#moriarty louis james angst
seungsuki · 2 months
another life - time will always be an enemy (gn!reader)
warning: mention of death
note: i actually cried when i wrote this
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your head lay comfortably on the lap of your blonde-haired husband, louis james moriarty. his warm fingers threaded through your hair making your heart melt. the gentle rise and fall of his chest shielded you from the agonizing fate dealt with. your eyes softened as the sight of louis holding back his tears. each drop acted as a testimony to portray his sorrowful heart. they painted your once rosy cheeks he adorned. you weakly reached out to caress his tear-streaked face, hoping to soothe his aching heart
it all started with a fever. none of you thought of it too much due to the season’s cold winds. a mere inconvenience, you described, the moriarty family was your pillar of support throughout your cold. diligent william took it upon himself to cover for your classes, while albert insisted that louis stay by your side, nursing you back to health.
the fever subsided, yet your strained voice released painful coughs. betraying your mere whispers, you suffered.  louis noticed how you grew thinner, your bubbly personality was now a faint memory replaying. confined to your bed, you had plenty of time to daydream about anything. louis became your patient listener to your rambles about anything that came into your mind whether it was about how whales sleep to what you wanted to eat when you got better 
except, you never seem to be getting better. the medicines came to no use when they were supposed to be the anchor of hope. at one point, you awoke the entire house with your cough being worse than before. you couldn’t breathe as louis got off the bed and crouched down in front of you. you covered your mouth to not wake anyone up but that came to no use. your stifle coughs echoed through the house, a signal of your despair
you heard a small knock and from the corner of your eye, the door swung open. it seemed everyone was woken up with a concerned reaction following. you wanted to reassure them, to tell them you were fine, but as you removed your hands away from your face, horror shook your body. blood stained your pale palms, a hideous confirmation of your worst fears.
you couldn’t hide it from louis. he smelt the rust-iron clinging on your fingers. he looked to his brother and you swore you could see a glint of fear in his eyes. immediately, a doctor was summoned but like the others before, he offered false hope- medicine 
this went on and on. days turned into weeks, each one disheartened the family. you met doctor after doctor and each time you were prescribed a new problem. the list grew along with louis’s frustration and sorrow. his mind couldn’t understand why you weren’t getting better. he’d done everything he could yet you were still the same 
nothing could soothe the blonde man’s heart as he gently pushed the strands of your hair away from your face. he could feel you dying and there was nothing he could do about it. even the best of the best doctors couldn’t save your life. you were just a pretty bird in a cage. your life was only as colourful as your health decides to make
the room was clouded with the smell of medicines and creams you used but what made his stomach churn was the heavy ominous odour—the smell of approaching death. louis had asked his brothers to take the time off his duties. now he sits with you resting your head on his lap every day, spending what it seems to be, your last few days. 
you looked up to your teary lover with a sad smile. you’re sorry you couldn’t be with him anymore. all those dreams you both shared, shattered before your very eyes. louis knew your time was coming soon. you didn’t feel like eating anymore. you just wanted to lie down and listen to him read stories. you didn’t even have the energy to tell him how much you’ll miss him 
the bright smiles and genuine laughs were all gone. now the only thing that could be heard was silence. the ticking clock was only acting as a reminder of how much time you both have left. your lips feel sticky but you slowly move your lips in hopes louis understands your words 
“i’m sorry i can't stay with you, love”
and then, you were gone. your eyes peacefully fluttered and you took your last breath into your eternal slumber. darkness clouded your vision and the last thing you saw was your dear husband. the afternoon sun bathed the room in a golden glow as your consciousness faded.
to louis, you appeared timeless, a serene beauty bathed in sunlight. for the first time, in what felt like an eternity, he saw a smile. not your usual sad smile, but the long-gone smile he always wanted to see again. the one he thought he had lost forever. his shaky hands cradled your face to feel you one last time, yearning to etch this final memory into his soul.
“i will find you again in another life... we will get our happy ending”
he reached out to hold your hand. he gently took off your wedding ring, almost like you would shatter if he wasn’t careful. he held it firmly in his hand before clasping his free hand with yours. he brought your lifeless hand near him and gave his last kiss. a habit he developed whenever you left for work 
“rest well my love” 
his voice cracked and he finally allowed himself to cry. for the first time, louis felt alone. his body shuddered and relaxation had taken over him. he cried louder and louder, each sob tortured his heart with a mournful symphony of loss. he felt hollow, a shell forever engulfed by the empty void he created for himself, louis james moriarty. 
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© seungsuki 2024-25 -- do not repost, translate, alter, etc on any platform without permission. Any characters used in my work do not belong to me, they are created by their original creator.
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idontknowmyownmind · 2 months
Moriarty the Patriot prompt for Louis-centric (desperately need more of this baby)
1. Louis is a bit more broken than canon after the fall which result in him being an empty vessel because Louis Moriarty died at the same time of his brother's death news reach him and he is completely gone when Albert is also gone. Even when they come back, the Louis they know is no longer there as he is already dead.
2. A what if scenario where Louis is the one who is dead some time before the grand closing act.
3. A year or two after the fall, Louis got into an accident that got his memories, about everything and everyone but his name, erased. He life his new life without knowing his past and the return of Liam.
4. Some time after the fall, Louis got blind+deaf and somehwat lead a normal life somewhere. What if Liam and/or Albert have been taking care of him but he doesn't really aware (he is familiar but refuse to delute his imagination).
5. Louis dissapeared not long after the fall.
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hergan416 · 1 year
Second hanahaki Louis thought.. because I'm terrible.
Louis is already dealing with/"managing" (hiding, not yet dead) some white lily hanahaki.
The train scene happens and he's watching the sherliam happening and his heart is breaking etc etc. The longer William brings Sherlock around, the more he gets to know him...
Suddenly one day he's coughing up irises too.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Still You Under The Surface (Moriarty The Patriot)
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I hadn't intended this to get sappy but here we are 👀
Heyo everyone! I finally finished the Lee!Albert fic I was making! Darling man- I love Albert so much! He and his brothers deserve all the love in the world, and so this fic has been created! I hope you like it!
Shoutout to the wonderful @thatbigbisexual29 for the idea that Albert's neck is ticklish- I hope it's okay I've included it in this fic- it was too cute to pass up! Check her out, she's fantastic!
Summary: Albert had crafted the perfect persona for the world, for the various nobles he entertained, and for the Lord Of Crimes. However, it had little to no effect on his brothers. When the cracks start appearing in his mask, William and Louis are there for him.
Albert James Moriarty was unreadable.
The eldest of the Moriarty brothers, you’d be damned to find him without his signature smile. Coy, with a touch of amusement in those green eyes as if he found everything around him enchanting. He was a picture of elegance, gracefully handling any situation thrown his way with poise and charm. Some believed he’d never faced a worry in his life with how at ease he seemed, while others believed he simply dripped with confidence, too secure in himself to let anything petty bother him.
It was an illusion he held like a shield, his thin layer of protection to prevent the cracks from shining through. And it worked.
“You seemed stressed.” William spoke up one morning upon seeing his brother. Ruby red eyes peered up at him from his newspaper, the slightest furrow in his brow upon meeting Albert’s gaze. “Is everything alright?”
“Oh? No, I’m fine.” Albert smiled, taking a seat as he collected the tea Louis made. It was a touch too strong, but he drank it regardless. “Things for our plans are going smoothly. Nothing to be concerned about.”
“That’s good to hear, but I wasn’t asking about our plans.” Folding the paper, William turned his full attention to Albert. “I was asking about you.”
“Albert, I watched you practice that smile until it became natural.” The blonde’s tone snapped his lips shut, making him pause. “That’s the smile you wear when you’re playing the Lord of Crimes. When you have to charm some aristocrats into sharing details or entertain a room as part of your noble stature. It’s an effective tool, but not one designed to hide things from us.” Willam’s voice softened some, concern taking away the edge. “Please tell me, as you-what’s wrong?”
Albert was quiet, stunned by how effective William saw past his illusion. It was true, he had practiced it many times with everyone; slowly molding his new persona into a well fitting mask he sometimes struggled to remove. When he did, it scared him- this person floating beneath the surface of his new role. It was so easy to forget who he was when he wasn’t helping bring London’s current system to its knees; when it was just him and his brothers.
“Albert?” Louis' voice cut through the smog of thoughts, something in his voice he found alarming. When he looked up, he found both brothers staring at him in surprise. Only when he blinked did he realize he’d been crying. “Oh, Albert…”
“Oh dear… how’d that happen?” Albert laughed softly, wiping his face with a shaking hand. “Apologies, gents, didn’t mean to scare anyone.”
“Nevermind that.” Louis scoffed, closing the distance and kneeling before his older brother, trying to catch his eye. “You never cry. Did something happen? Who did it? I’ll find them-”
“Louis.” William’s soft voice stopped his rambling, the other man sitting on the arm of Albert’s seat, his hand squeezing his shoulder. “It’s okay. You don’t have to now, but when you feel ready, we’re here to listen.”
“Really, I’m fine.” Albert choked out, struggling to clear his throat of the stubborn lump residing there. “You mustn't worry about me. I’ll be fine. Must be all the-the dust. Yes, that’s it. It’s dusty in here; my allergies are acting up.”
Louis and William shared a look, conversing with their eyes. Then Louis smiled, a touch sad as he gently patted Albert’s knees. “You know- Brother and I always did that too. We’d get overwhelmed with everything that happened and blame it on dust or grime from the slums, or We’d say we’d accidentally poked ourselves in the eye.”
“Terrible excuses, no? Of course, you never believed them for a second.” William nodded in agreement, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into Albert’s shoulder as he reflected on the memory. “You’d tell us it’s a big brother’s job to help his younger ones when they cry, no matter what the reason.”
“Cause it’s true-” Albert cut in.
“And it’s the job of the younger siblings to make sure they help their eldest brother when he’s in tears.” Louis leaned his arms against his knees, resting his chin in them as he gave Albert a small but encouraging smile. “Even if they have the gall to say the room’s dusty after I’ve cleaned it.”
The brunette let out a wet laugh, the sound making the other two grin. Shaking his head, Albert let out a breath before clearing his throat, finally starting to calm. “Apologies. I dislike crying- it makes me feel so…vulnerable.” He sighed, reaching out to gently run his fingers through Louis’ hair, his other hand coming out to pat William’s hand. “I guess it’s not so bad with you two, though.”
“You guess?” William tsked in mock offense, sharing another look with his brother before the hand on Albert’s shoulder began to slide, creeping across his upper back. “How rude. All these years later and you only guess it’s okay to be yourself around us?”
“You know what I me-eeh!” Albert straightened when the hand found his neck, curling against his nape. “Will, don’t you dare.”
“Dare what? We’re only sitting here.” Louis defended, the arms resting on Albert’s lap stretching so he could grasp each knee, something playful entering his expression. “Why so tense, brother?”
“You know whhiihihhiy! Will!” Albert yelped with a giggle when the hand at his neck wiggled, making him scrunch some. “Dohoohon’t!”
“My, you’re awfully fidgety today, Albert.” William teased, two fingers continuing to scratch at his brother’s neck while the rest of them pressed gently, sending little pulses of ticklishness across his nerve endings. “What’s the matter? Have to use the restroom?”
“Ants in your trousers?” Louis teased, his own hands squeezing Albert’s knees in a similar fashion, making him squirm. “Tickly ones?”
“Oh, I’ve heard of those. Devious little things.” William nodded solemnly, smirking when Albert blushed, a hand swatting at him. “No? What’s wrong then?”
“Wihihihihilliam! Lohohoohuis! SThaahahahp ihhiihit!” Albert broke into a fit of laughter, curling in on himself as William brought his second hand in, wiggling it gently against the back of his ribs. “Geahhahahaa! Thhiihihis isn’t fhahahhahair!”
“I disagree. I think this is quite fair.” Louis giggled, clearly enjoying himself. With his weight against Albert’s legs, he leaned up some to give his brother’s waist a squeeze, laughing when the brunette hooted. “You always tickled us when we were upset. It’s about time we return the favor. Right, brother?”
“Absolutely, Louis.” William nodded, one hand carrying on squeezing Albert’s neck while the other reached for his armpit, knowing how bad a spot that was for his brother growing up. “Come to think of it- I can’t recall the last time Albert properly laughed for us, can you?”
“Not at all. Such a travesty.” Louis tsked, yelping when Albert’s hand found his chin. “Ahhehhehe! Nohohohoo!”
“Yehehehhehehs!” Albert giggled back, his other hand latching onto William’s thigh and squeezing, nearly sending the other blonde flying off his seat. If they were gonna tickle him, he’d at least get a few back. “Thhiihihihs is whahahhat you gehe-AH!”
Well- so much for that idea.
“Ohoohoho? Is this still a bahhad spot?” William grinned when Albert arched away, arms shooting back to his chest when he wiggled both hands into his armpits from behind. Loud, beautiful laughter boomed from their brother’s lips; deep belly laughs that were so recognizable he tried to fight down on a daily basis. “There it is!”
“AH! Ahehahahhhahahahhaa! Whihiihihihihll, plehehehhahahhahahahse!” Albert cackled, sinking in his chair as he tried to fight off the hands. William simply changed positions, going from the front to carry on his playful assault. “Dhohoohohoohohn’t tihihihihihickle meehhehhee thehehehheheherhe!”
“Why not? It’s proving rather effective.” Willam laughed, yelping once more when Albert tried grabbing his waist. “Nohoohpe! No, absolutely nohoht! Louis hehehelp!”
“On it!” Bailing on Albert’s legs, he grabbed his brother’s wrists; pulling them up so William could properly tickle him. “There we are- finally smiling for real now.”
“GEHAHHAHHA, YOOOHOHOU TWOHOHOHOHO! STAHHAHHAHAP!” Albert squealed, all but falling out of his seat as his worst spot was attacked. It didn’t help Louis had begun running his thumbs against the outskirts of his palms, a tickle spot even he had little knowledge about prior to today. “I’M CHEhEHEHHERRED UP ENOOOHOOHOHUGH NOW PLEHHHAHAHHASE!”
“Hmm…do you think he really is, brother?” Louis asked, unable to fight down a giggle at the pig snorts breaking up Albert’s laughter.
“Seems that way to me, Louis. Very well.” William stopped, pulling his hands back as he watched Albert gasp for air. “Look at you- red faced and giggly. One’d think you had too much wine again, Al.”
“Yoohohou two…are gonna be the dehahhath of me.” Albert groaned, pulling himself back into his seat with Louis’ help. “Whahas that really necessary?”
“Yes.” The blondes said in unison.
Albert laughed, running a hand through his hair, his entire body tingling from the tickles. When he opened his eyes, he found the pair watching him fondly, sharing a small smile to themselves.
Without much warning, he grabbed them both, yanking them into the chair with him.
“Ah! Albert, this isn’t that big of a chair!” William yelped, letting out a small ‘oof’ when Louis unceremoniously crashed into him.
“We’re not children anymore- we all can’t fit in one seat like then!” Louis tried to argue, nodding apologetically to his brother after his elbow went into his gut.
“Oh please, you two are so dramatic.” Albert laughed, one arm around each of them as he hugged them close. Tight quarters aside, it was nice having them near. “Don’t worry- I don’t plan on getting vengeance. Yet.” He gave them both a light squeeze to their sides, earning a huff of giggles. “But truly…thank you.”
“For crushing you?” William asked, brows raised. “I suppose some enjoy that.”
“Hush.” Albert rolled his eyes, nudging him some. “You know what I mean. I’ve….been feeling off lately. It’s like you said; this whole ordeal we’ve found ourselves in…it can become overwhelming. Sometimes I’m scared that I’ll lose who I am. Not my status or anything like that but…me. Albert.” He closed his eyes, letting his head rest against the back of the chair as he looked for the words. “I suppose that’s why I’m so grateful for you two. If I didn’t have you…who knows what I’d be. Or who’d I be.” That lump was coming back. Why was he so weepy today? “So yes…thank you.”
The pair were quiet as he spoke, still even when he finished. For a scary moment, Albert was concerned he spoke too much. Before he could try to remedy that, something reached up to flick him lightly between the brow.
“Such a sap.” William teased gently, even if his voice sounded a little thick. Albert crinkled his face at him, earning a laugh. “You’ll never have to worry about that with us, though. No matter what happens, or what the world has in store, you’ll still be Albert to us.”
“That’s right. Our eldest brother.” Louis nodded in agreement, reaching out and squeezing his hand. “You’ll always be you, under the surface. Nothing will change that.”
Albert didn’t trust his voice. Instead, he only hugged them to him, letting the feeling of much needed assurance wash over him like a gentle wave.
He was so truly grateful for them. His brothers.
Thanks for reading!
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femboykyo · 1 year
Hidden Away From The Crowd
Pairing: William James Moriarty X Trans! OC(Male)
Rated: Mature, smut, dark themes
⚠️Dark themes ahead: trigger warnings if you are sensitive to r@pe, needles, kidnapping, tr@fficking, drug use, misgendering/unintentional misgendering
-if I miss any warnings PLEASE tell me! I think I covered all of them above
The gang is at a party to get info on their latest crime suspect, due to the suspects taste in women, transman oc(Juniper) fits it very well and goes in wearing a disguise. It's not the clothes that bother him it's just the situation. At first William didn't want him to but Juniper insisted. Please enjoy!
It wasn’t hard to tell by looking at Juniper that he was nervous to dance on the main floor. William sneakily wrapped a hand around Juniper’s waist and led him in the dance.
“Liam?” Juniper questioned as he was spun close.
“Just follow me. Focus.” Juniper took in a shaky breath and locked eyes with William. He had to focus, they were there to gather information, he had a role to fill. The whole time they never glanced away from one another. Juniper found that he was following every step, even able to spin and find his footing. William gained a smile and Juniper’s heart fluttered. The two hadn’t noticed that they had been given more space and the crowd had a mix of awe and jealousy at the obvious chemistry they had with one another. When they pulled close, both had let out a breath, noses just barely touching.
“You’re better than you give yourself credit for.”
“It’s only because of you, William.” He was impressed. Juniper had been slowly letting himself come out the longer they were together. There was a gleam at the corner of William’s eye and he glanced over carefully. He leaned closer to Juniper’s ear and whispered since the crowd was coming back together.
“Found her.”
“The target?”
“No, the next victim. Stay close to her once we see the target.”
“Okay, be careful.” The song ended and the two exchanged a bow. Juniper noticed a glint in Wiliam’s gaze.
“You as well, Juni.” The two split and Juniper readjusted his dress nervously. William meanwhile went in a different direction and was face to face with Sherlock.
“You danced wonderfully, Liam, as if I expected anything less.” Sherlock handed him a glass of champagne and he took it with a slight nod.
“Anything yet?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like I don’t know,” Sherlock rolled his eyes, “the case you are doing.” William cursed Sherlock’s brain and sipped the sparkling drink.
“Nothing yet, how about you?”
“Who you are looking for isn’t here yet. He wants to make a grand entrance.”
“Of course, lessen suspicion.”
“Precisely.” Just then the front doors opened and he walked in. A rich young man with brown hair and cold blue eyes. He had rings on almost every finger, a true sign of his wealth.
“Let’s hope Juni can do his part.”
“Have more faith in him, Sherly. He’s been awfully bold today.”
“Certainly if he’s wearing a dress and some makeup.” William ignored his teasing, after all that was mostly what made that man Sherlock. They watched as the rich man known as Master Hutcherson talked with the other guests, mostly the women. William clenched his glass when he glanced at Juniper who was chatting with a few guests with a smile.
“He’s truly so wonderful.” William thought with a soft smile and it made Sherlock hum. His friend was very smart until it came to human feelings. Juniper was laughing with the group when he felt a strong presence behind him. One of the guests looked around him and smiled brightly.
“Master Hutcherson, you’ve decided to come.”
“Well it turned out that my work was a very easy fix.” He turned to Juniper who suddenly felt very intimidated. He almost seemed like a giant predator, like a wolf or bear, and he was just a small trapped animal. Then he remembered that William was nearby and tried to be brave.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Sir.”
“I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman like you at these parties.”
“Well, I just moved here.”
“I see,” Hutcherson took Juniper’s hand and placed a kiss, “may I have your name, Miss?”
“It’s Juniper.”
“What an interesting name. Can I show you something, Miss Juniper?” Juniper’s insides were screaming for help but he just smiled.
“Of course.” Juniper took his extended arm and was led away from the group.
“Looks like the plan is working so far. Suppose I owe you an apology Li-” Sherlock paused as William handed him his glass and ran off to follow the two who just left the dance hall. Sherlock set the glasses on the table nearby and followed.
“You know, I know almost everything about this old building, like when it was first being built they installed a secret passage so that should a fire happen you could sneak out without getting harmed.” The mention of such a thing sent chills down Juniper’s arms. Maybe he was yet again being kidnapped and was going to be taken there. He didn’t know how many knew about such a thing. He didn’t know if William knew.
“That’s very helpful.”
“It is.” They walked on down the hall, each step making Juniper more and more scared. Oftentimes he looked back to see if anyone was around.
“Looking for someone?”
“Not at all, My Lord, I was simply admiring the architecture.” He lied but the man bought it. Finally they reached a room with double oak doors.
“What’s this?” Juniper asked.
“This, my sweetheart, is what I wanted to show you.” He opened one of the doors and let Juniper inside first. When he got inside, his eyes widened. It was just a simple office with pens and papers on the desk, some bookshelves off to the side, but what caught Juniper’s eyes was a needle filled with a milky substance inside. The door clicked and he whipped his head around.
“What are you doing?”
“You know, foreigners are such a rare gift, especially beautiful ones.” Juniper froze as he was approached and a hand caressed his face.
“All the women here are so predictable and bland. Give them something they want and they’ll do anything. I wonder, though, is it the same for foreign women?” He was terrified and he was also angry with himself, he wanted to be brave but this just took him back to when he was first kidnapped. Hutcherson played with some of Juniper’s hair, his fingers brushing his back, only tugging slightly at the zipper. Juniper put his hands on Hutcherson’s chest and shoved him a bit.
“I-I think you have the wrong idea. I’m not interested in such things.” He just chuckled and went back, this time pinning Juniper to the desk, his wrists in the man’s strong grip.
“Every woman desires to be taken by a man. To be filled with ecstasy.”
“Please, let me go. I’m sure there’s someone else you can-” Juniper lost all words when he felt a hand lift his leg and grab his thigh.
“Don’t be so shy.” His wet lips kissed Juniper’s porcelain colored thigh and nudged the hem of the dress off to kiss more.
“Someone help me.” Juniper thought with tears in his eyes.
“William… Please.” Just when Juniper was going to cry out, the locked doors were slammed and he was set free. Juniper snapped out of his daze and took in an audible breath.
“Master Hutcherson, I wasn’t aware the party was here.” William said coolly.
“Moriarty, I should’ve known you would be here.”
“Yet here you are, forcing yourself on innocent women.”
“Oh come now, Master William, women were only made to benefit men like ourselves.” He laughed and William saw red.
“William…” Juniper called weakly from the desk. This surprised the man.
“This woman knows you, Moriarty?” He stayed quiet and the man laughed again.
“Now it makes sense, you should’ve just said so, Master William. She must be such a seductress, what else to expect from a foreigner.” A fist connected with the man’s jaw and he was sent stumbling. He held his jaw and glared at William who straightened himself up.
“Men like you make me sick.” Was all he said as he walked up to Hutcherson, his hand grabbing the first thing it found, the needle. Sherlock came running in and went over to Juniper. He grabbed the disoriented man and ran out the room to let William release his steam.
“Sherlock… I got scared.”
“It’s alright. Demons like that can be intimidating.” Sherlock led Juniper to the gardens, the cool air cleansing his senses, the wooden bench inviting.
“Will you be alright by yourself when I go to Liam?” Juniper nodded as fresh tears filled his eyes. The detective jogged off back inside and Juniper grasped at a shaky breath. He choked on a sob as the memory resurfaced.
“Juni?” William was in front of Juniper and on his knees. His hands carefully took Juniper’s and he cried.
“I-I was so scared… I tried to… I’m sorry.”
“No, no, it wasn’t your fault, Juni. I shouldn’t have let you two leave the dance hall. I shouldn't have asked you to do such a thing.” Juniper sniffled and looked at William who seemed so forlorn. He freed a hand and placed it on William’s cheek.
“I wanted to. I wanted to be strong enough.”
“You were very brave, Juni.” William sat next to him on the bench and Juniper instantly laid his head on his shoulder.
“Yes, Darling?”
“I want to go home.”
“Alright, let’s go then.” William stood up and Juniper took his hand in his and they walked to the front to their coach. When they got home, William instructed the coachman to go back for his brothers, while Juniper went to the bathroom. William walked in to see him struggling with the dress zipper with tears. Calmly he took the zipper from Juniper and unzipped the dress.
“Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome, Darling.” Juniper finished undressing and sat in the tub with a sigh.
“Shall I join you, Darling?”
“Please.” William slowly took off his clothes, his smile growing as he noticed Juniper watching him. He sat in the tub, the water spilling out slightly and onto the tiled floor, and he placed Juniper in his lap.
“What do you think you’re doing, Liam?” Juniper asked with a fresh smile, his tears almost dry. William kissed the small man’s lips and hummed with mischief in his red eyes.
“Whatever my Darling wants me to do.”
“Mm… Is that so?”
“Indeed.” They shared a kiss and another and one more before Juniper moved from William’s lap and turned around, his ass in the air and his pussy presented to William.
“Such a shameless man.” Juniper swayed
his hips and William pounced on Juniper, his lips latching to his neck. It stung a little but Juniper liked the feeling and almost lost his grip on the edge of the tub. More water splashed onto the floor but neither cared.
“The only thing you’ll remember today is my name.”
“Yes, Master.” Juniper moaned as William teasingly pulled out and slammed back in. He did this for only a little while before Juniper whimpered and tried to thrust himself back to meet him.
“Liam, please don’t tease me.”
“Good boy, remembering his manners.” Juniper moaned at the praise and the pace was picked up. William used a hand to grab at Juniper’s meaty hip and the other played with Juniper’s nipple. He pinched and rolled it between his fingers and Juniper’s eyes rolled at the stimulation. There was only so much he could take from the man and he was close to unraveling beneath him. By now the carpet was soaked from the bath water and the others were just coming home but they were still too focused on each other to notice. As soon as the others had heard Juniper cry out they decided to go out somewhere for dinner. William held Juniper up with an arm as he shook somewhat violently from his orgasm, William’s cum filling up Juniper’s pussy.
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lledron · 1 year
Louis Albert James Moriarty smut NSFW
15 year old me: I don't like incest My 30+ year old self: I like complicated sibling relationships, but not toxic and healthy (looking at you KlausxRebecka)
Albert kissed Louis's abs slowly. His brother squeezed the pillows into his hands and stifled a groan. Albert quickly went on to kiss Louis's scars. "You are beautiful…my swan, my angel" Albert said. Louis blushed deliciously and when Albert was inside him he spoke: "I want to build a home in you, Louis." Between each thrust, each caress, Albert had only one thing on his mind: Anywhere Louis was would be home.
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pillow-anime-talk · 5 months
may i please request prompt 49 and 51 for William James Moriarty from mtp?
Like the reader is as smart as william and helps him with his plans and stuff and they both fall for each other but can't be together?
Thank you, have a great day!!
# tags: scenario; kinda lovers/enemies; unrequited love; light romance; mostly drama; also angst; reader as police inspector; mention of murder and blood; nsfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. william james moriarty {mtp}
author’s note: long time no see. sorry for that but thank you sm for your request; due to the rules i only chose the one number you asked for :) i hope you like it, love u all
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49. “I told you this is how it ends.”
You looked with visible regret at the figure sitting across from you, on an uncomfortable chair in a cramped room lit by dim white light. Next to you stood your friend and co-worker, who is a five years older than you, and opposite your person, with a calm expression on his face, sat William, who just a few days ago was drinking tea with lemon with you, and today he was accused of murder. And with particular cruelty.
The young man, however, didn’t reveal anything; no sadness, no bitterness, his eyes showed no positive or negative emotion. Just plain emptiness, interspersed with the flash of a lamp above the three of you.
“What made you kill Sandy Moriarty, née Lonewood?” Asked a young policeman, also a profiler by profession. “She was your sister-in-law after all.” Your eyelid twitched with slight sadness. Sandy was Louis’ partner; they had been together for over two years. You even had the opportunity to meet her – she had foxy hair and calm eyes, and she was a talented painter. “Moriarty answer to me.” The uniformed man’s voice was low and firm. Unlike your expression: soft, full of despair.
“… Well. I had my own reasons, sir.”
“What reasons?”
“It’s all my business, sir.” Your co-worker just sighed, looking at the accused with a disbelieving expression. His nose wrinkled and the whiskers beneath it twitched slightly.
“Y/N, I’ll be right back. I’ll go get some papers and things. Keep an eye on him.” You only nodded at his words, never taking William out of your sight. His long blond hair fell unruly over his forehead and his chest slowly moved back and forth.
As soon as Alois left the small room, devoid of furniture and color, your hands trembled slightly and your eyes turned to the right wall.
“Who are you protecting, William? Tell me.”
“… For your safety, let it go. It’s not a matter of solving the mystery of who stole the little child’s candy and why. Just accept it all that it just had to be like that and let it go.”
“Why?” You repeated in a slightly more confident voice, and your eyes met the ruby ones.
“I told you this is how it ends.” He whispered. “I’m not from your world, Y/N. And I never will be. You wanted to protect me, I appreciate that, but it won’t always go your way. We’re too different.” He added, and after a while the door to the room let in a bit more cold and light. Your work partner stopped next to you again and threw a few photos and descriptions from the scene on the gray table, pursing his lips at the same time.
The photographs showed the silhouette of a woman in a beautiful yellow dress, with a large smear of scarlet blood and several bullets around her.
Whatever your intentions were, you certainly wouldn’t be able to help William anymore, who in your eyes at that moment was just a murderer hiding behind a mask of a calm smile and pale skin. Although your heart was obviously burning like a hot coal, you couldn’t do anything more than look at the photos and move one of them closer to the blonde male.
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gh0st-author · 6 months
This love is alive, back from the dead
pairing: William James Moriarty x reader/oc
tags: hurt/comfort, angst but with a happy ending, usual soft William things
warnings: mentions of death (i mean Liam did try to delete himself from existence), mentions of grief and dealing with loss
A/N: im rereading the manga again and i had a LOT of feelings about the 3 year time skip and imaging all of the turmoil Liam's return would bring, so i whipped this up. i also had a lot of feelings for Louis, and i just know him and Liam's s/o would be besties. also im trying some new things, writing in third person and stuff, so this can be read either as a self insert or an oc ff.
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She could still hear the screams. Could still see both of them falling, as in slow motion, and disappearing beneath the waves and fire. She could smell the smoke and soot. Could still feel the same burning heartache and hollowness in her chest even after three years. Could still feel Louis' firm hand grabbing her shoulder and pulling her away, his own form trembling, his breathing erratic. The image was burned into her mind like a brand, tape playing in a loop over and over again like a nightmare from which she couldn't wake up. She was trapped. Some days she barely even felt alive. She felt like a ghost, a shell of her former self, only going through the motions, trying to just get through every day.
Nights were simultaneously the worst and the best part of her day. Every time she sank into the cold, empty sheets of her and William's bed, something in her chest cleaved, and a knife burrowed itself into her heart. And if by some miracle she was able to fall asleep in the early hours of the morning, it was accompanied by choking sobs and shuddering gasps. The bed was too cold, too empty. But at night at least she dreamed. She dreamed of him. Dreamed of his scarlet gaze, his scent, his touch, his voice. In her dreams she could love him again and enjoy a few blissful hours of ignorance before morning cruelly ripped her away into consciousness. She woke every morning with silent tears streaming down her face, his side of the bed cold and undisturbed, exactly like the rest of the room. She'd left it all the same as the day it all happened. All his papers were still strewn across his desk; she dared not disturb them lest she severed the last thread of hope pushing her forward, the silent voice whispering that he might come in any second to collect them and stew over them. His clothes were still in the closet, everything besides the coat, the hat, and the cane he took with him that day— those she missed the most, they were an integral part of him. His books on the shelves she dusted every day— after all, what if he came back and wanted to read them again? She had to. And anything else she couldn't keep in their room she left in his study, locked to anyone besides her and Louis.
Grief was a living thing eating her from the inside, almost as much as the rage. Those first few months were the worst. She screamed, cried, and cursed the heavens, herself, this wretched country, and anyone she could. She was so angry at everything, but mostly at him, for leaving her, for carving himself a place in her soul so thoroughly, then ripping himself away leaving a jagged wound left to fester and rot. She was furious with Sherlock, for promising her something he could not deliver. For dying with him, instead of saving him. For damning them both. But most of all she was empty. Numb. As if everything that was human and alive and good about her died on that day together with William.
With a blink, she ripped herself away from those thoughts, feeling cold droplets slide down her cheeks onto the papers below. It was not the time for nostalgia and melancholy. Wiping them away with a silent curse she inspected her work for any signs of smudging. None. Her handwriting was neat and precise as always, detailing all of the plans for the MI6's newest job. Doing this work helped. Sitting here in William's office and focusing her mind on the simple tasks in front of her helped her to not succumb to the gaping abyss of grief. Besides, without him here, someone had to document and keep everything in order.
There was a silent knock on the door and she turned around in the chair to see Louis entering with a tray. The sunlight from the window shone golden light onto his platinum hair, now pushed back and not hiding his scar anymore. His tired gaze met hers and she fought back the wave of sadness threatening to overwhelm her. They were so similar, him and William. Looking at him made her feel like she was looking at a distorted mirage of the past. She assumed he felt very much the same when he looked in the mirror. She wondered what he thought when he looked at her.
A kind of understanding had been built between them in these three years, a sort of bond forged in shared grief and pain. They both understood that William had tasked them with taking care of each other, his two closest. She genuinely believed he was the only one who truly understood her loss, and she his. It was true, that losing William indeed impacted everyone in the group, that they were all battling their pain in their own way, but she and Louis just felt it a little bit differently– a little bit more acutely. Albert, too, she assumed, but he wasn't here now.
"I brought you tea," he said gently, leaving it on the desk next to her papers.
She stretched in the chair, raising her arms above her head and nodding gratefully at him. "Thank you, Louis."
"Do try not to overwork yourself. My brother would have my head if he thought I haven't been taking care of you." He chuckled wryly, but it didn't reach his eyes. They were concerned and pleading. He was aware of her insomnia and her tendency to bury her raging storm of emotions in work. He never said so outright, but she noticed his subtle pleas for her to rest and the food he prepared for her to eat when she forgot. He noticed everything, much in the same way she noticed his sunken eyes on the days after a night plagued by nightmares not too different from her own.
"Don't worry, Louis. I am almost finished." She glanced down at the papers around her. "I just need to go over a couple of things."
He nodded and turned to leave. "We are having a meeting in the main lobby in ten minutes to finalize the plan. Join us if you can."
She hummed, still writing, without glancing at him. "I'll be right there."
Since Louis took over, their lobby had become sort of their main office, their base. They all gathered there on days when they had missions, holding their briefings and studying her documentation. As she made her way down the dark hallway and the stairs, she noticed more voices than usual inside the great room. Someone else was there. She sighed and resigned herself, squaring her shoulders before entering and sitting in her designated seat. Mycroft was present this time. In much the same way she could barely look at Louis some days, she avoided looking at Mycroft. He was a reminder to her of what she'd lost, of promises broken and grudges simmering beneath her skin. She'd trusted the Holmes', and look where it got her. He and his brother were responsible for separating the Moriartys, Albert now rotting in prison because of Mycroft, and William forever lost because of Sherlock. But now when she looked at him, worn down and silently fixing himself a cup of tea in the corner, she hated him a little less. He'd lost his brother, too. She understood that.
The meeting commenced immediately and she went over their mission with everyone. She was in the middle of explaining their escape route when there was a sound at the front door. Bond excused himself and went to check it out. She faintly heard him talking with someone and figured it was one of the others, not really paying attention. But then Bond shrieked and she heard Louis gasp out one word that made her blood freeze and head whip towards the door.
"Sh- Sherlock?!"
Sherlock stood at the entrance, ebony hair much longer than she remembered, the same mischievous grin on his face. He was speaking, but she couldn't hear a word he said, couldn't focus on what he said to Mycroft, couldn't comprehend any sound around her besides the rushing of blood in her ears. He's alive. Sherlock was alive. They survived. They came back. He kept his promise. But Liam ... Liam? Where is he? Why was Sherlock there and not Liam? Where is Liam? Liam. Liam. Liam. Every word was a painful beat of her heart. Her chest contracted painfully as she struggled to breathe, her gaze darting all around the room, searching for a trace of platinum hair behind Sherlock. Why wasn't he coming in? Surely he is there. He couldn't be– Not him. That would be unfair. Fate wouldn't save one and not save the other. It wouldn't be so cruel as to give her hope after so long, only to squash it immediately. She stood so abruptly that she knocked over the glasses on the table. Her vision dimmed as she hyperventilated, and she took a shuddering step towards him. Sherlock looked rightfully taken aback when she focused her glare on him. "Where is he?" She choked on the last word but barged forward. "Why isn't he here? Why did you come back alone? WHE-"
A firm hand on her shoulder halted her movements and the barrage of questions. She finally took a deep breath and glanced at Louis, stone-faced beside her. His hand squeezed, telling her to breathe and calm down, but she could feel him shaking. His unreadable gaze was staring directly at Sherlock. "That day..." He swallowed. "You fell with William into the Thames, and now you're the only one standing in front of us." His gaze sharpened. "Can you please explain yourself?"
She glanced back to the man in question. She noticed now that he looked more worn out, or maybe that was because of the pitying glance he shot her way, a tortured sigh wrenching itself from deep within his chest. He brushed a hand through his hair, something he did whenever he was uncomfortable. "That time, when Liam and I fell, considering the height of the bridge our chances of survival were half at best. I held him in my arms and tried to protect him the best I could." He looked straight into her eyes as he said that as if to make her believe him. To say that he really tried. Maybe he felt her resentment, her grudge. "We lost consciousness, and before I knew it, I woke up on an unfamiliar ship, Liam sleeping next to me. He was safe but injured. And then..."
The rest of his story blurred, his recollections of their life abroad, of Billy, of their work fading into background noise. All she could hear and feel were Sherlock's three words. He was safe. He was alive. Liam was safe and alive. All she could do was offer her thanks to the heavens.  Her knees gave out and she slumped back into her chair. Sherlock said that he was hurt, maybe that's why he couldn't come back. Maybe he didn't want to? How badly was he hurt?
She opened her mouth to ask, but Louis shook his head. "Let's focus on the mission first."
Right, the mission. Let's finish the mission first, there will be time to ask Sherlock about William later. Numerous thoughts ran through her mind, and she didn't even notice when their negotiations ended; when their briefing concluded. She was only numbly aware of Bond gently leading her back into her and William's shared room. She barely remembered why she'd been down there in the first place. Ah, that's right, they had a mission. And Sherlock came to help with their work. Sherlock who was alive. Who saved William. Liam was alive.
Her shaking legs carried her to the bed, where she numbly sat down, her trembling hands grabbing the fabric of her dress. She had to get ready, but she couldn't. Her shock was too great, her soul too shaken. Her sleepless nights must be catching up with her, she didn't even notice how tired she was. "I'm sorry, Bond. I don't think I can participate tonight."
Bond placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Louis already arranged for you to stay back. Don't worry, we'll be able to finish it ourselves." He knelt in front of her taking both of her still shaking hands into his. "I promise we'll find out everything we can about him from Sherlock. As soon as we get back you will be the first to know."
Tears prickled the corners of her eyes and she squeezed his hands gratefully. "Thank you."
With a nod, Bond raised himself and pivoted to leave, assuring her they'll be back soon. She hardly heard him. She was afraid of speaking, of breathing too loud, as if any unexpected noise might shatter this glass-thin fragile ball of hope growing in her chest, burying the razor-sharp edges of the shards of disappointment deep into her flesh, slicing fatal wounds she would not be able to recover from. She didn't let herself dwell on it. She just kept repeating to herself that he was alive and that that was enough.
After some time— she wasn't aware how much of it had passed — she became dimly aware of commotion happening down in the foyer. Throwing on one of William's old cardigans, she raced down the stairs, fully expecting to see only Louis or Bond back from the mission.
What she hadn't expected to see was everyone– even Moran– huddled in front of the main lobby in the foyer. As soon as he saw her Bond gestured for her to hurry up and enter the room. She hurriedly threw open the door, seeing three figures inside– one of them Louis, the other Albert. Her gaze widened as he met her eyes, lips pulling into his signature smirk, his eyes softening as her own filled with tears. He was released from prison. But how? Louis– who was standing with his back to her, obscuring the third figure– turned towards her, and her steps came to a screeching halt as she finally got her first look at the remaining person. Her hand flew to her mouth, as a heartbreaking sob tore its way from her throat.
Him. With his same platinum hair, now a little longer. His same gentle smile. His same scarlet gaze– one of his eyes now hidden under an eyepatch. He was standing behind his brothers, but when he saw her he took a slow step forward. It took her a second to really categorize the feeling currently coursing through her, filling her every pore. It was joy– pure, unadulterated joy was rushing through her veins. It had been so long that she'd almost forgotten what it felt like. Her gaze roamed over him, noting all of the differences that separated this William from the William in her dreams- her William. One thought ran through her mind— He looks so much thinner now– and then she thought nothing as she flung herself at him with another choked sob. He caught her readily, burying his face in her hair. No hesitation or doubt in his movements, as if showing her that no matter how much time had passed he would always be there to catch her in his arms– where she belonged.
Somewhere through the fog in her mind, she heard Albert and Louis excusing themselves,  leaving them alone and closing the door behind them— probably also asking everyone to give them some space– then the only sounds in the now silent room were her desperate gasps of his name and William's gentle reassurances saying: "I'm here, darling. Don't worry, I am not going anywhere. I'll always be here."
She was babbling, she knew, but she couldn't help herself. "Liam... Liam... You are alive. Sherlock said so, but I couldn't believe it. I–" Pulling away, she grabbed his hands, gaze unfocused, like some madness was forcing her to speak— as if she was a woman possessed. "It's you. It's really you. You returned. All this time I thought–"
His eyes shone, probably mirroring all of the storming feelings now reflected in her own. He traced abstract patterns on her skin with his thumbs as he kissed away her tears, his lips feather-soft on her skin. "If it were my choice, I would've come back as soon as I awoke, but I was gravely injured. When I finally regained consciousness, Billy had me working all over America. The matter was of utmost secrecy so I was unable to contact anyone." His shoulders slumped even more, and to her utter shock and confusion, she could see his entire being tremble softly. His gaze lifted, and the anguish in it dulled its usual scarlet hue into something more hollow— something akin to the colour of dried blood. "I am so sorry, love. For everything. For not returning sooner. For leaving. For that night." He gave an impossibly sorrowful smile. "Please forgive me."
Her knees wobbled and she found herself with no strength to stand, plopping ungracefully on the floor. He knelt right next to her, embracing her strongly, paying no heed to the tears staining his vest. "I am so sorry, darling." All he could do was repeat that as she cried and sobbed, clawing at his shirt. He made no moves, only hugged her tighter, and waited patiently for her to come to terms with this world-shattering revelation. As she screamed all her pain at him, all her grief. He just listened, murmuring soft words of love and acknowledgment.
She wasn't aware of how long they'd stayed like that, but when her sobs finally quieted and breathing no longer felt like sandpaper down her windpipe, she leaned away to truly look at him. She placed a gentle hand on his cheek, her wide gaze ran over him, dry lips parting to say something. "What happened to your eye?" Her fingers lightly traced the eyepatch.
He leaned into her touch, his eyes closing as she raised her hand from his eyepatch to brush it through his hair. "Sherlock helped me heal it. It's my badge of honor for my foolishness. But a small price to pay for all of the sins I've committed." He opened his eyes to look at her. "For leaving you."
"Oh, Liam..." She shook her head, the lump in her throat almost choking her. "I do not blame you for leaving." His lips pulled into a thin line, eyes shining with unshed tears. She swallowed painfully, then continued. "I do not agree with your actions, but I do not blame you. I forgive you." His eyes widened, and before he could react she pulled him back into her, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and placing his head on her shoulder, under her chin.
It felt so right to have him in her embrace like this, after so long, like two halves of a whole. To feel the hollow in her chest slowly filling up. It made these years without him feel like a bad dream, a hazy nightmare. She felt more than heard him whisper the words into her shoulder. "I hate myself for having done it, but I saw no other way. I realize now my mistake." He left a whisper of a kiss on her shoulder. "I shouldn't have thrown away my life like that, and I will forever be grateful for being given a second chance. I will not waste a moment of it." He leaned back and cupped her face with both hands, gaze impossibly soft and sincere. "I have chosen to live and to atone, and I am going to spend the rest of my days making up for the time I missed. I will tell you I love you with my every breath. I will kiss you until I'm dizzy. I know it might not be enough to repay all of the pain that I've caused you, but I hope you'll allow me to try."
"There is nothing to repay," she whispered as she stroked his hair. "You— William James Moriarty— are a kind, beautiful soul. One worthy of a second chance. So thank you... for believing in this world and for coming back to me."
His gaze lowered and she noticed his lower lip trembling before he pulled her into a kiss. A barely perceptible sound left him when their lips met, something akin to a sob, and she said nothing more as she felt the first searing droplet slide down his face and hit her arm, only deepening the kiss. With each kiss a miniature chunk of her soul broke, razor sharp and jagged, but with each next one, it smoothed and evened out, until they were all like pieces of a puzzle slotting themselves back into their rightful place. There will be enough time to talk later. For now, this was enough. Just holding him, kissing him, while they were both shattered and reborn anew was enough.
They separated after way too long, her finally remembering there were other people still waiting to see him. She called everyone back, all of them rushing into the room at the same time, surrounding William. There hasn't been this much joy in the house in years. She hugged Albert, grateful he was back as well and enjoyed the sight of the three brothers back together again. The sight was just right in her mind– it always felt wrong to see Louis all alone without them. After some time Albert shooed her and William away, saying he should get some rest after travelling so far. She led him into their shared bedroom and he paused at the threshold. She felt his hesitation, his cautious step forward betraying his inner turmoil. This must feel unreal to him as well, he didn't think he'd be coming back here. She couldn't even begin to understand what thoughts were racing behind his gaze as he entered and glanced around the room, his eyes widening. "It looks-"
"The same?" she chuckled, turning her back to him and slowly walking to his desk to trace the documents strewn there. "Yes, I didn't dare touch anything. Having it all unchanged like this made me feel-" Like you were coming back. She knew he heard the unspoken end of the sentence as he silently made his way towards her, slotting his hands around her waist, and pressing her to his chest. His heart was racing against her back– or was that her heart?
With a silent chuckle and a loving sigh, he whispered in her ear. "Well, since I have made a miraculous return, I do believe I'll need to tidy up my space again."
Her voice was still trembling as she answered. "I dusted your books. Your clothes are still in the closet. But your study is a mess. Wait, I'll tell Moneypenny-"
He tightened his arms around her. "Later." He traced gentle kisses down her throat to her shoulder. "I find myself impossibly weary and in need of some sleep. These last years my nights were restless at best and downright torturous at worst without you by my side."
"Of course." Her nights were exactly the same, although she suspected he already knew that. She also suspected this was truly more for her benefit than his. She couldn't remember the last time she'd truly slept and she was probably swaying on her feet. He saw right through her, as always. With a pointed glance at her and then the bed, he quickly maneuvered her towards it, laying her down as he joined after her.
Immediately she inched as close as she could to him, breathing in his scent, feeling herself relax for the first time in who knows how long as he hugged her to his chest. Everything was still so fresh, so raw. It was too much and too little at the same time. She wanted to never let him go, but she was also so terrified that if she clutched too hard he would vanish and she would wake up all alone again. As she gazed into his eyes, she saw the same torment in him and she knew right then, as she slowly succumbed to peaceful slumber, that he would understand why on some nights she'd hold onto him tighter, as if afraid he might disappear into mist and smoke. And he knew that she would understand why he would sometimes look at her reverently, drinking in her visage as if to compensate for all the times he wasn't able to.
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The next day was a flurry of movement and preparations and action, with William having invited Sherlock and his flatmates for dinner. Everyone was so busy following Louis' orders that by the time the guests arrived she'd had almost no time with Liam the entire day. The tables were set, the finest china was served, and the room was slowly filling up with all of the planned attendees. A sudden wave of nostalgia washed over her watching the scene. It was almost as if nothing happened. Once again she had the feeling that these three years were just a horrible nightmare.
While everyone was busy socializing, she spied Sherlock's dark head in the corner of the room, and with a determined set of her shoulders, she made her way towards him, each step purposeful and direct. She didn't let herself falter, didn't let herself doubt. Once in front of him, confronted with his confused and– dare she say it– scared gaze, she stopped and bowed deeply. "Thank you..."
He was obviously taken aback, his eyes widening and his hands flying to wave in front of him. "No need, I was just-"
She rose from her bow. "Please, I need to say this." He coughed awkwardly but didn't stop her as she continued. "I admit that I have been holding a grudge for the last three years. I thought that if I ever saw you I would not be able to forgive you." He might've muttered something along the lines of "Yeah I was aware of that", but she couldn't be sure. She glanced down at her clenched fists." Still, you brought him back." Once again her gaze connected with his. "You brought Liam back. You were his friend and you saved him and cared for him. And that's something I can never repay." One of her hands clutched her chest as she poured all of her feelings out to him. "You have my deepest gratitude, Sherlock Holmes."
"Hey now-" He dragged his hand through his hair and groaned, feeling awkward under her unwavering attention. "Ah, this is so troublesome. Listen, Liam is my friend, I couldn't just let him die after I promised you I'd help him. Besides-" He stuffed his hands in his pockets and huffed out a breath giving her a sincere glance. "What kind of a friend would I be to him if I didn't bring him home to you." Her breath hitched in her throat, tears threatening to fall once again as Sherlock gave her a cheeky grin. "Just... treat him right, okay? He truly loves you."
She nodded her head. "I know." She knew it was redundant to tell him that she loved Liam, too. From the look on Sherlock's face, he already knew. Clearing her throat, she said: "If you ever need anything this house will always be open to you."
Sherlock was about to answer when she heard silent footsteps behind her and felt an arm softly wrap itself around her waist. "Something interesting you two are whispering about?"
She relaxed into William's hold, feeling his familiar warmth and scent envelop her. "Nothing. I was just thanking Sherlock."
She felt his amused humm and saw him give Sherlock an apologetic smile before enveloping her hand with his and gently tugging her after him, away from the main lobby. "Can I steal you away for a moment?"
She followed him without complaint. "Of course."
Quietly, he steered her along into one of their libraries, closing the door shut behind him, but still unable to completely drown out the cacophony of Von Herder's latest gramophone concert invention. She laughed as he led her deeper into the room. "Should the hosts be missing their event like this?"
He gave her a conspiratorial smile, his scarlet gaze bright with mirth. "I'm sure Sherlock will fabricate some excuse for us." Pulling her towards him, he pretended to consider it. "After all, they were all with you all these years, I'm sure they'll allow me to have you all to myself for a little while."
So saying, he gently took her hands, positioning one on his shoulder and holding the other, while his other hand slotted itself on the small of her back. With another mischievous smile, he pulled her closer and started slowly swaying to the music still bleeding into the room. A chuckle of surprise left her lips and she rested her head on his chest, following his lead and swaying along with him. They all could wait a little longer for all she cared, she wanted to stay like this forever. Basking in his embrace, in his warmth– she knew now that that was what home felt like. Like yin and yang, she knew that their love was everlasting. Even when she has to let it go, it will always, unfailingly and undoubtedly, come back to her.
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moriartyluver · 2 years
Hello love! I was wondering if I can request angst with comfort/fluff where William’s wife who comes from a noble family and is really confident, (if you’ve watched Modern Family than basically the same personality as Gloria) but one day William and her meet a working class, down to earth, nerdy woman and William finds the woman interesting and doesn’t realize the woman is into him and his wife is just panicking on the inside because she’s worried he’s gonna find the woman more interesting than her and than for the next few weeks the woman visits the manor to talk to William and for those weeks William notices how his wife is really emotionally and physically distant and just seems really upset but she refuses to tell him why because of her high ego (comfort/fluff ending though please!<3)
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A/N: I listened to “the other woman” by Lana Del Rey while listening to this 😭. Honestly the reader is so me because my ego is so big that I can’t communicate my feelings lol. Thank you for your request, anon! I’ve decided to name the other lady “Agatha” so I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone by using that but it’s the only one I could really think of
Characters: William James Moriarty x fem! reader
Prompt: (too lazy to write it out) above^^
Format: oneshot
Genre: angst to fluff
Warnings: reader is female, reader is William’s wife, established relationships, mentions of cheating/adultery, mentions of divorce, reader is a bit of a bitch lol, reader has a big ego, kinda longer than usual, reader has William’s last name , mentions of being punished by God, the other woman is really annoying, some characters are a bit OOC. NOT PROOFREAD SO THERE MAY BE SOME GRAMMATICAL AND SPELLING MISTAKES
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When William first met you, you were half expecting him to hate your guts. You knew that he had strong views of equality between classes, genders, races etc. so it was u likely that out of all the people he could love, it would be you.
Your parents raised you to be the best of the best. They would constantly be praising you for your intelligence, which they managed to even get you into university to enhance, your looks, which were praised by all the people you would meet, your personality, your humour, your kindness (despite feeling like you were the most unkind person in the world sometimes) and of course, your strong and independent personality.
Nobody would ever dare to talk down to you because you were a woman, and if they did, they wouldn’t even attempt to again because of how much they feared you.
Evidently, all the praise and achievements you received while you grew up did make you a bit…self centred and somewhat egotistical. It wasn’t like you would go out of your way to tell people “hey I think I’m better than you and you suck so you should just go die!” But instead you always tried your best to be a kind and loving person, despite your sometimes overly confident personality.
When you and William had gotten engaged, which was a surprise to some but others described you to be a power couple, you felt something in your heart soften. You were still equally confident, but there was just something about that beautiful man that calmed your souls so much.
You also were involved in the works of the “Lord of crime” and most of the team admired your strategic thinking and often thought of you as the second in command to William. You would sometimes get into petty arguments with Sebastian and Fred and Louis were a bit scared of you but they all loved you all the same.
So when another woman came into the picture, it didn’t take long for your friends to realise that something was terribly wrong.
You and William ended up meeting a woman who requested your services but strangely enough, she hadn’t asked you to kill anyone. She had only asked for an opportunity to study at Durham University, where William would teach mathematics and you would often visit, the rest of the staff knew you well, and accompany him.
Something about the woman, who you now knew as “Agatha” irritated you. Perhaps it was the way she spoke so much but in such an annoying voice where she prolonged the bed of her sentences.
You noticed that she barely said a word to you but she did think it was appropriate for her to keeping talking about mathematical nonsense, which you understood but you couldn’t help but find that she would keep using incorrect terms or mispronouncing them so frequently.
It was obvious that she was working class and that didn’t seem to annoy you that much but her subtle jabs at noble women, (which you understood, could be very annoying as you had to surround yourself with them almost your entire life) felt ever so slightly targeted at you.
Neither William or Agatha could tell you were rolling you eyes at the latter or muttering something under your breath, and eventually you just got so tired of it all that you lied that you were feeling incredibly ill so you and William could leave earlier.
It didn’t take a genius to realise that William was certainly interested in the woman and you feared it was the same way he was interested in you, or even worse, he was more interested in her than in you.
You were so used to people telling you how truly marvellous you were your entire life but for some reason, you now felt terribly insecure. It was as if that woman had something that you did not. She was fairly down to earth and that was something you struggled with. Sure you could be empathetic but with your confidence, it was difficult to act like she did.
The following weeks, Agatha had the nerve to come by the Moriarty manor and attempt to talk to William. You knew she only wanted to talk to your husband because whenever you would open the door with a glare and then a fake smile shortly after, she would begin stuttering, something that had always been unfamiliar to you as you were great when speaking to others even a large audience, and then turn away when she found out that william wasn’t home. It would often go like this:
Knock knock, The door went.
‘It’s her again, isn’t it? That’s the third time this week..’ you would sigh as you walked to the door. You knew if Louis or anyone else would come to the door, they would invite Agatha to sit down and just wait for william while they let her have some tea. The door swung open and indeed, there she was in all her messy glory.
Your eyes would narrow and turn into a cold glare. It would stay that way for a few seconds while a shiver ran down her spine. You really could be as terrifying as people described “Hello there, Adelaide!” Your cold gaze shifted to a soft smile.
Strangely enough, Adelaide was a name more common in noble women than in working class women. This wasn’t intentional, you just couldn’t remember her as anything but ‘the husband stealer’
“A-Ah, hello there Lady (last name)!” That would just annoy you more.
“Please do not use my maiden name. You may refer to me as Lady (name) Moriarty.” You would tell her with a terrifying smile. “Are you looking for my husband ;Lord Moriarty?”
“I- uh, yes! Is Wi- I mean Lord Moriarty, at home?” Was she seriously calling him by his first name?
“He’s out at the university. I was just going to drop his lunch off for him, he seemed to have forgotten it. If you would like to pass something on, I wouldn’t mind taking a note of anything.” You gestured to the lunchbox in your hand
“N-No-I’ll come by another time! Good bye Lady Moriarty..!!” And then she would run off.
This kept going on for weeks and you reloaded that you were starting to avoid going out, in fear she may meet up with your husband behind your back. You were equally as capable of getting her into Durham university as William was yet she never felt the need to tell you anything.
She was sooo into him and William couldn’t even notice. Or maybe he did? Maybe while you were gone, they would have secret meetings in your absence and she would be flirting with him the entire time and maybe even try to-
Even now, you knew you were being paranoid. William wasn’t one to commit adultery. You knew this, and yet you couldn’t help but stand outside the office door while she and William would converse, just to make sure nothing bad happened. You would never allow the door to be locked in case she would try something.
Sometimes Louis would witness you pressing your ear to the door as he would come to deliver tea to the two. He wasn’t one that was experienced in the world of love, but he could tell you were definitely feeling jealous. Everyone in the manor could feel it.
Albert would joke about you following Agatha to see if she was married to anyone, just so you could alert a potential husband that she was probably intending on divorcing him, (alas, that woman was obviously not even courting anyone.) and Moran would make a few jokes about your obvious jealously.
They would all tell you that you were being paranoid and there wasn’t anything to worry about, but you just couldn’t help but feel sick whenever you came home to see that woman was talking to William in the lounge, on the seat you would sit at.
Eventually you just gave up. You, (name) (last name) Moriarty, had given up.
You couldn’t handle the subtle dirty looks she would give you when you entered the room, or the jokes about you that you would overhear her tell her friends and she was starting to become more bold with her affection to William.
If you were really to lose your beloved husband to that woman, the least you could do for yourself was desensitise yourself to a divorce. You wouldn’t talk to William during this time and if you did, it would just be essential things, such as “a letter came for you today” or “Agatha passed on a message”
At night , you would either completely turn your back to William and shake off his hands from your waist while you lay in bed, or sometimes you would just choose to stay with a friend or your parents, who became terribly worried for your well-being, for the night.
At dinner, you would request that food would be brought to your room (you would tell Louis you were busy and just working on a plan but he wouldn’t buy it for a second. Still, he felt as though he couldn’t say anything because you had chosen to become distant with the others as well as your husband) or you wouldn’t eat at all.
Whenever William would try to talk to you, you gave him short responses and he noticed you didn’t even refer to him with nicknames or anything of the sort. Just his full name.
The manor had become increasingly quiet as you grew more distant. There were no longer arguments between you and Moran and the little giggles as you gossiped with James or you spitting fun facts about flowers with Fred. It felt as if you had died.
That’s when it finally clicked in William. You were upset and he had no idea why.
Communication had always been a slight issue in your marriage. Both you and Liam felt like you couldn’t convey your feelings with one another out of the fear you may be seen as week. You had an incredibly large ego when it came to other people’s perceptions of you and William didn’t like worrying others with his woes.
So when William tried to ask you what was wrong, over and over again, you wouldn’t say anything. You’d only give him a blank stare and internally start yelling at him. How could he not notice why you were upset?! It was obvious that that woman had taken him away from you!
William felt as though he was being punished for something terrible by God himself. He would wake up and feel the warmth of your body had disappeared from beside him. He would eat dinner without the sound of your voice talking to him about whatever seems to interest you that evening. He would go to balls and parties just to notice you didn’t even turn up.
His own mother and father in law couldn’t tell him what was wrong. They had gotten the impression that he had left their own wonderful daughter for some average working class lady and your father would refuse to talk to him while your mother would only look at him somewhat sympathetically but wouldn’t tell him a thing either.
Now noticing that you were starting to leave his life, Agatha had started to turn up at the manor more often and for longer periods of time too.
The others noticed this. She wouldn’t get warm greetings from Moran and James or be gifted a flower occasionally by Fred. Even Louis wouldn’t take the nicest tea up for the two of them anymore and it was quite obvious that the other were disappointed with William for not recognising the problem despite being a genius and had all grown to dislike Agatha more than you did. You told them all personally to not bother being unkind towards William because of this (not like they were planning on it) so they didn’t even tell William anything either out of fear they may start getting upset with him.
William was almost entirely clueless until one day came the time that Agatha would visit for the last time.
They had both been sat in William’s office, talking about various academic subjects while drinking tea. William didn’t feel as happy talking to the girl with the mental torture of not having you around anymore, so he felt a little less enthusiastic than usual. Agatha continued talking to William, getting more affectionate with him until eventually, she decided to tell him how she felt.
“Will,” She said “I think I have feelings for you, I have for a long time…it’s just I never had the opportunity to tell you with your wife being around all the time. Now that’s she’s gone-“
That’s when it finally hit him. You were upset with him because you thought that there was something going on between both him and Agatha, even though she was at least 5 years younger that him and not as nearly as perfect as you were.
“I apologise, Miss Jones, but I don’t feel the same way,” Agatha was stunned. How could he not have felt the same way when his wife was finally out of the picture? “And please do not talk about Lady Moriarty like that. I’m asking you to leave as soon as you can.”
She picked up her things and left for good. As she stormed out with a few tears welling up in her eyes and slamming the door, the Moriarty Manor was finally at rest. A couple of smiles threatened to form on both Moran’s and Bonde’s faces while Louis sighed a sigh of relief.
If it were possible to feel more guilty than he already did, then that is how William felt at that moment. How could he not have noticed? How could he have been so foolish? Of course you didn’t want to talk to him, he couldn’t blame you in the slightest.
You were barely ever around anymore, usually at a friends house or your parent’s. You had even been planning on leaving to stay with your parents for good that night but had to come back and pack your things. You had arrived to do so just as Agatha was leaving, and noticed the tears in her eyes while she glared at you in annoyance. What on earth had occurred here?
When you opened the door, everyone greeted you with a smile while you stood in confusion. Were they trying to humiliate you further?
You tried to brush it off and went to your bedroom to go and get all your remaining things before leaving for good. You eventually came across a photograph that had been taken at your wedding with William. He was looking at you so lovingly and you seemed so happy to be marrying a man like him. That’s when the tears just started flowing and they continued to flow until you were interrupted by the sound of the door opening.
You turned your head to face the entrance to your shared bedroom. There stood the tall blonde man from the photograph.
He couldn’t hold back anymore. He knelt down and cupped your cheeks in his hands then pressed his lips against yours in a heated kiss. Just when you thought things couldn’t get more confusing.
His tears mixed with yours as you kissed him back, unaware of what sparked his affection but melting into it anyways. After a few seconds or so, you pulled away, so much more confused than when you entered the place you once called home.
“I understand if you never forgive me, my love, but I’m terribly sorry for how I’ve been treating you as of late,” he told you as you opened your mouth to speak “I promise you, nothing had ever gone on between her and I. I’ve only ever had feelings for you-“
He was interrupted by you kissing him once more then pulling away with a melancholy smile.
“I believe you, darling,” you said “I think it was partially my fault for allowing my ego to stop me from informing you of my own worries.”
“So you won’t be leaving us then?” You chuckled at this. You certainly missed how needy and clingy he could be in the privacy of your own bedroom, and nobody would ever see just how affectionate he was. He held you in his arms, waiting for a response.
“I won’t be leaving you any time soon, pretty boy,” you kissed his pink cheeks “even if I were a ghost, I’d stay by you till the end of time.”
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fairy-writes · 6 months
Hello!! If requests are still open (if not, please ignore) can I ask for a Louis Moriarty x reader like the Mycroft “regret” one you wrote? Where he says something mean and they get into a fight and it’s dramatic with a fluffy ending? I would appreciate it very much! ♥️
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Moriarty the Patriot
Pairing(s): Louis James Moriarty x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Angst to Fluff, Arguments, Injuries
Notes: I really hope this is alright! I was second-guessing myself the entire time 😭
Your name being shouted makes you prick your finger on your sewing needle. You curse and drop the thing onto your current project which happened to be a pair of Moran’s trousers. You were often asked to sew various things, whether that was an injury or socks. You were the Moriarty’s tailor or seamster and makeshift doctor. 
The voice shouts your name again. Moran maybe? But wasn’t he out with Bonde and Louis?
You make it to the top of the stairs and stop dead in your tracks.
Louis hangs limp between Sebastian Moran and James Bonde. Blood drips from his forehead, and he’s clearly unconscious and missing his glasses.
You’re down the stairs in an instant. 
You direct them to the sitting room, where you have them leave Louis while you retrieve your stitching needles and threads, as well as some medical supplies like bandages and whiskey.
Because you know he’s going to need it when he wakes up.
“What happened to him?” You ask as you gently work his suit coat from his shoulders. Moran favors his right side, and you make a mental note to take a look at him after Louis. Bonde has a scratch above his left eye but otherwise looks unharmed.
“We were jumped,” Moran says, voice strained with pain, and if you had to guess, he has a couple of cracked or broken ribs. You end up handing him the bottle of whiskey to which he takes several long swigs. 
Soon enough, you dismiss Moran and Bonde, promising them you’ll look at their injuries later, leaving you and Louis alone in the sitting room. He lets out a pained moan as you agitate his injuries in your attempt to remove his shirt but doesn’t awaken.
It isn’t until you are threading your needle that he stirs. By that time, you had bandaged his lesser wounds and were working on what looked like a knife cut on his collarbone. It’s awkward and long, and you’re fairly certain that his shirt is partially shredded because of it. 
But your rage has started to grow. Tiny and hot like a dying ember, but slowly fed by your worry and panic at seeing him so injured. 
His already darkened maroon eyes are even darker because of the pain. He grits his teeth and tries to sit up but is stopped by you putting a gentle hand on his chest.
“Don’t get up. You’re hurt.” You say quietly, keeping a tight leash on your anger so as to not anger him. 
The last thing you needed was for him to get angry back and start an argument. 
“I’m fine.” He tries, but you glare and show him your bloody fingers where you had been stitching for the last twenty minutes. 
“Clearly you aren’t. So be quiet and let me finish.” You snap, the leash on your temper fraying just the tiniest bit. 
Thankfully, Louis catches your slip and doesn’t say anything. Instead, he bites his tongue and leans back against the couch arm. You’ll likely have to throw the couch out or burn it after you’re done. It’s stained in blood and grime from his injuries.
As soon as you finish the last stitch, Louis is sitting up and pushing your hands away. 
“I promise I’m fine.” He says quickly, and that’s when your patience snaps. 
“What do you mean you’re fine?! THIS IS NOT FINE!” You shout, and he stops where he’s shrugging on his button-down and suit coat. His movements are painfully slow, and it’s clear that he’s suffering. 
But that doesn’t stop his temper from flaring up to meet yours like two bucks charging each other. 
“Can you stop it for a moment?!” He snaps back and yanks on his suit coat, ignoring how it pulls his stitches. You toss the dirty needle back into your bag and feel tears burn in your eyes. 
“You promised me you weren’t going to be reckless! You promised!” You exclaim, and he grits his teeth,
“Well, promises can be broken, so just leave me alone, yeah?” He says, and you flinch back. 
Then, with tears threatening to overflow down your cheeks, you pack up your things and leave with a slam of the sitting room door. It rattles the chandelier above you as you wander the mansion halls in search of Bonde and Moran. 
You find Moran in his chambers, smoking a cigarette and shuffling a deck of cards. 
“Those’ll kill you, y’know.” You say as a way of entrance and he looks up, clearly unimpressed. 
“Then I’ll die doing somethin’ I like.” He retorts, and you roll your eyes, shuffling inside to take a seat across from him. 
“Take your shirt off.” You say curtly, and he huffs out a laugh, 
“At least buy me a drink first.” You look up to the ceiling and pray for patience. Because after Louis, you don’t have any left. 
Did he really want you to leave him alone? 
“I need to see if you broke anything dumbass.” You say eventually, and his eyebrows shoot up into his hairline.
“What’d Louis do t’ you t’ get your knickers in a twist?” He says, clearly picking up on your foul mood. You set your bag down and reach inside for bandages in case he’s bleeding. 
“Nothing. Louis just wants me to leave him alone, is all.” You say and swallow down the lump in your throat. 
If he was so willing to break this promise what others was he going to break?
Thankfully, Moran doesn’t say anything else and instead sheds his shirt so you can take a look at his side. It’s mottled in purples and blues and slightly swollen. You don’t have to touch it to know it’s tender. So, you prescribe him rest and the occasional shot of whiskey to dull the pain. 
“No missions for you for a while. Take it easy, alright?” You instruct and he nods, waving you off as he starts playing a card game with himself.
“Yeah, yeah, go check on Blondie, will ya? He took a pretty good look to the head.” 
You are about to say something when you see Louis hobbling down the hallway, favoring his stitches. He stops, looks at you, scowls, and continues down toward his bedroom. You huff and brush past him toward where you guessed Bonde would be.
Two can play that game. 
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The tension between you is palpable by day four of not speaking to each other. Perhaps it was day two, but you didn’t really care to count—not when Louis was still being so touchy.
But it wasn’t long before everyone else came to you, asking you to make things right.
“He’s so mopey! Not at all like himself!” That was Bonde. You grunted to acknowledge his words but didn’t respond past that. 
“He’s got a stick up his ass. You should talk to him.” Moran. At that, you roll your eyes and stab your needle into your embroidery. Perhaps more aggressively than you meant to, but it got your point across. 
“He said he wanted me to leave him alone. So that’s what I’m doing.” You snap, and he relents and doesn’t push the issue anymore. 
Soon, everyone has come to you, complaining about Louis’s sour behavior. And every single time, you turn them away with the same excuse. It isn’t until you stumble upon Louis nursing a clearly infected injury that you relent and talk to him. 
You enter the library to find Louis hunched over himself, taking a long pull from a whiskey bottle as he tries to remove his stitches. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” You snap, hurrying to his side to stop him before stopping yourself. 
The injury on his collarbone is infected—that much is obvious. The wound has an unpleasant odor emanating from it and is red and inflamed. He’s successfully removed a handful of stitches, but a few remain. 
“What does it look like?” Louis retorts and sets down the whiskey bottle. It’s clear he’s in pain, his nose scrunched and his eyes tight. 
Despite your anger, you’re gentle in helping Louis. After some back and forth, he eventually sits back and lets you work. 
Pus oozes from the gash, and you work to clean it out and apply a poultice of your own design to help fight infection. Then, you leave the wound open to breathe. 
“I’ll restitch it later if it starts bleeding again.” You say and begin cleaning up the mess that Louis had made.
He stops you by saying your name oh so softly. You sigh, stop what you’re doing, and look at him. He looks sad. Broken. And hurt. 
“I don’t want to keep fighting.” He says, and you scoff,
“You told me to leave you alone. So I am.” You say and go to leave but he catches your wrist as you stand to leave.
“I’m sorry.” He blurts, and you stop, raising an eyebrow at him, and he continues. 
“It was never my intention to hurt you. I want you to know that. It’s no excuse, but I was in pain and upset that the mission went so badly. But I took it out on you, and I’m sorry.” He finishes, and with each word, you feel your anger dissipating. You lean down and press your mouth to his hairline in a soft kiss. 
“I accept your apology. Thank you, Louis.” You whisper, and he smiles.
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joanquill · 8 months
"...I am going to die."
Number: 27 Character: Albert Relationship: romantic Genre: angst to fluff (If you agree🤭)
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Albert James Moriarty
Warning/s: Blood, Violence Tag/s: Angst to Fluff
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You groaned in pain as you fell onto the ground, crawling with your forearms.
"Pathetic..." your hooded attacker scoffed as he grabbed you by the hair and threw you to the ground.
You hissed as the attacker stepped on your back, keeping you in place as he loaded his gun.
You cursed under your breath as you struggled against his weight, seeing a knife not too far from you.
'Move...!'  you urged yourself as your attacker crushed you under his heel.
'If I don't get out... I am going to die...!'  you shakingly took your arm out, reaching for the knife.
As your attacker lined up his gun to your head, a gunshot echoed in the room as your attacker stumbled, blood spattering out of the side of his head.
You sighed in relief as you heard footsteps, seeing Albert holding a smoking sniper rifle.
"(Y/N)...!" he rushed to your side as he gently lifted you, seeing your bloodied body.
As Albert lifted you, you cried out in pain and gripped his arm, making him freeze.
Albert frowned as he let you down again, unsure how to carry you out of the room to get treatment.
"Hold on, I'll call for the others..." he gently set you down, making sure your injuries weren't pressured, but you quickly grabbed his arm.
"It's no use..." you coughed, your body slacking off as your breaths became heavy and ragged.
"No, no..." Albert muttered as he held your head high, trying to keep you awake.
"(Y/N), please... Stay with me...!" he begged, slowly lifting you again as you shakingly gripped his shirt.
"Albert, I..." you called out, making him lean toward you.
"I..." you whispered, pulling yourself closer to him.
"...Bleeeggghhh...!" you exaggerated as your body went limp, making Albert lightly laugh.
"Cut!" William called out as Albert let you down, and your "attacker", Sebastian, stood up from the ground.
"Is all of this really necessary?" Sebastian sighed as he removed his hood, wiping the fake blood off the side of his head.
"What? Are you questioning Will's methods?" you grinned, dusting your ragged costume.
"Of course not," Sebastian confidently replied, "But it is a little embarrassing..." he muttered, making you chuckle.
"I guess that's true..." you nervously laughed, feeling how hot your face was the whole time you were acting while the others were watching your performances intently.
"That reminds me, why can't Bonde do it?" you questioned, seeing the man fixing Albert's makeup.
'...Does he even need makeup...?'  you and Sebastian thought, watching the scene.
"Because he is assigned to a different task," William answered as Louis nodded.
"But wouldn't it be better for an acting veteran to take my job?" you added, knowing William is fully aware of your skills.
"That may be true, but it is still important to take into consideration the two's chemistry," William explained, looking over to Albert.
"And I believe you are the perfect match for Albert-nii-san," William concluded, catching you by surprise.
"You mean for the mission, right?" you asked, but he only smiled at you.
"Right...?" you asked again, but he just kept his smile.
"Shall we rehearse the scene again?" he clapped, catching everyone's attention as they all went to their first positions.
"H-Hey, William! Don't ignore me!"
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muqingswife · 4 months
I saw you reblogging mtp content a few times on my dash, can you recommend me some good x reader fanfics? I'm new in this fandom I hope you will accept ☺️
OH MY GOD I HOPE I DIDNT MAKE YOU WAIT TOO LONG, i usually dont see my tumblr notifications 😞
well, answering your question, i only read william fanfics, here are some that i really like (obs: its 5am now in brazil, im dying of sleep and the sfw n nsfw r all mixed, in the beginning i tried to be more organised but now its a mess 🥴
of authors, I LOVE @moriartyluver and @pillow-anime-talk, they are definitely my favorite authors, you can read all their fanfics and ALL will be good but these are my favorites
https://www.tumblr.com/moriartyluver/704616356287578112/hi-how-are-you-if-someone-hasnt-already-id?source=share (ive lost count of how many times i re-read this
https://www.tumblr.com/moriartyluver/710434893110394880/may-i-request-william-as-a-father-hcs-preferably?source=share (i love everything that involves characters being parents, especially liam
https://www.tumblr.com/pillow-anime-talk/725758537229320192/hello-can-i-ask-for-prompt-1-family-fic-with?source=share (I WAS THE ONE WHO SENT THIS ASK, this fanfic will always have a special place in my heart
here are other fanfics, by different authors
https://www.tumblr.com/rosesrflo/694267122730336256/honey-just-put-your-sweet-lips-on-my?source=share (i love this one
thats it for now, tomorrow maybe ill add more because now im really falling asleep, i hope you like it!
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hergan416 · 1 year
Choke On My Words, Swallow Them Faster
Well, I didn't finish but I did start and post some of my MTP Angst Week fic.
Rating: T (I don't think this will change?) Unrequited Louis/William, Unrequited Albert/WIlliam Hanahaki Disease, Incest, Angst AO3 Summary:
Heartsickness can be lethal if you refuse to confess. Luckily, these brothers planned to die anyway. The only problem is keeping their condition a secret from Will. -- It was clear why his punishment came in the form of bloodstained lilies. Who else would have the nerve to hand an angel a weapon and ask him to stain his hands in blood? -- Louis stared at the petal in his palm, and faced with the inevitability of admitting what had just happened, he shoved it back in his mouth and swallowed it down. It tasted bitter, even underneath the copper of his blood, and his teeth made little headway tearing it up, so that it clogged his throat a second time. -- MTP Angst Week, Day 5: Hanahaki Disease
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ha1taniwh0re · 2 years
Hello, how are you feeling? I hope that everything is going well for you. 💕
Anyway, I wanted to request some William James Moriarty x Reader, where they know each other for a pretty long time now and the Reader wants to confess her love to him, but is a bit shy and has troubles with it.
Also on the same time, she knows about the plan and she doesn’t want to ruin it, even though she thinks it is unfair for him to sacrifice himself like that.
3 years passes after the Final Problem events, Reader thinks she finally moved on and then William comes back and with him, the feelings Reader had for him. Of course Reader is pretty upset with him for disappearing for 3 years and making her go through all of this. But in the end, she forgives him and is happy being able to see him again. And finally, the Reader builds up the strength and tells him on how she really feels.
So yup, some angst to fluff, and maybe some hurt/comfort as well. Of course if you don’t mind it 😊
Omg i got this like almost a month ago… im so sorry i had a hard time so I didn’t post much but also i started that one book on Wattpad so im doing this rn.
Im so sorry anon please enjoy 💕
Why does my heart cry… Liam
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/reader pov/
I was just sitting in my room and thinking about William. He is such a sweet young lord and every lady wants him, even me….
“Ahh….” I was upset.
“Is everything alright Y/n-chan??” Louis asked while standing at my door.
“Louis… omg hey… yeah im good”.
“I knocked but you didn’t answer”
“No no it’s alright.. Why did you come here?? If i can know?”
“Oh yeah, William nii-san told me to tell you we have a meeting about next target”
“I will be down in second”, i said and he left room with smile.
This is a day… i will tell him after meeting.
/2 hours later/
“That’s the plan guys”, Liam said and everyone went to do there job.
As i wanted to leave i stopped and remembered i will tell him about my feelings now.
“Hey Liam… before i go I wanted to tell you something…”
“Yes Y/n what is it?” He looked at me.
He beautiful eyes… i love them so much…
“You know I was really scared to tell you this but…..”
Wait… If i tell him about my feelings and he doesn’t feel like that too he will kick me out of group or the plan wouldn’t work if he is with me..
“Y/n????!!!” Liam said.
“Oh yeah sorry.. amm nothing sorry im gonna go and do my part of job”…
With that i left the room and I can say i was avoiding Liam for long time. But soon i was regretting that. Right now im sitting at his grave and crying…
“I wish you are here Liam… You know i had feelings for you but you are not with me anymore in this world we made…. You are such a stupid brat sometimes…. We told you that you don’t need to sacrifice yourself but no you didn’t listen…”
I got up and left some flowers there and went home. It was already dark when i got back home and lights were on??? Strange?? Louis told me he will be somewhere tonight. Oh yeah in mansion were only me and Louis now so it’s quite sometimes. I got inside and heard voices? Familiar ones. I got in living room and saw everyone…
“Omg….” I said with tears and everyone were now looking at me.
I ran to Albert to hug him.
“Y/nn heyyy it was a while”
He hugged me back and could say he wanted to cry too. When we pulled away I hugged everyone but than i saw SHERLOCK?!
“Sherly?! What… but????”
“He is here too (nickname)”
A voice i missed said. One I thought i will never hear again. I turned around and saw HIM. Lord of crime…… William James Moriarty…. My sweet Liam. I ran to hug him and he hugged me back. Something i didn’t expect was a kiss. He kissed me…
“I knew about your feelings but never said anything because everybody knew i will kill my self. Im sorry my sweet princess”
I just looked at him and kissed once again..
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fancyfeathers · 2 months
the idea of louis carrying albert's shyer daughter around while doing stuff while she's just quiet is soooo cute also the thought of madeline being john's assisstant is sooooo stupidly adorable like i can't comprehend it. like these two would share the same braincell. plus i wanted to pitch an idea : 🩰 darling meeting john a couple of times when william and sherlock interact. i have this idea that john, to her, is one of those rare people who doesn't want anything from her. he is nice becuase he is. no ulterior motives. it is different from albert's darling since they have the same issues. but john is someone separate from her. he is nice for the sake of being. he is gentle and his eyes reflect no master plan. i can imagine him making small talk and she is silently blushing. better make sure william doesn't see the blush tho-
Ahhhh I know! Just imagining Louis caring her all the time because I honestly picture her probably having chronic fatigue (which fun fact I have and I write so much to help me with it) so I think he would have a very special bond with her since he was very sickly as a child and she is quite similar and just wants to be held all the time. Sorry about the tiny bit of angst lol.
But yes just picturing John and Madeline am trying to keep up with the detective and her elder sister would be like a mirror. Like Watson and her just watching the two of them trying to figure out what the fuck they are thinking.
But the idea of her and John being friends melts my heart. Like she has never had anyone truly kind in her life stick around and when they first meet probably on the train she probably doesn’t trust him at first and it wouldn’t be until their second meeting probably in Bath where the painting gets vandalized where she lets her guard around him. I’m just imagining the two of them looking at the paintings in the gallery and she knows how they are done from her time watching the crew making backdrops for the opera and John just listens, and it’s sweet and kind and reminds her of her dead friends. So just whenever Sherlock and William are talking or working together the two of them just go off with perhaps Sherlock’s darling if she is there and the three of them are actually very good friends.
Now I have the really sad visual of John and Sherlock’s darling reminding her of her two dead best friends when they are visiting, Sherlock and William talking on their own, and she just breaks down crying and the two quickly comfort her, wondering what’s wrong. Then William notices and walks over, pulling her away from John and asks her what’s wrong right when she was about to tell John and Sherlock’s darling what happened and why she was crying…
“I…I don’t remember… sorry.”
The Games We Play of Dust and Ash (Yandere Moriarty the Patriot Masterlist)
Father Like Daughter (Yandere William James Moriarty and his darling having a genius daughter)
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Inspired by ♾ anon, random question for the day - which characters do you think would enjoy being tickled but deny it until the day they died? Like seriously, you’d have to tickle them within an inch of their life to get them to even KIND OF admit it? 🤔
Oo oh oh~ This is a great question! Lets see: (Mentions of injury in this one- nothing graphic but gonna throw this in here).
Immediate person that comes to mind: Akutugawa Ryunosuke. Listen- our boy's in the mafia. Playful and gentle touches aren't exactly commonplace. Akutagawa's more prepared to receive a punch to the jaw before a pat to the head. He expects pain.
But tickles...they feel nice. They're gentle and soothing, even if they make him produce such retched sounds (Atsushi claims up and down they are "adorable", but he'd disagree). He much preferred the weretiger's claws scratching against his shoulderblades any day. Good luck getting him to ever admit it though- Aku is a man of pride. "Me? Liking tickling? Have you hit your head too hard on the way here, weretiger?" He'd grumble while also refusing to look his way- the tips of his ears bright red and his shoulders hiked up to hide the blush on the back of his neck.
You know who'd else deny it to the grave? Sanemi Shinazugawa. Another one who's not used to gentle touch. He's gotten accustomed to scars and the sharp stinging of skin being torn, so when it's something like a tickle, he's just: Sanemi.exe stopped working. Really he's like that with all sorts of affection but we're focusing on tickles. He does enjoy them a lot- it brings back memories of his family pre-demon attack- how his mother would gather them up in her arms when they were crying and tickle away the tears, or how he'd play with his siblings just to hear them shriek with laughter.
For the most part, like Aku- it's pride. He won't admit he likes it even if it's obvious to anyone paying attention, but secretly it's him not ready to admit he misses his life pre-demon corps. He knows the day he does will be the day he has to confront all the feelings he buried deep, deep down since that night. Maybe one day he will.
Finally: Gonna throw a curve ball and say Louis James Moriarty! There's no angst tied to this one- he just cannot, and I mean CANNOT say it. He's terribly weak to teases from William and Albert- the former especially being quite the menace. You'd think all these years later and all the tickle fights they had as children (and still do today as adults- William never quite lost that mischief side, neither did Louis lose his ticklishness) he'd be able to just admit it, but nope. Still get's ridiculously shy about it- all red faced and embarrassed. His only go to in terms of fighting back these days is threatening to not make his famous omelets for them anymore if they do- a threat that has around a 50% chance of making them pause- an in turn giving Louise a chance to run.
Thanks for asking friend! :D
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