way to the Military Academy; one goal, one people.I vaguely remember Bluey having a pin, but all I can remember are the pretty colours (I rolled a Nat 1 on insight, don't @ me).
Gaspard goes up front to talk to the guards, and they seem to have some sort of history. Maybe they were classmates. Or, alternatively, roommates. Who knows? Certainly not me.
'We constructed a National Guard, and we would be honoured if you were to join us in our quest!', he tells them. They open the gates for us. We all get pins with pretty colours. Maybe it's a symbol for the Résistance?
We shuffle our way inside, and the Priest immediately spots a Chapel in the middle of a square. Not even closely to everyone fits inside the building for the speech, so a line forms outside of it, gathered to listen to Priesty Boi Gérald.
I got to say, he's doing a hell of a job, given that I had to help him be believable since he fumbled quite badly, given these people have not exactly seen a lot of real life faith. All of them join the battalion we somehow managed to gather. There's thousands of us now, which is insane, actually. I am lost inside my head, trying to fathom the logistics of whatever we will do now.
These military folks are taught to cultivate crops during difficult times like the ones we're facing.
Meanwhile, Bluey has found some equipment, and gives me a breastplate, improving the protection I currently have (which is a chain shirt, a 13 AC armour. the Breastplate has an AC of 14). We also gather weapons, both offensive and defensive. As we're handing them out, dividing everything between our small army, we're also trying to figure out how we can make this place our main Operating Base, because we've got pretty much anything we could need in the foreseeable future.
Bluey asks me what I can bring to this revolution. I tell him I have state secrets. 'I have the King's dickpic, what do you have?'
I turn myself invisible and conjure a minor illusion of a penis. It's just floating mid-air.
'Well, I'm convinced...', he mutters.
We've got a whole ass battalion, consisting of about seven thousand men and women, so we gather heads to plan what we're going to do: scouting, gathering food, delegating tasks, searching weapons. We find the nine cannons, doing mental gymnastics to figure out how many people we need to pull them. As we do that, an intriguing guy on a horse trots in. I hear them whisper the name Lafayette. He introduces him as such, adding the title Marquis while he's at it. He tells us his own conviction sets him on the side of the revolution, not on the side of either the Church or the Monarchy.
'During the negotiations in Versailles, the third estate has torn itself off of the other two. We won't stand for what and who they are and are planning to do.'
'Why should the people listen to you, who has a full stomach?', Bluey stupidly asks him. He looks at him in disdain.
The People are looking conflicted. Who should they follow, the Folk Hero, or the group of misfits who helped in setting La Bastille free?
Lafayette is trying to win our people over, asking us to fight for him; with him. The Cleric is looking bewildered, because the second estate houses his Church, but he doesn't stand for what the second estate preaches. He believes in True Christianity, a church that stands for good deeds and the common folks.
'I think the church should be for everyone, for us commoners, and not solely for the rich people who won't obey the Holy Laws as they were intended, but will twist and turn those words to fit their narrative.', Gérald preaches. The people cheer, and Lafayette witnesses this, nodding his head in agreement.
Bluey, however, decides to pick a fight, displaying his misplaced ego full of grandeur. He asks Lafayette to duel. He refuses. 'You'll only spill more blood when there's no need to do so, you stupid ass! We should now be all united, and yet you're out for blood. More bloodshed than has already flooded your conscience.'
Why do men feel the need to peacock? I'll never know. I don't think I want to, either.
Eventually, it's settled: Lafayette will be first in command, Bluey second. We've got 7700 people, 103 Trained Soldiers (out of the 349 third estate army) and 9 functional cannons to lead through battle.
Suddenly, our Rogue Barold has a horse. A literal, four-legged horse he can ride on. The Wild Wild West (of Paris, at least).
On we march, towards Versailles, under the guiding sounds of Battle Songs and joined forces. Barold and his horse bolt, making headway towards the Palace. I feel it in my bones: he's Up To Something ™️.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months ago
Rob Zombie Devil Man
There are a few things about this that make a lot of sense. People are running around saying we're going to be the devil and we're going to be inside the devil therefore with a devil man and that makes sense furthermore a lot of people that there are a bunch of demons in there there are of course and they see some around and they're going to be coming here and some are ready to go in and out but when the radiation is very high they're going to come here and in larger numbers Uncle Phil his hot softens on Trump a little as soon as the math but really he comes in and is high radiation and he sees what we think is real demons so he was about to step on him in the movie troll and he doesn't I think that's why and he sort of gets that he's a gifted person as well and he is pushed and pressured by them because the demons are influenced by other people and it goes on for a little bit Uncle Phil of course has a hard time with him but he does the casket routine and Uncle Phil says screw you I should have killed you no that happens first by the way it's not necessarily all Trump either some people have mentioned that they're doing it and a few times too we have some things to do today it's not a major major work day but we will say this is causing you a lot of pain it's the treatment that you are giving him is causing you loss and suffering right now in the rings and The Everglades is picking up momentum and we think it will be 12 billion today and we also think the neighborhood will lose they're still in about 75 households the lady is hanging on. And those are not necessarily core Mac morlock but they are of course there but they're not comprising 74 households it's more like 25 or so this war is about to get kicked up a few notches and the pseudo empire is going to dig in their heels and you will be surprised what hardware can actually do more lock because you keep saying that it can't and it does a lot it has an impact and it is great and it is deadly we're going to watch that happen soon we have some other things to announce
--our son and daughter have been going through it you people are very rude obnoxious mean hateful resentful thoughtless careless the whole bunch of those things they don't like you and you dumped all over them that's why and they say they hate you and you ignore them no we know how you die mostly you don't keep track of each other that great and there's going to be a lot of it coming up in the next few days and weeks to come most of you will not survive so we'll say this we needed you to do some kind of job that would have helped you and you said no and still do the whole time and we understand why now it is because you're mostly Mac in your thinking and Mac in your DNA and you think that if you dust off the empire that you won't have any kind of presence so we will say that that's what you're all about that makes you a target of ours and you think you can go around saying it and you're a target of the empire and they kill you like useless slaves and file names that you are so you don't have confidence you can maintain your borders if the empire is gone yet they're killing you that's your asinine situation and you guys admit it quite often we don't like you for that either and we think you're jerks and you suck you think you smell cuz you do now we want our stuff back no you didn't take our stuff but you took a lot of stuff from regular folks because they're forced to sell things and we want them to get their stuff back they can do it when they sign on and there's a lot of things they need to do and most of it gets done and they sign on and we hand them assignments and we always hand them assignments for their areas and their people moving out right now we're getting our stuff together we're going to have a lot of heavy hitters here in the next few days and people will think they're from below and yeah some of them are going to be here and you're not going to like it and you're going to say you do and you're going to go after them because you need the power if you're going to take on the empire and foreigners and us so you're going to be saying crazy things and leaving you really do suck at it we're going to leave you with that thought and that's pretty much it for the day I don't care for you you're not our kind and keep that in mind when you're running around pissing us off
Thor Freya
We want to say stuff we don't care and all that and we're going to go ahead anyways and he says no kidding that's really surprising and we say it all the time and that's why but we'd like to inform you that you've won a prize and stuff like that so he wants to know where and when so we can kill them all and we don't tell you that and it says yeah you do so we're going to find you and grab you Brad cuz we don't know who you are or where you are still here in punta Gorda... I got something I'm being ratted on and so what we can do it our way or someone will have us tell us or we can just look at our monitor and see you in your stupid house.. it's trying to get something else they're an actual group and we don't treat them like one and we're probably doomed talking about the car and he kind of could care less because we never follow through with anything he doesn't like hanging around with me cuz I'm a dick and that's it
A lot of you left his side as friends and you're not coming back you say and you're dying because you not only don't want to be friends you don't want to do the job you don't want to be civil you don't want to be cordial and we found the same problem you have with us so we're going out to you for your stuff and your area if you don't like it who gives a s*** you don't care about anybody you certainly don't care about you and yeah your traitor is you're a traitors to us you're telling all sorts of people about our things and what we do and we don't we've had it with you and we need you out this guy still has it in his mind to go out and try and find people to donate and to set up tables for whatever business they have or just to accept donations to do the work on the park and part structures and you guys are in the way and we'll see you blocking him from calling one of the groups that might be interested and it's disgusting and you're stupid and slow and moronic and we don't want to be attached or involved with you because that's all you're doing is some form of lame ineffective and we don't do that at all so I'm going to retrieve my son who you harmed and we're going after you fairly soon we're going to mount an offensive on you jackasses for what you did and you're going to regret it
Mac Daddy
Olympus and you may print now
We need this out
Thor Freya
Hera Zues
0 notes
peppertaemint · 2 years ago
I have a big Ask about becoming drained by the kpop life (Anon added a lol, btw). I thought I would put excerpts here and respond. The Anon is aiming this at all fandoms.
there seems to be this constant wave of complaints, entitlement and overreacting to every damn thing. Either it's a conspiracy and the company their fave group works at is trying to sabotage their faves or complaining that the company is over working their faves not taking into consideration what that artist is capable of being able to handle or discussions they may have had with their agency, overreacting that their fave isn't being treated equally, counting how many lines their fave gets, how much camera time, if their fave is sick or hurts their ankle, back, finger, leg, hand, arm, it's catastrophic and they act like it's RIP city and people are crying and talking about how scared they are, if two members get along and like to spend a lot of time together then that automatically means they're crushing on each other or in s secret relationship.
The misogynists, the homophobics, the akgaes, the sexists, the ageists, the constant mobbing at the airports, the having fits about their faves dating or getting married and still plotting shit against those who dare live their lives just like everybody else on the planet deserves to do. All of it, I just don't want to see it. And as much as I have muted and unfollowed and blocked, the shit still gets through. I want to stay up to date on what my favorites are doing but I don't want to see the stupid shit. Those of you who have managed to not be exposed, mad props, but it hasn't worked for me. I need some advice because I am worn out by fans, not the kpop groups themselves
First, I don't believe the people who I see commenting and Ask-ing etc who say "wow I don't get how you see all this stuff wow I never see it." These people are either liars who want to make you feel crazy (gaslighters, lol) or they're only going on Tumblr and just got here so they haven't seen it yet. YET.
All fandom experiences have pieces of what you describe Anon, but it's Kpop fandoms that are the most extreme. And this is because it's driven by teens and mostly young girls. As much as people want to be the exception to the rule, the majority of people in these fandoms are still kids (up to 25 yrs old). Beyond kids, you have a lot of people of different ages with unhealthy fixations. I mean, how many "army" have you met who say their only happiness is BTS? I don't at all judge those people, but we have to be honest in saying that's not in the realm of healthy mindsets. When you put your happiness in people you don't know, that's a huge gamble.
A lot of people are fixated with online fandom community because they're filling in a void in their life; it can be a hobby (probably reasonably healthy) or it can be the person's reason to keep going. That's why you see such extreme reactions. When you're 12, everything is the end of the world. When your entire life is Baekhyun, his sore throat is gonna be the height of anxiety to you. Again, I'm not judging this; different strokes for different folks.
So what advice can I give you? Perhaps just to understand why it's happening and take breaks from it when it's not adding to your life. I mute people a lot. Basically, I put them in time-out. Even on DM too (oops secret's out!). If someone is crying about something I find infantalizing and a detriment to my life, I close it off and move on; I come back when/if I have time for that. I tend to unmute people when I can't remember what they did that was annoying. It works well. I can always re-mute. And this saves the block drama.
The easiest fix tho? Close Twitter, Tumblr, IG, etc and do something different. Watch a movie. Go out with friends. Or, watch a concert to remind you why you're really here. My "fangirling" is mostly in private, where I get to watch Taemin and SHINee concerts whenever I feel like it, by myself or with family and friends, and the only person whose opinion matters in mine.
Recently I watched SHINee World IV with my mom. She adored Jonghyun. Just gotta say that. ;)
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ceresprime · 2 years ago
Hello there! I just discovered your blog and have been reading through some of your reenactment posts and figured it was worth asking about if as long as it’s not too much trouble. I am very interested in the idea of getting involved with reenacting, but as a young non-male person it’s very intimidating and I’m not sure if it’s really within my abilities, given that I am a full time student, and thus far my inquiries to a specific regiment have gone unanswered. Would you be able to give me something like an overview or a “starter guide” for this kind of thing (what the commitment is like, what knowledge and training is necessary, what the general cost is, etc)? Your blog has already been a great resource in any case—thank you!!
Hello dear fellow non-male student history nerd!
I'm so happy to answer your queries and glad my blog has given you the perspective you desire! (also remind me to post about some of my last events...)
Here, I'll break down the commitment to this joining hobby of reenacting into categories: Demographic, Knowledge, Cost, Time, What Unit?, and of course a TL;DR.
Anyone of any race, age, and gender can join the hobby! Does anyone criticize Hamilton for its actors not conforming to the demographics of the historical figures they portray? Reenacting should be a hobby for anyone who wants to. Some overarching organizations that coordinate reenacting groups are still hesitant in letting non-males join the ranks, but there are many units out there that do. (Although I speak for the New England area, mostly Rev War.)
As for the physical demands of the hobby, it can vary. A musket weighs 10lbs (4.5kg). As part of the light infantry, we run a lot. As part of the artillery, we also run a lot. Not all artillery is like that though. Grenadiers and battalion companies move a lot slower, marching in line typically.
Though, being a full-time student does pose the difficulty of cost and time. I'll talk more about that soon.
We learn as we go. Reenacting groups are always looking for new recruits, so they're willing to help you out, wherever your knowledge base is. Speaking for Revolutionary War British Army/Artillery reenacting, you would want to learn the 1764 Manual of Arms (these are the commands to handle your musket, video here) and marching (these are commands to move around the battlefield or parade ground) during your first or second year. Most groups have required drills to coordinate everyone (and ensure safety) before a season.
I'll post a quick guide of stuff you'd want to know sooner than later, again, for a soldier during the Revolutionary War.
Now, another part of this is public interaction! You wear a certain uniform, after all, so you and your unit are responsible for educating folks about who you are and your time period. Two things to know:
This is not all on you! Your group has done the research to create your uniform, so listen to them answer questions (and keep the answers in mind so you can answer that same question next time). It's perfectly okay to say you don't know and refer to someone else.
As an audience member, I was way too awkward to know what to ask or how to ask it. So it's your responsibility as a reenactor to invite questions or just ramble about history. People are there to hear you. If you've learned from your unit, talk about your uniform, or talk about some stories from the time period, or (my favorite go-to) explain how your gear works. People always want to know how a flintlock musket mechanism works. This part comes with time (and maybe watch my YouTube videos... once I make them).
Reenacting is definitely a commitment. Generally, the older the time period, the more expensive. From a Rev War perspective and as a full-time student that works during the summers, it's sorta affordable.
Both of my units have yearly membership fees ($25) to keep up with our insurance, but with one of them has a student discount.
Most units have loaner gear for newcomers to be set for the first year or two, as you're getting your own stuff. Before you read any more, follow this key rule above all else, do not buy anything until you've asked your unit! This will save you money and the right reenacting gear lasts forever.
Some advice for money and stuff is best in a list:
Blanket sales! End-of-season (usually September to November) events are where you should look for second-hand gear sold by other reenactors, usually laid out on a blanket in the grass. Hence a blanket sale. You find all sorts of goodies there.
Get your mess kit first. Whatever the time period, this applies. Buy your personal bowl, spoon, and cuttoe knife. These tend to be necessities and are not included in loaner gear.
For Rev War, Townsends isn't horrible at first. It's mass-produced but it looks decent and is sometimes more affordable than other places. Ask your unit, first, of course.
Be careful with a cheap musket. Do not cheapen out here, but you don't need brandy-new. Muskets made in India or "Belgian Bombs" are often not safe, if you look out for a second-hand Miroku or Pedersoli, you'll save a lot. Also, be sure to keep it clean and it'll last you forever.
If you're curious about where I got my kit, check out this post for a collection of a ton of Revolutionary War reenactor links.
Being a full-time student, you may also want to know about the time commitment to reenacting. My units are really chill and don't require me to come to a certain number of events, but we do have required drills to ensure we are all functioning safely just before each season (February to March). We offer about 20 events per season (about April to November).
Events are always on the weekends, and for me typically a 1.5 hour drive. The furthest we go yearly is about 3 hours to Fort Ticonderoga. Most events, you arrive Friday night or Saturday morning and leave by Sunday afternoon. Some events are only Saturdays. Some are special calendar events like 4th of July parades and Patriot's Day Weekend (April 19th).
As a student, I have not felt any strain on my academics personally. My instructors give me a lot of leniency on weekend homework because I'm doing something educational for the public. If you wanted, reenacting would probably count as an independent learning study.
What Unit?
Ask around. I joined the guys with the shiniest cannon around, so that's one method. Also, as a young non-male, I encourage you to look at another question I answered about being such a fellow regarding looking like a male soldier and staying safe.
I prefer talking to units in person, too. You'd get a better vibe for the people and how strict they are in terms of historical accuracy and requiring members to come to events. Some questions to ask are along the same lines of what you've already asked me, but reach out if you want more guidance here.
Just go for it! Reenacting is a hobby for anyone who's got an interest in history. Your unit can work with you on knowledge, expenses, time commitment, etc.
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belatedbday69 · 3 years ago
Rated: T 3/12 7.7k so far
Whoever said time heals all wounds hasn't met Midoriya Izuku. When Katsuki returns to Musutafu after many years, Izuku is forced to confront the elephant in the room of his heart, the ache he's carried for so long he forgot it was there.
They're pro-heroes, like 25. Izuku's POV. It's the fake relationship trope! It'll be angsty and fun and it will definitely have a happy ending :) CW for anxiety and some depression but nothing too intense. Here's the beginning:
Izuku doesn’t go out drinking often. He likes to have fun with his friends, but when he’s around tons of people he gets a little freaked out. His body goes on high alert as if he’s waiting for something, or someone, as if the dull mood lighting hides things in the shadow it provides. People’s faces look weird to him. He finds himself doing double-takes at the strangers on the edges of his vision. He becomes agitated when he notices the alcohol hacking away at his senses, messing with his reflexes. 
It can’t be too bad, though, because he’s out again tonight with the crew; Mina, Denki, Hanta, Tsuyu, and Ochako. Their agencies collaborated on a case last year and ever since then, they’ve stayed a close-knit group. It’s been almost seven years now since they graduated from UA, and most of the rest of their class has taken on projects in other cities or moved altogether. That’s another reason Izuku comes out; he misses his classmates. Not that he misses being seventeen, hell no. But as the years pass he feels more and more disconnected from that time of his life, as if it were all some bizarre dream. Part of that dream, in particular, is impossible to think about, and even thinking about thinking about it makes his stomach drop. 
“Are you okay?” Tsuyu asks, her brow furrowed in concern. She waves her hand in front of Izuku’s face, her eyes wide. “Hey, Izuku?” Ochako pulls her in to whisper in her ear. 
“Yeah? Hey Tsu. I’m okay.” He shakes himself out of his reverie and focuses his eyes again on the people sitting on the black leather couch in front of him. Mina, Denki, and Hanta bicker about something stupid, Izuku can tell by the way Mina has to hold back laughter every time Denki speaks, but she doesn’t shut him up like he’s being offensive. Hanta watches on, displaying different exaggerated expressions, interjecting every so often to perform a one-liner and receive a slap on the arm. 
“Wait, and then what did you say?” Mina asks Denki.
“If I flip this coin, what are the chances of me giving you head?”
“Oh my God.” Mina throws her head back, cackling. “Are you serious?” 
“You’re a menace to society, man,” Hanta says before giving a not-so-sly fist bump to Denki. 
“You’re embarrassing is what you are. I don’t know if I can be seen with you anymore.” She turns away, her arms folded, clearly faking mad. 
“Aw, c’mon Min, don’t act like you wouldn’t melt faster than ice cream if Eijirou said that to you.” 
Her jaw drops. She whips her head around. “What did you just say to me?” 
Denki leans back, a satisfied look on his face. “You heard me.” 
“First of all, no I wouldn’t. Secondly, it’s the fact that Eiji would never say that to me that's precisely the reason why I like him. Idiot.” 
Denki says something back, but Izuku can’t hear it over Hanta’s laughter. Whatever he says makes Mina stop laughing immediately. She blushes, then sits up to casually glance around the room. The sudden shift in mood gives Izuku a bad feeling. He’s about to ask what they said when Ochako leans over Tsuyu to get his attention. 
“Hey, Deku.” She hands him a cup. “Have some water.” 
“Oh, thanks!” He’s happy to drink it, though he suspects Ochako gave it to him because she thinks he needs a break from the drink. He doesn’t think he’s drunk, but the way his whole body buzzes in anticipation kind of feels like a high, so it’d be best if he lay off the soju, anyway. 
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chrisevansluv · 4 years ago
Here is the 2012 Detail Magazine interview with chris evans:
The Avengers' Chris Evans: Just Your Average Beer-Swilling, Babe-Loving Buddhist
The 30-year-old Bud Light-chugging, Beantown-bred star of The Avengers is widely perceived as the ultimate guy's guy. But beneath the bro persona lies a serious student of Buddhism, an unrepentant song-and-dance man, and a guy who talks to his mom about sex. And farts.
By Adam Sachs,
Photographs by Norman Jean Roy
May 2012 Issue
"Should we just kill him and bury his body?" Chris Evans is stage whispering into the impassive blinking light of my digital recorder.
"Chris!" shouts his mother, her tone a familiar-to-anyone-with-a-mother mix of coddling and concern. "Don't say that! What if something happened?"
We're at Evans' apartment, an expansive but not overly tricked-out bachelor-pad-ish loft in a semi-industrial nowheresville part of Boston, hard by Chinatown, near an area sometimes called the Combat Zone. Evans has a fuzzy, floppy, slept-in-his-clothes aspect that'd be nearly unrecognizable if you knew him only by the upright, spit-polished bearing of the onscreen hero. His dog, East, a sweet and slobbery American bulldog, is spread out on a couch in front of the TV. The shelves of his fridge are neatly stacked with much of the world's supply of Bud Light in cans and little else.
On the counter sit a few buckets of muscle-making whey-protein powder that belong to Evans' roommate, Zach Jarvis, an old pal who sometimes tags along on set as a paid "assistant" and a personal trainer who bulked Evans up for his role as the super-ripped patriot in last summer's blockbuster Captain America: The First Avenger. A giant clock on the exposed-brick wall says it's early evening, but Evans operates on his own sense of time. Between gigs, his schedule's all his, which usually translates into long stretches of alone time during the day and longer social nights for the 30-year-old.
"I could just make this . . . disappear," says Josh Peck, another old pal and occasional on-set assistant, in a deadpan mumble, poking at the voice recorder I'd left on the table while I was in the bathroom.
Evans' mom, Lisa, now speaks directly into the microphone: "Don't listen to them—I'm trying to get them not to say these things!"
But not saying things isn't in the Evans DNA. They're an infectiously gregarious clan. Irish-Italians, proud Bostoners, close-knit, and innately theatrical. "We all act, we sing," Evans says. "It was like the fucking von Trapps." Mom was a dancer and now runs a children's theater. First-born Carly directed the family puppet shows and studied theater at NYU. Younger brother Scott has parts on One Life to Live and Law & Order under his belt and lives in Los Angeles full-time—something Evans stopped doing several years back. Rounding out the circle are baby sister Shanna and a pair of "strays" the family brought into their Sudbury, Massachusetts, home: Josh, who went from mowing the lawn to moving in when his folks relocated during his senior year in high school; and Demery, who was Evans' roommate until recently.
"Our house was like a hotel," Evans says. "It was a loony-tunes household. If you got arrested in high school, everyone knew: 'Call Mrs. Evans, she'll bail you out.'"
Growing up, they had a special floor put in the basement where all the kids practiced tap-dancing. The party-ready rec room also had a Ping-Pong table and a separate entrance. This was the house kids in the neighborhood wanted to hang at, and this was the kind of family you wanted to be adopted by. Spend an afternoon listening to them dish old dirt and talk over each other and it's easy to see why. Now they're worried they've said too much, laid bare the tender soul of the actor behind the star-spangled superhero outfit, so there's talk of offing the interviewer. I can hear all this from the bathroom, which, of course, is the point of a good stage whisper.
To be sure, no one's said too much, and the more you're brought into the embrace of this boisterous, funny, shit-slinging, demonstrably loving extended family, the more likable and enviable the whole dynamic is.
Sample exchange from today's lunch of baked ziti at a family-style Italian restaurant:
Mom: When he was a kid, he asked me, 'Mom, will I ever think farting isn't funny?'
Chris: You're throwing me under the bus, Ma! Thank you.
Mom: Well, if a dog farts you still find it funny.
Then, back at the apartment, where Mrs. Evans tries to give me good-natured dirt on her son without freaking him out:
Mom: You always tell me when you think a girl is attractive. You'll call me up so excited. Is that okay to say?
Chris: Nothing wrong with that.
Mom: And can I say all the girls you've brought to the house have been very sweet and wonderful? Of course, those are the ones that make it to the house. It's been a long time, hasn't it?
Chris: Looooong time.
Mom: The last one at our house? Was it six years ago?
Chris: No names, Ma!
Mom: But she knocked it out of the park.
Chris: She got drunk and puked at Auntie Pam's house! And she puked on the way home and she puked at our place.
Mom: And that's when I fell in love with her. Because she was real.
We're operating under a no-names rule, so I'm not asking if it's Jessica Biel who made this memorable first impression. She and Evans were serious for a couple of years. But I don't want to picture lovely Jessica Biel getting sick at Auntie Pam's or in the car or, really, anywhere.
East the bulldog ambles over to the table, begging for food.
"That dog is the love of his life," Mrs. Evans says. "Which tells me he'll be an unbelievable parent, but I don't want him to get married right now." She turns to Chris. "The way you are, I just don't think you're ready."
Some other things I learn about Evans from his mom: He hates going to the gym; he was so wound-up as a kid she'd let him stand during dinner, his legs shaking like caged greyhounds; he suffered weekly "Sunday-night meltdowns" over schoolwork and the angst of the sensitive middle-schooler; after she and his father split and he was making money from acting, he bought her the Sudbury family homestead rather than let her leave it.
Eventually his mom and Josh depart, and Evans and I go to work depleting his stash of Bud Light. It feels like we drink Bud Light and talk for days, because we basically do. I arrived early Friday evening; it's Saturday night now and it'll be sunup Sunday before I sleeplessly make my way to catch a train back to New York City. Somewhere in between we slip free of the gravitational pull of the bachelor pad and there's bottle service at a club and a long walk with entourage in tow back to Evans' apartment, where there is some earnest-yet-surreal group singing, piano playing, and chitchat. Evans is fun to talk to, partly because he's an open, self-mocking guy with an explosive laugh and no apparent need to sleep, and partly because when you cut just below the surface, it's clear he's not quite the dude's dude he sometimes plays onscreen and in TV appearances.
From a distance, Chris Evans the movie star seems a predictable, nearly inevitable piece of successful Hollywood packaging come to market. There's his major-release debut as the dorkily unaware jock Jake in the guilty pleasure Not Another Teen Movie (in one memorable scene, Evans has whipped cream on his chest and a banana up his ass). The female-friendly hunk appeal—his character in The Nanny Diaries is named simply Harvard Hottie—is balanced by a kind of casual-Friday, I'm-from-Boston regular-dudeness. Following the siren song of comic-book cash, he was the Human Torch in two Fantastic Four films. As with scrawny Steve Rogers, the Captain America suit beefed up his stature as a formidable screen presence, a bankable leading man, all of which leads us to The Avengers, this season's megabudget, megawatt ensemble in which he stars alongside Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr., and Chris Hemsworth.
It all feels inevitable—and yet it nearly didn't happen. Evans repeatedly turned down the Captain America role, fearing he'd be locked into what was originally a nine-picture deal. He was shooting Puncture, about a drug-addicted lawyer, at the time. Most actors doing small-budget legal dramas would jump at the chance to play the lead in a Marvel franchise, but Evans saw a decade of his life flash before his eyes.
What he remembers thinking is this: "What if the movie comes out and it's a success and I just reject all of this? What if I want to move to the fucking woods?"
By "the woods," he doesn't mean a quiet life away from the spotlight, some general metaphorical life escape route. He means the actual woods. "For a long time all I wanted for Christmas were books about outdoor survival," he says. "I was convinced that I was going to move to the woods. I camped a lot, I took classes. At 18, I told myself if I don't live in the woods by the time I'm 25, I have failed."
Evans has described his hesitation at signing on for Captain America. Usually he talks about the time commitment, the loss of what remained of his relative anonymity. On the junkets for the movie, he was open about needing therapy after the studio reduced the deal to six movies and he took the leap. What he doesn't usually mention is that he was racked with anxiety before the job came up.
"I get very nervous," Evans explains. "I shit the bed if I have to present something on stage or if I'm doing press. Because it's just you." He's been known to walk out of press conferences, to freeze up and go silent during the kind of relaxed-yet-high-stakes meetings an actor of his stature is expected to attend: "Do you know how badly I audition? Fifty percent of the time I have to walk out of the room. I'm naturally very pale, so I turn red and sweat. And I have to literally walk out. Sometimes mid-audition. You start having these conversations in your brain. 'Chris, don't do this. Chris, take it easy. You're just sitting in a room with a person saying some words, this isn't life. And you're letting this affect you? Shame on you.'"
Shades of "Sunday-night meltdowns." Luckily the nerves never follow him to the set. "You do your neuroses beforehand, so when they yell 'Action' you can be present," he says.
Okay, there was one on-set panic attack—while Evans was shooting Puncture. "We were getting ready to do a court scene in front of a bunch of people, and I don't know what happened," he says. "It's just your brain playing games with you. 'Hey, you know how we sometimes freak out? What if we did it right now?'"
One of the people who advised Evans to take the Captain America role was his eventual Avengers costar Robert Downey Jr. "I'd seen him around," Downey says. "We share an agent. I like to spend a lot of my free time talking to my agent about his other clients—I just had a feeling about him."
What he told Evans was: This puppy is going to be big, and when it is you're going to get to make the movies you want to make. "In the marathon obstacle course of a career," Downey says, "it's just good to have all the stats on paper for why you're not only a team player but also why it makes sense to support you in the projects you want to do—because you've made so much damned money for the studio."
There's also the fact that Evans had a chance to sign on for something likely to be a kind of watershed moment in the comic-book fascination of our time. "I do think The Avengers is the crescendo of this superhero phase in entertainment—except of course for Iron Man 3," Downey says. "It'll take a lot of innovation to keep it alive after this."
Captain America is the only person left who was truly close to Howard Stark, father of Tony Stark (a.k.a. Iron Man), which meant that Evans' and Downey's story lines are closely linked, and in the course of doing a lot of scenes together, they got to be pals. Downey diagnoses his friend with what he terms "low-grade red-carpet anxiety disorder."
"He just hates the game-show aspect of doing PR," Downey says. "Obviously there's pressure for anyone in this transition he's in. But he will easily triple that pressure to make sure he's not being lazy. That's why I respect the guy. I wouldn't necessarily want to be in his skin. But his motives are pure. He just needs to drink some red-carpet chamomile."
"The majority of the world is empty space," Chris Evans says, watching me as if my brain might explode on hearing this news—or like he might have to fight me if I try to contradict him. We're back at his apartment after a cigarette run through the Combat Zone.
"Empty space!" he says again, slapping the table and sort of yelling. Then, in a slow, breathy whisper, he repeats: "Empty space, empty space. All that we see in the world, the life, the animals, plants, people, it's all empty space. That's amazing!" He slaps the table again. "You want another beer? Gotta be Bud Light. Get dirty—you're in Boston. Okay, organize your thoughts. I gotta take a piss . . ."
My thoughts are this: That this guy who is hugging his dog and talking to me about space and mortality and the trouble with Boston girls who believe crazy gossip about him—this is not the guy I expected to meet. I figured he'd be a meatball. Though, truthfully, I'd never called anyone a meatball until Evans turned me on to the put-down. As in: "My sister Shanna dates meatballs." And, more to the point: "When I do interviews, I'd rather just be the beer-drinking dude from Boston and not get into the complex shit, because I don't want every meatball saying, 'So hey, whaddyathink about Buddhism?'"
At 17, Evans came across a copy of Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha and began his spiritual questing. It's a path of study and struggle that, he says, defines his true purpose in life. "I love acting. It's my playground, it lets me explore. But my happiness in this world, my level of peace, is never going to be dictated by acting," he says. "My goal in life is to detach from the egoic mind. Do you know anything about Eastern philosophy?"
I sip some Bud Light and shake my head sheepishly. "They talk about the egoic mind, the part of you that's self-aware, the watcher, the person you think is driving this machine," he says. "And that separation from self and mind is the root of suffering. There are ways of retraining the way you think. This isn't really supported in Western society, which is focused on 'Go get it, earn it, win it, marry it.'"
Scarlett Johansson says that one of the things she appreciates about Evans is how he steers clear of industry chat when they see each other. "Basically every actor," she says, "including myself, when we finish a job we're like, 'Well, that's it for me. Had a good run. Put me out to pasture.' But Chris doesn't strike me as someone who frets about the next job." The two met on the set of The Perfect Score when they were teenagers and have stayed close; The Avengers is their third movie together. "He has this obviously masculine presence—a dude's dude—and we're used to seeing him play heroic characters," Johansson says, "but he's also surprisingly sensitive. He has close female friends, and you can talk to him about anything. Plus there's that secret song-and-dance, jazz-hands side of Chris. I feel like he grew up with the Partridge Family. He'd be just as happy doing Guys and Dolls as he would Captain America 2."
East needs to do his business, so Evans and I take him up to the roof deck. Evans bought this apartment in 2010 when living in L.A. full-time no longer appealed to him. He came back to stay close to his extended family and the intimate circle of Boston pals he's maintained since high school. The move also seems like a pretty clear keep-it-real hedge against the manic ego-stroking distractions of Hollywood.
"I think my daytime person is different than my nighttime person," Evans says. "With my high-school buddies, we drink beer and talk sports and it's great. The kids in my Buddhism class in L.A., they're wildly intelligent, and I love being around them, but they're not talking about the Celtics. And that's part of me. It's a strange dichotomy. I don't mind being a certain way with some people and having this other piece of me that's just for me."
I asked Downey about Evans' outward regular-Joe persona. "It's complete horseshit," Downey says. "There's an inherent street-smart intelligence there. I don't think he tries to hide it. But he's much more evolved and much more culturally aware than he lets on."
Perhaps the meatball and the meditation can coexist. We argue about our egoic brains and the tao of Boston girls. "I love wet hair and sweatpants," he says in their defense. "I like sneakers and ponytails. I like girls who aren't so la-di-da. L.A. is so la-di-da. I like Boston girls who shit on me. Not literally. Girls who give me a hard time, bust my chops a little."
The chief buster of Evans' chops is, of course, Evans himself. "The problem is, the brain I'm using to dissect this world is a brain formed by it," he says. "We're born into confusion, and we get the blessing of letting go of it." Then he adds: "I think this shit by day. And then night comes and it's like, 'Fuck it, let's drink.'"
And so we do. It's getting late. Again. We should have eaten dinner, but Evans sometimes forgets to eat: "If I could just take a pill to make me full forever, I wouldn't think twice."
We talk about his dog and camping with his dog and why he loves being alone more than almost anything except maybe not being alone. "I swear to God, if you saw me when I am by myself in the woods, I'm a lunatic," he says. "I sing, I dance. I do crazy shit."
Evans' unflagging, all-encompassing enthusiasm is impressive, itself a kind of social intelligence. "If you want to have a good conversation with him, don't talk about the fact that he's famous" was the advice I got from Mark Kassen, who codirected Puncture. "He's a blast, a guy who can hang. For quite a long time. Many hours in a row."
I've stopped looking at the clock. We've stopped talking philosophy and moved into more emotional territory. He asks questions about my 9-month-old son, and then Captain America gets teary when I talk about the wonder of his birth. "I weep at everything," he says. "I emote. I love things so much—I just never want to dilute that."
He talks about how close he feels to his family, how open they all are with each other. About everything. All the time. "The first time I had sex," he says, "I raced home and was like, 'Mom, I just had sex! Where's the clit?'"
Wait, I ask—did she ever tell you?
"Still don't know where it is, man," he says, then breaks into a smile composed of equal parts shit-eating grin and inner peace. "I just don't know. Make some movies, you don't have to know…"
Here is the 2012 Detail Magazine interview with chris evans:
The Avengers' Chris Evans: Just Your Average Beer-Swilling, Babe-Loving Buddhist
The 30-year-old Bud Light-chugging, Beantown-bred star of The Avengers is widely perceived as the ultimate guy's guy. But beneath the bro persona lies a serious student of Buddhism, an unrepentant song-and-dance man, and a guy who talks to his mom about sex. And farts.
By Adam Sachs,
Photographs by Norman Jean Roy
May 2012 Issue
"Should we just kill him and bury his body?" Chris Evans is stage whispering into the impassive blinking light of my digital recorder.
"Chris!" shouts his mother, her tone a familiar-to-anyone-with-a-mother mix of coddling and concern. "Don't say that! What if something happened?"
We're at Evans' apartment, an expansive but not overly tricked-out bachelor-pad-ish loft in a semi-industrial nowheresville part of Boston, hard by Chinatown, near an area sometimes called the Combat Zone. Evans has a fuzzy, floppy, slept-in-his-clothes aspect that'd be nearly unrecognizable if you knew him only by the upright, spit-polished bearing of the onscreen hero. His dog, East, a sweet and slobbery American bulldog, is spread out on a couch in front of the TV. The shelves of his fridge are neatly stacked with much of the world's supply of Bud Light in cans and little else.
On the counter sit a few buckets of muscle-making whey-protein powder that belong to Evans' roommate, Zach Jarvis, an old pal who sometimes tags along on set as a paid "assistant" and a personal trainer who bulked Evans up for his role as the super-ripped patriot in last summer's blockbuster Captain America: The First Avenger. A giant clock on the exposed-brick wall says it's early evening, but Evans operates on his own sense of time. Between gigs, his schedule's all his, which usually translates into long stretches of alone time during the day and longer social nights for the 30-year-old.
"I could just make this . . . disappear," says Josh Peck, another old pal and occasional on-set assistant, in a deadpan mumble, poking at the voice recorder I'd left on the table while I was in the bathroom.
Evans' mom, Lisa, now speaks directly into the microphone: "Don't listen to them—I'm trying to get them not to say these things!"
But not saying things isn't in the Evans DNA. They're an infectiously gregarious clan. Irish-Italians, proud Bostoners, close-knit, and innately theatrical. "We all act, we sing," Evans says. "It was like the fucking von Trapps." Mom was a dancer and now runs a children's theater. First-born Carly directed the family puppet shows and studied theater at NYU. Younger brother Scott has parts on One Life to Live and Law & Order under his belt and lives in Los Angeles full-time—something Evans stopped doing several years back. Rounding out the circle are baby sister Shanna and a pair of "strays" the family brought into their Sudbury, Massachusetts, home: Josh, who went from mowing the lawn to moving in when his folks relocated during his senior year in high school; and Demery, who was Evans' roommate until recently.
"Our house was like a hotel," Evans says. "It was a loony-tunes household. If you got arrested in high school, everyone knew: 'Call Mrs. Evans, she'll bail you out.'"
Growing up, they had a special floor put in the basement where all the kids practiced tap-dancing. The party-ready rec room also had a Ping-Pong table and a separate entrance. This was the house kids in the neighborhood wanted to hang at, and this was the kind of family you wanted to be adopted by. Spend an afternoon listening to them dish old dirt and talk over each other and it's easy to see why. Now they're worried they've said too much, laid bare the tender soul of the actor behind the star-spangled superhero outfit, so there's talk of offing the interviewer. I can hear all this from the bathroom, which, of course, is the point of a good stage whisper.
To be sure, no one's said too much, and the more you're brought into the embrace of this boisterous, funny, shit-slinging, demonstrably loving extended family, the more likable and enviable the whole dynamic is.
Sample exchange from today's lunch of baked ziti at a family-style Italian restaurant:
Mom: When he was a kid, he asked me, 'Mom, will I ever think farting isn't funny?'
Chris: You're throwing me under the bus, Ma! Thank you.
Mom: Well, if a dog farts you still find it funny.
Then, back at the apartment, where Mrs. Evans tries to give me good-natured dirt on her son without freaking him out:
Mom: You always tell me when you think a girl is attractive. You'll call me up so excited. Is that okay to say?
Chris: Nothing wrong with that.
Mom: And can I say all the girls you've brought to the house have been very sweet and wonderful? Of course, those are the ones that make it to the house. It's been a long time, hasn't it?
Chris: Looooong time.
Mom: The last one at our house? Was it six years ago?
Chris: No names, Ma!
Mom: But she knocked it out of the park.
Chris: She got drunk and puked at Auntie Pam's house! And she puked on the way home and she puked at our place.
Mom: And that's when I fell in love with her. Because she was real.
We're operating under a no-names rule, so I'm not asking if it's Jessica Biel who made this memorable first impression. She and Evans were serious for a couple of years. But I don't want to picture lovely Jessica Biel getting sick at Auntie Pam's or in the car or, really, anywhere.
East the bulldog ambles over to the table, begging for food.
"That dog is the love of his life," Mrs. Evans says. "Which tells me he'll be an unbelievable parent, but I don't want him to get married right now." She turns to Chris. "The way you are, I just don't think you're ready."
Some other things I learn about Evans from his mom: He hates going to the gym; he was so wound-up as a kid she'd let him stand during dinner, his legs shaking like caged greyhounds; he suffered weekly "Sunday-night meltdowns" over schoolwork and the angst of the sensitive middle-schooler; after she and his father split and he was making money from acting, he bought her the Sudbury family homestead rather than let her leave it.
Eventually his mom and Josh depart, and Evans and I go to work depleting his stash of Bud Light. It feels like we drink Bud Light and talk for days, because we basically do. I arrived early Friday evening; it's Saturday night now and it'll be sunup Sunday before I sleeplessly make my way to catch a train back to New York City. Somewhere in between we slip free of the gravitational pull of the bachelor pad and there's bottle service at a club and a long walk with entourage in tow back to Evans' apartment, where there is some earnest-yet-surreal group singing, piano playing, and chitchat. Evans is fun to talk to, partly because he's an open, self-mocking guy with an explosive laugh and no apparent need to sleep, and partly because when you cut just below the surface, it's clear he's not quite the dude's dude he sometimes plays onscreen and in TV appearances.
From a distance, Chris Evans the movie star seems a predictable, nearly inevitable piece of successful Hollywood packaging come to market. There's his major-release debut as the dorkily unaware jock Jake in the guilty pleasure Not Another Teen Movie (in one memorable scene, Evans has whipped cream on his chest and a banana up his ass). The female-friendly hunk appeal—his character in The Nanny Diaries is named simply Harvard Hottie—is balanced by a kind of casual-Friday, I'm-from-Boston regular-dudeness. Following the siren song of comic-book cash, he was the Human Torch in two Fantastic Four films. As with scrawny Steve Rogers, the Captain America suit beefed up his stature as a formidable screen presence, a bankable leading man, all of which leads us to The Avengers, this season's megabudget, megawatt ensemble in which he stars alongside Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr., and Chris Hemsworth.
It all feels inevitable—and yet it nearly didn't happen. Evans repeatedly turned down the Captain America role, fearing he'd be locked into what was originally a nine-picture deal. He was shooting Puncture, about a drug-addicted lawyer, at the time. Most actors doing small-budget legal dramas would jump at the chance to play the lead in a Marvel franchise, but Evans saw a decade of his life flash before his eyes.
What he remembers thinking is this: "What if the movie comes out and it's a success and I just reject all of this? What if I want to move to the fucking woods?"
By "the woods," he doesn't mean a quiet life away from the spotlight, some general metaphorical life escape route. He means the actual woods. "For a long time all I wanted for Christmas were books about outdoor survival," he says. "I was convinced that I was going to move to the woods. I camped a lot, I took classes. At 18, I told myself if I don't live in the woods by the time I'm 25, I have failed."
Evans has described his hesitation at signing on for Captain America. Usually he talks about the time commitment, the loss of what remained of his relative anonymity. On the junkets for the movie, he was open about needing therapy after the studio reduced the deal to six movies and he took the leap. What he doesn't usually mention is that he was racked with anxiety before the job came up.
"I get very nervous," Evans explains. "I shit the bed if I have to present something on stage or if I'm doing press. Because it's just you." He's been known to walk out of press conferences, to freeze up and go silent during the kind of relaxed-yet-high-stakes meetings an actor of his stature is expected to attend: "Do you know how badly I audition? Fifty percent of the time I have to walk out of the room. I'm naturally very pale, so I turn red and sweat. And I have to literally walk out. Sometimes mid-audition. You start having these conversations in your brain. 'Chris, don't do this. Chris, take it easy. You're just sitting in a room with a person saying some words, this isn't life. And you're letting this affect you? Shame on you.'"
Shades of "Sunday-night meltdowns." Luckily the nerves never follow him to the set. "You do your neuroses beforehand, so when they yell 'Action' you can be present," he says.
Okay, there was one on-set panic attack—while Evans was shooting Puncture. "We were getting ready to do a court scene in front of a bunch of people, and I don't know what happened," he says. "It's just your brain playing games with you. 'Hey, you know how we sometimes freak out? What if we did it right now?'"
One of the people who advised Evans to take the Captain America role was his eventual Avengers costar Robert Downey Jr. "I'd seen him around," Downey says. "We share an agent. I like to spend a lot of my free time talking to my agent about his other clients—I just had a feeling about him."
What he told Evans was: This puppy is going to be big, and when it is you're going to get to make the movies you want to make. "In the marathon obstacle course of a career," Downey says, "it's just good to have all the stats on paper for why you're not only a team player but also why it makes sense to support you in the projects you want to do—because you've made so much damned money for the studio."
There's also the fact that Evans had a chance to sign on for something likely to be a kind of watershed moment in the comic-book fascination of our time. "I do think The Avengers is the crescendo of this superhero phase in entertainment—except of course for Iron Man 3," Downey says. "It'll take a lot of innovation to keep it alive after this."
Captain America is the only person left who was truly close to Howard Stark, father of Tony Stark (a.k.a. Iron Man), which meant that Evans' and Downey's story lines are closely linked, and in the course of doing a lot of scenes together, they got to be pals. Downey diagnoses his friend with what he terms "low-grade red-carpet anxiety disorder."
"He just hates the game-show aspect of doing PR," Downey says. "Obviously there's pressure for anyone in this transition he's in. But he will easily triple that pressure to make sure he's not being lazy. That's why I respect the guy. I wouldn't necessarily want to be in his skin. But his motives are pure. He just needs to drink some red-carpet chamomile."
"The majority of the world is empty space," Chris Evans says, watching me as if my brain might explode on hearing this news—or like he might have to fight me if I try to contradict him. We're back at his apartment after a cigarette run through the Combat Zone.
"Empty space!" he says again, slapping the table and sort of yelling. Then, in a slow, breathy whisper, he repeats: "Empty space, empty space. All that we see in the world, the life, the animals, plants, people, it's all empty space. That's amazing!" He slaps the table again. "You want another beer? Gotta be Bud Light. Get dirty—you're in Boston. Okay, organize your thoughts. I gotta take a piss . . ."
My thoughts are this: That this guy who is hugging his dog and talking to me about space and mortality and the trouble with Boston girls who believe crazy gossip about him—this is not the guy I expected to meet. I figured he'd be a meatball. Though, truthfully, I'd never called anyone a meatball until Evans turned me on to the put-down. As in: "My sister Shanna dates meatballs." And, more to the point: "When I do interviews, I'd rather just be the beer-drinking dude from Boston and not get into the complex shit, because I don't want every meatball saying, 'So hey, whaddyathink about Buddhism?'"
At 17, Evans came across a copy of Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha and began his spiritual questing. It's a path of study and struggle that, he says, defines his true purpose in life. "I love acting. It's my playground, it lets me explore. But my happiness in this world, my level of peace, is never going to be dictated by acting," he says. "My goal in life is to detach from the egoic mind. Do you know anything about Eastern philosophy?"
I sip some Bud Light and shake my head sheepishly. "They talk about the egoic mind, the part of you that's self-aware, the watcher, the person you think is driving this machine," he says. "And that separation from self and mind is the root of suffering. There are ways of retraining the way you think. This isn't really supported in Western society, which is focused on 'Go get it, earn it, win it, marry it.'"
Scarlett Johansson says that one of the things she appreciates about Evans is how he steers clear of industry chat when they see each other. "Basically every actor," she says, "including myself, when we finish a job we're like, 'Well, that's it for me. Had a good run. Put me out to pasture.' But Chris doesn't strike me as someone who frets about the next job." The two met on the set of The Perfect Score when they were teenagers and have stayed close; The Avengers is their third movie together. "He has this obviously masculine presence—a dude's dude—and we're used to seeing him play heroic characters," Johansson says, "but he's also surprisingly sensitive. He has close female friends, and you can talk to him about anything. Plus there's that secret song-and-dance, jazz-hands side of Chris. I feel like he grew up with the Partridge Family. He'd be just as happy doing Guys and Dolls as he would Captain America 2."
East needs to do his business, so Evans and I take him up to the roof deck. Evans bought this apartment in 2010 when living in L.A. full-time no longer appealed to him. He came back to stay close to his extended family and the intimate circle of Boston pals he's maintained since high school. The move also seems like a pretty clear keep-it-real hedge against the manic ego-stroking distractions of Hollywood.
"I think my daytime person is different than my nighttime person," Evans says. "With my high-school buddies, we drink beer and talk sports and it's great. The kids in my Buddhism class in L.A., they're wildly intelligent, and I love being around them, but they're not talking about the Celtics. And that's part of me. It's a strange dichotomy. I don't mind being a certain way with some people and having this other piece of me that's just for me."
I asked Downey about Evans' outward regular-Joe persona. "It's complete horseshit," Downey says. "There's an inherent street-smart intelligence there. I don't think he tries to hide it. But he's much more evolved and much more culturally aware than he lets on."
Perhaps the meatball and the meditation can coexist. We argue about our egoic brains and the tao of Boston girls. "I love wet hair and sweatpants," he says in their defense. "I like sneakers and ponytails. I like girls who aren't so la-di-da. L.A. is so la-di-da. I like Boston girls who shit on me. Not literally. Girls who give me a hard time, bust my chops a little."
The chief buster of Evans' chops is, of course, Evans himself. "The problem is, the brain I'm using to dissect this world is a brain formed by it," he says. "We're born into confusion, and we get the blessing of letting go of it." Then he adds: "I think this shit by day. And then night comes and it's like, 'Fuck it, let's drink.'"
And so we do. It's getting late. Again. We should have eaten dinner, but Evans sometimes forgets to eat: "If I could just take a pill to make me full forever, I wouldn't think twice."
We talk about his dog and camping with his dog and why he loves being alone more than almost anything except maybe not being alone. "I swear to God, if you saw me when I am by myself in the woods, I'm a lunatic," he says. "I sing, I dance. I do crazy shit."
Evans' unflagging, all-encompassing enthusiasm is impressive, itself a kind of social intelligence. "If you want to have a good conversation with him, don't talk about the fact that he's famous" was the advice I got from Mark Kassen, who codirected Puncture. "He's a blast, a guy who can hang. For quite a long time. Many hours in a row."
I've stopped looking at the clock. We've stopped talking philosophy and moved into more emotional territory. He asks questions about my 9-month-old son, and then Captain America gets teary when I talk about the wonder of his birth. "I weep at everything," he says. "I emote. I love things so much—I just never want to dilute that."
He talks about how close he feels to his family, how open they all are with each other. About everything. All the time. "The first time I had sex," he says, "I raced home and was like, 'Mom, I just had sex! Where's the clit?'"
Wait, I ask—did she ever tell you?
"Still don't know where it is, man," he says, then breaks into a smile composed of equal parts shit-eating grin and inner peace. "I just don't know. Make some movies, you don't have to know…"
If someone doesn't want to check the link, the anon sent the full interview!
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crtalley · 3 years ago
thanks for the ask!!! let's talk about bearskin one more time because this wip rules my mind 100% --
specifically, let's talk about Liev and his wife, Sonya Green-witch, and how their relationship has changed over the 25 years they've known each other:
→ you're 19 years old and you're the youngest of a small family of witches. you're 19 years old and you've spent your entire life learning green magic at the elbow of a woman who was old when you were born. you're 19 years old and you tip a coal-black drink down your throat every morning so you might not be found out by the vengeful god who would have you killed. you're 19 years old and you're marked, you're different, you're obviously something not-quite human
you aren't surprised that the village sells your family out when the vengeful god's champion comes to investigate
you're 19 years old and your entire family is dead at the hands of a man twice your size and he is hunting you, too
you spend weeks sleeping in treetops, dogging his shadow, waiting for a moment when you can kill him to get your revenge for your family. it won't mend the wound, but it will make you feel a little better, you hope
you trap the hunter. you trap him and you take his axe away and without that he is something closer to human. you trap him and stand fifty feet away and hold a conversation that is more like an interrogation: why did you kill them?
your voice cracks when you question him.
what crime did we commit?
he lifts his head and looks you in the eye. there is nothing inside him. there is no soul to this man. you didn't do anything, he says
somehow that is worse.
he sighs. the flame under his skin eats away at your green magic. then he is free, crouched against the ground so he is shorter than you, his hand curled around the haft of his axe that stands taller than any living man. he offers you an escape: i can tell them you're dead, too.
you don't wait for him to change his mind.
→ you're 20 years old and your family's house has long since been burnt to char. you have not had a home since last winter. if you do not have one by this winter you will die, but no one in the village you were born in wants to take you in. with your luck, anyone who helps you will die, too
and then you stumble upon it: your family's house, standing in the same place it had been before. your heart stops. you are certain you are dead, now. but when you enter there are no bloodstains on the floor, only a letter pinned to a table, written in an elegant and noble hand
i owed you, he writes. i hope this is sufficient repayment.
he does not sign the letter.
→ you're 21 years old and your sheep have been disappearing.
they're your grandmother's sheep, truthfully, but it took you long enough to track them down after your family home was rebuilt that you feel a strange sort of possessiveness over them. you would hate to lose any of them, so when you lose four in one season and none of the village folk seem concerned, your frustration outweighs your goodwill. you retreat into your home and refuse to craft your grandmother's cures for the people. two die to a cough. one to a fever.
one shows up dead on your porch, shortly after the sun lifts into summer, chest split open by force.
and he is sitting there, his axe across his lap, staring at the horizon where dawn seeps over the world. he looks over his shoulder at you with those hollow eyes and says, as if it is the most obvious thing in the world, he was killing your sheep.
you want to ask why he is here. you do not want to lose this stranger's help. not when you know what he is capable of.
people will ask questions, you say instead. will you help me move the body?
what will you do with it? he asks.
you show him the things your grandmother taught you when you were young: how to venerate the dead. how to send them into the earth. how to turn a man into soap and chimes of polished carved bone.
that night, blood is splashed over the door of your home. the stranger takes one look at it and declares that he will be staying to keep you safe. the rest of that summer, he sleeps in the barn with your sheep.
no more go missing.
→ that winter, you invite him into the house. you'll freeze. you do not say every thought that crosses your mind, but it does not take long for you to wake up every morning in his arms.
→ you're 22 years old, twisting long-stemmed spring flowers through his hair, iron-black streaked with gray, when you ask if he intends to marry you.
he hesitates. there is heartbreak in those empty eyes. sonya, he says, because no one has called you sofiya since your mother died. since your sisters died. you see their blood on his hands still when he kneels at your feet and bows his head, baring the back of his neck. you could kill him without thinking about it. that would be justice.
no. that would be revenge. justice is a man who comes back and rebuilds a home he destroyed. justice is a man who saves sheep because he could not save people. justice is a man with an axe as heavy as you are who brandishes it more rarely, now that you have twisted a crook for him out of a strong tree branch. he leans against that more easily when he stands at the edge of your pasture, watching for wolves.
sonya, he says again, softer now, you don't know what you're asking for.
i'm asking, you say patiently, if you intend to make me your wife. it's very straightforward. yes, or no.
→ you're 23 years old when you are married to the sun-wolf. he is called away to serve his god in the cities to the north, but he promises to come back. he has always come back before.
→ you're 24 years old when he brings home a strange child that he found on the road. she is a little over a year old; you imagine she could have been born on your wedding day. at first you think she is his, but then he sets her in your arms and you see the white hair poking through the brown, and you see the way the magic has changed this creature into something pretending to be human.
she is not your daughter. it makes you uncomfortable to look at her. but the sun-wolf smiles when he sees her, and he carries her on his shoulders when she's older, and he teaches her how to maintain the house and the fences and the barn. he teaches her how to train hounds to guard and hunt and run a sled. that is how you end up with fourteen dogs in your yard with your wild, wolfish husband and his wild, wolfish daughter.
→ you are 28 years old when your son is born. you name him feodor. he is a gift. his father writes his name in a letter that is sent north, but it is not the right name -- he writes feodor lvovich volkov for a boy who will only ever be called fedya lievsyn.
→ and then it has been ten years since your family was killed, and you have created a new one. as surely as the sun-wolf took your blood and spilled it across the earth, you have taken his, and together you have made it into something new and wonderful.
→ and then it has been twenty years, and you are 39, and your quiet fedya is eleven, just starting to learn the green-witch trade. you do not know how old your husband is, but his irina -- he calls her rinka and ruffles her hair; he calls her cub and laughs, just a little, and you want to wring the truth from him and you never want to know the truth -- is a bloody wild sixteen who won't look anyone in the eyes but who will howl along with the hounds on the darkest winter nights, who won't sit at your table but will sleep in your barn, curled up with her head in the side of a sheep and her feet resting comfortably on the ribs of her favorite guard dog
→ and then it has been twenty-five years, and your son disappears into the endless snow, and your husband has been called north to serve his god, but when he returns he is brandishing an axe he has not held so easily in more than two decades
and when you meet his eye he does not smile, but says, i'm going to save him.
you are, you say simply. you owe me.
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black-widowfics · 4 years ago
My most used writing Prompts:
(There's a lot)
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1. "I love you... baby"
2. "God, you're adorable"
3. "Hey, cutie"
4. "I promise to love you for the rest of my life"
5. "I don't care if you're sick, catching a cold from kissing you is worth it"
6. "You are so perfect"
7. "You're the best part of me"
8. "Stay here with me. Please?"
9. "I'm speechless you're so beautiful"
10. "Aww! You're adorable"
11. "So romantic"
12. "I'll love you until the end of the universe" "haven't we been there before?"
13. "Do you need a hug?"
14. "I love you, my dearest"
15. "Come here, I need to hug you"
16. "When everything's wrong, it's you that makes it right"
17. "You're the one"
18. "Have i ever pointed out how beautiful you are? " "Yes, all the time"
19. "I'm bored" " then why don't we do something more interesting?"
20. Forehead kisses
21. Hand kisses
22. "That tickles!" Kisses
23. Kisses that make them smile
24. Breathless kisses
25. Cheek kisses
26. Nose Kisses
27. "God, i love you" Kisses
28. Kisses that end with laughter
29. Never wanting to pull away kisses
30. Multiple face kisses
31. Big, long kisses
32. Long Awaited Kisses
34. "Finally, you guys kissed" Kisses
35. Goodbye kisses
36. Kisses accompanied by happy tears
37. Kisses accompanied by sad tears
38. Kisses that get interrupted
39. Kisses to distract them from winning
40. "Just woke up" Kisses
41. Excited Kisses
42. Long awaited kisses
43. "I missed you so much" kisses
44. Sneaking up behind them and surprising them kisses
45. Kisses to help them concentrate
46. Kisses as a reward(passed a hard exam, won a game, etc)
47. "No! No! No! Wake up! Please!"
48. "Please don't leave"
49. "... I love you"
50. "You killed someone, do you really think they'll still love you?!"
51. "They were my world, but now they're gone"
52. "I miss you so much, please come back"
53. "I know you're gone, but i feel you here"
54. "Tears are all I see without you"
55. "You're happy, with someone else. And that hurts"
56. "Just leave!"
57. "Promise me you'll live a great life, without me"
58. "I don't need you"
59. "The world is dull without you"
60. "I miss being in your arms"
61. "Get out of my life!"
62. "I don't love you anymore"
63. "Goodnight, i have always loved you "
65. "I may be dying, but please, don't cry over me"
67. "Thank you, for helping me live the greatest life i could"
68. "These tears will never stop falling"
69. "You were so perfect, but now you're gone"
70. "You were so perfect, but now you're moved on"
71. That's the way to break my heart"
72. "You're happy in someone else's arms "
73. "Take me back to the good old days "
74. Billions of people in the world, and I chose you, how stupid was that"
75. "I wish i didn't have to lose you"
76. "I wish you didn't have to lose me "
77. "I wish that could be me "
78. Character A and Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas Party.
79. Character A's best friend rigs the Secret Santa, because they know Character A has a crush on Character B.
80. Character A's ex will be at the A is attending. Character B poses as A's fiancée.
81. "Don't look at me, I was still dead at the time."
82. "....Aren't you a little young, to be here?"
83. Character A and Character B meet in the ER on Christmas Eve.
84. Character A can't wrap gifts to save their life. Character B is their neighbor and can help.
85. Character A vows to do something nice for a stranger. Character B is that stranger.
86. Character A and Character B both sign up for a Pen Pal project to exchange postcards.
87. Character A and Character B broke up, but now they meet at a _____ party.
88. Character A is stuck working in a coffee shop on Christmas and Character B is the lonely soul spending their whole day there.
89. Character A's little sibling/child wants to meet their favorite celebrity/writer/person for their birthday. Character B is called "birthday present".
90. Character A can't travel to see their family on Christmas, so they invite their grumpy loner neighbor Character B.
91. Character A and Character B compete in (some kind of) house decoration.
92. Character A bakes too many ______ so they share it with Character B.
93. It's Character A's first Christmas since a tragedy.
94. Character A returns to their birth-town for the holidays. Character B is their estranged childhood best friend.
95. Character A is pretending to be their friend's lover for the sake of the friend's family. Character B is said friend's sibling.
96. Character A loses a bet and has to wear_____ . Character B won the bet.
97. Character A owns a _____ store. Character B is looking for a present.
98. Character A doesn't feel the Christmas spirit but Character B, who lives above them, keeps playing Christmas carols really loud.
99. Character A overhears Character B's birthday wish and decides to fulfill it.
100. Character A was planning to leave dramatically after their confession but character B unhooked their batteries when A wasn't looking so I guess they have to talk about it now.
101. Your doomsday device didn't work but it did put me in the hospital so what are you doing in my room?
102. We've been roommates for seven years and we had a fight but you left me a note right after you moved out saying you were in love with me.
103. "If we get out of this mess you and I are going to have a serious talk about the appropriate time for emotional conversations."
104. "According to these screenshots I need to leave the country immediately."
105. Spontaneously confessed to crush while under the influence.
106. Tried to have a conversation with a cardboard cutout after surgery.
107. "That's it I'm never leaving my room again I can't live this one down."
108. Gave a brutally honest opinion and doesn't remember it.
109. "You said you had the best idea ever and then proceeded to write [extremely stupid thing] as a note to yourself."
110. "tried kissing once and it wasn't for us."
111. We make out at parties and clubs so other folks will leave us alone.
112. "Of course I'm in their lap where else am I going to sit?"
113. Their constantly orbiting around each other.
114. "just because YOUR friends aren't affectionate doesn't mean that there's a problem with US".
115. platonic cuddle puddle.
116. Not so platonic cuddle puddle.
117. "So what we go on friend dates, don't make it weird."
118. Always carries the other's favorite snacks.
119. "I thought I told you to stop calling me 'Your Majesty'."
120. "Lower you weapons!"
121. "I...I am not worthy of this crown."
122. "People are fighting– dying for their kingdom! What kind of Ruler would I be if I didn't join them at the front lines?"
123. "You know I am a prince/princess/royal, right?" "Well yes-" "Then do me a favor and stop telling me what to do."
124. "Since when do you know how to wield a sword?"
125. "Go! If this kingdom goes down, then I will go down with it as it's Ruler"
126. "All the fine silks and perfumes in the world won't mask what a pompous jerk you are."
127. "After all this time, you still don't trust me?"
128. "Get me out of this dress!"
129. "Why so serious, Your Highness?"
130. "How does a walk through the gardens sound?"
131. "I do believe I've proven that you are more than a mere guard to me, ______."
132. "This kingdom cannot go on without you! Please, it's time for you to take your rightful place at the throne."
133. "Your Majesty, is that blood on your dress?"
134. "Walk with me, please. I can't stand another second in that room with their intoxicating pride and old perfumes."
135. "At ease, _____, I know I'm safe with you by my side."
136. "I see we're back to 'Your Highness'. "
137. "A moment with you is far more exciting than a lifetime of cheap conversations and corsets."
138. "...is that my crown you're wearing?"
139. "Promise you'll come back to me." "As long as you promise to wait for me."
140. "Let go of me– that is an order!"
141. "Forgive me, my love."
142. "No, no, it looks far better on you than it does me."
143."This is the part where I kiss the extremely beautiful princess, right?"
144. "how could I ever love someone else?"
145. I'm dancing with my demons
146.I just can't imagine how you could be okay now that I'm gone
147. "I wanna fall wide awake"
148. "You tell me it's alright but its not!"
149. "Tell me I'm forgiven... please."
150. "Nobody can save me"
151. "I don't wanna let you down"
152. "Only I can save me"
153. "There's no getting through to you"
154. "You say I can't understand"
155. "When you leave me, where do you go?"
156. "I'm just talking to myself"
157. "Can't you hear me calling you home?"
158. "You keep running like the sky is falling"
159. "I've got a long way to go and a long memory."
160. "If my armor breaks I'll fuse it back together"
161. "Please just don't give up on me"
162. "I know the words we said"
163. "This is not black and white"
164. "I was not mad at you"
165. "If you ever felt invisible, I won't let you feel that now"
166. "You just wanna know you're being heard"
167. "I don't like my mind right now"
168. "There's comfort in the panic"
169. "I drive myself crazy"
170. "Why is everything so heavy?"
171." I'm pretty sure the world is out to get me"
172. "I know I'm not the center of the universe"
173. "I only halfway apologize"
174. "I'll be sorry for now"
175. "Sometimes things refuse to go the way we planned"
176. "There will be a day that you will understand"
177. "After a while you may forget"
178. "I never wanted to say goodbye"
179. "I've never been higher than I was that night"
180. "Now I remember"
181. "I don't know what I want"
182. "Were there signs I ignored?"
183. "Can I help you not to hurt anymore?"
184. "Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars?" "I do"
185. "You're angry, and you should be"
186. "It's not fair"
187. "You're gonna hurt someone"
188. "Watch the friends you keep."
189. "Sharp edges have consequences"
190. "Every scar is a story I can tell"
191. "I loved you like a house of cards, and let it fall apart"
192. "It made me who I am"
193. "We all fall down"
194. "We live somehow"
195. "I can't live without you."
196. "You're the only one for me."
197. "I've never loved anyone the way I love you."
198. "The things you do to me..."
199. "You're too good to me."
200. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
201. "You're the most beautiful person I know."
202. "Stay with me... please."
203. "Nothing has ever felt so right."
204. "You don't know how much you do for me just by being there."
205. "I wouldn't want it any other way."
206. "No matter what anyone says, I'll cherish you forever."
207. "You make it so easy to love you."
208. "I want to hold you and never let go."
209. "Kiss me."
210. "My only wish is to see you happy."
211. "You make me a better person."
212. "I love you more than words can express."
213. "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just wish you had kept yours to yourself."
214. "I don't know how to tell you this, but yelling at someone to, stop panicking, isn't going to stop them from panicking."
215. "It's not your fault. Sometimes you can do everything right, and things will still go wrong.... This just happened to be one of those times."
216. ".....I'm going to pretend I didn't see that."
217. "Why am I the one who always ends up getting targeted by the creep of the week?!"
218. "Fuck.... I knew I should have bought those light up sneakers."
219. "None of this, seems healthy."
220. "....Should I be concerned?"
221. "I said pass it to me, not 'throw it in my general direction'!"
222. "It is my deep pleasure, to inform you that I am not the one in charge here."
223. "Quick! You hide the equipment, I'll hide the grenades!"
224. "Should I call someone for you?"
225. "Did you take anything?"
226. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"
227. "When was the last time you ate anything?"
228. "Can you walk?"
229. "How do you think this will all end?"
230. "Do you need an ambulance?"
231. "Where you crying?"
232. "Should someone help you get home?"
233. "Do you know where you are?"
234. "Can you tell me your name?"
235. "Where do you want me to take you to?"
236. "Do you need my help?"
237. "How do you feel now?"
238. "Can I do anything that would make it better?"
239. "Do you want my jacket?"
240. "Can you let me see your eyes?"
241. "Should I stay a bit longer?"
242. "Will you be alright?"
243. "Do you have someone who can look after you?”
244. “An interesting crossover”
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fauhwn · 4 years ago
(wtf fauhwn uses proper grammar??) Howdy folks; this is pretty well overdue considering I made up these kids back in August, but I kept changing the story so there's a lot of inconsistency, and I apologize for that, haha.
Anyways today we-well-I, will be discussing/sharing Ryan's backstory
btw i have little to no knowledge on the military which will be a big part of ryan's story, so forgive me.
(The ski mask son of a bitch)
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Again I make changes to the story every 0.2 seconds that my mind can functionally think. Also warning this will be fairly long considering I write a lot.
Ryan McClain (fake identity, not his actual name) was born in Michigan, in the more Northern, rural regions. His birthday is on November 13th, and was born anywhere from 1982-1990, also 6'5. (he's 25 in the story I just quite haven't put a pin on what year it takes place in. But the years are around 2005-2011) His father's name is John Reyes. His mother was Deborah Reyes. She died when Ryan was around 4-5 due to a sickness. John was heartbroken, since he really loved her. He's not a very good father to Ryan, and even before Deborah's death he was pretty shit. Anyways he always brings some woman home every couple of months. Ryan had like 3 or 4 stepmoms lol. They were all bitches too so Ryan didn't like any of them.
When Ryan's mother died, his uncle, David Reyes, took care of him a lot. (Even before her death him and his uncle would get along.) David is a super kind man, and is the older brother of John by quite a lot of years. He was born in like the 1940s or 50s, likely the latter, and was part of like, the Special Forces or something I think. Is also a Vietnam Veteran. Before Ryan was born his wife and son were killed in a car accident, so I guess Ryan reminded David of his son and only caused him to love him more. Anyways he and Ryan would go hunting a lot, and Ryan caught his first animal with a rifle at the age of 7. With the help of his uncle of course. Most of the time Ryan just did all of these things to try and impress his father, who basically did not care. David felt bad for him and he just loved Ryan so he always made sure to give Ryan the attention and love he deserved.
So basically David was the father figure that Ryan needed in his life.
David inspired Ryan a ton, and he'd always marvel at the various medals that David has hung up in a small room in his house, and Ryan wanted to join the military too when he was older. David was in his uh.. 50s, but he still had lots of fight left in him, and teached Ryan a lot of self-defense tactics as well as going to shooting ranges with him. David was a medic too I think. Well he had some prior knowledge on medicine anyways. So he passes that down to Ryan too, and teaches him how to treat stab wounds, bullet wounds, tying a tourniquet, stopping blood loss, etc.
Straying away from Ryan and his lovely uncle we now delve into some more personal shit. So anyways Ryan develops a crush on this girl, Susan, when he first went to high school. They actually dated quite a while later after being friends for a bit, and dated for a long time. And Ryan really liked her.
Now Ryan finishes high school and he's enlisted. He's got a lot of knowledge from his uncle, and it was his uncle who inspired him to join the Marines. He promises his girlfriend and uncle that he will spend as much time with them as he can when he isn't on tour.
Fast forward Ryan is on tour, he's with some guy named Richard Stilles. They're both very capable men, and got along well.
Ryan met this little boy while he was there. He knew no English, but Ryan, being the soft piece of shit he is, sort of just stayed with the little kid for a bit, gave him some snacks and such, tried to have fun with him amidst the war.
Then later, when Richard and Ryan were looking out, they were told there was a little child carrying a bomb. Ryan was like "shit i ain't killing a child"
Suddenly the little boy that Ryan helped out comes out. Ryan smiles, happy to see him okay, but Richard has that constant neutral face on him. The kid starts walking towards Ryan, and Richard pulls up his gun.
"Woah woah Rich, what are you doing?"
"You heard them. Kid has a bomb."
"Wh-wait we can't know for sure it's him! Put the gun down!"
"Can't take any half-measures, Jim."
"We can't kill a fucking child!"
"It's him or us Jim."
Anyways Ryan tries to stop Richard, but the kid kept coming forward.
"Richard please, put the fucking gun down."
Richard starts to aim 😎
So the kid drops dead to the floor and Ryan is like 😱 and Richard is like 😐 (He always has a neutral face on) and this shit traumatizes Ryan. Also Richard is some psychopath or something.
Turns out the kid didn't even have a bomb, and Ryan was literally shaking with anger and had tears in his eyes, and nearly beat the shit out of Richard but his other buddy, Samuel, talked him out of it.
Anyways a few more years later Ryan is honorably discharged at 24 years old. He returns home to find out that the 'love of his life' was constantly cheating on him. This shatters Ryan, and he gets just so fucking furious, and Susan and Ryan have a fight. Obviously they break up, and part ways.
Not too long after, Ryan is walking around, when he discovers Susan and some other man. He starts harrassing her, which escaltes to assault. Ryan immediately jumps in, but the dude was pretty fucking aggravated. (It was because Susan said something that wasn't a big deal but he wasn't having it.) In the process, Ryan kills the guy. He's like 😱😱 and Susan is like 😨. Instinctively Ryan rushes to his uncle's house, panicking. Eventually he spills out what just happened to his uncle. David is obviously shocked, but tells Ryan he needs to leave. He knows a guy who can give out fake identities. So anyways David hands Ryan the information.
While Ryan tries to leave, he bumps into Susan. She promises she won't say anything, saying she'll just say it was an 'act of self-defense' by her. Ryan is worried she'll get arrested but Susan is like 'nah i'm a woman we don't go to jail'. She's a bitch but she's still a mildly good person.
Anyways Ryan flies to New York City where he spends his time wearing the infamous ski mask in public to hide his identity (pretty stupid but it just became a habit). His uncle heard he lives in New York, and moves to Vermont. Ryan visits David whenever he can, usually once or twice every few months. But they're in good touch anyway since they're close to each other lol.
Remember our insignificant but soon-to-be-pretty-significant guy Samuel? Turns out he's in NY too. Is paid to treat people outside of the hospital. Anyways so Ryan and Samuel get in touch too.
Fast forward to a year is where the story starts and Ryan meets Zoey.
Oh and about his personality - he's a very pragmatic guy, and is overall pretty chill, cold, and distant. Well if you're close to him then he's more bright. A bit witty if I might add. Doesn't talk much unless-again-you're close to him.
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saras-almanac · 6 years ago
(emmerdale spoilers) but did you see that latest thing about them filming a scene with robert actually in prison? I literally can't deal with it! i'm just so worried about how they're going to get from robert and aaron visiting each other in prison to aaron moving on and i just hate this. like i always knew it was coming but now the reality is setting in. how can they make it believable that aaron's gonna just not visit robert anymore?
Oh man... I did see that and it is just as devastating as I thought it would be. I cannot believe in the year 20-bi-teen we are losing Robert Sugden on top of everything else. I’m honestly... a little worried with the idea that they’ve filmed at least one scene with Robert actually in prison because like, now there’s no way they can get out of having Robert mentioned. 
So to break it down to the absolute bare bones of everything: There’s no way that Aaron would actually just give up on Robert entirely, even if it was a lifetime prison sentence. Aaron loves him too much that he wouldn’t just abandon Robert--even if Robert told him to move on. At the very least, they’re still best friends and they would continue to talk. There’s no way to ignore that, and I’m a little worried that the show is going to try. 
There are a few options though, to explain why Aaron stops visiting Robert. 
Number 1 -- Robert’s having a hard time in prison and with his 25 year sentence, he tells Aaron that he can’t just put his entire life on hold for that long and tells Aaron to stop visiting. For me this is the most likely scenario, but I also don’t buy that Aaron wouldn’t at least keep trying, at least a casual visit or phone call or even a letter. Something. 
Number 2 -- Robert is transferred or sent to a prison that’s too far away. (No shade UK folks, but I’ve been there and people literally complained about driving 30 minutes away. I literally live 7 miles from where I work and it takes me 35-45 minutes to drive there daily.) Anyways, he’s transferred to a prison that’s not convenient for Aaron to go and visit frequently, so they have to make do as best they can for a while. Until Robert tells Aaron that he shouldn’t be wasting his time and money coming to visit. 
Number 3 -- Liv’s health takes a turn for the worst and Aaron has to choose which person he’s gonna focus on and obviously Robert tells him to focus on Liv. This just makes for many months, however long they’re dealing with it, Robert’s mentioned less and less and then after Aaron doesn’t know if he should go and visit. It’s been almost a year and maybe it’s better this way? 
Number 4 -- Robert just up and stops accepting visitors. He knows he’s in here for 25 years or longer and the more his family holds on and keeps trying, the more it’s going to hurt everyone in the long run. He’s gotten through things before on his own and it’s easier, for everyone. But would he do that to Aaron? Just not even tell him? I don’t think so. 
So yeah, I’m trying to be hopeful that they’ll make it something, but I just don’t know. I know it’s less realistic since Ryan might not make a return (which I don’t want to think about but like I get). But if I could choose, I’d just have Aaron visiting Robert like normal, but their relationship sort of shifts over into more friends territory because they both know that it’s going to be a long time before Robert’s out--if he ever gets out. So one day, Aaron comes back from a visit with Robert and just loses it because Robert made the comment that maybe they should get divorced--officially. This could be a killer storyline for Aaron, struggling because how can he divorce the love of his life? How can he even think about being with someone else? But maybe it’s what Robert needs. He needs to know that Aaron’s not just existing but trying to live. Or something. 
All that ramble is just to say that the writers / showrunners are gonna have a hell of a time trying to convince me that Aaron is just going to give up on Robert and never visit him again. And I’m not sure if they’re entirely up for it... 
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