#morioh's meanderer
frog-e-box · 2 years
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Hello I don’t know what the hell to post anymore lmaoo I don’t think??? I introduced this oc yet ???? Long story short he’s a simp for Dani like one of em strange fanboy sorta fella but oh well we roll.
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honeytea8 · 4 years
“Mister Fix-it” - Josuke/gn!Reader
A/N: Something I posted a while back on AO3 and now I’m dumping it here, I edited it to be gender neutral, pls let me know if I missed anything, enjoy!
Word Count: 2.7K
Summary: When your brand new air conditioning system doesn’t live up to the hype, you’re left with no other choice but to call Josuke Higashikata, the neighborhood handy-man and Morioh’s local heartthrob. (Post-canon; Josuke is 19/Reader is 23ish)
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There is not a single ‘moderate’ thing about the summers in Morioh Cho and you come to this shocking discovery during your very first year back in this crazy, noisy town.
One early morning, a wave of heat sweeps in like a thief in the night, creeping over your body and making your nightshirt cling to you like second skin. A relentless force of nature that saps any residual moisture in the air. Everything is left high and dry—you lament over your dying succulent.
You can’t count how many cups of ice water you’ve guzzled or how many cold showers you’ve taken just to end up sweaty again, but something’s got to give. The day after Kai Harada announces the possibility of record-breaking temperatures in the following weeks, you delve into your emergency savings for a solution only money can buy.
Two days later, a portly electrician comes and installs a new air conditioning system for your home. He’s yammering on about how it’s supposed to be the best on the market. State of the art and all that jazz. You don’t really care for the details; you just want to be comfortable in your own house lest you end up a melted pile of goo. Who the hell would take care of your vegetable garden then?
You inspect the newly installed system with subdued interest. Truthfully, it doesn’t look like anything but an eyesore that’s completely thrown off the ambiance of the entire living room. It’s practically hanging out of your window. However, the only thing keeping you from complaining about its appearance is the dusty fan overhead that’s been circulating the same muggy, warm air for over an hour now. You prefer functionality over appearance, screw feng shui, you needed this AC.
“So, you’re positive it'll cool down the entire house?” you question one final time.
As if to prove his point, the electrician flicks a switch and the machine attached to the wall comes to life. The droning hum is annoying and would take some getting used to but it’s blowing the coldest air you’ve felt in a while. Both you and the electrician remain standing in front of it for a few seconds, basking in wonder.
Like magic, the heat-induced stress and tension leave your body all at once.
“Well then,” you say with a smile, “It’ll do.”
One week. Seven days. A hundred-and-sixty-eight hours of pure, absolute, uninterrupted bliss. You are in heaven! Your plants are flourishing as usual, and you aren’t sweating profusely like a pig for slaughter. Life is oh so good.
Until you wake up on the eighth day at four am with the worst case of cotton-mouth you’ve ever experienced.
You tumble out of bed, delirious from the sudden onslaught of heat that has transformed your bedroom into a sauna. Loose cotton sheets tangle with your ankles and you hit the ground, chin scuffing against the floor in your haste. The adrenaline pumping through your veins keeps you from wincing, or even feeling the pain. All you can hear is the sound of your own two feet pounding on the polished wooden staircase.
“Please, no, no, no, no—“
You sweep into the living room only to find the new air system is completely silent and no amount of switch-flicking or button-punching is going to change that. Mouth screwing into a scowl, you glare at the overpriced piece of junk with unbridled disdain.
This has become personal.
A hard smack from the palm of your hand to the surface of the machine echoes through the room—still nothing, not even a stirring. 
Big fat tears well up in your eyes. Whatever hormones fueling your rage are now flooding you with sadness. Your hand and chin are throbbing from the pain. The money spent on this crap was gone and now you’d have to shell out another hefty amount just to get it fixed. You want to pull out your hair in frustration.
Glancing around the room, everything is so still and calm. It’s still quite early in the morning, a few hours before dawn and you are tired as hell. The heat is making you lethargic, so after drying your tears and chewing on some ice cubes, you curl up on your sofa and go back to a fitful sleep.
Later in the day, you’re hanging clothes out on the line when your neighbor comes out to greet you.
She’s a grandma who lives alone except for when her grand kids come to visit, and despite her penchant for being a nosy gossip, you kind of like her. She waves and meanders over to the edge of her fence. 
“This is some heat, I tell you.”
“Right! I didn’t realize Morioh could even get this hot,” you pick up another sheet and toss it over the wire. “Would you believe that I spent two paychecks on an air conditioner that doesn’t even work.”
Your neighbor gives you a look of pity. “Oh dear, such a shame.” You watch as she adjusts the chairs and tables around her patio.
“You know, I have a teacher-friend with a son who has a knack for fixing things. Had him take a look at my plumbing a few weeks ago and he had it working right as rain. I can ask him to come by and take a look at it for you.”
You shuffle the empty bamboo basket in your arms. “I...guess that could work. Have him drop by sometime.” 
What’s the worst that could happen?
Two days later, you’re tending to your many plants—because you’d be damned if another died because of this heat—when a Greek god falls from the sky and onto your doorstep.
“Hi! I’m Josuke Higashikata, your neighbor said you had a problem with your air conditioner.”
To say you’re surprised would be an understatement: the young man standing on your porch is a damn stunner. His pouty lips, broad shoulders, and slim waist are more than enough to fuel a wet dream or two. Your brain short-circuits for a solid minute. Is it hot in here or what?
(And for once, you aren’t talking about the actual weather.)
He shifts nervously from one foot to another when you don’t immediately respond, but all you can do is stare. You’re thirsty for more than just a drink of water right now.
“Um,” he looks down at the sticky note in his hand and mumbles to himself. “This is the address, right?”
That snaps you out of your stupor. You internally berate yourself for looking like a gaping idiot in front of this knockout.
“YES! Ahem—yeah, y-you’re at the right place.” you move aside and allow him in. And good Lord, he’s tall. You wouldn't mind climbing that beanstalk.
Josuke is dressed in a striped yellow tee and pair of boardshorts that fit just right, a real sight for sore eyes.
You try not to swoon and realize rather belatedly that your own attire isn’t hiding much from view. Since the air conditioner stopped working, you reverted back to wearing tank tops and shorts around the house. Josuke, for what it's worth, isn't ogling you but he’s obviously noticed if his reddened cheeks are anything to go by.
“Right over here.” You say breezily.
The sway in your hips is subtle enough that it doesn’t look intentional. You guide him over to where the AC is sitting in the wall like a heap of scrap metal. Josuke didn’t bring any tools with him, so you’re skeptical about how he plans on fixing it. Honestly, even if he can't, you plan on making the most out of this.
You enter the kitchen adjacent to the living room, allowing him to take a look at the thing without you hovering.
As you’re straightening out the dining table, you ask, “So, how old are you, Josuke? You look a little young to be a handy-man.”
There’s a pause in his movements. “I just turned nineteen!”
Your fantasy dies a swift death somewhere deep within the dredges of your subconscious. Of course he’s young, as if you hadn’t noticed. Dialing back on the flirtation, you hum out an ‘oh cool’. The last thing you want to be is a cradle robber!
You aren’t that much older than him...but it still feels a bit wrong? You’ve never been with a younger guy before.
A startling hum resounds throughout the house and you feel a gust of cool air coming from overhead. Josuke has managed to fix it! You rush back into the room just in time to catch him stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“All done!”
“That—That was really quick? What was wrong with it?”
Josuke only shrugged. “Not sure, but it seems to be working now.”
You stare uncomprehendingly.
“So...was there anything else you’d like me to fix?”
Blinking you look around for something but come up short. “No, not unless you can bring plants back to life.”
Now it’s Josuke’s turn to blink as he takes a look around with wide eyes. He hadn’t noticed all the plants in the various corners of your home, he had been too distracted by—
“Which ones?” He says before he can stop himself.
You point to the succulent perched on the coffee table, it’s dried up and brittle in some parts, but it’s not completely dead. He kneels down to its height, touches some of its chubby petals. Then he silently calls on Crazy Diamond and with a single touch, it’s restored back to its normal health.
A few years post-Yoshikage Kira, Josuke has gotten a lot better with his powers, utilizing his stand with ease. He turns and gives you a smile and has no idea he’s giving you heart palpitations just by looking like that.
“Woah! Josuke, what the hell was that?”
“Ahh, it’s hard to explain. Just know it’s something I’ve been able to do since I was a kid.”
“Wow, th-that’s some trick,” you glance at your plant in shock. It’s literally back to normal. You recall all the time spent nurturing it, along with your other plants. All the sweat doled out during back-breaking gardening. How could you ever repay him for making sure your hard work didn’t go down the drain?
Before you know it, you have his face in your hands and you don’t know what the hell you're doing but you're holding him and staring tearfully.
“Thank you times a million. Seriously.”
Josuke just gulps and nods. “Uh huh, not a problem.”
You really try to ignore the way he’s staring at your lips or the heavy blush on his cheeks because, again, you are not robbing the cradle. With more self-control than you knew you had, you let go of his face and step back.
“S-So would you like some tea, or lemonade or—“
“Lemonade,” he says as he stands to his full height. “Lemonade is fine.”
You nod with your bottom lip trapped between your teeth. He is so cute. You scamper off into the kitchen and pull out a full pitcher of homemade lemonade. Meanwhile, Josuke is left to take a look around your house.
There are plants everywhere, most are leafy, green, and healthy. The ones that aren’t, get a boost from his stand power.
Josuke wants to compare your home to a jungle or the Amazon, but that’s not quite an accurate comparison. Even though there’s clearly a lot going on, it’s not cluttered or disorganized at all. It’s just...really freaking amazing! There’s even a flourishing terrarium built in the walls near the staircase.
With your obvious love for nature, Josuke thinks you’d get along great with Mr. Jotaro, but for some reason he doesn’t feel too inclined to introduce you two.
When you finally return, you catch Josuke eyeing your little turtle tank with a weird look.
“That’s Kame, I just got him a month ago.”
Josuke laughs, “Kame, huh? That’s pretty clever.”
“I thought so too,” you hand him the cold drink and as he takes it, his fingers graze yours. “He doesn’t do much, so if you’re expecting him to do a trick, you’ll be waiting a while.”
“Oh nah, it wasn’t that. I’m just…kind of afraid of the little guy.”
Biting back the urge to say ‘awww’, you usher him over to the engawa overlooking your vegetable garden. “A fear of turtles is understandable. But would you believe that I used to be afraid of fish?”
“Fish? No, I can’t say I would. But I also wouldn’t judge.”
You smile at that because of course, he wouldn’t judge you. “Yup, had a bad experience when I was five. My father used to live in Morioh, near the coast. He was a fisherman,” you pause, momentarily distracted by the bob of his adam’s apple as he takes his first sip.
“H-He umm, took me fishing once... and it was the first time I’d ever laid eyes on a real fish. Needless to say, I screamed my head off.”
“No! Seriously?” Josuke chuckles and it’s so contagious and addicting. Soon you're laughing too.
“I swear, I cannot make this up!”
“So, what happened?”
“Okay, so I’m screaming like a mad person and running away. You know what my dad does? That asshole chases me with the thing still dangling from his fishing rod.” You shake your head at the memory. “I literally got sick and threw up that night, and boy did my mom chew him out for it.”
“That sounds so hilarious and yet so traumatic.” He laughs again. “That’s terrible!”
“Right! I could never look at a fish after that or even be around them. It took years before I finally got over it.” You sigh and shake your head again.
Silence ebbs between you for a moment before Josuke clears his throat. 
“So, this might seem a bit forward, but would you like to go on a date with me?”
The question doesn’t register in your head all at once, leaving you to stumble over your words until you can finally think coherently. “Josuke I...I’m a bit older than you. Shouldn’t you go for someone more closer to your age?”
“No, and I’ve never believed age should stop two consenting adults from getting to know each other better.”
“Josuke, I’m old enough to be your big sibling though.”
He quirks his brow at that like you’ve just said something weird. “Well, Mr. Joestar, was like ancient when he met my mom so that really doesn’t bother me.”
For some reason, that comment breaks the tension. You barely hold back a grin. “This Mr. Joestar guy is your father then?”
“Biologically speaking, yeah. He’s pretty old now and I never really knew him, but my mom still loves him with everything she has.”
Okay. Now you are really having heart palpitations.
Josuke is exhibiting a surprising amount of maturity right now, making you eat your words about him being too young for you. Why did he have to be so convincing on top of being cute?
“Give me a chance,” he says. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
After mulling over it for a moment, you finally acquiesce.
“Alright, Josuke. One date, and we’ll see from there.” and just to catch him off guard, you peck his cheek. “Okay?”
“Y-Yeah! Of course, it’ll be perfect!”
Taking the empty lemonade glass from him, you both re-enter your home with smiles on your faces. Josuke stays a little longer and you both chat for a while then make plans for your date. You get to learn about how much of a hopeless romantic he is and how he’s a firm believer in love. He makes it very clear that he doesn’t want a fling and that he’s looking for long-term. All of these things surprise you, as they aren’t what you’d expect from someone as gorgeous as him.
By the time the sun is setting, you know it’s time for you two to part ways. Josuke stands at your foyer with pursed lips and a blush on his cheeks. “Can I...kiss you?”
To answer his question, you lean up and press a soft kiss on his mouth. Josuke’s strong arms snake around your hips, drawing you closer into his sturdy frame. His plush lips are gentle and pliant against your own. 
When Josuke finally pulls back he is presented with the sight of your closed eyes and kiss-reddened lips and it’s the most enthralling two seconds ever. He thinks you're so freaking beautiful.
“Alright handy-man,” you say as you give him one last peck on the corner of his mouth. “I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, sure thing!”
Ironically enough, you have this nightmare of a heatwave to thank for your date with Morioh Cho’s favorite dreamboat.
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cesarinthefreezer · 4 years
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Through the Eyes of an Artist
Part 2
The next morning you wake up and get ready to go to the Morioh aquarium. You put on a comfortable outfit matched with a pair of pen tip earrings. Josuke mailed them to you for your birthday, he said he found them in a little shop in Morioh and thought you might like them since your an artist. After grabbing your bag with your sketch book and pencils you head to the aquarium.
You hadn’t been to the aquarium since you were in high school but now you figured it would be a great place to practice some drawing. As you wonder through the aquarium you make your way to you favorite exhibit. The sharks... you pull out your sketch book and start to sketch their forms out on the page as well as add some inner and outer anatomy with labels. As you’re sketching you can’t help but feel your being watched... a little too closely. When you look up you are met with a set of familiar green eyes.
It’s Rohan Kishibe. His lips part to speak
“I’m sorry to be staring at you but I was curious as to what you were drawing there Miss....uh?”
“Y/n” you say with a nervous smile. “I was just drawing the sharks and adding their anatomy, nothing special”
He gestures at your sketch book “May I?”
You hand him your sketch book and he looks over the page. As he observes your work you look him up and down. He has an interesting sense of style but you can’t help but admire it. You make your way to his face where something sparkly catches your eye, his earrings. They are the same as yours.
“Your name is Rohan Kishibe right?” You say as if you don’t already know.
He looks up at you “yes I am...your sketches are wonderful, what is it that you do y/n”
You smile “well I’m a biomedical illustrator, I’m like a medical student and an art student rolled into one” you laugh nervously
He gives you a small smile before noticing your earring just like you noticed his.
“Quite fashionable earrings you got there”
You push your hair behind you ear
“Thanks my friend got them for me from a little shop in town”
“Ah yes I believe it’s the little boutique on Main Street yes, it’s where I got mine”
You shrug
“I’d have to as Josuke if that’s the one but I assume so”
Rohan shutters internally at the thought of Josuke and how he annoys him so. In that moment Rohan hands your sketch book back to you.
“ well you seem to know quite a bit about the anatomy of these creatures why don’t you accompany me though the aquarium?”
He offers his arm to you, you take it nervously
“Umm sure I’d love you”
He smiles at you as you two begin your tour through the aquarium. Rohan soaks up every word that passes through your lips and admires how passionate you are about what you do. He thinks about how he’s finally met someone as passionate as you in the town.
You on the other can’t help but stare at those green eyes and his delicate lips that smile when you speak. He’s quite an attractive person ,you can’t help but start to fall for him a little. You love the way he takes interest in your work and can stomach the things you’ve said you’ve seen in your science classes. You know that your friends Josuke, Okuyasu and Koichi aren’t fond of Rohan, but you have become very very fond of him.
When you’ve finished exploring the aquarium for what seemed like hours Rohan walks with you outside. “Would you like to come over to my house for tea and some more chatting? my house is only a short walk from here”
Holy shit you think did he really just invite you over on the day you’ve meet for the first time
“Umm I’d love too sounds like fun”
Rohan smiles in delight at your response as he starts to lead the way. The walk is quiet, you try to keep your gaze at the ground but you can’t help to look up and Rohan with his green locks shining in the sun. His hair looks soft and all you want to do is run your fingers through it. With that thought you feel a blush form on your face and try extra hard to hide your gaze from him.
Meanwhile Rohan was doing the exact same thing, in the sunlight you looked stunning. He thought about all the things he’d like to do with you. He wanted to touch your soft skin and feel your warmth as he held you. He knows he just met you but he feels like he’s known you forever.
As the two of you reach his home he leads you inside and then grabs your hand.
“I’d like to show you something come with me”
He takes you upstairs into what you can only assume to be his studio.
“Feel free to look around or have a seat on the couch there, I’m going to go make some tea”
You nod as he turns to leave, you meander around the studio looking at the colored manga pages on the walls and all the books on his shelves before you decide to take a seat. Rohan returns with two cups of tea one of which he hands to you before taking a seat beside you.
“You’re quite an amazing woman y/n most people in this town are so boring and blind to the beautiful world around them. You see the world inside and out... quite literally. I know we’ve only just met but I feel like I’ve known you for years, ever since I saw you in the cafe yesterday I couldn’t get you out of my head”
You freeze having bears these word of praise from Rohan.
“I don’t know what to say Rohan.... thank you, but you are such an amazing person you’re self, you take interest in my work as well as having phenomenal talent yourself. Not to mention your unique sense of fashion and handsome features, you’d make an interesting subject for a drawing”
With these words hitting his ears Rohan begins to blush, no one has ever spoken to him in this manor before and he doesn’t know what to do. He stares into your eyes and begins to get lost in them leaning closer and closer to your face. You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into but you sure as hell don’t want out.
Before you know it the two of you have locked lips in a breathless dance. He pulls away and takes your tea cup and his and sets them on the side table before resuming what he started. Before you know it your find yourself straddling his lap, arms locked around his neck. Rohan moves to lay you down on the couch so he is on top of you as he plants kisses on your jawline and neck before pulling on the hem of your shirt with his teeth. You run your fingers through his hair, it was soft just like you predicted. He pauses and looks up at you
“If I am moving too fast please tell me”
You shake your head “please don’t stop”
And Just like that you are topless and powerless on a couch in Rohan Kishibes studio. He takes his time admiring the gentle curves of your body and the softness of your skin. He pulls away from you to admire your form, before standing up and heading to his desk leaving you breathless on the couch.
“I simply must draw you like this before the image is lost to me”
He makes quick work sketching out your delicate body that is draped on the couch. You look to the window and realize it is now dark out side and it has started to rain. Between the sounds of Rohan’s pencil scratching the paper you hear thunder and sit up quickly. Raising his eyes form the paper Rohan looks at you and then to the window.
“You’re welcome to stay here tonight if you wish”
You nod your head yes “may I use your phone to call my dad?”
He gestures towards the door “the phone is downstairs in the kitchen “
Slipping your shirt back on not bothering to put your bra back on you head down to the kitchen. After a few rings your dad picks up and you inform him you will be staying at a friends house tonight.
Your dad hangs up the phone and heads to the living room to where Josuke, Okuyasu and Koichi are standing
“Sorry guys she staying at a friends house tonight but I’m sure she’ll be home early tomorrow”
All three boys look at each other with confusion, it wasn’t like you to miss movie night and if you weren’t with them which friend were you staying with
When you step back into Rohan’s studio he is sitting on the couch waiting for you.
“So what would you like to do tonight” he says to you with a wink
You sit on his lap
“I could give you an anatomy lesson?”
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golden-winter · 4 years
Whenever I'm struggling with a WIP, my brain seems to go "Hey, why not write a short yet meandering character study set in Morioh instead?" This is one of those.
Something about the sky in Morioh makes his thoughts turn inward. It’s absurd, really - he has more distractions than ever here. He’s searching for that damn serial killer and handling the mess of new Stand users he’s left behind in his wake, dealing with Josuke’s existence. And, as always, his academic work. He should have no space or time to think so much - more than usual - about his past. Something about the sky in Morioh makes him feel watched. By who, or what, he doesn’t know - he has so many ghosts by now they could fill a theater as his audience, enemies and allies all together.
Various little in-between scenes and thoughts from Jotaro’s perspective during the events of Diamond is Unbreakable.
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jotahoeheadcanons · 5 years
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable (A Summary)
And a poorly done one, at that.
We start off in our beautiful Duwang *chew*. There must be no other town as pretty as this one...
Our favorite Jotahoe Kujo was meandering down the street when he bumped into an unsuspecting Coochie. The poor little bean was amazed that giants still existed in this day and age. Honestly it was kind of a miracle.
But neither of those people are the titular JoJo. Instead there was this boy named Josuke who’s a bastard in family maybe but he is wholesomely good in our hearts. He doesn’t like it when you make fun of his hair so don’t do it. Even if it does seem a little out of place.
Anyway then these three goofballs meet another goofball named Okuyasu who is an absolute moron. But again, we love him. He is another good boy. To make a very long story short these four meet a bunch of other Stand users in Morioh and it’s honestly really a fun time. Nice to know they aren’t alone out there.
Except of course in an ocean of good eggs one bad one has to spoil all the fun. Also we need conflict otherwise this wouldn’t be nearly as exciting. Probably not. Who would want to watch a plotless show where everybody was happy? What even is the point of entertainment if nobody suffers.
Along comes Yoshikage Kira, and despite wanting to live a quiet life the events that proceed to follow quite contradict that statement. See, he has a problem with killing girls, cutting their hands off, and then “dating” them. (A/N: Now I don’t like to kinkshame, but I’m kinkshaming.). And this was fine and all until he killed a fucking middle schooler. Just a small babey.
Well then he decided the best course of action was to avoid being caught by changing his literal face and blending in to another family. But as always, that didn’t work. Because he is an antagonist. And antagonists never win. Ever.
So the way that he got caught was by this guy who’s identity he stole. The kid that this man had was a super sleuth despite being the ripe age of 5 years old. He’s a snoopy little shit. Anyway this kid got together all of the other stand users. And after a couple of time loops back they did eventually beat the guy.
Yep. And then everybody was able to live peacefully after that one 1999 bizarre summer. That’s the end of that tale.
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accumulated wars and flights (6/?)
They leave early in the morning, early enough that the ocean breeze overpowers the timid rays of the rising sun and leaves Kakyoin feeling cold and exposed in his light summer clothes. Rohan doesn’t seem bothered- not by the morning, not by the cold, not by Kakyoin’s skepticism. He’s looking bright and better than bright, illuminated by some kind of invincible enthusiasm for everything strange in the world. Kakyoin could find it charming, if he weren’t carrying fox traps in his pack. Rohan, unfortunately, is amazing with his spellwork, and Kakyoin’s pretty sure that if he so much as brushes accidentally against one of them he’ll instantly revert to his fox-form.
“Look at it,” Rohan, looking back over Morioh. The sky is lavender shading into black, the last of the stars still retreating into the darkness of the west. The wind drives itself against Kakyoin in squalls and gusts, the smell of the ocean mingled with the scent of the fields and the forest. In Morioh, a single small plume of black smoke is rising from a chimney as some enterprising early riser begins breakfast.
“Look at the composition,” Rohan says. “Beauty is so fortuitous when we find it by accident, but that’s when we’ve got to savor it most.”
“You like it here,” Kakyoin says, surprised.
“Of course I do,” Rohan says haughtily. “I chose to live here, didn’t I?”
“Yes…” Kakyoin says, and trails off. “But you don’t exactly come out of your house often.” He doesn’t mention that Rohan acts like humanity was invented specifically for the purpose of distracting him from more important things, like art. If anyone can get offended at the obvious, it’s Rohan.
“So what?” Rohan says, already heading up the road. “It’s distracting outside.” He frowns at Kakyoin, who has jogged up to keep pace with him. “Don’t you go and start any rumors about me secretly liking people or anything like that, you hear me? The last thing I need is people trying to get too familiar.”
“I won’t tell anyone,” Kakyoin promises, not bothering to hide his smile. Rohan glowers at him a bit, clearly gauging his sincerity, then continues up the road. They continue in silence for a bit, then take the road north out of Morioh, towards the woods.
“What are your goals for today?” Kakyoin asks, picking through his words carefully.
“Have you ever seen a fox?”
“Yes…” Kakyoin says, biting down the sudden, suicidal urge to laugh.
“No, a real fox. One with multiple tails.”
“Yes,” Kakyoin says, thinking of the first time he saw his human form reflected in the pond of a forest. He’d flinched away from the sight, startled by the way his reflection looked back at him, alien as any hunter.
“Wasn’t it beautiful?” Rohan demands. Kakyoin shrugs, drawing a narrow-eyed glare from Rohan. Another memory overtakes him: Dio in full splendor, the piercing radiant moon caught behind his tails, the city cowering before him like a beast lying belly-up. The rhythm of his steps stutters, and he nearly trips. Rohan is looking at him, and Kakyoin can feel the itch of his magic like something crawling between his shoulder blades, but whatever Rohan sees, he doesn’t feel the need to remark on it. There’s a thin line between his eyebrows, like he’s concentrating on a painting. Kakyoin slaps his hand over Rohan’s eyes, blocking his view.
“Hey!” Rohan protests. He’s not actually strong enough to dislodge Kakyoin’s hand from his face, so they stumble along like that for a few steps before Kakyoin takes mercy on him and lets go.
“What was that for?” Rohan demands.
“I told you to quit using your magic on me,” Kakyoin says.  
“I was only looking!” Rohan says. “I didn’t even change anything!”
“Quit looking,” Kakyoin tells him.
“Quit being visible, then,” Rohan retorts. “A man with bright red hair has no business getting huffy when people stare.”
They argue all the way to the river. There’s a boat waiting for them, and a man waiting in it. The sailor is tall and slim, with dark hair cut like a helmet to his head and a peculiar fluidity to his movements. He greets Rohan by name and waves the two of them onto the boat. Kakyoin’s grateful to see that he won’t have to entrust his clothes to Rohan’s sailing abilities, but he’s a little discomfited to see that the destination has already been decided, the ferryman already paid. Kakyoin’s familiar with the Rohan who sits in his room and paints for hours, but he doesn’t know this Rohan at all.
“Do you know much about sailing?” Rohan asks him, and Kakyoin shakes his head.
“I once crossed the Western Sea,” he says absently, “but that was long ago, and I did very little to help with the boat.”
“That’s a long journey,” Rohan says, and looks up at Kakyoin with the happy face of a child expecting a treat. He’s always wanting to hear about Kakyoin’s past, about where Kakyoin got this scar or that skill, like he’s just dying to crack Kakyoin open and eat his heart. It’s annoying. Kakyoin toils day and night in service of Rohan’s whims; can’t he have a single thing to keep to himself? His suffering is no one’s business.
“It was,” he says, and nothing more. Rohan looks sad for a moment, and then his chin firms up.  
“I’ll get it out of you someday,” he says, and goes off to bother the boatman. Kakyoin is left with nothing to do but sit and try not to feel the way the boat bobs up and down. He’s on the verge of falling asleep when he scents something on the wind, and it makes him sit up straight.
Fox. He can’t catch too much information from the wind in this form, but the moment is unmistakable, if brief. He sits up in the boat, unease heavy in his stomach, and scans the far shore, but nothing shows itself. There’s only the up-down of the boat and the quiet motion of the reeds, though he watches for the rest of the long trip. If anything is following them, he can’t see it.
The early morning burns away to noon, and then that’s gone too, and it’s early afternoon when they finally disembark. Kakyoin is restless and unsettled from all the hours on the boat. Of all the things humanity has invented, small boats that bob up and down with the current are not among his favorites. His head aches from hours spent squinting at the shore, and he’d like to lie down under a tree and sleep until the terrible sunshine has subsided, but it doesn’t look like he’ll get a chance. Rohan, who was napping peacefully while Kakyoin kept watch, bounds onto the shore with a frankly disgusting amount of energy and hurries up the path. Kakyoin is sorely tempted to just leave him to the foxes. Instead, he finishes unloading their things by himself and thanks the boatman for his services.
“Godspeed,” he’s told. “I’ll be back for you in a few days, if there’s anything to collect.”
Wonderful. So, they’re almost certainly in real danger. Kakyoin sighs, thanks the ferryman, and walks slowly back up the path after Rohan.
It’s a long way up the steep riverbank, and the path meanders from left to right. With every switchback Rohan is further away, the figure of his white clothes obscured by the plants that grow along the riverbank, and then he’s out of sight entirely. Kakyoin climbs slowly, weighed down by their supplies, but eventually he reaches the top of the embankment and finds himself looking down at a field of wildflowers. He can just see the darkness of Rohan’s hair in the distance, bobbing among the flowers and grass, his white-wrapped silhouette framed against the pale sky, and Kakyoin can feel magic everywhere, enough to make his teeth ache.
“Rohan,” he says, but Rohan is already gone. Kakyoin races up the path, his heart thundering, and is lost immediately. The plants stand tall here, taller than his head, and all he can smell is flowers. His skin is crawling, but he continues forward, fighting through all the instincts that tell him to run because something is here and it’s not hiding, it’s waiting-
“Rohan,” Kakyoin calls, knowing that he’s giving his position away and not caring. “Rohan, come back! Rohan!” There’s a shudder, and then the flowers around him begin to twist and move, and Kakyoin snarls and leaps back. Foxfire scatters all around him, illuminating him in green, and the flowers shrink away. There’s a buzzing sound in the air, but Kakyoin can’t see any insects. The flowers are all wilting, now, and then there’s no flowers at all, only flat ground, and the distant shape of Rohan, lying flat on the ground. Kakyoin runs so fast he’s not sure if his feet do much more than brush the ground, and then he’s lying at Rohan’s side and looking at the blood soaking into Rohan’s headdress.
It’s only when he’s already got Rohan in his arms that it occurs to him that if Rohan dies, Kakyoin will be free. No more debt. No more Morioh, no early mornings, no stupid errands. No Rohan. Kakyoin’s looks down at the unconscious man in his lap and tries to think. It takes a serious head wound to knock someone out, and there’s no doctors nearby. Probably. Kakyoin has no idea where they are. Rohan could die right here, right in this meadow with only one stupid tree, and then Kakyoin would be free, and Rohan’s body would be so much meat.
On the road to Dio, they found many corpses along the way, killed for fun and left to rot. The first time, Polnareff thought the man was sleeping, but Kakyoin knew better. Foxes scavenge, and there’s a smell to a dead body that says food. The thought makes him nauseous, and the nausea makes him furious. He doesn’t want to care about Rohan. He doesn’t want to be here- in this meadow, in this form, in this situation, with Rohan’s blood warm on his fingertips. His magic whispers to him, telling him that this is no choice at all, that to be human is to have obligations and loves and to know grief.  You loved Jotaro, his memory whispers to him. He saved you, and in return you followed him into hell, loyal as a dog. The thought makes him snarl, though there’s no one to see. He lifts Rohan and carries him to the only shade he can find, the space under a wide ficus tree that stands in the middle of the meadow.
He pulls some water from the pack,  then dabs it gently along Rohan’s forehead. Rohan doesn’t stir when Kakyoin removes his headband and checks his skull for fractures, half-terrified that he’s going to find an indent. The task so absorbs him that he doesn’t notice the other fox until it’s barely an arm’s length away. The sight freezes his breath in his throat, his whole body paralyzed with shock.
“Dio,” he chokes out, though it’s not, not at all. The creature in front of him is slim and bright, with fur in the hot white color of the sun and five tails that trail behind it. It lifts a single delicate paw and places it on Rohan’s forehead.
“Cousin, you are burdened with obligations to the unworthy. If you want, I can free you,” it says, fixing pale ocean-colored eyes on Kakyoin. Kakyoin doesn’t know what to say, and then he does.
“No,” he says quietly. “Not like this.”
“Whatever you feel, it isn’t real,” the fox says. “It’s an accident of our magic that traps us in these bonds, but we can have more. We can be more. Don’t you dream of something bigger than what you have?” The words send something reeling in Kakyoin, and he flinches back, a low animal growl in his throat. Dio said almost exactly the same thing to him once, word for word.
“I don’t aspire to live by stepping over the bodies of the innocent,” he says.
“But he trapped you, didn’t he?”
“He saved me,” Kakyoin says, bitter.  “I was being chased. He thought I was… a one-tail, thoughtless.”
“Hmm,” the other fox says, and then it changes. In human form, the other fox is young, younger than Kakyoin, perhaps younger than Josuke. It wears a long robe in pink and blue, the chest open in the shape of a heart.
“Humans are so careless,” it says. “Why is your human here? To catch me as well?”
“Rohan? No. He’s only here to make sketches. He’s an artist.”
“But powerful like a priest,” the other fox says, frowning. He smells like the kind of flowers that only bloom in the morning, and there’s a white star on his left shoulder. He reaches for Rohan, but Kakyoin parries his hand, his eyes still fixed on the star.  
“Are you…” he starts to say, and then trails off, because there’s no way this child could be a Joestar.
“If I want humans to talk to me, they call me Giorno,” it says, because foxes don’t have names between themselves. “There was a priest who came to my woods, and he called me Giorno Brando, as if I could be bothered to care about a sorcerer who stole every piece of power he had.” There’s unexpected passion in the words. “And you called me Dio.”
“You look like him,” Kakyoin says. “You act like him too, like you expect the whole world to sit down and listen because you want to talk.” Kakyoin doesn’t mean to say the last, but he’s too bitter to pretend at friendliness with Dio’s son. Giorno hasn’t stated his relation, but he doesn’t need to. It sits on him like a crown.
“We can’t help what we inherit. But even so, I’m not him. Here- let me fix your human, if you’re so set on being bound.”
“I’m not,” Kakyoin says sourly. “What did you even do to him?”
“I just put him to sleep,” Giorno says. “It’s not my fault he was running and face-planted into a rock.” He extends a hand, and this time Kakyoin lets him press the palm of his hand to Rohan’s skin.  Rohan stirs, once. The color comes back into his face, and his shallow breathing evens out.
“Who was chasing you?” Giorno asks abruptly. “Your human rescued you from someone. Who was it?”
“I didn’t get a good look at him,” Kakyoin says, remembering his desperate flight. He’d woken to the feel of fangs in his side and run, his side burning with poison. The only time he’d caught a glimpse of him was at the end, when his stamina had been almost at its end, and all he’d seen was a glimpse of purple robes and dark skin. He relays this description to Giorno, whose lips draw back in a wordless snarl at the words.
“Pucci. Steer clear of him. He’s some kind of fanatic- a former follower of my father.” There’s an unexpected spite in the words.
“Tired of the past?” Kakyoin says. He doesn’t want to like Giorno, but he can sympathize with the rage in his voice. Giorno looks startled at the response, and then he laughs. It’s an animal’s laugh, high and sharp and abrupt.
“I like you. I’ll allow you your trespass, just this one time. But this is my place. Tell your human to stay out of it.” Between one moment and the next he’s a fox again, his golden-white fur gleaming hotly under the sun.
“He’s not my human,” Kakyoin says. Giorno’s eyes are cool and empty as the fog rising over the sea, and then his tail twitches, just once, as if he’s amused.
“Kakyoin Noriaki,” Giorno says, though Kakyoin never told him a name. “Once your name was spoken in the courts of the mighty.  If a day comes when you grow tired of your debts, you know where to find me.” He lowers his head and pads away, flowers growing where his feet strike the earth, and then he’s gone.
It’s silent in the meadow, as if even the wind were holding its breath. Kakyoin has the sense of narrowly having escaped calamity, as if for one moment he had teetered on the edge of an entirely different world before returning to this one. Giorno is not his father, and yet- Dio made Kakyoin feel the same way. At the time, he’d been pleased to be chosen, to be special. Now he knows better. He’s had enough of prophets. Kakyoin shakes the lingering afterimages of divinity from his head and starts to make camp.
There’s a fire going and a tent up when Rohan finally stirs. Kakyoin’s an old hand at setting up camps after the whole long campaign against Dio, and he likes the busywork of it, likes seeing a space transform from wilderness into something like a home. There’s so many little parts to humanity! Cooked food, soft beds, tents, utensils, drinking cups, blankets, bandages… a million little luxuries that the people of the woods live without. Animals will sleep anywhere, but humans change the world around them. They carry civilization around with them in their pockets, ready to unfold at any time. Kakyoin can see why Giorno resents the intrusion, and yet…
On the bedroll, Rohan makes a muffled noise and turns his head to the side. His eyelashes flicker. His breathing changes, and then he pulls himself upwards into a sitting position and stares back over the fields. He rises unsteadily to his feet, his legs still trembling, and begins to walk away.
“Hey!” Kakyoin says, and chases after him. This time, Rohan is too slow to make any headway, and Kakyoin catches up to him after a few steps.
“There was- there was a fox!” Rohan exclaims.
“It’s gone now,” Kakyoin tells him. “You were asleep for a while.”
“But-,” Rohan protests.
“No,” Kakyoin tells him, and carries him back to camp. Rohan doesn’t resist as much as Kakyoin thought he might. In fact, he wraps an arm around Kakyoin’s shoulders, and sits a while in contemplative silence when he’s placed on his bedroll. It’s progressed from raw daytime to the early afternoon, and the sun slanting through the leaves has faded from scorching to tolerable. Rohan’s mouth moves, though Kakyoin’s not sure what he’s saying, and then he looks up sharply, his eyes locked on Kakyoin.  
“Dio Brando,” he says. “The one who raised the spirits of the forest and the sea against the cities in an attempt to crown himself Emperor.  How do you know him, Kakyoin?”
Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Ao3 
A big thank you to @relares for wonderful beta work!
Note: I have stopped posting updates for this story on my tumblr. Future updates can be found at this location.
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yrpreciousmoon · 2 years
Morioh Hi-Fi (25/25)
Title: Morioh Hi-Fi (25/25)     All Chapters Here Ongoing Playlist Here Fandom: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pairing: Josuke x Okuyasu; Rohan x Reimi; Koichi x Yukako; more.   Rating: T Description: In an AU where Part 4 never happened, it seems Stand users are still drawn to each other. Rohan Kishibe runs Morioh’s coolest record store, along with the world’s okayest employees: Koichi, Yuya, and Okuyasu. They live happily in their bubble of obscure music references and hipster style points until the fateful day when Josuke Higashikata enters the picture. (aka: Started writing a self indulgent AU heavily inspired by the series and movie High Fidelity, and just decided to lean into it.) Primarily a Josuyasu story, with subplots and minor relationships. And occasionally artwork! AN: Wow, I kind of can't believe this is over?! This AU has consumed my brain for like, FOUR MONTHS. It's bittersweet to have it all out of my head. (Well... at least until I start writing spin-offs...) A huge HUGE thank you to EVERYONE who read this, an extra hug for everyone who gave kudos/likes/shares/whatever, and a little kiss on the cheek for everyone who commented. Your support kept me going, and this story was so important to me as an outlet from real life stresses. So really, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. Definitely going to continue drawing these boys for a while and will probably more share fun facts and ideas for this AU. FANART ICYMI: Cat's beautiful Akirohan / Miima's perfect “movie” poster / Rebka's gorgeous sketch of the boys' first kiss
Epilogue: Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart .
Josuke took his sweet time getting out of bed. He'd woken as he often did these days: facing a drooling, snoring, beautiful Okuyasu. The benefit of waking up in a not-spooning position was that he could really take his time studying that face, getting lost in those features that were so much more soft and relaxed than when Oku was awake.
Josuke lived for the strands of hair that stuck up every which way, the rabbit-like twitch of Oku's nose. His scars, a constant reminder of how resilient he was; the sharp cut of his jaw.
If he were feeling frisky, Josuke might have lifted the sheets and gazed lower, following the inked trail of band logos and album art and drunken mistakes that meandered down across well-defined muscles. He might've even woken his boyfriend up with a questioning touch at the front of his boxers. Not today, though. Today Josuke hoped to slip out of bed undetected, to get a few secret moments to himself.
But... after just a little bit more of this.
Josuke reached out and brushed back a fly-away hair, the lightest touch he could make without the risk of waking the other.
Perhaps coincidentally, it was at that moment when Okuyasu snorted loudly and buried his face in the pillow. Josuke bit back a laugh, his eyes twinkling. Okay, he supposed – that must be his sign, his cue to leave.
Slowly, carefully, he slipped out from under the covers and into the brisk morning air of his bedroom. He quickly donned a silk robe and tip-toed to his desk, where he procured a set of headphones and his shiny new MP3 player.
He'd been working on this mix for weeks, initially hoping to have it done in time for last night's release party – but, well, it suited Josuke to be late, so he didn't worry about it too much. Now that Okuyasu had shown him the fine art of curating a playlist, Josuke found that making a great mix CD – like breaking up – was hard to do and took ages longer than he expected. And while there were plenty of rules for it doing it right, he knew that the most important thing was to fill it with stuff Oku would like; stuff that would make him happy.
As Josuke navigated to the latest version of his playlist, he leaned back in his chair and paused momentarily, his eyes drifting to the various touchstones of his life that were placed around his room. There was, of course, the ceramic animal that his mom had bought him in Tokyo. The turntable that had once been his grandfather's. The tiny star on his ceiling. The man asleep in his bed. All of them held a special place in his heart, all of them had lead him right here, to this moment. He took a deep breath to anchor himself within it.
And Josuke pressed play.
The many sounds that meet our ears / The sights our eyes behold, Will open up our merging hearts / And feed our empty souls.
I believe when I fall in love with you it will be forever. I believe when I fall in love this time, it will be forever.
I'm so glad that I found someone to believe in again.
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fluffnstuffjojos · 7 years
hEYYY can i get some josuke4 with a sweet s/o from the country that's just totally in love with morioh but sometimes laughably naive about how it works? they know how to farm and scare predators off but the moment they walk into one of the fancier grocery stores they're like a kid in a candy store, that sort of thing!! ty~ (gosh you must be getting tired of all the josuke, hope you get some other characters soon to add some variety)
Relatable! (I moved from a really small town to a big town to go to school). Also, I adore Josuke and never get tired of him!  Fun fact: I almost made this headcanon blog entirely about Josuke, but decided that would be too boring for everyone else lol.
Josuke is going to find anything about his s/o absolutely adorable, but when he picks them up to show them around Morioh this boy falls even more in love with them. They way their eyes light up at the simplest things is absolutely the best thing ever (what a sap!). Their first stop is the grocery store to pick up a few things to eat during their stay with him.
When they enter the grocery store s/o is practically bouncing off the walls, running from place to place and looking at all of the different products and technology. Josuke is a blushing, grinning mess watching over them like a mother hen. He laughs when they walk straight up to one of the little advertisement screens at the end of the aisles talking about some random cereal product. “Josuke this is so neat!” they cheer, tapping at it and fully exploring all of the facts and information on the cereal while he stands nearby chuckling softly.
After almost an hour of grocery store exploration they finally manage to make it to the checkout. “Self checkout? Where are the cashiers?” s/o pipes up, following Josuke diligently as he places all of the food down and begins to scan and bag things. “There are a few over there-” He cuts off in another laugh as s/o notices the camera positioned over the monitor, smiling and waving at their image on the screen.
Josuke decides that after their excursion at the grocery store that he’s going to take s/o to the beach to relax. After they take the groceries home and put everything away he drives them out to the beach. They’re relaxing in the sun and having lots of fun, before they decide to take a short walk around town nearby. Josuke is smoothly wrapping his arm around s/o as they meander down the sidewalk, taking in the view, when a snake slithers onto the concrete in front of them. Josuke practically climbs s/o. “S-shit!” he stammers, still trying to find any way to elevate his feet so that they aren’t touching the same planet as that thing.
“Josuke, it’s just a rat snake, they’re harmless,” s/o soothes, trying to calm his outburst and stop his scramble for safety. The snake doesn’t even pay them any mind, continuing on into the grass where it disappears. “See it didn’t even care about us!” They assure him, laughing as he smooths the front of his pompadour, taking a deep breath. “Baaabe, I don’t like reptiles,” he whines, shuddering as he thinks about the slithery creature. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you,” they tease, poking at his nose. He sighs, pouting before taking their hand and continuing along their walk.
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frog-e-box · 2 years
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frog-e-box · 2 years
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-=Midnight Scandal=-
HI PALS,,, I RETURN,,, after a while of decen inactivity BUT NONETHELESS I BRING FORTH SOME LORE STUFF!!! Better explained in the photos below for those interested!
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Reblogs are optional but much appreciated!🐸✨️
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frog-e-box · 2 years
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-=Petty Pretty Please=-
Rohan is in quite a bit of a situation where Dani refuses to speak a word to him! The manga artist proceeds to always follow Dani around in hope for a conversation, but does he succeed? You can’t help but wonder what Rohan did to upset Dani like that.
WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS SO LOOKING FORWARD TO POST THIS EVENTUALLY!!! This is actually one minor scene from my upcoming story Morioh’s Meanderer, and it caught onto me so bad I HAD TO DRAW IT! I wonder what you guys think Rohan did or said so bad that it made Dani not talk to him 👀
Reblogs are optional but much appreciated!🐸✨
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frog-e-box · 2 years
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-=Morioh’s Meanderer=-
Alongside Joseph Joestar, it appears that it's no other than Dani, who was assigned by Jotaro to keep the old man company during his stay in Morioh. Considering Dani hadn't had the chance to travel abroad on his own, it can only mean that he will wander around as much as possible, and if fate allows it, make new friends as well. It is very soon that the snobby mangaka, Rohan Kishibe, hears about Dani's arrival, which appears to have sparked a burning competitive spirit to prove himself as the superior artist. If only Rohan knew that interacting with Dani would change his whole life.
HI!!! I decided to make a cover drawing for the soon to be published part 4 story I’m planning to write! This story is more or less a side story to the ongoing events of Diamond is Unbreakable, however focusing on Dani and his interactions as an adult! Also with the main topic of him meeting Rohan but aHHH I plan to hopefully publish the introductory chapter soon and I hope you guys will stick around until it’s completed!
Reblogs are optional but much appreciated!🐸✨
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