#mortie hs612
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Dimension code. What is it.
Mortie clicks his palmhusk off, tucks it into his sylladex, and pulls himself off of the loungeplank.
His steps echo in the metal hallway, loud clangs that send a little jolt through his bloodpusher at each footfall. The walls are small, oppressive. He wonders if he should go outside for a little while, get some fresh air. He wonders if maybe he should leave for good.
The walk is both far too long and much too short. He stops in front of an unassuming door, same dull metal as the rest of everything in here. A deep breath, filling his bellowsacs with oxygen.
Knock, knock, knock.
"H-hey, Rick? A-are you busy?"
Just a few too many seconds pass before the door jerks open.
"I'm a-" -pause for a belch- "-lways b-busy, Mortie."
The tall ceruleanblood wipes a drop of Faygo from his chin, his expression mildly annoyed. "W-whaddya want?"
He bites his lip, looks away. "Um, s-sorry, just- uh, someone online wanted to know my dimension number? A-a-and I was wondering if you c-could-"
"Palmhusk," he demands, and holds a hand out.
Mortie blinks. "W-what-?"
"Palm. Husk."
A soft sigh, and the device is passed over.
Rick turns it on. Mortie leans forward just a bit to watch as the man clicks around a bit, uncovering a "Settings" page on Grublr that's entirely unfamiliar to Mortie. It's scrolled through far too fast for him to understand much, but he manages to catch the words "interdimensional," "privacy," and "monitoring."
After a few more taps, Rick passes the device back.
Mortie's hand trembles a bit as he grabs for his palmhusk again.
He raises a cautious and inquisitive gaze towards the ceruleanblood, and gets an eyeroll in response.
"H-had to make sure you weren't, weren't gonna lead any enemies s-straight to me, Mortie. That app's g-got some pretty wide f-fucking range."
"O-oh, um. R-right. That makes sense. Sorry, Rick."
Another eyeroll.
And the door slams shut.
#rick and morty#homestuck#morty smith#rick sanchez#mortie zsmith#mortie hs612#roleplay#rp blog#writing
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uh , hey ! -m mort-e zsm-th ( mortie smith ) , he / h-m , and -m a goldblood whos been l-v-ng w-th a sc-enterror-st for the past few per-gees ! -m hop-ng to make some fr-ends on here , maybe . and my asks are open too !
this is a rick and morty / homestuck roleplay blog ran by @thoughts-and-gayers. you do not need to know anything about either media to interact, although i did make this blog with the rick and morty roleplay community in mind!
please no nsfw interaction. in-character bullying and insults are allowed. i do text, semi-lit, and lit roleplay, although my default will be text, as the idea is for this to be an in-character tumblr blog.
here's some minor insight on mortie's rick.
translation under the cut.
uh, hey! im mortie zsmith, he/him, and im a goldblood whos been living with a scienterrorist for the past few perigees! im hoping to make some friends on here, maybe. and my asks are open too!
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A gentle breeze rolls past, ruffling Mortie's hair. He sighs quietly and turns his head up towards the sky.
The pink moon hangs far and full in the distance, the green moon a mere sliver of crescent. He can see far more stars here than he ever had in the city.
He won't deny that he misses it, sometimes. The hustle and bustle of everynight life around so many other trolls. Wistfully, he uncrosses his legs and lays on his back, closing his eyes.
It's silly to miss life on the streets, he thinks, and instead focuses on the feel of the purple Alternian grasses beneath his skin.
The faintest sound of metal against metal startles his eyes open. He sits up again and turns his head to see a familiar figure climbing out of the hatch in the dirt.
Rick seats himself on the ground a few feet to the side of Mortie.
"Y-you never told me you were heading up."
"I-I didn't know I had to, to ask permission for every little thing."
It's the first time Mortie's been anything but agreeable towards him. And maybe it's dumb for him to talk back to a highblood, but something about the air is making him feel bold.
Rick doesn't respond for a moment. Gives the goldblood a long look.
"You don't," he says finally, before pulling himself to his feet and heading back in.
Mortie's hair is ruffled again.
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n-ghts can get pretty busy here , so - dont always have free t-me , but when - do - l-ke to watch mov-es . - get all cuddled up w-th a snuggleplane and fall asleep on the loungeplank !
today the sc-enterror-st that -m l-v-ng w-th came -n out of nowhere and watched a couple w-th me .
-t was a l-ttle we-rd , but . -t was k-nda n-ce .
nights can get pretty busy here, so i dont always have free time, but when i do i like to watch movies. i get all cuddled up with a snuggleplane and fall asleep on the loungeplank!
today the scienterrorist that im living with came in out of nowhere and watched a couple with me.
it was a little weird, but. it was kinda nice.
that edit took me literally 10 hours btw. im not even exaggerating. lol.
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"Lemonade?" :) -Quantum Morty (@therevivedcouncil)
um , maybe ? whats lemonade ?
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hm. fascinating. - @maycins
um , h- ? - guess ? who are you ?
um, hi? i guess? who are you?
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Hello. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
- @emorty
h- ! thanks for say-ng hello , -ts n-ce to meet you too !
hi! thanks for saying hello, its nice to meet you too!
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why does your blood colour matter?
- dunno -f youve not-ced , but hemoanons dont exactly get treated very well ! -m better off be-ng honest about be-ng a lowblood than - would be h-d-ng -t .
i dunno if youve noticed, but hemoanons dont exactly get treated very well! im better off being honest about being a lowblood than i would be hiding it.
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theres a p-cture of a woman hang-ng -n the loungeblock . - asked h-m who -t -s , and he snapped at me to m-nd my own bus-ness and has been g-v-ng me the cold shoulder all day
theres a picture of a woman hanging in the loungeblock. i asked him who it is, and he snapped at me to mind my own business and has been giving me the cold shoulder all day
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why do you type like that?
cmon my typ-ng qu-rks not that we-rd . -ts just , l-ke , a closed eye ! to represent my , uh , sh-tty ps-ion-cs .
cmon my typing quirks not that weird. its just, like, a closed eye! to represent my, uh, shitty psiionics.
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what species are you!
-m a troll ? are there , other spec-es on here ? l-ke from other planets and stuff ?
im a troll? are there, other species on here? like from other planets and stuff?
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"Centipede!" A centipede drops from a portal - Aliza (@alternateadventuresrpblog)
He catches the centipede in his hands, gives it a sniff, and then takes a bite out of it.
"thank you ! hundred legged arthropods are one of my favor-te snacks ! .)"
"thank you! hundred legged arthropods are one of my favorite snacks! :)"
#rick and morty#homestuck#rp blog#roleplay#morty smith#mortie zsmith#mortie hs612#alternateadventuresrpblog#aliza sanchez
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I'm taking note of you, just pretend like I'm not here.
hm. fascinating. - @maycins
um , h- ? - guess ? who are you ?
um, hi? i guess? who are you?
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He narrows his eyes a little and tilts his head, then leans in to smell it.
"oh !"
Mortie takes a big drink from the glass.
"-ts sweetened sourfru-t ju-ce ! - love th-s stuff . thank you !"
"its sweetened sourfruit juice! i love this stuff. thank you!"
"Lemonade?" :) -Quantum Morty (@therevivedcouncil)
um , maybe ? whats lemonade ?
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um , okay ? k-nda we-rd but at least you arent try-ng to murder me lol
um, okay? kinda weird but at least you arent trying to murder me lol
hm. fascinating. - @maycins
um , h- ? - guess ? who are you ?
um, hi? i guess? who are you?
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dur-ng the day , usually . although my schedule has been a l-ttle we-rd s-nce - started l-v-ng here .
during the day, usually. although my schedule has been a little weird since i started living here.
hm. fascinating. - @maycins
um , h- ? - guess ? who are you ?
um, hi? i guess? who are you?
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