arioagio ยท 3 years
Halaman 24.
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[ ๐‘‡๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘”๐‘”๐‘Ž๐‘ ]
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Terkadang suka lupa dengan keadaan sekitar, tetapi terkadang juga suka nggak tahu diri kalau sedang butuh sesuatu.
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Lebih sadar diri dan tahu batas adalah "Koentji"
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From IG @arioagio
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raging-violets ยท 5 years
50 Type of Kisses Prompt :P #2 - A small, fleeting kiss - which is immediately followed by a passionate, hungry kiss.
A/N: Soโ€ฆIโ€™m cheating a little here, as itโ€™s a re-write of a scene Iโ€™ve already done. Basially just another way for Zack and Riley to get together in my Canโ€™t Help It series for Suite Life which encompasses Save Me From Myself, Help Me Save Me, and Intuition. Itโ€™s a little angsty, especially at the end, but itโ€™s fine, they get together just after this, talking through their insecurities and history and whatever.
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Zack looked up when the door to the roomopened, letting in a waterfall of loud music and conversation of the partyhappening around him. He shifted his gaze away from Riley when she closed thedoor behind her and moved closer. He hugged his arms around his knees, pullinghis feet back so she could join him on the window sill.
โ€œYouโ€™ve been hiding in here the whole time?โ€She asked. She reached up and brushed her hair back from her eyes. Dressed upin that โ€˜smokeyโ€™ style heโ€™d heard girls talk about before. It made her eyesstand out, shine bright, even in the darkened room. He hated that heโ€™d noticed.โ€œOne minute you were the center of attention and the next youโ€™re gone.โ€
Zack shrugged. โ€œI just needed to sit down.โ€ Heneeded to rest, actually. He hadnโ€™t realized how winded heโ€™d become. Justwanted to be normal for once, go to a party and have a good time dancing and playingvideo games and hanging out with his friends. And he got winded within fifteenminutes. He was sicker than he thought. He gestured toward his head. โ€œThe musicwasnโ€™t helping either.โ€
โ€œYou know Max, anything with music and she hasto have it loud,โ€ Riley replied with a half-smile.
โ€œSo, what are you doing here?โ€
โ€œI was looking for you.โ€
โ€œShould I be amazed or scared that youfound me that easily?โ€ Zack gave a small smile, indicating the question wasnโ€™tbe to taken seriously. He knew sheโ€™d noticed that he was gone. As much as shetoted that she didnโ€™t care about him, when pressed, she seemed to be the onlyone who was able to tell when he was and wasnโ€™t putting on a show. Wheneveryoneโ€™s comparisons of him to Cody started to get to him, when he was tiredof being seen as second bestโ€ฆ
Thatโ€™s what gotyou in this mess in the first place, Zackthought. He brought up his hand to rub at his temples, letting out a quietsigh. Great, just the moment for him to show some introspection again.
โ€œWere you hoping it was Sadie?โ€
A loaded question.
Zack could feel tension build a wall betweenthem, brick by brick as the seconds passed. The question was innocent, Rileyโ€™seyebrows twitched upwards and her lips pulled back into her infamous smirk-smile,but he knew the question wasnโ€™t so innocent. Sadie bothered her more than sheโ€™dlet on, heโ€™d noticed. At least hoped.
โ€œSadie has been flirting with almost everyguy here, she canโ€™t be too devoted to me.โ€ He grinned, making Rileychuckle to herself. Sadie was a bombshell, knew exactly what she wanted, andwanted Zack as soon as he and Max had broken up. She was never shy about itโ€ฆandthat was the problem. โ€œI prefer low maintenance girls, anyway.โ€œ
Riley gently rolled her eyes, turned her headaway. She reached up to scratch her forehead, hiding whatever expression hadcome to her face. "Whyโ€™d you come find me? You should be having fun, notletting me bring you down.โ€
She shook her head, dropped her hand to herlap. โ€œYouโ€™re not bringing me down, Zack.โ€
He snorted. Unconvinced. โ€œOkay, so you wantedto see how much I was eating.โ€ He brought his hands out form the pocket of hissweatshirt and waved his hands back and forth. โ€œIโ€™m not hoarding anything. Ihavenโ€™t thrown anything up.โ€ He gestured toward the door. โ€œYouโ€™ve done Codyโ€™sdirty work you can leave now.โ€
Now Rileyโ€™s eyebrows pinched together inannoyance. โ€œI didnโ€™t come here because of Cody, boofhead.โ€
Zack shook his head. Hated that she called himthat. Hated that she called him that then.It was something she said to him, almost a term of endearment, heโ€™d noticedbut she probably hadnโ€™t. Would immediately deny it if it was pointed out. Lessinsistently as the years went on.
โ€œI came to see if you were okay.โ€
โ€œReally?โ€ She nodded. He paused. Had to ask thequestion heโ€™d been unable to ask since heโ€™d arrived back at school. โ€œThen whydidnโ€™t you come see me in the hospital?โ€
Something passed over Rileyโ€™s face. Hereyebrows twitched upwards. Her expression went blank. She lowered her chin, seemedto turn in on herself. โ€œYou know why, yeah?โ€ She murmured.
And he supposed he did. Sheโ€™d always hatedhospitals, had spent too many times in them because of what Robert had done toher and her siblings. Didnโ€™t trust them anymore than those who saw what washappening an didnโ€™t look for help. Hated feeling so weak to be in oneโ€ฆjust ashe hated for people to see him when he wasin the hospital.
It was embarrassing. He didnโ€™t like that hisbrother was becoming more popular, was โ€˜taking over his turfโ€™ so to speak, andso stopped eating to lose weight to get better at basketball. To be on top again.And heโ€™d had a heart attack. And everyone made a big deal about it. Zack hadalways been a little vain, so being seen in the hospital like that, sovulnerable, was painful. He got it.
"Was I really that hideous?โ€ Zack asked. Helooked at his hands, bony and almost skeletal when he was really sick, strongnow. Though it wouldnโ€™t take much to turn him back. The curse of being moresensitive than he let on. Sticks and stonesโ€ฆ
Riley glared at him. โ€œDo you ever bloody stop?โ€
โ€œWell, I clearly donโ€™t have my looks anymore,I need to keep my sense of humor.โ€ Zack noticed Rileyโ€™s incredulous stare andsat up. He ripped his beanie off his head, motioning to his thinning hair. โ€œMyhair is falling out, I can hardly keep things down, the sight of food makes mesick, I canโ€™t play basketball or workout without people thinking Iโ€™m going to keelover, I have people asking me how Iโ€™m doing all the time! People have to watchme eat and constantly ask about it. Itโ€™s never how Iโ€™m doing, itโ€™s always aboutwhat Iโ€™m eating. Itโ€™s all anyone wants to talk about!โ€ His eyes flashed. โ€œIโ€™m tired of talking about it! Iโ€™m tired ofit being the only thing people care about!โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s not all they care about. They careabout you!โ€
โ€œReally?โ€ He leaned back against the wallbehind him. โ€œWhen was the last time you and I had an actual conversation thatdidnโ€™t have anything to do with this?โ€ He gestured vaguely.
โ€œIโ€™m trying to have a fucking conversation withyou, now!โ€
โ€œBecause you feel sorry for me.โ€ She looked offended,her lips pulling up into a sneer. He leaned toward her, looked her in the eye. โ€œYouknow how I feel about you,โ€ he said with an intensity that even surprised him. โ€œAndI donโ€™t need you to pay attention to me because you feel sorry for me.โ€
Riley shook her head. A half smile came to herlips, amused. Almost laughing at him and his poor choice of words. She tiltedher head, leaned forward, brushed his lips with hers.
Zackโ€™s eyes immediately fell shut at thefeeling. Sparks shot through him. He opened his eyes and looked back at her,looked into her dark blue eyes, which in the years heโ€™d known her sheโ€™d dismissas dull and uninteresting but heโ€™d always become lost in. He stared at her,stared into her eyes. Riley tilted her head, her eyes roving over his face,then kissed him again. This time a more passionate kiss.
He felt his shoulders, which had been stiffwith apprehension, loosen and he leaned back into her. Riley slipped her armsaround his neck, taking in a deep breath before kissing again. Zack focusedonly on his lips on hers, blocked out everything else but the feeling of herlips parting his, to gently run the tip of her tongue against his. The kiss gotdeeper, hungrier as they leaned into each other. Then it came to be too much, laughterheard outside the door caught Zackโ€™s attention.
He pulled back. Blinked. Watched her.
She looked back at him, gently chewing herlower lip. Worried, nervous.
โ€œWhat was that for?โ€ He mumbled.
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medicalwalehealthcareapp ยท 5 years
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Health Facts! Download the app to know more about your health -https://land.ly/medicalwale #Medicalwale #AapKeHealthKaSaathi#KaroOnlyHealthKiBaat #HealthFacts #HumanFacts#Children #MoreSensitive #Ears #Adults#HumanEars #EarFact #HealthTips #DoctorsApp#Healthcare #MedicalAssistant #HealthyYou#HealthApp
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jettadarkwynd ยท 8 years
Dollar Rebounds On Renewed 'Trump Tax-Hope'
New Post has been published on https://worldwide-finance.net/analysis/dollar-rebounds-on-renewed-trump-tax-hope
Dollar Rebounds On Renewed 'Trump Tax-Hope'
Rates: US Treasuries sell-off after failed test resistance and announcement Trump US Treasuries lost ground yesterday after another failed test of 125-09/16 resistance. Trumpโ€™s promise of a โ€œphenomenalโ€ corporate tax announcement the next weeks, accelerated the sell-off. Todayโ€™s eco calendar remains rather uneventful, suggesting more sentiment- and technically-driven trading.
Currencies: Dollar rebounds on renewed โ€˜Trump tax-hopeโ€™ Yesterday, the dollar rallied as Trumpโ€™s comments on upcoming tax measures reactivated the global reflation trade. Today, the fate of the reflation trade will be important for USD trading. USD investors will also keep a close eye at the outcome of the meeting between US president Trump and Japanese PM Abe
US stocks climbed to new heights (+0.50%), after Trump said he will release a โ€˜phenomenalโ€™ corporate tax announcement the next two to three weeks. Overnight, Asian indices gain up to 1% with Japan outperforming (+2%).
A federal appeals court ruled against President Trumpโ€™s executive order on immigration and refugees, saying such a travel ban shouldnโ€™t go into effect while courts consider whether it goes too far in limiting travellers to the US.
In a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping, US President Trump affirmed the โ€œOne Chinaโ€ policy that has long underpinned Sino-US relations, a declaration that appeared aimed at ending weeks of uncertainty.
China reported better-than-expected trade data for January as demand picked up both at home and abroad, an encouraging start to 2017 even as Asiaโ€™s exporters brace for a rise in US protectionism.
Mexicoโ€™s central bank increased its key lending rate as expected by 50 bps to 6.25% in a bid to cool inflation and prevent the peso, which has weakened around 12% since Trumpโ€™s election, from piling further pressure on prices.
German chancellor Merkel set out tough plans to speed the removal of failed asylum seekers, including a repatriation centre to handle difficult cases and increased cash inducements for those leaving voluntarily.
Around โ‚ฌ1.7T of French public debt could be redenominated into francs if Le Penโ€™s far-right FN gets into power, according to party officials, in what would according to ratings agencies amount to the worldโ€™s largest sovereign default
Todayโ€™s eco calendar contains UK industrial production and US Michigan consumer confidence. ECB governors Weidmann and Mersch speak
Dollar reaccelerates on โ€˜Trumpโ€™s tax promiseโ€™
On Thursday, USD trading was initially technically in nature, with few links toother markets. During the US trading session, markets were propelled by atweet from President Trump as he indicated to announce something on taxes inthe weeks to come. The Trump reflation trade resumed. Major US equity indicestouched new record highs, yields jumped higher and so did the dollar. USD/JPYclosed at 113.25 (from 111.93). EUR/USD dropped and finished the day at 1.0655(from 1.0698).
Overnight, Asian equities join the Trump risk-rebound. Japanese equitiesoutperform on the weaker yen. USD/JPY is currently changing hands in the 113.75area. US president Trump accepting the โ€˜One Chineโ€™ policy and strong Chinesetrade data (January exports and imports rose more than expected) supportregional sentiment. The dollar extends the Trump driven rebound, but gainsremain most. EUR/USD changes hands in the mid 1.0650 area.
Todayโ€™s EMU economic calendar contains French and Italian production data.They are no market movers. In the US, January import prices are expected to risefurther (3.4% Y/Y from 1.8% Y/Y) based on petroleum and food prices. Risks maybe on the downside. Michigan consumer sentiment is expected to have slightlydeclined in February to 98 from 98.5. Sentiment is at its highest since the end of2000. So such a minimal decline shouldnโ€™t have much impact. The data will againonly be of second tier importance for trading, unless they bring a big surprise.Markets will also look out to the meeting between President Trump and JapanesePM Abe. The valuation of the yen and Japanese exports to the US are sensitiveissues. However, over the previous days, Trump sounded less offensive on China.Maybe the headlines from the meeting with Abe also shouldnโ€™t be thathard/negative. If so, it might be (slihglty) positve for risk sentiment and for thedollar (including USD/JPY). The ST USD momentum improved this week, but therise in core yields and of the dollor (both against the yen and the euro) remainsmoderate. The hope on new US tax maesures might put a floor for equities andfor the dollar short-term. That said, we have the impression that any furtherrebound will develop rather gradually.
Global context: The dollar is/was in a corrective downtrend since the start ofJanuary as the Trump reflation trade petered out. Interest rate differentials infavour of the dollar narrowed. Trumpโ€™s communication became a source ofuncertainty, also for the dollar. At some point, absolute interest rate supportshould provide a USD floor, especially as the Fed is expected to continue itspolicy normalisation. This week, the dollar showed tentative signs of such abottoming out process. Price action earlier this week showed that euro weaknessmight be a factor too. As we see the 1.0874 as solid resistance, a sell EUR/USD onupticks approach might be considered. The downside test of USD/JPY is alsorejected. USD/JPY 111.16 (38% retracement of the 99.02/118.66 rally) remainskey support. The day-to-day momentum improved, but a return to the recenthighs looks an uphill battle. The post-Trump highs (118.60/66) are still far away.
EUR/USD: Topside test rejected. Dollar succeeds a cautious/gradualcomeback
Still no clear driver for sterling trading
Yesterday, sterling trading was basically technical in nature, as the Brexitheadlines moved to the background. Later in US dealings, cable even slightlyunderperformed EUR/USD, as the dollar rebounded after the Trump taxcomments. EUR/GBP closed the session at 0.8526 (from 0.8531). Cable finishedthe day at 1.2497.
Today, the UK calendar is well filled with the Dec UK trade balance andproduction, and the NIESR January GDP estimate. The UK trade deficit is expect tonarrow, but coming from a very high November level. On the other hand,production is expected to show very modest growth after strong Novembergrowth. We side with the consensus. However, sterling might become moresensitive in case the data would be much weaker than expected.Context. On Tuesday, sterling rebounded as the UK Parliament was allowed tovote on the final Brexit agreement. We donโ€™t see this โ€˜agreementโ€™ as a reason forfurther sterling strength though. Last weekโ€™s balanced BoE approach capped thetopside of sterling and helped a cautious bottoming out process for EUR/GBP.The EUR/GBP 0.8450 support looks again better protected, as sterling momentumis waning. A cautious EUR/GBP buy-on-dips approach is preferred
EUR/GBP still struggles to rebound off the 0.8450 support area
Download entire Sunrise Market Commentary
Read More https://worldwide-finance.net/analysis/dollar-rebounds-on-renewed-trump-tax-hope
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breakbit ยท 8 years
Dollar Rebounds On Renewed 'Trump Tax-Hope'
New Post has been published on https://worldwide-finance.net/analysis/dollar-rebounds-on-renewed-trump-tax-hope
Dollar Rebounds On Renewed 'Trump Tax-Hope'
Rates: US Treasuries sell-off after failed test resistance and announcement Trump US Treasuries lost ground yesterday after another failed test of 125-09/16 resistance. Trumpโ€™s promise of a โ€œphenomenalโ€ corporate tax announcement the next weeks, accelerated the sell-off. Todayโ€™s eco calendar remains rather uneventful, suggesting more sentiment- and technically-driven trading.
Currencies: Dollar rebounds on renewed โ€˜Trump tax-hopeโ€™ Yesterday, the dollar rallied as Trumpโ€™s comments on upcoming tax measures reactivated the global reflation trade. Today, the fate of the reflation trade will be important for USD trading. USD investors will also keep a close eye at the outcome of the meeting between US president Trump and Japanese PM Abe
US stocks climbed to new heights (+0.50%), after Trump said he will release a โ€˜phenomenalโ€™ corporate tax announcement the next two to three weeks. Overnight, Asian indices gain up to 1% with Japan outperforming (+2%).
A federal appeals court ruled against President Trumpโ€™s executive order on immigration and refugees, saying such a travel ban shouldnโ€™t go into effect while courts consider whether it goes too far in limiting travellers to the US.
In a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping, US President Trump affirmed the โ€œOne Chinaโ€ policy that has long underpinned Sino-US relations, a declaration that appeared aimed at ending weeks of uncertainty.
China reported better-than-expected trade data for January as demand picked up both at home and abroad, an encouraging start to 2017 even as Asiaโ€™s exporters brace for a rise in US protectionism.
Mexicoโ€™s central bank increased its key lending rate as expected by 50 bps to 6.25% in a bid to cool inflation and prevent the peso, which has weakened around 12% since Trumpโ€™s election, from piling further pressure on prices.
German chancellor Merkel set out tough plans to speed the removal of failed asylum seekers, including a repatriation centre to handle difficult cases and increased cash inducements for those leaving voluntarily.
Around โ‚ฌ1.7T of French public debt could be redenominated into francs if Le Penโ€™s far-right FN gets into power, according to party officials, in what would according to ratings agencies amount to the worldโ€™s largest sovereign default
Todayโ€™s eco calendar contains UK industrial production and US Michigan consumer confidence. ECB governors Weidmann and Mersch speak
Dollar reaccelerates on โ€˜Trumpโ€™s tax promiseโ€™
On Thursday, USD trading was initially technically in nature, with few links toother markets. During the US trading session, markets were propelled by atweet from President Trump as he indicated to announce something on taxes inthe weeks to come. The Trump reflation trade resumed. Major US equity indicestouched new record highs, yields jumped higher and so did the dollar. USD/JPYclosed at 113.25 (from 111.93). EUR/USD dropped and finished the day at 1.0655(from 1.0698).
Overnight, Asian equities join the Trump risk-rebound. Japanese equitiesoutperform on the weaker yen. USD/JPY is currently changing hands in the 113.75area. US president Trump accepting the โ€˜One Chineโ€™ policy and strong Chinesetrade data (January exports and imports rose more than expected) supportregional sentiment. The dollar extends the Trump driven rebound, but gainsremain most. EUR/USD changes hands in the mid 1.0650 area.
Todayโ€™s EMU economic calendar contains French and Italian production data.They are no market movers. In the US, January import prices are expected to risefurther (3.4% Y/Y from 1.8% Y/Y) based on petroleum and food prices. Risks maybe on the downside. Michigan consumer sentiment is expected to have slightlydeclined in February to 98 from 98.5. Sentiment is at its highest since the end of2000. So such a minimal decline shouldnโ€™t have much impact. The data will againonly be of second tier importance for trading, unless they bring a big surprise.Markets will also look out to the meeting between President Trump and JapanesePM Abe. The valuation of the yen and Japanese exports to the US are sensitiveissues. However, over the previous days, Trump sounded less offensive on China.Maybe the headlines from the meeting with Abe also shouldnโ€™t be thathard/negative. If so, it might be (slihglty) positve for risk sentiment and for thedollar (including USD/JPY). The ST USD momentum improved this week, but therise in core yields and of the dollor (both against the yen and the euro) remainsmoderate. The hope on new US tax maesures might put a floor for equities andfor the dollar short-term. That said, we have the impression that any furtherrebound will develop rather gradually.
Global context: The dollar is/was in a corrective downtrend since the start ofJanuary as the Trump reflation trade petered out. Interest rate differentials infavour of the dollar narrowed. Trumpโ€™s communication became a source ofuncertainty, also for the dollar. At some point, absolute interest rate supportshould provide a USD floor, especially as the Fed is expected to continue itspolicy normalisation. This week, the dollar showed tentative signs of such abottoming out process. Price action earlier this week showed that euro weaknessmight be a factor too. As we see the 1.0874 as solid resistance, a sell EUR/USD onupticks approach might be considered. The downside test of USD/JPY is alsorejected. USD/JPY 111.16 (38% retracement of the 99.02/118.66 rally) remainskey support. The day-to-day momentum improved, but a return to the recenthighs looks an uphill battle. The post-Trump highs (118.60/66) are still far away.
EUR/USD: Topside test rejected. Dollar succeeds a cautious/gradualcomeback
Still no clear driver for sterling trading
Yesterday, sterling trading was basically technical in nature, as the Brexitheadlines moved to the background. Later in US dealings, cable even slightlyunderperformed EUR/USD, as the dollar rebounded after the Trump taxcomments. EUR/GBP closed the session at 0.8526 (from 0.8531). Cable finishedthe day at 1.2497.
Today, the UK calendar is well filled with the Dec UK trade balance andproduction, and the NIESR January GDP estimate. The UK trade deficit is expect tonarrow, but coming from a very high November level. On the other hand,production is expected to show very modest growth after strong Novembergrowth. We side with the consensus. However, sterling might become moresensitive in case the data would be much weaker than expected.Context. On Tuesday, sterling rebounded as the UK Parliament was allowed tovote on the final Brexit agreement. We donโ€™t see this โ€˜agreementโ€™ as a reason forfurther sterling strength though. Last weekโ€™s balanced BoE approach capped thetopside of sterling and helped a cautious bottoming out process for EUR/GBP.The EUR/GBP 0.8450 support looks again better protected, as sterling momentumis waning. A cautious EUR/GBP buy-on-dips approach is preferred
EUR/GBP still struggles to rebound off the 0.8450 support area
Download entire Sunrise Market Commentary
Read More https://worldwide-finance.net/analysis/dollar-rebounds-on-renewed-trump-tax-hope
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