#most fics either no-consequences bring niko back before the story starts or have it just be the other 3 without mentioning niko
gendrsoup · 2 months
listen, while i've read steve yockey's plans for niko next season, and i want her back just as much as the next sad queer, i'd love to see at least one full episode of her just haunting the narrative and our favorite detectives.
the team move back to london and they've been trying to get back to as much of a "normal" as they can, but someone something is noticeably gone. crystal finds a stray manga volume in her boxes from port townsend and gets this stabbing feeling in her chest before shoving the box away. edwin finds some sea glass in a magic shop and freezes up, quickly averting his gaze and blinking away half formed tears. a case goes sideways and charles half heartedly suggests "if niko was here, she'd probably try to convince the kelpie to move in to a magical aquarium or something". they all smile but it still hurts. a flash of white hair in a crowd, gone upon a second glance. a familiar laugh blown away by the wind. sparkling eyes that aren't really there so can't they just go away and save everyone the hurt?
i'd just like them having to deal with her glaring absence for a bit, you know?
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