#moroccan theme party
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Get ready to add some bohemian flair to your space with a Boho canopy style! Picture draping it over your bed or hanging it in a cozy nook—it instantly transforms the vibe into dreamy and whimsical. With its flowy fabrics, funky patterns, and natural textures, this canopy creates a magical atmosphere.
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The design of the product might become a cause of concern for the customer and that is when anyone would want to get the product exchanged or returned. Reputed luxury wedding tent manufacturing companies try to understand the reason behind the customers action and swiftly take the required action unlike most companies.
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
I'm working on a fic for the LGBTQ+ theme today but it looks like it's going to take a lot longer to finish...so in the meantime I made Hana and Kiara a wedding moodboard
As in the larger universe of the pairing that I'm planning for (Petals and Thornes), the two women are bisexual, I'll be tagging @choicespride in this moodboard/hc:
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A few headcanons:
• The wedding is at a basilica in Castelserraillan.
• There was a henna party the day before. Moroccan henna is very unique for its minimalist and geometric designs and the two had them done on their hands and feet.
• Kiara and Hana have either others' initials hidden in their designs. The women around them giggled and said something about how the couple would have to find each other's names before celebrating their wedding night*
• Hana had a hair combing ceremony (梳头 or shūtòu) before the wedding - and so does Kiara, whose parents find out about the ceremony from Hana's family beforehand and make preparations - and a wedding tea ceremony after.
• Kiara wears a lace jumpsuit with a train, and also wears a heart necklace that Hana had gifted her before the wedding.
• Hana wears a blush pink qipao, with plum blossom detailing on the front and down the back. Both women wear the jewels of their duchies.
• Kiara had proposed to Hana almost 6 months after Liam and Esther's wedding, at the lake near the Capitol (the same lake we see at Hana's proposal in TRR2).
• They rent a villa at Mauritius for their honeymoon, see the Seven Coloured Earth at Chamarel Village, bet on winning horses at Champ de Mars (again, Kiara wins), and enjoy the best of French, Creole, Indian and Chinese cuisine.
• On Hana's request, the couple also go a couple months later to China, to celebrate Qi Xi (most popularly known as "Chinese Valentine's") for the first time as a married woman.
• Hana's favourite moment at the wedding was doing the Cordonian Waltz with Kiara. It felt full circle to her...this was the first dance her mother taught her, and she was dancing it now with her new bride.
• Kiara's favourite moment was at the dinner, with all the opportunities she got to personally feed Hana. At Liam's wedding reception almost a year before (ironically Hana and Kiara's relationship went public that very night), they could only touch each other in secret; now she could be as free about her love as she wanted and no one would stop them.
* Thanks to @thecapturedafrique who also thought up this headcanon and we share it in both our TRR universes xD
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fluffypro · 2 years
The Office Season 4 Fan Script A Corporate Christmas
Jim and Dwight are sitting at their desks. Jim has a paper mâché pine tree on his desk.
Dwight: Jim! How many times do I have to tell you to keep your stuff on your side? The branches on this miniature tree are sticking right over my desk. It's covering my bobbleheads.
Jim: Don't you have the Christmas spirit, Dwight?
Dwight: I have the spirit of a farmer and I know when a plant needs to be trimmed.
Dwight grabs a pair of scissors.
Pam's eyes widen.
Jim: Pam made that for me.
Dwight puts the scissors down and gently moves the tree away from his desk.
Jim: Careful Dwight, you need to be nice. Santa is watching.
Dwight: It's very impressive if an imaginary person is watching me.
Santa walks into the room.
              Santa: Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! Has everyone been good this year?
              Jim: See! I told you. He's real.
              Dwight: That's just Michael…
Dwight looks in Michael's office and he is there.
Santa goes up to reception.
Santa (flirty): What about you, young lady? Have you been naughty or nice?
Pam: Um Nice.
Santa: I'm sure you have been naughty too.
Pam: I've been very nice to my boyfriend Jim.
Santa: Oh...
Jim (Talking Head): I called the Scholastic Speakers of Pennsylvania, and it turns out they also have Santa Claus. I had no idea that Santa moonlights as Ben Franklin for the rest of the year.
Pam (Talking Head): You flirt with Bengimen Franklin once and It comes back to haunt you.
Santa walks up to Dwight.
              Santa: Merry Christmas Dwight. Have you been good to your cousin Mose?
              Dwight: That is personal information how do you know that?
Dwight (Talking Head): I am very careful about any of my personal information leaking out to strangers. I always keep my driver’s license on me but, but in a secret place. Hint: It is not in my wallet. (Dwight smiles)
Santa: I know because Santa knows everything.
Dwight: Wait a minute. Are you wearing bifocals?
Santa: Yes, they help me see all the good boys and girls.
Dwight: You're not Santa. You're Ben Franklin! I knew it!
Dwight (Talking Head): Many things are real and many that are not real. Being the reincarnation of Benjamin Franklin is one thing, but also having the ability to deliver toys to kids all around the world? That's just ridiculous.
 The theme song plays.
 There is a party planning meeting in the conference room.
Angela: We need a theme for next Friday's Christmas party. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Phyliss: Why bother suggesting when you are just going to shoot it down and say it's whorish?
Meredith: Why can't the theme be Christmas?
Angela: May heaven help you.
Phyllis: See this is exactly what I'm talking about.
Pam: I made drawings of everyone in the office as snowmen. It might be cool to hang them up and make a snowman theme.
Meridith: That sounds great. Just give my snowman a beer.
Angela: You want to take the birth of baby Jesus and celebrate an abomination made of snow pretending to be human.
Pam: I'm not sure if anyone else sees snowmen the way you do.
Kelly: The only abomination would be is if there was a snowman that looked like Ryan. Wait I just pictured it and he's still hot.
Pam: Aren't you dating Darryl?
Kelly: Darryl would be a hot snowman too.
Michael: Ladies, we need to focus. This is our most important meeting of the year. Ryan would look hot as a snowman though.
Phyliss: I think a Moroccan Christmas would be a fun idea. Bob Vance did it last year and it was a hit.
Michael: Mo Rocca. I love him. He's in all those "I Love The" shows. What a wonderful idea to have someone who stars in a show about love during the season of love.
Pam: I thought that was valentine’s day.
Angela (Talking Head): Phyliss doesn't like it when I shoot down her ideas, but this is what happens when she has ideas.
Phyliss: That's not what I said…
Angela: Maybe we should discuss this more.
Michael: Nope! We need Mo and Mo Christmas.  Mo Rocca Christmas! Mo Problems. I mean fewer problems. Mo Christmas Mo money. Get on it ladies.
Michael (Talking Head): It's been a rough year. We lost our angel Ryan and have gained a devil who is also Ryan. Maybe Ryan was always a wolf in sheep's clothing. Sheep have wool and wool is made of sweaters. Maybe Ryan is a wolf in a sweater. Who's to say though that under the sweater and the wolf suit is another sheep? Ryan could just be a sheep in wolf clothing in sheep's clothing. I also once said he was a fish in a pond. Maybe under that sweater, under the wolf outfit, and the sheep outfit, there is a fish. Also Jan. I'm letting Jan stay at the condo until she finds a new place. I'm keeping my distance right now. It's my present to her. Leaving her in my condo…  alone… with all my stuff…
 Creed is in accounting to visit Angela.
              Creed: Hey Pumpkin.
              Kevin: Hey! How come we aren't allowed to call you Pumpkin?
              Angela: I never said anyone could call me Pumpkin.
              Oscar: Whatever you say Pumpkin.
              Angela: No nicknames. I can't give Andy any ideas.
Oscar: Jim told me that he calls him Tuna because he ate a sandwich. I think Andy gives himself ideas.
Creed: Who's Jim?
Oscar: For Pete's sake Creed he's been here for years. The tall guy who used to have shaggy hair, but thankfully he cut it, and he's very needy for attention because he makes way too many jokes.
Creed: Oh no. You mean Tim. The gay guy I want to fix my daughter up with.
Oscar: Everything you said is wrong.
Creed: No, I have a daughter and that's why I'm here.
Kevin: Aren't you here because you are getting paid to be here?
Creed: Who told you someone was paying me?
Kevin: We all get paid.
Creed: You're all in on this?
Kevin: Yeah, we are all here.
Creed: This thing is bigger than I thought.
Kevin: That's what she…
Angela: Kevin! I hear those words enough from Michael. What do you want Creed?
Creed: Some hats, nothing as fancy as a top hat, but classier than a baseball cap. I would also like pizza rolls, with pineapple in them. She also likes peach pie like her old man.
Angela: Who's she?
Creed: My daughter, is going to be in town during our Christmas party. Geez, Armada you don't pay attention.
Angela: I must make enough for one extra person?
Creed: It's the most important day of the year.
Oscar: Ah yes Christmas eve eve eve eve eve. A time to spend one last moment with your co-workers, before you get to finally be free for a couple of weeks.
Angela: Ok fine, but only Christmas hats and pizza rolls are not merry enough. Lucky for you Peach Pie will fit with the rest of the menu.
Creed: Thanks Angola you won't regret it.
Angela: I think I will.
 Michael gets a phone call in his office.
              Michael: Hello ho ho David how are you doing today?
David: I'm doing just great Michael. I was just wondering if you had any plans for next Friday.
Michael: I don't believe I do why?
David: I wanted to know if you wanted to come to the corporate Christmas party.
Michael: This is Michael Scott.
David: Yes Michael. I know.
Michael: I'm finally invited this time.
David: Yes.
Michael: At a physical location?
David: Yeah. There will be ice skating and karaoke. I remember Jan saying you are quite the Hockey player. Maybe we can play a game.
Michael: It's the nicest thing she said about me. She would say that because I am.
David: Great. Well, I hope I can see both you and Jim there. You can also bring a plus one.
Michael: Ok David I will be sure to let Jim know.
David: I can't wait to see you there bye Michael.
Michael: Wow. The last cooperate party was kind of a bust for me. Mostly because I wasn't there. Also, I may have committed a crime. Luckily no charges were pressed. It's good that pressing charges doesn't involve pressing a button because that would be fun. Everyone would be pressing changes. Anyways should be good. I will just try not to kidnap someone. Not that I would… Again…
David (Talking head): I felt bad Ryan didn't invite Michael to the last party. Honestly, I feel like he's earned it. He stood up for the company and stood up to Jan. That is not an easy task. I do think he needs to work on his leadership and decision-making skills, but maybe some positive reinforcement will be good for him.
Ryan (Talking Head): David had this idea to invite Michael to the corporate party. Michael. I'm not sure if David remembers who Michael is. Unfortunately, I'm not in a high enough position to uninvite Michael.
Friday. It's the office Christmas party and Mo Rocca's head is everywhere combined with Christmas stuff. Michael is talking to angela in accounting.
Angela: I hope everything is to your liking, Michael. We have a face of a man plastered all over the office. I still have no idea who he is.
Michael: Everything looks great Angela, by the way, I will be leaving early.
Angela: What?
Michael: Yeah, I wrote you a note explaining everything. I told Pam to give it to you.
Pam: No, you didn't. Did you check your desk?
Pam (Talking head): Michael always leaves sticky notes for me to pass around the office, but he always ends up keeping them on the desk instead of giving them to me to message people.
Michael: Oh, I forgot. Jim, did you want to come with me?
Jim: Yeah, sounds fun.
Michael: Really?
Jim: Yes, Michael I'd love to go.
Jim (Talking head): Yeah, it's kind of last minute but sounds like a good party. David is going to be there. He's a great listener if I have an opinion on something. If there are any recent changes, I'm not happy with he will at least hear me out even if it doesn't change anything.
Angela: How many people are going to be staying for the party that I spent ages working on?
Michael: Relax, Angela it's just me and Jim. Wait, Pam, you can be Jim's plus one.
Pam: Ok. I'm sorry I'm going to miss your party, Angela.
Angela: Seriously? I do all this work and half of the office is not even going to be here.
Michael: Wow you seem angrier at me than Jan. That reminds me I should get my own plus one since she is not an option.
Angela: Take Andy.
Andy: But Ange. I was going to sing a song just for you called Angela we have heard on high.
Angela: I think I got the idea. Also, no nicknames.
Angela (Talking head): I am very much fond of my growing tolerance for Andy, but today is the day that I'd rather have him not with me than with me.
Tobey: I hope you have a good time, Michael.
Michael: Ah, Tobey that reminds me I need to give you your present.
Tobey: Wow Michael that is very thoughtful.
Michael hands Tobey a pile of paper.
Toby (reading): I Tobius Flenderson vow to be less of a buzz kill next year…
Michael: It's a 200-page document I expect all the pages signed when I get back.
Tobey (Talking head): I know it's a joke, but it is something to read and I'd probably be filling out actual paperwork anyway, so why not.
Michael: Well, that's all I needed to do before I left. Jim, Pam, and Andy. I'll meet you guys outside.
Pam: I call shotgun!
Michael: Dang it!
Pam (Talking head): Michael hasn't had the best of luck with cars. I knew he was going to want to ride with me and Jim in his car.
 The Mo Rocca Christmas is kicking off in the conference room. Creed walks in with his daughter. She is played by Gillian Jacobs because I said so.
              Creed: Hey gang this is my daughter Naimwiheld.
              Oscar: Are you having her name withheld in front of the doc crew or is that her real name?
Creed: Yes.
Namey: You can call me Namey for short.
Oscar: It's nice to meet you, Namey.
Namey (Talking head): It's nice to visit my dad. Things weren't going well in Mexico, so I'm on my way to Canada right now, so fingers crossed. This isn't being aired anywhere, right?
Voice: We might make a deal with PBS eventually.
Namey (Talking head still): Oh good no one will see that.
Still at the Party.
Creed: What is with all the Harry Potter stuff?
Namey: That's not Harry Potter Dad. Harry has green eyes like his mother. Unless you are talking about the movies Harry's eyes are…
Dwight: Blue. It's nice to meet another Potter Head.
Namey: Yeah, I'm also a Potter head without the e and r at the end.
Dwight: What is a Hairy Pot about? I never read that book before.
Namey (Laughing): Hairy Pot good one. Would you clean a hairy pot with shampoo or dish soap?
Dwight: The best way to clean everything is with my signature beet soap, but it does tend to leave a red stain. So, you have to also clean it with normal soap. It guarantees you wash everything twice.
Namey: Wow you make soap?
Dwight: I make everything.
Creed is running off with a reef in the background.
Dwight (Talking head): My goal is to become the George Washington Carver of beets. My Ex was never fond of this idea. She used to yell at me for playing with beets when she babysat me.
 Michael, Pam, Andy, and Jim are on their way to the corporate party. Michael and Andy are in the back of Jim's car.
              Michael: Daddy? Can we go to the zoo?
              Jim: You should maybe think a minute before you call me Daddy.
              Michael: If Daddy won't take me to the zoo maybe Mommy will?
              Pam: Mommy wants you to play the quiet game.
              Andy: Mi-coal you are lucky to have a Mommy and Daddy. I have no Mommy and Daddy.
              Michael: Where did your Mommy and Daddy go?
              Andy: I don't know. I've lived in an orphanage all my life, but I always have hope for (singing)                          
Tomorrow, tomorrow. I'll Love ya tomorrow. You're only a…
Michael's phone starts ringing.  
              Jim: Thank Goodness.
              Michael: Hey Jan.
              Pam: I don't think we should be thankful yet.
Michael: Did you find a place yet?... Yeah, it's good to start packing anyways… I need the house empty so I can shoot stuff for threat level midnight… You seemed to like the idea when we were together… I just don't know if I need that many musical numbers… That is a big moment in the film where scan gets his confidence back… It just doesn't stand out as much if Jasmine sings every scene… I'm not trying to cut you I'm not… I'm on my way to go to a party with David Wallice… I know… You're the one that wanted to sue him when you had no case… Well, everyone else seemed to think… You can't be mad at me for having friends… He said I was a nice guy… He said I'm doing a good job… I just wasn't good for the other job… Well, Ryan is not that great either… He is hot, but…  It's been a rough year I deserve this… Oh well, what do you think I deserve?... Oh… uh huh… That's honest… Mmmm… Hmmm... Ok well bye…
Silence in the car. Michael holds back tears.
              Andy: DAAAAY AAAAAA WAAAAAAYYYYY! Sorry… I… just had to finish it.
 Dwight is announcing something in the conference room.
Dwight: Attention everyone. Michael has made a special end-of-the-year video for all of you. Please pay attention. With Michael not here there will be a quiz afterward.
Dwight turns on the video.
Michael (narrating): It's I love Dunder Mifflin where we talk about everything, we loved about working at Dunder Mifflin this year.
Michael is filming various office members.
Michael (Filming Meridith): What was your favorite thing about working at Dunder Mifflin this year?
Meridith: I liked when you hit me with your car.
Michael: Because that was the moment, I cured you of rabies.
Michael (Talking to Stanley): What did you like about working at Dunder Mifflin?
Stanley: I was delighted for you to have me work on "Threat Level Midnight".
Stanley (Talking head by the doc crew not part of the video): Yeah, Michael gave me a role as one of the villains in his movie. It's nice to have my first speaking role. I was an extra in Philadelphia. Best day of my life. I was paid to sit all day. Michael is also having me narrate. Sometimes I tell him I'm recording, and I take a nap in the closet. This has truly been my best year.
Michael (Talking to Phillis): Phillis you had a great year, didn't you?
Phillis: I did. It was wonderful. I got to marry Bob Vance.
Michael: I was also part of your wedding.
Phillis: Yeah. That happened.
Michael: I also helped you when you were startled by that flasher. We had a fun trip at the mall.
Phillis: Pam said you made fun of me when I left the room that day.
Michael: I wasn't making fun of you. I was trying to uplift the office after a tragedy.
Dwight: I quit this year, but Michael told me how much I meant to him, and I returned.
Michael: He means as an employee of our little family.Not in a guy-on-guy way.
Michael: Pamela what did you like about this year?
Pam: I'm happy that I and Jim started dating. It's been great.
Michael: Anything about me?
Pam: I'm glad we didn't go to jail for kidnapping.
Michael: I saved that child's life that day.
Tobey: Hey Michael. Are you shooting a video? I heard you were asking people about this year. I thought you handled the deposition and getting a raise very well.
Michael: I'm here to interview Kelly.
Tobey: Oh…
Kelly: This year was awesome, well except for when Ryan broke up with me.
Michael: He left his temp job so he broke up with me too.
Kelly: What's up with all those black suits he's wearing now? Is he like a business goth?
Michael: Here comes the Ryan in black. He won't let you remember. Just bounce with me.
Kelly: He'd be doing us a favor if he erased our memory of him. Anyways I'm with Daryl now, and things are fantastic.
Michael: Jim, what's your favorite thing this year? I bet it's getting to hook up with Pam.
Jim: Who's Pam?
Michael: She's right there.
Jim: Hi my name is Jim.
Pam: It's nice to meet you, Jim.
Jim: She seems cute.
Michael: Creed what did you think of this year?
Creed: What do you know about this year?
Michael: You helped save the company by exposing the source of the watermark.
Creed: Yes, I did that. Poor Debbie Brown.
Michael: A heroic sacrifice indeed.
Creed: Thanks, boss.
              Michael: Andy what did you think of this year?
              Andy: I'm not just going to tell you. I'm going to sing it to you. Ooooooohhhhh.
Andy's song gets cut off.
              Michael: Hey Accounting how was your year?
              Kevin: I don't want to talk about it.
              Oscar: My favorite part of the year is working with Kevin. Things will improve buddy.
              Kevin: Thanks, man.
              Michael: Angela I bet your favorite thing this year is starting to date Andy.
              Angela: That is a thing that happened this year.
Michael: This year has been a year. Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months and minutes and seconds later you have a year at some point. Time is a thing that just goes. You can't stop it. You wish it would stop, but it's time. If your clock breaks there is another clock. Clocks have hands and time will always give you a hand. I must hand it to everyone for having a great year.
The video ends with a Mo Rocca clip dubbed by Michael.
              Mo Rocca: Hey everybody I love Dunder Mifflin. Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Creed was stealing a Christmas tree when they watched the video. Dwight turns off the video.
Dwight: OK the video is over now back to the party.
Angela: Wait. I also have an announcement to make. Due to Michael's horrible planning, the gift exchange will be moved to when we return in January.
Kevin: Wait, I don’t get my present this year.
Angela: I’m sorry Kevin, but it just won’t work. I had Jim, so Jim wouldn’t get what I got her until next year anyways. Pam had me and she wouldn’t be able to see my face of disapproval when I open it.
Kevin (Talking head): I forgot to buy Pam her secret Santa present this year. I guess I have more time.
Namey: Wow. I like how you introduced that video. You are so demanding like Dumbledore.
Dwight: Well I am Dumbledore's assistant. At least I was until tall skinny big nosed Snape took it.  Curse Jim and his magnificent nose.
Namey: I think I'm missing something. Was there an 8th book?  
Dwight: No. This is a tragic reality.
Namey: You get to have more fun when you're not the authority figure anyways. You can go on adventures and not just make all the boring speeches.
Dwight: Perhaps.
 Michael, Andy, Jim, and Pam enter the corporate party.
              Kendal: Hey Michael. How are you?
Michael: I'm doing ok. You've seen Jim before and this is Pam and Andy.
David: Kendel what are you doing?
Kendel: I'm just saying hi to Michael.
David: He just got here, Kendal. Give the man some space. Go to the bar maybe you'll learn to relax a little. Michael, how are you doing? It's great to see you.
Michael: … I'm here.
David: Jim it's great to see you. I'm sorry things didn't work out.
Jim: Well, you have Ryan.
David: Yeah. He is buzzing about that new website of his.
Pam: I bet Jim would've probably come up with something even better.
David: I'm sure he would have but the important thing is, are you happy?
Jim: Yeah. I've got everything I wanted.
David: That's great. Can I get you guys a drink?
Andy: The question is can I get you a drink?
David: It's in my hand right here.
Michael: Do you have hot cocoa.?
David: Yeah and there are all sorts of flavorings, creamers, and candy you can add to it. I know you have quite a sweet tooth.
Michael: I'll just have cocoa
David: Ok right this way. Have you guys seen Ryan yet? I swore I just saw him.
Ryan is hiding behind a Christmas tree.
Ryan (talking head): Michael embarrassed me from miles away at the last party. There is no telling what he can do in person.
 Angela brings out a ham to the conference room.
              Angela: We have a special treat this year. I baked this ham at my house and brought it here.
              Kevin: Where is the pizza?
              Stanley: I don't care what I eat it's not every day we get free food.
              Phillis: I thought that all the food was a play on the word Mo like the Mo fins?
              Creed: I thought Ham was our receptionist.
              Angela: Let's just cut the ham.
              Dwight: I got the perfect thing to cut it with.
Dwight grabs a samurai sword hidden under the conference and cuts the ham, Dwight.
              Dwight: Gaaahhhh!
              Angela: Dwight! You aren't supposed to have any more weapons. Where's Toby?
 Tobey is in the annex filling out Michaels's form.
              Tobey: This is a lot more detailed than I expected.
 Dwight is admiring his sword.
Namey: Great swordplay back there.
Dwight: Thank you.
Namey: I know how to handle a big sword myself.
Dwight: Oh Really?
Namey: Look we are standing under the mistletoe.
Dwight: It's the mistle Mo.
The mistle Mo is a mistletoe with Mo Rocca's face on it. Dwight and Namey Kiss under it.
Stanley is sitting at his desk working on a crossword. Creed walks up to him.
              Stanley: You're here to steal my Mo men, aren't you?
Stanley has little snowmen with glasses on his desk.
              Creed: Yes.
              Stanley: Go ahead.
Stanley: I don't even know who Mo Rocca is, but even if I did I probably still wouldn't care.
 Michael and Andy are picking a karaoke song.
              Michael: are you sure we should sing that song, Andy?
              Andy: We have no choice it's the only Christmas duet.
              Michael: We could not have a duet. I'm not even sure if I feel like going up.
              Andy: I would love my voice to make a voice baby with your voice.
              Michael: That does not sell me on this duet idea Andy.
              Andy: Aw let's go, Michael. It'll be like you're an honorary member of Here comes treble.
              Michael: Hmm… It would be nice to have a college experience.
              Andy: All right Mikey and the nard dog!
 Jim and Pam are talking a little further away.
              Pam: Why don't you just tell David what you think?
Jim: I don't know I'm just looking for the perfect timing. I'm not even sure if he'd want to hear it.
Pam: He seems to have a lot of respect for you. Just go up to him and say Ryan's website isn't working.
              Jim: I want to make sure Ryan's not around. You could distract him.
              Pam: I can seduce him. Maybe talk about Beyonce. It seems to work for Kelly.
              Jim: He did try to ask you out.
              Pam: Yeah, I deeply regret saying no.
              Jim: See this is your chance.
              Pam: You might lose me if I do this Halpert.
Jim: That's a risk I'm willing to take.
Pam: Or you could just walk up to him while he is standing right there?
Jim: Well, when you make it sound easy.
Jim approaches David Wallace, but Ryan comes out of nowhere.
              Ryan: Getting a little taste of corporate life aren't you, Jim?
              Jim: I'm getting a taste of a party.
              Ryan: Don't get too attached you had your chance.
              Jim: Well, there are still some spots open for karaoke and I haven't gone ice skating yet.
              Ryan: Yeah, relax have a good time it's a party! This is the closest you are getting to here.
              Jim: It's the closest I want to be here.
              Jim (Talking head): Well I tried…
Jim walks back to Pam.
              Pam: Not so good huh?
              Jim: He just comes out of nowhere.
              Pam: You'll get there. He's probably hiding from Michael, so it's harder to keep track of him.
 Michael and Andy sing a song.
              Andy: Ho ho how are you all doing? I'm going to sing a little ditty with my man Michael Scott!
              Michael (Singing): I really can't stay.
              Andy: But baby it's cold outside.
              Michael: I've got to go away.
              Andy: But baby it's cold outside.
              Michael: I told you I want to leave!
Michael walks off the stage.
Andy: Remember you don't have to do what the man wants. You always have a choice. Women should have freedom now.
              Jim: I guess they are doing a modern interpretation.
              Pam: Very ambitious. We should see if Michael is ok.
Back at the Scranton branch. Darryl visits Kelly in the annex.
              Darryl: Merry Christmas.
Darryl hands her an envelope.
              Kelly: Where is the present?
              Darryl: It's in here.
              Kelly: I don't see any lumps indicating jewelry.
              Darryl: Just open it.
Kelly opens the present.
              Kelly: Oh, it's a gift card. That's lame.
              Darryl: You can get whatever you want with it.
              Kelly: I could just get what I want by walking into a store.
Darryl: You don't have to pay for it. People talk, Kelly. I know that you have a history of returning gifts.
Kelly: That doesn't mean I still don't enjoy the surprise of seeing what I'm going to return. At least it has a cool-looking snowman on it, I guess.
Darryl: Think of it as returning the card for something else.
Kelly: Aw you truly do know me. Here is your present.
Kelly gives him a box and he opens it.
              Kelly: It's a gold box cutter. I thought you could think of me while you are working.
              Darryl: This is a safety hazard. We can only use equipment provided by the company.
              Kelly: That comment is a hazard to your safety.
Darryl: Hey, I'm just being honest. I appreciate the gift I'll figure out something to do with it.
Kelly: You could just lie to me.
Darryl: See you tonight? Maybe we can go shopping with your gift card.
Kelly: Now you said the magic word.
Darryl: Ok I'll see you then.
Darryl walks by Tobey.
Darryl: What are you reading Tobey?
Tobey: Just some paperwork Michael gave me.
Daryl: This says that you can't use the word inappropriate next year. I think Mike is joking. You don't need to fill out joke paperwork.
Tobey: I'm not sure if I enjoy it, but I'm kind of used to filling out forms anyways.
 Jim and Pam check on Michael he is laying with his head down on the table.
              Jim: Are you ok Michael?
              Michael (Muffled): Yes.
              Pam: Michael, you don't seem ok.
David walks up to Michael.
              David: Is he ok?
              Michael (muffled): I'm fine.
              Pam: Is this about Jan?
              Michael(muffled): no.
              Jim: Is this about Ryan?
              Michael (muffled): No.
David: I'm sorry for leading you on about the job interview. It's just that's how things go. It seemed to be polite to offer it to you, but I just didn't think you were a good fit. You work better on a personal level. I think you are at the right place you are now. I also didn't have the heart to put you in a position where you deal with Kendel.
Michael (muffled): It's not about that. I already said I was ok with that by not letting Jan sue the company.
David: Then what's wrong?
Michael (muffled): Everything. Maybe nothing. I don't know if I've been good this year.
David: Michael nobody is perfect.
Michael (Muffled): I know, but not everyone is living in a disaster.
Jim: At some point we all do.
Andy: Maybe I could sing you a song.
Pam: Is this the time?
Andy: Music is medicine for the soul Pam.
Michael lifts his head.
              Jim: Feeling better?
              Michael: I had no choice but to lift my head. My nose is squishing in my face.
              Jim: Why don't you pull it out?
              Michael (Smiling): That's what she said.
David: You know Michael if you are feeling better maybe we could play some hockey me and Jim against you and Andy.
Andy: I'd love to, but I can't. Angela is going to introduce me to her cats tomorrow and I want to have all my teeth. I think a toothless guy would freak cats out.
David pulls Ryan out of the crowd to the table.
              David: What about Ryan?
              Ryan: Hey I was just passing by.
              Michel: Do you want to play hockey with master Ryan?
              Ryan: umm sure.
Ryan (Talking head): I didn't notice he was there until it was too late.
 Back at Scranton Namey is putting muffins in her purse.
              Dwight: Namey! What are you doing? You are the one stealing all our party stuff?
              Namey: There is muffin to see here.
              Dwight: A hilarious joke won't save you. I think you need to leave now.
              Namey: No one was going to finish them anyways.
              Dwight: Leftovers are not to be distributed until the party ends. Plus I still don't know what you did to the other decorations.
              Namey: I only took muffins
              Dwight (Talking head): There are two things I love. Law and this office. Namey betrayed both.
Namey is on her way out the door.
              Creed: I have something to show you.
Creed walks Namey down to a small room in the Scranton business park it has a shower head attached to the wall and there are several Christmas decorations.
              Creed: It's just for us.
              Namey: Wow dad it's beautiful.
She gives her dad a hug
Creed (Talking head): Sometimes I'm here and she's there and visa versa. I never feel like I have too many normal Christmases with her. This was my chance to give her something special. Plus I like to steal things.
 Michael is playing hockey with Ryan, David, and Jim. They got part of the ice rink roped up so they could play hockey. Andy and pam are watching.
              Andy: So, I guess we are like the cheerleaders.
              Pam: Are you going to talk about how you were a cheerleader at Cornell?
              Andy: Well, I was a cheerleader in a way. Acapella brings allot of cheer.
Ryan is way back in the corner.
              Ryan: I got it.
              David: No. I got it.
David gets a goal.
              Jim: Great job David.
              Ryan: Yeah, great job!
Michael gets a bunch of shots.
              David: How are you even doing this is basically 2 against 1.
Ryan is looking at his phone.
              Ryan: I’m helping.
Michael has the puck and is being chased by Jim and David
              Michael: Cover me, Ryan.
Ryan is in the corner still.
              Ryan: You got this buddy.
Michael flies between Jim and David.
              Michael: Goooooaaaal!
Ryan is in a corner.
              Ryan: Great teamwork.
Michael skates over to Ryan.
              Michael: That was fun.
              Ryan: Good job Michael.
Ryan holds his hand out for a high five. Michael gives him a big and long bear hug.
Michael (Talking head): This year hasn't been the best. I made mistakes. Other people made mistakes. The thing is that next year everyone is a baby again. Baby New Year. We are so busy learning to walk and talk again every year that sometimes we make the same mistakes or we make new mistakes. A mistake though is just a steak. It's just a steak you didn't get. Maybe a dog took it I don't know. The thing is you can always find another steak.
Jim talks to David after the game.
              Jim: Good game.
              David: Yeah.
              Jim: Can I talk to you for a minute?
David: Sure.
 They leave the ice rink and talk in a penalty box.
              David: What did you want to talk about?
              Jim: It's just this website. I don't think it's working.
              David: Sometimes it takes a minute for changes to kick off.
Jim: I just feel like our customer service is what makes us stand out. If we rely on it, it will just make us blend in with other places like staples. Michael has been saying it. As crazy as he is he has point. He knows about sales. Dwight sold more paper than the website on the first day. I feel like there's nothing we can do to this website to match up against our customer service.
David: Ok. I see what you mean. When the fiscal year ends, we will see how it goes.  Thanks for your honesty.
Michael Scarn and Jasmine are in a cave with Samuel.
              Scarn: The key to saving the hostages is hidden somewhere in this cave.
              Jasmine: Just hurry. This place is disgusting.
              Samuel: Scarn someone is approaching us!
Stanley is playing a thug with bright yellow hair. The warehouse workers are right behind him. They are blocking Scarns way.
              Stanley: Not so fast Scran.
Stanley and the warehouse gang do a westside story-style dance.
              Jasmine: Scarn is there anything you can do?
              Scran: I'll give it a shot.
Scarn fires his gun, and all the thugs fall. They then see the back of a very tall, little girl.
Scarn: Are you, ok little girl?
It's Gold Face.
Gold Face: You're the one who's Lost. Lost this battle that is. Jasmine, I can't believe you betrayed me with all the SEX we've been having.
Jasmine: You might think you're a big man Goldface, but Scarn is bigger.
Scarn: I'm out of bullets.
Dwight: Don't worry Michael. I can fire lasers at them (Dwight points) pew pew pew.
Jasmine (Breaking out into Jan): What did I tell you about putting a robot in this?
Michael: He was excited about it.
Jan: If you want this film to be a success it needs to have a concrete narrative. Robots just don't go with this story. None of the scenes work together it's nonsense.
 Michael is editing threat level midnight in the kitchen of Schutte farms.
Michael: Been staying here with Dwight until Jan leaves. At least I have my laptop to edit my movie. This was shot under a coal mine. Luckily, it's owned by Creed's brother Reed.
Creed (Talking head): Yes, I have a brother. He owns a coal mine. It's not just me making money off an abandoned mine I don't own. That would be crazy.
Michael looks at the computer and presses play.
Jan (on the movie footage): Also, I thought Stanley was the narrator. It makes no sense. Is the villain narrating? This is ridiculous.
Michael stares at the computer.
Michael calls Jan it went to voice mail.
Michael: Hey Jan. I just wanted to let you know I have this idea for a big dramatic scene for you. I just must cut out all your scenes after the nightclub. I can't have the cave scene. Stanley can't be a narrator and a villain. He can't be Wesley Snipes and Morgan Freeman. I think I already used the warehouse workers in something too. You even said it yourself. Talk to you later bye.
Dwight walks in.
              Dwight: Michael I think I hear something.
Dwight walks away. Mose starts prancing around the house.
              Mose: He's coming. He's coming. He's coming!
Michael: Who is coming?
Mose: He is coming!
Dwight enters the room dressed as Belsnickel.
Dwight: I am Belsnickel, and I am Neigh!
Mose: (Squeals with excitement.)
Dwight: Cheer or fear are you admirable or impish?
Michael: Imp? Isn't that an offensive word?
Dwight: I find you admirable.
Dwight hands Michael a screwdriver.
              Michael: Thanks Dwight.
              Mose: Dwight? But… that's not Dwight…
Dwight:  I am not Dwight that is very impish. Dwight slaps Michael.
Michael: Hey!
  The end
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floralbeautysweet · 5 days
Sunnah Night Routine
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‏يوم الأحد 15 سبتمبر هناك عرض خاص بالمولد النبوي الشريف (المعروف أيضا بالمولد النبوي الشريف) الذي يذاع على قناة الثانية في المغرب وهو يوم الأحد الموافق للتقويم الهجري ربيع الأول 1446هـ، وقد شاهدت المولد النبوي الشريف في غرفة نوم والديّ وهو رائع, وبالنسبة للفقرة الخاصة هناك قارئ مغربي للقرآن الكريم هو حمزة الوراش إلى جانب منصور لقلاي وعلي المديدي وكلاهما مغربي، وهناك ضيف خاص في الحفلة الدينية حسام صقر مصري ينشد الأنشد في الأوبرا.
الاثنين 16 سبتمبر في الليل دخلت غرفة نوم أهلي وأضأت النور وقرأت القرآن الكريم الهدية التي اشتراها لي عمي عبد الحفيظ من مكة المكرمة وقرأت سورة الضحى وسورة المرسلة، بعد قليل ستعرض مسلسل التيساع فالخاطر الحلقات 21 و 22 على قناة الأولى في المغرب، وقد شاهدتهما وأحببت تترخ مسلسل التيساع فالخاطر. أحب مقدمة ونهاية شارة المسلسل التلفزيوني المغربي.
(ملاحظة 1: حسام صقر منشد ديني وملحن بدار الأوبرا المصرية والإذاعة والتلفزيون و هو أيضاً رئيس تحكيم مجال الإنشاد بالمسابقات الدولية.)
(ملاحظة 2: التيساع فالخاطر هي سيتكوم مغربية تدور أحداث حول عائلتين مغربيتين متناقضتين، عائلة "الحمداني العائدة من ألمانيا وعائلة "السعداني" ذات التقاليد المغربية الأصيلة.)
(ملاحظة 3: المولد النبوي الشريف أو مولد الرسول هو ذكرى سنوية في يوم مولد النبي محمد بن عبد الله في 12 ربيع الأول حسب أشهر الأقوال عند أهل السنّة أو 17 ربيع الأول حسب المنظور الشيعي.)
15 Eylül Pazar günü Fas'ta 2M TV'de Mevlid-i̇ Nebevi̇ Özel Programı (Peygamberimizin (S.A.V.) Doğum Günü olarak da bilinir) var, Hicri Takvime göre Rebiü'l Evvel, 1446H Pazar günü, Mevlid-i̇ Nebevi̇ Özel Programını ailemin yatak odasında izledim, inanılmazdı, Faslı Kur'an-ı Kerim okuyucusu Hamza Warash'ın yanı sıra Mansour Laqlai ve Ali Almedidi de Faslı, Dini Parti'nin özel konuklarından biri de operada ilahiler söyleyen Mısırlı Hussam Saqar.
16 Eylül Pazartesi Gece Ailemin yatak odasına girdim, ışığı açtım ve Abdulhafiz Amcamın bana Mekke'den aldığı hediye olan Kuran'ı okudum ve Duha Suresi ile Mürsele Suresini okudum, bir süre sonra Attissaa f'lkhater 21. ve 22. bölümleri Fas'taki Al Aoula TV'de yayınlanacak, onları izledim ve Attissaa f'lkhater'in tema şarkısını çok sevdim. Fas Dizilerinin Giriş ve Çıkışlarını Seviyorum.
(Not 1: Hussam Saqar, Mısır Opera Binası'nda, radyo ve televizyonda dini ozan ve besteci olarak çalışmakta ve aynı zamanda uluslararası yarışmalarda ilahi alanında baş jüri üyeliği yapmaktadır)
(Not 2: Attissaa f'lkhater, iki karşıt Faslı ailenin hikayesini anlatan bir Fas Sitcom'udur: Almanya'dan dönen Hamdani ailesi ve Fas geleneklerine bağlı Saadani ailesi. Kendilerini eski bir evde aynı çatı altında birlikte yaşamak zorunda bulurlar)
(Not 3: Mevlid-i Nebevi, İslami Takvimin üçüncü ayı olan 12 Rebiü'l Evvel'de İslam peygamberi Muhammed'in doğum gününün anıldığı yıllık bir festivaldir. Sünni İslam geleneklerinin merkezinde yer alan bir gün olan Mevlid, Şii Müslümanlar tarafından da kutlanmaktadır.)
Sunday, September 15th there’s a Special to Mawlid al-Nabawi Al Shareef (also known as The Prophet (PBUH)’s Birthday) that being scheduled on 2M TV in Morocco which was on the Islamic Calendar Rabi' al Awwal, 1446H is Sunday, I’ve watch the Mawlid al-Nabawi Al Shareef in my parents' bedroom it’s amazing, for the special there is the Moroccan reciter of holy quran is Hamza Warash along with Mansour Laqlai and Ali Almedidi both are moroccan, There’s a Special Guest at the Religious Party Hussam Saqar an Egyptian who singing Chants in Opera.
Monday, September 16th At Night I’ve Entered my Parents' bedroom switched the light on and reading quran the gift that my Uncle Abdulhafiz bought me from Makkah and I read Surat Ad-Dhuha and Surat Al Mursilah, after a while Attissaa f'lkhater episodes 21 & 22 will air on Al Aoula TV in Morocco, I've watched them and I Love the theme song of Attissaa f'lkhater. I Love the Intro and Outro of the Moroccan TV Series.
(Note 1: Hussam Saqar is a Religious minstrel and composer at the Egyptian Opera House, radio and television and also Chief judge in the field of chanting in international competitions)
(Note 2: Attissaa f'lkhater is a Moroccan Sitcom that tells the story of two opposing Moroccan families: the Hamdani family, back from Germany, and the Saadani family, steeped in Moroccan traditions. They find themselves forced to live together under the same roof in an old house)
(Note 3: Mawlid al-Nabawi Al Shareef is an annual festival commemorating the birthday of Islamic prophet Muhammad on the traditional date of 12 Rabi' al Awwal, the third month of the Islamic Calendar. A day central to the traditions of Sunni Islam, the Mawlid is also celebrated by Shia Muslims)
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21astor · 2 months
Portland’s NW Neighborhoods Are Quickly Becoming the Most Exciting Areas in PDX!
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Incredibly Fun Things to Do
To say that the Northwest neighborhoods are a vibrant area is a bit of an understatement. At any given time, Portlanders have their pick of marvelous parks, entertainment venues, and cultural events. Here are a few of the local faves:
Jamison Park
This park boasts a cool fountain, tidal pool, and outdoor art gallery.
McMenamin’s Crystal Ballroom
This historic venue, which is about five minutes from our nob hill apartments, showcases some of the biggest music acts as well as themed dance parties.
First Thursdays
On the first Thursday of every month, PDX-ers enjoy an awesome gallery walk featuring art exhibits, wine, and live music.
The Brody Theater
A mecca of improv comedy, The Brody Theater offers up a good time with shows, open mics, and classes.
Amazing Places to Eat, Drink and Shop
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BridgePort Brewing
A Portland original, BridgePort crafts brews and pub bites with deliciously fresh and locally-sourced ingredients.
Powell’s City of Books
A major benefit of living in Northwest District/Nob Hill zone is being super close to world-famous Powell’s. With millions of new and used books in their inventory, it’s a bibliophile’s paradise.
Marrakesh is not just about the exceptional Moroccan fare. It also delights diners with talented belly dancers.
Java Hound Coffee Bar
Java Hound welcomes both humans and canines alike with scrumptious coffee, tea, pastries, and puppuccinos (dog treats floating in goat’s milk).
Incredible Urban Innovations
Portland has done a brilliant job of keeping up with economic growth and an increase in population. One example of this is the Portland Streetcar. No doubt the overall public transportation system in PDX is terrific, but the Streetcar is uniquely inventive for several reasons:
It was the country’s first modern streetcar
It’s an award-winning system
It’s easily accessible and links multiple Portland districts (yes, including Pearl)
It’s a cinch to use for PDX-ers and out-of-towners alike
It ingeniously utilizes unused railyards
It serves as a model for other cities
One of the Top Luxury Apartments in Portland
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The Residences
Our 1 Bedroom luxury apartments Portland and 2 Bedroom luxury apartments Portland are designed to be spacious and contemporary with a high-end aesthetic. Units include tall ceilings, large windows, wrap-around kitchens, quartz Carrara countertops, stainless steel appliances, porcelain enamel tubs and showers, plenty of closet space, and serene color palettes.
We understand what matters to Portlanders. Every day, our residents benefit from amenities like bike storage and maintenance spaces, a pet washing station, in-building parking, concierge and package receptions services, reserved storage, and dry-cleaning pick-up and drop-off lockers.
The Building
In order to rise above other luxury apartments close to Nob Hill Portland, we knew we had to impeccably blend modernity and beauty with environmental consciousness. The result — a LEED-certified, highly efficient building with features such as a gorgeous dark-red brick exterior, Neoclassical bay projections, and a lobby with Statuary Carrara Marble and a 24K white gold Bisazza mosaic.
The Northwest District has certainly earned its spot as one of the top places to live in Portland. (It’s no wonder why it was named one of the coolest neighborhoods in the world.) We’re ecstatic that this dynamic community has allowed us to provide our residents with a living experience that is unmatched by any other luxury apartments in PDX. But, you don’t just have to take our word for it. Why not come check it all out for yourself?
Connect with us to find out more about living in 21 Astor’s incredible PDX apartments!
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Engagement Decor Inspired by Travel Destinations
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Creating a memorable and captivating atmosphere is essential when organizing an engagement party. Inspired by famous tourist locations is one of the most creative and fascinating methods to accomplish this. This not only gives your event a distinctive character, but it also takes your attendees on a visual tour, laying the groundwork for an amazing celebration. To make your wedding decorations as engaging as your love story, we'll look at ways to change your engagement décor by adding aspects from around the globe in this post.
To add even more magic and unforgettable elements to your wedding celebration, pick a theme from Take Rent Pe, an online source of rental decorating settings. Select from the over 100+ alternatives for décor sets and delegate all event planning to the professionals.
French Style Elegance
Paris, the City of Light, is synonymous with romance and sophistication. To bring a touch of Parisian elegance to your engagement decoration, think about incorporating classic French elements. Start with a color palette of soft pastels, gold, and ivory to evoke the charm of Parisian streets and landmarks.
Engagement stage decoration settings, use vintage lace tablecloths, fine china, and crystal glassware. Floral arrangements should include roses, peonies, and hydrangeas in blush pinks and whites. Add Eiffel Tower replicas as centerpieces and use chic, black-and-white striped ribbons for an extra touch of French flair.
Lighting plays a crucial role in creating the right ambiance. String fairy lights or use crystal chandeliers to cast a warm, romantic glow. For a truly Parisian feel, set up a small corner with a faux patisserie display featuring macarons, croissants, and other French pastries.
Tropical Paradise
If your concept of romance involves palm trees swinging in the wind and sun-kissed beaches, then decorating your event with a tropical paradise theme would be ideal. Start with selecting vivid hues that capture the cheery and bright atmosphere of tropical locations, such as sunshine yellow, coral, and turquoise. Add organic components to your decor, such driftwood, rattan, and bamboo. Use woven placemats, candles made of coconut shells, and tropical flowers like bird of paradise, hibiscus, and orchids for your table arrangements. Seashells, pineapples, and coconuts make interesting and unique centerpieces.
Soft, flowing materials like linen and chiffon can help create a carefree, beachy vibe. To add to the tropical atmosphere, hang lanterns or string lights with accents of starfish or seashells. To truly take your visitors to a seaside haven, think about adding a tiki bar with exotic cocktails and mocktails as a final touch.
Tuscan Charm
The rustic beauty of Tuscany offers a perfect blend of elegance and simplicity for engagement decoration. Focus on a warm and earthy color palette, including shades of olive green, terracotta, and sunflower yellow. These colors reflect the stunning landscapes and charming villages of the Tuscan countryside.
For an authentic touch, choose wrought iron furniture or wooden tables and chairs for your dining arrangements. Tables should be dressed with glassware and ceramic dishes, covered with burlap runners. Add components to your floral arrangements such as lavender, sunflowers, and olive branches. Big urns with lemons and plants inside can make eye-catching centerpieces.
The enchantment of Tuscany must be captured by ambient lighting. To create a warm and pleasant ambiance, use hanging lanterns or strings of fairy lights. Arrange a wine tasting station with a variety of excellent Italian wines and rustic bread that can be dipped in olive oil to finish the scene.
Moroccan Splendor
For a bold and vibrant wedding decoration, look to the rich colors and intricate patterns of Moroccan decor. Choose a palette of jewel tones like sapphire blue, emerald green, ruby red, and gold. These colors will create a luxurious and exotic ambiance reminiscent of Moroccan palaces. Add luxurious materials and textures, such velvet, silk, and cushions with embroidery. Setting up low seating with poufs and floor cushions can make the space feel cozy and personal. For a hint of Moroccan beauty, incorporate mosaic candlesticks, brass trays, and elaborate lamps into your design.
Arrange your table with a variety of vibrant dishes and glasses. Exotic flowers like orchids, calla lilies, and bougainvillea can be used in floral arrangements. Add a Moroccan tea station with mint tea served in traditional teapots to heighten the sensory experience.
Japanese Zen
The peaceful beauty of Japanese gardens can serve as inspiration for a minimalist and quiet décor. A Zen garden's serenity and peace can be evoked with a color scheme consisting of gentle neutrals like beige, white, and subtle greens.
Simplicity is key in Japanese-inspired decor. Use clean lines and natural materials like wood, stone, and paper. For table settings, opt for simple, elegant dishware and minimalistic floral arrangements featuring cherry blossoms, bamboo, or bonsai trees.
Lighting should be soft and subtle. Paper lanterns or tea lights in glass holders can create a peaceful and inviting atmosphere. To complete the Zen experience, consider setting up a small koi pond or a rock garden as a focal point for your reception decoration.
Incorporating elements from your favorite travel destinations into your engagement decoration not only makes your celebration unique but also creates a visual journey for your guests. Whether you choose the elegance of Paris, the vibrancy of a tropical paradise, the rustic charm of Tuscany, the bold splendor of Morocco, or the serene beauty of Japan, each theme offers endless possibilities for creating a magical and memorable event. By thoughtfully integrating these elements into your wedding decoration, you can ensure that every aspect of your special day is a true reflection of your love and your dreams.
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dtba · 4 months
🌟 Get Coachella-Ready with Me: Insider Tips and Must-Have Products! 🌈
Apr 12, 2024
Follow me on Instagram | TikTok | YouTube
Coachella season is here, and it’s time to slay all day, every day! But with so much going on, from pre-festival events to after-parties, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s why I’ve got you covered with my ultimate Coachella glam guide, featuring long-lasting looks from some of my favorite NYC spots!
First up, let's talk lashes. I hit up the Wink Bar for a set that's pure magic! These lashes are lightweight and natural, giving me that effortlessly chic vibe. Now I can wake up and slay without even trying – talk about #lashgoals!
Next stop: nails. I headed to thelaqlab, a luxury nail salon near Barclays Center, and let me tell you, they nailed it! 💅 With a mermaid theme in mind, I got a dazzling nail set that's straight out of a fairytale. It's like having a piece of Coachella magic right at my fingertips!
And finally, let's talk lips. My go-to? The new Candy Glaze Lip Gloss Stick from YSL. 🍭 My favroite shade is color number 6. This baby has quickly become my signature look, giving me the perfect pop of color and shine for Coachella vibes all day long. Trust me, you'll want to snag one ASAP!
So there you have it, babes – my secret weapons for Coachella glam that lasts from sunrise to sunset (and beyond)! 💖✨ With these must-have products in your arsenal, you'll be turning heads and stealing the show at Coachella – no filter needed!
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Wink Bar
Radiant Renewal: Beauty Blooms
Instagram: @wink.bar
Website: www.winkbarnyc.com
Visit to Wink Bar for their Signature Lash Extension Experience, and leave with Wink Bar's Eyelash Shampoo. Post your own lash wash with your beauty routine and Wink will repost your reel to go with our Radiant Renewal Beauty Blooms campaign.  Don't forget to tag @wink.bar  #SpringBeauty #WinkBar #RefreshRenew
Visit www.winkbarnyc.com or any of their 3 NYC locations for gift cards and Wink Bar’s Eyelash  Shampoo and Wink Bar’s Eyelash Adhesive products. 
Wink Bar Locations:
142 East 49th Street | 30 East 13th Street | 36-34 Union Street, Flushing 
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IG: @thelaqlab
A luxury nail salon near Barclays Center, and let me tell you, they nailed it! 💅 With a mermaid theme in mind, I got a dazzling nail set that's straight out of a fairytale. It's like having a piece of Coachella magic right at my fingertips!
Located at 41 5th Ave. BK, NY 11217
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Candy Glaze Lip Gloss Stick
This supercharged formula infuses hyaluronic acid, vitamin E and cold-pressed mango oils into a high-shine gloss that locks in moisture for 12 hours. The formula is also infused with Moroccan pomegranate extract sourced from the YSL Beauty Ourika Community Gardens and mango oil. Candy Glaze smoothly melts onto lips for indulgent, comfortable wear. The signature Yves Saint Laurent packaging is a couture object of desire and ensures freshness with each click for a deliciously sweet and glossy shine.
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The iconic oil infused lipstick from YSL Beauty now with modern neutrals, a new formula and elevated pack: introducing YSL LOVESHINE Lip Oil Stick, now enhanced with rich fig pulp helping lips look plumped and our signature 6 oils delivering up to 24-hour hydration and protection. This lipstick oil hybrid delivers creamy wet shine with a silky-smooth feel in 20 buildable shades. Treat your lips to the color of a lipstick with the slip of an oil.  
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votivecandleholder · 6 months
Exotic Candle Holders: The New Luxury in Home Décor
New Post has been published on https://votivecandleholder.com/exotic-candle-holders-the-new-luxury-in-home-decor
Exotic Candle Holders: The New Luxury in Home Décor
Candle holders are more than just functional accessories; they serve as stunning focal points that add warmth, ambiance, and personality to any space. In today’s bustling world, the allure of exotic candle holders is undeniable. As people seek to infuse their homes with unique touches and global influences, these holders have surged in popularity. From intricately designed Moroccan lanterns to sleek Himalayan salt candle holders, exotic options offer a refreshing departure from conventional home decor.
Their allure lies in their ability to transport us to far-off lands, evoking a sense of adventure and sophistication. As we delve deeper into this blog, we’ll uncover the charm of various exotic candle holders, exploring how they can enhance your home decor and create a truly enchanting atmosphere.
Table of Contents
1 Moroccan Lanterns
2 Himalayan Salt Candle Holders
3 Capiz Shell Candle Holders
4 African-Inspired Tribal Candle Holders
5 Bohemian Crystal Candle Holders
6 Decor Ideas
Moroccan Lanterns
Moroccan lanterns are exquisite additions to any home decor, renowned for their intricate designs and enchanting ambiance. These candle holders boast stunning craftsmanship, often featuring intricate metalwork patterns that cast mesmerizing shadows when illuminated. Adding a touch of Moroccan flair to your home decor brings a sense of exotic charm and sophistication.
From compact tea candle holder designs to larger glass hurricane candle holder styles, Moroccan lanterns come in various sizes and forms to cater to different tastes. Place them on mantels, patio tables, or even hang them from ceilings to create a magical atmosphere. With their timeless beauty and captivating allure, Moroccan lanterns are sure to elevate your home decor and leave a lasting impression on your guests.
Himalayan Salt Candle Holders
Himalayan salt candle holders bring the natural beauty and health benefits of Himalayan salt into your home. These exotic candle holders emit a warm, soothing glow, creating a serene ambiance that promotes relaxation. Each holder is unique, handcrafted from a single piece of salt, making it not just a candle holder, but a piece of art. The pink hue of the salt, when illuminated, adds a touch of tranquility to any decor.
From taper candle holders to pillar candle holders, these pieces come in various shapes and sizes. When selecting the right size and shape for your space, consider the dimensions of the area where you intend to place the candle holder and opt for a size that complements your existing decor. Whether used as a standalone centerpiece or as part of a candle holder set, these Himalayan salt creations will infuse your home with tranquility and elegance, making them an essential element of your exotic candle holder collection.
Capiz Shell Candle Holders
Capiz shell candle holders bring an elegant coastal charm to your home decor. These pieces, crafted from the delicate and translucent shells of the windowpane oyster, are a beautiful addition to any candle holder set. The light filtering through these holders casts a soft, ethereal glow, evoking images of serene beaches and tranquil seas. They make for perfect candle stockholders or tea candle holders, adding a touch of subtlety to your space. Whether you’re planning a beach-themed decor or aiming for a contemporary vibe, Capiz shell holders seamlessly blend in. Place them on coffee tables or mantels to infuse a touch of coastal flair, or use them as stunning table centerpieces for dinner parties and gatherings.
To achieve a cohesive look, consider pairing Capiz shell candle holders with other coastal-inspired decor elements such as driftwood accents, seashell motifs, and soft, neutral tones. The result is a serene and inviting atmosphere that evokes the tranquil beauty of the seaside, bringing a sense of relaxation and serenity to your home.
African-Inspired Tribal Candle Holders
African-inspired tribal candle holders boast bold designs and rich cultural significance, adding an exotic touch to any apce. Handcrafted by skilled artisans, these candle holders reflect the vibrant traditions and craftsmanship of African culture. Whether it’s a metal ornament of an African tribal lady or a wooden Masai face, these pieces serve as more than just candle holders; they are a testament to the rich African heritage.
They can be used as stand-alone home decoration pieces or as part of a candle holder set, making them versatile additions to your space. Pair these tribal designs with contemporary crystal or glass hurricane candle holders for an eclectic look. Whether you’re seeking a unique candle stickholder or a striking centerpiece, African-inspired tribal candle holders offer a captivating blend of tradition and style. Let these pieces inspire your decor and transport your home to the heart of Africa.
Bohemian Crystal Candle Holders
Embracing the bohemian style means embracing a love for vibrant colors, intricate designs, and a sense of free-spiritedness. Bohemian crystal candle holders are a perfect fusion of eclectic beauty and timeless elegance, ideal for elevating your home decor to new heights. These candle holders showcase all these qualities with their dazzling array of hues and captivating patterns.
Whether you’re adorning a maximalist space with an abundance of colors and textures or creating a minimalist sanctuary with clean lines and subtle accents, bohemian crystal holders effortlessly fit into any setting. To maximize their impact, consider clustering them together as a table centerpiece or placing them strategically around the room to create pockets of cozy ambiance.
Decor Ideas
Our exploration of exotic candle holders has taken us on a journey through bold tribal designs, sparkling bohemian crystals, and more. These unique pieces, from the humble tea candle holder to the grand candle holder centerpiece, have the power to add warmth and personality to your home decor. Whether standing alone or as part of a candle holder set, they transform ordinary spaces into inviting atmospheres. So, don’t hesitate to experiment with a glass hurricane candle holder or a taper candle holder. Remember, it’s not just about lighting a candle; it’s about illuminating your space with style and character. Happy decorating!
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The fancy tent is developed to use the very same level of security and ease as traditional tents, otherwise more. Lots of elegant outdoors tents come equipped with advanced functions such as waterproof and wind-resistant products, boosted air flow systems, and ingenious arrangement devices.
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1watchhour · 10 months
Jim's Hilarious Christmas Prank on Dwight! 🎁😂 
↓ ↓ ↓ Episode Details Link ↓ ↓ ↓
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Another popularly used type of tent is Raj tent and that is prominently because these are affordable and accommodative at the same time. The size of Raj tent is the greatest when compared with all the other types of tents and this is why they can be and must be used when the host has to accommodate a large number of people.
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nataliesnews · 10 months
arsonists and the tent, 7 blessings, fatma 8.12.2023
This is what I woke up to this morning. The people who did this are the descendants of the Nazis who sent up to the gas chambers and the Hamas which burnt our people in their houses. 
 During the night, while the people of the *encampment of the families of the murdered and kidnapped* in front of the Knesset were preparing for a night's sleep, they smelled the smell of a fire, *and heavy smoke enveloped the encampment.* The residents of the encampment succeeded in their quick reaction to put out the fire using fire extinguishers. The police and fire brigade were called to the place, which ruled out an electrical fault (the encampment operates with the approval of the electric company and accompanied by a qualified electrical engineer). *The possibility that the source of the fire is due to suspected arson is now being examined*. Fortunately, the fire was extinguished quickly and without casualties. However, it should be noted that the residents of the encampment, who lost their loved ones in the terrible disaster of October 7, *suffered in recent weeks several threats from passers-by who expressed themselves in an extreme and violent manner*. The thought that *freedom of protest and expression in Israel is under threat* emphasizes even more strongly the *danger of the leadership of the party and the instigator and the need to replace them with worthy leaders*. *The Shabbat reception will take place today as planned* at 13:00 at the Mahal. Kaplan 1, Jerusalem. *Now is the time to go to the Knesset!* 📢 Share *Follow us and join the protest*📢 *To join a silent group of eyes on the Knesset* https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ln2Bsudap0TExbyKyCvttt to column X of the encampment https://x.com/hamishpahot/status/1729194130881032568?s=46
This I wrote yesterday. 
A man at Nofim asked me if I could bring yellow ribbons (the ribbon we wear as a sign for the bringing back of the kidnapped) which seems further and further away. We had  a house meeting and I asked him to make an announcement that we would put the ribbons on the table at the entrance.  When I asked him why he had not done so, he said that they had all been taken while he was still holding them.
I invited Irit and Yaakov to go with me to see the film
Seven Blessings
The movie poster
The movie page on IMDb
Seven Blessings is an Israeli family drama film from 2023 , centered on the wedding of 40-year-old Marie ( Raymond Amsalem ), who arrives at the Hoffa accompanied by her biological mother Hana ( Tiki Dayan ) on the one hand, and her adoptive mother Gracia ( Reveka Bacher ) on the other. The film won 10 Ophir awards for 2023, including the best feature film , and as a result will compete for the representation of Israel in the Oscar award for the best foreign film at the 96th ceremony to be held in 2024.
The theme song of the film was sung by the singer Ron Peretz . The lyrics were written by Eleanor Sela and composed by Yogev Kinan.
plot [ edit source code | edit ]
At the center of the plot is the bride Marie ( Raymond Amsalem ), who was born to Hana ( Tiki Dayan ), the eldest child, and was given at the age of two to Gracia ( Reveka Bacher ), Hana's childless sister. This is according to a custom that existed among Moroccan Jewry and was called "borrowing a girl": a mother with many children would give one of her daughters to her sister who had no children, in order to prevent her divorce .  According to Jewish law a man can divorce a wife who is barrren!!!  I have heard, I think, of African tribes where this is done but did not know it had been done by Jews too., In fact, Hadas, their daughter who came with us said that her husband had an uncle who was given to a childless family member. It is supposed to be a comedy drama but was more sad than it was funny
Than last night I went with Karen to the Dormition Abbey where they had a rendition of Judah Maccabee.....such voices and all of them Jewish. And all I could think of was the first scenes which showed Hamas bursting into Israel.
 I am putting in this article from the Jerusalem Post about what happened to Israeli women soldiers ....I can't even write the heading of the article.  Don't open it if  you are faint hearted but if you want to prove to anyone what animals Hamas are..this is the way. This is not rape but sheer savagery. Although there are those who still try to deny it, the videos have been shown all over the world, although some people still deny it. 
Also the danger of fake news which Sara Netanyahyu spread about a foreign  kidnapped   woman giving birth in  Gaza. She even wrote to Jill Biden about it. I put  in an article from Ha'aretz on the subject. The only good news on the tv today was that the army is beginning to realise how dangerous the hilltop youth are. to me they have all the makings of Hamas bolstered up by fanatics such as Ben Gvir.  
We are shown very little of what is happening in Gaza and unfortunately Al Jazeera is in Arabic....I do think of  what is happening in Gaza but, to be honest, my first thoughts are for the hostages.  Hamas could easily stop it if they would give the hostages back. and Netanyahu could also call for a ceasefire and have them brought back even if only as before in small groups and bring the fighting to an end. 
Fatma died of a heart attack during the night. I am happy for her. She died in her own bed, in her own house. What will happen now at Sheikh Jarrar, I don't know. For at least 20 years we have been demonstrating every Friday afternoon for the neighborhood where houses are continually being taken over by force by settlers. Since the beginning of the war there have been no demonstrations. In fact, in Jerusalem,Last Saturday when I went it was more a religious celebration of Shabbat than a protest calling for the freeing of the hostages and the fall of Netanyayyu. In Tel Aviv it is more a true demonstration but the problem is that it is so long.....the trip from Jerusalem, the long hours with all the speeches where nothing new is said. then waiting for the buse to fill, the ride home and then you still have to get to Nofim. 
Anyhow I felt I had to go to the shiva for her. It only lasts four days andI found no one to go with as they were all going at hours which  were not good for me. So I went alone, very uncomfortable and rather embarrassing. Bus,  train and then a long walk....which I was actually glad of as I am not doing enough walking. I have to force myself, not physically but emotionally. Eating is the same problem, I buy things which normally I would not allow myself to eat as being fattening and even they do not tempt me...or I eat them with lang tande.Anyhow I have never  gone to the neighborhood alone. Only for the demonstrations. Not that I am scared of going there. In fact I got to many areas where my friends would not go. But you stand out so. And then too there is the embarrassment of going into a house of mourning where you do not speak the language or know the customs. But I knew Fatma and I could not ignore her death.
It was very hard finding the house. I went to the place where I normally would see her but the door was locked and the way also was very uneven. There were hardly any people around and then a man recognized me and sent me around the other way. The stairs going down were very uneven but then  a woman came out who recognised me and helped me down. There were only women there.....the men were sitting in a different place. But the room was full and one woman was reading from the Koran. I went up to her and then they gave me a comfortable place to sit. I drank the traditional coffee and the traditional date. I did not speak to anyone as they were all praying and sat for about 10 minutes and then left. A woman helped me out and thanked me for coming. I felt I had to give Fatma the  last honour. 
Anyhow, let me make you laugh a bit. The last months at Nofim have been very annoying for me where the cleaning is concerned as the woman I had who was wonderful left and there were several people here making problems for the new house committee.  The new guy who is an Arab is not very efficient and I really blew up at him the other day/ I felt very bad about it as I have never had bad dealings with any of the workers. I phoned him and asked him to come up and we spoke it out. In the Arab fashion, he said I was like his grandmother to him....I apologized again and he said it was quite alright....that two days ago his father had been so mad at him, he had thrown his shoe at him!! Which by the way is very insulting in Arab culture. So we both laughed and shook hands.
Sometimes there is a light and a laugh however faint which gives you a reason to keep fighting.
Report: FM arranged diplomatic passports for top Likudniks, sought one for PM’s son
Despite professionals' recommendations, the prized documents were reportedly given to influential party officials; Cohen also said to have tried to arrange one for Yair Netanyahu. By the way evidently the little shit is back, very quietly!! He had the nerve to go and sit in the offices of Magen Davied in their uniforms and pretend that he volunteered there which is completely untrue and no one had the guts to  chuck him out. He is such a useless piece of shit. Netanyahu keeps saying that we are losing the best of our young man.......I guess that is why his two sons are not there. But it does not embarrass  him to say so.
-‘Life under Hamas is like under ISIS,’ says Syria-born journalist deported from Gaza
Manar al-Sharif tells ToI the majority of Gazans don't back terror group; says Oct. 7 was unsurprising but there's no vision for a better future in the fighting against Israel
Natalie Natanya Ginsburgar
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labelleperfumery · 11 months
French Montana's 'Playboy Nights' Bday Bash, Chris Brown and Offset Attend
French Montana kicked off his 39th birthday in exotic fashion … with a Moroccan-themed soiree in the L.A., where several of his fellow hip hop stars helped him celebrate. TMZ Hip Hop got this video from inside French’s party — the theme was… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2023/11/10/french-montana-birthday-party-chris-brown-offset-moroccan-playboy-nights/
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haruwrites21 · 1 year
A Birthday Feast to Remember: Creating the Ultimate Culinary Experience for Your Special Person
Celebrating a loved one's birthday is an opportunity to express your affection whilst making their day uniquely memorable, and what better way to do that than through the universal language of food! Here's your ultimate guide to curating a special birthday feast.
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Decide on a Theme A culinary theme could add a distinctive twist to the birthday feast. Your theme could reflect the birthday person's preferences, a memorable trip they made or a cuisine they've longed to try. It could be anything from Moroccan magic to Italian indulgence, or a comfort-food extravaganza.
Appetizers to Awaken the Palate Entrance your guests with a variety of appetizers that hint at the gastronomic journey ahead. From classic bruschetta in an Italian-themed feast, to enticing samosas for an Indian feel, appetizers set the tone for the entire feast.
The Main Attraction The main course should create a statement, harmonizing with your chosen theme. If the birthday person has a dish that makes their heart sing, let it be the star of the evening. Pair it with sides that complement the main dish both in terms of flavor and presentation.
Craft the Perfect Drinks Select beverages that suit your culinary theme and the birthday person's taste. A lover of French cuisine might appreciate a good bottle of wine, whereas a tropical feast calls for exotic cocktails or mocktails. Remember to provide a variety of options to cater to different preferences.
Desserts to Die For The dessert is often the most anticipated part of a birthday feast. It's more than just the birthday cake; consider including other sweet treats inspired by your theme. For instance, flan for a Spanish-themed party or baklava for a Greek feast. And, of course, the crowning glory — a cake that reflects the birthday person's favorites.
The Art of Presentation The food presentation is as important as the taste. Aesthetically pleasing food arrangements, thematic table settings, and creative food displays can result in a feast that delights the eyes as much as the palate.
Personal Touches Adding personal elements can transform the dining experience. If blueberries remind them of a childhood spent picking berries, incorporate blueberries in a dish. Or use a family recipe that brings back warm memories. Such thoughtful elements heighten the emotional value of the meal.
Dietary Considerations Take into account any dietary restrictions or food allergies of your loved one and other guests. It's crucial to craft a menu that allows everyone to enjoy the feast comfortably.
Endnote: Creating a memorable birthday culinary experience means attentively weaving the tastes and preferences of the birthday person into every detail. It involves knowing their favorite flavors, remembering their culinary adventures, and showcasing your thoughtfulness through choice of dishes. Not only does this serve an unforgettable feast, but it also articulates your care for them in one of the most profound ways possible.
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paulggrad604 · 1 year
Dinner Party
In class we had to come up with a list of five creatives we would like to have at a dinner party. There were a series of questions we had to answer for each of these guests.
Who would you include?
What do you like about this person?
Why would you include them?
Which era is this person from?
What themes did this creative person include in their work?
How could you honor them?
When would this event be?
What food would you serve?
Who would they get on with?
Where would this event be?
I Started to answer the questions for each guest but felt it was easier to just write a short passage on each that answers most of the questions
Run Wrake
Run Wrake is a British animator, illustrator and graphic designer. Active from the 1980’s till he passed in 2012. I would like to include Run in my dinner party because I appreciate his attitude and creativity. I enjoy the way he brings classic art and design elements into animation. Run likes to work with loops, Bauhaus design, Constructivism and has themes of mortality, morality and human nature delivered through a surreal lens. Some of Runs work would be projected at a large scale at this event perhaps on the outside of the building. Run would get on with Howie B and Len Lye. Rabbit stew would be served as the main course.
Len Lye
Len Lye is a sculptor and experimental film maker from New Zealand who was active from the 1920’s till the 1970’s. Len is included in my dinner party because he helped shine a light on art work from cultures that normally would not get exposure. Within the world of experimental film, he is considered a pioneer. Excellent at capturing pattern and movement another guest with a surrealist vision. I wanted to have both a voice of the past and from NZ that was less contemporary. Len was an admirer of the art of Māori, Aboriginal, Pacific Island and African cultures and incorporated elements into his own work. I would want the lighting at the event to pay homage to Len and have some Kinetic sculptures at the entrance.
Joseph Müller Brockmann
Graphic designer author and educator Joseph is considered one of the key figures of the International Typographic Style and was active from 1936-1996. I wanted to invite Joseph as he has a strong moral compass and I believe his work comes from a genuine place, he wanted to make life better for people. Joseph used simple geometric shapes, minimalism and typography to deliver his messages in an objective way. Favouring truth and functionality. We can have a table setting inspired by Swiss Design. I think Joseph would get on with most guests at the event.
James Holden
James Holden producer dj and label owner. James makes complex and atmospheric music that brings people together. He uses his label to help up and coming artists get their break in a difficult industry. James incorporates elements of Moroccan Gnawa music and tours his live performances all over the world. James would provide the audio structure at the event and will probably find a kindred spirit in Joseph Müller Brockmann
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