trcelyneart · 1 month
Me, having been planning all my Dorovain, Chrobin, Netteflix etc fics since January: I should get back to writing
Also me, the second I get Morgan/Nah Brainworms™️: SOMEONE BRING ME MY COMPUTER
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the-kcm-muggleborn · 5 months
Kind For You
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Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy
O/C: Sebastian Sallow x Edwart Thompson x Ominis Gaunt ✨️platonic✨️ (My OC)
Warnings: None:)
Word count: 1176
Chapter 3
Part 5
“Are you alive?” Sebastian spoke loudly after their battle against a bunch of goblins finally came to an end.
“I think so,” Edwart spoke, not bothering to get up just yet. 
“I confess, that was a bit more than I'd bargained for.”
“Yep.” Edwart agreed as he got up. “Those loyalists deserved what they got”
“Couldn't agree more. Are you hurt anywhere? I think I still got a bottle of Wiggenweld.”
“No, I'm fine. Thanks.” Edwart said as both boys reached the ruins of a house. Sebastian started going on about how Anne got cursed. “... ‘Children should be seen and not heard.’ A blinding blast followed. They didn't even give her a chance to run.”
“Hmm,” Edwart muttered. “It seems an awfully violent response to a child wandering by. What were they trying to hide?”
“My thoughts exactly. It may be grasping at Billywigs. but I keep thinking that
there might be something here that could lead me to whoever cursed Anne. Might be the only way to learn what type of magic harmed her. Which could help me find a cure.”
“Perhaps you're right,” Edwart spoke while looking around. “The Loyalists are everywhere, but they do seem to be spending a lot of time here and they're likely hiding something.”
Edwart and Sebastian were examining the house and the surroundings were strangely familiar. But before Edwart had a chance to say anything. Sebastian called him over.
“And at Rookwood Castle.” Sebastian finished Edwart's sentence. “They seem to have set up camp here for a specific reason. They have stations for everything. Let's take a look around.” Sebastian finally.
“Edwart. Come, look at this. Looks like there is something behind this rubble.”
“Depulso” Edwart cast as the stones revealed a room.
“Hm. A stairwell.” Sebastian said genuinely surprised. “Why bother blocking a stairwell?”
“There might be something here worth a closer look,” Edwart said while carefully walking down the stairs. “Lumos!”
Edwart was looking around every corner making sure they didn't miss anything when he noticed Izadora Morganah's journal entries scattered across the floor.
They've examined a room covered in darkness and devil snare. 
“They've left all of this simply strewn about. Tells me they're after something bigger.”
“Found anything interesting?” Sebastian sounded behind Edwarts shoulder. But he kept his cool.
“No. Nothing too important.” Edwart shoved the pages in to his robe pocket. “There’s something behind that bookshelf…” Edwart casted basic cast destroying the bookshelves with ease. He saw something He didn't expect.
“No way” Edwart muttered “You're not going to believe this. I can see the Undercroft.”
“What. a daydream? Because that happens to me. too.” Sebastian said jokingly.
“I know it sounds strange bu-” 
“Honestly nothing you say sounds strange to me anymore.” Sebastian interrupted.
Edwart chuckled at that. “Fair enough. I can see the Undercroft through this stone as though it’s a window. This has happened before.”
“I’m listening,” Sebastian said intently watching his friend.
Edwart decided this was the moment to tell him about the ancient magic as well. He told him everything about Professor Fig's findings, his ability, and his running with the Ranrok in the Gringotts.
“I-” Sebastian stood dumbfounded for a minute. “I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that.” He scoffed a bit. “ I knew you weren't telling me everything. Ancient Magic, what's that even mean.”
“I'm not entirely sure but the keepers have said that it's a powerful magic that should only be wielded by a select few.”
“You can wield it? Who are these keepers? Like in Quidditch?”
Edwart went to explain everything further as truthfully as he could. Even through the complicated nature of things itself.
“...Ominis will be floored.” 
“I…already told Ominis. A while back.”
“Wait what?” Sebastian looked at Edwart with a shocked expression. “You told him before me?”
“I didn't intend to. I just came into the Undercroft one night and he caught me. He kept insisting why was I bleeding after-” Edwart kept on rambling as Sebastian interrupted him again.
“You were bleeding? What in Merlin’s name were you doing?” Sebastian was shocked by Edwarts behaviour.
“It just came out like that. I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I wanted to. I just never found the right words.”
“Ah.” Sebastian exhaled. “This entire situation is a mess. Let's just get back through that invisible secret ancient magic passageway you see.” Sebastian joked a little tiredly which Edwart noticed. It was a lot to comprehend. He didn't blame him.
“Grab my hand” Edwart instructed, feeling Sebastian's warm hand in his which made both of them blush ever so slightly. As they stepped through the mirror they found themselves standing in the Undercroft within seconds. 
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“Why would the door lead us here?” Sebastian wondered.
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“Sebastian, look!” Edwart pointed towards a familiar glow that quickly changed into a wooden statue. Sebastian and Edwart exchanged confused looks.
“What… is that?” Edwart said quietly as he stepped closer to open it. It was empty was missing 2 paintings and had a small note attached to the middle panel.
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“Why hide a triptych here?” Sebastian said. “It seems incomplete.”
“Yes, there's a note here. Like a clue…” Edwart thought 
“Anything helpful in that note?” Sebastian asked as he stepped closer.
“A rune symbol - I've seen similar symbols used by the Keepers.”
“I've been thinking - a 'Keeper' lived in that house centuries ago, and Ranrok and his lot have been searching there. You said that goblins may be wielding some form of
this ancient magic. Do you think Anne was cursed by ancient magic?”
“No.” Edwart shook his head. “I didn't see any traces of ancient magic around your sister. ” 
“Hmm. Very well. But, that doesn't mean it's not ancient magic. There's still so much we don't know about it.”
“True. Perhaps this triptych will lead us to answers.” Edwart examined the wooden structure again.
“Then we'll have to unravel what this all means. In the meantime.” Sebastian turned to Edwart. “Did I mention that, apparently, Salazar Slytherin had a secret scriptorium here in Hogwarts?”
Edwart looked thrown off track. “ You did not. Any idea where in the castle?”
“No idea. Ominis just learned of it. I'll let you know what I find out.” Sebastian said with a small scowl. 
“Honestly I had no idea our visit to see Anne would unfold into all of this. My head's an utter mess. But I'm glad you told me everything you did.”
Edwart rubbed his neck with a small grimace “Yes. I am glad too.”
Sebastian smiled comfortingly as he put a hand on Edwart's shoulder. “I'll tell Ominis. Make it easier for you if you'd like.”
Edwart smiled back. “I would appreciate it.”
“No worries then. I’ll see you soon.” Sebastian smiled and with that, he left the Undercroft.
Edwart was beginning to feel something he's never felt before. He never had someone like Sebastian and Ominis. People that made him feel safe and secure. He started feeling like Hogwarts was probably the best thing that ever happened to him.
- - - - - - - - - Author's notes- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<Part 4 /// Part 6> 
Thank you so much for reading Part 5! Aaand we are done with the Feldcroft mission. Sebastian knows! (in game too) there's only so long you can lie to him (in game too) honestly this was the moment where their friendship only grows stronger!:D More Parts to come.
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mermaidhugs · 3 years
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me looking @ sumia: wow, have you ever seen a character more bisexual? 
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lapinbunwrites · 4 years
A Dinner Together
Rating; GA
Warnings: None
Fandom: Fire Emblem Awakening
Relationship: Morgan/Nah
Word Count: 1,902
Ao3 Link
Nah breathed in and breathed out. It was nerve wracking that she wanted to ask people how they would try to catch the hearts of the ones they loved. It wasn't in her nature to ask for this stuff and she wondered if she should just abandoned it and see if Morgan would ever confess his love to her. The only reason why she was attempting to even do this was the fact she didn't know if he even felt the same to her so she wanted to try to tell Morgan before he confessed his love to someone else. She never knew that it was going to be nerve wracking. Many nights she lied awake, many days she walked out of her and going straight back in, many days she wondered if it was a good idea. But she was determined to at least get ideas to catch the person she love's heart. For knowledge and for future references.
She walked around camp, the first person she ran into was Brady. He told her to play a song on the violin would work. That's how is father was able to win his mother over. Nah sighed, she didn't know how to play the violin, much less any other instrument. She thanked him and searched for a couple of other friends and ran into Kjelle and Cynthia. They both agreed with sparing with Morgan and show off all the cool moves that she had made up. She shook her head as her face heated up. As she turned around to leave, all she could hear was Cynthia giggling. Nah took a couple of breaths and shaking the jitters out. She tried to put what the said far from her mind.
Nah gave herself a little break by going into town to eat something. While she was there she ran into Severa who was more than eager to help her out. Her idea was probably the best so far, buy Morgan a gift that he would really like. It surely wasn't the best idea to say 'hey I love you so I bought you this gift to show my affection. Please love me back,' but it wasn't the greatest either. She put the idea in her back pocket in case she didn't have any better options. Once she grabbed a little snack, she walked around, looking at everyone and saw what they were doing. One guy was 'hitting' on a woman whom promptly became unconscious, another couple were dancing with each other, some people were enjoying a little snack that was accompanied with either tea or coffee. She let out a little sigh, none of these things seemed like things to catch Morgan's heart.
She stomped her way out of town, trying to find a remote place to turn into a dragon. She made sure no one was around before she spewed out fire, cutting down trees, and destroy whatever else she could. When she transformed back, she didn't feel any better. It didn't help she heard a big screeching sound coming from a bush that wasn't on fire.
"A-Are you finished!" Yarne yelled out.
"Yarne! What are you doing here?" She asked.
"I was trying to get some relaxation!" He replied with a shaky voice. "Yeah, that's what I was doing," he mumbled.
They both knew that was a lie.
"A-Anyway, what are you doing out here?" He asked nervously.
Nah let out a small sigh. "I'm just a bit frustrated."
Yarne sweated. "I can see that! But do you feel any better?" He clutched his body tightly hoping that she was.
"Yeah," she lied.
They both knew that was also a lie.
"Uh..." He sighed.
"I'm trying to figure out how to catch someone's heart," she said, her face turning a red.
He let out a nervous laugh. He didn't respond to that.
Nah opened her mouth then closed it. "Do you have any suggestions?" She asked breaking the awkward silence.
Yarne became giggly. "Reject your feelings and never tell the person how you feel."
She glared at him.
"Ahhh!!" He screamed as he turned tail and leaving her behind. "I'M SORRY I DON'T WANT ANY PART OF THIS!!!!"
"Uggghh," she sighed.
She left the forest, making her way back to camp. No idea was good enough for her to impress Morgan. She didn't want to ask any more people because of the ideas weren't going to be great but she wasn't able to have that. Inigo had approached her because he was hearing rumors that she was looking for dating advice. She avoided him at every instance but was cornered in training grounds. His idea was take Morgan to tea, which she thought was pretty tame and normal of him to say. She thought is so going to be something less than favorable. In all honesty, she liked it better than Severa's but it still wasn't the best. After their conversation, she walked towards the mess hall to find Lucina and Gerome. Thank Naga it was them two, they wouldn't bug her about this.
"Oh, hello Nah," Lucina greeted with a small smile.
"Hello Lucina," she replied back.
It was mostly quiet after that. Lucina hit the pot with the spoon to get the food back into the pot. She placed it on the counter to let the stew simmer. "I heard you were looking for advice on the matters of the heart."
Gerome choked on his coffee while Nah started to sweat. She clenched her jaw and avoided eye contact with her.
"What," Lucina asked, confused.
"You aren't exactly the person anyone would go to for love advice," Gerome coughed.
"Wha-Why is that?" She asked, feeling insulted.
Gerome sucked in air sharply. "You asked your crush to train with you and beat them horribly. I wouldn't call that romantic."
"Says the man who used a terrible pick up line and called their crush a terrible name."
Gerome's face grew red.
Nah's eye started to twitch as the two bickered back in forth. It was a new thing for her two between the two but it was not helping. "Enough!" She yelled.
The two looked at her, distraught. "Nah?" They said in unison.
"Do you have advice or not?" She asked, bitterness in her voice.
Lucina let out a sigh before placing her finger on her chin and tapping it. "Hm, maybe tell them over a nice quiet dinner that you prepared."
Gerome just nodded.
Nah opened her mouth, closed it and opened it with nothing coming out. It was kind of like what Inigo and Severa had in mind but she still wasn't going to attempt to tell Morgan how she really felt. "You know, that's not that bad of an idea. Thank you."
Lucina smiled at her, giving her a little nod. It wasn't going to happen today, but eventually.
After a couple of days, she was in the mess hall early to make sure that the dinner she will make would be perfect. Hopefully this time there wasn't flour all over the place where she had to clean it all up again. She let out a little laugh when she tasted a little of her dinner, happy that her dish was good enough. She set up the table for when Morgan came to her little dinner. There was only one thing missing, a light. She groaned, she wished she was able to use her dragon breath outside of her dragon form.
Morgan hummed a little tune as he skipped to the mess hall after receiving a invite from his dearest Nah. His smile grew bigger as he smelled the nice smell of stew, it had to be one of his favorite meals. When he looked at Nah, he became confused when he she was standing in place.
"Nah?" He asked, placing his hand on her shoulder.
"Ah!" Nah screamed, holding her fists up to protect herself.
Morgan took a sharp breath of air.
Nah lowered her arms and sighed. "Oh, Morgan, I'm sorry."
"I-It's alright! I didn't know you were lost in thought!" He breathed out. "What were you thinking about?"
"Just this candle. I can't light it."
"Oh! I can do that for you!" Morgan used a little incantation to light the candle. "There we go!" He said, happily.
Nah clapped her hands as he lit up the room. "I made your favorite!"
He looked at her with a giant smile on his face and looked at the food. He rushed over to the table and cheerfully at the food. "Mmmm."
She gave him a soft smile as he ate it. She sat close to him, not saying anything. She clutched her dress and started to sweat as she stared at her stew.
Morgan wiped the food off of his face and looked over to Nah. He was confused, she didn't touch her food. "Is everything alright?"
"Ye-Yeah," she said softly.
He knew that was a lie. "Are you sure? You have touched your stew!"
"I'm okay!"
He chuckled as he took her spoon. "Open wide!"
She opened her mouth and ate some of the stew. She took the spoon out of his hand and slowly ate her food.
It confused him so much. Usually she was able to eat whatever was given to her quickly. Something was wrong and they both knew it. Morgan placed his hand on hers, giving her a tender smile. "I know something is wrong Nah, will you please tell me it?"
Nah's face started to burn. She didn't know how to tell him, nor did she want to tell him. "I, uh," she stuttered.
He squeezed her hand to reassure her that he wasn't going to judge her.
It didn't help, her face became a deeper red. "I-I'm sorry."
"It's alright! Take your time!"
Nah slowly breathed in and out, her breath was shaky. Only a few moments later she was able to tell him what she was thinking. "I was wanting to tell you how I feel."
"Oh?" He whispered.
"I really like you," she said, her voice shaking.
He started to blush heavily. He didn't know what to say.
"I think I might love you," her voice breaking.
She looked at his face, shaking to see what his reaction he was going to give her. When she saw it, it was both heartwarming and concerning when she saw his usual Morgan smile. She didn't know how to take it.
He chuckled as he pulled her close to him, giving her a kiss on her temple. "I love you too Nah!"
After her initial shock, she started to chuckle. She couldn't believe that he felt the same way! It warmed her heart. She gave him a little kiss on his cheek and he smiled.
It had became silent after their words were exchanged. Nah looked at her stew, that was becoming cold, not able to eat it. Morgan looked at it and licked his lips. She giggled and gave it to him to eat. Her giggle turned into a laugh as he inhaled his food. She didn't think she was that great of a cook but she was happy that he enjoyed it. He took the dishes and cleaned up before walking her back to her tent. He gave her a hug and a kiss on her forehead before he left. Nah laid the ground, giggling herself to sleep.
Request from my friend @trcelyneart and she had requested Morgan and Nah sharing dinner! asdfhdsakjfhdsa I was hoping for something else, but this is what I ended up coming up with. I am still not great at titles and the one I have is barely relevant to the fic aldsjfljsfajsafjksd ope.
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Morganah assustadorah 😂
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sexysilverstrider · 7 years
top 5 fea royals ships and top 5 fates royals ships
i assume at least one of thems a royal right *cracks knuckles*
fea version
2. chrobin - i married chrom 13 times for a reason and that reason is the instant change to a family feud plot in arc 3
3. morganah - PURE SUPPORT VERY VERY PURE SUPPORT also since nah is freds daughter in my run fred gets to be in laws with chrom. hes crying all day n all night in bliss.
4. lonlissa - lonlissa is p much canon thanks to owain and their many related battle dialogues thanks intsys yall aint subtle
fe14 version
1. takukamu - i await the day intsys gives me a ship that can rival the hellborn trope theyve birthed and given to me
2. sakumarx - the day i read that marxlegit said ‘come on marx…you can do this. youre the prince of nohr forgods sakes!’ right in front of a confused sakura before their proposal is theday i know this otp was meant for me. also they share similar personalities andthey bond over cute harmless topics like flowers. the intimidating first princeof nohr with the gentle second princess of hoshido….sakura as the queen ofnohr…….bless
3. ryocami - they are like babies. they are like fucking children. i love them together.
4. leohino - SNOBBY COCKY SMARTASS???? FIESTY WARRIOR PRINCESS???? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. also leo is years younger bt is taller than hinoka n thats my shit AND ALSO. he wants to be spoiled lmao the day hinoka knws this is the day she thought she was gonna die from embarrassment n joy
5. jakorin - technically rinkah IS a princess hehe and just. thank u localization team for once yall did a good solid. the headstrong warrior princess with the snobbish rudeass piece of shit butler. plus rinkah confessed first n had joker shooketh. thats my girl. also dwyer as the prince of the fire tribe. its fucking hilarious n u knw damn well dwyer masters his fire powers excellently despite that lethargic attitude
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jejecchi · 10 years
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their support is so cute aaaaaaaa
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trcelyneart · 2 years
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Does doing a redraw of an old inktober thing count as inktober?
(original from 2018)
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fieryfafarfanfics · 10 years
Boyfriend Test
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lapinbunwrites · 6 years
Baking Croissants
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: None
Relationship: M!Morgan/Nah
Characters: M!Morgan, Nah, F!Robin
Words: 1151
Ao3 Link
Morgan whistled as he walked back to camp from the town market. He held the brown paper bag close to his body as he opened the mess hall door. He smiled, seeing Nah take out a few bowls and few pans. He laughed a little too many pans. Maybe she thought they were going to make a lot of croissants. Morgan placed the brown bag onto the counter. He moved around the pans so he could place the ingredients on the counter.
"What's the first thing we have to do?" Morgan asked.
Nah shuffled around, trying to find the recipe. "The recipe says to combine the yeast, warm water, and one teaspoon sugar and allow it to stand until creamy and frothy."
Morgan grabbed the yeast, warm water and sugar and combined it. He looked at the ingredient sheet. It looked like it was going to take a while for them to make the croissants.
"Hey, Nah."
"Why don't we split the recipe. You do one section of the preparation and I do another section. Then maybe we can bake it quicker."
Nah took a look at the recipe. "It doesn't look like we can."
"Oh, crud."
Nah chuckled. She did the next step of the recipe. She blended the dissolved sugar, warm milk, salt, flour, yeast and oil. She mixed it until smooth. She covered it to let it rise. The two knew it was going to take a little while before they could keep on baking. Morgan made some tea as the two waited for the dough to rise. He handed her a cup of tea. She took a sip of it. The tea was a bit too bitter.
"Blech!" Nah said. "Too bitter."
"Oh, sorry. Mother likes bitter tea." Morgan apologized.
"It's fine. It means more for you."
Morgan chuckled. He sat across from the table from Nah. The two started to read a book. After some time, Nah put down her book. She uncovered the bowl and let the dough deflate and let the dough rise again. She looked over to the bag of flour and smirked. She picked it up and flicked a little at Morgan. He groaned a little. He didn't want to put down his book. She flicked a little more at him. He put his book down. He went into the cabinet and grabbed his own bag of flour. He took a handful and poured it on Nah's head.
"Ooh, it's on." She said.
"You started it." Morgan said.
He hid behind the counter while Nah was on the other side of the counter. She was a little past the counter, but still close enough to hit him with flour. Every so often Morgan would check on her. She would throw some flour at him when he checked. He had a lot of flour on his face and clothes. He took a chance and threw some flour at her. He crawled on the floor, spilling some of the powder, and made his way to the table. Nah poured some flour onto his back. He realized that he wasn't being very tactical. He decided to get up and just start throwing the flour at her. She did the same. They ran around throwing the powder at each other, getting it everywhere.
Morgan and Nah put down the bags that held the flour onto the ground. They laughed as they started to rubbed the white substance off of their bodies. They walked back to the counter and washed their hands. Nah uncovered the bowl with the dough. She handed Morgan the butter. She patted the dough into a rectangle. When he was done messaging the butter into something pliable, he smeared it over the dough. He folded the dough, then making it into a rectangle, and then folded it again.
"It wants us to lightly sprinkle the dough the flour." Nah said. She looked up from the paper. The flour was everywhere. "We have no flour."
Morgan swiped it off the counter and into his hand. He sprinkled what he had in his hand onto the the dough. "There!"
She shrugged it off and called it good. She rolled out the dough and folded it again. She did it a couple of times before wrapping it up and placing it the refrigerator. Robin walked in the kitchen. Her eyes became wide when she saw that her son and his friend got flour everywhere.
"What happened in here?" She asked.
"A flour fight?" Morgan said.
"I...Out of everything...You are so grounded! Clean this up!" She said angrily.
Nah laughed.
"You're luck I'm not telling you're mother."
"She wouldn't get mad at me because of the mess. She would get mad at me for not letting her join."
"Clean it up!"
"Yes ma'am!"
The two cleaned up the flour while they waited for the dough to chill. Nah took out the bag of dough. She spread out the dough in a rectangle. She cut in half, giving the other one to Morgan. They cut some of the dough and started to shape them in croissants. While they let the croissants rise, Morgan beat an egg in a small bowl and Nah preheated the oven. He glazed the croissants with the egg wash. He placed the pan into the oven. It didn't take long before the food was done baking. They let the food cool before eating.
"Wow, I didn't realize that making croissants would take all day." Morgan said.
"Yeah." Nah picked up a croissant and ate one. "But it's well worth it. These croissants are sooo good!"
Morgan picked up and ate it. He was amazed at how good it tasted. "Wow! These are amazing! They melt in your mouth!"
"Yeah. Catch!" Nah threw one at Morgan's mouth.
He moved over a little to catch the croissant. He was able to catch the food item. He took one and threw it at Nah. She was able to as well. They went back and forth, most of the croissants hit the floor or the counter. Robin walked back into the kitchen. She sighed when the two were throwing the croissants at each other. She sighed.
"Mother!" Morgan yelled.
"Yes?" She asked.
"Try one of these! Please!"
She sighed again. She took one and ate it. It was amazing. "Wow. You did an amazing job."
Morgan's face lit up.
"Clean up your mess and go to bed. You're still grounded."
Nah chuckled.
"You two Nah."
"Yes ma'am."
The two cleaned up the croissants and the kitchen.
"That was really fun Nah!" Morgan said.
"Yeah it was! We should do it more often!"
"Yes! Maybe we should find something that bakes faster. I don't want to get grounded again."
"I'm surprised your mother grounded me."
"Well, someone has to."
"Hehe, it's a nice surprise."
"Whelp, everything is all cleaned up. Good night Nah!"
"Good night Morgan!"
My friend @trcelyneart and I absolutely love M!Morgan and Nah. Their supports are soo cute. She asked if I ever wrote for them. I never have and that's a tragedy. I told her this idea of them baking croissants and she loved it. It was a cute idea, but I don't think I executed it right. Oh well.
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trcelyneart · 2 years
imagine nah and f!morgan being each others bi realization moment
Omg yes
Morgan thinking it's totally normal to kiss her cheek, realising after that Nah is blushing hard and everyone around them seems awkward, and then later Inigo explains that oopsie she might have a massive crush on her.
Meanwhile Nah is like "wow Morgan is so cool" and she. stares at her all. the. time. Yarne tries to make her understand on her own that she likes her and that no, not everyone spends their time looking at Morgan.
Owain and Cythia still place bets on who confesses first.
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trcelyneart · 2 years
do you have any headcanons for morgan/nah
Oh!! Oh oh oh!!!! Headcanons? Okay here we go in no particular order:
When they get older, Nah feels self-conscious about still looking like a teen while Morgan grows to have his father's stature. It really pains her when people mistake her for his daughter
Morgan just can't think straight when he's around Nah
His only flaw as a tactician is, thus, being unable to keep a cool head if he isn't certain she's safe
She loves watching him when he concentrates
Both Morgans bring her out of her shell in their own way. M!Morgan with his neverending enthusiasm and optimism, whereas F!Morgan does it through her raw chaotic energy and dragging Nah into her shenanigans.
They cuddle a lot
Morgan loves to tickle her
Back in their original timeline, Morgan already had feelings for Nah but never acted on them because they were scared that would make it harder for both of them if they were romantically involved
Morgan is amnesiac because Grima tried to possess them but Naga intervened just on time. Memory loss is collateral damage.
(I've got a wip somewhere in which they were dating before he forgot about her and things get angsty and awkward)
Naga 100% ships them (she told Nah to get a room in their supports!! I mean!!!)
Owain and Cynthia made bets on how/when they would get together
The Dramatic Potential™: Nah is Naga's Voice, Morgan can be Grima's Vessel
I'll add more if I remember them!!!
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trcelyneart · 2 years
do you have any morgan/nah hcs? also do you ship robin/tiki
I do!! I've talked about them here. Rereading the post gave me so much feels omg. I should write about them again tbh.
Another hc I can add is that even when their relationship is not romantic yet they cuddle a lot. Like, they seek comfort in each other through touch, can be hugs, hands on arms, grabbing sleeves etc. It comes naturally to them, and they never found it awkward.
I don't actively ship Robin/Tiki, but whatever floats your boat! The Morganah potential is just as great with Tiki as her mother. However, my friend @lapinbunwrites (@outerspacebun) is a big Robin/Tiki lover!!
Thank you for your message! It made my day!
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trcelyneart · 2 years
consider: both morgans sharing nah, aka nah having a bf and gf
You're absolutely right and you should say it!!
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trcelyneart · 2 years
or even better: nah getting the morgans (both of them) attention and when they turn around to look at her she gets flustered and has an internal bi crisis (nah.exe has stopped working)
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This is an adorable idea and I'm here for it!!
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trcelyneart · 2 years
New Morgan/Nah fic!!
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