#morgan olivey
shadottie · 3 months
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My dancer glam for Dawntrail!
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locke-rinannis · 5 years
Plot: Ruran/Nenia reunion- if they're going to even remember each other! She's got a little clinic/apothecary now, might lead to talks of foraging in dangerous areas for life-saving ingredients? >w> Alternatively - Courier and Morgan EVENTUALLY- chatterbox and silent type - unlikely duo working through a conflict together!
RURAN/NENIA –fuck no || not really interested || huh?? || give me more details… || sure why not || OMFG YES
I think he’d remember her, for sure! And yesss, he’s all about escorting and bodyguarding. +_+ What better way to catch up?
COURIER/MORGAN – fuck no || not really interested || huh?? || give me more details… || sure why not || OMFG YES
YEAH, Courier has a good listening ear, and I always enjoy the chatter-chill dynamic. I think they’d work well together, AND THEY SHOULD.
( Plot meme )
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onyrica · 5 years
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Morgan Olivey - [ FFXIV, Patreon Reward ]
I had a blast drawing this character. Originally I had planned a different head angle, but since I wanted him to come across as being aloof, I decided to torture myself instead with an upwards tilt. Because I like pain. ಠ_ಠ
[ This piece is brought to you by the loyalty reward programme! If you're a patron at Intermediate tier or higher, you'll get one of these as a thank you for pledging for a set amount of time (Int = 12 months, Adv = 9 months, Adv+ = 6 months). ]
Support my art: patreon.com/onyrica
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diarcaexe · 5 years
My turn! (slam dunks a Taj into the party because obviously doubling up on book users would go well for them)
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D’arca Ovraen and P’tajha Kett have joined your party!
Starting Dungeon: “Ah. Do try not to do anything too reckless?”
Assisting: “As expected. Pray, do better next time.”
Being Assisted: “Althyk’s matted beard, that was close.”
Idle Dialogue: “Attune to anything terribly cursed recently, Tajha?” / “Ho, Red. Come take a look at these sigils.”
Witnessing Tajha KO’d: A long-suffering sigh.
Reviving Tajha from KO: “Morgan would never forgive me if I left you in the dirt. Come.”
Casting Consecration on Tajha: “Let’s pick up the pace.”
Finishing the Dungeon: “And that’s that. Send Morgan my regards.”
With a past relationship somewhat strained by poor stress management, D’arca will spend a large portion of the dungeon quietly sniping at P’Tajha. His attitude will somewhat soften if they are also paired with Morgan Olivey or Silaena Naellanar, whereupon he will conduct himself with a more professional air.
As a benefit to the player, D’arca is much less likely to lag behind the group while Tajha is in the party, preferring to complete the duty in the most efficient manner possible. If Tajha uses the limit break before he can he will refuse to tether to her for the remainder of the dungeon.
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mokkri-valandiel · 5 years
Everyone Needs Fish All At Once
G'mokkri Rha tilts her head, "I don't want to comment. It's too -unmentionable-."
Morgan Olivey snorts.
Silaena Naellenar hums. "Those words, I do not think they mean what you think they mean."
Tynervial Rillveroix ears turned brighter red.
Morgan mutters, "Gods be good, Miss G'mokkri. That. Yes. Intimacy beyond touching, hand-holding, hugging, what else," Morgan snaps a finger. He knows what else. There's that mischievous glance Tynos' way and back on G'mokkri. "Kissing, /cuddling/." He tries to...not sound disgusted himself. "Intimacy beyond -all- of that," and he flourishes with a hand, "..is unmentionable."
"Positively scandalous," A’mariss contributes.
"Wait. Wait. Wait wait wait....." Mokkri waves her hands, "Go back. I have questions."
Morgan wants to die. "Yes?"
"Silae doesn't want to date you specifically because she doesn't feel like doing unmentionable things with you. This is fine and fair. And all correct?"
Silae nods once. "Yes?"
 "Well I don't think that should.. dictate--" No don't shoot yourself in the foot, Morgan-- "but. Yes."
"And intimacy beyond what you listed is 'unmentionable'?" Mokkri continues.
" .../Private/," Morgan corrects that after a thoughtful moment.
“Gotcha." Mokkri nods.
Morgan continues, "Social faux pas, really~."
G'mokkri interrupts, "So, y'all, -do- kiss, though? And cuddle?"
Morgan grimaces? Smirks? It's. Certainly a face. "..No."
"But friends do that?" Mokkri asks.
Silae blinks. Twice. And, rather unexpectedly, seems to go rather red. "No?"
A'mariss seems to be just listening, half appalled, half bewildered.
"But," Mokkri persists, "Morgan -just- said--"
Morgan pinches the bridge of his nose. "Gods be good, you sound -far- more sheltered a life back home than my own. Just. Friends? Friends. People who. ... share in experiences together, enjoying company."
Silae shakes her head. "It's fine to ask. We don't kiss. Or..well, -cuddle-. Not often, anyway. Uh..Not more than most friends do? When staying together?"  Silae might be blabbering a bit, there.
Morgan manages, "Displays of affection not.. necessaryyYYY?" He goes red, shooting Silae a look.
Tynos raised his brow a little. "...Thats cute."
G'mokkri looks thoroughly confused. "But you just said--"
"Menphina's bosom, but you two sound like you haven’t talked this over amongst yourselves." A’mariss comments.
"You just listed all that *together* and said it was okay? For friends? To do?" Mokkri asks, voice high.
"/Stahp/." Morgan whines. Yes, 'stahp'. ((With @wamoura @rhotanored and some other nerds whose tumblrs i dont know :) ))
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shadottie · 1 year
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Some FFXIV doodles. I got back into stuff over on Crystal/Balmung recently and wanted to doodle some old faces! I can't believe it's been four years and some change since I made Morgan. Good golly
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shadottie · 11 months
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I'm really excited to give it a try!
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shadottie · 1 year
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June 2023 Knight tier portrait rewards on Ko-Fi! I'm incredibly thankful for just how much help Ko-Fi gives to keep art going. These were so fun to work on!
Slots still available here, as well as other goodies each week and month! https://ko-fi.com/shadottie/tiers
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shadottie · 3 years
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Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
The popping in the distance;  the roar of explosions, the battle cries of countless men, all the sounds of war rang out into the night-- a night Sha only knew for a short while. Dark, towering clouds trailed up into the  sea of stars. A hazy veil of clouds curtained the moon behind. Another great roar rocked through his chest, but this time it came from a beast.  He turned. The maw of a great serpentine beast snapped out with fire.  Spires of purple pulled into existence. He felt himself jump back for space, the weight of a gunblade in his right hand. Nearby were two others in battle, one tall, the other shorter, but both with white hair.  Another roar, and the crisp shatter of crystal erupted in Sha’s ears.  Those spires yanked in every which direction-- towards him.
He crumpled to the ground like a sack of lead. The rush of heat swirled about, until it all fell to a sour chill.
“No-... No, not another-- no, please--...”
“No, no,  Morgan-- wake up, please--!”
Alphinaud, it’s me--... not-
“How could this happen? How could we let this happen?”
Alisaie? Alisaie, it’s me, Sha!
Moving blurs faded in a coming darkness.
...Morgan? “Sha, I ...c...an’t…”
The viera snapped awake with a yelp, alone under the cool blue light in his humble Pendant apartment. He caught his breath, running a hand through a sunset mane. Icy beads of sweat rolled down his face. His gaze darted about.
This was indeed his room.
...Not wherever that was.
“...Morgan…?” He mumbled to himself.  His gaze trailed to the small trinket on the nearby nightstand, a small, orange crescent crowned blade shape, no larger than a coin, glowing brighter than usual under the braids of twine fashioning it as a pendant. 
Sha lurched up and out of bed after snatching it up. He looked to the window.  He rationally looked to the door next.  Who does he tell? Oskna?  Beq Lugg? Nobody here had contact with the other side-- except-...
Sha threw on a presentable matter of clothes, racing down the iron spiral staircase in the quiet Pendant tower. The front desk was empty. Good. He was a wild mess of a hunter, clutching a necklace in one hand and-- Wicked White-- he forgot shoes.
Cold stone turned to dewy grass.  Only a sliver of a coming dawn lined the iron frames of the Crystarium domes, where Night otherwise ruled for now. Down a hill, and up some stairs, invading the very empty Wandering Stairs-- back down stairs again and to a decorated jade bell painted in gold filigree, perched on a pole on the outskirts of the Musica Universalis.
Sha batted at that bell. Its soft chimes tinked in an echo through the quiet market hall. Impatience only gave the silence a moment before he batted his palm at the bell again, and again, and again.
“A’right! A’right! I hear ye, y’ pesky phooka!” harped a mote of light spinning out of the bell.  In a fiery orange, it took form of a small, just the same fiery pixie, with two pigtails much like barbed red flowers themselves. “Wot’s got ye ringin’ me here at this hour!”
“Your majesty,” Sha dipped his head just so slightly, “It’s Morgan-- your-  your Sapling?” “Aye.”
“I-I think something’s wrong. You’ve said before you visit other places. How? I think he needs me! They need me! Alphinaud, Alisaie, the Scions--...” Sha swallowed on a lump in his throat.  It was harshly dry. 
“Somethin’ does seem amiss, aye but….” Feo Ul, or rather, a smaller part of King Titania gave pause for a moment. Their gaze fell to the warm glow peeking through a tightly closed fist at Sha’s side. “Ahhh.” They put their hands on their hips, “If y’can give a certain someone puppy dog eyes, they might be willin’ to help ye, and I will be a branch as well~.”
“Wh-... Who?” Sha frantically asked, hasty than to give himself a moment to think. Who indeed, but the only one who made passage possible for the Scions, for the Exarch’s memories? He gave himself a curt nod, “Beq Lugg. ...Will you come with me, your Majesty? Please?”
“Aye, aye!” came with a lilt and a sigh, as if this was troublesome business of children, “If my sapling’s in trouble, then someone’ll get an earful if they don’t cooperate!”
“Thank you, your Majesty.  W-With haste then!” “Oh! Knockin’ while the homebody might still sleep, I see!” the pixie tittered behind a hand, “Yes, lets~!”
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shadottie · 3 years
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Part 1 || Part 2 ||
“..I take it Alisaie delivered the news.”
“She did, yes.” 
Silence followed after. Morgan cast a glance from whatever imaginary hole bored into the wall from his stare. Alphinaud shuffled in his seat. It was a fine way to stumble into breaking the ice in conversation, for certain. The worry veiled the elezen like an aura. 
Through his nostrils, Morgan sighed and sat straight, before that slumped into a dropped guard. He had never made it easy to speak of vulnerabilities, given everything and all they’ve been through. Time in Norvrandt had certainly shown how much Morgan could trust, how much he could depend on those around him and not carry the weight alone on his shoulders, but mere mention of the far off island where humble beginnings between Morgan and the Leveiller twins started had been the one fault of a relapse in those reclusive habits.
“I suppose knowing that it’s coming doesn’t quite prepare me for when it will. A few short weeks will flash by in a blink when we’re suddenly crossing the sea to Sharlayan,” Morgan relented in an exhale. Alphinaud was only worried afterall. He continued, “It was a relief to hear that Krile’s safe, at least, and no word from your father either.”
The silence after said enough. Leathers whined under a balled fist.
“All the more reason you shouldn’t feel obligated,” Alphinaud replied quietly, “We have our share of delegates that travel overseas. There are still towers yet to be investigated here--.” The suggestion didn’t come easy.  Morgan fully turned his gaze to Alphinaud, who wore a deepened frown. A curtain of fluffy white shielded a hardened gaze that found itself on the barside table.  Plain to see, Arenvald’s injuries still weighed heavy on the scholar’s mind, and unspoken went a worry of how much more may just be lost. Morgan clapped a hand on Alphinaud’s shoulder, snapping him out of the maelstrom of whatever thoughts stormed on.
“It’s …. painful, but it’s important,” Morgan squeezed the folds of blue. He couldn’t quite muster a smile. It wasn’t honest; and Alphinaud was trying to let him be heard.  They both needed it, Morgan decided. “We’ll get to the bottom of whatever it is your father’s doing among all else.” 
Alphinaud kept his gaze, expectant almost, amidst that shared solemn, as if for some unspoken ‘and…?’ Morgan dropped his grip with a tired smirk and settled back in that slump.  He fiddled idly with the hammered out cup, “Riol and ...Raven had reports for me recently too. Mother left something in her will that hadn’t been disclosed until recently. It was something left for me, but while my situation is still a cold case, it can’t be transferred to him.” Morgan shrugged some, “I don’t doubt Raven’s still pulling strings to keep it just that until ah…  ...until I’m prepared to see it finished.”
“And you’re -...not.” “... I have so much I wish I could do, that I wish I could say,” Morgan answered. That was an understatement. No one would know the depths of hatred. Lips thinned to a line, “But this is what can be. I just don’t want to make a mess for you and Alisaie either.”
“That has been both our dread for you with our family affairs, Morgan,” Alphinaud offered gently with a weak smile, “I think Alisaie has a more aggressive approach to that anxiety but she means well…!” “Always,” Morgan chimed quietly. He sighed, “You’re right. Only a few more weeks, and … well, Gods be Good, we’ll see how this goes.”  The pair of wayward Sharlayans exchanged their uneasy smiles, but it was a lift, none the less. 
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mokkri-valandiel · 5 years
Can’t Take You Anywhere
Nazyl Tharazyl can feel lungs taking in air that shouldn't be there. It rises and falls.
G'mokkri Rha watches intensely. "Ok, let me try!"
"I don't like that." Morgan says.
Nazyl Tharazyl turns his head to Morgan, flashing a thumbs up.
G'mokkri Rha cautiously tiptoes into deeper water.
Morgan Olivey snorts, and pushes down on Naz. He didn't keep the man down, just a spook push. He settles a hand on his hip.
G'mokkri Rha sticks her face into the water and tries to breathe.
"Eorzeans, I swear." Morgan mutters.
"Ggghhbbbblppbbll...." Nazyl Tharazyl rises, it was difficult to talk with water in your mouth, "Whoops."
G'mokkri Rha just keeps hanging out in the water, slipping slowly out with the current. She's focusing reallllllly hard.
"...Miss I can explain why i can-" Naz begins, “.....Don't let the ocean take her."
"Gods. Be good." Morgan drifts out that way, taking Mokkri's wrist.
G'mokkri ....appears to have grown gills.
"......What in the hells...?" Naz exclaims.
"Ah-hhah." Morgan -would- snatch his hand back at the alarm but doesn't.
G'mokkri Rha opens her eyes excitedly under the water! She does, however, clutch at Morgan as the current threatens to drag her further out.
((with @rhotanored @lominsadan @wamoura and naz. Near @silentlyjudgemental for good measure))
A'mariss Renahg takes another sip of her drink. She's listening to all parties.
Nazyl Tharazyl huffs. That's fine then, "...Carreh on."
"O-Oi, alright, easy!" Morgan snatches up with the other hand. He bobs, kicking a heel at the bottom and back to shore. He doesn't -bring- Mokkri to shore.
"I hope those work on land." Naz questions.
G'mokkri clutches at Naz instead.
"...Maybe they go away?" Morgan spitballs.
Nazyl Tharazyl doesn't like being grabbed, eyes darting around, "Wh-"
G'mokkri Rha burbles and thrashed under the water, looking panicked.
"Hey, calm down, I ain't that-" And Naz’s going under too.
Professor Gray is explaining the Lominsan Dan novels at length. "...SO then. Ferun Terun. Where. Lominsa Dan comes across the journal of Nymian privateer Ferun Terun, who claims he had found something known as the Arx Akropolis, an allagan citadel that floats hidden near meracydia. Terun claims he reclaimed vast treasures from the place, but that he regretted them so deeply he would take them to his grave--which has, for all of history, been unknown. Following a trail of breadcrumbs, he retravels the famous privateers steps all over the world, ruin to ruin."
"Ah, perhaps--" A'mariss Renahg points towards the trio, and the ...flailing Mokkri.
Morgan Olivey: "Gods be good," Morgan hooks an arm around Mokkri's waist. He's going under too. He pinches his eyes shut, feeling for the bottom with his foot.
Professor Gray DOVE RIGHT IN.
Morgan Olivey starts puuulling, but hey if someone else is here to rescue? Great. He's OUTTA THERE.
Professor Gray YEAH LIKE-- ....He abruptly stopped panicking. as he stood on the bottom on ocean, weighted by his mechanical arm...just staring. “...”
Silaena Naellenar hums. "Well. What's the problem, exactly?"
Morgan Olivey keeps pulling to shallow waters then, gilled girl and lalafell in tow, apparently!
Professor Gray 's created an absolute monster.
A'mariss Renahg sips her drink, observing, though a moment ago she'd looked ready to hand Silae her drink. "I'm--not sure."
Nazyl Tharazyl pulls on the woman, though how much force can his small legs produce? He hopes someone else can help.
"...She's--fine." Asserts Gray.
Nazyl Tharazyl rises from the water, exhaling from his nose, "Well alright. That was unexpected."
Morgan Olivey immediately swipes his hair down flat when they break the surface. He pulls away from Mokkri. "...You alright there, G'mokkri?"
"Is she-- are you--? All?" A’mariss redirects as the rest of them surface.
G'mokkri Rha is panting, hands on her knees with her hair plastered to her face. "I didn't know the water could grab you like that!"
"They do, and those would be called currents." Morgan educates her.
"...Lominsa Dan an' The Nymian Shade. ...Which is about someone tryn' to spread a plague very similar to th'Green Death. An' us, uh. Stoppin' it," Gray said flatly, finishing his thought even as he stared. Dumbfounded.
A'mariss Renahg 's face shifts to one of some concern. "Ah. Fortunate you had others here, then."
"...She's fine." Gray insists.
G'mokkri Rha scratches at her neck absently and one of the gills falls into her hand with a splat, leaving her neck untouched.
A'mariss Renahg raises a brow, slowly, then glances aside at Silae.
Professor Gray leans over and starts checking her *obsessively* like what the fuck-- EW EW EW he grabbed her wrist and turned the hand upward. staring at it.
"-Are- ..you .. fine, G'mokkri." Morgan asks.
Gray comments, "....Ominous."
G'mokkri Rha 's eyes widen at her hand holding the gill and her eyes roll back in her head and she faints dead away.
Professor Gray ...Lifted her up and cradled her in his arms. don't die in the water NOW, kid.
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