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Alhamdulillah our water project has come to complition and has been officiated for community use. Thank you everyone that has supported us through this project baraaka lau feekum.
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warningsine · 5 months ago
70 - 75 percent of palestinians back the october 7 attack ' the international left saw that and copied them.. i donated money but i'm so disgusted by both sides i don't know how people can pick sides anymore
take a deep breath and a small break from social media if you must, but please do not:
Dehumanize civilians that are getting bombed/killed/war crimed. Have compassion for them.
Fall for the fandomization of I/P. It is neither football nor a cartoon. Actual human lives are at stake.
Try to battle antisemitism with islamophobia or vice versa; try to battle bigotry with more bigotry.
People that deny the rapes, murders and beheadings of 10/7 are antisemitic. Period.
Now as for Palestinians:
As of July 7 it is true that two thirds of the public continue to support the 10/7 attack.
There is also a phenomenon of Holocaust denial.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said that the Holocaust was not caused by antisemitism, but was the Jews’ own “social behavior.” Those Jewish actions are what provoked the Nazis, he claimed.
Again on August 24, 2023. "They say that Hitler killed the Jews because they were Jews and that Europe hated the Jews because they were Jews. Not true," Abbas said, adding that the Europeans "fought against these people because of their role in society, which had to do with usury, money (...) In his [Adolf Hitler's] view, they were engaged in sabotage, and this is why he hated them."
"They say that Hitler killed the Jews for being Jews, and that Europe hated the Jews because they were Jews. No. It was clearly explained that they fought them because of their social role and not their religion," Hamas MP Marwan Abu Ras said in 2019.
Hamas is obviously not an ally or savior of the Palestinian population and consists of terrorists (read the 1988 Hamas Charter and spot the antisemitism; the 2017 revised one replaced "Jews" with "Zionists," but never revoked the first one).
The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem). [...] For a long time, the enemies have been planning, skillfully and with precision, for the achievement of what they have attained. They took into consideration the causes affecting the current of events. They strived to amass great and substantive material wealth which they devoted to the realisation of their dream. With their money, they took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others. With their money they stirred revolutions in various parts of the world with the purpose of achieving their interests and reaping the fruit therein. They were behind the French Revolution, the Communist revolution and most of the revolutions we heard and hear about, here and there. With their money they formed secret societies, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, the Lions and others in different parts of the world for the purpose of sabotaging societies and achieving Zionist interests. With their money they were able to control imperialistic countries and instigate them to colonize many countries in order to enable them to exploit their resources and spread corruption there. You may speak as much as you want about regional and world wars. They were behind World War I, when they were able to destroy the Islamic Caliphate, making financial gains and controlling resources. They obtained the Balfour Declaration, formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state. It was they who instigated the replacement of the League of Nations with the United Nations and the Security Council to enable them to rule the world through them. There is no war going on anywhere, without having their finger in it.
What you need to understand is that Palestinian children are taught extremism and antisemitism from an early age.
First of all, Arabic schools do not include curriculum about the Holocaust in their classrooms. (Of course, neither do Israeli schools teach much about the Nabka.) UAE is the first Middle Eastern country to do so.
Palestinian schoolbooks are biased and do not mention immoral acts commited by them; only the wrongs perpetrated by Israelis. They promote casual antisemitism.
Second of all, Hamas summer camps teach children to use weapons.
Thirdly, have you heard of a children's show called "Tomorrow's Pioneers"? It was one of the top TV shows in Gaza, and was watched by almost all kids aged 4-10 on Friday mornings from 2007 until (at least) 2022.
Why is that a problem? Well, its director is Fathi Hamad, a member of Hamas, who in 2019 urged the Palestinian diaspora to kill "Jews everywhere."
“Our patience has run out. We are on the verge of exploding. If this siege is not undone, we will explode in the face of our enemies, with God’s permission and glory … all of you 7 million Palestinians abroad, enough of the warming up. You have Jews everywhere and we must attack every Jew on the globe by way of slaughter and killing, if God permits.”
Even though MEMRI's transcript of the show has been criticized for mistranslations and exaggerations, the antisemitic sentiments are very much there.
If you're wondering about its content, you can take a look here. There are minors singing songs about killing Jews and being encouraged to become martyrs, Farfour (a Mickey Mouse character that had to be removed because Disney got involved) being beaten to death and other uncensored death scenes as well as animal abuse. There's an episode where a man in a bee costume flings cats from their tails.
Where am I going with this?
Textbooks in societies entrenched in (prolonged) wars, such as those in Sri Lanka, Rwanda, Cyprus, Turkey and of course I/P, often exhibit one-sidedness, bias, and distortions designed to portray the opposing side negatively while casting the domestic group in a favorable light. (Israel is very much guilty of this too, but you talked about Palestinians.) Any account that challenges the dominant narrative is met with disapproval.
Wars are assessed not only by the level of violence they produce but also by the narratives promoted by each side, whether through leaders, textbooks or the media.
By this measure, I/P appears likely to intensify since the focus is on incitement and self-righteousness.
With Netanyahu (and Likud's other right-wing genuises /s) and Hamas in charge peace cannot be fostered.
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dwestfieldblog · 4 months ago
The return of the technical hitch hiker…looking to claim apolitical asylum for a lunatic, not exactly a diplomat but a fine ambassador of all that is best in English kulcher. Keen to restart a stalled life and hopefully be a long term tolerated guest under minimal foreign suspicion. After 27 months and still counting, trying hard to avoid getting too deep in the mass British mind set. ‘Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way’. ‘What do the English know of exile? They cannot bear it. Everywhere they go they create another Surrey, New Zealand mutton and mint sauce.’ Tell that to Jaz in Argentina.
But apparently, ‘The mind must be broken up into a form of insanity before it can be transcended’. ‘I had so many dreams, made so many breakthroughs, but you my love were kind…’ (Bowie -Time). ‘Dave, my mind is going’ (2001)
Paranoia of anything alien to religious or state dogma is encouraged by both and it is laughingly easy to manipulate human nature with racial stereotypes to inflame. Suspicious of the Stranger, the immigrant, the refugee, the sneaky Jew, the Moslem terrorist, the foreigner looking to undermine and subvert… And in the West, the people ranting about this the most, are all being spurred on by the countries which truly DO want to divide and conquer. Can’t repeat this enough. The blind patriotism of the masses is being used against them like martial arts. (Hello Vladimir). Use the opponents own force with minimum effort on your part. Little bit of financing and propaganda and just let the enemy pull itself to bits in the name of ‘national pride’. Hello UK riot puppets.
The spirit of Khton is alive and foul again in Russia…spy on and inform on your neighbour before they do it to you. Keep the population focused on the virus of fear rather than the Mafia like utter corruption of the regime. Starting over here and the US too… ‘See something, say something.’ Pavlov dog whistlers such as the amphibian faced smiling gargoyle Farage and his chum, the orange reptile, have far too much fascinated respect for the way Putin abuses power. Any tactic to keep the population afraid and pointing fingers at scapegoats and away from their open criminality. Egging on their testosteroned tribal followers with targets, hordes of youth triggered by anti-social media, aka; ‘…the nihilistic emotionalism of those young men who, rather than gain knowledge of the world, would change it to make it accept their ignorance.’
The glitz and the bling of the vapid in America (etc) has an easy counterpart in Russia, with ostentatious kitsch (I knew him well) and appallingly tacky displays of ill-gotten wealth…no wonder Forest Trump and his family copy Putin’s oligarchal realm of dachas so much. All these types genuinely don’t give a quark sized damn how they get their money and possessions, as long as their egos get given regular hand jobs/clitoral stimulation to aid the illusion they are immortal, special and important, rather than ultimately impotent.
Meanwhile, the hoi polloi proles (that’s most of us) pay more and more, get less and less, running a marathon to stand still and existing just to survive, whereas those who donate to whichever British government, get knighthoods, a politician’s ear and more moolah. And a revolving door appointment on several boards of directors. And a large gratuity of shares. Being rewarded for corruption, greed and failure seems a little unfair, eh? The only thing which ‘trickles down’ from the mansions on the hill is excrement for the poor to clean, polish and eat. Directors lay workers off to ‘save money’ in cutbacks and then award themselves bigger bonuses, leading to job losses and price increases.
The rich themselves hold their money in offshore accounts, thus costing the country even more in lost revenue. The middle classes worldwide have a pathetically forlorn hope of reaching a higher status, seemingly not realising they are the ones supporting those who will keep them financially average all their life. And, like a majority of the poor, vote for those who couldn’t care less about them. The working class endlessly voting for snobs from Eton, is a remarkable English phenomenon. The ‘people’ are cowed from being beaten daily, too submissive to fight back and exhausted from living. Oh well. Orwell.
The arrest of Pavel Durov, Mr. Telegram, appears to be long overdue, another James Bond super villain in the making (check him out) …like the increasingly deranged X man Musk who thinks moderation is a ‘propaganda word’ for censorship, and should also not be allowed anywhere near the internet. Free hate speech for everyone! He, like so many others on the Right (Wrong) seem to be listening only to their own prejudices, amplified by Q Onan and their pustulant foulage. Western mutants supported by the Kremlin, pushing their twisted narratives to Manchurian candidate the stupid. Hello Tenet. Vast online media advertising cyber billboards…
(Repeat after me… ‘YOUR CONSPIRACY HERE’.  Neuro linguistic programming hypnotises us into litanies which create our personal reality…and then seek to impose it upon others. Works like a charm, quite literally.)
Shepherdess no temptation that Poussin Teniers hold the key peace 681 by the cross and this horse of God I complete this daemon guardian at noon blue apples. Could not have put it better myself. True dat. Word. Verbatim.
Two days after the event, I watched the Kamala/Trump debate in utter voyeuristic joy. Harris was magnificent…and politely allowed Donald to waffle his deranged porcine sewage of second-hand fascism. Hungry Haitian migrants are apparently wolfing down dogs in Ohio and in Hungary, Victor Orban thinks Trump is great. (He would, another autocratic servant of Russia who wants control over all media and the law, pelican necked birds of a feather…) And his bleak statement that he would ‘end’ the war in Ukraine, after having been asked whether he actually wanted them to win was chilling. No wonder that guy waited in the bushes at the golf club. Third times the charm, eh?
Jabba the Trump and maggot sons on X (of course) for World Liberty Financial... ‘to make crypto and America great by driving the mass adoption of stablecoins and decentralised finance.’ Something he himself called a scam before realising his followers adore such ruinous diversions.  A criminal scheme to divert actual wealth and value away from the unwashed voters and into the wallets of the one per cent. (‘All the regulations of mankind are turned to the end that the intense feeling of life may be lost in continual distractions’ Nietzsche. (And those distractions are encouraged by those who control. Hey! Look over there! Did you SEE that? As their hand goes deeper into your pockets) As for him tweeting (X-ing?) ‘I HATE Taylor Swift!’, this man truly is a poisonous child brat, a dangerous clown.As is Vance. Get them far away.
(You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you. So, that’s me done and dusted. Tiny is as tiny does. But I do LOVE what I love. Music, good people, art, comedy and astral magick…)
Pope Francis almost seemed to me to be one of the most decent in forever…but then he had to say the upcoming election in the USA was a choice between the ‘lesser of two evils’. Kamala as ‘evil’ because she supports abortion rights. Compared to Donald, who is genuinely evil in just about every single way possible. Trump repeated the insanely false claim that some states allow abortion AFTER the baby is born. Which would be murder itself. As Consolidated sang; ‘Do you think women want to kill their own babies? If you got your own twisted baggage then maybe.’
The fact that there are states in the US and states of mind where anyone is arguing that the health of the mother is less important than a foetus, seems mentally ill to me. She’s poor, got three kids and was raped by a crack addicted family member. To reiterate my feeling; It is ONLY the woman’s choice. Or just sterilise the men who think all abortion is wrong. That might help to clear the field for compassionate morality.
Goddess, I am looking forward and inward to; ‘…a quite specific electromagnetic-gravitational field in which mind can manifest without organic bodies.’ Of course, this will only be available to the exact people who should not be saved (in my feeling) much like the special nuclear shelters for politicians and generals. This is why the individual needs to internally connect, then out, sideways and across… All thinking is done with left front lobe, which is a ‘digital computer’. Right front lobe is an ‘analogue computer’. Magick is the moving from left frontal lobe domination to right frontal lobe domination. ‘From digital linear, Aristotelian thinking to analogic, synergetic, non-Aristotelian thinking.’ Stick that in your third eye until you cum.
(Awareness…What are you? ‘I am awake’. Said Buddha beaming beatifically under the Bo tree with a figgy surfeit of serotonin in his bloodstream.) “Is…. the idiocy of the word haunts me. If it were abolished, human thought night begin to make sense.  I don’t know what anything “is”; I only know how it seems to me at this moment.’ Respect my beliefs. No, why, are they provable?
Will there soon be an unholy total war between Israel and the Arab world? Benny boy certainly seems intent on provoking one…anything to avoid he and his wife being arrested. Never trust a leader who seeks to usurp the legal system by replacing judges and repealing laws to save their own skins. Hello Boris, Ergogan, Orban, Modi, Benny and Trump…all the nice guys. Leaders of democracies all, but which have been and are changing their countries systems, thanks to their desire to remain outside of prison. And all saying they are doing it in the name of…that’s right, ‘the country’. ‘God’ is on every side…
‘It was a war between a couple of psychotics (which) wasted millions of lives and achieved nothing but a small shift of boundaries. Better to lock them away with maps and toy soldiers, where no real harm is ever accomplished’. Michael Moorcock. Wonderful idea. Any time two leaders get rabid with threats about using nuclear weapons, black bag the mfs and let them wake up in a soft room. Pat them on their heads, patronise them with kindly smiles and say ‘aww, bless’ at their senility of god complexes and narcissistic personality disorders.
‘The historical linkage goes by no single name, just a charged mission to resist forever any and by all means by which an authoritarian elite seeks the eradication of free will, free thought and individualism. …you have to keep a close eye on the bastards.’ Mick Farrren.
From the unfragmentary non-atomic fact of my universality, I wish you love, good health and humour (with an O) and let’s hope the election sees that whorebeast and his tribe utterly eviscerated on November 5th.
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martinwilliammichael · 6 months ago
Le Puy is possibly the most ancient Marian shrine in the world
In the department of Haute Loire in southern France (...) lies the oriental-looking Cathedral of Le Puy. It has a series of cupolas, Romanesque arches, and in some ways resembles a mosque. The capitals of the pillars which sustain the vault are as artistic as any of the basilicas in France; the facade is Moorish. The stairs leading up to the church from the city below pass next to the ancient druid altar and then rise to the shrine itself.
The image of the Black Madonna of Le Puy is an almost exact replica of the ancient one, which had been dragged about during a mock trial at the time of the French Revolution. This statue was guillotined like Marie Antoinette and then burned. The present statue, made of black marble, represents Our Lady seated on a stool and is about twenty-five inches high. She holds her son on her knees. According to tradition, the original venerated statue was brought to the sanctuary by St. Louis, King of France. During the Crusades, King Louis was captured by the Moors in Africa, but the Sultan, as a sign of his esteem, presented to the King of France a cedar wood figure of Our Lady with the Child, venerated also by the Moslems. There is another legend that the statue was carved by the prophet Jeremiah.
Le Puy thus claims to be the most ancient shrine of Our Lady in the world. In any case the origins of the shrine of Le Puy go back to the druidic age. Mont Anis, the hill on which the cathedral stands, was the site of a druidic altar and during the Roman occupation, it was replaced by a temple of Jupiter. Very soon after the arrival of Christianity, it is said that a woman seeking relief from a mysterious fever went up to this ancient place of worship. Suddenly, the Blessed Virgin appeared to her and asked that a chapel be built on the site. When the Bishop visited the spot, sometime in midsummer, he found snow on the mountain in a shape that indicated the building plan of a chapel. He fenced the place in with a hedge of thorns and, to his great astonishment, found on the next morning that the bushes had blossomed into flowers. The popular legend asserts also that the Bishop of St. George of Velay was a disciple of St. Peter.
The chapel, however, was built much later. Toward the end of the fifth century, another bishop of Velay was faced with a similar request: another woman was cured on the mountain, and Our Lady, who subsequently appeared to her, asked again that a shrine be erected on the spot.
The church was built but never consecrated by the bishop because, as in the case of the Swiss shrine of Einsiedeln, when the bishop arrived, "he found the chapel ablaze with lights and filled with music, and it was believed that it had been already consecrated by the angels." (H. M. Gillet, Famous Shrines of Our Lady.)
From this time forward, the history of Le Puy is one of glory. By the sixth century, so many pilgrims were flocking to Le Puy that a guest house had to be built. Charlemagne visited Le Puy twice; all the princes of the Carolingian dynasty showered gifts on the shrine. Later, St. Louis, King of France, donated a new statue and journeyed twice on pilgrimages with his queen.
The visits of Charlemagne, the seven popes, the kings and the saints live on at this place, not as shadows of the past, but as actual marks of an undying dedication to the Blessed Virgin who chose this part of France to be venerated as "Our Lady of France."
Zsolt Aradi
Source: www.catholicculture.org (Adapted)
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rainygentlemenanchor-blog · 11 months ago
Jews-Christians-Moslems: Peace or War?
South African ANC led Government in League with Iran Axis of Evil fighting against Isreal Listen to the Chief Rabbi of South Africa Speaks on Israel’s Defence: y2mate.is – ICJ verdict SA Chief Rabbi s call to fight back-9QsMxXjoO6g-1080pp-1706978572.mp4 Available from Amazon Worldwide: Roni’s Books Available From Amazon: English Edition Please make a Charitable Donation to Help with the…
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jacobsvoice · 6 years ago
Lament From the South Hebron Hills
The New York Review of Books is not renowned for embracing Israel, unless it is with a literary choke-hold. Proudly identifying its focus on “the great political issues of power and its abuses,” Israel became an inviting target, especially for Jewish leftist contributors. Fifteen years ago historian Tony Judt who, as a besotted teenager had spent his high-school summers working on kibbutzim, labeled the Jewish state an “anachronism” that is “bad for the Jews.” Left-wing Israeli writers – Amos Oz, David Grossman and Avishai Margalit prominent among them – were welcomed by the Review to illuminate Israel’s moral deficiencies.
The mantle of Israel-bashing has been passed to other Jewish academics who, like Judt, believe that the Jewish state is worthy of their loathing. Its March 7 issue features a review of the newest book by historian David Shulman, who emigrated to Israel from Iowa following his graduation from high school after the Six-Day War. Serving in the IDF during Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982, he subsequently became an expert on the languages of India and enjoyed a distinguished academic career at the Hebrew University.
Winner of the Israel Prize in 2016, Shulman donated his award funds to Ta’ayush, the organization of his passion that supports Palestinian farmers living the South Hebron hills (between Hebron and Beersheva). There, for many years, he has spent every Shabbat protecting besieged Palestinian shepherds and farmers from the Jewish settlers whom he despises. Describing them as “sociopathetic” Israelis who enjoy “unfettered freedom to terrorize the local Palestinian population,” Shulman feels “responsible for the atrocities committed in my name” by settlers and the soldiers who protect them.
In Freedom and Despair (2018) Shulman confesses to a “nagging sense of futility and despair.” Once imagining that the peace camp that engages his passion was the catalyst for “a mass movement for peace,” his dream was shattered by “the vast machinery of the Occupation,” a “systemic wickedness” that is an “insult to human dignity on a mass scale.” Realizing that he “can never be free in any meaningful way if [Palestinians] are not free,” he laments “the brutal harassment by soldiers and settlers” of innocent shepherds as the Israeli government pursues its “greater annexationist goal.”
Nowhere in his book, focused on the South Hebron hills, does Shulman mention the horrific Arab massacre in Hebron (1929) when sixty-seven Jewish residents and yeshiva students were murdered for the crime of being Jews. Hebron became Judenrein until, after the Six-Day War, Jews began to return to their ancient holy city, burial place of the patriarchs and matriarchs of the Jewish people and King David’s first capital city. But Shulman lacerates Hebron (where several hundred Jews are surrounded by 200,000 Palestinians) and other settlements as a “corrupt regime of theft and dispossession.”
Shulman relentlessly focuses on the besieged Palestinian mountain village of Susya. Had Shulman bothered to Google Susya he would have learned that it is “the site of an ancient Jewish village” with archeological remains from a 4th-5th century synagogue. Who, then, are the “occupiers”: Jews, or the Islamic warriors who converted the site into a mosque and their Muslim disciples?
Freedom and Despair overflows with Shulman’s laments about “the Occupation” by Israel of its Biblical homeland, millennia before the arrival of Muslim conquerors. It is “wicked at the root and cannot be justified by any rational means.” Jewish “sociopathic settlers,” for Shulman, possess “a fanatical and lethal vision” whose occupation “embodies wickedness of such intensity that it calls into question the legitimacy” of Israel.
A frequent contributor to The New York Review of Books, Shulman has been rewarded with a glowing review by Raja Shehadeh, the prominent Palestinian lawyer (and another familiar contributor) who founded the human rights group Al-Haq. Shehadeh focuses on violence (“almost weekly”) by “sociopathetic” settlers (Shulman’s label) against West Bank Palestinians. Palestinian violence against Jews is ignored – as it is by Shulman. The recent shooting of a pregnant Israel woman whose premature baby died three days later, and the rape and murder of a 19-year-old Israeli woman by a Hebron Moslem yearning to be a martyr occurred too late for inclusion – or evasion.
Shehadeh, like Shulman, believes that settler claims (to Biblical Judea and Samaria) are “mythical” - even (for Shulman) “absurd.” Drawing upon Shulman’s narrative, Shehadeh concludes that “in this battle against [Israeli] fascism,” Palestinians and Israelis ”must fight together.” Shulman and Shehadeh are their self-appointed verbal warriors.
While I was reading Shulman’s book and Shehadeh’s review, JNS published a brief account of the destruction by Arabs of 200 cherry trees and grapevines in Kfar Etzion, at the edge of Shulman’s beloved Palestinian enclave. Perhaps Shulman (and Shehadeh) will condemn the rampage in The New York Review of Books. More likely, not.
Jewish News Service (JNS) (March 6, 2019)
Jerold S. Auerbach is the author of Print to Fit: The New York Times, Zionism and Israel, 1896-2016 published by Academic Studies Press.
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roninwarrior47 · 6 years ago
Does any of this sound Familiar already!!!
21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman (ca. 1993)
1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. The One World Government began to set up its church in the 1920:s and 30:s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.
2. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride, which was a primary consideration if the concept of a One World Government was to work.
3. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation, as mentioned above.
4. To establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Zbignew Brzezinski called techonotronics, which would create human-like robots and a system of terror which would make Felix Dzerzinhski's Red Terror look like children at play.
5. To bring about the end to all industrialization and to end the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call " the post-industrial zero-growth society". Excepted are the computer- and service industries. US industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available. As we saw in 1993, this has become a fact through the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, known as NAFTA. Unemployables in the US, in the wake of industrial destruction, will either become opium-heroin and/or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination of the "excess population" process we know of today as Global 2000.
6. To encourage, and eventually legalize the use of drugs and make pornography an "art-form", which will be widely accepted and, eventually, become quite commonplace.
7. To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up in the US by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations, and overseen by Thomas Enders, a high-ranking State Department official. It is also interesting that the committee is currently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.
8. To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments currently being scorned and ridiculed by the Illuminati and its jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch would blow the Illuminati's conception of "limited natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion torch, properly used, could create unlimited and as yet untapped natural resources, even from the most ordinary substances. Fusion torch uses are legion, and would benefit mankind in a manner which, as yet, is not even remotely comprehended by the public.
9. To cause. by means of A) limited wars in the advanced countries, 😎 by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call "useless eaters". The Committee of 300 (Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title " Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of States, for and on behalf of the US Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million by the year of 2050.
10. To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, the report envisages demoralized and discouraged workers resorting to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard, the Committee commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as the " Aquarian Conspiracy".
11. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the US, an agency for Crisis Management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first enclosed in 1980.
12. To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which include rock music gangsters such as the Rolling Stones (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility), and all of the Tavistock-created rock groups which began with the Beatles.
13. To continue to build up the cult of Christian Fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company's servant Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist State of Israel by identifying with the Jews through the myth of "God's chosen people", and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.
14. To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem Fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out mind control experiments of the Jim Jones and "Son of Sam" type. It is worth noting that the late Khomeini was a creation of British Military Intelligence Div. 6, MI6. This detailed work spelled out the step-by-step process which the US Government implemented to put Khomeini in power.
15. To e xport "religious liberation" ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions, but more especially the Christian religion. This began with the "Jesuit Liberation Theology", that brought an end to the Somoza Family rule in Nicaragua, and which today is destroying El Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war". Costa Rica and Honduras are also embroiled in revolutionary activities, instigated by the Jesuits. One very active entity engaged in the so-called liberation theology, is the Communist-oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll's so-called nuns in El Salvador a few years ago. The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the Government of El Salvador. The US press and the new media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation possessed by the Salvadorian Government, which proved what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and placed a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Moçambique, Angola and South Africa.
16. To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and engender total political chaos.
17. To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the US.
18. To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements, the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions less effective, by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN.
19. To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.
20. To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus [Al-queda, ISIS, ISIL, etc.] and to negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi, who persuaded the Italian and US Governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside, Dozier was placed under strict orders not to talk what happened to him. Should he ever break that silence, he will no doubt be made "a horrible example of", in the manner in which Henry Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq.
21. To take control of education in America with the intent and p urpose of utterly and completely destroying it. By 1993, the full force effect of this policy is becoming apparent, and will be even more destructive as primary and secondary schools begin to teach " Outcome Based Education" (OBE).
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sofaidblogs · 2 years ago
Build a mosque or support Dawah
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 If you wish to support Dawah, MATW Canada stands close to you to gather your donation. As a active or non-practicing Muslim, you need to worship God SWT. Our organization offers you an opportunity to build a mosque through this Moslem charity. we have a tendency to are very attentive to Muslim peace and comfort, and operate our work on the idea of priority. There are many reverted Muslims round the world who need academic establishments to be told and recite the holy Quran. we would like to build a masjid with the help of our respectable donors where needed. MATW Moslem Projects- build a place of worship God SWT guarantees to gift a target paradise who helps build a mosque in Duniya. each non secular and freshly reverted Muslim expects a prayers home near . However, there are lack of nearby mosques in geographic area and plenty of different places. Let' create almighty Allah pleasant to us by finding the crisis. tiny house of prayer – West Africa does one have $10000 for donation to our Muslim charity? If yes, then you'll get a beautiful sadaqah jariya. we are going to build atiny low place of worship in geographic area containing quite 100 folks at a time. Community house of prayer – West Africa $15000 is nice enough to create a community masjid in West Africa. Around one hundred fifty people will pray there at a time because it are 150sqm. giant house of prayer – West Africa The additional you increase your donation, the larger mosque will be. $20,000 will allow us to deliver a 200sqm building to the underprivileged Muslims. Grand house of prayer – West Africa If you wish to assist additional folks with al-Qur'an education and Jumua prayer, $25,000 will allow us to build a 250sqm place of worship that may accommodate quite 250 people. Moslem mission Support Our team is decided to unfold messages of the Quran across the planet specifically in remote areas. $150 are an honest quantity for the team management. present a Quran $10 will let us gift a Quran to a Muslim and provides him/her an opportunity to be told and browse Allah’s message.
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travelsinser · 2 years ago
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Mosque of Sultan Bayazid
Mosque of Sultan Bayazid, called by travellers The Pigeon Mosque, on the Seraskerat Parade Ground, is interesting solely on account of its courtyard, which is the finest and most picturesque of any mosque court in Constantinople. The columns supporting the numerous domes of the arcade running round it were taken from Greek monuments and churches ; in the centre is a beautiful ablution fountain surrounded by trees. This courtyard serves as a place of business for numerous public letter-fariters, seal-cutters, vendors of rosaries and Oriental perfumes.
During Eamazan it is crowded with tents containing stalls for the sale of all kinds of Egyptian and Persian sweets. The building derives its nickname of the ‘Pigeon Mosque ’ from the vast number of pigeons kept in its precincts, all descended from a single pair of these birds, bought from a poor woman by Sultan Bayazid and presented by him to the mosque. Travellers wishing to do so are allowed to feed the birds with grain, which can be procured for a piastre or two at the grain stall kept on purpose in the yard. The food of these birds is, however, provided for out of donations and funds bequeathed to the mosque for that purpose by pious Moslems.
Rustem Pasha Mosque, at Yemiss Iskelessi, just beyond the Egyptian bazaar, is remarkable for its tile-work, and will be found interesting by connoisseurs of this branch of art. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) each; less is also accepted.
Valideh Mosque, called Yenl Valideh Jamesl by the Turks, stands close to the Stambul end of Galata Bridge. Entrance through the gate opposite the Turkish General Post Office; only the galleries and Sultan’s private pew are visited; admission 5 piastres per head. This mosque, commenced in 1615 by the wife of Ahmed I. private tour istanbul, was completed in 1665 by the mother (Yalideh) of Sultan Muhammad IV. Its walls are covered with beautiful blue tiles, and the stained-glass windows in some of the rooms are very beautiful indeed.
Shah Zadeh mosque
The Tomb of Shah Zadeh (The Prince’s Tomb), in the garden of Shah Zadeh mosque, was erected in 1543-48 by Suleiman the Magnificent in memory of his son Muhammad who died at the age of eighteen. Admission 5 piastres per head. Travellers who are pressed for time should give this tomb the preference; its walls are faced with beautiful tiles of all colours, and a wooden railing in the centre of the building encloses three tombs. The middle one is that of Prince Muhammad (1525-43). The high wooden erection over the grave is said to have been put up by Suleiman’s orders, in allusion to the throne his unfortunate son would have occupied had he lived On the stool by the grave the deceased prince’s robes, said to be richly embroidered, are exhibited once a year during the month of Ramazan. The tomb on the right of Muhammad’s is that of his brother, Prince Mustapha ‘ Zihanghir,’ that on the left contains the remains of his sister.
Visitors should ask to see the beautifully illuminated Koran kept in this mausoleum, and said to have been transcribed by Prince Muhammad, who, however, did not live long enough to complete the work.
The Tomb of Sultan Muhammad II., the Conqueror, situated in the cemetery attached to the mosque of Muhammad II. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) per head. The tomb is an octagonal building with an interior almost as plain as its exterior. The walls are painted various colours, and are embellished with inscriptions. In a frame hanging before the window facing the door is a transcription of Muhammad’s prophecy, ‘ Thou shalt take Constantinople ; happy the prince, happy the army that achieves this.’ The conqueror’s grave is in the centre of the building, solitary, and surrounded by a wooden railing inlaid with mother- of-pearl. At the head is an enormous turban. On the left when entering, and near the window, is a box said to contain two of the prophet’s teeth lost in battle, and a portion of his beard, which are exhibited to the faithful on the 15th of Ramazan.
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beautytravels · 2 years ago
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Mosque of Sultan Bayazid
Mosque of Sultan Bayazid, called by travellers The Pigeon Mosque, on the Seraskerat Parade Ground, is interesting solely on account of its courtyard, which is the finest and most picturesque of any mosque court in Constantinople. The columns supporting the numerous domes of the arcade running round it were taken from Greek monuments and churches ; in the centre is a beautiful ablution fountain surrounded by trees. This courtyard serves as a place of business for numerous public letter-fariters, seal-cutters, vendors of rosaries and Oriental perfumes.
During Eamazan it is crowded with tents containing stalls for the sale of all kinds of Egyptian and Persian sweets. The building derives its nickname of the ‘Pigeon Mosque ’ from the vast number of pigeons kept in its precincts, all descended from a single pair of these birds, bought from a poor woman by Sultan Bayazid and presented by him to the mosque. Travellers wishing to do so are allowed to feed the birds with grain, which can be procured for a piastre or two at the grain stall kept on purpose in the yard. The food of these birds is, however, provided for out of donations and funds bequeathed to the mosque for that purpose by pious Moslems.
Rustem Pasha Mosque, at Yemiss Iskelessi, just beyond the Egyptian bazaar, is remarkable for its tile-work, and will be found interesting by connoisseurs of this branch of art. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) each; less is also accepted.
Valideh Mosque, called Yenl Valideh Jamesl by the Turks, stands close to the Stambul end of Galata Bridge. Entrance through the gate opposite the Turkish General Post Office; only the galleries and Sultan’s private pew are visited; admission 5 piastres per head. This mosque, commenced in 1615 by the wife of Ahmed I. private tour istanbul, was completed in 1665 by the mother (Yalideh) of Sultan Muhammad IV. Its walls are covered with beautiful blue tiles, and the stained-glass windows in some of the rooms are very beautiful indeed.
Shah Zadeh mosque
The Tomb of Shah Zadeh (The Prince’s Tomb), in the garden of Shah Zadeh mosque, was erected in 1543-48 by Suleiman the Magnificent in memory of his son Muhammad who died at the age of eighteen. Admission 5 piastres per head. Travellers who are pressed for time should give this tomb the preference; its walls are faced with beautiful tiles of all colours, and a wooden railing in the centre of the building encloses three tombs. The middle one is that of Prince Muhammad (1525-43). The high wooden erection over the grave is said to have been put up by Suleiman’s orders, in allusion to the throne his unfortunate son would have occupied had he lived On the stool by the grave the deceased prince’s robes, said to be richly embroidered, are exhibited once a year during the month of Ramazan. The tomb on the right of Muhammad’s is that of his brother, Prince Mustapha ‘ Zihanghir,’ that on the left contains the remains of his sister.
Visitors should ask to see the beautifully illuminated Koran kept in this mausoleum, and said to have been transcribed by Prince Muhammad, who, however, did not live long enough to complete the work.
The Tomb of Sultan Muhammad II., the Conqueror, situated in the cemetery attached to the mosque of Muhammad II. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) per head. The tomb is an octagonal building with an interior almost as plain as its exterior. The walls are painted various colours, and are embellished with inscriptions. In a frame hanging before the window facing the door is a transcription of Muhammad’s prophecy, ‘ Thou shalt take Constantinople ; happy the prince, happy the army that achieves this.’ The conqueror’s grave is in the centre of the building, solitary, and surrounded by a wooden railing inlaid with mother- of-pearl. At the head is an enormous turban. On the left when entering, and near the window, is a box said to contain two of the prophet’s teeth lost in battle, and a portion of his beard, which are exhibited to the faithful on the 15th of Ramazan.
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boutiquehotelsbg · 2 years ago
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Mosque of Sultan Bayazid
Mosque of Sultan Bayazid, called by travellers The Pigeon Mosque, on the Seraskerat Parade Ground, is interesting solely on account of its courtyard, which is the finest and most picturesque of any mosque court in Constantinople. The columns supporting the numerous domes of the arcade running round it were taken from Greek monuments and churches ; in the centre is a beautiful ablution fountain surrounded by trees. This courtyard serves as a place of business for numerous public letter-fariters, seal-cutters, vendors of rosaries and Oriental perfumes.
During Eamazan it is crowded with tents containing stalls for the sale of all kinds of Egyptian and Persian sweets. The building derives its nickname of the ‘Pigeon Mosque ’ from the vast number of pigeons kept in its precincts, all descended from a single pair of these birds, bought from a poor woman by Sultan Bayazid and presented by him to the mosque. Travellers wishing to do so are allowed to feed the birds with grain, which can be procured for a piastre or two at the grain stall kept on purpose in the yard. The food of these birds is, however, provided for out of donations and funds bequeathed to the mosque for that purpose by pious Moslems.
Rustem Pasha Mosque, at Yemiss Iskelessi, just beyond the Egyptian bazaar, is remarkable for its tile-work, and will be found interesting by connoisseurs of this branch of art. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) each; less is also accepted.
Valideh Mosque, called Yenl Valideh Jamesl by the Turks, stands close to the Stambul end of Galata Bridge. Entrance through the gate opposite the Turkish General Post Office; only the galleries and Sultan’s private pew are visited; admission 5 piastres per head. This mosque, commenced in 1615 by the wife of Ahmed I. private tour istanbul, was completed in 1665 by the mother (Yalideh) of Sultan Muhammad IV. Its walls are covered with beautiful blue tiles, and the stained-glass windows in some of the rooms are very beautiful indeed.
Shah Zadeh mosque
The Tomb of Shah Zadeh (The Prince’s Tomb), in the garden of Shah Zadeh mosque, was erected in 1543-48 by Suleiman the Magnificent in memory of his son Muhammad who died at the age of eighteen. Admission 5 piastres per head. Travellers who are pressed for time should give this tomb the preference; its walls are faced with beautiful tiles of all colours, and a wooden railing in the centre of the building encloses three tombs. The middle one is that of Prince Muhammad (1525-43). The high wooden erection over the grave is said to have been put up by Suleiman’s orders, in allusion to the throne his unfortunate son would have occupied had he lived On the stool by the grave the deceased prince’s robes, said to be richly embroidered, are exhibited once a year during the month of Ramazan. The tomb on the right of Muhammad’s is that of his brother, Prince Mustapha ‘ Zihanghir,’ that on the left contains the remains of his sister.
Visitors should ask to see the beautifully illuminated Koran kept in this mausoleum, and said to have been transcribed by Prince Muhammad, who, however, did not live long enough to complete the work.
The Tomb of Sultan Muhammad II., the Conqueror, situated in the cemetery attached to the mosque of Muhammad II. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) per head. The tomb is an octagonal building with an interior almost as plain as its exterior. The walls are painted various colours, and are embellished with inscriptions. In a frame hanging before the window facing the door is a transcription of Muhammad’s prophecy, ‘ Thou shalt take Constantinople ; happy the prince, happy the army that achieves this.’ The conqueror’s grave is in the centre of the building, solitary, and surrounded by a wooden railing inlaid with mother- of-pearl. At the head is an enormous turban. On the left when entering, and near the window, is a box said to contain two of the prophet’s teeth lost in battle, and a portion of his beard, which are exhibited to the faithful on the 15th of Ramazan.
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travelsback · 2 years ago
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Mosque of Sultan Bayazid
Mosque of Sultan Bayazid, called by travellers The Pigeon Mosque, on the Seraskerat Parade Ground, is interesting solely on account of its courtyard, which is the finest and most picturesque of any mosque court in Constantinople. The columns supporting the numerous domes of the arcade running round it were taken from Greek monuments and churches ; in the centre is a beautiful ablution fountain surrounded by trees. This courtyard serves as a place of business for numerous public letter-fariters, seal-cutters, vendors of rosaries and Oriental perfumes.
During Eamazan it is crowded with tents containing stalls for the sale of all kinds of Egyptian and Persian sweets. The building derives its nickname of the ‘Pigeon Mosque ’ from the vast number of pigeons kept in its precincts, all descended from a single pair of these birds, bought from a poor woman by Sultan Bayazid and presented by him to the mosque. Travellers wishing to do so are allowed to feed the birds with grain, which can be procured for a piastre or two at the grain stall kept on purpose in the yard. The food of these birds is, however, provided for out of donations and funds bequeathed to the mosque for that purpose by pious Moslems.
Rustem Pasha Mosque, at Yemiss Iskelessi, just beyond the Egyptian bazaar, is remarkable for its tile-work, and will be found interesting by connoisseurs of this branch of art. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) each; less is also accepted.
Valideh Mosque, called Yenl Valideh Jamesl by the Turks, stands close to the Stambul end of Galata Bridge. Entrance through the gate opposite the Turkish General Post Office; only the galleries and Sultan’s private pew are visited; admission 5 piastres per head. This mosque, commenced in 1615 by the wife of Ahmed I. private tour istanbul, was completed in 1665 by the mother (Yalideh) of Sultan Muhammad IV. Its walls are covered with beautiful blue tiles, and the stained-glass windows in some of the rooms are very beautiful indeed.
Shah Zadeh mosque
The Tomb of Shah Zadeh (The Prince’s Tomb), in the garden of Shah Zadeh mosque, was erected in 1543-48 by Suleiman the Magnificent in memory of his son Muhammad who died at the age of eighteen. Admission 5 piastres per head. Travellers who are pressed for time should give this tomb the preference; its walls are faced with beautiful tiles of all colours, and a wooden railing in the centre of the building encloses three tombs. The middle one is that of Prince Muhammad (1525-43). The high wooden erection over the grave is said to have been put up by Suleiman’s orders, in allusion to the throne his unfortunate son would have occupied had he lived On the stool by the grave the deceased prince’s robes, said to be richly embroidered, are exhibited once a year during the month of Ramazan. The tomb on the right of Muhammad’s is that of his brother, Prince Mustapha ‘ Zihanghir,’ that on the left contains the remains of his sister.
Visitors should ask to see the beautifully illuminated Koran kept in this mausoleum, and said to have been transcribed by Prince Muhammad, who, however, did not live long enough to complete the work.
The Tomb of Sultan Muhammad II., the Conqueror, situated in the cemetery attached to the mosque of Muhammad II. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) per head. The tomb is an octagonal building with an interior almost as plain as its exterior. The walls are painted various colours, and are embellished with inscriptions. In a frame hanging before the window facing the door is a transcription of Muhammad’s prophecy, ‘ Thou shalt take Constantinople ; happy the prince, happy the army that achieves this.’ The conqueror’s grave is in the centre of the building, solitary, and surrounded by a wooden railing inlaid with mother- of-pearl. At the head is an enormous turban. On the left when entering, and near the window, is a box said to contain two of the prophet’s teeth lost in battle, and a portion of his beard, which are exhibited to the faithful on the 15th of Ramazan.
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trastravels · 2 years ago
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Mosque of Sultan Bayazid
Mosque of Sultan Bayazid, called by travellers The Pigeon Mosque, on the Seraskerat Parade Ground, is interesting solely on account of its courtyard, which is the finest and most picturesque of any mosque court in Constantinople. The columns supporting the numerous domes of the arcade running round it were taken from Greek monuments and churches ; in the centre is a beautiful ablution fountain surrounded by trees. This courtyard serves as a place of business for numerous public letter-fariters, seal-cutters, vendors of rosaries and Oriental perfumes.
During Eamazan it is crowded with tents containing stalls for the sale of all kinds of Egyptian and Persian sweets. The building derives its nickname of the ‘Pigeon Mosque ’ from the vast number of pigeons kept in its precincts, all descended from a single pair of these birds, bought from a poor woman by Sultan Bayazid and presented by him to the mosque. Travellers wishing to do so are allowed to feed the birds with grain, which can be procured for a piastre or two at the grain stall kept on purpose in the yard. The food of these birds is, however, provided for out of donations and funds bequeathed to the mosque for that purpose by pious Moslems.
Rustem Pasha Mosque, at Yemiss Iskelessi, just beyond the Egyptian bazaar, is remarkable for its tile-work, and will be found interesting by connoisseurs of this branch of art. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) each; less is also accepted.
Valideh Mosque, called Yenl Valideh Jamesl by the Turks, stands close to the Stambul end of Galata Bridge. Entrance through the gate opposite the Turkish General Post Office; only the galleries and Sultan’s private pew are visited; admission 5 piastres per head. This mosque, commenced in 1615 by the wife of Ahmed I. private tour istanbul, was completed in 1665 by the mother (Yalideh) of Sultan Muhammad IV. Its walls are covered with beautiful blue tiles, and the stained-glass windows in some of the rooms are very beautiful indeed.
Shah Zadeh mosque
The Tomb of Shah Zadeh (The Prince’s Tomb), in the garden of Shah Zadeh mosque, was erected in 1543-48 by Suleiman the Magnificent in memory of his son Muhammad who died at the age of eighteen. Admission 5 piastres per head. Travellers who are pressed for time should give this tomb the preference; its walls are faced with beautiful tiles of all colours, and a wooden railing in the centre of the building encloses three tombs. The middle one is that of Prince Muhammad (1525-43). The high wooden erection over the grave is said to have been put up by Suleiman’s orders, in allusion to the throne his unfortunate son would have occupied had he lived On the stool by the grave the deceased prince’s robes, said to be richly embroidered, are exhibited once a year during the month of Ramazan. The tomb on the right of Muhammad’s is that of his brother, Prince Mustapha ‘ Zihanghir,’ that on the left contains the remains of his sister.
Visitors should ask to see the beautifully illuminated Koran kept in this mausoleum, and said to have been transcribed by Prince Muhammad, who, however, did not live long enough to complete the work.
The Tomb of Sultan Muhammad II., the Conqueror, situated in the cemetery attached to the mosque of Muhammad II. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) per head. The tomb is an octagonal building with an interior almost as plain as its exterior. The walls are painted various colours, and are embellished with inscriptions. In a frame hanging before the window facing the door is a transcription of Muhammad’s prophecy, ‘ Thou shalt take Constantinople ; happy the prince, happy the army that achieves this.’ The conqueror’s grave is in the centre of the building, solitary, and surrounded by a wooden railing inlaid with mother- of-pearl. At the head is an enormous turban. On the left when entering, and near the window, is a box said to contain two of the prophet’s teeth lost in battle, and a portion of his beard, which are exhibited to the faithful on the 15th of Ramazan.
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travellingistanbul · 2 years ago
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Mosque of Sultan Bayazid
Mosque of Sultan Bayazid, called by travellers The Pigeon Mosque, on the Seraskerat Parade Ground, is interesting solely on account of its courtyard, which is the finest and most picturesque of any mosque court in Constantinople. The columns supporting the numerous domes of the arcade running round it were taken from Greek monuments and churches ; in the centre is a beautiful ablution fountain surrounded by trees. This courtyard serves as a place of business for numerous public letter-fariters, seal-cutters, vendors of rosaries and Oriental perfumes.
During Eamazan it is crowded with tents containing stalls for the sale of all kinds of Egyptian and Persian sweets. The building derives its nickname of the ‘Pigeon Mosque ’ from the vast number of pigeons kept in its precincts, all descended from a single pair of these birds, bought from a poor woman by Sultan Bayazid and presented by him to the mosque. Travellers wishing to do so are allowed to feed the birds with grain, which can be procured for a piastre or two at the grain stall kept on purpose in the yard. The food of these birds is, however, provided for out of donations and funds bequeathed to the mosque for that purpose by pious Moslems.
Rustem Pasha Mosque, at Yemiss Iskelessi, just beyond the Egyptian bazaar, is remarkable for its tile-work, and will be found interesting by connoisseurs of this branch of art. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) each; less is also accepted.
Valideh Mosque, called Yenl Valideh Jamesl by the Turks, stands close to the Stambul end of Galata Bridge. Entrance through the gate opposite the Turkish General Post Office; only the galleries and Sultan’s private pew are visited; admission 5 piastres per head. This mosque, commenced in 1615 by the wife of Ahmed I. private tour istanbul, was completed in 1665 by the mother (Yalideh) of Sultan Muhammad IV. Its walls are covered with beautiful blue tiles, and the stained-glass windows in some of the rooms are very beautiful indeed.
Shah Zadeh mosque
The Tomb of Shah Zadeh (The Prince’s Tomb), in the garden of Shah Zadeh mosque, was erected in 1543-48 by Suleiman the Magnificent in memory of his son Muhammad who died at the age of eighteen. Admission 5 piastres per head. Travellers who are pressed for time should give this tomb the preference; its walls are faced with beautiful tiles of all colours, and a wooden railing in the centre of the building encloses three tombs. The middle one is that of Prince Muhammad (1525-43). The high wooden erection over the grave is said to have been put up by Suleiman’s orders, in allusion to the throne his unfortunate son would have occupied had he lived On the stool by the grave the deceased prince’s robes, said to be richly embroidered, are exhibited once a year during the month of Ramazan. The tomb on the right of Muhammad’s is that of his brother, Prince Mustapha ‘ Zihanghir,’ that on the left contains the remains of his sister.
Visitors should ask to see the beautifully illuminated Koran kept in this mausoleum, and said to have been transcribed by Prince Muhammad, who, however, did not live long enough to complete the work.
The Tomb of Sultan Muhammad II., the Conqueror, situated in the cemetery attached to the mosque of Muhammad II. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) per head. The tomb is an octagonal building with an interior almost as plain as its exterior. The walls are painted various colours, and are embellished with inscriptions. In a frame hanging before the window facing the door is a transcription of Muhammad’s prophecy, ‘ Thou shalt take Constantinople ; happy the prince, happy the army that achieves this.’ The conqueror’s grave is in the centre of the building, solitary, and surrounded by a wooden railing inlaid with mother- of-pearl. At the head is an enormous turban. On the left when entering, and near the window, is a box said to contain two of the prophet’s teeth lost in battle, and a portion of his beard, which are exhibited to the faithful on the 15th of Ramazan.
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sofiatrips · 2 years ago
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Mosque of Sultan Bayazid
Mosque of Sultan Bayazid, called by travellers The Pigeon Mosque, on the Seraskerat Parade Ground, is interesting solely on account of its courtyard, which is the finest and most picturesque of any mosque court in Constantinople. The columns supporting the numerous domes of the arcade running round it were taken from Greek monuments and churches ; in the centre is a beautiful ablution fountain surrounded by trees. This courtyard serves as a place of business for numerous public letter-fariters, seal-cutters, vendors of rosaries and Oriental perfumes.
During Eamazan it is crowded with tents containing stalls for the sale of all kinds of Egyptian and Persian sweets. The building derives its nickname of the ‘Pigeon Mosque ’ from the vast number of pigeons kept in its precincts, all descended from a single pair of these birds, bought from a poor woman by Sultan Bayazid and presented by him to the mosque. Travellers wishing to do so are allowed to feed the birds with grain, which can be procured for a piastre or two at the grain stall kept on purpose in the yard. The food of these birds is, however, provided for out of donations and funds bequeathed to the mosque for that purpose by pious Moslems.
Rustem Pasha Mosque, at Yemiss Iskelessi, just beyond the Egyptian bazaar, is remarkable for its tile-work, and will be found interesting by connoisseurs of this branch of art. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) each; less is also accepted.
Valideh Mosque, called Yenl Valideh Jamesl by the Turks, stands close to the Stambul end of Galata Bridge. Entrance through the gate opposite the Turkish General Post Office; only the galleries and Sultan’s private pew are visited; admission 5 piastres per head. This mosque, commenced in 1615 by the wife of Ahmed I. private tour istanbul, was completed in 1665 by the mother (Yalideh) of Sultan Muhammad IV. Its walls are covered with beautiful blue tiles, and the stained-glass windows in some of the rooms are very beautiful indeed.
Shah Zadeh mosque
The Tomb of Shah Zadeh (The Prince’s Tomb), in the garden of Shah Zadeh mosque, was erected in 1543-48 by Suleiman the Magnificent in memory of his son Muhammad who died at the age of eighteen. Admission 5 piastres per head. Travellers who are pressed for time should give this tomb the preference; its walls are faced with beautiful tiles of all colours, and a wooden railing in the centre of the building encloses three tombs. The middle one is that of Prince Muhammad (1525-43). The high wooden erection over the grave is said to have been put up by Suleiman’s orders, in allusion to the throne his unfortunate son would have occupied had he lived On the stool by the grave the deceased prince’s robes, said to be richly embroidered, are exhibited once a year during the month of Ramazan. The tomb on the right of Muhammad’s is that of his brother, Prince Mustapha ‘ Zihanghir,’ that on the left contains the remains of his sister.
Visitors should ask to see the beautifully illuminated Koran kept in this mausoleum, and said to have been transcribed by Prince Muhammad, who, however, did not live long enough to complete the work.
The Tomb of Sultan Muhammad II., the Conqueror, situated in the cemetery attached to the mosque of Muhammad II. Admission 10 piastres (Is. 8d.) per head. The tomb is an octagonal building with an interior almost as plain as its exterior. The walls are painted various colours, and are embellished with inscriptions. In a frame hanging before the window facing the door is a transcription of Muhammad’s prophecy, ‘ Thou shalt take Constantinople ; happy the prince, happy the army that achieves this.’ The conqueror’s grave is in the centre of the building, solitary, and surrounded by a wooden railing inlaid with mother- of-pearl. At the head is an enormous turban. On the left when entering, and near the window, is a box said to contain two of the prophet’s teeth lost in battle, and a portion of his beard, which are exhibited to the faithful on the 15th of Ramazan.
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